Eldest daughter took this last fall. It's of the Eastern Sierras; that's an elk herd you see there...they're protected, and the local farmers/ranchers are subsidized for the alfalfa that the herds eat as they move thru the area. The herd is really neat to see.
Nice pics :))
Did your other half manage to get one of the elks for dinner Melanie?
Are we on here now then?
We sure are, young Anna!
It's been a quiet week so far, hope everyone is well and making the best of it.
Hi Anna & AJ, Mel's Grandfather passed away on Tuesday so she is away attending the funeral at the moment.
Hope all is well for you both.
Hi Peajay - :)
Hi AJ :)
Sorry to hear about your Grandfather, Melanie, my sincere condolences :)
It has been a quiet week, so far, I've been kept busy with some family stuff which is going on at the moment. My mother is ill, the doc found a small lump in her intestine this week and she is going into hospital for some follow-up tests next week.
We're all a bit worried but hoping for the best. What else can you do?
Speak to you all later :)
Hello AJ.... enemy ? :D :D :D or should that be friendly foe?
Ah you have to laugh don't you? I thought the match was pretty boring to be honest .... and England were poor. Scotland were better than they have been but not as great as some are making out.
Anyway, did you even watch it?
I notice there's a chap on the rugger story who wants to do unspeakable things to you!!!;))
Well done, you've still got it!:DD
I watched the last 10 mins, but by all accounts, it was the type of game that would get rugby stopped!
At least good triumphed over evil!:DD
Thanks for that.
I remember Mel saying things weren't good a while back. It doesn't matter how prepared we think we are for these moments, it always hits you hard.
Hopefully Mel and her family can get through this difficult time. My thoughts are with them.
Howdy all!!
I'm back safe and sound. Thanks for your well wishes!! :))))
It's hard to put into words, but it all was very wonderful in the sense of seeing my father's side of the family all at once. It's more what I remember from my early childhood, as I didn't see them much (all together) once we moved to Calif.
you probably know, but your aunt was there, as well as her son, and a grandson (the tall ginger one ;)) It was very good to meet them, and good to see your aunt again. :)
will speak with ya'll soon!! :))
Mel :)
That comment on the rugger story actually made me blush!! :D
Hard to believe I know!
The whisky story is getting a bit low down in the barrel tho'.
wow, Anna....I'll definitely have to put aside my have to's that I'm doing at the moment and partake in the reading of the blush inducing comment...please, do tell, which article!!! ;))))))
Mel :)
http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/sport/Hadden-rewarded-after-bringing-in.3859426.jp Post 84
Hi Melanie... I baled out after that one :)
Hope you're well?
Hi Anna,
I'm doing quite well, thanks...hard to put into words this last weekend, but it was all very, very healing/good.
My thoughts are with you, with your mum! :)
Mel :)
Thanks Mel:)
She's got a abdomen ultra sound scan on Wed and a full MRI scan on Friday, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that nothing untoward shows up.
Well, please know that my thoughts are with you. :)
Hope your news is good. It's the hardest thing to see, once indestructible parents, struggle in later years!
Re the whisky story,
You know, I don't think I even mentioned whisky once in my juvenile outpourings!:) Straight in aboot the Kimba!!:D
Hiya Mel,
Glad you're back, safe and sound:)
Thanks again Mel :)
Thanks to you too AJ :)
You're grand cyber pals :)
You included Peajay:) altho' we don't hear from you as much as we'd like to.
Thank you Anna, I wish I had more time. However, I'm off for 3 weeks from the 14th so you never know I may be around with my fourpenneth yet. :)
Hope all goes well on Wednesday with the scan.
Hi Mel, Aunt said she would be attending but with daughter and maybe son. Glad all went well (if you know what I mean).
"There are two theories about how to win an argument with a woman. Neither one works. "
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day."
funny of the day....just wanted to say howdy!! :)
Mel :)
ps AJ,
'turning and running'??!....maybe you were on a wind up, darlin....but that's not the average American response, at least where me and mine hail from :)))
(politicians in all, maybe, but they're a whole different breed)
Hi all!
Have to work today and tomorrow, so wishing all a great rest of the week, if I don't get to chat with ya!! :)
Mel :)
I WAS of course really referring to the American Govt Mel!!:)
But I'll take a spanking for my insolence!:DD
hahaha, AJ....to the corner of the kitchen with you...I'll be there in a minute to mete out the thrashing!! ;DD
howdy to your Monday!!
hopefully you're all happy and busy!!
As with you all, I've had to leave off the blog/internet browsing due to unfortunate real world work, and some some fun stuff, too!! ;DDDDD
catch ya later!! :))
Mel :)
Hi Mel,
Hope all is ok with you and yours.
Am on hols now so will try blogging more but you know how these things work out.
Hi all,
Well, we had some bad news on Thursday. The lump my mum has is cancer and after she had the scan it has also shown up in her liver.
So, we have been told that the doctors will do a cauterisation technique using radiology and get rid of the tumour that way. Then, she will have chemotherapy afterwards.
We are hoping they will carry out the procedure early next week.
Anyway as you will understand, I have had a bit of an emotional time of it the past few days. My mum has been much stronger than me! However, she was a nurse and has seen many people with cancer, so is more matter of fact about it.
Mr A has been brilliant ... very supportive, so I am very lucky in that respect.
Take care all :))
Will try to be more cheery next time.
Hi Anna
I'm sorry to hear your news but hope that with everyone being positive your Mum will win through. Thank goodness you have Mr A, it's at times like these that you need that support.
You don't have to put on a cheery front here, we are friends and friends understand the good times and the bad.
Hi Anna,
please know that my thoughts are with you in this....and as Peajay said, no need for the cheery front here...friends are for the good times as well as the bad!
Mel :)
Hi Mel
How's life treating you?
Hi Peajay,
a busy bee at the moment :/ :)
I have to work Wed/thurs, but hopefully will catch up on Friday.
Mel :)
almost Friday...... :)
thinking of ma pals, wishing them a good day!! :)))
Mel :)
Hi all,
Hope everyone's enjoying a well earnt day off. Although that usually means decorating or gardening kicks in as an alternative to work.
Hi Peajay,
so far it's been enjoyable, but the kiddies are still tucked away sleeping in, and the SgtMjr's off to work already...another sip of coffee, then I need to start my day...and yes, there's plenty to tend to...but I hope to take in some leisurely reading at some point in time today!!! :)
Hi Mel
Hope the day's going well. Mine just about over so doing my reading and relaxing now. The SgtMjr's been very quiet with his blog lately, is everything ok?
Hi ma pals!
Happy Easter!! :)
Mel :)
Hi Guys,
Sorry I've been away, but I had leave to take, and the domestic duties severely curtailed my blogging!:(
My thoughts are with you pal!
Take care X
Hi all!!
all is well, just super busy. The SgtMjr's free time for blogging has been replaced by some R&R in the form of xbox360 via the internet; which means others from all over play the game at the same time. the SgtMjr and the tween have formed a team with a Texan, a Scot and an Englander. It's pretty funny to hear them all talking, scheming and planning. :))))
Hi AJ,
What's this, no blogging?! It wouldn't be due to preventing crayon marks everywhere and terribly smelly nappy bombs??!! ;D
Hi Anna,
thinking of you and yours! :)x
Mel :)
Good to hear you're okay though, even if you abandoned us in favour of leisure.
Hi Mel
Is the scheming concerning world domination via the xbox? :D Boys and their toys.
haha, Peajay, yes!! the tween has figured out how to go 'behind the scenes' in the game, in a glitch or something, and takes full advantage. boys and their toys!! :)
So it's winning by stealth, espionage and sabotage. Is that right? Is that fair? Is it even ethical? Do they care? Nah!! :DD
Thanks for the good wishes and thoughts everyone :))
I'm going to need them over the next few weeks/months. My mum has terminal cancer in the bowel, liver, lung and lymph nodes... so there is very little they can do for her apart from palliative care and maybe some chemo. She's 74 which doesn't seem that old nowadays, and anyway, until lately, she's always looked and seemed younger.
We are all fairly devastated, but are trying to stay cheerful for her sake. She is being amazing and although she was very shocked that it had spread so much with hardly any symptoms seems to be coming to terms with it. The doctor thinks she may have had it for a year or maybe even two. Talk about silent but deadly. She may have up to 6 months left but he couldn't say for sure. We'll have to take every day as it comes and hope that its easy for her at the end.
I picked up her two sisters at the railway station today - they have come down from Scotland and Northumberland and are staying for a while.
Anyway speak to you all later.... :)) Take care.
Hi Anna
I'm so very sorry to hear your sad news. My prayers are with you and all your family in the difficult times ahead.
Hi Anna,
I'm so sorry to hear such news...again, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
If you need to come and just 'sit and talk' awhile...I think you know that we're here for you!!
Mel :)x
Hi Anna,
That's dreadful news, but it sounds like your Mum will get a lot of love from you and your family.
That love and family unity will provide some source of comfort for her in the difficult times ahead.
If you're a 'chip of the old block', then your Mum is truly a beautiful person.
Take care you.
Andy X
Hi guys..... I'm crying a bit at your comments, good wishes and prayers they are all very much appreciated ... thanks very much you are the best people :))
Speak to you all again soon... now where did I put that goddamm tissue! :D :D
Peajay I noticed on my blog - I just went for a quick look as I haven't been on there for ages - that you asked about my email address. You are most welcome to ask Melanie for it as she has it. :))
Thanks for your prayers, Peajay and Melanie, its comforting to think so many people care enough to say they are praying for my mum (and us). We now have most of the Christian denominations on board, a Muslim and a Sikh....so I think God is getting an earbending. :) It is all very appreciated and touching - its hard to put into words how much of a comfort it is.
As for my old heathen pal AJ... your thoughts are so kind and I know they come from the heart and mean as much as prayers. Thanks me old mucker!! :D
Take care all of you :)
Hi all!
Good morning to your Monday. I had to work a stretch there, but I'm around today.
:) Mel
Hi Mel, how's your eldest concerning Rommell, hope she's ok.
We're at the considering stage of having Lara's bits sorted but she's about 11-ish and not supported by the gamekeeper for funding or doing (they don't do that to any of there dogs male or female). It's just that she's due to season again very soon but has just finished another phantom pregnancy from the last time and runs the risk of pyometra each time.
Hi Peajay,
thanks, the teen is doing well enough and doting on our other dog. (but still chokes up with missing him, as we're doing as well)
The good news is that Rommel's breeder has a cousin of Rommel's that needs a home. He's 14 months and the previous owner wasn't doing well with him....they can be quite a bit of dog to handle if you're not used to the size...anyway, the breeder would love for us to take him...and we've agreed. He's not our Rommel, but he has some of the same wonderful characteristics of the blood line.
...sorry for your problem, probably best to get the bits sorted...but what a pain...for both of you! ;)
Hi all! Just wanted to keep in touch to say howdy!!
I should be around for Monday if anyone wants a chat. :)
Hi Mel,
I'm back to work today braving the cold. Hope you have a good day.
Hi Peajay,
what?? so soon :p wow, that went fast.....but then it always does
:( :)
Hi Anna,
thinkin of you! :)
where you at, you've been way too quiet!
Sorry to hear about the doggie woes! It's never fun when the beasts pop their clogs. My two are both 8, so there's a wee bit of milage yet!
Mel, I was off on leave again, so my cyber activities were curtailed once again!:(
on leave, away here, away there....my you are just a gallavanting social butterfly!!! ;)))
glad you came home to roost fer awhile... :DD
me, I'm out the door to work here...will have to catch up Thursday...
Mel :)
Hello all :))
Hope you're all OK?
On leave again AJ, you're never in - how's your wee boy doing? I bet he's grown a bit since Xmas. Pop a picture to me when you get the chance :))
Thought you'd have been going to town on the Charles/Camilla blog - or have you become a loyal serf now? :D
Hi Melanie
Thank you I'm doing OK, we are haning on in there (useful American expression that one!). Hope you're not working too hard.
I liked the pics of your dogs in the snow - I left a comment on your blog.
Any snow in Scotland AJ?
Hi Anna
Thanks for the visit, I left an answer on my blog.
Good to hear your hanging on in. That's all you can do really. All best wishes.
Nae snaw honey. Fife seems to miss the worst. Although it's pretty feckin' miserable, at least snow is fun!:D
I'll send a snap of the wee feller soon! :
I got masel deleted on the CBL story. I only mentioned he deserved a medal for ploughing a dry and barren field for three years!!!!!:D
How is ma favourite exWAF anyway?
I'm not surprised you comment was deleted - it was outrageous (but funny!!).
I bet Loyal Tim from Canada turned puce with rage when he saw it! :D
I'm fine thanks - you'll never believe it but my mum has won £3000 worth of Thomas Cook vouchers! So we are having a 'girls' weekend away in May. There's 8 of us going to the Majestic Hotel & Spa in Harrogate. My mum, me, 2 sisters, 2 aunties and 2 cousins.
We're going to Harrogate because its kind of in the middle and my aunties and cousins are coming from Northumberland and Scotland. So it should be a good laugh - the place looks well posh and has a swimming pool and spa, so we'll be getting the full treatment ..... cue: AJ :D :D
It should be good fun and the gin etc will be flowing!! :D Well, we've got 3000 quid to spend!! :D
Good for your Mum!! And good for you!:D Could you get her to pick my lottery numbers? :)
It(the trip) sounds just the thing to do in the circumstances.
As for the CBL story, I see Kimba is thirsting for my attention.
Late to the party, was enjoying a lie in, as ya'll would say!!! :))
Sorry I missed the fun, the C&C article's comments were fun to read. AJ's up to form and getting himself banned! :)
Anna, hanging in there, is a great phrase. A bit more rough are phrases like...work kicked my butt/bum, which it did yesterday, as well as the two full glassed of Cabernet, Just couldn't pull myself out of bed till after nine. :/ :))) I suppose we colonials can speak kinda coarse, I've heerd Australians can also be as such!! ;DD
hopefully I'll catch ya for a banter soon!! :)))
Mel :)
ps A.
Bravo for the girls' weekend....sounds absolutely fantastic with wonderful memories to be made. Take lots of photos, drink lots of gin, and have lots of laughs!!!
Mel :)x
Just wanted to say howdy....cause I was thinking about my cyber pals!!
Hope your weekend was restful, and wishing you an easy Monday!! :)
Mel :)
Hi all,
hope everyone's ok and just working hard.
Hi all
I've not been around because I was quite poorly last week, so were KK and Mr A. Some awful flu like virus which has been doing the rounds.
I still feel a bit feeble now :(
Anyway hope everyone is OK?
I'm very well thanks very mucho! :) I'm missing our wee chats btw!
Trying to sell ma hoose, so it's a little bit tense, but I'm sure we'll be fine.....touch wood! :D
Going to Newport-on-Tay, have you ever heard of it?
Hi all!!
checking in as well. We're all fine and dandy, just busy.
Newport-on-Tay sounds so 'sheek' (sp) :)
Actually, I did google for photos of the area, and it really looks like a lovely place...great for the bairns! :)
hope you and yours are feeling better!!
Peajay has a cute post on her blog about the funny things 'children say'. It will give you a chuckle!! :)
Sorry - missed you again AJ - haven't seen you on the Scotsman anywhere - have you changed your name?
Newport on Tay ... sounds nice - I'll check it out ! :D
Hi Melanie
How's life out West ? Hot? It was very cold here last week but is warm this afternoon.
I'll have a look at Peajay's funnies! :D Hi Peajay :)
Looks really nice AJ..:)) You're going further north as well - but you'll be closer to your work, or are you changing that as well?
No, surely not where else would you get paid to blog all day on the 'web', except the RAF? :D :D :D
Hope you sell your house OK before he credit crunch (media buzz word!) starts to bite! :D
Any probs in Scotland with house prices yet? I can't say I've noticed any dramtic plunges round here but some houses seem to be moving slowly.
Speak to you later :)
Hi all, sorry I've missed you again. I only seem to get the chance late at night. Haven't looked at the Scotsman in ages as it's always past news by the time I get there. :)
Hope you're feeling better Anna.
Finally had enough of the derelict power station AJ? :D
Howdy to your Friday!!!
Meant to post that last nite, but the 'puter wouldn't load the darn blog :p
Hope you're all well and looking forward to a good weekend!!
Mel :)
Hi Folks,
Yup the powerstation finally tip us over the edge Peajay!:D
Not changing jobs and I'll be under ten minutes from ma work!!I think that's a good thing!:\
I'm not sure whether to join the Newport bonsai club or the local tennis club. Possibly canvassing for the local Tory Party could be a new hobby!:0
I've not changed names, but with the domestic duties, uni essays and general work commitments, mean my blogging forays are getting less and less! :(
How is my Southern Belle this morning/evening? X
Hi AJ,
I'm doin fine...just busy, same as you....I'm not runnin from no powermonsterstations, though...
still a move would be wonderful about now, the heat's setting in, and I'm bracing for the melting time... :p
:) Mel
May day, May day....
it's off to the work again, busy busy...
thinking of ya'll,
don't dance around too many May poles today!! ;)
Mel :)
Hi all!
Hope your weekend went well!!
This one might be fun, AJ...you too, gals if yer around...
Mel :)
Hi all,
have a few days off work...well, till Fri Sat. So, if yer around...stop by! :)
Hi Melanie,
Is this holiday or ill health? I'm at work but it's relaxed as students are busy sorting their projects for assessments so not much for me to do. Am working out how to use Dreamweaver for web site while sitting here instead of expiring through monotony.
Heavens, Peajay, expire thru monotony?? we can't have that!! ;)
I was feeling a little poorly so managed to get an on-call yesterday, but with the rest, I'm doing better! I managed to get some silly blogging in last nite/your morning on a few of the articles...nothing big, no one to really banter with. :/ :)
Hope you're feeling better and it's nothing but a bug.
Hi Peajay,
I think it was just a little bug, but with the rest, it seemed to not take hold, thankfully! :)
This was a fun read with AJ and Canky taking turns...and Tim in there for good measure....see I'm simple to entertain!!! ;DDD
Mel :)
I've finished work for the academic year and after a very stressful couple of weeks I can relax and chill. Fingers crossed that my latest job application yeilds results.
Hope everyone's ok.
Okay, who didn't cross their fingers?!! :D Didn't get past the application stage so back to the drawing board.
Hope all's ok.
Hi Peajay!
aaghhhh, I was out of town with no internet...didn't know about the fingers crossed necessity!!! :/
sorry it didn't work out :(
well, you'll have some solace being up in the Highlands, shortly!!! I'm quite envious!!! We need to plan where I come over, and we're off somewhere!!! aagghhh, it's only time and money!!! :( :/ ;))))
hey, I thought it funny that you ended up with the USA and me NZ!!! ;D
Mel :)
will hopefully add a new photo, so we can meander there...
Hi all,
Sorry Peajay that you didn't get the job you applied for :( Hope you get the next one you want :)
Been anywhere nice Mel?
How's AJ? Still changing nappies and trying to move house? Come on we need an update! :D
Well, missed chatting to you all - but time moves on swiftly as you know.
Well, we had a bit of good news re my mum - it looks as though the chemo may have shrunk the tumour a bit - we don't know how much for sure yet. She is, however, looking and feeling much better than she was. I felt it was touch and go a couple of weeks ago as she was in a lot of pain and looked very ill but that has passed and she seems well at present. We know that the chemo won't make it go away altogether as it is too advanced for that, but, taking each day as it comes - things are looking better than they were and she is getting out and about a bit more. :))
Looks as if you've all been very quiet lately... we'll have to have a get-together for a natter on this blog soon :))
Btw: We should have gone to Florida yesterday but as you know we had to cancel. We are going to a surprise 40th birthday party tonight which one of our neighbours is hosting at a local hotel for his wife. I hope she's OK with it - because apparently she said to him the other day - "I hate a surprise party"..... Oops ... he'd already invited 80 odd people and organised everything. I'm sure she'll be fine with it. :D :D
Would any of you like a surprise party - I love it to be honest!! :D
Hi Anna
Good news of your Mum, providing she's pain free and comfortable that's the most essential part. Sorry about your Florida expedition but I guess it's about prioritising.
No worries about the job, I guess I got a bit carried away by the obscene annual wage and was overly optimistic that my abilities would match their requirements, who wants to work in Stevenage anyway!! :P
It was more that I'd just got used to having some money and we're now on 16 wks unpaid holiday from Uni and the car is making expensive noises plus a holiday in the Highlands is looming, still I'm inline for a tax rebate. :D
Hope the party's good and the recipient didn't kill her hubby, well not til later. :D
I guess I was a little disappointed that my 40th went by without even a sniff of a surprise party, just a day trip to Kew.
:( :D
Hi Anna,
good news about your mum!!
(and, Florida can always be for another day :))
surprise party?? the SgtMjr has surprised me three times in our 20+ years together...and that was three times too many.... :/
hmm, yes it is nice having spending money...but if you got the job, would that have interfered with your holiday? ;)
....ps, do I get a postcard?? :DDDDD
AJ....heeelllllloooooooo ooooouuuuttttt ttthhhheeerrreeee!
I did see AJ on the Scotsman, about the Catholic increase due to the Polish immigrants....he said something quite naughty, and of course got his remark removed....
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