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Monday, May 26, 2008

Howdy thar pardner...

This photo is borrowed from another blog...and when I remember which blog, I will give photo credit. :)


Peajay said...

I guess we've moooooo...ved to this pic!!! :DD

His Girl Friday said...

Well, I thought it time....!!!

watch the 'cow pie'.....mind your step.... ;)

anna said...

Hi gals :))

Is that AJ in the pic with one of his wigs on? Or is it a hair transplant too far for him?

No sign of the Scottish one then? I'll have to think up a few more insults to bring him out of hiding! :D :D

Hope everyones OK? We had last week off as it was half-term. We managed a couple of days out despite the appalling weather. I prefer the global warming that has sun not the wet kind :)

Ah well, the gardens looking very green and a wild baby rabbit seems to have taken up residence in it. KK has named it Bouncy and is hoping that it will stop running away whenever he 'tiptoes' into the garden. :D

I don't think our dozy Labrador has even noticed it. Mr A is hoping it stays a bit longer to save him cutting the grass but it'll probably just nibble the plants we don't want it to. Have to say tho' it is more appealing than the last lot of furry visitors we had!! :D

AJ, AJ wherefore art thou AJ?

His Girl Friday said...


perhaps AJ is house moving, and is without internet, and has been off work as well?? Hopefully all's well, and he'll be back with us soon!

Check out my other blog for the Star Wars' Ewok and Highland cattle comparison!!!! ;D

I Love the bunny fun!!! (until he starts eating your flowers!!!....then maybe it'll be rabbit stew!! ;D)

Well, watched 6NationsRugby, Ire v Italy...ha, Ire won!!! My teen likes one of the English players...but I'm not sure who I'm rooting for this year...hmm, maybe Wales, again!? ;)

anna said...

Hi Melanie

Haven't seen the rugby lately. They're winding up for the Euro 08 football comp which is coming to a screen near me, over and over again for the usual endless time! :D

Mind you, the build-up hasn't been as bad as usual with no UK teams playing in it. They're usually worse if England are playing and go completely OTT with the coverage. So I'm quite pleased :))

Bouncy Bunny is still living in the garden - so cute - I just hope he doesn't bring all his friends and relations in as well tho'!!
You know what rabbits are like - we could be innundated ;)


Did you watch I'd Do Anything - who did you want as Nancy? My faves were Samantha and then when she went out I was rooting for Jessie. Thought they were both really good. Jodie was OK but a bit too much of a 'safe pair of hands' verging on a bit boring! :D

I think AJ would have made a good Nancy :D :D :D :D :D

Peajay said...

Hi Anna
I haven't been rigidly following the Nancy's but on those occasions that I caught it I'd have voted for Jessie, she did come from Co. Kerry after all. :) Have you been watching The Apprentice, another bunch of totally obnoxious candidates but compelling viewing.
Will you be renaming 'Castle Mr A' The Warren? :DD

anna said...

Hi Peajay

No I haven't watched the Apprentice but I might tune in if its on again :))

Like The Warren but JK Rowling might sue me for breach of copyright. That's the name of the Weasleys' house in HP :))

I might have to go against my better judgement soon and try and track 'our absent friend' down on the Scotsman footie blogs... he's bound to be winding someone up on there!! :D

Peajay said...

If anyone can locate him it's you Anna, I have complete faith in your ability to track him to the furthest reaches of The Scotsman (no doubt on some very dubious comments board where he will be causing a furore) :D

His Girl Friday said...

Hi Gals,

I'm off to the mountains (Sierras) with the fam for some fishing, hiking, and photography. Will say howdy when I get back...and maybe inbetween...the campground has internet! :)

AJ...where art thou? :(

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to say howdy!

we're up in the mountains on holiday...hopefully will have some pics to share! :)

Mel :)

AJ Fife said...

Glad to hear of the better news for your Mum Anna!

I've missed all the cheek you normally save for me! You must be having withdrawal symptoms :DD

The new house is looking deid in the water, as we canny sell oor hoose quckly enough, but the good news is, I'm looking tanned and lean after our latest holiday to Portugal!

anna said...

Hi AJ :}

Knickers - looks like I missed you again!

Still, we'll catch up soon ;)

Thanks for your good wishes :)

Shame about your house move - seems to be a lot of houses stagnating on the market down here as well. Altho' my niece and her boyfriend are buying a place to set up home together. I think they're the only people that are at the moment!! :D

I'll have to get them a house warming pressie - but I expect it'll be uber-trendy so I'd better get some advice from one of the younger generation (other niece!) before I waste my shekels!! :D

So, big man how're you getting on? I bet you've missed our insulting each other as much as I have!! :D

Did Canky tell you I was asking after you?

I was at work on the Scotsman the other day. New crowd on there - someone asked me for a date!! He'll learn! :D

AJ Fife said...

Hey Peajay,
Are you heading back to Fife! That old powerstaion will be getting demolished soon - yippee! It's a big chimney tae haul doon, better get the tin helmet oot!

Hey Anna,
Get back on here, so I can 'bust yer chops'! Do you still have yer tin helmet?

Hey Mel,
How is my 'pretty one'?

AJ Fife said...

Haven't spoken to Canky in a while. I'd better drop her a e-mail.

anna said...

Hi all,

AJ ... Do I stil have my Tin helmet? Of course I do, Mr A and I often put on our tin helmets, NBC suits and respirators for a little after hours recreational activities ;) Ah .... a bit of search and reconnaissance you can't beat it;) Well, you know what they say 'it takes all sorts' :D :D :D :D

Peajay... off to Scotland yet?

Melanie are you back from the Wild West Trail yet?

Speak to you all later (I hope!) :D

AJ Fife said...


Sounds better than my gladiator outfit - too much chaffing!:D

Anonymous said...

Howdy thar all!!

I'm back from the wild west trail with lots of fun photos, and good memories!! :)

I had to work the last three days so I'm wiped out!! Hopefully I'll get some down time Sunday to play...inside that is, on the computer, or read a good's flippin' miserably hot here :(

Just have a look at my widget; it hasn't even been cooling off at night...I want to go back to the mountains!!!!!!!!! ;D

fyi, my laptop had a melt down, and my desk top is on the fritz (new/rebuilt tower, and no monitor)
...heat and technical difficulties, what's a gal to do???

Hopefully the SgtMjr can get my lap top going here when he gets back into town. He and the kids stayed up in the mountains a few days longer.

Hey, I just bought (on ebay) the first American edition of Burns' poems, published in NY 1842. It's pretty neat! :)
(and it didn't even cost that much..even better! ;D)

talk with ya soon! :)


anna said...

Hi Melanie.... glad you had a good time, sorry to hear the hot weather is getting you down. You should move over here - you hardly ever see any!! :D

AJ.. .how you doing? Good match last night - very entertaining and I thought Murray played very well - he needs to watch that second service - it can be a weakness of his game and will get exploited by the 'big boys' :))

Have you been winding folk up on the BBC site - post a link !

AJ Fife said...

Hi Mel and Anna,

I've been trying to stir things up on the BBC website, with regards to Andy Murray.

I'm laying it on really thick, but whaddaya expect! :D

His Girl Friday said...

Hi there!

saw you two on the Bayeaux tapestry article! was good to see the banter again!! :)

I'll let you know when I'm heading over for a visit! ;)

AJ...stirring things up?! ;)

anna said...

Hi AJ :)

Did you see that match tonight - it was brilliant, what a comeback. Gasquet looked so strong in the first 2 sets and start of the 3rd, but Andy really took him to the wire. It was great!:D:D

Mind you, the crowd were going mad for Andy and Gasquet was definitely getting rattled. Still, if it had been played in France he would have had the crowd on his side. Swings and roundabouts! :D

What do you think about his chances against Nadal? :) Not sure about that one, but you never know!!

Hi Melanie and Peajay.

Wimbledon has been brilliant so far this year. Thoroughly enjoying it! :))

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna,

I'm afraid, I'm not all that into tennis. (every child must rebel against what their parents are/were "in to"!! ;D)

Well, I'm still on borrowed computer time, but it works as the SgtMjr is away from his desk a good part of the I can squeak in here now and again!

I'm still okay to receive email, as I can access it as guest, send away any funnies you may have! :)


are you back safe and sound from your Highland travels??


me darlin'...whatcha been up to? into any bloggin trouble, or have have been abstaining from the Scotsman?! ;)

Mel :)x

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna,

Andy played the match of the tournament(so far)!

Maybe he'll start getting the support from the press and the general public he deserves! He a top top player for sure! :)

Hi to Mel and Peajay too! :)

anna said...


I really enjoyed that match, I was on the edge of my seat by the end of the 3rd set. That shot he made when he nearly ran into the barrier was real champion's stuff!

The crowd were loving it, and he's really proved to them that he has the guts to play and win. We love that sort of stuff. Good lad.

Now, Nadal well he was injured in his match yesterday but still went on to win in straight sets. He's definitely going to be a strong opponent, but does he want it as much as Andy? We'll see! I can't wait for the match, hope its not as hot as today tho', because that could favour Nadal more than Andy.

Even if he goes out now, I still think he's played the best match of his career so far and probably the match of the tournament. Brilliant!! :D

AJ Fife said...

You're a convert!!!

Welcome to the Andy Murray fan Club! :D

btw, I saw you lusting after Nadal yesterday!! Shocking behaviour for a classy middle aged lady!:D

Peajay said...

Hello all
I'm back from my travels to the darkest Highlands and strangely have not achieved a tan!!! That could be because it rained at some point every day although we were only deterred from exploring for one day.
Hope all are well, especially nice to hear the dulcet tones of the wee shrekkie man. I see now from your example AJ that I'm holidaying in completely the wrong place and should look further afield to sunnier climes. :)

anna said...

Hear less of the middle aged!! :D

Welcome back Peajay! Yes, that's always going to be a problem, the weather, taking your hols in Bonnie Scotland. If its not the weather its the midges! But, when you get the right kind of day its not a bad place to go to!! :D As long as the natives are friendly :D

Awright there AJ, actually I was never much of a fan of Henman. Bit too goody two shoes for me without the looks and raw sexuality of Borg or Nadal! ;)

I know I just canny help myself :)

If you did it I'd say you were a pervy :D :D

AJ Fife said...


It takes one to know one!!:D

Stop rising to my Henman/ruffian bait!! It's not designed for you!:D

On the subject of sex and tennis, what about Maria Sharapova's wee shorts????? Pity she got knock oot so early:(

Mind you, it'll help stop young teenage laddies going blind at a early age!!

anna said...

Sharapova is very good looking but all that shrieking she does when she hits the ball does wind me up.

Mr A was watching her with the sound turned down! ;)) He liked the view but not the noise! :D

I'm not that keen on the ladies myself I've always preferred to watch the men's games. I wonder why?? ;))

I wonder if the game will get going today, or get rained off. Its not raining here yet but it is in London.

Its weird after yesterday, we went to KK's sports day and it was boiling hot, folk sitting about fanning themselves and moaning about the heat. Now, everyone's moaning about the rain! :D :D


AJ Fife said...

It's roasting here today! Had to open a window first thing! :)

The first match is under way, but it's already rained off! The weather is meant to clear at around 4, so we should see Scotland's No1 in action later!

Did you notice I was called a Nazi on the Murray thread? The poor guy didn't get it, did he?? :DD

Mmmmmm....the screeching of Sharapova has a certain something going for it! :p Or is that jist me?? :D

Anonymous said...

good morning chatterbugs! :)

roastin' hot....ah don't want to hear about roastin' hot.... ;D

where's this Murray thread....? :)


AJ Fife said...

Hi Mel,

It's on the main news page...mentions British Bulldog.....Yuch!! :)

Joanna, of course if the voice of reason! ;)

anna said...

I see Hen Broon has waded in with one of him maniacal rants.

Did you see the comparison pic between Nadal's biceps and Murrays.

Guess which one I prefer? ;)

Giles Coren in the Times the other day was in agreement with you about Sharapova's shrieking!! ;) But he's a rude boy anyway!! :D :D

Hi Melanie :)

anna said...

Saw you getting called a Nazi AJ.. that guy was being very melodramatic. All that stuff about swastikas(sp?) and things. Mind you, some of the cyber nats do ask for a pasting!!!

Present company excepted of course! :D

AJ Fife said...

Just don't call out Nadal whilst in the sack with MrA!! Could lead to a bit of trouble......

AJ Fife said...

Yeah, I was being extremely diplomatic(for me) and my only intention was to explain Andy's reasons for the Union flag outrage!

Anna, you should really go for Jackie Priest's know you want to! :))

AJ Fife said...


Are you roastin' hot? Is it a roast for tea? Don't overcook, or the Sgt Mjr will deliver a roasting!

Anonymous said...

hahah..saw some of the chatter!

AJ you goose-stepper, you!!! ;D

you are the voice of reason. Well done! :D

yep, ahm a' roastin, all right....I'll be well-cooked by September. And, that's not including the times I'm roasted for over-roastin' the SgtMjr's tea! ;D


AJ Fife said...

We'd better stop the "roasting" talk right there! It's only a spit away from becoming very rude!!:D

anna said...

Is it a 'rare' day in Calif Melanie, are you feeling a bit 'well done' ?

Sorry I know - it was a bit pathetic.... my brain is frazzled! Its watching the tennis that does it to me! :D


Jackie Priest aka Zoom, Winged Messenger, Grandson of Winged Messenger is always banging on about being taken for English and being highly offended. He lives in Switzerland, I expect some Swiss people are mistaken for German and French all the time!

He probably lives there because he's really rich and raves about independence but would never move back to Scotland and try and sort stuff out!

His Girl Friday said...

haha, all right, easy now AJ.

I'll just keep masel busy, while I'm slow roastin' in the ever increasin' heat of the day! ;)

His Girl Friday said...


I always thought tennis was an exercise in attempting to 'sprain' one's neck ;)
I think it's more fun to watch the crowd watching tennis...left right left right left..... ;D

AJ Fife said...

Sorry 'bout that Mel, but you know what the heat does to you??? ;)

His Girl Friday said...

...'cat on a hot tin roof' comes to mind....

AJ Fife said...

So wotcha got planned for today?

I've always meant to ask if you have one of those paperboys that just launch the daily paper into the garden without stopping his bike?

His Girl Friday said...

now what on earth got you to thinking about that? :))

We do have a "paper thrower person" only because the LA Times gave me a good deal, and I happen to like their crossword for the delivery, last I saw, they were throwing out of a pick up truck!! :))

Today's chores include going out for my messages, kiddie summer school, and looking for my restore disc (that was put into a 'safe' place, so of course I can't find it) :)

His Girl Friday said...

what about you??

tea and tennis are this evening's fare?

no doubt, for you too, Anna?

His Girl Friday said...


rec'd the postcard thanks!! there's one heading your way.

you too, Anna, be on the look out for a postcard! :)

I would luv to send ya one, darlin' but I don't want ta git ya inta hot water! ;) (and no jokes about a hot tub! ;D)

AJ Fife said...

Sounds like a 'fun' day!

On the telly you always see American paper boys doing that! :) In this country they put them through the letter box! Mainly because of the rain, wind and snow you know!:D

I'm goin' mad with the heat!!:DDD

AJ Fife said...

Hot tub?????

Whatever do you mean? :D

His Girl Friday said...

haha...AJ...did I cause you to stumble there, spill yer tea....?! ;D

I suppose there are paper boys still, in other places...we're just 'high tech' here! ;D

what heat wave? is it maybe 15C (70'sF?)I suppose that is warm for ya'll!! ;)

AJ Fife said...

Up to 20C today and am sweating ma erse aff!

Gotta go>>>>>>>>>

anna said...

It was hotter than that here yesterday Melanie.

We were in the eighties! That was summer! :D

I don't know why I'm joking - it probably was. :(

We have a nice well trained paper boy who pops our Times through the letter box !! :)

He and KK always wave to each other as well :))

KK wants to be a paper boy when he gets older :D

His Girl Friday said...

Wow, that is pretty warm for you guys!!

allright, AJ...catch ya later! :)

hey, gals I should be around today...I'm going to try to post some ghost town photies on my other blog! :)

His Girl Friday said...

I yearn for the coolness of 80 degree weather!! It was 86 last nite around 1030pm :(

Anna, that's cute, KK first job!! :) (but make sure you whisper in his ear....aim for becoming editor! ;DDDDD)

His Girl Friday said...


what's for dinner?

I'm headin' off to make some choc chip pancakes for the kiddies

my sis in law is going to give me her recipe for a really good Cuban beef dinner...I'll let ya know

don't worry, AJ, this isn't changing into a hen recipe exchange party...although, I do believe that's some of what started our original chatter!! ;DDDD

anna said...


Are you gutted? I thought Andy looked quite tired and he never seemed to really get into the match.

If that was Rafa Nadal playing with a leg injury I'd love to see him without one! He was very strong and completely dominated. If only Andy had managed to break serve but it wasn't to be :( Still if Rafa wins the tournament, Andy can say he was knocked out by the Champion.

He can come back all the stronger next year and his Monday night thriller will be a Wimbledon legend! :D

Hi Melanie

Pasta for tea, in front of the telly watching the tennis! :D

Choc chip cookies - they sound nice - one of KK's faves along with choc chip muffins!

anna said...

Mind you, AJ I did think that bicep flexing from Andy was a bit unnecessary the other night. Especially as it drew the inevitable comparison with Rafa Nadal whose own superior biceps make Murrays look like twiglets. :D :D :D

AJ Fife said...

You could become a Nadal stalker!:D

Melanie said...

Hi Anna,

...superior biceps!! :)

pasta, always an excellent choice!

yes, indeed, Anna definitely needs supervision with this one! ;))

AJ Fife said...

Hi Mel,

I think so, the old bird is starting to foam at the lips!!!!!!;)

Melanie said...


be kind, remember, she can find you!!! ;DDDDD

anna said...

Hi guys,

I tell you tho' my sister is as bad as me she was raving about Nadal as well. :))

We're just tennis fans really :D Might try to get tickets for next year's tournament :))

Federer is a great player and seems a nice guy but I just don't find him that exciting to watch, its all a bit Wham, Bham, Slam with him.

Nadal is writing a blog on the Times website and some of the questions from his female fans have included "Rafa, what do you wear in bed, pyjamas, underpants or nothing?" The answer is underpants apparently!! :D :D

AJ, it wasn't me that asked the question before you say it! :D :D

AJ Fife said...

I know!!That's a bit the front door and.....WHAM!!!! Me laid out on the door step with a feisty ex-Flight Sergeant standing over me!! :D

It's quite an interesting thought though! :D

Melanie said...

haha, Anna, oh these people have a life...wait, only underpants... ;D
(just kiddin'..I don't even know what he looks yuck, give me rugby!!! :DDDD)

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna, didn't see you sneaking in there! :D

The stalking begun....checking oot Nadal's website for starters! If you go next year, make sure when you chuck your knickers, it's at an important point for Andy Murray!:DD That way we're all winners!:DD

AJ Fife said...

Gotta go, it's 5 >>>>>>>>>>

See ya'll! :)

Melanie said...


you can chuck the sultry red silk ones!!! :D


per yer other, sounds like you like rough and boisterous! I mean friendly attention and all... ;)

Melanie said...

good,'s better that you're going..........


anna said...

Chuck my knickers? Surely you mean my thong!! :D :D


I like rugby too, but Wimbledon is special :))

Melanie said...


good one!! haha, right, your thong... ;D

Have you seen the commercial set to tango music, with the two hens discussing their's very good, speaking of rugby...

anna said...

No, I've missed that one - is it on Youtube?

How did the cookies go? I don't know how you can be bothered to bake when its so hot. I suppose you get used to it tho' not like us, we get a few days of heat and we're all exhausted! :D

Melanie said...

I'm sure it is on YouTube....I'll have a look, maybe post it here.

Cookies were yummy. I try to bake early in the morn, or late in the eve. The heat is terrible, and yes it does suck the life out of you. I napped on and off, yest, but was up till one this morn. I tend to wake up as it cools off, even though it's bed time, if that makes sense

Peajay said...

Hi all
Missed you again but been kind of tied up with jewellery work and other little inconveniences. (someone cloned my credit card and endeavoured to go to a Gambling site with it on Monday plus a couple of other delights)
Hope all are well although I'm hoping that Anna's will be practising her own over-arm lob, I'd hate to see poor old Bruce Forsythe get a face full of thong intended for Nadal!!! ;D
Hi Mel,
Glad the postcard arrived. Will await yours expectantly. Thanks. Also pleased you enjoyed the prospective athletic visitors. :D

Peajay said...

Thank you for the Yosemite postcard Mel it arrived today.

anna said...

What a match? I expect you watched it AJ. It was getting too close to call near the end, but then Rafa seemed to step it up a gear and he won! Two fantastic players it was like the days of Borg and McEnroe all over again :))

Did you see Borg in the audience, still looking like a really nice guy and for his age still a good looking one! :D

I'm really pleased that Fed didn't break his record ... and I'm thrilled that it was Rafa who stopped him. What a player!! :D

AJ Fife said...

It was sensational stuff Anna!! It had me glued to the screen.

What is amazing is that he has been coached by his uncle since the age of four!

btw I accidently referred to you as Anna instead of Joanna on the Scotsman...oops!!:)

anna said...

Yeah I noticed the Anna slip :D :D

Apparently when he started out Uncle Tony told him that he must never throw down a racquet when he loses his temper, because racquets are expensive and its not the fault of the racquet, the balls or the court if he loses! Good advice, and its obviously worked!

Another of Rafa's uncles was a professional footballer, think he played for Barcelona.

I could hardly move from the couch yesterday, except when I thought Fed was going to win and then I had to go out of the room for a bit. Soon went back tho' - blimey it was stressful!! :D :D

AJ Fife said...

He's a quality sportsman in every sense! The BBC did a comparison with Nadal and Federer using music- footage of Federer was set to classical music, while Nadal 's footage was raunchy guitar solo stuff!

It seemed to sum up the different styles - the godlike grace of Federer and the spectacular explosiveness of Nadal!

anna said...

I missed that bit! Thought I'd seen all of it :(

Rafa certainly seems to fizz - I was a bit worried when he fell over with his knee, but he seemed to have no problems later on, or at least he didn't show any worries!

We bought the box set of Still Game last week, so we've been watching those as well. They are so funny, we're halfway thro' the 2nd series now! :D :D Some of its hilarious, all that stuff with Manky Franky and the car, its priceless!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Tremendous series indeed!

'Isa' is only about 30 in real life and, apparently, she caused a stir during production when she was breast feeding her baby on set, while still dressed and made up like her character! :D

AJ Fife said...

Did you notice a guy on the thread is trying to set us up!!:) Although, he thinks I'm somewhat strange!:\

anna said...

I think Isa is a brilliant character, I thought she was young, but maybe not that young!! The way she witters on and on with her gossip is just classic and very well acted!

I see you're getting a hard time on the young Aus/Brit player blog. Mind, you do ask for it a bit!! :D

AJ Fife said...

It's a good ongoing debate! :D

I've only been moderated the once, for the Edinburgh public school rape question! They didnae like that!:D

Anonymous said...

Well, I see Monday has been quite busy already!! Drat, and me having to go to work!! :/ :)

perhaps you can leave the links, and I can have a chuckle at your antics on the Scotsman, later! ;))

Mel :)

AJ Fife said...

Hi Mel,

For future use -

Have a nice day!:D

Melanie said...

Hi AJ,

I'll have a look :)

and, just to point out that Murphy's law is at work, 'cause ain't nobody here on mah day off!

'course I did show up late on account of sleepin in this mornin' :)

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

I'm still not right with things here as far as computers go. I've restored my laptop, only to have it die an hour later. I've got an old desk top up and running....s..l..o..w...compared with what I'm used to. Alas....

of course this all comes with me starting my Uni online class here soon. #:/

I liked your post on 'dancing in the rain'...quite good timing with things! :)

Mel :)

Peajay said...

What Uni online course are you studying Mel?
It's not very fair of you to compare senility with the condition of your laptop!! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Peajay,

haha, perhaps it was my senility affecting things...with the laptop anyway. I would love to find out that it was not my fault, but alas...perhaps it was? I'm sending it off to a tech friend of mine this weekend.

my uni classes will be directed towards finishing my nursing degree with an emphasis on family health education. I'm both excited about doing it, and dreading the subject, so to speak. (I'm a little tired of the nursing profession, but at least this degree might get me away from slugging it out on the floors for long hours)

Actually, a degree in history with an emphasis on archealogical anthropology sounds much more inviting!! :DDD
(but as my work is paying for some of the degree, it must be in health care :/)

Hi AJ, Anna,

where'd ya go? ;)


anna said...

Hi Melanie :)

Thanks very much for the Yosemite postcard - it was great ! :D

I love being able to say to people that my pal in California sent me a postcard. :))

I promise to send you one soon, it won't be as exciting as your ones but heyho - we're not all glamorous Americans!! :D

I had to work (so unfair, but at least its paid) which is why I've been absent, also I've been busy arranging the summer fete (unpaid work!) which is this Sat. Really wish we lived in Calif at the moment, because the weather here is so unpredictable and pretty lousy most of the time! All I want is a nice sunny day, or failing that one without rain please :))

How you doing Peajay? Are you working at the moment on still on hols?

Any idea where AJ is? I had to spank him last week, hope he's not sulking :D :D :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna,

darn that work gets in the way of more important things, and well having fun!! ;)

I'm glad to know that I can help with the California reference!! But you know, I find myself referring to my UK friends, alot too!! Seems like Americans are just as much impressed with the idea of people over in grand England and bonnie Scotland!! :D

as far as your needing to spank AJ, I'm in no doubt that he rather enjoyed it! ;DDDDD

Mel :)

Anonymous said...

Ps time for a new piccie....hmmmmm, what shall it be??? Any suggestions on a theme? :)

Peajay said...

Hi Mel, good for you with the degree. I'd love to do a doctorate but funding is the major issue so will have to bide my time.
Hi Anna, I'm just working on Jewellery at the moment and still plugging away at building a website in Dreamweaver. I have a big two day craft fair this weekend at Clare Priory in Suffolk so I'm so praying for some of that decent weather too. Hope your fete goes well.
I have possibly arranged a temp job for August but it's in Park Lane, London so it'll be a trek every day but something different with some much needed remuneration. I'll learn more tomorrow.
Mel, how about your latest holiday pics or maybe something arid (we need to see what hot dry weather looks like as we have none here). :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Peajay,

I couldn't quite manage an 'arid' photo, because then I would have to look at it! ;)

The new photo is of a pretty, and well, pretty desolate area up the road. The town, maybe all of a 100 or so people, is built around a cattle ranch.

Good luck with the job, btw!!

Is everyone ok with moving on up the trail, and not having to scroll... here?
(geesh, what wimps we've become....the older posts were much longer!!!) ;D


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....have to

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.......................100 :)

AJ Fife said...

Very sad! :D

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