...some of the photos of Bodie. The interior shot is of a saloon. There's a 'post office box' in between the table and old stove. I've included a link for some more photos Photo album) http://www.bodie.com/. There's definitely a lot of 'wild west' history in this town. Mark Twain was in the area at some time, as well.
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 343 of 343Hi Anna,
I know what you mean about extra work...I have to get going here early today, but I'll be around to 'play' here on and off as the day goes, if anyone is around later!! :)
Hi Mel,
No plans for this blog, but it's useful for commenting on other blogs! Blogger.com seems to be getting more popular here and it's the only social website I can access at my work now!:(
The Sudan looks like a pretty desperate place! I wonder who set the borders and ruled the place up until 1956 or so?? No prizes for guessing, and from what I've read, some Sudanese like putting the boot into their colonial past!
Still, it doesn't excuse the blood thirsty mob whatsoever!:(
I might be, it all depends on the foot rubbing and back massage sessions! :D
You'll be relieved to hear, I really enjoy the experience, but Mrs AJ reckons I've got cheesy feet!:D
ha, ha!! well enjoy the rubbing sessions!!
will hopefully get to speak with you later here!! :)
....that should have read you All!!!! ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Anna's talking about 'self improvement' on her blog! It's an eye opener....so to speak!:D
Hi Mel,
That AJ is on Anna's blog discussing the need to have his undercarriage reduced as he is somewhat weighty, can't think what he might mean. :DDDDD
Maybe it's so weighty Peajay that he has a problem lifting it skywards!! ;))
How're you ...? OK I hope.
Are you still doing jewellery fairs and things? Or do you not get the time anymore with your new job?
Mind you AJ... and I know this is not a PC view - you can't help thinking that some of these countries - Sudan and Zimbabwee spring to mind - were better off in the 1950s.
All they seem to have done since then is kill one another in tribal wars and be ruled by tyrants like Mugabee.
Still, I suppose they are at least, now architects of their own disaster/destiny.
Altho' I think radical Islam is as harsh a master as any colonial one ever was.
Hi Anna
I'm doing well thank you. The fairs are just about finished for this year with my last one this saturday. It's been a hard year with some real bummers, hence the other job.
How's life with you? Mr A started his new job yet?
Hi Anna,
I see you've found a rather juicy Royal story!:)
Do you think I'll get a response about my proposals?:D
Hi all,
ended up being gone most of yesterday between doctor appts and grocery shopping :(
what's this about AJ's undercarriage??! ;)
Anna, you're right it's not PC, and they probably Did have a better infrastructure and system of things with colonial influence! At least in India, they stopped women being thrown live on funeral pyres and such! :/
That's my twa pence, tho I'm no Imperialist!! (if that's the right word?? :D)
so where's the chat going on, tho I'm late for the party....darn this need for sleep!!! :))
Hi Mel,
It's on the UK and Scotland sites - there's a photo of Big Lugs as a wee boy! :)
You know, funerals could be improved upon in the west eh?
Hi Melanie... wakey wakey :))
AJ... what is that Lovatt woman on about on the Royal story ?
I think we've seen her on there before ... is she the one who's got Charlie and Liz as her 'myspace' friends?
:D :D
Do you want the artefacts or can I have them?
I fancy a bit of St Andrew's jaw bone - it would look nice on the mantle piece!:DD
I remember her from before too, and her website is a cracker!
will have a look but have to see the SgtMjr off to work, if I don't get back for a bit :)
Maybe I could nab a bit of his toenail... or something ! YUK!
I bet she writes letters to Buck House and they file them away under 'N' for Nutter!! :D
Hopefully speak later ... if anyone's about! :D
Try the Lovatt woman 'My Space' if you get the chance Melanie and Peajay... its far out!! :D
Scotsman royal story for link
will do Anna, but I'm in trouble with the SgtMjr today, forgot to wash the whites.... :(
will try to get some blogging in, in between the have tos...can't get in trouble twice!! :( :)))
AJ..Archduke James of Fife....check out the article, Anna!!
Hi all,
have to work today, so will hopefully catch ya all later!!
Hi all :))
Had a bit of a nightmare tonight... after getting a 'nit' letter home from school... I thought I'd better check KK's hair... AARGH!!!
He had them!! :(((
So, we've been having a family 'comb thro' and hopefully the little gits have gone (didn't find any in mine or Mr A's)... but it was a disgusting process :(
We were like a family of chimps grooming each other :(
Gross... Mr A starts his new job on Mon... he popped into town this am to get some new suits and shirts etc..... be just like the thing if he was all dressed up and gave the rest of his colleagues 'nits'!! :D
Anyway, I'll have to keep checking KK's hair ... I've sent for some tea tree oil... which is supposed to be a good detterant so fingers crossed!
Just think, AJ, you've got all this to look forward to when the Mish starts school ! :(
Anyone itching yet??? :D
For detterant read detterent! :D
Thank you for sharing that with us Anna, scratch scratch! I remember the good old days of the 'nit lady' coming to the school to check every ones hair, shame the government did away with yet another invaluable service. Did you know you can buy little zap combs which electrocute the blighters. :DD
ooh, thanks for the itchy morning!! :) ype, had a go round once with those little, uh, buggers... ;)))
hey, it's the weekend coming...maybe we'll decorate, or at least get some shopping finished up....
sorry I've had the busy blues...but it does seem to be catching of late!!
hope yer all well, and staying warm!!! :)))
Hi all....wishing you a fun weekend!!!
AJ????!!!!!!!!!!! :DD
...stork spotted circling over a certain house in Fife...news pending...... ;DDDDDDDDDDD
Hi Melanie
That's good eyesight you have there.
How's life treating you and yours and did you sort out the whites for the SgtMjr?
haha...I've ben eatin ma carrots!!! ;DDD
gosh, yes, the whites....heaven forbid I fail in my household duties for a second!! ;)))))
Actually, I hung up the household hat for about two weeks...had enough....let them go at it themselves....I was done....long story short, but anyway...I'm/we're back on track...harmonious, etc!! ;DDDD
I'm glad, discord is always less desirable than harmony. Of course the comment 'well if you think you can do it better......' can often lead to retractions. :DD
I'm doing my last fair tomorrow and my next week's my last week at work before the holidays. The Product Design student has decided it's not 'fun' enough and wants to change to 2D Animation, he has driven me up the proverbial wall for the last fortnight since he made this decision. It's a shame because I was really enjoying the course and it had a very 'nice' lecturer. ;)
Hi all!!
Peajay, I posted that 'happiness fairy' on my other blog!! ;))
too bad about the class....my what an experience tho...all the things you're getting to be in on!!
Alas, it's been a busy few weeks, and I haven't had much energy to post...and the family has been less than cooperative! :( My throwing in the towel got some notice, tho the SgtMjr wasn't too happy as he is the "I vant tings in order; make it happen!" type of guy. Hopefully things are back in balance after a family talk, and I can relax about things, and also feel validated as something other than a house-drudge who also has the shift work. Sorry if that's too much whingeing...I'm sure we all have our ups and downs!! :))
We're supposed to be going up to the mountains the week of xmas....my brother mentioned dogsledding and snowmobiling and I thought that would be fun...until I saw the price....95$ per person for one hour, dogsledding, and 65$per person for an hour for the snowmobile...and there are 5 of us. :P I told the SgtMjr forget it...but I think he has it in mind to do some :/
oops, there I go whining again...sorry, like I said it's been one of those weeks....did I tell you about the happiness fairy at my other blog??!! ;DDDD
Hi all,
have to work today...will chat with ya later!! :))
Hi all
Sorry for absence :(
Been a bit busy and have been 'nursing' a cold, sore throat etc :(
So I'm missing college today - but I'm well enough to blog on here!! :D
Cheer up Melanie... I know it must get stressful being a 'juggler'. I admit to feeling it a bit myself sometimes and I've only got one little 'cherub' to mess the place up! Unless you count the big 'cherub' as well of course... who can get a bit messy as well!
Keep your chin up old girl.... and try and get your feet up occasionally as well - possibly with a nice reviving seasonal drinkie :D
Mr A started work on Mon - he looked lovely in his new suit - I quite fancied him actually ;))
We went to see the Christmas Show at KK's school last night. KK's class did an excerpt from 'A Christmas Carol' and KK played Ebenezeer Scrooge and even allowing for parental bias he was really good :))
Speak to you all later :))
Hi Anna,
Long time no type eh?
Mrs AJ gets a bit like that too! Must be a wifie thing, but she's showing no signs of slowing up, despite being preggars!:) I left a shortened list of chores today though, so I'm respectful of her predicament!:D
Will I get ma coat?
Aye AJ... get your coat hen! :D
Just as well I know that you're pampering Mrs AJ and are just joking :)
I bet you can't wait for Baby AJ to put in an appearance - must admit I'm fairly excited myself! :)
Have to say it was very good timing as well to make sure we got a Christmas baby for the blog - did you plan it that way? :D :D
Of course I did Anna! ;)
What about this reflexology business - I can get bambino no2 to boggie away just by a gentle squeeze on mrs AJ's plates of meat:)) Wouldn't have Adam and Eve'd it!
That should be "boogie away"!:DD
Oh I thought you said boggle away! I've got Boggle on the brain at the moment as I bought some games for Mr A's Nintendo DS (KK has one as well) and Boggle was among them.... I'm hooked - I can't seem to leave it alone - have to get a higher score...... need helppppppppppp!! !:D :D
Can see why all the kids can't put them down :))
Hi guys,
I know, Anna, it just seems more stressful than usual. thank you, though!!! and, chin's up!! :)))
I can't wait to know the bambino's name...surely it won't be Nicholas??!! ;)))))
funny about the elec. games...haven't been interested in playing them much...the grands went in on buying an xbox360....the games are supposed to be really fun...maybe I'll give it a try...I usually get motion sick, tho...kinda hard to play when yer feelin green!! ;)))))
Hi Melanie :))
I know I wasn't interested until I discovered the Boggle game .... that's the only one I play but I've had to give it up - it was taking over! :D
AJ and Kimba are having a spat on the Alex Salmond/Trump story in the Politics section .. go have a look it's funny! :D
wow, that kimba was going wild...of course AJ was baiting the puir thing!! ;)))
I'll be around on and off today, hopefully, so I'll check back...plus I have to look for haggi (plural of a haggis)...so I can win a scotsman calendar!! ;DDDDDDDDDDDD
Hi all!
have to work 1/2 a shift today...but that means some extra xmas money :)
so, AJ has timed it well, he gets daddy time off as well as xmas leave...I knew he was a smart'n!!! :))))
I probably won't be on later till late, after your 11pm; drat these kiddie dentanl/ortho appts!! ;)))
Have you seen the Scotsman? Their new website is really awful and the comments boards are rubbish now.
I think they're trying to get rid of us! :D
Anna, I agree, it's TERRIBLE!!!!
sometimes, change is not a good thing!!!!!
hey, fun friday!!! whatcha got planned??!! :)))
Hi Guys,
Just a quick hello today, it's the office Xmas lunch - water for AJ tho' :(((
The Scotsman is utter crap now - it's one saving grace was the style, but now they've binned that!:(( Plus I can't use any of my log-ons or even register for a new one!:((((
Have a nice Friday everyone...I will!:D
Mrs AJ is still holding on - the efface percentage isn't at a significant level yet!:) Wow...the things a boy learns!:DDD
Hi all!!
I was able to log on as Lanna, but for a moment, I thought my sign name for the account would show instead...I haven't tried my other accounts (the banned ones).
sorry about the water only, AJ...but at least your office cohorts will be spared the beer-fueled SHrek ;DDDDDD
well, it would seem you have some time yet, if she is not effaced or dilated!! Any signs of contractions as yet??!! ;))
Have a great weekend all, I'm working tomorrow, if I don't catch up with any of ya!! :DDDDD
Hi all,
What is effaced? I expect I must have experienced at some time - when pregnant but no idea what it means!! :D :D
Care to enlighten me AJ???
Water - crikey how trendy are you? :D :D
Melanie - I managed to log on as Joanna, but only to moan about the new layout so I've probably been banned by now.
Altho' I've had a quick look today and it looks better.. at least people seem to be able to do paragraphs and longer posts now! :))
I'll check it out properly later.
Hi all!
I was able to log on as my original name of 'melanie'...wow, that one has been banned forever.
Anna, effaced is the thinning of the cervix, that with the dilation means baby's coming!!!
howdy to your Monday!! Whatcha got planned??!!
the scotsman is better for posting, but haven't found anything interesting as yet.
Hi Mel,
The Scotsman is still a bit iffy, but maybe my work machine doesn't like it! I can now post though!:))
Are you all set for Xmas?
Your definition of "effaced" is bang on! Imagine me knowing something that Anna didn't know about!! Wonders will never cease! :DD
Hi Andy,
Xmas, well ah... ;) Actually, I was going to give my family coal, but they 'shaped up' and started makin momma feel better!! ;DDDD
actually, almost done, with a few stocking stuffers still to get!! (stockings are my favorite to fill with little fun gifts, etc!! :D)
Hi all
I've finished at Uni and just have a few little jobs to do before Christmas arrives. Hope all is going well.
My elf name turned out to be Pixie Mince Meat!! :D
Hi all!!
well, when I typed in Melanie, it was Pixie eggnog breath...but when I typed in Lanna, it was Spicy snow bunny (not kidding! ;DDDD)
Well, I'm back after rustlin up some grub for the SgtMjr's breakfast....
it's a blustery day with a hint a rain...perfect shopping weather :/ ;)))) Have to finish up some things, as well as pick up some kiddie winter warms for our trip to the snowy mountains next week
hopefully will catch you gals on later tonite....not you AJ...you have preggo tendin duties!! ;DDDx
You have to say that Spicy Snow Bunny is a lot better than Eggnog Breath. :DDD
Here has been a grey day with biting wind. Perfect for not staying in when the decorating's being done. :/
Hi all!!
I agree, Peajay...but at least it was only eggnog breath!
I have to work today, so I will speak with ya'll later!! :DDDD
Hi Ladies,
We're still in a state of splendid anticipation.
D Day has arrived, but so far there's nae show fae the incoming bairn!:D Note the military jargon! Could be a Christmas baby afterall!:((
Hope you are all well and I hope Santa is good to you!
Fingers crossed for the baby... I wonder if he/she'll hang on till Christmas Day :))
Sorry, again, for absence but its been a bit hectic the last couple of days - work and school Christmas Carol fundraiser (I chair the committee) kept me fairly busy the last few days :))
Still end of term today and I'm off out tonight for staff Christmas dinner - I'm not driving so I might have a little drinky poo - just to be sociable, but I'll behave ;))
Thanks for enlightening me about effaced - I thought it might be the technical term for something down there!! :D :D
Canny wait for that bairn to get here :))) Get a move on Mrs AJ !
We'll need a heads up after you've touched base with OC Ops (Mrs AJ)on the current op state and an updated ETA for the bairn... all times Zulu.... Over! :D :D :D
Hi all!!!
funny Anna!!! :))
Well, here we are aunties three, tapping our feet impatiently for the sweet one to arrive!!!! ;DDDDDD
Well, is mum still the word or are the name choices settled, AJ??
Here's some help, just in case.... ;DDD
All's quiet on the eastern front.....
AJ?????!!!!!! :///
We're heading out to the mountains early Sunday, but I'll try and be back on here before we leave...:)
Hi all, any news on Junior yet?
Just about to ask the same myself Peajay?? :))
Mighty quiet on the Scottish front...AJ must be pretty busy :))
Do you think Junior's popped oot yet then Anna and AJ's up to his gunnels in nappies?
Have a great time Melanie, if we don't get to converse before Christmas have a very good one. :x
Hi all!!!
here for a quick hello!!!
Have a great and wonderful Christmas!!!!!
Will be back next week!!! :)
AJ... any news yet?
Ditto Anna, have a good one.
Phew......what a Christmas Eve!!! Mrs AJ gave me a baby son - 3am and a 9 lb whopper too! Mum was a real star and everything went as we hoped, and both are utterly fantastic!:)))
Hope you all have a great Christmas and I really do miss our chat. That says it all about my cyberpals!:))))
Hi Peajay,
You must have some sort of gift!:D
I'm busy wrapping now, haven't had a chance up until now!:DD
Have a good one Peajay! X
The sincerest congratulations to you and Mrs AJ on the birth of your son. All best wishes to you both on this very special day.
Sláinte. X
Fantastic... Congratulations - so delighted that everything went well :))
He sounds like a right wee whopper!! :D
Fab News
Best wishes to you all :))
xxxxxxxxxxxxx for baby AJ
We're cyber aunties
Just knew it was gonna be a boy!
Congratulations, AJ!!!
back into town today, and this was great news!!! :DDDDD
will speak with you all soon!!!
Ps I put some 'snow' photos on my other blog
Hi all!
have to work new years eve, so I won't be here for your countdown....SO.....
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Athblian shona duit
I hope 2008 brings all you could wish for. :X
Happy New Year to you all :))
Hi all!!
Everyone's recovered, I hope??!!!
AJ...how's nappy duty coming along??!!!! :DDDDD
here's a fun quiz
A belated Happy New Year to everyone!
AS you know, I'm a very proud Dad of a beautiful baby boy named Cohen. Who, unlike the Mish, is very chilled oot indeed - must be a female thing!;)
Blogging time has disappeared almost to zero, but I'm back at work on the 21st, so I'll pick things up then!:)) Unless they find out what I actually do all day in the meantime!:D
Hope you and your respective families had a great holiday!:)
The Recipe For Peajay
3 parts Humor
2 parts Elegance
1 part Sexiness
Splash of Panache
Not to sure if I agree with at least 3 parts. :D
Hi AJ,
you're well missed here, but with a very wonderful reason!!! :))
I'm sure we'll all resume our play once things in the new year have settled in!! kisses to the wee one, and the Mish as well!! :)x
Hi Peajay,
not sure if this name thing is very 'scientific', but here goes
.... 'Melanie'....
3 parts Fascination
2 parts Tease
1 part Uniqueness
Splash of Ambition
Sip slowly on the beach
Hi Anna,
waiting for your name 'fun'... :)
AJ...you have nappy duty, you're excused!! ;DDDDDDx
Like the name for baby AJ.... very nice :))
Give him a kiss from me as well... and don't forget Mish ... don't want her to feel left out :))
Interesting what you say about him being more laid back than her ... wonder if that's because you and Mrs AJ are less 'new parentish' with him and he's picking up the vibes ?
Have to say that both my sisters thought that KK was a very laid back baby in comparison to both their daughters ... so maybe its a gender thing :))
Maybe, men in general are less likely to stress than women...... actually I think Mr A would confirm that - about me anyway!!! :D
Hope you're all well and enjoyed your Christmas/New Year celebrations etc. Have to say it seems like ages away now and I was a bit poorly over the holidays - cold, sore throat etc... which seemed particularly persistent
:(( But have recovered now... just in time to get the next bug now that KK has gone back to school ....
Speak to you all later and I'll have a go at the recipe thing Melanie :D
Thanks for all your good wishes pals!
Now check your personal e-mail for a squint at Fife's finest baby since the Mish!:DD
You're right...it's a male thing!:D
Great picture AJ... thanks very much :))
He's a right wee smasher :))
Thank you so much AJ for the picture he's a real bonny boy who looks very much like yourself, but I'm sure he'll grow out of that soon. It could be the lack of barnet or the romper suit that does it! :DDD
Hi all!!
fantastic photo of the wee Shrekling,AJ!! Cohen is adorable!!! :DDDx
I agree about the 'layed back boy'...mine was a piece of cake compared with my girls....now the teen years.... :/ ;))
I've been busy working extra, and trying to get over a cold...seems the flu bug is going around.
I miss you three and our chat!! :)x
talk with ya soon!!
Here's a fun one as well....
oh, the things I escape to, inbetween math, science and grammar.... :/ :))))
oops, yes, the mind is there...just distracted with the interruptions
Your Life Path Number is 7
Your purpose in life is to find truth and meaning
You are very spiritual, and you are interested in the mysteries of life.
You are quite analytical and a great thinker. You have many theories and insights.
A life of solitude is perfect for you. You need time to think and do things your way.
In love, you are quite charming. You attract many with your confidence and wit.
While you enjoy being alone, sometimes you take it to an extreme.
You can become too isolated, shutting out loved ones and friends.
Express yourself a little bit more, and you'll be surprised where it takes you!
Mine was:
You Belong in 1966
You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too.
You Belong in 1965
You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too.
Your Life Path Number is 11
Your purpose in life is to inspire others
Your amazing energy draws people to you, and you give them great insight in return.
You hold a great amount of power over others, without even trying.
You have the makings of an inventor, artist, religious leader, or prophet.
In love, you are sensitive and passionate. You connect with your partner on a very deep level.
You have great abilities, but you are often way too critical of yourself.
You don't fit in - and instead of celebrating your differences, you dwell on them.
You have high expectations of yourself. But sometimes you set them too high and don't achieve anything.
Hi all,
Hopefully we'll all get back into the blogging lark soon.... however, 'real life' seems to be intervening at the moment :) and a dodgy internet connection on my side ! :(
Anyway hope you're all well....anyone been on the Scotsman lately?
Btw: Just finished a cracking book... which I found 'unputdownable' and its been a while since I had one of those.
'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy...who is an American writer and won the Pulitizer prize with this book last year.
Its an excellent read on a subject which I'm not usually that interested in ... post apolyptic (sp?) .. it never specifies in the book whether its global warming, a nuclear war or a meteor that has destroyed the earth.. but its a great story about 2 survivors - father and young son. Recommend it :))
Try 'post apocalyptic' !!! :D
Hi all!
Anna, not much Scotsman activity for me, although I've been reading here and there...noticed Doreen's back :)
I've been working more hours lately, then trying to see to domestic things...I'm usually on anymore, when you're all tucked in yer beddy-bys :(
We'll be up and running soon enough, I think. We make a great cyber team, and I think we'll get back on track soon enough!! :)))
bye for now! :)x
......did I scare ya???!!! ;DDDD
Yes!!!! :DDD
It's very quiet round here, much like the accompanying ghost town. How's life treating you cousin?
Hello All,
Phew...I've made it back to work today...so I can start picking up my cyber life back together!
This baby lark fairly curtails the amount of time one can fritter away on-line!:( Now I'm back at work, I can catch up and find out what ma cyberpals have been up to!:D
The wee fella is doing everything he should and seems to be thriving! The Mish Mash is coping well despite the intrusion on her life and is back at nursery today.
Mrs AJ reckons it was all a piece of cake and wants another two bambinos. I'm currently looking for an overseas post in Micronesia, taming Cannibals and wrestling sharks (it's gotta be easier) :DDDD
Did the book you read mention if Micronesia was obliterated? :)
My review has to be the film - The Last King of Scotland(Xmas pressie). Forrest Whittaker was excellent as Idi Amin and the story was a really clever way of depicting his many little foibles and such!:)
You guys probably have seen the film, but if you haven't, I'd certainly recommend it.
I'm having difficulty with my Yahoo account today:( Can't seem to send any e-mails!:(
Hi all...
Nice to see you back AJ... and getting your teeth back into the cyber world.
Noticed you were getting slagged off on the Scotsman ... they seem to have missed you!!! :D :D
Glad that family are doing well - blimey sounds like Mrs AJ's got the bit between her teeth now - its going to be like the Waltons at your place in a few year's time :)
How's it going Peajay and Melanie? We've all been having a rest from the blogging lark.. time to get back in the saddle?? Do you think? :D :D
Just re-read this lot and I'm starting to sound a bit horsy!! Neigh that whinny be right surely? :D :D :D
What...me getting slagged off.....never!!:) What scoundrels should I be on the look out for?
Didn't get a chance to keep tabs on the site!
I can't remember who it was but someone was complaining about a footie board you were on and accusing you of being an Irish nationalist.... or something :)
Kimba was having a go at you as well... but I think she has a go at everyone, so not worth worrying about :)
Speak to you later... hope the weans are sleeping well? :)
Where is Micronesia?
Am I going to regret asking this? :D :D :D
Hi all!
Good to have you back here AJ...but sorry you have to be back at work!! :)
Anna, Micronesia is somewhere inbetween Macronesia and Polynesia, right next to Amnesia...which is why I've forgotten where the heck on the globe it is! ;)
Hi Peajay,
funny, when I put the 'boo' on there, it didn't even occur to me that we were still 'in the ghost town' :)
talk with ya all soon!! :))
howdy all!! have to work Wed/Thurs so will catch up with ya later...
AJ, saw you on the Scotsman....tsk, tsk...and saying the English were such lushes......
here's one for ya....
...."Sally was driving home from one of her business trips in Northern Arizona when she saw an elderly Navajo woman walking on the side of the road.
As the trip was a long and quiet one, she stopped the car and asked the Navajo woman if she would like a ride.
With a silent nod of thanks, the woman got into the car.
Resuming the journey, Sally tried in vain to make a bit of small talk with the Navajo woman. The old woman just sat silently, looking intently at everything she saw, studying every little detail, until she noticed a brown bag on the seat next to Sally.
"What in bag?" asked the old woman.
Sally looked down at the brown bag and said, "It's a bottle of wine. I got it for my husband."
The Navajo woman was silent for another moment or two.
Then speaking with the quiet wisdom of an elder, she said -- Good trade."
Happy Friday All!!!!!
posting anywhere on the Scotsman?!
I should be around today if anyone is at their keyboard later...
talk with ya all SOON!!! :)))
miss ya!!
hey, almost forgot...happy Birthday, Rabbie Burns!
AJ will be busy toasting with a late nite milk bottle!! ;)))
put some nice songs on my other blog....
I've yet to make it to a dinner...not that I'd want any Haggis! ;)
Hi All,
Welcome to yer Monday, hope yer weekend was fun!
There's a big blustery storm coming in bringing us snow and rain...not sure what the wind chill is right now, but I think when I go out this morning, I might well blow away, the wind is that bad...will have to put out a safety line to hold onto to get to my car!! ;)
Dr D sent me this to watch. It's a pretty fun vid...
Is anyone going to be around Tues or Wed???
Hi Guys,
Hope life is good for you.
As Melanie quite rightly suggests, it's all nappies and poo in my household, but Mrs AJ has a monopoly on the feeding! Ma man boobs canny produce!:DD
Haven't spotted you guys since I made my comeback on the Scotsman, although I've been heavily involved in some petty and juvenile political squabbles. I know that don't turn you guys on!:D
HI all,
right AJ, politics, phew... :P
check this quiz out...my first round was a purple brain..I know these are silly quizzes,
have to work a half a shift for a co-worker, but I'll be around for your eve, and your morn Wed
Hi Melanie
I took the quiz on Storyteller's Blog and was purple brain too. Spooky, hey! :DDD
good morning to your Wednesday!!!
Peajay, Does that mean we are creatively complex in our simplicity??! ;)
Time for some new photos...I'm getting spoiled, and don't want to scroll down so far.... ;)))
AJ, man boobs?! hahaha...
howdy all!!
how's yer Wed goin??!!
Well, the SgtMjr and I made it to 20yrs...phew, hard to believe, as we were so 'young and dumb'starting out!!!
Congrats on the 20 years anniversary Melanie :)
Sorry for absence - I haven't forgotten you all.. but I've had a few probs with our internet connection (again). Mr A is back on the case.. but has less time nowadays since he went back to work.
I've also been working more hours due to colleague being 'off-sick' and there just seems to be a lot of stuff going on lately!
I will have to get back onto the Scotsman as well - keep AJ in line!! :D
We've booked this year's holiday and we are going to Walt Disney World Florida at the end of May. Well I guess it has to be done sometime - KK is at the right age now to get the most out of it - so we are looking forward to that.
In the unlikely event that you're down 'Florida' way in May, Melanie - we could catch up!! :D :D.
Don't worry I know how big the States are - its like you going to Russia and hoping to see us in the UK !! :D :D :D Still, its the same continent :)
Speak to you guys later (practising my American accent!!)
Hi Anna!!
There's always the chance that I may be in Florida as I have family there ;) Your holiday sounds like it will be fun! :)
geez, is my "American" that obvious that I've been rubbin off on ya'll! ;D
Well, pals...I've posted on the women and large breasts article(diabetes supposed link), and the Amer. politics article
AJ, what do you think of the anti-Braveheart article? Wasn't sure where it was going with the politics slant...
talk with yous later!! :)
I'm around today if you want to chat...stayed up late last nite, so I missed your mid-day...but it felt oh so good to sleep in, however unintentionally! :)
Left a few comments on the Rugby articles - knew the usual rabble would be gloating about the English defeat..... so I thought I'd add my twopennorth about the Scottish one - gotta love the French!! :D :D :D
Hope everyone's OK?
ugh, mental note to self...during the rugby weekends doNot log onto blog until my evening's last game is watched!!!!! :p
Anna, just joking, of course...but for me, the matches are delayed...England at noon today, and Scotland not till 8pm
I did get to see your lovely Ronan play quite well...although, the Irish just as easily could have lost the 2nd half!! :)
Hi Melanie
Sorry I forgot you don't get to see it till later :(
I missed the Irish match - we were out - but had to rush back for the England/Wales one...... wish we hadn't bothered! :(
My ex-husband was Welsh (and passionate about Welsh rugby) and it really gets my goat when England lose to Wales. (Can't stand the thought of him having a good time :D )
Anyway I've fallen out with Eamon on the rugby board - but we've made it up now - and he wants to marry me - Bless! :D :D
Can't seem to be able tp get logged on on the sports section!:( I'm maybe banned after my perfectly innocent question from last night - "how come the French uppercrust bumboys are better than ours?"
The establishment are keeping me oot!:D
I've replied to Anna on the Scottish notes story!!:))
btw, I'm fine Anna, how are you?
I'm fine thanks AJ - hope you are too?... ooher bet you have been banned - or maybe not - the Scotsman website is a bit tricky since they changed it and it doesn't help that my Broadband router only works when it feels like it! :(
Everyone's taking you seriously on the banknotes board..... I bet they've got you pegged as a right nutter!! :D :D
Still it livens things up a bit :D
AJ... when you get a minute in your busy (blogging) day!! :D
Pop over to Peajay's blog and check out the pics of her cousin on there :D
Sorry Melanie :) but it had to be done ....:))
I would certainly hope so!;D I don't come up with that stuff so I'm classed a a goody two shoes bible bashing conservative!:D
I thought the "vandalising the Royal apartments" would've been better recieved!:DDD
I liked your Chris Paterson input.
That's one of those photgraphs that comes back and bites you!! :DDD
A handsome couple, despite the 'jumblesale' look! :DDD
Congrats on the double decade Mel and TB!
btw, that's a cracking wee site Peajay has created.
Hi All,
'jumble sale'?!! now, now, we had been traveling out of a rucksack for weeks, and ah didnae have any make up with me at the time!! ;)))
how are you Anna??!! hmmm, I wonder how AJ is enjoying his new digs... in the doghouse!! ;D
can't quite find the story you're on, but then I haven't had my coffee...and everything's still fuzzy!! ;D
hey, I was taking the romance quiz via the Scotsman...what does 'catch them out' sort of translate to, is it positive or negative...as in 'send a secret valentine to catch your partner out'...as in are they seeing someone else? heh, heh, they also asked if you're sending a secret Valentine for a wind up...
...another silly quiz thingy...
You Were a Lynx
You are a great knower and keeper of secrets.
A bit psychic, you can bring out hidden truths.
HI all!!
how are you this mid week hump day?! ;)
never mind the quiz...it's random, I was also a Racoon
posting anywhere??
saw you AJ, on the Salmond one...but I figgurred as much! ;)
Hmmm, what could it tell us that you were both Wolf & Raccoon. ;D
I'm a Giraffe
You are a high achiever - able to reach things others can't.
A great communicator, you are good at getting past superficialities.
Which is a shame as I'm a bit of a short erse! :D
Happy Friday to you all!! :)x
Hi all :))
Hope you're all OK and enjoying the weekend?
Hi all!!
just want to share something, well...maybe you just had to be there..but I'll try convey a picture....
The SgtMjr, the tween and I were watching the USA Sevens rugby...New Zealand had won, and were doing their War Chant.
To my discreet delight, they had taken their shirts off prior to doing this...which in my thinking, seeing those muscles, made it so much more realistic in picturing them, well, as warriors...so, I said outloud, "wow, they really are believable!"
....to the SgtMjr's shock, that I would say such a thing in front of the himself and the tween, he repeated what (he thought) I had said....."wow, they really are breedable?!" :/ :DDDDDDD
Well, I'm sure you can imagine my reaction, to 'my men' reacting...etc etc.... :DDDDD
Breedable? :D :D
Not all at the same time surely Melanie... that would be exhausting!! :D :D
Hope everyone is well - no sign of you all on the Scotsman .... but I've commented on the oil rig story... surprised not to see AJ on there! :D
Hi Anna,
I'll check that one out later, I've been able to indulge in my love for Charlie and Phil o the white stag story!!:DD I've also mentioned you on the BAFTA story!:)
Breedable? I bet you really did say that, ya rascal! Put it down to age! Ask Anna about it!:DDD
I'm off >>>>>>>>>>
AH.... ain't you sweet AJ.... check out this link if you want to see what he said ..Lanna! :D
I quite like the White Stag story - I was hoping to get a few animal rights people excited about it.... for a bit of an argument! :D
Thought your comment about Phil's trophies was priceless btw!! :D
See you scored a try on the Rugby story too! :D
I keep chipping away Joanna :D
That oil rig story is screaming at you to take a hard boiled feminist stance! Go get them girl!:D
I'm tempted by the oil rig story - but I don't feel I can defend the silly cow who had the dream in the first place.... so my heart widnae be in it! :D
American Mark sounds a bit pompous doesn't he?
have to agree with you there, Anna...can't believe all that 'cause of a dream and some hearsay. :( Well, good practice drill???
I'll try to join in, this morn, but kinda busy with the have tos...still, brightens ma day to see the banter!! :)))))))x
Hi Mel,
The banter seems to be picking up again, but my opportunities at home are almost zero!
Go on, give 'em a good old cyber kick in the chuckies!:D
AJ... I was hoping Tweedmouth might pop back - now he can outdo anyone at being pompous.... he won't appreciate having his grammatical skills questioned! :D :D
How're you hanging Melanie? Is Sgt Mgr speaking to you yet.. or is he still mulling over the breedable comment?
thanks for the link, Anna, I commented...seriously, the music soundtrack came up...the seven holding down the fort, you me AJ Peajay JG Doreen Weeshooie (haven't seen the auld man in a while..if you see him, say hi for me)
AJ, that was thoughtful of you to make the comment in the first place!
So, AJ...whatever happened to being able to multi-task??? I find it hard to believe that a man of your calibre couldn't pop on here for a few??!! ;)))))))
...but I think, we wifies do honestly understand!! :)x
Well, the SgtMjr is speaking to me, but I think the tween is still blushing!! :DDDDD I hope the child hasn't been warped!! ;DDDDD
I should be on later, but you might all be in your beddy-bys (your 11-ish)
Anna, who cares about being exhausted, what a way to go!! :DD
Hi all, sorry not been about much, have purchased a new laptop which takes some setting up, but all that work at uni ought to be for something.
Student has transferred from product design to animation so I'm now learning Flash. It's all going well apart from high maintenance student. :/
howdy all!! Haven't looked at the Scotsman, yet...let me know if you're around!!
ps check back at the edith story
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