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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cattle Ranch up the road


Anonymous said...

and here I thought mad Monday would bring out the antics?

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

Alas, I'm off to work, which means no computer access, to play on that is!!

Talk with you all soon!!

cross fingers, but I should be around Tuesday morning. Let me know of any good Scotsman commenting! :)

Mel :)

AJ Fife said...

Have a great day Mel!

Speak to you soon!

PS anyone seen Anna? She a dab hand with the 'slipper'!;)

Anonymous said...

Hi AJ,

nope, haven't seen Anna. I've only commented on a 'breastfeeding' article, so haven't seen Anna/Joanna.

so, whatcha up to today?


AJ Fife said...

Hi Mel,

Jist working away, but also getting tickets for next year's T in the Park rock festival! had to go on line and cyber queue, but we managed to get 4 tickets (two to sell right away and subsidise the day)!

Melanie said...

hey, I like that kind of thinking! :)

Wasn't there some trouble this year?

I was going to get up early today...ha! and do some yard work. the snooze button called, and now it's too least that's what I'm telling myself! :)

Peajay said...

Hello to you both. I recognise that snooze button, it suckers you into submission. :)

anna said...

Hi all, :))

Nice picture :))

AJ - you're a true Scot I take my Tam O' Shanter off tae ye!! Buying 4 tickets, so you can tout 2 of them when demand is at its height - brilliant scam, love it :D :D

How's your butt babe? Not too sair I hope! :D

Hi Melanie and Peajay :))

Well, I'm away to Harrogate (that's North Yorkshire, Mel - I'll send a postcard!) this weekend. This is the 'girls' weekend I told you about - me, my mum, two sisters, two aunties, two cousins - it should be a belter :))

Good news to celebrate as well, the chemotherapy seems to have worked for now and the cancer is in remission at present. My mum is feeling so much better and is getting out and about and driving herself again as well.

So, I've bought some 'fizz' for the weekend to celebrate in style. I'm not paying hotel prices for that - must be the Scot in me coming out! :D :D

Melanie said...

Hi Peajay,

yes, the snooze button has become quite a seducer! ;)

Hi Anna,

great news about your mum!! Well, the trip north will be all the more for celebrating!:)
(looking forward to the postcard!)

AJ Fife said...


My name aint Max Mosely and ma bahookie is precious to me, so I'd have an Oxford dictionary shoved doon ma Y-fronts for protection! :D

Can't help being a canny Scot....

AJ Fife said...

Hi Mel and Peajay,

I agree, it's great news about Anna's mum! Good news indeed :)

AJ Fife said...

Hi Mel and Peajay,

I agree, it's great news about Anna's mum! Good news indeed :)

AJ Fife said...

It's that good, I said it twice!:)

Melanie said...

hey all will have to catch up with ya later.....duties call!! :)

anna said...

Thanks for the good wishes all :))

No surprises that they're not allowing comments on the Max Moseley story. Can you imagine how blue that could get :D :D

The moderator's red pen would be all over it :D

AJ Fife said...

They ban comments on all the best stories!:D

What a guy - 68 years old and having it away with 5 prossies at the same time, whilst getting a sound thrashing over the buttocks!:D You've gotta take your hat off to the boy!:DD

Have a great day, my Californian princess!;)

Peajay said...

Great news Anna.

I suppose we should be grateful it's only the dictionary tucked down your jockeys AJ and not the Bible :D

AJ Fife said...

Hi Peajay,

Don't possess one of those babies anymore. Burned the last one when I was about 8!!:D

Peajay said...

How about Encyclopedia Brittanica, you get more coverage. :D

anna said...

Is that at the front of your Y fronts or the back AJ?

If its the front then, that's seriously wierd!! :D :D :D

Re: the Max Moseley thing tho' I think the News of the World should have to pay him compensation. Its none of their business what he and his ladies of the night get up to in the privacy of their own dungeon is it? :D

Hi Peajay :))

Peajay said...

Hi Anna
I have to agree with the front comment but how come you know it's Y's not jockeys? :D

Anonymous said...

hahah, and where's AJ to clarify the situation?! ;)

Hope you're all having a great day so far. I should be around for a chat....I have a few errands, then I'll be glued to my desk writing a college paper :/ :)


Peajay said...

Hi Mel
How's the paper going? i had my first day at work in London and am shattered. What have I let myself in for? :( I am about to become Site Secretary for a The Grosvenor House Apartments building site and I've only just sent my first fax, franked my first letter and used a smart ass photo-copier for the first time. I am in charge of so much it's scary.

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

I'm away to the trenches..

careful, Peajay, absolute power corrupts absolutely, don't ya know! ;DD

ps. we now have SKYPE :DD

Mel :)

Peajay said...

Hi Mel,

I have managed to last the week and have only cut off one person on the phone!! :D I don't think the power will corrupt, Hitler would never have managed all he did if he'd had to commute to London every day. He'd definitely have been way to knackered!!

Hope all is well with you and yours, is the Sgt Maj ok, he's awfully quiet on the blogging front? I'm starting to worry that keeping all that profundity of profoundness bottled up, he may explode. I guess he's snowed under with work?

Anonymous said...

jest checkin' in to say howdy! :)

hope all's well.

This week we have some soccer coaches from a UK group staying with us. Their group travels all over the US hosting soccer 'camps,' which my son is attending one here. Fun, but ever so much more busy! :/ :))

talk with you all hopefully soon! :)


anna said...

Hi all,

Had a good, fun weekend in Harrogate, hotel was very nice and great company :D We never stopped gabbing - we all seem to talk a lot! :D :D

Your job sounds very posh Peajay... congrats on that .. my sister commutes to London from P'boro, 3 days a week, she works from home the rest of the time. She would completely agree with you - she says she always feels dirty and tired after a day in the 'smoke'. But you, career gals with your Blackberries and laptops have to go where the action is!! :D :D :D

Hi Mel, remembered your postcard - its on its way!! :D

AJ... what are you doing .. washing your Y-fronts? :D :D

Peajay said...

Hi Anna, glad you had a good time, it sounds just what everyone needed.
The job's far from posh even if the venue is, it's a building site with the appropriate personnel and fruity language. I don't think I have ever worked so hard in my life.
Hi Mel, soccer camp sounds like fun. How does the Skype business work, do you pay-as-you-go or pay a subscription fee? Also do you keep the same number or need a further one?

His Girl Friday said...

Hi Anna,

I'll be on the look out! :)

Hi Peajay,

the Skype thingy is by monthly payment, and I believe unlimited 'calls'. I'll ask the SgtMjr for the info and get it to you. Sounds like more talk time less good all 'round!! :)

The soccer camp has been fun. We had all 7 coaches over here last nite for a BBQ. Lots of fun. :)

Peajay said...

Thanks Mel for the info, Skype is on our to-do list so we'll just have get on and do.

Anonymous said...

Hi Peajay,

we're just back into town...had a wedding in San Diego Sat, then we stayed over at my brother's house.

The kiddies were able to play at the beach, and we did a little hiking up and around the cliff area (this was just north of La Jolla). Very nice!! :)

playing on the Scotsman, anyone??

I've two papers I'll be around, but frantic at the keyboard, swigging coffee to stay awake!! ;DD


Peajay said...

Hi Mel.
Heard about earthquake are you all ok?

His Girl Friday said...

Hi Peajay,

just a bit of a roll, like the swell of the ocean's waves, not too big, but lasted about 30 - 45 seconds which is actually quite long. Mark was down in LA, and said his car was hopping up and down, and they had to evacuate their building. :/

the poor UK soccer coaches are now over in Chino Hills which I believe was the epi-center. I've sent out a hello to see if they're ok. What an addition to their US experience?! :/ ;D

David Dell CEng MIMech E said...

Glad you're ok. Hope it didn't interrupt the academic paperwork. Thanks for the Skype info, my laptop has a webcam in it and I have no idea how it's activated, for all I know my ever move could already be being broadcast, God forbid!!! ;DD

Anonymous said...

hahah, you're funny, Peajay!

(gee, that is a scary thought, though! ;D)

Well, a little shaky shaky, and it was back to the paper writing...much more fearful, a late paper and bad grade at these prices I'm paying for the class...than a little 'ole earthquake!! ;DD

AJ, Anna!?!!!

talk with ya'll later...I should be around today, here and there!!

Mel :)

AJ Fife said...

Hi Everyone,

Glad to hear young Melanie escaped unhurt from the earthquake. Glad to hear Peajay is on her way to the top. Glad to see Anna isn't around to give me her usual cyber thumpin'!


Saw you on the Jack White story! I saw the White Stripes a few years back, sensational duo and a sensational sound. Also, Mrs AJ has a couple of Alicia Keys albums and she's pretty darned good too!:)

His Girl Friday said...

Hi AJ,

I was on the henbane story today...saw you as well. What was he thinking?

(per the Bond comments, I had to back up ma pal! ;D)
I know Jack White from the soundtrack of Cold Mountain; Alicia Keys has a great voice, although I'm not really into R&B

received your postcard today, thanks!! :)

let me know of your SKYPE status, then we can have a chat

I suppose Mrs AJ might have a problem with your chatting after hours, eh? ;)

His Girl Friday said...

Just for fun, look what I've dug up...can you believe it's almost been two years?!

His Girl Friday said...

here's a silly one for ya...

AJ Fife said...

Two years eh?

That's a sizable chunk of anybody's life!

The nonsense eh!? :D We were behaving like daft wee teenagers.......nothing has changed then!:D

The Skype would be difficult, and convincing Mrs AJ it was a proper and serious use of time, might be a tad difficult! :D Don't even want to cross that bridge! :DD

Anonymous said...

Hi AJ,

answered you on the Saltire story....surprised you haven't joined Dave into giving Kimba more a what for?

Ah, AJ, 'bout the SKYPE, you can jest wait till the wifie gets back to her evenings out, and we all can have a conference call!! haha!! did I ever mention I could be slightly subversive??!!

Mel :)x

AJ Fife said...

Web cams innaw!

Phew....that might be a step too far...........

Anonymous said...

aw, come on, it could be fun

...but then you might see me without makeup, and hair not done, sure, why not...I ain't got nothin tae hide ;DDD

Mel :)

Anonymous said...


where are you? Kimby just saw your bog roll comment and is absolutely livid!

AJ Fife said...

The Kimba is going doolally!! :DD

Job done!

No make up, hair undone!!! I'd expect the full gear to be worn everytime we conversed! That would be you, not me, I hasten to add!:)

Melanie said...

I didn't get the Hull comment at first, is it a town in Eng or Sco?

the full gear all the time??? My gosh, man, you are demanding! The SgtMjr doesn't even get that!! ;)

AJ Fife said...

He doesn't!!!!! How surprising ;)

Hull is in the North East of England and is close to where Kimba claims she's from.

Almost time to head off, but I'll be back, maybe no today, maybe no tomorrow, but sometime, sometime soon!

Melanie said...

very good joke, then AJ. well done!! hahaha!

so, you'll be back? Is this a dramatic exit stage left...or are you going for a short holiday somewheres?? ;D

AJ Fife said...

Jist hame tae am hoose! :D

See ya!

AJ Fife said...

Tsk tsk

Tae ma hoose!!!!

Canny spell onymair!

Melanie said...

Well, then aff with ye, laddie...

if you can spare a moment from yer wee ones tonite...I should be around :)

Peajay said...

Hi Mel,
How's it going? Skype slow progress with 7 til 7 work so bear with me til I get it all sorted.

His Girl Friday said...

Hi Peajay,

that's okay, I haven't been playing with the sign on and calling yet, so I haven't a clue.


anna said...

Hi all,

Just back from a week's holiday in Cromer. Had a nice time, weather was not too bad (!), rain most mornings but managed to get onto beach a few afternoons, when it got quite hot! :D

Nice relaxing time though. :D :D

Good win for Andy Murray in Cincinnati ... AJ :D Great stuff! I didn't manage to see anything after the quarters as no Sky telly in cottage ..... just 4 channels - its like going back in time!! :D

So, thankfully I didn't see Nadal's defeat by Djorkovic (sp?) - I would have been upset! But, I would have loved to have seen Murray's win. :)

Still, hopefully get some tennis in the Olympics.

Another postcard on the way Mel - I'm becoming quite a correspondent now!! :D

Btw: we went to see an Elvis tribute act in the 'end of the pier' theatre at Cromer. Surprisingly he was really good and had an 11 piece band and 2 blonde bombshell backing singers! We were all up dancing and clapping our hands - what a laugh! :D :D

Spk to you all later :))

Anonymous said...

Hi All,

how's the 'mad monday' so far?

Hi Anna, welcome back! hey I like this postcard exchange thing!! :DD

anyone posting on any threads?


anna said...

Hi Mel :))

I've posted on one of the Georgia threads. No idea what I'm talking about ... but I think I'm doing OK!! :D

Also, AJ and me are on Olympic threads, Andy Murray, Brit swimmers gold and Team GB cycling gold story :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna,

I was only able to get back for a brief glimpse at today's antics...and that was just before 'closing time' (your 5pm)

the SgtMjr had my attention discussing houseboating on a lake for a possible family get-away. I've never done such a thing, but it seems fun.

(we'll go after my sis-in-law has her baby)
I'm going to be an auntie!!! yippee!! :D (the baby is due sometime in Sept)

I'm working tomorrow, so will have to catch up Wed.

bye for now! :)


Peajay said...

Auntie Mel has a nice ring about it. :) Hope everyone's doing well.
I'm still plugging away at the London jobby, think I may have got the hang of the phones and only cut people off occasionally now. :D
The company has started 24hr working this week, thankfully this doesn't include office staff or that would have been an extremely short occupation. :DD

anna said...

AJ - have you got your feet wet? I see its raining a bit in your part of the world! :D

Are you the eejit on the front of the Scotsman who is driving his car thro the flood? :D

I've put out a rumour that it was you :D :D

Btw: that Big Boydie bloke is no fan of yours is he?

Check out the one of the silver medal threads!

Take care cherub.... and keep dry! :)

PS: I see your man and his bro' have been thrashed by the Frenchies ..... Tut! Tut!

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

geesh, it's hard to get some fun computer time these days!!!

I haven't been over the the Olympic threads, but I did make it to the SAD sheep story...some funny comments there.

Hi AJ,
are you out mud-whomping and river crossing with your French sedan? Wow, I'm impressed! I didn't think the Frenchies made such versatile automobiles! ;)

Hi Pejay,

24 working ;p
that's why I'm going back to uni. The job I'm aiming for is strictly daytime hours!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Anna,
well, I see our sweet AJ didn't rise to the bait; must try harder ole' girl!! ;DDDx


His Girl Friday said...

howdy to your Monday!

Hi Anna,
received the post card, ta! :)

Hi Peajay,
I love it!! Tipsy Laird served up anon! Yummy trifle with a drop or three of Drambuie, what an idea!! ;)

Peajay sent me a cookbook of Scottish cuisine, a copy of Maw Broon's best recipes!!! :DDDD

anna said...

Hmm cookbook sounds good :))

Post some recipes - especially the Drambuie one. Just happens to be one of my fave tipples :)) Have you tried it with whisky? Called a Rusty Nail, delicious but can be a bit lethal if you over indulge :))

We're off to Northumberland at the weekend - taking my mum up to her sisters for a holiday.

So I'll send you a postcard from England's most northern (and most beautiful imho) county if you like Melanie :)

Where's AJ hiding himself - too scared to come out? Did you see that fantastic match for the Olympic Gold in the tennis pet? My favourite Spaniard won that very convincingly - bring on the US Open!! :D

Peajay said...

Hi Mel
I'm so glad you like it, sorry it took so long to send. I thought it was such a fun book even without the somewhat eccentric recipes.
Hi Anna
I like the latest blog entry, a bit of yummy and deep words. :)

anna said...

Hi Peajay - thanks for your comment, definitely yummy! ;)

Altho' it is the tennis that I am really enjoying. I used to love tennis in the days of Borg, McEnroe and Becker. But, during the Sampras and then the Federer years the men's game was just about the serve and it was boring to watch.

Nadal hasn't got a big serve and wins by pinning his opponent to the baseline and making them slug it out with him. Very few can keep up with him, yet, as he has proved. It makes for a much more exciting and watchable game and has reignited my interest in tennis.

Dkjovic is good to watch as well and Andy Murray when on form is another watchable player. :))

But I won't be putting either of them on my blog...... maybe it is the peachy butt after all ;))

AJ Fife said...

Hello ladies,

Hope you're all well and enjoying the Olympics!

Just watched the 'Bolt' win the 200m in a record time! Mighty impressive to say the least.


There was indeed a lot of flooding last week but I avoided the worst spots.

However, the best incident last week was down at the beach, with a guy launching his posh speed boat with his new Land Rover.

Obviously a novice, he decided to launch when the tide was fully out. His Land Rover sunk into the soft sand, the tide came in and completely submerged his car. Meanwhile his boat was left to drift and was washed up, virtually wrecked. They had to wait about 9 hours before they could salvage the now wrecked land rover from the sand in a very expensive operation with council tractors!

All this was viewed from my front window! Who needs a telly!:D

anna said...


The 'Bolt' is certainly amazing and I just hope its all kosher and above aboard if you know what I mean.

Scottish and British is getting a bit wound up by my ENP antics on the Bus thread!! :D Reel 'em in! I've also had a go at Mikey but I think I might have jumped the gun there a bit! :D

Melanie said...

Hi AJ,
omg, novice is being polite....don't they have any boats ramps in ya'lls area? :/ :)

I've joined in the fracas!
(will post the recipe asap! don't want to hold up any fun!)

it was a wonderful surprise! No need to apologise! :)

AJ Fife said...


They do have a boat ramp, but them there 4x4s don't need 'em!!:D

Oh how I laughed! :DD


It's quite a good source of winding up material, this 'lympics lark!:D

Melanie said...

tis the witching hour, AJ..aff ye go!! catch ya later!!

His Girl Friday said...

Hi all,

here's a potential fun one...I've already addeda cocktail recipe...

Anonymous said...

Howdy all to your Monday!

Haven't seen anything to post on really...

well, my laptop is in the doghouse again, have to take it to the shop this time. But, on a good note, I'll be taking over the teen's laptop here soon, as we bought her a (starter) Mac so she can do more of her graphics work. (my plan is she'll support me in my auld age!! ;D)

How have you all been?? Just busy here...I've posted a bit on my other blog, but haven't had too much time to play. I'll probably take the next semester off of Uni, to help get the kiddies going with their schooling.

anyhoo...miss you all and our chat!! :)

Mel :)

Peajay said...

Hi Mel,
It's been a fab Monday as it's a Bank Holiday here and therefore a day off work. How's the Uni bit going?
Did you post an article on your other blog called 'The story of a sign' because I can't find it or am I going a bit doolally and imagining things?
Good plan with the teen but in the meantinme you have to speculate to accumulate. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Peajay,

The story of a sign, it's with the pic of the ocean beach, the one before the mountain flowers pic.

speculate to accumulate...yeh, don't I know that... ;/ :))


Peajay said...

My RSS says it's a different 'story of the sign' posted on the 16th. No worries.
Hope all is going well.

AJ Fife said...

Hello everyone,

Hope things are well with you all. It's a nice pleasant day in Sconnie Botland.

Not much else to report, other than auld 'stroppy drawers' Joanna is up to her auld tricks on the Andy Murray story today :D

The snake bite story in the Scotland section is worth a look too! :)

anna said...

Hello AJ

Stroppy knickers ?? :D :D

Admit you're beaten or else!! :D

I see someone on the Chris Hoy story is accusing you of having a crush on Salmond. Can see why tho' you do seem to love the guy! :D :D :D

We were up in Northumberland at the weekend - went up to Coldstream and jumped in and out of Scotland a few times (like you do!!). Actually went to get some Scotch pies and square sausage to bring back - they're hard to find down here ! :D

Since watching Still Game I've been craving a Scotch pie and beans! :D

We had a day out at Alnwick Castle and Bamburgh Castle as well - both very interesting and beautiful - especially Bamburgh as it was a sunny day and the view was spectacular. I gave a wave to Fife while I was there! :D

Spk to you later ...

AJ Fife said...

"leave it to the likes of AJ"

How very dare you!:DD

I'll have you know, I'm an upstanding citizen......

anna said...


Were you really hit by a drunk driver last night?

Are you OK? How awful for you - were any of the family with you?

What happened to the drunk driver? Did he get charged?

Anonymous said...


but darlin, you do so ever have a way with words, not to mention you magical timing... :)))x


AJ Fife said...

Blinking heck Mel!!!

Are you OK? Hope the fool gets the book thrown at him!

AJ Fife said...


Are you gettin' yer entries mixed up?? :D That was meant for the Scotsman, no?

Did you get bumped on the heid?

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna,

yes, actually, on the way home from work. He came over into my lane at a high rate of speed. I went over into the dirt at the side of the road to avoid, but there was a 4foot burm (sp) of dirt so I had nowhere to go. It was like he aimed straight at me. His car hit my front driver side, then went under my truck and plowed thru my 4wheel drive suspension. My driver door couldn't even by pryed open, they had to get me out the other side.
The guy as dead with impact.

Anonymous said...

my safety belt, and air bags, and the size of my truck saved me. I'm pretty bruised up, my sternum area/chest is sore from the safety belt and airbag, bruises on my r knee, and a aprained left ankle, that maybe has a hairline fracture, but it's well enough to be able to put pressure to walk (gently, that is) I'm grateful to be alive!!!!! And yes, I'll give God a thankyou to that one!! :)

AJ Fife said...

The guy died Mel??

Jeez it gets worse. It sounds like you couldn't do anything about it! :(

AJ Fife said...

Sorry for my "bumped heid" remark, it sounds like you've been badly roughed up by the whole thing!

Thank goodness you were in the truck!

Anonymous said...

aw, AJ, tease away all you want, it makes me smile...but it hurts a little to laugh!! :)

in his car, the police found a ticket from 5 days ago that he had been given for drunk driving, he was due before a judge. There were witnesses who said he was driving crazy just before he hit me. In a way, better me, in the big truck, than those others behind me in their cars. It seemed he was looking for trouble.

Anonymous said...

did I tell you I'm quite calm about all's very all surreal..or maybe just a little shock...I'm due to have a good cry yet, I can feel it! Did I tell you how thankful I am to be alive?! :)))))))

Melanie said... AJ, where's that snake joke.... :)

(I'm glad I have my pals to share with here, about it all....but don't let this ruin the fun...I don't want a party pooper label...)


AJ Fife said...

Hey you,

I left a feeble effort on the snake story!!! Hardly worth looking though, and it's not rude! :)

I'll be offski in a mo. So you make sure the fam are serving you every little whim that you desire! Chocolate is good for shock!

Take care you and have that cry!


Melanie said...

Hi AJ,

thanks, ma pal :)X

will speak with ya soon... :)

am signing off for a bit, then I should be around later :)

anna said...


Sorry had to go out for a bit there.

Just read the rest of what happened to you. Thank goodness you are mainly OK, but you must still be in shock. It will take a while to get over it. You have a damm good cry and get some chocolate in you gal! Plus maybe one of those Drambuie and Whisky cocktails I was on about before.

Really wish I could pop round with a bunch of flowers and some chocs for ya! :D

God was looking after his own I'm sure :))

Take care - sweetie :))

Peajay said...

Hi Mel
Thank God you're ok. Hope the sore bits are a little less sore today, but take it easy anyway.

anna said...

Hope you're feeling better Mel :))


Are you getting in a pickle with Dunc?

Is he related to the Duke of S, I think we should be told. Maybe he's the Duke of S's love child - you could ask him? That should get him going!! :D

Me & Scars are getting on fine now.... he'll probably be asking me to go and see the blessed paintings with him next !!! :D :D

anna said...

AJ :D :D

Fancy calling Dunc a 'melodramatic auld fruit cake'.... that did make me laugh! :D

Btw: I think he is gay - so you could be right about the fruit cake bit! :D

Do you think that Sylvia was joking about copying the Titians? What a baloon if she wasn't !

Anonymous said...

Hi all!

Thanks, Peajay. I am feeling better. Although the lovely medicine (narcotic) they gave me really helps! ;) :)

Where are you are you guys posting?

Mel :)

anna said...

Glad you're feeling better Melanie :))

The painting story!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Anna,

I've had a quick peek, and the posting looks pretty funny.

bye AJ! 1700 on the tick-tock

Mel :)

Anonymous said...

HI all,

wellm my ankle is still in question about being broken...but it sure is swelling and aching like it's broke (hairline fracture type, though only-hopefully) I dread to think if they're going to cast it. I see the orthopedist probably next week. But so far all else is doing well. I'm two weeks for now, off I'll have time to 'bug' you all!! :DDD

I've commented on the squirrel story. Poor Charles couldn't get the link for the truck pic going so, I've left the SgtMjr's blog link. (after a thought, but I don't think anyone will find their way here)

Well, Your all starting you morning, I'm up due to a wee bit of break thru pain/discomfort. (but not to worry, the doc has sent me home with some nice medicine to take care of that...whoooo!! ;))))

Leave a note as to where you're posting....I wonder who's going to be first in the new room? Ah, the silly things in life we appreciate!!! :D

Mel :)