Hello all, would love to be ar muir (at sea) on a tall ship, as passenger -not crew ;) right about now,...or perhaps in a small fishing boat with my family on a High Sierra mountain lake! Please excuse the light-heartedness of this blog, it was created with a California layed-back beach-bum attitude which I still sometimes have though I am residing quite inland. For those of the more serious-minded nature, and want to explore the correlation between the need for adventure and human behavior, please visit my other-half's blog: http://sleepybearhollow.blogspot.com Lots of really good thought evoking, in-depth things to talk about there! Until later, Ciao!
Anna here - I like your website - but just to let you know I'm not igoring you on the Scotsman site. They've decided to start moderating my posts!! Don't know why? I might try and find another way on but I'll see ....... Nice talking to you and Grail Hunting with you anyway!!
Hi Anna, they are blocking me too!!! I wonder if someone complained???? We were having such fun, too....well, let's see what happens...if you can get thru to AJ...I wonder if he's being blocked, as well?! I hope this is not permanent....
Hi Melanie
I got Peejay's message - you can be naughty and get round the moderator by registering under a different email i.e hotmail account. I think that is what AJ has done and I have tried it as well and it worked - but I think I'll steer clear of the Scotsman site for now, anyway. Perhaps, we have upset someone! I think it's quite easy to do on there as they seem to be a bit sensitive.
Your website is pretty cool. I'll really have to do something similar, but it needs thought.
Is it safe to mention the airshow at RAF leuchars?
Hi AJ, I 'clicked' on the wrong post when I responded... it would be neat if you would post, on your blog site, some of the various grail hunting photos of Berlin, or even your latest hillwalking in Scotland adventure! Although, your other mention of 'warning' photos was mysterious and/ or just cheeky??!
I think these blog sites can get pretty in depth with links etc. I plan to put my wino...uhem...wine consulting link on here, plus, it would be fun to put links to various music groups, esp the less well known ones like we talked about earlier
bye for now!
Hi Melanie,
The "warning" joke is harmless, the joke normally starts - I'm not saying I'm ugly, but..........!
So, it wasn't mysterious, just basic old me! You'll get used to the wit or lack of it!
Good idea about Berlin, I'll make it my project next month!
Hi AJ, and here I thought you were some safety officer in your spare time! ;) Glad your really considering your blog!
AJ, do you have photos from your walk about, eg architecture/artwork...like the Islamic art/Catholic church?
Did you like the Cajun/Boudreux joke?? It's similiar in humour to
what's found in the Blue Collar Comedy Tour (red-neck humour)....another one is..."My husband's favorite word is 'sensuous'......'since you was' up, can you bring me anotha beer?"
came across this blog...this guy took some really neat photos on various grail hunts....worth having a look....
nite all!
AJ/Anna....the Pianist was excellent, no need for the obvious critique...it was humbling, saddening, and inspiring...
Since you seem aviation fans....did you see the movie Top Gun??
Top Gun is a very true depiction of life in any airforce. Just look at Anna, she would've been swept off her feet by her dashing top gun hubby to be!!!!
Melanie, I'm not a spotter y'know!!!!
AJ, didn't think you were a spotter... :)
on the politics site....were you Jack Boot?? "show me the way to go home."??...there's two versions of that I've heard...both are good!! ;)
...the one I was thinking of was from Top Gun; I thought it was you...and I was being Very cheeky!!
So, Anna, were you swept off your feet??? :) Those 'pilot boys' in their flight suits!!! ummmm!!!
AJ, Lanna was hopin to have some discourse with ya but Sod kept getting in the way!!! Guess I wasn't sharp enough to draw you in, although as I've heard said before...don't bother a man when he's workin!!! ...I didn't want to interupt/get too personal when the politics were going... you know, a man's business!... ;)
Now I know about these symbols ;-), my understanding of your posts has improved - you're always taking the mickey out of me, ya wee cheeky monkey!!!;-))
I wasn't Jack Boot, but for once the political site was fun!!:-)
Hi AJ, ... it's All done in fun humour...I am really quite harmless and have every good intent!! :)
Anna/AJ..The ship keeps drawing me in to want to post here! That photo is from a sailing tour we took on a Tall Ship/mock naval battle...we were on one ship, the photo is of the second ship....lots of fun(well for me...my poor fam ended up on the anti-seasick pills)!!
AJ, Those symbols are enough to make the brain go mush!! Who has time to think of all of those....
Do you think it incredible sometime...that we three have managed to continue with the fun of all this??...considering similarities, differences, yet somehow drawn to keep up with the posting. I just find this all very unique!
....sorry if I'm getting philosophical! The lateness of the hour, the wine, the music...don't worry, the wee cheeky monkey will return on the morrow! :)
Sorry for missing the whole yesterday, not good enough really. Warrant Officer Anna would have me cleaning toilets with a toothbrush!!
Might have a wee bit of time later, but this afternoon, family duties beckon.
I'll have a wee look on the Scotsman to see if a topic needs an injection of AJ wisdom!
No need to apologise to us, AJ, your banter and wisdom is just much appreciated, and missed when not there! :)
Have a Great day with your Fam!!
(give the wee one lots of hugs! :)
...Bye for now!
Hi Melanie,
I'm always giving my wee one hugs, so one from you was carried out as instructed!!:-)
It is amazing we have this link. I hope it carries on - I'm sure it will!
Hope your family is thriving too!
Speak to you soon
Hi AJ, You seem the kinda guy that would be giving his wee one lots of hugs :) ....thanks for seeing thru it and knowing that a hug was from me, as well! :)
Your little one is in such an adorable stage! "sigh", hard to believe my oldest is....15yrs!
Yes, I think it would be great to keep this going...I'm sure there will be times when we're busier and might only get a sentence or two out....but that's okay!
My fam is doing great, thanks, keeping me (a fun) busy... :)
...will leave a post on our new grail site as well...
Hi AJ, I really do hope your wife doesn't give you too much grief over your college courses, whatever you choose them to be...we spouses can be hard on each other sometimes!
At least your not one of those that hangs at the pub with his mates all the time!!! :)
Are you taking the courses to satisfy a job or career goal, or just to satisfy....?! :)
Melanie, my wife really encourages me to to the modules. It was really for my own satisfaction with a view to possibly changing jobs in the future.
There are jobs within private and public sector concerned with historical conservation and recording that I would hope to move into. However, it's not essential and I can at least obtain the personal development that these course provide.
The film studies course is really to keep my hand in, with regard essay writing etc, as I start a fairly heavy correspondance course in the new year on Scottish Mediaeval History.
However the film studies course looks great - just bought a book on ebay - Film Art an Introduction. Did you use a similar text, Melanie?
I believe that was similiar to the book we used...I took the class quite a bit ago; I really liked it, the essays were challenging but fun to write, and we had a really good teacher so she made it interesting.
The 'historical conservation' sounds like it would be a neat job...(but I suppose the tourist contact, if necessary, might get a bit old) ;)
your next course sounds really difficult but very interesting!
Might end up with hysterical consternation! or hysterical constipaton!!
I'm looking forward to the challeges.Interestingly, one of my fellow students walked out after 5 mins on Monday. The lecturer was going over some of the stuff on the Uni internet site, this chap decided he couldn't hack the IT, stood uo and walked out. There was a quick conflab between him and the lecturer and off he went!!
Exciting already and it hadn't even started. The guy had really long wild grey hair and looked a hardy roustabout from Texas. Pity, he might have been interesting!
either way hysterical seems the ticket, can't wait to read some of your ravings!!!
too bad, the long haired wild man could have been an asset!!
Do you think it "cruel" to sound Reveille at high decibals to raise children from their beds who do not wish to get up??? ;)
Black Sabbath's War Pigs should do the trick - or any heavy metal full blast!!!
oooohhhh, that's even more cruel!!!
I didn't realise you were posting on this blog as well.... how could I have missed that?
You'll both be cleaning toilets with toothbrushes for this!!:))
Hi Anna,
sorry, thought you saw us here...was wondering why you never answered about the pilots in their flight suits!!! ;)
I know, Melanie, mmm yum pilots in flying suits.....let me see. Well, there are a few who think they're Gods gift but are actually not - with or without a flying suit! However, I can recall a few who would make a ladie's pulse race a bit. One, in particular was gorgeous, from a well to do family, very rich, charming and an absolute gentleman who everyone liked. He was the definite image of the dashing fighter pilot!
My other half's not bad either - he can still make my pulse race!! ;))
hmmmm...thought I heard music??!!!
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