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Sunday, May 27, 2007

These are a few pics of the Eastern Sierra Nevadas....famous for its gorgeous high mountain lakes and its dangerous
auto-cable chewing marmots!
'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.'

Nelson Mandela


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Peajay said...

Hi Melanie
Love the pics. Did you find yourself any cattle rustling varmints whilst there? Not counting the SgtMjr of course.

Anonymous said...

Hi gals,'ve done it!...I'm ordering the satelite sports channel today.....!!! :DDDDD
(same here for the Argies, don't go for latin men, tho my dad's fam will be in a sniff that I'm not backing them!!)

the town's history is absolutely notorious!! can't say that I saw any rustlers in them thar parts...theys all probably in the saloon, where no decent lady's ta be seen! ;)))

Peajay said...

Are ya tellin us that ya didn't go in the saloon then Mel? :DD

Anonymous said...


I only drink in private, civilised saloons, where the guns are checked at the door!! ;DD

(do you 'realiZ/Se', that the more I read here, the more I catch myself with spelling 'errors' ;DDD)

Peajay said...

There you go, blogging is educational. :D

Anonymous said...

I have a photie of me and the kiddies which I don't want to post here, so I'll send it out via email. (be kind, and remember, I was out hiking that day!! ;D)

Peajay said...

Aah. You all look very fresh faced, rosy cheeked and Walton's Mountain. :DD

AJ Fife said...

Too healthy!! Where are the spots and pasty complexions?!! You need to go on a diet of fried mars bars and irn bru!!!:))

Anonymous said...


thanks for offering to cook tonite, but I've already eaten! ;)

Peajay said...

You've left out the macaroni cheese pie AJ. :D

Anonymous said...

sounds yummy and full of calcium, tho gotta watch the fat intake ;)

Anonymous said...

good day all!

I should be around today, let me know if you're posting on the Scotsman.


Peajay said...

This one caught me on the hop!! :DDD

Anonymous said...


that article is unbelievable, and disgusting; you just have to shake yer heid! :/ :)

Haven't seen much to post on...will anyone be around today?

Peajay said...

Only little me it seems. :D

Anonymous said...

I little me...I'm here :)
just about to get the kiddies up for school...I've been reading, and and just wonderfully wasting time!!! :)

Peajay said...

I've been re-jigging the gift shop jewellery stock and visiting the cash-n-carry. What exciting lives we lead. :D Job not started yet as uni only just doing Freshers Week.
Mmmm. Pancakes sound good for breakfast, could you send some down the line? :P

Anonymous said...

Your new job sounds interesting in the fact that you will be helping others; that's neat! Will you continue with your jewellry making as well?!

Peajay said...

I'll definitely be continuing with the designing & making just supplementing with the proper job. :D

AJ Fife said...


Are you knocking out the fake jewellery yet? Could be a winner!!!:))

I'm currently in an IT nightmare at work, my own machine is completely phuckulated, so my postings are sporadic, to say the least!

Not a chance of being sorted until late next the earliest!!!

Waddaya mean HOOORAY!!!? :)))

Peajay said...

We have been missing you really AJ. :D

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that AJ....funny, but I pictured you in a white labcoat, with all of those old-time large computers with the dials and the large round wheel-thingys on the outsides...wheels spinning, lights flashing, smoke coming out, paper flying everywhere....;DDDD

Hi Peajay, seen Anna?! :D

Peajay said...

Anna? Oh yes, I remember Anna. She used to drop by quite a bit before her hubby gave up the flyboy job. :D I think this could mean she's more under the thumb of Mr A than we were led to believe. :DDD

anna said...

Nelson: 'Order the signal, Hardy.'
Hardy: 'Aye, aye sir.'
Nelson: 'Hold on, that's not what I dictated to Flags. What's the
meaning of this?'

Hardy: 'Sorry sir?'
Nelson (reading aloud): ''England expects every person to do his or her duty, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious persuasion or disability.' - What gobbledygook is this?'

Hardy: 'Admiralty policy, I'm afraid, sir. We're an equal opportunities employer now. We had the devil's own job getting 'England' past the censors, lest it be considered racist.'

Nelson: 'Gadzooks, Hardy. Hand me my pipe and tobacco.'
Hardy: 'Sorry sir. All naval vessels have now been designated
smoke-free working environments.'

Nelson: 'In that case, break open the rum ration. Let us splice the main brace to steel the men before battle.'

Hardy: 'The rum ration has been abolished, Admiral. Its part of the Government's policy on binge drinking.'

Nelson: 'Good heavens, Hardy. I suppose we'd better get on with it
............. Full speed ahead.'
Hardy: 'I think you'll find that there's a 4 knot speed limit in this stretch of water.'

Nelson: 'Damn it man! We are on the eve of the greatest sea battle in history. We must advance with all dispatch. Report from the crow's nest please.'

Hardy: 'That won't be possible, sir.'
Nelson: 'What?'
Hardy: 'Health and Safety have closed the crow's nest, sir. No harness; and they said that rope ladders don't meet regulations. They won't let anyon e up there until a proper scaffolding can be erected.'

Nelson: 'Then get me the ship's carpenter without delay, Hardy.'
Hardy: 'He's busy knocking up a wheelchair access to th e foredeck
Nelson: 'Wheelchair access? I've never heard anything so absurd.'
Hardy: 'Health and safety again, sir. We have to provide a barrier-free environment for the differently abled.'

Nelson: 'Differently abled? I've only one arm and one eye and I refuse even to hear mention of the word. I didn't rise to the rank of admiral by playing the disability card.'
Hardy: 'Actually, sir, you did. The Royal Navy is under represented in the areas of visual impairment and limb deficiency.'

Nelson: 'Whatever next? Give me full sail. The salt spray beckons.'
Hardy: 'A couple of problems there too, sir. Health and safety won't let the crew up the rigging without hard hats. And they don't want anyone breathing in too much salt - haven't you seen the adverts?'

Nelson: 'I've never heard such infamy. Break out the cannon and tell the men to stand by to engage the enemy.'

Hardy: 'The men are a bit worried about shooting at anyone, Admiral.'
Nelson: 'What? This is mutiny!'
Hardy: 'It's not that, sir. It's just that they're afraid of being
charged with murder if they actually kill anyone. There's a couple of legal-aid lawyers on board, watching everyone like hawks.'

Nelson: 'Then how are we to sink the Frenchies and the Spanish?'

Hardy: ' Actually, sir, we're not.'

Nelson: 'We're not?'

Hardy: 'No, sir. The French and the Spanish are our European partners now. According to the Common Fisheries Policy, we shouldn't even be in this stretch of water. We could get hit with a claim for compensation.'

Nelson: 'But you must hate a Frenchman as you hate the devil.'

Hardy: 'I wouldn't let the ship's diversity co-ordinator hear you
saying that sir. You'll be up on disciplinary report.'

Nelson: 'You must consider every man an enemy, who speaks ill of your King.'

Hardy: 'Not any more, sir. We must be inclusive in this multicultural age. Now put on your Kevlar vest; it' s the rules. It could save your life'

Nelson: 'Don't tell me - health and safety. Whatever happened to rum, sodomy and the lash?'

Hardy: As I explained, sir, rum is off the menu! And there's a ban on corporal punishment.'

Nelson: 'What about sodomy?'

Hardy: 'I believe that is now legal, sir.'

Nelson: 'In that case............................ Kiss me, Hardy.'

anna said...

Sorry if that's a bit long ... :D But I thought I'd share it with you :))

Also.... apologies for absence but I've been working quite a lot of extra hours this week .. so unable to post :(

Hope you're all OK?

Hope your techno glich gets sorted soon AJ :))

I've not even looked at the Scotsman this week ... anything good happening? :D

Peajay said...

We've been missing you Anna, liked the post very funny and saddenly so true. :D

Melanie said...

Hi All!!

liked the joke, and as Peajay said, sad but true!

I'll be back in my morn!! :)

AJ Fife said...

Hi Guys,

I liked the joke Anna!!:D Nothing like a wee of sarcasm and cynicism!!:)

The IT at the work is still down and the server won't be rebuilt until next week!! Baron von Frankenstein never had these probs, eh Melanie????:)

I can get access on the client terminals, but it's hit or miss!!:((

I'm having to find things to do!!:(

anna said...

Hi all,

Crikey AJ... I bet you are struggling for things to do!! :D

All those times you've been blogging away and people are thinking..."Aye, he's a good worker".... your cover could be blown!! :D :D

Glad you all liked the joke.. .I thought it was funny but as Peajay said a bit sad as well :))

Hopefully be able to chat to you all a bit more next week... this work thing gets in the way sometimes... but who knows we could win the lottery on Saturday and never have to work again!!

I'll be able to blog all day and you can all come and visit me in my penthouse pad overlooking the Thames in London!! :D :D

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

up late again, but then I'm on vacation....actually, I was up late towards 0100...and I wasn't even at the wine! ;)

poor AJ...having withdrawals?? :)
and, Anna...I'll have the blue room, please! :D

Peajay said...

Could I have the Lilac Room, please?

Anonymous said...

Hi Peajay,

the Scotsman is down at the moment, and I'm just 'shuffling papers' and trying to get motivated!!

I'm trying to write a story (as an intro) for a chapter in the SgtMjrs book he's wanting to put together. I'm trying to write it in the 'hard-boiled' 1940's detective mystery style...leading into the death of character; a premise he's pursuing (amongst other things)...leading up to troubled youth/families in today's society, etc. Heady stuff, a lot of it, but when I read his blog posts or hear him talk about it, it makes sense.

anyway....ugh, where's the coffee...I'm not used to being a nite owl!!! ;DDD

Ps. I'm hoping to change the comment section on my other blog, so you guys can have one more place to post!!! Maniacal isn't this blogging!!!! :DDD but I love the connection of thoughts with others!!!

(disclaimer, this is still my main place, and you Are my bestest cyber-friends!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDD)

Peajay said...

I set up another blog in order to comment on your other blog, just haven't got round to it yet. The other guys sure sound interesting if not more Scottish blokes!! :D AJ will get green if he finds out.

Anonymous said...

..."IF" he finds out, Peajay!!! :D

AJ should know that he's my number one cyber man!! X

I've branched out to some gals in the US and in the UK, and one in Spain, and an Amer. student in Glasgow. But I'm afraid my blogging might suffer as I've ordered the sports channel so I can watch rugby. :DDDDDDDDD

Peajay said...

You are one naughty person. How do you expect to get the book sorted if you're blogging, flirting and watching rugby.

Anonymous said...

tis terrible, tis terrible, I know!!! Blogging encourages my writing tendancies, while I get to escape into 'virtual travel', rugby on the other hand, is encouraging, ahem, as well!!! ;DDDD

on a side can establish a blog name identity without making a whole new blog, I think...unless you want to make it a site to display your creations!!! (hint hint) :)))

Anonymous said...

here we go again...more fun quizzes...if you choose to accept the mission.....

I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours!!! ;DDDDDDDDD

anna said...

Still celebrating England's amazing and unexpected win against the arrogant Aussies.... Brilliant!!! :D :D

France stuffed the All Blacks... Brilliant.... Come on the NH!!! :D

Now all we need is Scotland to beat Argentina and we've got 3 NH teams in the semis!!.....Brilliant..

Come on Scotland!! (Hope Chris P is playing today ;))))))

Altho' even Mr A fell in love with Wilkie yesterday !! :D :D

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna,

I hope you noted my kind comments on the English victory today!!;)

Of course they were qualified to a certain degree!!:D

Maybe Scotland could beat the Argies! I got booted off the Scotsman yesterday for mentioning Goose Green and Col 'H' Jones!!:)))

anna said...

Hi AJ... yeah I noticed someone picked you up for them :)) But, I thought you were being quite generous really :))

I saw you'd had a comment deleted yesterday.. but I didn't know what it was .... there's some sensitive little sausages out there :D

After some of the comments by the Aussies it really was great to be English yesterday ... shut those arrogant t*ssers up for another 4 years!!

Also, I was really pleased to see the French win and it'll be great if Scotland beat the Argies and get in to the semis.

I haven't forgotten Maradonna and the Hand of God :D :D OK that was a different game but it cut deep!!! :D

How are you anyway?

Melanie said...

howdy, will have a peek at the satellite channel and see what I can see!

Anna/Peajay, did you see JG having a go (in fun) at the English rugby v France match next week, (in yest Shark's story,yest headlines) :)

I'm feeling my auld age today....I haven't ridden my horse in a month, I rode yesterday in a 'ring lesson' of sorts....oh, my!! :/ :)

AJ, you do realise 'pi$h and vinegar' is more of a positive here...can't have ya mad at me!!! :DDx

Full of piss and vinegar


Rowdy, boisterous, full of youthful energy.


The earliest citation we've found is from 1938 in John Steinbeck's, The Grapes of Wrath:

Grampa walked up and slapped Tom on the chest, and his eyes grinned with affection and pride. "How are ya, Tommy?"
"O.K.," said Tom. "How ya keepin' yaself?"
"Full a piss an' vinegar," said Grampa.

There are other similar phrases that came long before that which may be the source. In 1922 Joyce has this in Ulysses - "All wind and piss like a tanyard cat."

As far back as 1602, in Return from Parnassas - "They are pestilent fellowes, they speake nothing but bodkins, and pisse vinegar."

Those earlier citations appear to indicate a more negative meaning to the phrase. 'Wind and piss', or as it is more often given 'piss and wind' is usually taken to mean empty talk, full of bombast. Vinegar is associated with sourness and acidity in many other citations.

Vinegar has been in the language as the name of the familiar liquid since the 12th century. During the 1920s vinegar was used to mean vitality and energy. That's the meaning in 'piss and vinegar'. At that time many phrases indicating a general perkiness and vitality entered the language, often for no other reason than linguistic exuberance. It's most likely that the phrase originated around then, possibly as an adaptation of the existing 'vig and vigour', which means much the same.

AJ Fife said...

Chill the beans Melanie, I forgive you!!! Remember Anna called me a poof and I still worship the ground she walks on!!;)

Scotland are struggling, they are getting ground down by the Argies - time for a bit of Falklands spirit!!;)

I'm fine Anna, a long difficult week but still looking forward!!:) How 'bout you and Mr A? Are you the sole breadwinner yet?

Peajay said...

'More fun quizzes' part 1. :D

What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are very passionate and quite temperamental. While you can be moody, you always crave comfort.

You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds.

You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.

Your near future is a lot like the present, and as far as you're concerned, that's a very good thing.

For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.

Anonymous said...

Ok, ok, AJ....jest had to make sure!!! X

My sports channel is currently showing France v NZ.

beans?! hmmmm, maybe I'll make chili tonite for dinner!! :D

right, Mr A wants to be a kept's that, Anna!!! ;))

Peajay said...

Hi Mel, sorry for not being around, have spent weekend craft fair-ing. Hope all is well.
'More fun quizzes' Part 2.

You Are Chardonnay

Fresh, spirited, and classic - you have many facets to your personality.
You can be sweet and light. Or deep and complex.
You have a little bit of something to offer everyone... no wonder you're so popular.
Approachable and never smug, you are easy to get to know (and love!).

Deep down you are: Dependable and modest

Your partying style: Understated and polite

Your company is enjoyed best with: Cold or wild meat

Peajay said...

Try this one for Halloween. ;D

Mine's Antionette of Evil. :D

Anonymous said...

Hey, I like yours, Peajay!!

Here's mine...

You are very passionate and quite temperamental. While you can be moody, you always crave comfort. You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds. You believe that people see you as a bit small and insignificant. People pay more attention to you than you think. Your near future is still unknown, and a little scary. You'll get through wild times - and you'll textually enjoy it. For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.

Anonymous said...

You Are Sauvignon Blanc

Engaging and energetic, you have a lot to offer the world - most of it they've never seen anywhere else! You are the type of person who carves your own path in life... and you invite everyone else to come along. The only thing predictable about you is that you could have anything up your sleeve. You're all about sampling all of life's experiences. Both the savory and unsavory ones. Deep down you are: Laid back and young at heart Your partying style: Anything goes... seriously! Your company is enjoyed best with: Smoked meats or spicy food

Anonymous said...

oh, and I'm 'the Countess of the Far North'

Peajay said...

All sounding very good. :D

I've tried a few others on the site, some come out rather to close for comfort. I'll stick to the fun ones like what gemstone are you = sapphire.

You're attracting interesting people on your other blog. That sounds bad doesn't it. Kind of like those here aren't but sooooo not what I intended, but you know what I meant. :DDD

Anonymous said...

There's been some fun ones, like what is your passion colour...mine was orange. I'll see if I can find that one again. They are fun to do!!!

I like this one

Cheese Pizza

Traditional and comforting.
You focus on living a quality life.
You're not easily impressed with novelty.
Yet, you easily impress others.

Oh, and I'm 65% Irish

Peajay said...

I'd already tried the Irish one but was only 40%. :/ I'm the same pizza as you and am some sort of Marsha Marsha Marshmallow Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. :D

Peajay said...

According to this one I'm soon to be hopping on a plane to come visit you. :DD

You Belong in Los Angeles
Whether you'll admit it or not, a huge part of you likes being in the spotlight.
And you may just have enough star quality to make it big in LA!
Even if you don't become famous, you still belong in a place where you can get a year round tan.

His Girl Friday said...

I think I understand. Our chat room here is the best! We're friends hanging here discussing whatever, without formality or fear of offence. (and we can conspire for some Scotsman nonsense!)
I just wanted to keep this place safe, while being able to still go out into blog-land and explore.

I've just made a post on 'messy rooms'. Note, I've referred to you AJ, not by name tho...for your Scots teaching :)))

Peajay said...


try that.

Anonymous said...

Well, I did embellish a little on the Irish one...!! ;DD

yer off to bed soon, and I'm away for Sunday baking (cookies) with Dr D!

talk with you soon!

Peajay said...

G'nite. Enjoy the cookies.

Anonymous said...

nite Peajay!

this is mine...
You Belong in San Francisco

You crave an eclectic, urban environment. You're half California, half NYC.
You're open minded, tolerant, and secretly think you're the best.
People may dismiss you as a hippie, but you're also progressive, interesting, and rich!

Anonymous said...

gals, JG mentioned the new calendar was out, but it looks a little 'ancient greek' to me as far as posing, and who they're posing image from a previous


Anonymous said...

Check out this TV beer's sure to give you a chuckle...

AJ Fife said...

Hi everyone,

Apparently I'm a Chardonnay (not very happy about that - it seems a bit gay!!):-

Fresh, spirited, and classic - you have many facets to your personality.
You can be sweet and light. Or deep and complex.
You have a little bit of something to offer everyone... no wonder you're so popular.
Approachable and never smug, you are easy to get to know (and love!).

Deep down you are: Dependable and modest

Your partying style: Understated and polite

Your company is enjoyed best with: Cold or wild meat

anna said...

I'll have to check out the quizzes!! Bit behind the drag curve here!!

Shame about the result last night AJ... bet they're beating their breasts on the Scotsman :(

Mind you, I think they gave it away... the Scots didn't start playing until half way through the 2nd half.. and the amount of unforced errors were a huge problem for them.

Have to say tho' that you can keep the French calender, Melanie, those blue eyes and tight butt of Chris Pattersons are more my cup of tea!! :D ;))

Shame he's gone out ...

Anyway, Mr A was supporting Argentina, he's like you, AJ, never supports Scotland, like you never support England :D :D However, it has a lot to do with a close friend of his being Scots and the rivalry between the two of them. There was a lot of texting going on last night!!! :D :D

How childish can you get? Men!!! :D

I was supporting Scotland... mainly because I fancy Chris P ... and I wanted an England/Scotland final!!

With England winning, after a hard fought match, of course... :))

AJ Fife said...

Hard fought, with Chris P having to change his ripped shorts every 5 minutes!!!:D

Sometimes you're shallower than me Anna!!!:DD

They went out like lambs last night - no guts!:(

anna said...

"Hard fought, with Chris P having to change his ripped shorts every 5 minutes!!!:D"

Phew.... had to go for a lie down after reading that ;)))))

You posting anywhere today or are you still experiencing a technical hitch? :D

I've commented on the whisky story and the Brown story - he's made himself look a right sap hasn't he? What a wimp!! :D
Have you ever noticed that thing he does with his mouth when he's speaking - he kind of draws his lower lip back.

Mr A reckons thats the sign of a liar - cos a boy he knew at school used to do that and he was a right story teller!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Well, Mr A's assertion that Broon is a liar is bang on!!! I listened to a speech back in the late 80's about Rosyth Dockyard - Brown and Dewar spouting off what a witch Mrs T was and how they'd reverse the decision to privatise the Dockyards!!!

He didn't live up to that now, did he? He looks are crafty as a bag of ferrets!!:)

Have you surfed the net looking for Chris P footage yet? I bet you have!!:DD

AJ Fife said...

I did a few posts on the rugby and one on the Brown story - tears to a glass eyes!!!! A bit cruel, but completely neccessary!!:)

AJ Fife said...

glass eye!

AJ Fife said...

I should've just written all this on one post!!

I've still got technical hitches, but I can get a bit done on an ordinary computer, but I'm out amongst the throng. It doesn't look good when I'm chortling away to myself!!:D

Anonymous said...

good mornig all!

will catch up on the read here in a mo...jest wanted to say, 'hi ya'll, I'm here! ;)'

Anonymous said...

I like that one photo because it's artistic! ;DD
as I've said before, the Frenchies are too pretty...I likes 'em a tad more rugged!! (and yes, I've googled Chris P...yowzah! ;DDDD)

Will have a look at the story, I've only posted on the Intl Yobs deface a Monet

Well, it seems we have two Chardonnays in the group...waiting on yours, Anna :)

AJ Fife said...

Hi Mel,

I just wanted to let you know, I'm here too!;)

I have to say I'm not a lover of Monet's work and I can understand why someone would want to put their fist through it!;)

Anonymous said...

AJ thankyou so much for your honesty, now... ;)))))))

(I like his water gardens...maybe it's all the green because I'm soooooo lacking that in my surroundings!!!)

Glad to know yer around, but as I'm up late, I only get a short chat!! :(

AJ Fife said...

I'm aboot tae head aff as weel!!!

I've always found Monet's work (apart from his London period) to be rather insipid - all those water lillies and flowers -yuuuuch!:)

Anonymous said...

it's the mood created, comfortable, relaxing, makes you want to recline with a cup of warm, yummy tea and a good book
....yer a bloke, so's it's ok if yous don't like it!!! :DDD

had a laugh at the whisky comments you two!!

AJ Fife said...

Wumin like that sort of thing, but it's not for me, I like some thought provoking stuff - Kandinsky, Picasso etc

Got to go now, I'll speak to you all later!:)

Anonymous said...

bye AJ!!

thought provoking suits me just fine too!! :)))

talk with ya later!!

(I'm around gals if yer about!)

Peajay said...

"Have you ever noticed that thing he does with his mouth when he's speaking - he kind of draws his lower lip back."
We had the same discussion last night but figured he was a mouth breather as opposed to nose. Will reassess in the light of your thoughts Anna. :D

Anonymous said...

Well, the sports channel will finally be airing the Sco v Arg match at my 4pm....hmmmm, kinda takes the fun out of it, when I know the outcome...ah, JG said...those straining thighs...might still be worth a watch!!! ;DDDDDD

rule of do you know a politicians lying??? yep, you know the answer.....

Peajay said...

You are incorrigible, Anna's as bad, especially when you both have your own pairs of straining thighs at home. :DD

Anonymous said...

I think insatiable is more the word!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

anna said...

Hi all.....

Everyone OK? Or are you all still panting after the firm, strong thighs of the rugger chaps ? ;))

Not you of course AJ.... altho' if you are, you know I'm broadminded :D :D :D :D

Who were you discussing Brown's facial twitch with, Peajay?

Have to say that I quite like a bit of Monet.. it is very soothing and there are a few of his works in the National Gallery in London which are good.... but I wasn't as bowled over with them as I was some of the other artists.

I'm a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to art ... I like it to look like what its supposed to be... altho' I do love Turner and his stuff is never very clear.. but he did paint amazing skies :))

Also have a great admiration for Picasso's Guernica, especially after I read a critique of it and someone explained what it all meant :))

Any road up... it would be a boring world if we all liked the same thing :))

anna said...

Message for AJ o' Fife :))

Go and read Canky's comments here - post 51

Then, come back and tell me about the feelthy Eeenglish versus the Smell o' Wee Wee Froggies!!! :D :D :D

Peajay said...

It was a Mother/Daughter discussion of why he kept making that rather weird movement with his jaw. I forgot to add that you also have the straining thighs of your Cyber Man AJ! :D Ok, maybe not. :DDDDD

Anonymous said...

Well, Peajay, I seem to remember being told that it's been mentioned that oor AJ has legs for a kilt, therefore..... :DDDD

Answered you and Canky, Anna!!

Peajay said...

Yes, but we've only got AJ's word for that, have you seen the proof? :DD

Anonymous said...

Alas, no, I haven't yet....I'm still waiting for photos of the further adventures of AJ. Thankfully, I can see things to judge for myself, of course if my near vision goes in my auld age, there's always the Braille method! ;)

anna said...

Morning all :))

Of course AJ could have legs like Oor Wullie's muscles ...... bit of string with a knot in it!!!! :D :D :D

Or maybe not..... anyway we need to see a picture ;))

That's the gauntlet thrown down AJ :))

Well, Mr A is off to La Belle France tomorrow for a necessary replenishment of the wine and gin larder. Just in time for Crimbo!! :D

He's under strict instructions to smuggle back some French cheeses ... even tho' the 'lads' (all auld fellas in their 40s really!!).... won't let him on the mini bus if it stinks too much!! :D :D

No doubt he'll be scoffing moules et frites for lunch and gloatingly texting me to let me I eat my boring ham sandwich or whatever !! :D :D

AJ Fife said...

Mmmmmm, the braille method sounds interesting!!!

Peajay, I've got calf muscles like Popeye, don't you worry about that!!:)

Melanie, when I come across a suitable snap of ma self. I'll put it on the blog.....but it's nae easy!!:)


I take it you caught me on the rugger story yesterday!!:)

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna,

Is that Mr A's new job - a French cheese smuggler!? :DDD

anna said...

Hi AJ.. :))

He was doing his shopping list yesterday.. all booze ... and I said see if you can get some nice cheeses :))

There was a sort of muttered comment about 'we might not be in that shop' or it could have been something about not having enough time :D :D

Mind you, a big bit of Brie and an even bigger one of Roquefort does niff a bit .... he could pop it in his backpack tho' and promise not to open it on the bus! :D

I bet he manages to bring back some Belgian chocs tho' .... he loves them.. :D

What you up to - apart from trying your kilt on and posing in a 'come-hither' way for Melanie.... to encourage her to practice her Braille method ;))

saucy minx!! :D

AJ Fife said... our age you have to have some sort of fantasy!!:)) In my mind, Mel looks like Rachel Welsh, Peajay is Susan George and you are Joely Richardson!!! Of course not as they are now, but when they were at the top of their game!!:)

It must be great just nipping over to France to stock up on the good stuff!!! Scotland's a wee bit too far, it becomes a major expedition for us!!

I've tried to take the Che Guevara story down to a farcical level, so it's over to you!!:))

AJ Fife said...

It has been pointed outto me that I overuse the exclamtion mark symbol!!!!! Do you think that was a fair comment?

Strangely, when I look back at my typing, I often wonder why I use it so much myself! It must be a cyber illness!!!!

anna said...

Yes it is surprising how close France is ... especially since the chunnel was built :)

It wouldn't take that long from Edinburgh on the train... now but the cost is so prohibitive to go by train :( Also, you can't lug as much booze back :)

I've answered your wallace thing.... how you can venerate Mel Gibson I don't know! :D

AJ Fife said...

Mel Gibson is an honorary Scot....but he has to don the blue warpaint to qualify!!:DD

The train is an option, but we'll have to wait until our kids are strong enpuh to carry a 120lb backpack each!:D

anna said...

If I was a Scot I would be more offended at William Wallace being linked by Scullion and Guga to Che Guevara then my comments about the English not being interested in him. Which is true and not a wind up.

Mind you, some people would struggle to know who Nelson was!! :D

William Wallace was a warrior definding his country against an invading army. Same as Nelson. I don't see Che in that role at all.

AJ Fife said...

That's a new word then - enopuh! Which of course, is AJ speak for enough :DD

AJ Fife said...

There is no similarity at all, but I always like responding to you and not them. So it's a sort of compliment Anna!:D

AJ Fife said...

Guevara was an arch-socialist who believed in revolution. He could have stayed on in Cuba and lived the goodlife for the rest of his days, but he decided to carry on the fight against percieved American interference in Bolivia!!

He was no angel and was obviously ruthless in the extreme, but he was no hypocrite (as suggested by some). He turned his back on possible affluence and pressed on with his political ideals!

Of course the Miami based Cubans paint a very different picture.

anna said...

Ah... ain't you sweet :))

My spelling is getting really bad... I've noticed...

I bet some bright spark picks me up for their instead of there on that comment about Nelson and Mr Wake!! :D

Actually, there are some historians round here who claim that Robin Hood was in fact Hereward the Wake... Anglo Saxon who held this area against the Normans for a while and was probably a bit of a terrorist in Norman eyes!! :D

Maybe, Robin H is a mixture of a few legends.

Altho' the Robin Hood pub in Newark, Nottingham is a nice venue for a wedding reception. One of our friends got married there last year...... Right good knees-up!! :D

AJ Fife said...


Indeed Anna, some suggest (me) that Robin Hood was based on William Wallace, but an anglified version, to try a create an artificial folk culture! :DD

I remember a Robert Shaw film, about a Norman who held captive a Saxon princess and was laid sige to, in his tower, by a bunch of Saxons!! It was set in wetlands too, I wonder if it was your werewolf fella who was laying seige?

AJ Fife said...

And the 500 for AJ!:D

anna said...

Might well have been auld Hereward ... in that film!

I'd never heard of him, myself, until we moved to this area and there are quite a few places named after him and the local radio station and local paper. There's not even that much about him in the local museum. A lot about that Dutch bloke who drained the fens but not much about auld Hereward!! :D

Bit below the belt about Churchill by the way. I know his Ma was American... but crikey he was born at Blenheim, seat of the Dukes of Marlborough, educated at Eton and Cambridge, had the stiffest of stiff upper lips, bulldog spirit etc..... I bet his blood was red, white and blue!! :D

anna said...

Right got that wrong - it was Harrow not Eton.. and no mention of Cambridge... straight to Sandhurst instead!! :D

I can't believe he never went to uni... what were they thinking of letting a non Oxbridge man be Prime Minister in those days? Its simply not cricket :D

AJ Fife said...

I thought that would stir a reaction!:)

Half American eh! Britain's greatest ever leader Half American!!:D

AJ Fife said...

Straight to Sandhurst - pity about the lessons about amphibious landings in Turkey!!

AJ Fife said...

I think Churchill was the only bloke who was eager to take the job in 1940!

anna said...

Yeah.. bet his mother was a WASP tho'... or maybe a BEE ... (Be Ever English!!! :D

Blimey that was scraping the bottom of the wotsit... need some caffeine!! :D

Btw: was the guy Hamilton at Galipoli Scottish? I was looking at something the other day and came across a mention of him.

I'm supposed to be having a day doing college work today... so far its been a big fat zero!! :D

AJ Fife said...


It's much more fun muckin' about on the Scotsman!:) I have to say, I had to really work hard at stopping myself going on-line when I was trying to write essays. I quite often gave in to temptation tho'!:D

Surprise surprise!

AJ Fife said...

Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sir Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton GCB GCMG DSO TD (January 16, 1851 – October 12, 1947) was a general in the British Army and is most notably known for commanding the ill-fated Mediterranean Expeditionary Force during the Battle of Gallipoli.

Hamilton's military career began in 1871 and he served in India and Africa. He was wounded in the wrist in the First Boer War (1881), leaving one of his hands almost useless. He was Chief of Staff to Lord Kitchener during the Second Boer War and was knighted in 1902.

Kitchener appointed Hamilton to command the Allied expedition to gain control of the Dardanelles straits from Turkey and capture Constantinople.

In retirement, Hamilton was a leading figure in the ex-servicemen organization, the British Legion holding the position of Scottish President. He was also a founding member and vice-president of the Anglo-German Association in 1928 which promoted pro-German sentiment in Britain. Hamilton remained with the Association after Adolf Hitler's rise to power and described himself as "an admirer of the great Adolph [sic] Hitler," dismissing Mein Kampf as a youthful excess. Hamilton also expressed anti-Semitic sentiments and supported a proposed ban by the Association on Jewish members - the ban was not implemented, instead the Association dissolved on April 2, 1935 in light of the worsening situation in Germany.

It would seem Hamilton was Scottish and perhaps it would've been better for everyone if a 3ft pygmy had run him through with a sharpened mango!!!

No doubt, he was the stereotypical son of the British Empire and his 'admiration' for Adolf Hitler leaves a massive question mark over this chap!!:(

Peajay said...

"I've got calf muscles like Popeye" AJ, I think you might be getting your cartoon characters confused and you actually meant Road Runner!! Beep! Beep! :DDD

Anonymous said...

howdy all, what's shakin?! ;)

Anonymous said...

"Half American eh! Britain's greatest ever leader Half American!!:D"

and....he was outside of the establishment and 'their rules'..(no-proper-uni)!!!!

I like it!!! :DDDDD

anna said...

Churchill's ma was Jenny Jerome ... an American socalite (whatever that is)... she married Lord Randolph Spencer Churchill (younger brother of the then Duke of Marlborough) and Winnie was born :))

He's related to the Princess Diana Spencers as well. There's a lot of inbreeding among the aristocrats.

But just think, if the 1st Duke of Marlborough John Churchills wife Sarah had not had an alleged lesbian affair with Queen Anne .... and been amply rewarded ... this family may never have been heard of.

Altho' John Churchill did win the Battle of Blenheim against the Frenchies... but his wife also found favour with the Queen!!! :D :D

Just about every noble house in the land can be traced back to the Royal bedchamber ;)) Randy devils.

Anonymous said...

American socialite....think Paris Hilton

interesting bedfellows, and stories, yes!! I think the inbreeding was the downfall...should have been rule by merit, not first born. And who were the aristocrats but originally commoners with swords and ruthlessness???!!!
(just a thought, obviousy there's more to it, divine right and all that!)

I'm on borrowed time here, btw. My computer is choosing to perform a lengthy scan at the mo, so I'm on the SgtMjr's. so, in the event that I suddenly don't'll know that he's awakened and I've been tossed off his computer chair!!! :DDDDD

which were the stories that you're posting on, the Che one and....

anna said...

Having said that ... Sarah Jennings later Duchess of Marlborough and John Churchill (D of M)had an exceptionally close and loving marriage. She used the Queen to further their ambitions.

I especially like this quotation after the death of the Duke, after many years of marriage, when she was being courted by another man:

"If I were young and handsome as I was, instead of old and faded as I am, and you could lay the empire of the world at my feet, you should never share the heart and hand that once belonged to John, Duke of Marlborough."

Brilliant line :))

I'm quite interested in the first Duke and Duchess of M. Blenheim Palace is an absolutely fabulous place as well :))

AJ Fife said...

Hmmmmm, I wonder that's why Queen Anne's table legs were carved in that erotic way? ;)

The 'ristos' were a right randy bunch true enough, they would've made love to a fridge door given half a chance :DD

anna said...

Trust you to think about the bandy legs :D :D :D

Its right what you say .. we think we live in promiscuous times now.. we've got nothing on some of that lot. Don't lets even get started on the debauchery of the French court!! :D

Who says history is boring ? ;)

Anonymous said...

table legs,...good one, AJ!

History is definitely not boring!!

AJ Fife said...


Are suggesting Winston's old man married the 19th century's version of Paris Hilton!?! :)

That explains a few things!:) A great man he most certainly was, but he wasn't without his failings!! All of which made him more human than the PM's of the last 16 years or so!

I wonder if his mum appeared nude in a Brighton pier sideshow!

Anonymous said...

Well, he was probably a calculating know those aristos....he got arm candy with money!!! ;DDD

AJ Fife said...

Yup, I reckon you're right, the ancestral pile would've been creaking, until the 'injection' of funds from the Yank!!:)

The Churchill's seem to have the knack of being in the right place at the right time! Picking the right 'wummin' was also a good trait - 'Clemmy' was a wee gem for auld Winston!

anna said...

Churchill's parents are a fairly interesting pair. His father had numerous affairs and eventually died of syphillis. His mother also had affairs and it was rumoured that her second son was not her husbands.

Due to the excesses and remoteness of his parents, Winston was exceptionally close to his nanny, who he called Woomanny... a woman of good working class stock.. which probably explains his humanity and rapport with ordinary people.

A remarkable man and possibly his American mother helped to shape his attitude and friendliness to Americans which was unusual in someone of his class and background. It might also explain his successful relationship with Roosevelt.

My grandparents, north and south, idolised Churchill and I can remember them saying if it wasn't for him we'd all be speaking German now :)

With the hindsight of history there were mistakes made but he was the right man in the right place at the right time. I think his speaches did inspire people as well.

He's one of my heros too :))

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, sorry for the slight absence, AOL froze up (yes, AJ, I know, I haven't changed over yet!!)

have to run Dr D to the library for a quick visit, but as it's just down the street, I shouldn't be long. don't go away!! :DDDD

AJ Fife said...

See you in a wee while....your probably back already!!

I have a confession, that's how my parents viewed him and I believe it too - the right man for the job in hand!

However, those were unusual times and the UK pulled together 100% Alas, that feeling of unity no longer exists in that way, but it's an important part of our history!

It's only a tiny minority that reject that unity in Scotland and whether they like it or not,it was the UK's finest moment!

I'm of course, a nationalist, but having an holistic(sp?) view with regard to UK history, is an important part of my character!

And yes, I'm enjoying a nice Aussie red!!:D

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
yes, back all ready...we had a planned list, and the library is within 1/2 mile or so...not that we walked, that's sooo an anti-American thing to do!!! ;DDD

Anonymous said...

AJ, I think it's a love/hate thing with the Union....from an outside perspective. The book 'How the Scots Invented the World' goes over some of the argument pro and con, as well as the involvement of Hume, Smith etc, and the Scots influence in Westminster. Obviously I've only read that one book, and it was a while I've more reading to do for a deeper discussion/presentation of opinion. It makes for an interesting exploration of the 'what was' and 'what can be' for the future....or am I just spouting 'hot air/keyboard' at the moment??!! :)))

AJ Fife said...

Pure hot air Mel!!:))

Have a wee look at ma blog!

AJ Fife said...

Love/hate doesn't really cover it, perhaps compromise/need covers the relationship from a Scottish perspective and, so what/who? covers the English!!:)

Anonymous said...

Hey I likes it!!!

your photo!! ...not being called full of hot air!! ;DDDDD
...told ya I had more reading to do...and am always open to learning!!!!! :DDD

What a great photo, and I like the daddy indifference!!! :DDDD

anna said...

Who knows what the future holds AJ?

I have to say tho' that the cynical manipulation, lies and shenanigans of this Labour Party have not helped the UK to feel unified. I think there may well be a parting of the ways some time in the future.

Lets hope that if we are ever under threat of invasion again...that we could pull together in a similar fashion to the war generation. But, maybe not they weren't as soft as we are and they weren't fed a constant diet of trash telly and 24 hour media spin. :(

OK we can switch it off... but some of the values of previous generations - especially the solid British working class ones seem to have been lost.

Altho' I don't want to go back to the touching the forelock and exploitation of people that happened even in my Dad's generation.

Ah its a mix-up right enough... but the vino helps to muddy the waters even more. :D :D

anna said...

Like the photo... really good :)) Can tell who's the boss in that relationship .. and she knows it!! :D

Mr A thought it was nice too :)) Liked the look of the beach as well... :))

anna said...

"Love/hate doesn't really cover it, perhaps compromise/need covers the relationship from a Scottish perspective and, so what/who? covers the English!!:)"

Not all of us :)))

AJ Fife said...

Thought you'd like it Mel!:) Dozy Anna hasn't spotted it yet :D

Anna, you're right, times have changed somewhat for the better and somewhat for the worst!! The crap our parents put up with and accepted was not on, but equally there was a more moral approach to family life and community! However, we could teach them a thing or two when it comes to acceptance of others - the anti- johnny foreigner attitude for starters doesnt exist in my life, but it did in my parent's!!

AJ Fife said...


I'm talking in very general terms of course!! You have an obvious affinity(sp)with Scots, living in Rosyth etc

But you do mention the indifference of the English public to Scottish affairs quite a lot!! Don'tcha? :))

anna said...

Whatcha mean dozy.. what have I missed? :))

I know what you mean about Johnny Foreigner tho' ... my Dad was well travelled 'cos of the RAF but some things he used to say about the 'natives' would be considered racist now.

The times they are a'changing !! :D

Thanks Bob!! :D

Anonymous said...

wait a minute, both of you are drinking?? so 1:30pm too early to start with some beer??....then I could really cut loose with ya'll!!

My dad's family had a lot of good to say of the British Empire...and obviously his/my family had a lot to do with helping to build the infrastructure of Argentina/Buenos Aires, at least with roads, railways, and mills. To be honest tho, they were kind of snobby about it...but maybe that was just in their 'hang ups' about having to leave when Peron started his stuff.

I do think the work ethic and family/morals has gone downhill....but the tugging the forelock way!!!

AJ Fife said...


My Dad was in the Merchant Navy for around 15 years and he travelled all over, but he'd go on about coolies and krauts! He also thought Apartheit(sp) was the sensible political system for a white minority in an African country!!!!! When I was old enough to understand, I had a really heated conversation with him about that - he did become a lot more understanding in his last 10 years or so!

anna said...

I think the English public in general is indifferent unless it affects them... yes.

A lot of people have never been to Scotland and quite a few think you are already an independent country.. if they think about it at all.

But I know Scots who never venture further south than the Metro Centre in Newcastle and have a total misconception about how different the regions of England are.

Also, quite a few seem to have us pinned as the polar extremes of Hooray Henrys and football hooligans.

I think the ordinary English man or woman on the street gets a bit hacked off tho' for being blamed for the excesses and abuses of the British (which included Scots) upper classes, including Edward, bl**dy Longshanks.

Anonymous said...

I think this anti-foreign/racist can be from a culture-based mindset but its also a personal choice to be open-minded or not. I think people who are closed off are just somehow more fearful of things.

AJ Fife said...


The wine is jist aboot ersed now!!:( It certainly loosens the knuckles for the typin'!!!:D Luckily we've stayed aff the S E X subject!!! Anna would've fainted by now!

Your Argentinian connection is really is Argentina!! I would love to visit there some day!! Take a trip on a railway yer family built!:)

anna said...

Melanie was your Dad's family a member of the Oligarchy..... like the ones in Evita.

She has a go at them in the garden of the British Embassy and tells them to disappear ... in song of course :))

AJ Fife said...


I would never paint a picture of the English being solely made up of hooligans and toffs........well....I've cut it down to only 6 comments a day!!:D

AJ Fife said...

No wonder the Argies got fed up with Eva Peron - bursting into song every 5 mins aint natural!!!:DDD

anna said...

I actually had someone say to me when I first went on the Scotsmen - that all Englishmen were perceived to be like Hugh Grant.... oh if only ;))

He was serious as well - 'cos he was too boring not to be :D

He can't have spotted the cerebrally challenged Wayne Rooney.

anna said...

Anyway Hugh Grant's Dad was Scottish .... the clue is in the name :))

Anonymous said...

AJ, have another bottle, the nite is yet young!!

Anna, my grandmother hated Evita, and mourned the loss of living in her Argentina thru-out her life. But the British there, esp the aristos...(my grands mother and aunt gave dance and music lessons to the aristos children)....were condescending to the Argentine. It was as if 'you're accepted, but not quite due to you not being like us/English'. I hate saying that because I know that is not so with every English person, but an unfortunate stereotype.

anna said...

You get snobs in every country Melanie.... there's places in the States which we wouldn't get into. I've read the Great Gatsby and all that malarkey!! :D

WASPs still exist and I think some of them are more snobby than our lot.

There's a fair bit of snobbery in Scotland as well ... I've come across a few :))

And obviously there are places in England which no amount of money will get you into. You have to have been born into it.

Anonymous said...

"No wonder the Argies got fed up with Eva Peron - bursting into song every 5 mins aint natural!!!:DDD"

funny guy!

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly with you Anna! I was just trying to portray some of the sentiment from the time period/scenario.

AJ Fife said...


They must have had a fantastic time, experiencing what they did!! I'm sure it was no picnic, but living life to the full is what it's all about:)

Here am I....sitting in a kitchen....3 miles from where I was born!:( If I open another bottle I'll top masel!! :(.....:DDD

AJ Fife said...


How true about the snobbery in Scotland! I'm quite snobby actually, It wouldn't be the first time I've had to put someone off ma land!!!

Normally it's the Telewest guy trying to check oot ma cable connection!!!:D Ma cheat box was bought fair and square...from a dodgy electrician!!!:DD

Anonymous said...

AJ, they had to leave everything and were able to gain passage on a Norwegian fishing boat heading to Canada. They wrapped the china in the bedlinen and 'headed out of Dodge'. I'm not sure all of the details, but I think they(my grands) had some fear of Peron's government. Some family went to Brazil/Australia. Those of the family who married Argentines stayed. Gosh, I haven't thought on this in a long time...

Anonymous said...

AJ, you throwin people over yer fence agin??!! ;)))))

anna said...

You live near a nice beach tho'

AJ.. and you've got a lovely wee girl and another little darling on the way.

You sound as if you've got a happy marriage too..... I hope so!

Count your blessings :))

You too Melanie.... take care guys and speak to you soon

Btw: Talking of trans Atlantic relationships.... my maternal grandmother corresponded with an American lady in Virginia for years. They had never met... but during the war, quite a lot of poor British families were adopted by Americans.

Because my grandparents had 6 kids and he was just a Border shepherd they were fairly hard up with the war and the rationing etc .... so they used to get parcels of clothes and things from the American family.

My grandparents would never hear a bad word against Americans from then on and they kept in touch until their deaths but never actually met. :))

Just like us!! :D

Anonymous said...

fantastic story, Anna!!!
talk with ya tommorrow!!!

AJ, I agree with Anna...your Victorian home by the shore seems wonderful, and of course your soon to be growing family!!! :DDDDD
(not to mention all of your travels...which I am completely envious of, btw!!!!! ;DDDDDD)

AJ Fife said...


I count my blessings everyday!! Remember I had previous!!!:) It certainly makes me realise what life is all about!:)

You take care're a diamond......I also get a feeling we WILL all meet!! Afterall the world is a wee place these days!

Anonymous said...

Ha, AJ if we meet, boy what a party that will turn into!!!! :DDDDDDDDD

Our meeting is an excellent thought that I will wish to happen!!!! :DDDDDDDx

AJ Fife said...


The photo was taken no more than 200 yds from my front door! It might look like January, but it was August just passed!:)) That's how good the summer was here!!:DD

However, if you swing round to the right, the great big horrible powerstation looms large!!:D If you swing round to the left you have beautiful Largo Bay _ home to Alexander Selkirk aka Robinson Crusoe!!:)

AJ Fife said...

It's quite a story - leaving Argentina on a Norwegian fishing boat and landing in Canada!!!

Howcome they bypassed Florida?

Just kidding of course :)

Anonymous said...

you definetly have the worse of the weather hands down, even with the yicky heat here...I think I mentioned that on my other blog! :D along with giving 'my friend' credit for teaching me the occasional Scots word!! :DD

Anonymous said...

ha ha! the US wouldn't allow my grand in (he was born in Spain/had actually a Spanish citizenship), but a friend in Canada sponsored him there.

His Girl Friday said...

I've changed the comments section on my 'public' blog to allow an anon/other this case you guys want to venture over that way and have something cheeky to say!!! ;DDDDD

AJ Fife said...

Canada has it's uses!!:))

I'll have a wee look at your other site, but I don't want to spoil yer fun wi' yer new pals!!:)

Anonymous said...

what?? spoil my new fun??? Never!!!!!! You Are part of the fun in my life!!!!! :DDDDDDD

Anonymous said...

er....'Canada has it's uses!!:))' tell...... :))))

AJ Fife said...

Well...I do try and inject a wee bit o' happiness now and again!;)

Anonymous said...

Yes, you do!!! :DDDDD

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

wow, looks like we're all otherwise engaged!! :))

I should be around today if anyone is on later! :)

anna said...

You Are Chardonnay

Fresh, spirited, and classic - you have many facets to your personality.
You can be sweet and light. Or deep and complex.
You have a little bit of something to offer everyone... no wonder you're so popular.
Approachable and never smug, you are easy to get to know (and love!).

Deep down you are: Dependable and modest

Your partying style: Understated and polite

Your company is enjoyed best with: Cold or wild meat

I did my wine thing ;))

anna said...

I think we all got the same result !!! :D

Anyway ... hope you're all well... just had a look at your other blog Melanie...

Very sorry to hear about Sgt Mjr's health scare.... must be a worry for you ..... hope things work out OK... altho' I don't know very much about it.

I'm rooting for you all :))

AJ... how's the heid today ?

Peajay .. you remember that committee I mentioned a while back, on my blog? Guess who's the new chair? Now they can all moan about me!! :D :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna!

Well it looks like my Sauvignon Blanc is in the good company some fine Chardonnays!!! :DDD

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Anna.
The Sgtmjr goes in for tests on Monday. I'm trying not too think about it too much, as I know enough to understand the worst, but not enough to really decipher all that's going on. The fact that he's not digressing significantly, and that he does not have other neuro type symptoms gives me hope that this will not be significant findings. Touch wood.

Will keep you all posted, of course.

Congrats on the committee chair...long may you reign! ;)

anna said...

I'll be thinking of you all on Monday... , touching wood and keeping my fingers crossed as well :))

Did you get that email with my address on btw?

I'll have to go and check my hotmail.. I'm always a bit slow about looking at that one :))

Anonymous said...

hi Anna,

yes, I've your address..and will hopefully be seeing to my 'derelict' duties today, and getting some snail mail out!! ;))

I've posted on the depression/footie story only, haven't had time to hunt around for anything to post on as yet...

thanks about Monday! :)x

His Girl Friday said...

did you guys see these ones? I love the inner person ones...although you have to take them with a grain of salt!!
(mine is on my other blog-at the moment, at the bottom)
(red, but close choice of one question would be blue) (don't know yet)

anna said...

What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.

You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds.

You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.

Your near future is a lot like the present, and as far as you're concerned, that's a very good thing.

For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust

I'll have a look at the others too :))

Peajay said...

Do you think you dare try this quiz? :DD

Anonymous said...

nice Anna!

Peajay,....:/ uh, ahem, 85%

Peajay said...

Oh no, surely not as much as that. :DDD

Peajay said...

78% :/

Anonymous said...

cheers, Peajay, we can go to blogger anon together!!!! ;DDD

Anonymous said...

morning all!!! see you in a few!!!

Anonymous said...

Well this early bird is developing some bad in being a nite owl! Can't seem to get up before 0730-08 these days...quite unlike me :/ I feel like a lounging cat!
Of course...last nite I had the excuse of being too scared to go to sleep ;)))) I saw that Stph King film...Room 1408...

have to take the cat to be fixed today...he's starting to be naughty and more back later... :)))

Anonymous said...

good morning to yer Friday!! :))

Peajay said...

Good Morning Melanie.
Don't tell Anna but l'm visiting sunny Peterborough this morning. :)

anna said...

Oh Peajay.... we could have met for coffee if you'd only told me earlier!!! :D

Actually I've been working all day today... so we couldn't have but its the thought that counts! :D

Was it business?

Hope everyone's all right!! Getting ready for the rugby tomorrow! :D

I think France will win, but I hope England's sweet chariot is running at top gear tomorrow and they prove me wrong :D :D

I expect AJ's got his little tricolour out to wave at the goggle box!! :D

Anonymous said...

I'll be in Santa Monica tomorrow, my bro's baby turns one...not that I'll miss the rugby, as they've been airing it a day later! :(

busy Friday for all? I'm here at my desk...contemplating a nap!! :DD It's miserably windy outside so I'm not doing any more errands out than I have to!!

Fun news...I rode my black horse for the first time yesterday!! I've had my friend/trainer working with her and she's doing well.

Peajay said...

Thank you Anna, it was a nice offer. As it happens I literally drove to Alwalton (with a small detour through City Centre 'cos I got a little lost) and straight back home. I have a two day craft fair this weekend in a village called Balsham so there was so much to prepare.

Peajay said...

Hi Mel
Good news of the horse riding, well done.

anna said...


D :D :D :D

BL**DY HELL!!!!!

Peajay said...

I take it that you're referring to the Rugby? :DDDDD

anna said...

Hi Peajay :))

Too right ... I don't often get into Upper Case... but I felt the occasion warranted it!! :D

And I was so excited... I had to walk out of the front room about 10 mins into the 2nd half because England were being so frustrating, but Mr A was shouting the commentary through to me and we were dancing about when the whistle finally went!!

It was a good idea to send Mr A over to La Belle France on Wednesday last week to buy up all their smelly cheese and demoralise the French :D :D :D My strategy worked!! :D :D

Have you noticed that AJ is strangely quiet this week... hope everything is OK??????

Anonymous said...

Congrats Anna! I'm hoping to catch some of the match today. It was on late last nite, but I didn't want to stay up till 0100!

Peajay, I'm assuming she meant rugby, 'cause she was sooo worked up after 80 minutes of straining muscles!!!!! ;DDDDD

I'm off for some beach and bagpipes today! Seaside Highland games in Ventura. Kilts, and surfers....ah, what an easy day for the eyes!!! ;DDDDDD

and yer right, AJ's been too quiet!! :/ :)

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

I'm up at odark - thirty to take the SgtMjr to his test...I'll be on later for therapeutic measures!! :)))

Peajay said...

Hope all goes well with test.

AJ Fife said...


Hope things go well today :)

Anonymous said...

Hi all!

Well, it looks like tests are coming back good, with the prelim of the 'brain' scan coming back as normal. :)

AJ Fife said...

Ah...great news Mel, hopefully the end results will produce the same :)

Sorry I've not been in touch, the computers at the work screwed up again!

But......well done to the England rugger lads - where's ma 'Rainbow Nation' flag???

Anonymous said...

Hi AJ,

I saw the last 20 minutes of the match...maybe the best part?!

I wanted to make some jokes about the brain scan coming back normal...but I'll wait until things settle down!! ;D

Anonymous said...

and, do I dare claim the 600!!!

Well, I was hoping for a quiet eve of cuddles on the couch after a stressful 'what if' day....but as it turns out, it was pool/billiards nite with the boys, ....however, I was invited to this usual 'all male' event, and even allowed to lift a pint or three in celebration of the 'all clear'...needless to say it really has been a pint or three or more, and I'm rather 'happy' at the moment!

and, since, I'm rather 'happy' at the moment, I just want to thank you three for your friendship, and a wonderful year of getting to know you/better, and a fun year of blether!! ..with hopes of many more to come!!! :DDDDDDDxxx

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