Ceud Mile Failte!! or in other words, Howdy, ya'll!!
Please join in on the conversation. We can banter, debate, share highs, share lows, philosophise to no end. It's all good!
Life is just too short...there are so many things to do and see; and, to share with those you care about!! Work hard, play hard...cherish those you love, share a few pints with yer friends and solve the world's problems...take time to improve yourself each day so that you may in some small way improve another's journey...."Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Ghandi
1 – 200 of 1007 Newer› Newest»I have enjoyed the humourous banter on the Scotsman and so followed the link to your Blog. (I am new to comment posting so please bear with me) Thank you for forwarding the Whirlpool info and no I didn't take Mary from M seriously. It was nice to see Mark in the clips, he looked to be doing the manual bit, so how come you were nowhere to be seen? The wine business sounds rather exciting in a kind of unhealthy way (reviews of whether a bottle of red a day is good for you remain mixed).
"Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved" Soren Kierkegaard.
Mel is very good at dodging cameras when we are in the field - she has elevated camera dodging to an Olympic sport.
So, are we on this blog now? Or are you guys needing some private time?
this is a duplicate from the grail, in case ya missed it!!
...it's the darn heat here, Anna, just tends to make the brain cells frazzled...
...I do tend to push things to extreme sometimes, when in character :(
...ok, re-set the timer!!! :))
Its what makes me enjoy our chats on these blogs.... Melanie! You and AJ flirting with one another... me and AJ arguing with one another .... All the different personalities are what makes it interesting...:))
guid, didnae want tae be in trouble, ah am a modest married womin..but this alter-ego keeps ah givin me trouble noo an then!! :))
did you see my attempt at Scots on the McG blog?? was hoping for a critique, as it's been fun to learn here from you two...it was by the RIP ...new worst poet...starts with "Beautiful eagle," etc
You have a natural talent for acting. It must be a Californian thing;)
I know it's not really acting, but of course, imaginative writin'!
Melanie, you asked about Sixth Sense. We haven't discussed it in class, but I've watched it twice. It's certainly a well made film, but I wouldn't put it down as a classic.
Strangely, when I first saw it years ago, it got me hooked. However this time, it's a bit of a chore. It's in direct contrast to the other film we'll be writing about - The Godfather. The more times I watch it, the better it gets!
I remember Anna saying her better half was an afficionado(spelling?)of the Godfather. I can see now why it's held in such high esteem. Every detail was covered by Coppola, even the year the cars in each scene were made, had to match the period exactly. Costume was also spot on, as were any outdoor shots which reflected the period. No stone was left unturned.
Passed my first essay too!
No sign of anyone, so I'll be off to ma beddybys.
See Ya'll
good morn to your Wed! Have to work today, but will say hello before I leave in my morn
AJ, sorry I missed ya! Havna seen the Godfather, it sounds like too much 'Italian' machisimo for me :) and too violent...can you believe an American said that!?!
...Congrats on your essay! :))
Anna, how am I doin on the timer?!
Peajay, are you present and accounted for??!! :))
They've already closed the Eagle blog, and most of the others for that day, but the whirlpool is still open...I wonder, is it a trap??!! ;)
...the blog about the Kirk took a funny twist as there was a play on Capital as Captain...Kirk
...Las Vegas is so nice this time of year, oh what a bother...I was hopin for New York, New York...I've heard that it has such a wonderful Irish Pub!;)
Good Morning Melanie
All present and correct ;D
Hi Folks
It's obviously a quiet day, nae Peajay, nae Anna, Melanie will still be in the land of nod!
A good going feminist argie bargie is going on at the Cherie Blair blog - right up Anna's street that one!:D
AJ,I wish I was still sleeping!!! Have to go earn ma bread and butter!! Sound like that blog might turn into a cat fight....
Anna, do ya have yer claws sharpened ma Leo friend!?!
Hi Peajay, glad to see yer among us today, sorry I won't be here to chat!!
AJ, where on earth do you come up with facts like Finnish governmt subsid. for veggies!!
Let me know where you guys have been'causing trouble' today, it will make for a fun read after work!
Is it time for another round of questions for the forum, we've already done favorite colour, cake and birthday month...hmm, will have to think on that one!!! :))
Och Melanie, I just made it up.........well actually, I think I read it a while back on one of the message boards!! Not exactly a sound reference, but I think/hope it's true!! We should google it!:D
Enjoy your day Melanie and remember to wear something under your uniform;)))
Anna, was that flirty enough for you?:D
Hi all,
AJ - that was not only very flirty - it was positively suggestive ;))
I've been busy at college today and I've got an exam next week so had to put in a bit of work as well. Life's not fair is it?
I've not managed to get a look at the Scotsman yet - I'll pop over and see what you've been up to.
Any good blogs?
err....there are some good blogs today.Cherie Blair, M&S and something to do with Scotland being unhealthy.....again!!
I really could do with being banned. It's not for the want of trying!!:)
As for being suggestive, it must be all the digestives I eat!!
Suggestive digestive - you'll be stealing McGonagall's crown as 'worst poet' at this rate.
You're winding up Iron Knickers Republican Martha on the Cherie blog aren't you? Is she in love with Laura and Dubya or what?
I'll have a look at the other ones.
Yes the Godfather is a very good film - I've not seen it as many times as my beloved (the trainee Mafiosi!!) but, still very enjoyable. He likes GF 2 a lot as well!!
Told you the Cherie blog was a perfect one for you. I'll just spectate and watch the fireworks unfold!!:))
Yup, Martha could be the dream ticket. She is easily rattled methinks!!:D
So college was good!? I bet you wanted to get back to the posting tho'!!
"So college was good!? I bet you wanted to get back to the posting tho'!!"
I tell you what AJ - its worrying how addictive this starts to get! I'd heard of people spending all day on the web talking twaddle - I never thought I'd ever be one of them :)) But, its such fun....
Anna, snap. Just hope I don't get caught:)
I see the 'girls' are on the M & S blog being competitive about sizes. Does my bum look big in this? Oh, she's too fat for that dress. Catty lot!!
So, I've put my two pennorth in - I tell lies but so what!!
Peajay .... boiled lettuce leaf juice .... Yuk!! Good comment tho' - I've replied to you.
Obviously, I'm not a size 2 - I'm quite a bit more 'healthy' looking than that. The comment by one of the posters about M & S only stocking stuff for fat people got up my nose a bit. According to her if you're over a size 10 then you're fat! No wonder young girls have problems with anorexia and bullimia with attitudes like that!! :))
Ooh Peajay - you are awful - but I like you!! I wonder if skinny Lizzie B will come back for a bitch with us about size 'issues'!! :))
I'm looking forward to tackling Thin Lizzie. :D
Well done today, lots of fun reading...let's see, for dinner...lettuce leaf with the boiled juice to follow, scotch eggs and fried green tomatoes!!!
Actually, it was simple crackers and cheese with a glass of nice Italian Sangiovese.
Anna/Peajay...what fun!!! :))
Had to read a lot of the banter with the pups nipping at my heels, as they somehow seemed to very much miss me being gone today...so sorry that my comments are general for the 'female' blogs, so to speak,
however.....as my Aunt had to survive the Katrina thing, and only just had her house not destroyed by huge fallen trees, and had the threat of fending of looters...they were glad for their shotgun, to have as a warning!!...
AJ, pretty close on the New O debacle...our Constitution dictates that States must ask The Feds for help, the Feds just can't go in....Bush was given a bad rap for that, he actually went against the usual policy and ordered US troops in to help...it has always been that our military will not be activated on our soil, much like Roman legions, not to be used in Rome.
N.O. Parish is an entity unto itself...even when LA State enacts a law, N.O. has the right to vote within its Parish whether or not to accept...this is how it's been explained to me....so if the fault must lie...it would be first with the Mayor, then State.
There was a lot of looting; some of it was orchestrated by the N.O. Police officers!! I do believe the busses were there to evacuate, but it was poor local planning, and then some chose to stay...it really wasn't a racial thing
...isn't it sad when 75%, or something,of the N.O. were on or below the poverty level. I think, the Mayor, et al, underestimated the after effects of rising water level of Lake Poncitrain, and the Levees weakening!!!!
ah well, sorry about the rant...I'll welcome any rebuttals!! :))
Well, there's been a turnover here, politically; let's see if they can put their money where there mouth is!!!
It will be interesting to see what follows with the UK!!! And the whole Scottish Independance issue!!
I've been trying to follow and learn your system, the diff party beliefs, etc...muy interesante!! (very interesting!)
So, AJ, when I google Finnish vegetable subsidies, would you prefer I wear my white uniform or my blue scrubs??!! ;)
talk with ya'll tomorra!!! :))
hey guys,
I need your assistance in a certain matter, a certain Marianne from Edinb. really ticked me off on the M&S blog, I'm glad I saw it..I replied, but I still think she needs another thrashing, or two!! of all the nerve, I can't stand people like that! (sorry, I have a problem with self-inflated snobs)
ok, breathe deeply....., ah, better now!!
g'nite, see ya quickly in the am, have to work again, tho :(
Good morning Melanie
I have ticked her off in no uncertain terms. :D
Have a good day at work.
Melanie - I missed it but I'll belatedly tick her off for you ;))
Very interesting stuff about New Orleans and the state and federal issue. Its hard, sometimes, for us little island folk to get our heads around what an enormous place the USA is and how different the individual states can be. Fascinating, tho' and any more info gratefully received. For instance, do they have the death penalty in Calif? Which states do have it?
Btw: I picked up an interesting looking book the other day called "The Widow of the South" by Robert Hicks an American writer. Its about the US Civil War - from the Confederate side (I think).
The blurb on the back reads:
"In an extraordinary debut novel based on a true story, Robert Hicks paints an unforgettable portrait who through love and loss, found a cause. Known throughout the country as the Widow of the South, Carrie McGavock gave her heart first to a stranger, then to a piece of hallowed ground, becoming in the process the symbol of a nation's soul."
Thought it sounded pretty good!!
Saw the Marianne comment - what a bag - she can't be for real, surely?
Pity, Doreen hasn't seen it - she'd have blasted her into the middle of next week.
Peajay was your comment removed? What did it say?
Liked your comments and added mine!:))
Thanks for the more indepth analysis of the NO disaster. It really did grab my attention at the time, and the media here, really highlighted the apparent social and crimal difficulties that hampered the rescue attempts, eg it was reported there were armed gangs roaming the streets. Of course I knew a large part of this would just sensationalist journalism. Bush took a hammering for his insensitivity, I remember!
Anna and Peajay, I think the Marianne character is having a laugh(at least I hope so). However, we might as well give her both barrels just in case!:)
Anna, did you notice I managed to tame Doreen!!!:D
AJ - Doreen seems to be eating out of your hand now!! Its your charm and tact that does it, plus the fact that you know when to back down!!:))
I'm sure Marianne is on a wind up - she/he is hoping to get a rise out of someone like Doreen!!
I've had a look at the story about the young boy who was murdered by those 5 men in Glasgow.
Its an awful story ... but I can't bring myself to comment on it - there's too many people who want to blame every Asian for the killing on there for me.
It is worrying tho' that it hasn't been publicised more ... its been in the Times this week, but thats all really. I agree with some of the posters if that had been 5 white men and an Asian boy there would have been saturation coverage, nationwide.
The same week that the young black boy was murdered in England with an axe, a white man was stabbed (for no apparent reason) by a black man whilst just sitting on a London bus. The former made headlines for weeks and the latter only got mentioned in short reports on the inside pages. It does make you wonder a bit doesn't it?
Too right, no disgrace in a tactical withdrawal!!:)
I still have a pretty disturbing image of Doreen - not far off Corbett's view of Horrible. In reality, she is probably a beautiful top Glasgow lawyer who drives a Mercedes convertible!! Who knows:D
Like you Anna, I won't comment on that story, the whole thing is beyond me - cruelty beyond belief!
It's been a major story here for months, but like you say, it's strange that it hasn't been UK wide. There are probably a lot more racially motivated killings, but the authorities keep a lid on the reporting - a bit like the sectarian murders in Northern Ireland.
I don't know what the best tactic would be. Do you publicise every incident, which might inflame the situation. Or would the reaction be one of each community sorting the problems out. I would like to think the latter, but I'm not sure!!:(
well done, guys!! Peajay, didn't get to see your comment, but Congratulations on the removal!! :)
Your right, it probably was just a wind up, or as I say "stirin' the pot". I still had to say something..."It waas ah matta of Honor!" ;)
Crime reporting is a bit of the same here as far as playing down white victims, ethnic criminal;... irresponsible journalism...although I agree if they keep whoopin it up, then you might get lynchings...look at the Rodney King riots...which is worse, the break down of training by the police, or all the people maimed and murdered because the press played it up and incited the people???
...if people would keep their heads, it would be good if the comm could come together to sort out the problems!!
Anna, Texas and Calif, but will have to research the other states
AJ, you charmer, getting Doreen to purr like that!!! ;)
Have a great day, will catch up with ya later!!
Morning Melanie,
'Scrubs' sound good to me:D
Not much doing today, although I really need to do some work, so that's no bad thing.
I like "it waas ah matta of hona":D
I did comment on the Kriss Donald killing, after all. That Karen on there was bugging me ... she is so BNP its scary. According, to her all the murders committed by white people haven't been as bad as this killing. Including, Hitler, Stalin, Brady, Hindley, Black and the Dunblane killer.
Unbelievable, they were all evil b******ds, whatever their skin colour.
Anna, evil is evil, no matter colour or religion. People have tried to make a racist point.
Do they use lethal injection in Calif, Melanie? I know they do in Texas.
Does France still have capital punishment, does anyone know? They used to use the guillotine but I don't know what they do now.
I'm not really macabre, just interested.
What's your view, on capital punishment, AJ, Peajay, Melanie?
Capital Punishment - if you could rely on the judicial system to get things right, then I'd be all for it regarding the more brutal crimes - certain murders, child sexual abuse etc
However, we can't trust the law to do things properly, so the answer Anna, is no!
What about in the cases where there is no doubt, like Ian Brady, Myra Hindley Robert Black (caught redhanded), Dennis Nillson, Peter Sutcliffe, Rosemary West etc?
The thing is some of these people exercise a macabre fascination for wierdos. Look at how many marriage proposals, Sutcliffe has received, they achieve an almost celebrity status which when you consider their crimes is repellant. I think when there is no doubt they should be executed.
In an ideal world these people should be executed, however we do not live in an ideal world. I remember reading about some of the unfortunate people who were hanged but have since been cleared or the crime has been given a lesser rating. That is what would happen when you consider some of the fools who would preside over such decisions.
Could you imagine someone like David Blunkett with that power???
Yeah, good point AJ there have been people who have been let off years after they were locked up. There was that one recently of the little girl from Yorkshire who was murdered about 30 years ago. A man was locked up for that for 18 years and then released - another guy has just been arrested for it on new DNA evidence. If they had executed the first bloke that would have been awful.
But, I still think, in cases like the ones I mentioned, the (serial) killers should have been executed.
Its not an easy thing tho' is it? But the prisons are full to bursting with nutters and then they let them out and they do something else horrendous.
What's your view, Melanie, seeing as where you live has capital punishment?
Hi all
Sorry to be catching up have been in workshop all day.
I feel I have achieved a major ambition of being 'removed':D. My comment may have mentioned S***e Hawks having made it as far inland as Edinburgh. And what a shame it was that such a parvenu was trolling for effect. I suggested that she crawl back under her rock. :D
Do ya'll think I struck a nerve somewhere. ;)
Excellent comment Peajay - and the gratifying thing is that the silly moo saw it before it was removed!!:D
Aye, congrats Peajay, you did a fine job. btw A workshop, that sounds interesting!!;) You can tell me to naff off, I won't take offence. It's only me and Melanie that don't keep our cards close to the chest!!:)
Anna, I'll grant you this - I'll allow you to put to death any serial killer who is caught red handed or there is absolutely no doubt about his/her guilt. I wouldn't include anybody that's mentally ill tho'- and that probably makes things even more complicated!!
Yes, a workshop. Just for your info AJ, I get to wear safety specs, face mask and an overall, not as thrilling as scrubs but as you didn't ask either myself or Anna I figure you needed to know.:D
Anna, as a Papist slave I really don't get to have an opinion on the death penalty. ;)
I didn't figure you were a welder. Your tone is threatening, I'll stop flirting with Melanie and tow the line. I know how important 'The Family' is!!!:D
I'm watching The Godfather for the fourth time tonight!:D
Hey, for your info Peajay, I know what Anna does for a living!
Gotta study now see ya
Yes, but you never asked whether she was in full dress uniform or fatigues :D
I'm a jewellery designer as opposed to a welder although the principles are similar.
Might 4 times get a little tedious, after all you know how it ends. :P
Enjoy your studies. :D
ooh, lucky for me I was away at work, and then with the fam...will catch up on questions and reading later...meanwhile, behave!! ;)
Sorry, Peajay, I don't understand the comment about Papist slave! It might just be me being a bit thick but care to explain?
Jewellery designer that sounds good - I love jewellery... do you do work in precious metals or is your stuff more costume/fashion jewellery? I really like long dangly earrings.... what about you AJ, fave piece of jewellery?
Clothes what I wear? Well, obviously one of those long white scarfs, goggles, leather flying jacket and a handlebar moustache - when I'm working! :))
Any good blogs today?
Good morn all
Anna, or should I say , The Flying Countess... ;)
...am off to get my coffee, then I'll see about the blogs
Well, I read about the Island Thief stealing innocence...they're going off on there in that he was from Glesga...will have a look on some back pages
Peajay, in AJ's defence, I made the uniform/scrub joke, and he was just responding, it stemmed sort of from another joke or two in the past that we've made, with it's origin I think being tied to kilts?? :)) Nothing descriptive mind you!!!
I liked you Papist slave comment!! How was the workshop?? :))
Anna, my cousin has ties to the Roman Cath Church...which is why my father's fam (not Peajay's part of it) had a snit when he dated and married my American, And Scots Presb mum.
Right OK, Melanie but why does that mean Peajay can't vote or have an opinion on capital punishment?
Peajay, if you were just making a joke .... sorry if I'm being a bit thick .... just curious, honestly!:))
Sorry, Peajay, I've just realised what you meant ... your religious beliefs mean that you go with the church teaching on capital punishment, which I assume is against it? Sorry if I seem nosy ... I was just confused and probably having a 'senior' moment!! :D
Anna, I'll let Peajay get that one; my good friend is Catholic, but we haven't hit on that topic
the face/comedienne one is kind of funny, there was a neat shortstory of the Spitfire Ace escaping Nazis, and one re a tribute to a WW1 father, Sco/Edin section
Anna, your new book sounds interesting...I'm off to the library later for Trainsp. and The Mary Mag books
I only read a little of yest's blog on those Asians and the killing...just too heavy yet, but you guys had some good comments! ..will form an answer later, tho
You didnae ask, Anna, but I like earrings...moderately dangly; and I like jewelry with the Celtic knot scrollwork, but nice stuff, not 'made for the tourist' look
AJ, the Godfather repeated times...I'm worrying you might start speakin like a Mafioso!!!
thanks bout the 'hona' comment...It was, ...that person was disrespectin' ma freends!!! ;))
busy day today??
hmmm...things one reads when one is putting off getting started for the 'work' day...
..."Guests lap up fairytale castle show of dog collars"
Hi all
Have been workshopping again so sorry for late arrival. My jewellery is all Sterling Silver with hankerings of being more precious (affordability crunches that idea) and is just about everything you would class as adornment ie. earrings (dangly and otherwise), pendants, bracelets, bangles etc. Rings are commission only as you need so many different sizes,(especially as there are so many people above a curvy 10/12 :D)
Yes Anna, the Papist bit is being a Catholic and you know how the Church feels about taking life, an-i-4-an-i is biblical phallacy in reality. So I guess that precludes having a vote although an opinion may remain un-voiced. :)
Hey all, have a great weekend!!... in case I miss ya!! :))
Ah yes, I see now Peajay - fair enough, I respect your beliefs even if I don't share all of them :))
One of my best friends is a Baptist and she has a very deep Christian faith but we get on great together. I think I'm fairly open minded on most things and she doesn't go on about stuff - unless I ask her and then we have a natter about it all.... :))
I haven't blogged anything today - couldn't find anything to get interested in.
I was trying to get a rise out of AJ - when I mentioned the jewellery preferences, Melanie. Have you got any piercings AJ? Mind you, you seem to be very quiet today ... surely not still watching the Godfather. You must be word perfect by now! :D
I've got Trainspotting out of the library as well, Melanie, but I have to confess I haven't tackled it. The language put me off a little bit but I'm going to give it a go!! Nothing ventured etc, etc. :))
Anna, tricky....but, AJ could have responded about the type of jewelry he likes to see on his wife!!! :))
I forgot the library was closed for a holiday, Veteran's Day, which is actually tomorrow...will have to wait to get my books; those other books I mentioned earlier were a no-go, rather boring and hard to get into...
AJ, you are quiet today!! Hopefully you will have some down time this weekend, no "besieging" by guests!! ...maybe get the ghost tour worked in!?!
Well, If you guys get "bored" this weekend..."give a ring!" ;D
The poem that the little girl wrote for her father is very moving - I just hope no-one spoils that blog by posting something nasty... there are a few toads out there who like to score political points even on something like that.
The BNP blog is also attracting a few comments...
Maybe, AJ has a belly button bar, Melanie... do you AJ?
You need to get back here and defend yourself from my picking on you!! :D
Just been told to "go and bake some cookies" by some facist BNP supporter on that blog. So, I've had to tick him off!!
Hi Anna,
Good morn! My read and chat will have to wait a few hours...other half is working this weekend...so I'm taking the kids about for the required Sat events!!!
Sound like you're doing well, tho!!! :)) Will check back with ya when I return!
I think you whipped him good and proper Anna, I particularly like the query of his age. :D Trouble with people like Glen is once a cretin always a cretin.
You don't think AJ may have a nipple piercing or something even worse do you Anna? :D
Anna, wonderful sure-shot that you are!!...you handled that Glen with style!!!! :))
Poor AJ...You guys are too funny about the piercings...did you mention a question about tattoos, as well??!! ;)
My son's football match had a light shower of rain half way thru...luckily I had a warm rain jacket(what's the Eng/Sco slang for jacket/coat, I forget)
...the clouds moved in fast, it was relatively sunny here this morn...no, I didnae get up and dance 'round in it!!! :)
It's been a busy day, today...earlier I had my pick-up truck in the Veteran's/Remembrance Day Parade for a women's heritage group that assists the Veteran's Hospital, and promotes education scholarships, etc...Daughters of the Am. Rev. ...not meant to offend my Eng/Sco friends, here!!;))
We put straw bales in the back for the ladies to sit on and wave...my littlest one was able to sit in the back seat and wave to everyone, she had fun being 'in a parade'! The city arranged with the AFB to have a flyover of the Stealth Fighter and a Vietnam era helicopter. Always fun to see flyovers!! (as long as they're on our side!!!!)
It was fun, but also touching, esp after reading that young girls poem on the Scotsman...as I was driving at 5mph/8kph?, I was able to take the time to read some of the Remembrance placards/signs amongst the spectators... of lost loved ones from the war/s...It felt good to be a part of something that supports our soldiers past and present.
Well, hope your day's gone well!!
Another work day for him inside tomorrow, overtime, so I'm not complaining! I'm still trying to talk him into going up to Seattle area...our anniversary is coming up in Jan..so maybe this can go towards it!
will be seein ya'll later!!
Your Remembrance Day Parade sounds great, Melanie, what a very good thing to be part of.
We are going to watch the Remembrance Sunday Parade in our small town tomorrow as our son is taking part in it with his Beaver Cubs group.
Peajay, you could be right about AJ - possibly both have been pierced and he has a belly button bar.
How about tatoos - anyone got any?
no tattoos...yet...the Sgt Mjr has been at me to get one!! He has seven!!! I just haven't come up with something that I can tolerate being 'permanent' :)
An old pal has a tattoo on her uppermost, inner thigh of an American road-sign (she told me about it, I've never seen it!!!)...it's yellow, diamond shaped that says 'slippery when wet'!! A product of her wild years...sorry if that's TMI (Too Much Information) ;))
Enjoy your parade tomorrow!! You didn't fess up about tattoos, Anna...Any RAF wing commander elite squadron tattoos...!! :)
Just got back from the Remembrance Day parade - whew it was cold out there today.
You would have felt at home, AJ, we had a Scots pipes and drums band!! All in tartan and bearskins - they were great! They led the parade out and round the town to the war memorial to the tunes of 'Scotland the Brave' and 'A Scottish Soldier'. Then, after the wreaths had been laid a piper played the lament 'The Flowers of the Forest'. It was all really nice but I couldn't help smiling at the sight of a small English town's parade marching, proudly, along to Scotland the Brave and the crowd loved it!!
The best of it is they are called 'The Peterborough Highland Band' - Well, you would be hard pushed to find a Highland anywhere round here. The highest piece of land is the railway embankment and that's man-made!! :))
Our boy was flag bearer for the Beavers, so he was very proud of himself... so were we!! :))
No tattoos - Melanie - I've always been concerned that they'll look silly on my old wrinkly skin when I'm in my dotage!! ;))
How fun that your son was the flag bearer...memories to treasure, aren't they!! :))
My grandad had a Navy/Merchant Marine anchor tattooed on his forearm... I remember the old and wrinkly look...maybe that's why I hesitate!!
We have a Local Pipes and Drums Marching Band that participates in our Christmas Parade...I love it!! Funny about the English marching to Scotland the Brave :)
For the Vets/Remb Day Parade, they had a big work truck that carried a band playing all the Vietnam era 60's music...I only got to hear a little, tho :( Our truck was too far behind and it was windy.
Any good blogs today...I should be around, save for a later jaunt out to the horses if the weather holds
Apologies once again for being AWOL on another weekend:(
This time it's been a three day stint at load a 12 ton skip with soil, gravel and broken up concrete.
I'm very sore indeed, in fact my piercings on my doodaa are a little tender. Also, my exertions caused shock and horror in the Burgh of Leven - whilst bending over to grapple with more concrete, my tattoos became exposed on each buttock. I have a 'W' tattooed on each cheek! When I bend over it spells 'WOW'!!!:D
I noticed nobody missed me this week!:((
I'm impressed you attended the parade Anna, as you know, it's something I feel deeply about.
As for jewellery,no particular favourite, apart from perhaps, a dangling jade necklace worn by a naked dusky beauty from Tahiti!!:)
To qualify that Peajay and Anna - it would be a female dusky beauty from Tahiti!! Melanie wouldn't have any doubts!!:D
Gotta crack on with another essay, see ya!
Anna, what about your piercings and tattoes? No self respecting WAF would be without half a dozen............at least!!;)
Well, as we head up to the 100....
I have to return to my chair, as I've fallen out, due to uncontrollable chuckles from a certain Fifer...who, Of Course, was missed!! :))
Thank you Melanie for your kind words. I can always rely on you. You are the No1. Jist the beezkneez. Fandabidosi. A wee cracker so ye are!
That's enough Melanie, I've gotta get my essay finished/started!!:(((
The yard work sounds miserable...I speak from experience, I hope you had people helping?!
I thought perhaps you were gone for the holiday weekend
okay, I'll leave ya alone, ya jist caught me here at ma desk...
...I've some work here, too! Tim ta pay the bills, and I've a class for work I need to study for :((
AJ - I knew you'd have a few piercings and tattoos!! As for me, no tattoos - not even 'Death or Glory' ones, but I have got 4 piercings!!
Maybe catch up with y'all (any good that one Melanie?) tomorrow!! :))
Anna, you're naughty! you didn't state the location of your piercings, which leaves us guessing...two would be for your lobes, your earlobes....but where are the others!!!! Ya'll know, we're gonna want ta know!! ;)))
maybe instead of the tattoo, I should get a piercing??! ;)) Or, perhaps, the tattoo should be as a decorative around the piercing; yikes, I suppose it depends where the piercing is??!!
...AJ, I think your joking about your piercing! I could elaborate on the possible benefits of such a placement, but I won't! Anyway, you need to focus on your paper! ;)
This is a much more interesting topic of conversation than studying pathophysiology!! ugh, puts me to sleep, anymore! Counting the days to retirement....+1092.....
AJ, your discipline to your studies and necessary tasks far exceeds mine!! quite unfair! Good luck on your writing...The Godfather? Must be due soon, or I think you would be back flirting, or ahem, talking with me :))
g'nite, Anna!
Hi all
Late as usual. Found the 'second-hand implants for bones' blog a bit worrying but other than that not much doing. No parades for us today as had to work, did do the 11 O'clock bit although not everyone can manage even 2 minutes.
(_wow_)A bit like that then AJ.:D Thank you for giving us that lasting reminder of you, thankfully I'd finished dinner ;D It does however bring to mind the guy that had Wendy tattooed on his manhood. ;D
or how bout the fella that had "Your Name" tattoed there on his willie...no, I didnae see it...was a story told to me!
WOW, thanks for the Visual, Peajay :))
And, I thought it was slightly naughty to share about the Tattoo 'slippery when wet'!!!
Gosh, I should be blushing at all this! ;D
Dare I ask what that story might be, perhaps you should email and keep the blog clean. :D
On a more serious note, tattoos are a growing and somewhat unsavoury trend here with many celebrities having and flaunting their many 'tats'. These are the same celebrities that have a young and impressionable fan-base.
off ta bed now, g'nite Melanie.
it's not so bad...
...during processing in the jails, the inmates are strip-searched...one male inmate, being a smart-a*s, says to the male deputy, "hey deputy, I've got your name written on my pen*s"..the deputy goes, "yeah, right"...
...well, needless to say, it made a few people chuckle!! :))
g'nite, Peajay!
Peajay, that article was a bit vague as to the type of 're-used' pieces...although there are anti-biotic resistant infections on the rise.
I just finished reading an article on bacterial meningitis; we treat mom's & babies, when moms test positive as a possible carrier. Along with MRSA & VRE, there is another one referred to as skid-row staph, one of those nasty flesh-eating things that is related, I think, to MRSA...found mostly in the 'street/drug' population
I don't walk in the house with my work shoes, and I don't let the kids hug me while I'm in my uniform if I've cared for an infected infant...we do have a population of drug moms having preemies...there's a bad drug problem here
The blogs got a bit nasty today, esp the obesity, and the early-release from prison...I commented on the early-release one, but it just got too out of hand with the men and their fisticuffs
about Capital Punishment...In theory, yes I'm for it...for serial killers, child mol./killers, and men who would kidnap, torture then execute a lad because of his skin-colour...in that, there is a place for it, because at a behavioral level, I think it can act as a deterrant
But, I also agree with AJ in that you can't completely trust the judicial system;...DNA evidence is improving, though...so do we have swift execution as a hopeful deterrant, or pay to house them;... should we have to drain our resources to provide for them better than some of our own citizens live? Or, with no resources, be made to deal with them on early release??? These are tough moral questions...much like in theory, if you could go back in time, would you kill Hitler, or any serial murderer, and where in his life would you kill him??
...there are so many on death row here who get 20years of appeals, because of the flawed system, it's not really a deterrant...I think they should have gotten life then made to do hard labour...if and when the system is ever improved with the DNA etc then, yes, I think that certain heinous offenses should be dealt with by the death penalty...
I don't see the death penalty as revenge, but as a possible deterrant; and, it's about protecting the people against predators who would cause a crime by viciously taking a life, and then force the taxpayers to continue to pay for it for their lifetime.
But I say this carefully, because in my opinion, there will always be abuse of power in any system.
Sorry about the sorta heavy post here...had to balance the earlier silliness!! Rebuttals always welcome to any subject that I throw out...but then, I think You guys know that!! :)))
Good morning all,
The mystery surrounding the location of Anna'a piercings looms large in the depraved mind of Mr AJ. However, the truth will be - she has both ears pierced twice!:(
Morning all,
Yes, AJ you are correct - I have both earlobes pierced twice - that is as far out as I get!!:))
On a girly note I think it looks quite nice with a stud in the top one and a dangly or hoop in the other. No plans to have any other part of my anatomy pierced or tattooed tho'!! :))
A couple of my nieces (all young adults now!!) have piercings in various places. One has had her tongue done - and I think at least 4 of them have belly button bars!! But then, they are all young and slim so it suits them. Its when you see older women with not quite the figure or skin tone that they may have had in their youth running about with their midriffs (and other bits) on show that it starts to look a bit tacky - in my opinion, only of course. So I've decided not to bother with the belly button thingymabob either!! ;D
Your comments were very good - Melanie - and I can see how death row is a big problem. I agreed with all that you said.
Any good blogs, today AJ?
Haven't had a real chance to check the Scotsman out today. I doubt if I will, as I'm frantically trying to piece my essay together for tonight. Very bad planning indeed.
I've put out my right shoulder, and believe or not, it's been like trying to work with severe toothache. I had to give up last night.
Stop laughing Anna:)
I just re-read an earlier posting of yours: "I could elaborate on such a placement".
Please do.............:))!!!!!!
AJ - I sympathise with your bad shoulder. Mind tho', you need to be careful not to overdo it at your age!! :)) All this heaving gravel and stuff about - something's got to give! :))
Hope it gets better soon. I haven't found any good blogs on the Scotsman today, anyway - so I don't think you're missing much.
Good luck with the essay! Make them an offer they can't refuse - if they don't like it ;))
Anna, that's a good idea. The lecturer mentioned he had a pet iguana. Wouldn't take much to decapitate one of those!!;)
Don't you think Mel is getting really fruity these days? Must be a vintage year in the vineyard or somthing!;)
Anna, that's a good idea. The lecturer mentioned he had a pet iguana. Wouldn't take much to decapitate one of those!!;)
Don't you think Mel is getting really fruity these days? Must be a vintage year in the vineyard or somthing!;)
Never mind, AJ, Melanie will be up soon and you can cry on her shoulder....:D
Sorry, couldn't help myself!!
Melanie, is definitely one saucy gal - it must be the Wild West or the frontier influence. Either that, or the hot weather!!
She does it so well, tho' and I'm sure she'll have a few comments about 'massaging' your shoulder etc ;))
Keep meaning to comment on your friend's tattoo, Melanie. Was that a Freudian slip - i.e. "my friend's got a tattoo", when in reality you really mean yourself!!
Only joking, but have to say that the description of the saucy tattoo made me laugh out loud!! :D
Apologies for the double post, especially since it wasn't particularly funny the first time.
Got to get on!
Anna, I like that angle, it's really Melanie!:))
Yes, I think I can buy that:D
What does the Tattoo/sign say again?
Its on the upper inner thigh of 'Melanie's friend' and is a warning triangle with the words 'Slippery when wet' on it. Tres rude and suggestive innit?
"An old pal has a tattoo on her uppermost, inner thigh of an American road-sign (she told me about it, I've never seen it!!!)...it's yellow, diamond shaped that says 'slippery when wet'!! A product of her wild years...sorry if that's TMI (Too Much Information) ;))"
That's Melanie's confession, sorry I mean story about her friend in her own words ;)
Go and take a cold shower, AJ, and be careful of your shoulder!! :D
Caramba!! Melanie confessing like that, she has got to be admired.
I always said she was a free love hippy, guitar on the back type of girl!!:D
This sort of thing is good for the soul:))
I bet you came over all unnecessary when you read that, about the tattoo, didn't you AJ?
I've posted on the board about the killing of 4 more soldiers in Iraq. I thought Osbert Sitwell's poem 'The Next War' put into words what I wanted to say.
Did you happen to see the programme about Kipling last night, AJ? The bit about his son - who was killed in WW1 was really sad and really seems to have broken Kipling's heart and he seemed to lose the ability to write after his boy died. God, what a waste these bloody wars are.
Good morn and well past the 100, with lots to catch up on ;)
feeling better, I hope, AJ?! I hope I didn't aggravate your shoulder more with my comment on you piercing, Shrek! ;)
I thought ya'll might have some naughty fun with some of my comments!! That's stirin the pot, in a good way!! I jist luv promotin creativity! ;))
thanks, Anna, about the comment...sorry it was so long, it took me a while to think/wright it out...
yes, I know I'm a bit saucy!! Sorry if it's too much sometimes!! Hard to explain the why, it could be too much sun :)... but probably just a combination of things!!... will have to sit and think on that one! :))
will be off to read some blogs
Anna, the poem was very good...I cringe when I hear my boy talking about going into the military...I know your son is younger, but does he talk about it, at all??
AJ, hope you took an anti-inflam. pain killer...also a rotation of moist heat and ice packs to the shoulder for reduction of pain and swelling...but then, you probably know all that!! :))
You didn't comment on my Death Pen. stance, I hope I didn't offend! I know you have your paper to put together, so I won't bug ya too much! :)
...wild west rule #28, "don't bother a man, when he's workin" :)
Hi Melanie,
The shooder is still giving me jip, despite very strong co-codemol tablets. I think I'm on my way out.
btw you have my permission to shoot anybody
on your way home?? sorry, I wasn't up earlier to chat..stayed up way too late :(
hope ya feel better!!
Melanie, I was only joking about being on my way out(as in popping ma clogs!) I was playing on the female belief that men feel pain more easily than wumin!!:))
I'll discuss the death penalty minus' and plus' tomorra withya.
Maybe later today, if I get this essay finished - three and a half hours to go!!:|
Hi Melanie, I note that you haven't denied the bit about the tattoo being yours and not your friends!! That's the best way 'never explain, or deny'!! Don't know who said that but I'm sure someone did ;)
My son has occasionally mentioned being a pilot in the RAF but at the moment he'd rather be a palaeontologist - as I've said before he lives and breathes dinosaurs. He'd also like to be a Timelord like Dr Who - his future career plans are very ambitious! :))
I thought perhaps the pain was just too unbearable, and you had to go home early...of course, we woman bear our children then go plow the field!! ;))
will catch up with ya tomorrow, or after class, tonite, but you'll probably and understandably just want ta turn in early!!!
Anna, I don't have any tattoos...yet, Sgt Mjr's workin for me ta get one..
the stories I tell are usually ones I've heard from my deputy friends or from my intl/group friends...they really are all a raucous, fun-loving bunch of people
...though, my southern sensibilities jist wants ta make me faint, sometimes!!! ;)
I know Melanie, just teasing you a bit :D
The other thing that puts me off tattoos, is the pain. It must be sore having them put on and also they are permanent - what if you go off the picture (or whatever) that you picked?
I used to know a guy years ago, who when he was about 17 and a raw recruit in the Marines, got drunk one night and had his blood group tattooed on his shoulder. But, ... it was the wrong blood group!! What a wally! I wonder if he still has it? :)
right about the permanent thing, Anna, plus when one ages I think the tattoo doesn't look so good... esp more so on females!
AJ, I may have to work a few hours in (my) morn, they're moving the unit to a new building tomorrow and are looking for extra hands to help, so our chat may have to be postponed a bit :(
That military blog is taking it's usual turn...the other day I heard a bit by W. Churchill III...I only heard the part that if we withdraw from Iraq, there's a good chance that the Oil wells/production will fall into the hands of the jihad terrorists, and then the wealth of the oil will be used against us (sorry, very paraphrased and heard in passing)...did you hear that speech??
The late Winston Churchill - Melanie? Is he not 'credited' with re-drawing the boundaries of present day Iraq (previously Mesopotamia)?
Winston Churchill led this country through a war and was idolised by a lot of the WW2 generation. All my grandparents absolutely adored him and said that when Churchill made a speech he gave them the courage to go on.
However, there is no getting away from the fact that he was of a top aristocratic family (grandson and nephew of the Dukes of Marlborough - he was born at their country seat of Blenheim Palace) and he had the attitude of his class and his age. He was definitely an imperialist but then a lot of people were in those days and not just the upper classes of society.
I think he was the right man in the right place at the right time and he certainly made some cracking speeches and led the country out of the dark days of WW2. But he was definitely a man of his era and class.
He was Churchill's grandson, I believe...as I said it was in passing; the govmts have really made a debacle on this with our military paying for it
...I wonder if the retaliating would be heightened because we withdraw and 'lose face'...they really do think differently than us...and what if the terrorists not the Iraqi people are in control of the oil?? There's a lot to think on with this, and unfortunately I don't have much faith in the leadership of either of our countries
Anna, I'm out the door for a walk, will catch up with you in an hour or so, if you're around :)
AJ, good luck on your paper, and enjoy your class tonite...will chat with you some time later, ya busy man!! :)
Peajay, where art thou??!! :)
Have posted a few more bits on the one about the 4 servicemen who were killed.
Martha, the Neocon is on there - she had a really bad attitude to other countries. She has a bad attitude altogether, she comes over a fully paid up member of the Klu Klux Klan, in fact.:(
Anyway, she's been told off by a few people.
Anna, I saw your one long comment earlier...excellent!...I'm also glad Arthur had a go at mad Martha...I liked his comment about Americans not understanding irony...I know a few! Everything's literal, but I think perhaps it's lack of exposure...maybe I'm even guilty of it know and then, but I hope not too much!! :))
the war thing has been weighing heavy on me a bit...it's not all about oil, I think..there are plenty of pro-terrorist Arab countries already with oil...I would like to see some of the 'eyes only' stuff...
...we have military friends in Iraq, they say being in harm's way is just their job...they are part of the building of the infrastructure there and see the Iraqi people glad for it and glad to be rid of Saddam. Our friends' biggest complaints are as you said...lack of gear, etc
What do you think of the talk withdrawing troops and the repercussions that might follow??
I honestly think to pull completely out would be a mistake, but it really is so difficult to sift thru the information/disinformation to see the truth of it all!!! (sorry, this has been the morning discussion subject with hubby...I showed him mad Martha's comment)
I've posted a few comments on there, now, Melanie and I've had an apology off someone calling him/herself Citizen of the US. I thought their original post was very disrespectful but their apology was gracious.
As far as the war in Iraq and Afghanistan goes, I really don't know anymore. Our government keeps on cutting back and back on the defence budget, morale is very low in the armed forces, there is not enough manpower and they are using a lot of antiquated equipment. It is morally wrong to expect people to fight a war without enough personnel or up to date equipment... I really despise this government for that.
They seem totally oblivious to what they are doing, even when the General in Charge of our Forces spells it out to them. They are an appalling shower of self-serving morons who are not worth the sacrifice of our service personnel. For this penny pinching and over committment of our very depleted services they are criminally responsible.
As for the rights and wrongs of the Iraq war.... well, in the beginning when we were led to believe there were WMDs there, I thought it was better that a madman like Saddam was deposed to ensure that he could not give them to any passing terrorist. Now, it seems that we were misled, so I don't know what to think anymore. All I do know is that history tells us that war makes some people rich but it is never the poor sod that has to fight and die in it.
Sorry if I seem a bit angry about this - I do get very angry about the way that the armed services are being treated by our Government.
I agree about what not to believe anymore!! Supporting our armed forces in different ways that I can is just what I'm going to focus on, I think.
It's okay to be angry, we need to keep the pressure up as we can to see that our military 'grunts' get the equipment/support they need
I stayed out of the blog because this whole topic gets me upset; it's easy for my head to get muddled with emotion and then I don't present my facts well...It's easier here because you all are not out for 'blood' as it sometimes seems on the blogs. The points you made were good, and I'm glad that fellow gave a deserved apology!
Give a hug to your boys, get a cup of tea, or a G&T :)) And, do you best to put aside all the other for now!! :)) Will talk later!!!
Yeah, I know what you mean about getting emotional. The thing with me is that I have studied the history, aftermath, poetry and writing of WW1 quite extensively and it just seems that nothing has changed in 90 years. The troops are still being sold out and used by the government of the day and somebody, somewhere is making lots of money out of it.
Still, it helps to talk these things out on this blog and as you said nobody on here is out for blood!
I'll go get my hot chocolate and head off to bed .... I'm working in the morning! My other half is off on a day trip to France with some of his colleagues tomorrow - they're stocking up on French wine, brandy etc for Christmas.... its much cheaper to go over there and get it than pay the surcharge and tax over here.
So, I'm hinting for a pressie!! :D
Take care, speak to you tomorrow :)
Anna, you just brought back memories when we were in Cherbourg...we were joking at how the Brits seemed such lushes with their carts filled with alcohol!!!
My grands loved their wine and spirits!! (we figured it was about a surcharge, etc, though) :))
AJ, hope the shoulder is a bit better, will have to work 07-1300 tomorrow but will check in with ya'll prior to going! :))
Have a good sleep all!!
Good morning pals,
The essay was completed and handed in on time. However, I daren't look at the thing today, as it won't stand close scrutiny. A well, I'll keep the fingers crossed and hope the lecturer has a sense of humour!!:)
What have you lot been upto since my self imposed exile on the Scotsman? The topics here seem to be mature and important! I'll soon stop that nonsense!!:)
As for the war on Iraq and Afghanistan, I'm in agreement with you guys - the ordinary servicemen are being treated like canon fodder as per WW1. Mere pawns in the out of touch politicians game.
I think the UK govt, through an independant body, should investigate Blair's handling of the war and he should be prosecuted for the death of 125 British troops at the very least.
However, we all know the establishment will close ranks and protect the likes of Blair and Bush.
The situation in Iraq is completely out of control - how can 100-150 people be taken prisoner and probably be tortured to death!?!? Surely this one act demonstrates the effectiveness of the US and UK foreign policy!!
Unfortunately for the ordinary Iraqi citizen many more thousands of civilians will die before there is any signs of peace. Peace may never happen!!
Phew, that was a wee bit of a rant, but the truth is, we could go on and on and it wouldn't change a thing!:((
good morn!
AJ, How's your shoulder?? Ok about the rant, we're all feeling the same frustration with that whole situation
I'm off to make some coffee...I have 33 minutes to chat! :))
Hi Melanie,
Don't know if I've missed you, hope not anyway.
My shoulder is still giving me a bit of trouble - I'll have to go to the Doc :(
Have you got a busy day Melanie?
Oooh, can't stand going to the doctors, believe it or not :(
I'm only working 6hrs extra, I'll be home for your eve (about your 930pm) if your in the mood to chat
I may have some outside things to do this afternoon...the neighbor is giving us some firewood, so I may have to direct the stacking of it! Do you have a fireplace??
11 more minutes! ;) or should I say 6hrs 11 minutes until I return! :))
AJ, yes, please lighten the blog up, altho I do like the other subjects for the depth of discussion, and getting to know you guys better!
Melanie, we re-instated two fireplaces during the renovation and they both work perfectly. We had to make sure the chimneys were ok and we then installed reconditioned Victorian fireplaces. Our house was built in 1893!
Do you stock firewood for the winter or are the days not warm enough just now;D
saw you on the Russian blog...do I want to know what an artic roll is?? :))
You house sounds wonderful, AJ!!
firewood for use, but only a few nights right now...will have to catch up with ya later
Time's up! :((
An arctic roll is a delicacy of the early 1970's - frozen icecream wrapped in sponge with a layer of jam. For best results, eat when frozen.
It's still a popular dish in some poor areas of Scotland and Cambridgeshire.:D
Anna and Peajay,
Did either of you ever sample the delights of an Arctic Roll, or did you prefer the delights of the Middle Class favourite - the delectable Vienetta!!?!!
Was the Vienetta a 1980's dish?
The Artic Roll - AJ - I remember it well. It was a Sunday lunch pudding in our house for ages - can you still get them? As for the Vienetta - every time we go round to my Mum's for Sunday lunch, we get a Vienetta - bless her!! My husband and son love them - so they look forward to 'the treat'!! I'm sure if she could still get Artic Rolls - she would :)) She's a great believer in tinned peaches and tinned mandarin oranges as well! She also makes a cracking trifle and is a dab hand at whipping up a quick Angel Delight for my son whenever he goes round to Granny's for his tea. He loves going round there - must be all the 1970s/80s food that she dishes out! :))
Hope your essay was OK - I've got an exam tomorrow - so I'm feeling a bit edgy!!
I'll have to check out the Scotsman - haven't managed to get on there today at all...
Anna, tinned pears or peaches with Birds custurd or Angel Delight - I remember it well too, and funnily enough it was always on a Sunday!:))
Angel Delight is still a favourite with me - I use it to make milkshakes.......mmmmmmmmmm!!!:)))
I also can still break out in spots from time to time!!
I've posted on a few stories today, including the usual swipe at TB!!
I've been moderated again - just because I likened a top civil servant to Crystal Tips!!:(
Are you going to have to change your email log in again? They're getting a bit fussy on the old Scotsman now aren't they? Anyway that politician looked like Crystal Tips crossed with a spaniel to me. Not that I'm saying she was a dog or anything!! ;)
Talking of nostalgia food - when I used to go to my nana's in Scotland - we always used to get Tunnocks Caramel Wafers, Tuc biscuits and those marshmallow chocolate teacake things. She also used to make us Birds Eye codbites - which my mum would never get because 'they're a waste of money, and money doesn't grow on trees, you know'!!
Oh those were the days - its funny as well how smell is definitely linked to memory. I can smell certain things and I'm straight back to my childhood.
Whats your favourite flavour of Angel Delight? Mine is definitely and always has been butterscotch. My son prefers chocolate - but then he likes chocolate anything! :))
When my husband was a child he remembers tinned peaches as a Sunday tea time thing and they always had them with brown bread where he was brought up (Northamptonshire).
Another thing that was "a waste of money and I'm not made of money, you know" in our house was Ambrosia Creamed Rice Pudding. My mum used to make her own rice puddings and other milk puddings like Sago and Semolina, but they were never a patch on Ambrosia Creamed Rice - which was another thing we only ever got at our Nana's!! :)) Aye, lad those were the days!!
Just checked that blog with Crystal Tips the spaniel on. There's been loads of comments removed from there.... Do you think she was threatening to sue?
Interestingly i was only banned from the Crystal tips story, so.....phew!!:))
Must be a new policy - a good one for once!
Exam tomorrow? are you studying?
Ambrosia creamed rice is still part of my diet. Strawberry Angel Delight was my preference. I forgot about semolina and sago - yuuuch! Afters was meant to be atreat, not with those two yuch!!:D
Tinned peaches and bread doesn't get the taste buds going!:))
If Crystal Tips got wind of the slagging she was getting, she aint gonna be pleased:D
Oh, so they're blocking you from using the blog that they kick you off. They are tightening up a bit tho' - can't blame them really - some people were getting a bit carried away (like us!!)
Yes, I've been doing a bit of studying but I've had enough now, if I don't know it, by now then I'll have to do a resit!! But, hopefully, I won't have to. :)
I've got 5 more exams to go with this course - they scatter them througout the year. I suppose that's a good thing, instead of maxing out all in one go.
I actually used to really like Sago - frog's spawn, especially with golden syrup trickled all over it..... yum!
My Dad's mum used to make Bread Pudding which was a London recipe. Stale bread, sugar, dried fruit and it used to turn out like a cake. Well, my Dad loved it, so when he was stationed in Singapore during the '50s his mum sent him one out. Only thing was everything went by sea in those days and he always used to say "That, bloody bread pudding walked off that ship all by itself". :D
howdy all,
I'll stick with a nice trifle, altho I don't know what Angel Delight is, sound good! Sometimes it was rice pudding, but moreso peach or apple cobbler, warm with vanilla ice cream.
I'd like to think this a 'light' conversation, but with the intake of all these yummy things, I somehow doubt we'd stay light!!!
"Hail, the conquering hero comes" ... husband has returned from his 'booze, cruise' day trip to France. Lots of wine, spirits, pate, cheeses, chocolates, French bread and other yummy things and he's saved us a few quid as well - can't be bad :))
He had lunch in Dunkirk and ate my favourite meal - moules et frites - I love mussels.
Anyway, we're planning another trip in the spring as a family - but this time for a bit longer - I do like France.... :))
Bonne Nuit, mes amis..... a bientot :))
What fun, Anna!!! Enjoy! :))
AJ, am I to sit alone at ma desk, now, or are you around?? :))
I'm here Melanie and I'll be kicking about for a while. Hope you had a good shift.:)
Hi, I can post a bit inbetween school with the ma kiddies
...work was a bit hectic, we had to move the wee ones in incubator/beds via ambulance to the new building....have to go back for a full shift tomorrow :(
I added a note towards your 100 on the syria turned to fluoride info blog...just for fun!
AJ, it must be fun/interesting to work on your house...my aunt, in Pennsylvania, lived in an old 1800's farmhouse for a while...hard work, but rewarding
Did my handing out of school assignments scare you away??? Don't worry, I wasn't going to send one in your direction, nor are the kiddies nipping about ma heels that I can't type a word or two tae visit with ya!!
Hi Melanie,
I wasn't ignoring you, I was updating my ipod with some new tunes, including Karen Matheson backed by the Duhks, sing the Burns classic Ae fond Kiss!!
What about that?:))
The old houses are a wee bit of hard work, but I think it's worth it. There is real character and sometimes you feel the history in the walls! I sometimes wonder about people who were born here and who died here. Interestingly, I met a chap who WAS born in our house in the 1930's, and it turned out I was at school with his son! He only lives in the next street, about a stones throw away!:)
I was wondering! ;)
I agree about feeling the history, the house I lived in back east was built in the 1920's ..."new" to the Euro mindset, tho
you don't get too much old stuff here where I am, it's all too new, or has been torn down...I love the Victorian houses in San Fran
The song sounds good, and yes, interesting!
so why is it that men and their 'electronics & gadjets' seems to overtake their their complete being sometimes!!! ;)))
oops two theirs because of inattention payed to ma typing as I was trying to do algebra! Women and their multi-tasking :)
You are right Melanie, we can get taken over by gadgets and stuff! Of course you won't be transfixed on your laptop, while the kids quietly starve!!;))
Oh, never!!! and, I'm constantly reminded, mom, you're blogging againg, it's during school,,,tsk tsk
...saw you missed the 100 ;))
I think as far as 'old' regarding houses, any property pre - 1939 is old in my book. The war changed everything here. The quality of housing dropped and lacked character(some exceptions in the 1950's and 60's). I think Anna would agree, it's only in the last 15-20 years or so, aesthetic quality has come back to prominence.
That's similar to the type of waffle I make up for my essays:D
If I managed to capture every 100, the fun would soon be lost:) My fellow competitors would become depressed.
Anyway, you post mighty quick for an eastern girl!
I don't know, sounds pretting convincing! and then, of course you add your charm to the mix! :))
algebra demands a moment, lest I start pulling ma hair out...will be back in 5
ya still there? I survived, algebra is done... pheww
Algebra, that's as bad as sago pudding......yuuuch!!:D
Melanie, do you have one of those giant fridges you see on the films and telly? How about the massive double garage, do you have one of those, and does the paper boy just chuck the newspapers on to the front lawn as he cycles past??
And do you watch Desperate Housewives? :)))):D
No to all of the above...we have 'boring' in common, AJ! ;D
Our house is quite small, by American standards...but we have almost an acre of property, which makes up for it
Just noticed something, is Nessa one of your friends Melanie?
So many questions tonight lass, I must have been saving them up for ya!
Nessa is Dr Clemmons from the Pyramid project, and a friend
did you hear the music? ;)
Aw Melanie, I thought tou would watch Desperate Housewives at least;))
I'll get a row from Anna tomorrow for that:)
I'll have to retire to ma scratcher soon. Mid week posting is worse than mid week drinking:))
sorry to disappoint!! I don't get much free time for the tele, and when I do, it's with the fam
I did, but it's a while since I viewed it. I'll run it tomorrow!
Do you have any more projects, like Mayan temples or Inca ruins. How about a trip to Angkor Wat in Cambodia!?!:D
about the music...I was joking that I left a silly note in the ar muir blog, ages ago...to see if ya'd find it ;)
Well, you can't watch that sort of thing with the family. btw haven't watched an episode either!:)
as far as trips abroad...I was invited by my girlfriend to go to Ireland with her & her fam next October...I might take her up on it, we'll see
of course, don't let that scare you off, I won't come Shrek hunting... ;)))
There's certainly plenty of auld ruins there. Mainly found in the Temple Bar pubs :D
It's half past midnight here, so I'll sign off in two mins.
Have a great evening with your brood and I'll speak to you soon!:))
Shrek might go Mel hunting tho' ;))
get some sleep, will say a quick hello in my am before I head off to work :))
94 seconds to go
hmmm...temple ruins...sounds exotic
g'nite Melanie:)
well, I'm all for a pint or two! ;))
45 seconds
g'nite :)
Melanie, night night:)
Mine's a guiness of course!
That should be guinness
black and tan, or lager top, for me!
get some sleep, or ya'll be no good fur nuthin, themorrow
You can't smoke cigars, as there's a smoking ban:)
g'nite Lanna
Good Irish accent Mel:)
This is it, g'nite:)))
your too much!!! Good Night!!!!!!
Your post on the Iraq blog was very powerful and though provoking,
plus quoting Ataturk!
Very good, very impressed!!:)
Hi AJ, thanks for your comment! :)
That guy responded to me, he's very pompous, and as I thought, he probably laid his first comment out as a trap...then to argue back...he misinterpreted what I said, and sounded like he likes being anti-anything just for the sake of it...if I have time I may comment back
...but I'd rather have a friendly chat to start my day! How's your day going so far?! :))
Sorry I missed you, I have to go...I responded to that guy, briefly, couldn't let him think I wouldn't throw down!! ;)
It was actually my English friend that said that's what he admired about Americans, that they would throw down when need be..
Well, catch up with ya tomorrow! :)
Sorry I missed you Melanie. I'm sure you can handle the pompous twit!!:)
I was really busy when I knew you were getting up, but I had an endless stream of peple to deal with:((
I'll soon be chatting to ya!!:))
Hi all
Who has Melanie been arguing with and sorting out? and where is it?
Well, had my exam this morning - went OK I think, but why is it that as you walk out the door you think to yourself "Damm, I should have put that in"? Or does that only happen to me?
Any good blogs ...2day?
Hi Anna,
Glad the exam went well, and you are right thoughts hit you like bolts of lightning when you go over things. However, it's never as bad as you think. My moneys on you ....smarty pants!:))
Todays blogs - a good one about languostines being shipped from Scotland to Thailand and back again. One about the most recent casualties and the Melanie one from yesterday was another Blair one in the Political section, calling for Iran and Syria to sort out Iraq!!!
Right, then, I'll check out those blogs.
You 2 were very chatty last night - do you have problems getting up in the morning AJ? Ever since, the weather turned and the clocks went back - I have problems staying awake much after 1030 pm. Mind you, a friend of mine (who is younger than me) goes to bed at 9.00pm every week night (that's to go to sleep!!) I don't think I could go to bed that early, I'd be awake about 4 am if I did.
I always have a struggle in the mornings, but I always seem to manage. For instance I was sound by 1am lastnight and up at 7am. 6-7 hrs is usually my staple.
Every now and again I'll be bedded by 9pm! Nothing to do with Mrs AJ either, before you start!!:D
Melanie and I, were very chatty last night. And you said I was the flirt!!;))
We really need to kick ass on a blog, but it's pretty quiet just now and the muliple user clampdown has definately effected the proceedings. I reckon the stats/hits on the site are way down since the clampdown!!
Agree with you about - less users on the site - mind you - there hasn't been that many interesting blogs over the last week - so that's probably another reason.
Thought your posts, Melanie, on the Iraq blog were great btw!! :))
I did have a go at a couple of posters the other night on the blog about the 4 service people who died. I got an apology off one and the other didn't appear again... Also, Mad Martha, was getting a real kicking on the same blog by a few people - but she really asked for it!!
Made a comment on the new Bond blog .... not sure if I fancy him or not .... have to wait for the film.
What do you all think?
AJ - I don't expect you to say whether you fancy him or not - unless you do of course :)) You can just comment in a blokeish way... :D
Can I claim the 200, please?
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