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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Winter Adventures!

Thought I'd add a bridge, as that's been a familiar topic of late...this one is in wonderful Manhattan, Central Park! Life is a Journey, and what can be said, than the best adventure is found, when accompanied by good friends! Earth Mother quote of the day: "People are disturbed not by things but by the view they take of them." Epictetus, c200AD


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anna said...

AJ.... childish ... you? Never!! :D

Saw you bonding with Richard from West Lothian on the SNP blog.

What is all that "Royal is my Race" stuff that he puts at the end of his posts? Is that a SNP slogan, as well, like "Its Time"? If it is they need a new slogan writer :))

Did you have a look at the English Democrats site? There are a few fruitcakes on there... as well. :)

I've been out shopping this morning and out to lunch with my mum.... very nice. I've bought quite a few scented candles (Mr A will be pleased!!) and ate a very fattening cream cake for dessert which I now bitterly regret!! :( ... but enjoyed scoffing at the time.:)

I'll have to go for a quick run round the block! :D

AJ Fife said...

Lucky you Anna! Have a game of fitba with KK and you'll soon shift it!!:D

That English Independance site is pretty close to National Front/BNP agendas. They really miss the point, but as Richard said, they have a lot to learn! Maybe they will just be Johnny Foreigner hating white supremists through choice!

Not a nice subject. The term nationalist has been hi-jacked by these nutcases and some people think the SNP is run along the same lines!!:(

Intelligent people like my Cyberpals, know that isn't the case....thankfully!:))

anna said...

The problem I think is that some of the SNP supporters on the Scotsman blog are too abusive ... they resort to personal abuse whenever anyone gives a different opinion.

Unfortuntely, some of them come over as 'frothing at the mouth' Nationalists ... in the worst meaning of the word. Do as we say or else!! :((

That is probably how some of the 'floating voters' are scared away.

Duncan and Richard both resort to invective when they are presented with an argument. To be honest, they come over as very similar to some of the ones on the English Democrat site.

I don't look at the BNP site because I can't stand fascists whatever they choose to call themselves. They're just a few steps away from the Nazi party of the 30s and 40s.

AJ Fife said...

It is a worrying trend, not one I condone! However, they get embroiled in arguments with Royster(Bumsfelt btw) and both sides hurl personal insults!! The current debate isn't so bad as previous ones.

Richard seems quite a nice lad - the link he set up is pretty hardcore though(nothing like the English one however)!

Glad you had a good morning, I've been really busy! Still time to post though:D

AJ Fife said...

"Thanks for the warning...we'll take the risk"

That's the Anna I was attracted to, all those months ago - feisty as hell, but witty with it!!!

anna said...

Well, the guy was being a bit arrogant.... and the likes of him would accuse the English of that!

I've said before if the majority in Scotland vote SNP and they eventually get the independence vote .. then good luck to them. But, why do some of them have to justify it by trying to 'get back at the English' and the comments he made were just stupid and petty.

No-one can say what would have happened if the Union had not taken place. There might not have been a Scottish enlightenment without it ... who knows?

That guy Fairfax (English nationalist and republican... the clue is in the name!!) .... made a very good historical argument that if Scotland hadn't agreed to union in 1707 .. the English would probably have forced them to... they were determined to protect their northern border against a French invasion via Scotland.

You see, as usual, the real villians are the French. :D

anna said...

Is Royster Bumsfelt? That explains a lot... is he also Rosford?

AJ Fife said...

I think he is Anna - you can tell by the dogmatic way he hangs in there!

1707 - he might be right, he might be wrang - nobody knows! It was a very unpopular decision amongst the people by all accounts. The whole thing was to do with the succession to the throne and the possibility of a Scottish Catholic monarchy(if re-instated) supporting the French. It was a loose end the English govt wanted tied up - bribery was the answer!!! The Scottish Parliament had consistently rejected the proposed union for a hundred years - even as late as 1703! Greed of the Scottish Aristocracy set the agenda in 1707. Even the leader of the opposition - The Duke of Hamilton - was reckoned to have accepted a bribe, so he would fight the proposed union with too much zeal!!!

Oops, I starting to rant!!:D

anna said...

It was all to protect the Hanoverian succession..... and was forced through by the Whigs. It was unpopular among English Tories but a lot of them supported the Stuart succession and were ex Royalists and secret Jacobites.

I think Fairfax is right ... Scotland would have been forced into union if the nobles hadn't agreed to it.

He knows his 17th century history that Fairfax guy ... and seems to be a bit of a fan of Cromwell... now he was a despot if ever there was one!! Ask the Irish what they think about Cromwell especially around Drogheda ... they still hate his guts... and who can blame them.

Talking Bear said...

Hi guys, late, but I'm here

no work, on account of teen needs to be seen at the dentist today :# (orthodontic rewiring on account of one became painfully loose) :/

how areyou?

Anonymous said...

oops, that's me computer is slow

Anonymous said...

well, AJ, I suppose I'll say congrats on the mil!?1 :)

Do you all want to move to the next room (no cigars and port being served, though)... or are we still all content with scrolling to China??

hmm, I need to come up with another photo soon...what should be the theme?? Easter Bunnies?? :D

anna said...

Hi Melanie,

I'm fine .... apart from being a greedy guts at lunch time and eating a big fat cream cake!! Tsk, Tsk...... ah well, back on the lettuce juice tomorrow .. must get down to a size zero (that'll be the day!!;)

AJ Fife said...

Same with the Dundonians....well the ones that read history books!! It was Cromwell's General Monck who was said to have executed 800 Dundonians! The figures may have been exaggerated!!:)

Fairfax was Cromwell's right hand man and the real brains behind the operation - if me memory serves me right!

I think a war would have been inevitable - the English would have treated Scotland the same way they treated the Irish - or at least they would have tried!! We would have prevailed...I'm sure.....possibly!

No point in thinking about what might have been - it's all about the present and the future!

I'm quite excited about the election - there's something in the air!!:)) Of course it's just the first step of many. Realistically, I think the SNP might just pip Labour(I wouldn't have said that 6 mths ago!) - but that alone should be enough to start a process that'll lead to the independance referendum! one can only hope!

Anna, you're quite a wee historian1:))

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie - I'm packing up to go home!!:(

Didn't understand your congrats!!?

I'll look at the message more closely when I'm home!:))

See you guys later!

PS I thought TB was comimg to get me!!:(

Anonymous said...

Anna, don't feel bad, yesterday, I had a huge serving of choc/coffee icecream placed in one of those cookie/biscuit bowls...yyuummmmm

AJ Fife said...

The 1000!!!

Aint I a Dumbo!!??

Anonymous said...

Aw, AJ, you'd be dead meat already if the SgtMjr wanted ta git ya!!

You're okay in his book!! :DD

it was congrats for the 1000, here

Anonymous said...

AJ, you're too hard on yersel (did I say 'yourself' right?) :)

D perhaps for Distracted, but yer not a dumbo!! ;)

anna said...

I've just failed for the second time to get on here.

anna said...

Right that's strange... I just wrote a long post and it binned me :((

AJ .... do you have big ears like Dumbo?

Melanie... how are you? Did you have a nice anniversary?

I've been 'chatting/arguing' on the Union blog but its fairly quiet tonight.

Anonymous said...

Anna, perhaps we should switch to the modern art photo blog...less comments to load

I've been at housework as this is a day off from work due to teen's orthodontics appt issue

...I've been blogging inbetween with posting on the 18% kids thrown out of Schools article

Anonymous said...

Anna, perhaps we should switch to the modern art photo blog...less comments to load

I've been at housework as this is a day off from work due to teen's orthodontics appt issue

...I've been blogging inbetween with posting on the 18% kids thrown out of Schools article

anna said...

OK.... Melanie.. lets go to the modern arts blog... this one is getting a bit long..:)

Peajay...and AJ .. we're off to California dreaming... and I'm going to be first!!

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