auto-cable chewing marmots!
'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frighten
s us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.'
Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 705 of 705Ps I've written a little piece on the book, 'the Dangerous Book for Boys' which I think, Anna, might be fun for Kit...and I'm going to to read/purchase the 'Daring Book for Girls', which I think will be most worthwhile as well...pirate flags and all!!! :)xxx
Hi all,
will hopefully chat with you all soon!! :))
Hello hello hello, am back....finally!!!:)
Pesky IT, it fair gets oan ma tits!!!
Hi AJ,
have to word today...no more vacation freedom and
silliness!! :( :))
Will speak with you all hopefully tomorrow! :))
Hello all, I hope everyones well. Great news of Sgtmjr, Melanie. Also thank you for the Gettysburg card which came today. Did you get the Irish one?
I have gained my first student today and another is in the pipeline.
I have previously bought the Dangerous Book For Boys twice over but will look into the Girls one. I thought they were a really great idea.
Hi all... sorry for absence... out for charity event yesterday (Hospital at Home) - mother invited me .. she goes every year at the Haycock Hotel in Wansford. Which is a nice posh gaff in a rather posh little village... where I would love to live ... but sadly could never afford a decent sized place there! :D Maybe a garden shed!! The Fitzwilliam Hunt meet outside the Haycock... so its very rural England!! :D
Anyway we had a nice lunch ... Mum paid!! :D
Really pleased that everything went well for Sgt Mjr ... Melanie... I was thinking about you all on Monday... and just haven't had a proper chance to get on here until now.... as apart from day out yesterday I was college today, working Mon and tomorrow and Fri :((
I am very happy for you all and I know you must be so relieved - what a weight of you it must be :)))
Many thanks for the fab postcard.... I got it today.. I'll drop you an email soon :)) We're going to Legoland Windsor next week - a treat for KK's birthday so I'll send you a nice view of somewhere down there if I see one.
Hi AJ... glad to see you back online.... we missed you ;))
Rugby is good but the footie is a bit dire isn't it? Mind you if England don't get in at least we won't have to put up with the nauseating build-up for weeks on end before it starts :D
Scotland aren't doing too well at the mo either :((
Hi Peajay..... you OK? I got a lovely labrador calendar at the fundraiser yesterday... from the Labrador Rescue Centre ... nice pictures of labs on it :))
I couldn’t get this to post earlier so I’m trying again …..
It worked Anna. :D
I'm okay apart from a day long stressy head. Had a one off job yesterday, notetaking at the Grosvenor Hotel. A friend works for the construction company who are refurbing the Grosvenor House Apartments making them into an apartotel. The owners were doing a flying visit from Kuwait (all 45 of them) and they needed three people to accompany the tours to make notes of any comments made whether good or bad. Although it was lucrative for me & I got to have avo tea in the Grosvenor it meant hanging round from 11. The private jet was delayed, the clients all spoke to each other in Arabic, the interior designer, Anouska Hempel, spent the day being extremely difficult and diva-like, so I didn't get home til 23.30. Hence the head. :( All tha just to view one sample room (which was ripped back out today) and a total building site. It would have cost about a quarter of a million at least. :/
how nice, a fly in visit from Kuwait??!!! :/ money to burn, baby!! :P
Glad you liked the postcards! :)
Peajay, I never received the one from Ireland! :((
thanks for you well wishes for the SgtMjr! He's as ornery as ever with the good news!! ;D
Speak with ya when I gets up!! :)
Hey Peajay,
I've heard of Anouska Hempell! Are you famous too?
Hi all
Yes I've heard of Anouska Hempell - I think - well it rings a bell anyway! So, are you famous Peajay?
Hi AJ... we were watching that Ian Rankin's Edinburgh on ITV 3 (or4!) last night... and they were on about the Kingdom of Fife :)) I was hoping to see Leven but they showed Cardenden where Rebus comes from ...... I didn't realise Rankin came from there as well. I though he was Edinburgh born and bred :))
Quite interesting prog.... do you like his books? I've read a few and quite enjoyed them, but I thought the later stuff got a bit samey.
Melanie :))
I've put your postcard on display on the noticeboard in my kitchen... I have a smile every time I look at it..... Gettysburg ..... fantastic !! :D
Thanks again :))
Hi all!
Late to the party, but I'm here!! Where's the coffee?!
glad to hear it Anna!! :))
No I'm sadly not famous, I once in the distant past appeared on Anglia TV and a couple of Radio interviews but that was my 15 minutes and I will not be repeating it. :DD
Anouska was in Hammer House type films in the 70's and a couple of dodgy porn ones too. Of course she doesn't speak of those now she is Lady Weinberg. :DDD
I have absolutely no idea who you are talking about!! Is that a good thing??!! ;)))
busy day with kiddy school, as they are leaving tommorrow morn for San Jose with the SgtMjr (about a 6 hour drive) They're going to see grandpa(SgtMjr's dad, who is turning 90 this month)
I'm staying here as I have to work Sat.
(although I've managed to play a little cyber-hooky from school to blog, an 'optical illusions' post....AJ will like the one with the naked dancing girl!!! ;DDDDDD
have a look they're pretty neat!
...which way do you see the girl dancing??
Hi Guys,
I knew Peajay was famous!:))
Annouska eh? What a pedigree - Hammer House of Horror and dodgy porn! Makes for an interesting CV!:D
Was it Sale of the Century? :D
Hi all!
how's everyone? Posting anywhere?? I think I've posted on all of two articles this week!
Well, I'm seeing the SgtMjr and the kiddies off for their weekend trip...I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this quiet house ('course i'll be at work Sat)!
Hi everyone.... late again! :))
I haven't posted all week either - Melanie.. you're not the only one.
Sometimes its good to have a rest from it tho' .... there's only so many times you can argue about some of the topics :D
Sale of the Century AJ :D :D:D.. now that is a blast from the past. We all used to gather round the telly for that one :D :D
Do you remember Family Fortunes, 321 and Ask the Family as well?
Ah, the glory days of British quiz shows :D What on earth did people do with the boats that they won? :D
Hi Anna,
just in myself, went out for a horse ride since I have no domestic responsibilities at the mo!! :))
Hi all!
hope yer enjoyin yer weekend...yest was soooo quiet "/
I'm off to work...speak with ya later!
Ah well.. they lost :((
But, they got there against all the odds and put up a pretty good fight against a very strong Boks team - so no world cup, but at least they defended it bravely :))
Hope everyone's Ok?
define: Boks
would that be SAfrica, and now the suspense of the 2pm delayed rugby match is ruined??!!
Or would that be football with Russia of which I caught the last 10 minutes of the game after work last nite, so I saw what happened!! ;DDDDDx
Rugby of course Melanie.... the England football team may not make it to the next European cup never mind the 2010 World Cup!
Sorry if I spoilt the ending for you.. .yes Boks = Springboks = South Africa. :))
It was an OK game but England gave away at least 2 penalties and had a disallowed try, which we thought was in at first. Then on the replay it does look as if the leg was came down on the touch before the ball :((
Still at least England had a go and made it to the final - despite being written off by everyone in the group stages. They did us proud.
Unlike the footballers who as I have said many times are overpaid prima donnas who should be paid on results - and then we might get some! :D
Hi Anna,
I figured it was rugby, and was just having some fun...you've not ruined my fun at watching the match!! :)
Another quiet morning...wow!! I'm sooo not used to this!! :)))
nothing much on the Scotsman, there's the abortion one, which JG was on...but that's too heavy for me at the mo...I had a tough enough day at work yest with a snippy 20yr old who was thinking more of herself and what She wanted, than her 34wk baby; and, yet another drug baby with an idiot mother, and we were working short which meant I had more of an assignment than I should have, which is Very unsafe!! :(
sorry to unload...I love taking care of the wee babies, just not all the sh*te that comes with it!!
Back to happy thoughts....I thought I'd maybe get out today and start some Xmas shopping...I'll be back on later tho if anyone is around! :)
I don't mind you unloading ... no problemo :))
Its great if you can unload stuff here, rather than bottling it up or taking it out on loved ones - I think.
This can be a kind of therapy in a way ... I suppose :D
Xmas shopping... noooooo, way too earlier :D
I've got KK's and Mr A's birthdays to think about first :)
Altho' I have bought something for ma-in-law and one of the nieces. My mum should be easy - she wants a DAB radio like the one I've got in my kitchen. Hope John Lewis have still got some in stock :D
I've been able to feast my eyes on Chris Paterson this afternoon - he plays club rugby for Gloucester and they're playing this pm.... yum, yum!! :D
I'm only just thinking of picking up some books that are on Dr D's list...nothing intensive!! ;)
Chris P, club rugby....darling, your hopeless, absolutely hopeless!!! :)x
..will MrA benefit later from such said watching of Chris' flexing muscles!!! ;D (not that I'm speaking from experience, mind you!! ;D)
Hi all
Hope everyone's ok. Sorry been a bit quiet, new job stresses and 5 day headache. :(
Hi Peajay,
sorry to hear about the headache!! :(( those are never fun regardless the duration!! :((
job stresses, yeck!!
I vote we all win the lotto and go celebrate together with a pint of Guinness of four!! ;DD
That would be a resounding yay!!! Will it numb the head?
not only will it numb the head, excellent entertainment will be provided when AJ dances on top of the pub table...hopefully in his kilt!! ;DDDDDDDD
Anna, nicely 'parleyed' on the ruggers article!! :)
Hi all!!
Well, they're back safe and sound...and I was even brought two bottles of wine from up north!!! :)
if you see in the news, the wildfires were about 30 miles south of here...was nervous there for a bit about the wind bringing it this way (as in near my friend's ranch) but so far so good!
Haven't seen anything about wild fires yet .. Melanie... but I'll be hoping they don't go anywhere near you. I suppose that is always an ongoing problem and high risk in such a hot climate. :((
One thing we don't have to worry about too much here - especially not this summer - with all the rain :D
Sorry to hear about the head Peajay.. do you suffer from migranes?
Where oh where oh where is AJ? This excuse about the IT is not good enough, hen..... are you fed up with talking to us? :D
Of course am no fed up talking to ma cyber pals!! Indeed, I miss the hours of endless fun we used to share together!:)
So here I am Anna...come on....give me yer best shot!:D
I saw the fires story, but I thought since you stayed in the middle of a desert, you'd be OK!:))
Well, it's my friends who have their homes/ranches in the foothills that are in the most danger...it's also where I keep my horses. Usually, there's enough warning that we can evacuate the animals....you just have to keep an eye on the news....it's always scary. When I lived in the foothills, we had a fire within a mile of the house...we had the truck packed, but it was ok in the end.
Sorry pal, I was making a wee joke, but it aint a joking matter!:(
Hope yer pals are gonna be safe and sound!:)
joke?! jest 'cause we's homesteadin in the middle of a patch o' brown dirt....are ya makin some kind o' prejuditiiouuss-like claim??!! ;D
they were advertising this clan gathering in Edin. at the Highland games I went to last week(funny, the games were at sealevel, but anyway...)
It would be intersting to go, but my gosh, way too many people I think! do you know about it, AJ?
Hi AJ,
We're like ships that pass in the night at the moment :D :D
We'll have to make a date for a get-together on the blog :D :D
I opened my internet thingy and top story was the Californian fires! How un-observant am I? Must be a worry right enough - the state must be like a tinder box most of the time and then there's the risk of earthquake!! Tell me again why you live there??? :D :D
Mind you, I can't talk I live mainly on reclaimed land from the sea.... and we are only just above sea-level in Whittlesey!! :D :D
Off down to Legoland tomorrow .. we're staying over night somewhere near Windsor - big castle, actually.. our old mate Liz gave us the keys while she's on hols at her Scottish gaff.. she said we could borrow it for a bit!! :D
Seriously, it makes sense to stay somewhere down there over night - as altho' its only a 2/3 hrs drive from here.. its the busiest bit of road in the country and you never know how long its going to take :(
Ain't that right Peajay?
So, I'll be back on Thursday - might bring some Lego bricks back and get an extension on the house!! :D :D KK can build it!!
Hi all!
have to work (Tues) so should be back on Wed.
have fun at Legoland, Anna!
Legoland sounds great, but should you be pandering to MrA's demands!:D
You're right, we'll have to fix a date for a two pronged pincer movement on an unsuspecting Scotsman poster!:D
Peajay and Mel,
Hope you are both well! I knew Peajay was famous!:)Did Nicholas Parsons wear a syrup Peajay?
howdy all!!
have a great day!! :))
AJ/Anna...just leave directions so Peajay and I can read the fun!! ;D
Hi all, I've been doing my new job and have finally sorted out the red tape and administration in order to just gain an ID badge. Headache has settled at a dull ache. I don't get migraines, Anna just some real stonkers.
AJ, quit with the famous bit, I'm not. :DD It would take several weeks for my mother to unearth the video and a large amount of money for me to play it. :DDD Nicholas P is a self important puffed up prig who just uses lots of hair-lacquer.
Hi all!
I'm perusing the Scotsman at the moment...Anna's legoland building castles with KK and Mr A...
Peajay? AJ? ;))))
Hi Mel,
We've STILL got IT issues on the work system - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!
I've posted on the graffiti war grave story - a bit facetious, but it's sometimes best to laugh at the idiots who do that sort of thing! They take themselves very seriously!:(
Wotcha up to?
I'll go have a look. Did you see the silly one with the Elvis and Beatles memorabilia stores having a row. A few funny comments. I've only posted on the 'footballers wives being good examples' story!
I'm doin good, thanks. Just trying to get going here...the auld bones ya know, eftir a day slugging it out on the hospital unit!!! jest takes it richt oot a ye!! ;D
Hi all,
I'm off to work today, will hopefully catch you for fun Friday!! :)
Hi all!!
fun Friday, at last!!! Weekend plans, anyone?! I have yard work!! :( :))
Hi Mel,
No plans, just keeping the fam in check!!;)
That'll be another lost battle!:D
I wonder how Anna got on in Lego land?
I've resurrected the legend of Mary from Methilhill on the Vatican/Templar story(intern'l sect)!!
Those of a sensitive disposition should not view!:D
Hi all
Well, it was good fun in Legoland... but hard work - queueing for rides and a lot of walking as well! Its built on a hill so - so for us flat earth dwellers it was quite hard work :D :D
But, we all had a good time and KK was in his element :))) So was Mr A ... he's just like a big kid really :DD
Hope everything's OK where you are Melanie.. no fires :( It looks pretty bad for some people.
AJ .. I'm going to have a look at what you and auld bad Mary have been up to .. you scallywag!! :D
AJ... very funny post about auld Mary :)) I see someone wants you to help them write a book ... do you think he's serious???? :D :D
Also, Hunky Dorey has had a go at you ... its because he's jealous of our relationship ;)))
Guess who's been at the whisky??:D
Melanie..good reply to him and the writer chap :))
Hi Anna,
glad you all had a good time!!!
btw, thanks, and I answered you on the Mary Templar article!! :D
I saw your reply - Melanie... hope your brother and family get back home OK.
It looks like it was really scary - what a nightmare for everyone.
My one big dread is fire..I get a bit paranoid when we go away anywhere. I check the stove isn't still on about a million times, unplug all the appliances (except the fridge and freezer!!) and have to check everything at least twice.
That's just me I suppose - I think my whole family is like that - going back to make sure the door is locked etc,etc!! :D :D
Makes us sound a bit barking!! :D
We were talking about Christmas shopping last week Melanie. Well, a pal of mine, here, who coincidentally is also a Melanie :D has asked me if I want to go Xmas shopping with her to Lakeside (big shopping complex darn Sarf (down South:)) next Sat. We go somewhere on a coach trip most years.. because the place she works at organise quite a few trips.
I've never been to Lakeside before.. so should be interesting - hard on the feet tho'!! :D :D
KK is having a Viking day at school on Mon so, we've had to organise a Viking costume for him. He's going to be wearing a furry body warmer thing and a hat with some horns - thank goodness my mum is good at sewing!! :D
Is AJ nesting do you think? :D
I heard some woman say that to her hubby in one of the Legoland queues. Mr A was laughing about it .. he thought she sounded a bit stuck-up :D
Viking Day!! I love it!! I think we're all going to be pirates for Halloween (how original, right!)
I think AJ is SOOOOOOOO nesting right now!!!! It's actually kinda cute!!! :DDDDDDDDDD
I found a photo of what our teepee used to look like if you're interested...on my other blog!!! :DD
Yeah I'll go and have a look at your other blog... I'll have to make up a new ID for that one :)) I've been meaning to but haven't got round to it yet :D
I'm kinda jealous of AJ and the nesting thing - newborn babies are so lovely... and you only remember the good bits....all the cuddles and wonder of it all :DD
I was thinking the same thing, although i do get a 'newborn' fix now and then when i get to work in the regular hospital nursery!
I've altered the comments section to include the option of 'other' so you can use whatever name you wish...and it will appear without a link as I've done here...
Hi Anna,
Sorry you had to haul that ass of yours up some hills!:D I'm glad 'the boys' had a great time!! What was Mr A's favourite thing? :DD
Keep you and yours safe, d'ya hear!:)
Mr A's favorite thing was probably watching Anna's nice a*se walking up said hills!!!!! ;DDDDDDDDD
(if I know men correctly, which ah believe I do, sugah!! ;DDDDX)
Hey you, I'll crack the risque jokes around here!!!:D
AJ.. sweetie ..how nice to hear from you :))
Well, the boys' fave things were the Viking Water Rapids Ride.... on which we all got extremely wet but it was exhilarating - I suppose!! :D
They also really enjoyed the big rollercoaster - which I sat out - with a cup of tea - for!! :D
Altho' much to KK's amazement I did go on the smaller rollercoaster - and screamed all the way round!! :D :D
Hi Anna,
Nice to hear you were wet on holiday!
Delete this one after Anna cyber bashes me!:DD
oops, shouldn't be smiling on That number! :/
Wet T-shirt comp?????? :D :D
Bit old for that probably!!! :D :D
Actually, weather on Tue wasn't too bad altho' it did get a bit nippy in the pm.
But, Wed was big coat weather ... really cold ... so no wet rides for me... did drink quite a bit of hot choc tho' with a nice Cadbury's Flake in it! :)) Just as well there was so much walking .. needed to burn a few calories off !!:D
careful...puir AJ...you put the words wet t-shirt and nippy weather in one post....you know his imagination is quite fertile!!! ;DDDD
Just stop there!!:DD If you carry on, ma laptop will blow uo!:DD
It's great to hear you all had a fab time! I bet the Mish would love a visit there, but we won't mention it!;)
Its not just his imagination that's fertile apparently is it Melanie????? ;))
Whit a laddie :D
My internet connection keeps collapsing lately.... so I have to wait for it to come back on sometimes. I usually play a Monopoly game while I'm waiting .... its quite good fun - makes a change from cards :D
Seen any good films or read any good books lately? Any recommendations gratefully received...... that's you as well AJ!!! :D
My internet connection went down again then .. :((
I'm sure Mish would have a great time there AJ :))
Btw: AJ have you noticed that on Melanie's other blog .. she's pinched your Bayeux picture ?????
Sorry to snitch Melanie.... but is that blatant or what?? :D :D
Like your Girl Friday blog btw... very interesting..... :))
Is that your writer's side coming out?
Just that last Peter Mullen film - True North - but I reckon you'll have to wait for the DVD!
no books, really to speak of at the moment....
Has she now, I better have a wee look later!:D
i Said i stole it from a friend.....
His Girl Friday is an old comedy with Cary Grant....lots of great lines, fast paced and witty...
plus, I really am a girl friday for the Sgtmjr in a way....so i thought it fitting....:D
Excuses, excuses..... :))
I expect AJ is quite flattered that his pic is being 'displayed' elsewhere for the gratification of a mainly female audience ;)
Had to disappear for a mo' there to check on my alter ego 'Morgan Le Fay on the Mirror board..... its hard work keeping up with one's other selves at times :D
Are you planning another blog AJ....?
Actually, I've just given myself an idea... I'll start a new blog called Morgan Le Fay I think !! :D
Peter Mullen film..? I haven't heard of that one.
I watched The Tudors series tonight - it was fairly entertaining but the history was very inaccurate :))
However, the guy that played the Duke of Suffolk was a bit of a dish and it was a bit raunchy as well... so it was worth a look ;)
That could be interesting!!!!
I like the other blog, because I can write for the sake of writing, etc. It really is something I enjoy!!
That sounds like a fun blog...'cause you really could get crazy and exotic with that one...it's interesting when people respond to what you write...
You can write for the sake of writing on here if you want to Melanie... but I know what you mean this is more of a chat room type place !! :D
I might have a think about a new blog ... has Peajay opened one yet?
nope, she's been pretty busy with her new job...
i know i can write here, but i'd probably be writing something new every few days...and we'd lose track of which chat room we're in at the moment!!! ;DDDDD
Oh right I didn't know she had a new job.
Good luck with it Peajay :))
Yeah you're right Melanie... if we had too much stuff on here..it would only confuse auld AJ.. :))) we have to keep it simple for him !! :D
Anyway, its getting late here..so I'll speak to you soon ... take care :))
need to get dinner on, will speak with ya hopefully over the weekend!!! :)) (you, too Peajay!)
this is a little long, but funny!
mornin to the monday madness!!!
Hi Guys,
Hope you are all OK!
I see the Scotsman aren't permitting any comments at the mo!:(
So.......who do you all think is the Royal at the heart of the poofy/blackmail scandal?
I reckon it's Prince Andrew!
Hi AJ...
I haven't been able to access the Scotsman today ... :(
Bet they won't allow comments on the Royal story tho' :D :D
I thought at first it was Charlie boy..because of all that stuff about him and his valet that Diana hinted at !! :D
But, having seen the Times today they say it was a minor royal - so I immediately thought Edward.. and I assumed (must be my horrible mind!) that it was a gay encounter!! :D :D
Did you think it was Andy and Fergie reuniting?
Maybe it was Anne and one of her equine chums!! :D :D :D
"Maybe it was Anne and one of her equine chums!! :D :D :D"
You bring out the worst in me... how low can you go?????:D:D
I wonder what made them angry, now...you're right, commenting is all closed.
Well, I'm off soon for a 'school' field trip...we're going to meet the homeschool group at the arboretum down by Pasadena. The tween yawned when I told him it was about plants and birds!!! ;)))
too bad Legoland isn't closer!!!! ;)))
Hi Melanie :))
Boys will be boys .... KK likes going on nature walks - looking for snakes, rabbits, foxes and wild birds... but he doesn't really do plants and flowers either :))
I managed to get onto the Scotsman but you're right all the comments seem to be closed... has something upset them?
Even I wouldn't stoop to the bestiality angle.....so to speak!!:D
I have to admit, I thought it would've been Eddie or Big Lugs, but the 'Royal Household' are saying it wasn't an important Royal!!! Of course we believe them!
Hi Mel,
How's ma wee Californian buttercup today?
When I was wee, I remember pictures of a Californian Redwood that a bus could drive through, it was so big!!! I suppose the dirty great big tunnel they carved would've killed it! Or is it still there?
I know, plants and birds...yawn ;))
I bribed him by saying it would be a half day out and he away from his schoolwork!!! ;DDD
the Calif redwoods are awesome!! Yes, that tree is still there...I think it's the Gen. Grant tree. There's also a hollow side-lying tree that served as a saloon and one time stable (I don't think at the same time, tho;D)! I love going up to that area!! :))
Did you have one of those station wagon things that had a timber frame as part of the bodywork? Did any pesky bears try and steal your picnic?
Hi all
Sorry I've missed you recently but I've been having a few issues with my new job which takes so long to sort out and leaves you to shattered for the niceties of blogging with cyberpals. :DD
Hope all are well. Glad you had a good time in Legoland, Anna.
It's dreadful isn't it but I immediately thought of Royal Gay Tryst featuring Edward! :D Is he a minor enough member? Or should we be thinking more minor like Freddie Windsor or Viscount Linley?
Hi all...
That comment about the wooden station wagon made me laugh.... you've watched too many Doris Day movies and Yogi Bear cartoons AJ :D :D
Talking of Yogi... there was a question about a US National Park on Eggheads last night.. .to which I immediately answered Jellystone - then I remembered that it was really Yellowstone!! :D :D
Hope you had a good day at the plant and bird place Melanie :))
Peajay... don't worry we understand - its nice to hear from you tho' when you do get time :)
Maybe not Eddie then - not minor enough? But, is anyone really interested in Fredrick Windsor or any of the other Champagne Charlies?
I think its higher up than that and the Palace are telling porkies. I think its Charlie boy and the blackmailers are trying to cash in on all that stuff about the toothpaste squeezing and other services that the royal valet is rumoured to carry out.
Anyway, never let the truth get in the way of a good rumour!!! :D
Hi Anna,
You're right it's always good to hear from wee Peajay! She sounds like a right go-getter!!:) Must be her youth!:D
A yes, good old Rock Hudson and Doris Day movies! America was so wholesome back then.....unless you were a commie!!:D
I'm with you on the Royal scandal, it's definately Big Lugs! He's jealous of all the attention Di's getting, so he thought he'd try and get one over on her!:D
Hi all!!
I had a laugh at the station wagon, as well!! My aunt in Pennsylania had one...took us kids everywhere!! ;DD
haven't read the gay tryst thing...I thought that was an occasional side sport for all the royals, anyway, that, and skiing...;)
Hi Melanie :))
Talking of Doris Day films... my mother was shocked when Rock Hudson came out... she really liked him :) I think that really shattered her 50s innocence :D
Nowadays you just think if a guy is that good looking he must be on the other bus! :D
Looks like you're straight then AJ :D :D :D :D
Maybe, it was Camilla who was being blackmailed..... there's been a lot of rumours about her being a bit of a nympho... maybe Charlie wasn't enough - ring for a footman ;)
Was Doris Day a role model for you? Do you burst into song when you're baking apple pie?
You can tell Anna has been influenced....check her hair oot!:D
congrats on the 700 Anna!! ;)
Let me know when you guys want to move on west, visit the ghost town!! ;)
Doris Day!! those were fun movies, however 'naive'!
AJ, my singing days are over, I only have one vocal cord working!! but then, maybe that's a good thing!! ;DD
Camilla is an alleged old trout, but it's apparently a male who's being up to nae guid!!:D
I started writing this about 20 mins ago....bloody work!!:(
Good idea, lets go west!!!:D
AJ has vamoosed west....
shall we saunter over to the ghost town, ladies??!! :D
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