auto-cable chewing marmots!
'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frighten
s us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.'
Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela
1 – 200 of 705 Newer› Newest»Spectacular shots, Young Melanie!!!:)
It looks fabulous ... that last picture is really gorgeous :))
Thanks!, but I have to give credit to the teen, my oldest...the up and coming graphic artist/web designer.
The Eastern Sierras are pretty spectacular...if we stay in Calif, we've discussed moving to this area.
wow, the thrill of the new chat space!!! ;DD
Like the room, seems nice and airy!!:D
yep, sure is nice...
so is there another flag article, or is it the one from yest, about the Saltire?...
answered you sort of on the croc story....
The mountain air is so much crisper here. Hi to all.
Good morning to yer Friday fun....see ya in a few!!! :D
Good morning cousin. :D
Good morning....enjoyed a lie in, cause the kiddies slept late...
any Friday posting???
Anna, are you back yet??? This crowd is way too quiet when yer gone....AJ is missing the challenge of yer chat!!! ;DD
Hi all
Hope everyone's having a good weekend.
I hear that Melanie will be spending much time blogging as her Indian chief is away to the capital. :D You'd best watch out AJ as things often get saucy at times like these. :DDD
alas, both of my men are leaving me!! :((
...TB off to DC, and Shrek off to face the wilds and introduce Mrs AJ into Squaw training 101a!!! ;DDD
We gals will be left to hold down the fort, and be free to cavort unfettered!!!! ;DDD
Cavort unfettered!!? Hmmmm! That sounds decidedly saucy. :D
Indubitably!!! :D
So, when does Anna get back?, so we can plan!!!! ;DDD
I think she was only gone for a week so she should be back now-ish. Unless she's been arrested for distracting that ships captain! :D
I think the report read that a gin infused blonde beauty, enwrapped only in the flag of St George, was creating quite a maelstrom on the bridge as she grabbed the wheel from the captain and loudly sang out, 'Rule Britannia...'!!!
Nicely put. Mine read 'Ex RAF bombshell displays talents on Cromer beach causing ship to collide with oil platform. Police are carrying out investigations and hope to charge the gin soaked mother with interfering with shipping! :DD
good one, Peajay!! ;D
either way, I think she was culpable!!!! :DDD
Hmmmm, speaking of creative streak....just think of all the future reports that will be ocurring due to Shrek's galavanting with the flora and fauna!!!
Hi gals ... how's it going?
I see the 2 of you are saying quite flattering things about me!! Blonde bombshell ... I like it!! Now, where did I put that hunky Captain? :D :D
Well, we had a fab week, the weather was great (except Thurs), sat on the beach, did all the Brit stuff... fish & chips, ice creams, catching crabs off the pier etc etc.
They had a lifeboat day on Sunday and launched the lifeboats and a Sea King Search and Rescue helicopter turned up..... KK was enthralled... so was Mr A to be honest ... but he was trying to be cool about it all!! The weather was glorious!
Hope AJ gets a good week or 2 for his camping trip.... its not looking great in chilly Scotland at the moment!! Fingers crossed :))
Anything interesting been happening on the Scotsman? :D
Anna!!! yer oot o' the brig!!! ;)))
Glad you had a good time!!!
Aw, nothin much on the Scotsman...politics, interspersed with some silliness here and there....glad yer back!! :D
Good to have you back Anna. Did you and Mr A wear your knotted hankies? :D
Hi AJ,
saw you in the 'pub' tonight, talkin politics with the boys...I didn't feel like interrupting... ;)
hope the weather holds for yer camping!! Either way, it will be an...adventure!! :))
Good Day to your Sunday!!!
Will speak with ya'll later!!! :))
Hi Melanie
Hope all is well with you and you're not pining for your chief to much. :D
Hi Peajay,
I've got the 'mopey' face on right now, but I'll do better once I know he's there safely! :)
I'm working 1/2 a shift this afternoon, so I can stay busy thinking on other things!!
How's yer Sunday??! Can you believe we're halfway thru August??!!
I know, it's hard to credit. It's so hard to keep track of time, not just hours, days but years too.
Glad you're keeping busy. I know how these chiefs take up a big part of the heart. :)
Hi Peajay,
was able to work a few hours of overtime today, so that kept me busy;....well, he's safe in DC and sounded in a good mood, given that he had to fly out of LAX (very crowded and chaotic with that computer glitch leftover)
So, gals, if yer posting anywhere for your Monday, let me know, would love to join in when ah wake up!! :D
AJ, must be 'happy trails, to you...?' ;D
Hi gals,
JG and I are chatting on the Elvis article/Intl section...
'...that's all right mama!!'
Hi all,
Sorry I've not been back for a bit.... busy .... and Mr A has been hogging the computer a bit.... !! :)
I've voted Yes to the 'Independence from the UK question', just shows you how reliable that poll is going to be! .. I might vote No as well!! :D :D
Hope you're all well? :)
Hi Anna,
saw you on the Indep blog...obviously you've seen my twa pence... :)
check out the Elvis blog, tho I think JG as retired.... :(
the vote is not very trustworthy....I wonder can you vote more than once?? ;)
Anna, ya gonna work on yer blog, and give us some pictures??!! Just tell Mr A there's sports on the telly, when he vacates the computer chair just move right in... :D
I'll get to work on the blog soon... Melanie... send the boys out to play or something! :D
They've both decided they want to learn golf.... so have got some clubs.... they better not think I'm going to caddy for them!! :D
Mr A is on his resettlement and terminal leave from the RAF so he is off till about November... by which time, hopefully, he will have found another job.
He's got a few things going on so.. that's the reason why I've been unable to get near the computer for the last few days :)
I've had a look at the Elvis blog ... interesting stuff :))
Isn't Peajay a fan of Elvis? We've got quite a bit of his stuff ... Mr A likes him as well :))
I was hoping Peajay would join in, but she must be a busy bee!!
How exciting for you in a way! Not the golf, Mr A's retiring and starting fresh...like a new chapter!
the Sgtmjr has an idea for a post retir. consulting group, but he still has 8 years before his full retirement. I told him, I would work for him as his Girl Friday, travel benefits must be included!! ;D
Hi Mel & Anna
Have commented on the Elvis page.
Is it good or bad news having Mr A around all the time Anna?
Glad SgtMjr arrived safely. May I offer my services in the future as your overseas/international office. :D
hope yer sofa is comfy, the Sgtmjr can have the floor!!! ;D
I've playing on the Independence article, I even ever so slightly taunted Am2(AJ's gone, someone had to do it!) ;))
AM 2 is a slippery fish to catch .. Melanie .. good luck with that... even AJ knows when to leave him alone :D
AM2 has answered you btw!
It is nice having Mr A about, novelty hasn't worn off yet (!)... but I'm sure we'll have our moments! :D
Anyway, he's got loads of 'house and garden jobs' to keep him busy.. for a while.... hopefully a few of them will get done!! :D
as I said, Anna, it was ever so slightly and I answered with humour on my part...although I thought there was a touch of bristle on his part....must be my association with AJ!! ;DD
keep that 'honey-do' list looonnnggg...and there won't be trouble, he'll be too busy!!! ;D
With us if you want house & garden jobs done you get on and do them yourself.
Melanie, your welcome to the sofa anytime and the SgtMjr is used to roughing it after all. :DD
so, are ya'll gonna be around tomorrow for a chat?? I have some things to do yer afternoon/dinner time, but I should be around before and after!
Should be but you know how life is these days.
Am off to my bed now as up late/early this morning watching the Perseid meteor shower. So feeling 'All Shook Up' and must 'Surrender' to sleep or I'll be 'Crying In The Chapel'. :D
G'nite all.
nite Peajay!
We sat outside last night and watched the shower as well Peajay! It was great :))
Hopefully, speak to you all tomorrow!! :D
Hi Anna,
I'll have to go out and try to have a look tonite.
nite Anna! :)
Hi Melanie & Anna
How's everything today. Here the weather has reverted to miserable mode. :(
Hi Peajay,
sorry to hear about the weather :(
I'll commiserate with you, in an opposite way, sort of :/
just wakin up, and goin ta get ma coffee... :)
Strong and black or insipid and white? :D
hey, you caught me still here, reading away!!
well, that could become a joke, something like, I like my coffee like ah likes mah men....
I like my coffee strong, with a hint of sweetness ;) I usually add a flavoured creamer...
Hi ladies :))
I like my coffee strong but with a bit of milk. I don't like cream in coffee and I don't like coffee made from all milk.
I'm quite fond of tea as well (English Breakfast and Earl Grey, depending on mood!!), but I have a little bit of sugar in that! Also, love peppermint tea... no milk, no sugar!! :D
What's your beverage preferance - Peajay :))
AJ's a coffee and biscuit man - the weather is awful for his hols... I hope its better in Scotland... but it doesn't look as if its much better.:(
Anyway .. anything interesting happening on the Scotsman.. I'll have to have a look :))
Hi Anna,
sorry, I only now saw that you posted....I've only posted on the Elvis one again, and the horse saving the lady (i put the link on the elvis article for weeshooie)...scullion's first comment is priceless!! :)
gosh, I'm being entertained by canadian pundit on a Scottish newspaper....I need to get out more! ;))
I've tried to follow the different Indep. articles....but the 'male pub talk' was getting too much, so I didn't join in...anyway there were no friendly faces, so to speak!!! :)
I'll be around today, if ya'll want to chat!!
I used to drink much more tea but the balance has tipped more towards coffee. Not to strong but a bit sweet and latte is fav. For tea can agree with English Breakfast. I used to only drink Earl Grey but went off it after a stay in hospital. Weird, I know.
it's association, Peajay....I used to love flavoured coffees, but had some decaf stuff while carrying the tween, and now assoc it with memories of morning sickness!! "/
I do like tea, but more when the weather's cool, although iced sweet tea is nice....and it definitely has to be imported tea, the domestic stuff here seems weak/bitter...luckily for me there's an import store/deli down the street...get mah chocolate treats there too!! :D
We are currently working through a very nice box of luxury chocs which were hand delivered by a very nice man as a thank you for finding and taking his stolen mountain bike to the police station. Mmmmm.
and who said good deeds go unrewarded!!! :))
So, whatcha up to?? the two younger are over at a friend's house, and the teen and I are enjoying a quiet house, and some quiet hanging out time!!
I'm really enjoying it, as I have to work tomorrow, and it's been very hectic the last few times I've worked...
Not much, have had quiet day of admin and organising. Busy day tomorrow as have small course to go on titled 'excellent customer care'. It has a section dealing with difficult customers which I thought would be invaluable.:D
Your big chief has been adding bits on my blog about the homecomings he so looks forward to. :D
oh gosh, what has he been saying, I'll go have a look! (he can be as bad as a certain Ogre with the use of adjectives! ;)) (gotta love the red-blooded male!! ;))
I'm off to my bed now so g'nite cousin, have a good rest of the day. Send some better weather over this way, please. :D
nite Peajay! Wish I could even it out for both of us!! :)
talk with ya tomorrow for a bit (have to work)
ciao!! :)
Remind me not to go jogging/walking in a german forest...the water trolls may get me!! germans definitely have a strange sense of humour!!
Yep, it looks like summer is over - it never really got started here! The temp is due to drop next week and we can expect more rain... great!
One thing I have noticed tho' is that ever since that blonde haired Scottish woman started 'doing' the weather forecast on the BBC evening news.... the weather in England has got worse and it seems to have got better in Scotland.
Its obviously all a conspriacy and cunning plot by the Tartan Hordes!! :D :D :D
Mind you, Scotland looks a bit wet and windy today as well :)
Anyway... now we all know what we like to drink and how we like to drink it... I suppose we should move onto the biscuits! Chocolate Digestives for me or Bourbons :) I've stopped buying them actually because I hate to have a packet in the house screaming 'Eat Me' from the cupboard! :))
I've had a quick look at the Scotsman but I can't be bothered with the politics story ...its like a merry go round on there!! :)
Anything else interesting?
Btw: Didn't know the Germans had a sense of humour!! :D
Hi Anna/Peajay,
yes they do, and it's more of a slap-stick kind of funny!
I like Peak Freen's (sp) or Lu brand, le Petite Buerre with mah tea...otherwise homemade shortbread, norwegian krumkake, or oatmeal chocolate chip...of course cookies/biscuits are my weakness. I can pass up most anyother sweet...well, unless is imported dark chocolate!! ;D
Had to work today, and was running late, thus the no morning comment....i have an early meeting tomorrow, and a tween dentists vistit..so my posting will be sporadic!
sorry about the rain....please send some here!! ;D
I'm off to my meeting, yawn! ;)
let me know if they're any good articles.... )
Check out the '17th century cosmo' article UK section...interesting!
So, girls, we haven't been very chatty this week??? Should we blame it on Shrek's absence??! Or, the maintenance of domestic duties
.....speaking of a certain Ogre...I hope you're doin okay there AJ...and ya haven't been eaten up by bugs, snakes, and 'bars', or overpowered by the rain-monster, he's one nasty fellow!!.... ;DD
Hi Melanie
Sorry for lack of posting, been bit bogged down. Hope all is ok.
Hi Peajay,
Things are good, just busy as well. I'm working both days this weekend then out of town for Mon/Tues...so hopefully will catch up by Wed.
so, have a great weekend all...I'll check in when I can!! :))
Hi gals,
Sorry I've been AWOL... :D
Been out and about quite a bit... plus its more difficult to post with Mr A about!!
I'm sure you understand that Melanie!! ;)
We went out for a family walk and picnic, yesterday... to the woods near Holme Fen (pic on my blog - a while back!). The bramble bushes were laden with blackberries and they were really ripe and juicy ... so we got loads. The freezer is now full of blackberries.. :))
I found a website you might all be interested in to find out the meaning of your family names :)
The only one of yours I could remember/know was AJ's ... Seems yours is Anglo/Scottish (bet you hate the A word!!) and your ancestors were some sort of servants! :)) :D
Anyway, hope to chat a bit more next week ... when everyone gets back from wherever! :D
Thank you Anna, apparently our surname refers to us being dark & swarthy!!! :/ We seem to have come across from France after William had done the first recce in 1066. We were obviously waiting for those odious little Saxons to be quelled. :DD
:D Hi Peajay, I checked a couple of my family names - my maiden name may date back to the 7th century but was first recorded in about 1086... so could be Anglo Saxon or Norman.... definitely olde English tho'!! :))
2 of my grandparent's names are Scottish and one is also found in Ireland. The rest of the grandparents are English - post conquest.
My married name is Ukrainian so is not recorded on that site... I'll have to try a Ukranian site.... only problem is that I don't speak Ukranian!! :D
Anyway, its fun having a look at these things.
How are you today anyway ? :D
Bit quiet on here .... I've been neglecting the Scotsman lately a bit. To be honest some of the posters on there get on my nerves because they're so negative about everything... so its good to have a break ..... especially when AJ's not around to give them a kick up the a*se and lighten the mood!! :D :D
The Scotsman forum is also a bit like trying to paint the Forth (Rail) Bridge.... i.e. a neverending circle of the same comments!
Still, no doubt I'll be back on there soon! :D
Hello hello,
I'm back, refreshed and ready to go!!!!
The camping was ditched and we stayed with family and friends instead!!!!:) The weather was poor, but we went by the Met office weather warnings which were just simply wrong - we could've camped no problem!!:( However, we saved a whack of money by living off others!!!! :D
Hope you're all well and I'll have to catch up on the gossip!!!
btw: my brother stumpled across the Grail story - he thinks I'm a real nutter now!!!:D
Have a look at this :-
Well it would appear, "am on ma ain"!!!
Got to go to the dentist at 15:30hrs!!:( Hopefully will be back on later.
I've been on the lead political story doing some AM2 baiting, but he ain't biting!!:(
Hi AJ :))
Welcome back.... sounds like you had a good (and cheap!!) holiday :DD
I can't imagine any of my relations reading some of the stuff we write..... how embarassing would that be?
Good luck at the dentist... I'm in the chair on Wed pm :((
I'll have a look at the Scotsman .... see what you've been up to! :D
I've been keeping an eye on the Madeleine Mccann story on various media sites and blogs.... looks like something is going to break soon.
Some people have really got it in for the parents and seem convinced that they are involved. The Daily Mirror forums are something else.
I haven't participated in any of them.... I've just been having a look...
Speak to you later :))
Interesting site.... but not completely accurate... for instance I put in my mother's maiden name... and there were no hits in North East England... where there are definitely some living! Also, no hits in Cheshire area where the name originates from.
Interestingly, my most Scottish sounding ancestor... shows up over most of Scotland and a few bits of England including London. Although it is quite an uncommon name.
I knew the 'A' word would get to ye!! :D :D
Hi Anna
Melanie's surname didn't come up either but I think it has other origins. However a surname we share appears to have origins in the Norse Vikings of the 5th century. However, it also lays claim to being Norman French and Anglo Scots. We're one mixed up family. I would just add a warning that it's meaning translated as violent! Obvously it's been diluted over the centuries but be warned. :DDDD
Hi AJ, glad you had a good holiday although it sounds typically Scottish. :DD I'm off to Ireland on Thursday and my Mother says the weather's been pants all August so I'm hoping for a miracle but packing my thermals. :D
Hi Guys,
Hope everyone is well.
I like my source Anna, as it's entirely correct!! There's a big difference with the I and the Y!! Hynd is almost 100% Scottish, whereas Hind is almost entirely Anglo/Scottish. Some people get the two mixed up!:) Like yersel!!:D
I didn't think you or Peajay would pass up on the tight Scot bait!!:D
I've not heard from the Melster, hope she's fine!:\
You know us to well. :D
The Melster is away until tomorrow which is why we are experiencing silence. :D
Sorry I missed you both...
We are decorating at the moment, so it has been a bit difficult to:
a. climb over stuff to get to the computer.
b. skive off ... long enough to do so.
I'll be back soon tho'!!! :D :D
Have a great time in Ireland .... Peajay.... is it near Tralee that you're going? I remember a conversation we once had about the Rose of Tralee competition and you said you had family near there :))
Anyway ... enjoy yourself ... and I hope the weather picks up and you don't have too many 'soft' days :))
AJ.... I'm surprised you haven't changed your name to MacHynd!! :D :D
That would ensure there is no Anglo tag hinging on it!! :D :D
Speak to you soon :)
Have a great time from me too!!! Get those Guinnesses doon yer neck!!:D
Are you gun running or is it leisure?:)
Glad you're keeping busy!:) Is Mr A getting under your feet? Send him on some errands and get posting!!:D
Hi AJ & Anna
I'm going to Tralee itself as that where my mother lives and the Rose festival has just ended today I think. So blast, I missed it! I could have been a winner as well as a contender!! :D
I was thinking of the gun running bit AJ but it's taken all of my efforts to get a 'Back Friend' onto RyanAir as additional hand-luggage I just can't be fagged to explain the AK49's! I don't think a GP's letter will cover those too. :DD
Hi all!!
Peajay, sounds like your heading off for a great adventure, and of course drink a pint or three for me, willya??!!
How 'bout a postcard??!! :DD
Hi guys,
Sorry about absence ... still decorating! :(
Never mind.... I'm sure we'll all get back into the swing of posting/chatting again soon!! :D
Its all our domestic/personal lives getting in the way (i.e real life) of our cyber selves!! :D :D
When you're in Tralee, Peajay... ask them why they don't show the Rose on the telly over here anymore! I used to love that competiton (Mr A hated it!!:D )... you can't get Tara channel on Sky anymore.... not fair!
Anyway hope you have a great time :))
I watched a brill film about Ireland last night "The Wind that Shakes the Barley"... its about the Black and Tans and the Irish Civil War leading to full independence years. Its a really good film .... very gritty and graphic but excellent acting and directed by Ken Loach... so worth a look.
Have you seen it AJ? :D
Hi Melanie :))
Hi AJ...
I was reading all that guff about the Irish/Scots bridge and then I got to your post..... I laughed out loud!! :D :D
Good one!! :))
How are you today?
Well, we've finished the decorating for now...we did KK's room, it looks really nice, I thought it would be a bit dark, he wanted blue and picked the colour (!), but it looks fine :))
I'm hoping Mr A has got the bug now... because there are a couple of other rooms that could do with brightening up :))
Hi Anna,
It was the most ridiculous thing I could think of, but probably not as ridiculous as a 21 mile long bridge!!!!:D
Poor MrA, looks like his card is marked and the rooms will be done no matter, or there'll be no playing 'hide the sausage' until after Christmas!!!:D
Are you finished with the studies at the moment Anna? (AJ trying to be all adult and serious!!):D
Yeah .. a 21 mile bridge across the Irish Sea! You'd take your life in your hands! :D
I've made a comment on the England football story as well ... !
I'm not sure whether I'm going to do any more college next year...I'm looking into it at the moment, how about you?
Mr A is off out playing golf and going to the pub (tut, tut), so I've managed to get posting!! :D
Does Mr A tell you a round of golf takes about 8hrs!!!:D Always a good tactic that one!!:D
I mentioned about all the munitions that were dumped in the North Channel!! Somehow the tellytransporter thingy is a more realistic option!!:D
I'll have a wee look at the England story!!:)
I've just tried to post a reply to your munitions post.. but the website is playing up. I think I might have posted it at least 3 times!! :D
Its not even that good! :))
Someone else has joined in with the space travel one :))
Mr A is probably going to make the most of his day out with the lads!! :D
Well Mr A deserves it, working hard to keep his wife and family in perpetual luxury!!:)
Yeah, I noticed the site failed last time I tried to post. I congratulated you on your use of the word "pish"!! Very commendable!!:D
Despite Op Bolthole, I'm pretty busy!! All the station firemen come in for IT training :( It's amazing to think they are busy doing nothing the rest of the time. I bet they'd shoite themselves, if they had to put out a real fire!!:) Strange blokes the firemen!!!:D
I know what you mean they never seem to do a lot. When I worked in one of the squadron offices at Wittering we had a great view of the airfield. The fire engine used to go screaming down the perry tract at about 10 in the morning (NAAFI run), then again at about 1150 (mess open).. and that was about it.
Oh and they used to show up for an aircraft Emergency State as well, which was good of them I suppose!! :D :D
Pish is a great word ... it says it all!! :D
Maybe, its having to wear those green string vests that make them seem a bit odd!! :D
A yes the string vests!! Alas I don't think they wear those garments anymore!:D I once worked with a girl who reckoned they were sexy!!! Don't think she 100% upstairs!!:D
The fireman here do exactly the same things, racing about in the big fire engine, picking up grub, scoffing it and sleeping!! This of course is repeated several times in a 24 hr period!!!:D What's incredible, is that they get paid about £30k for their trouble!!
Hi all!!
Have to work today, so will catch up tomorrow!! Have a great day cyber-pals!!!
The Irish bridge story is still going... :))
Hi Melanie and bye ... speak to you again soon I hope. We seem to be missing each other a lot lately!! Have to synchronise time zones!! :D
AJ... have you been carried off by hunky firemen in string vests yet? :D
Have to say the string vests don't do anything for me.. especially if the guy has the hint of man boobs or bits of hair sticking out! YUK!! :D
Man boobs!!! What are those, when they're at hame!!??:D
I have it on good authority, that grey body hair sticking oot of a string vest, can dry up even the horniest of female nymphomaniacs!!:D
An interesting tit bit of info for you - whilst digging up part of the runway, the engineers have uncovered a deid body!!!!!!!!
Don't know how old it is - maybe 1500 years old or maybe it's been there only since the last resurface job!!!
Interesting eh?
There's a good OAP age sex story on the UK section!! Should be right up your street!!:D
Found that blog when I was 'surfing' the other day... its quite interesting. This guy has a real thing about the Mccann parents tho'. He just stops short of accusing them of doing something to her. Are you allowed to write that sort of stuff without being sued, even on the web?
Interesting about the body at Leuchars, is that a recent dig-up? Some poor liney on the way home from the NAAFI bop in 19??, drunk as a skunk fell in a hole, which got resurfaced and was listed as AWOL? :D :D
I'll have a look at the OAP sex thing... might get a few pointers!!! :D :D
Found the OAP sex story ... added my bit !! :D
Hi all
I see Canky's back on the OAP sex story :D
She's having a right go at you AJ :D :D Have you been boasting about your harem?
I've commented on the Henman story, you certainly rattled a cage with the Cliff Richard dig!! :D
Hi Anna,
Isn't it amazing! No matter how outrageous and ridiculous your comment are, there's always someone who'll think your serious!!!
How I smiled when I saw the Henman story!!:D
I'm clearing off for the long weekend shortly Anna, how about you?
Aye it's good Canky is back....I missed getting ripped to shreds!!:D
whoo hoo, the 100!!
how is everyone?? The old bones are movin slow, worked extra yest to make a 16hr shift :/ :)
Have a good weekend AJ... any plans to go away? The weather looks a bit better anyway :)
Hi Melanie... 16 hours!!! Hope you're getting well paid for it!
We've been commenting on the Tim Henman story (UK) and the OAP sex story (UK) yesterday :)
Hi Anna
4 hrs of double time :),
less taxes :(
but the SgtMjrs birthday is coming up, and I want to do something fun
Ps I've seen the old age blog....funny!
was there a funny comment on some bridge story?? I found a Ire. bridge story, but no funny AJ comment
The bridge story was on the Scotland page yesterday...... it might have cleared by now I'll see if I can find the link for you.
What are your plans for his birthday?
Well, I'm thinking of taking the long weekend and saying we should go up to the Sierras. I can't completely surprise him, as he's needed to help coordinate things, and I have to make sure he's got the time off.
Try this one Melanie... AJ's funny is at 55.... and we carry on a bit from there :D :D
The Sierras look great in your pics.... real wagon trail and 'The Way the West was Won' type of place :))
Blimey its quiet on here today. Where is everyone? :D :D
Melanie - Sierras....:D
Peajay - Ireland ... :D
AJ..??????????????? :D
Me ......here
Sorry , family barbecue.... and feeling a bit drunk etc and wondering about my cyber pals !!! :D :D
OK ..... I am a bit drunk... too much wine and a fairly warm afternoon!! But, just wanted to say thanks to all my cyber pals: AJ, Melanie and Peajay for brightening my life this last year!! Its been a blast guys!! :D :D
Long may it continue!!! :D
That doesn't mean I don't have a life...... you are just another (good) dimension of it!! :D :D
Yea.......OK... AJ ... I am a bit sloshed.. and listening to the immortal Freddie (Mercury) and getting a bit maudlin but, heyho .....part of me means it!! :D
Anna, you're wonderful!!!
In Vino Veritas!!!! :DDD
and a right back at ya!!!
I'm not off to the Sierras as yet...that's not till hopefully later in Sept if things work out.
I've been busy painting interior house doors, and have a few to finish yet. We've had a slow day today, just family time, as the SgtMjr is away this coming week. this is hopefully the last of his travels for the year, or should I say, for the summer.
I have to work part of the day tomorrow, but I should be able to log on for a quick hello!!
talk with ya'll soon....I may even go have a fun grail read just for old time's sake!!!
Ps AJ, sorry about your bro finding it!!! Gosh, did he have minor melt down at your 'playful indescretions'???!!!! He sounds a bit straight laced!!!! ;DDD
Don't worry, my family already knows that I'm a bit eccentric!!!! ;D
'Do vi jena'!! (sp)....Ciao in Croatian!!! :D
Drat and double drat, I missed sparring with Anna when she was half canned!!! Always an invigorating prospect!!:D
Was the Vicar's wife leading you astray? Do you wear any clothes during these soirees? I know what 'middle England' village life is all about!!! Can I buy a ticket?:D
It's a Bank Hol here today, but Mrs AJ has been working all weekend, so it was jist me and the Mish!!:D She cheekier and more controlling than ever:D Typical wee girl!!! I've nae chance in the future!:D
Melanie and Peajay,
Hope yer both well, we'll all have to get back on track with the postings!!:)I'm as guilty as everyone!!
You're right Mel, brither is pretty straight lace - it's a presbyterian thing!!:D
A year, can you believe it!!! I think we've all become as close as cyber pals can get.
Did you watch the documentary on the Black Watch play last night? Might not have been shown doon south!:(
Leven prom was filmed and oor hoose was televised for a second or two!! The programme was great despite that!!:D
If anyone is kickin' aboot, I'm to be found on the Camilla story(surprise surprise), doing a wee bit of Royal bashing!! Always a good way to start the day!!!:D
Hi all!!
Yep, ya missed yer chance AJ, and here you were with the missus away and all, hard to believe ya didn't have more cyber play time!! ;))
Hi Mel,
Hey, am no trying to avoid you, the Mish takes up the whole day and Mrs AJ comes in later, so cyber chat was hard!!! I managed a coupled of wee barbed comments on the Scotsman, but nothing as deep and meaningful as ma chats wi' you!!:D
So are ye on yer own again?!!!;)
Hi AJ,
yes, ahm all to mah lonesome, and well, with a pack of kid critters runnin amock here abouts....ah, never mind them, I'll jest close the office doors, put the music on and chatter away for ya'lls Tuesday...you gonna be around ta play, sugah?! ;DD
Hi All,
Isn't it great to be back at work!!:( At least I can get on with some serious blogging!!:D
Everyone is quiet these day!! We need something we can get our teeth into!!! Melanie, are there any similar newspaper forums in California?
Hi All!
AJ, I haven't found any so far...there are ones where you can comment, but it's not set up like a chat room kinda responding.
I was looking last nite for some fun articles, but nothing struck my fancy...have you found anything?
Hi guys,
Looks like I missed you :(( I was going to pop on yesterday... but I was feeling a bit poorly!!
I can't think why!! :D
I managed to stagger out of bed - fairly late in the morning and my kind menfolk brought me in a cup of coffee and left me to it!! :D
Then, I collapsed on the couch for the afternoon and watched a repeat of Pride and Prejudice :)
I'm never going to drink again ..... well, not for a wee while anyway! :D
Hi Anna,
another quiet blog day, I'm sitting here doing bills....
AJ and I were playing on the Nigella story/UK section
sorry about the heid....I have felt your pain....and sworn off as well...lasted two days...
good morning!!!
I thought the tar and feather article was interesting...but this other one looks like it could make for a fun bit of banter...
Hi all,
I've posted on the age one, haven't thought of anything as yet for the tar one....
how are you guys today!?! I wonder if Peajay is well into her pints??!! ;DD
feelin better, Anna!! I'm due for a binge myself....hmm, what celebrations are coming up??!! :))
Hi Mel,
So you're up for a wee drink!!!! Should be fun:D
I added a post to the tar and feathers, but Mish is off ill and I'm off lookin' efter her, so there's nae time to blog!!!:)
sorry to hear that, AJ...I think I would prescribe the need for plenty of daddy cuddles to make the Mish feel better!!
well, yes, i'm up for a drink or three and some wild posting...but have to time it right when ya'll are around!! Well, then, hmmm, maybe not.... ;DDD
Maybe the best idea Melanie!! You know what yer like after a dram or six!!!!
Do you think our friends are still nursing hangovers!!??:D
I think so, Anna has been moving slow, hardly a peep...and Peajay...well, no doubt she's enjoying the Ceilis!!! :D
dram or six, yep, I'll be pretty relaxed, bound to say anything....if i post on the Scotsman, it'll not be as Lanna...I'll think of an alias!! :DDD
But Lanna is already an alias!!! Oh I see, you don't want to besmirch Lanna's reputation as the ultimate Southern Belle!!!!:D
spot on, as ya'll say!!! :D
I've already got one....similiar to the character of Calamity Jane, from an old spoof western.....
Has AJ from Fife had any contact with this.......other Lanna??? Hurrumph!!!:D
Sorry I didn't get on here earlier... I managed a quick post on the tar and feathers story... and then, had to go and do stuff!!
I've been checking on KK's uniform etc for next term.... doesn't need any new shoes yet, as his were fairly new anyway..... but he seems to have outgrown everything else... so we've been sorting that out! :)
Mind you, little boys are the worst people to take shopping.... he's not interested in anything and then when I've had enough and just get the new trainers for games or whatever it is he informs me he's not going to wear them/it while we're on the way home in the car! Think again my lad!! :D
Mr A can take him next time.... on second thoughts they'll come home with something that they didn't go out for in the first place and forget all about the thing they went for!
Sorry AJ!! :D
Anyway, hopefully we've got it sorted now and I won't have too many tantrums at the start of term! :D
Hope you're all OK :))
Hi all, I'm back from the green lands. :D
Hope everyone's on top form. Ireland was as ever. My head has been banging every night and like Anna I am now sworn off the booze for a while so my liver can catch up. :DD The Rose festival was won by the New York Rose.
you're back, and recovered!!!!
I see those charmin gents wi' the Irish brogue did ye no haarm at'tall; save ta serve oop the Guinness well, did they noi!! ;))
Well, I've been sippin on the Merlot and watching a western spoof classic...here's some of the silliness...
cheers to yer morn!!! :D
AJ, time to bag on big lugs...
ooh, thunder and lightening showers....and my weather widget is in a pink summer dress?! of course it's still 30C
where is everyone??? murphy's law I'd be up and yer all no where to be found!!!! ;))
Hi Peajay... welcome back :)
I might have known the New York Rose would win ..... I'm sure it was always the New York one whenever I watched it. Does Marty thingy still present it?
Bet she did an Irish jig as well :D
Hi Melanie...... things are pretty quiet on here at the moment .. its the summer hols thing I think! :D
I'm sure we'll get back to normal soon....
AJ, AJ wherefore art thou AJ? :D
These forums are quite good ...if anyone ever fancies a change from the Scotsman ...... you can use emoticons as well :))
I've made one post on there so far ...under my Mirror identity of MorganleFay!! :D :D
It works the sames as the Scotsman ....you get straight onto the forum without being moderated! :D
hi Anna,
I had a look, it's a bit different format, but looks like it could be good depending on the topic!
Well, had the computers turned off and on today with the thunder and lightening....it's nice except the heat with the humidity....makes....one....move....very....slow.... ;D needless to say i wasn't outside much!
I should be around for some Friday fun...I'll see if there are any interesting articles.
AJ/Peajay where art thou?! ;)
(hope the Mish is ok)
Hi guys and welcome back Peajay:)
I was laid low the last 36 hours or so.....maybe a Mish related bug.....whatever it is,it isnae good!!!:( Good for the diet tho'!!!!:D
So I've probably missed some easy pickings with the Royals!!! I'll have to get the boot in quick this morning!!!
The Mirror might be a laugh!!!!! I'll have a wee look later!!:D
Hi guys,
There's good news and bad news!!! My day has just got a whole lot better...the power is getting switched off so I'm off home, which means my unrestricted postings will be restricted!!!!
You can decide which is the good news or the bad news!!!!:D
Hi all
Sorry I missed you yesterday got a bit caught up with catching up. Today's a bit the same. But there's no-one around but this chicken, AJ's already quit for the day, Melanie's melted and Anna disappeared behind a roll of wallpaper. :DD
Hi Peajay,
I'm around and about sort of for the moment...have to take the giant dog and the lil kitty to the vet today for check ups.
I've only posted on the marmite and the epnymous (sp) name one.
how ru??? :D
this article and comments are funny...about language translation faux pas...
Hi all
Meant to pop in and say hello ... but I was posting on the Diana story and then I got up doing something else :)
More vet bills .. Melanie? :(( Are they extortinate in the US like they are here?
I'll have to look at the Marmite story... I love Marmite :)
Peajay... was that you registered on the Mirror forums? :) Or has someone pinched your name?
vet bills are terrible! To neuter and vaccinate this 'free' porchcat...will cost me about $300, so that would be about 150£. :/
saw you on the Diana story, Anna, and added my twa pence...and to AJ's comment as well.
Hi all,
That was me on the Mirror Anna, I thought I'd at least register.
That's a heck of a lot for a freebie cat Melanie, that will be the same one TB was bemoaning? :DD
haven't had time for posting anywhere but have been searching out pictures of my feckless father (Mothers words not mine). It's amazing what you can find if you google.
Hi all!
Have to work today...so wishing you all a fun Sat!!
talk with ya soon!! :)))
We'll have to meet up on a Mirror story sometime Peajay :))
I like their little animated emoticons :))
I've had a look at the Scotsman ... the 'wee chippies' are out making their childish comments on the Diana story. So, I won't be getting involved with that one..... waste of time, judging by the mentality of some of the comments. Easy to insult a dead woman but very cowardly.:(
Anyway I'll speak to you all later :))
good morning!!
just a quick note, then I'm back to my pillow!!
Well, had fun this weekend...went to a wedding and had a glass of wine or four...which fueled a rather fun time on the dance floor!! (excellent way to burn off those calories!!)
leave a note if yer posting anywhere! :)
Hi Mel,
How are ya? It's been a busy few days here, so nae time to post - only very limited stuff on the Scotsman!!!:(
I've also been hiding from Anna!!!:D
Why have you been hiding from me AJ?
If you mean your comments on the Diana story ... I took yours as a joke (maybe its because I'm used to you :).... some of the others tho' were plain vicious!
I have no illusions about Diana .. I don't think she was a saint, I think she was as flawed as the rest of us. However, unlike some of the other royals she at least did 'her duty' with a good will, gracefully and with a smile. I can also remember the stigma of Aids in the '80s .. a friend of ours died from it. She was brave to hold hands with an Aids patient in those days and for someone of her status to do it meant a lot.
She might have been a lot of other things - wilfil and manipulative but she had a sense of humour and she was kind-hearted. I am also old fashioned enough to believe that it is wrong to malign the dead in a cruel and scornful way. It is only the living who are hurt by that.
So there's my twopence worth - now why are you avoiding me?
Hi all!!
I'm up and moving, barely...where's ma coffee! ;))
have a slight headache, and some sore feet from the drat high heels, well, semi-high heels, might have been all that dancin, too! ;D
Another Diana story?? I'll go have a look
Hi Anna,
No I'm not really hiding from you!!! I knew you'd take my comments in the way they were intended!! I was getting 'stuck into' the rest of the Royals more anyway - bringing out my old favourites like Charlie Big Lugs!!:D
I'd never avoid you, cos yer ma cyber pal!!!:D
I'll have to write my 'official' stance on Lady Di another time!!:) Time tae gan hame!!!
bye AJ!
I'll be around on and off today...tis a holiday (labor day)...so no laboring for me, and school starts tomorrow....so I want to get some blog time!!! :))
Looking forward to your 'official' stance ... AJ ;)
Hi Melanie
So, a day off that's nice .. KK goes back to school on Wednesday, so hopefully he'll sleep thro' on Tues night. He has a tendency to be a worrier and this can manifest itself in sleepless nights and the occasional nervous vomiting by him. He is a clever little boy and I think he sets himself high standards for his age and consequently worries about achieving them. I sometimes wonder if its our fault - putting too much pressure on as we only have the one.. but on consideration I think he probably takes after me. I used to have a tendency for over-worrying about nothing and that has only really calmed down a bit lately.
We would like him to do well at school for his own sake in the future, but neither of us have a degree and we've done OK. So, I don't think we're too demanding as parents. Its a fine line tho' isn't it?
AJ.. come out come out wherever you are!!! :D
I've being battling Antipodeans and Hen Broon on the Clearance's board from yesterday!
Just like old times ... I do enjoy a 'chat' about the goodies v baddies!! :D
Especially when you get someone on there who is totally polarised and thinks it was always the English 'wot dun it, guvnor'!! :D :D
I'm here!!:) I'll have a wee look on that story and see who you've been upsetting!!
You're right, when you go 'fishin' you can catch loads of entrenched gullable whoppers!!:D
Its the Fiona double-barrelled from NZ who really was asking for it! So I obliged with both barrells!!!! She's on post 96 on that board!! :D
Whatcha been up to today?
It's a bit busy today...lots of people wanting to do exams and stuff!!:( I mean what do they think this is? :D
I noticed you didn't hold back and the sarcasm you employ is worthy of a top politician!!:D
I've commented on the Thierry Henry story and the deid rockstar story!! I've tried to bring Lena Martell, Lena Zavaroni and Moira Anderson into the debate!!!!:D
Is it a duvet day today Anna?
Hi all!!
will try to find where you're at....otherwise the schoolmarm must see to straightening oot her desk, and washing the chalk board!! ;D
Hi Mel,
I'm jist hanging!!!
Sorry you're having to work today!! ;D
Duvet day moi?
What's that then? :D :D
I'll have a look at the rock star story :))
If only eh Anna? You'll have been entertaining the vicar's wife with chamber music gramaphone records and cups of Earl Grey!!
I quite like the sound of duvet day!!! cup of coffee spiked with Baileys....all I need is some rain and a warm fire!!! ;DDD
Anna, in lieu of a search for....what section are you posting in, that I may see your Zorro signature!!!!
(or should I say....zorrita...little (female) fox...in all your sly crafty wit!!!!) :DDD
Try that one for the Clearances story ... altho' most of the action was last night :))
I've commented on the 'rock star' story ..
Who the hell is Amy Winehouse??? I'm sick of hearing about her.
Thanks Anna,
I think people get acts of government and the people of a country mixed up.
We had this same discussion the other night at my friend's house (the Fri nite group- ELondon friend) who by the way Is Not moving to Colorado, thank goodness.
Yeah I know Melanie... but there are a lot of self-pitying eejits on there who have never read any history and just like to run off at the mouth.
They have some odd ideas about 'the English' as if we were all feudal barons with castles and Celts as serfs!! Oh hang on a minute I've just remembered that I am!!! :D :D :D
I'll just have to go and flog MacTavish in a minute... trouble is he's starting to enjoy it! :D
I've made a mistake on the Thierry Henry blog ... I forgot his second name was Henry .. still never mind I think I've recovered it!! :D
Amy Winehouse is probably closer to Janis Joplin (not a good omen) than anybody else! She's the real deal....a real rockstar and a huge talent!! However she may well go the way of so many before her!:(
Pete Doherty seems to lap up the attention, Winehouse, on the otherhand is a genuinely troubled soul! I'd recommend her last album to anybody!!!! Don't let the current bad press put you off!:)))
where is this thierry story??
The SgtMjr just bought a cd that is blues/jazz guitar...Stevie Ray Vaughn. Really good!
Stevie Ray Vaughan is really cool, Amy isn't a million miles away from that sort of sound too!!
I think Mr A might have some Amy Winehouse stuff... but he has much wider music tastes than me.
I'll listen next time he's playing it! :)
What I was really getting at was the press obsession with people - all we seem to hear about is Amy.W at the moment. They seem to latch onto someone and then flog the story to death. I know that's not her fault tho' :)
I'm glad MrA is still 'with it'!!!:D
OK I'm off, before I get a cyber kick in the chuckies!!!:D
bye AJ!
I'm around today, but will be off and on since I've the kiddies to tend to!!
Anna, I like the rugby mention!!! :D
Right AJ..... you're in trouble on the Henry board... now if only I can scare up Canky and Peajay to tackle you as well .... you'll be on the floor ...honey chile!! :D
I've added some more to the football turned rugby saga, however, short...seems all have gone to bed! Maybe the other side of the world will wake up and start posting!!
AJ?!?! you around?! :))
Hi all!!
I was called away last nite to watch a classic western with the SgtMjr....it was called Shalako, or something like that....and starred Sean Connery and Bridgette Bardot, 1968!!! It was Soooooo corny, but fun to watch.
I remember that film - fantastically cheesy!!:D
Hope you noticed me defending you and warning off that Angus chappie from yesterdays stories!!!:D
where'd you come from there AJ....ya snuck up on me like an injun!! :)
yes, I thought you were really sweet!!! :DDx
I reckon I've got some injun blood in me!!! I've got a great great great grandfather called Two Dugs Shagging!!!!:)
oh, well the thought buffalo hump did come to mind there....sorry gals....help, AJ's warping my mind....where's my coffee?!
Who's having a hump? :D :D
Hi all,
Thought I'd add my bit to the rock & roll 'duel over Lanna' board!! :D
Better watch out Melanie.. Angus frae HK will be chasing you round the boards!
Anything else going on today? :)
No chance to post so far and I'm busy Thu and Fri but will hopefully pop in to see you at some stage :)
one great great great grandfather called Two Dugs Shagging!!!!:)
And a partridge in a pear tree!! :D
Soon be Christmas :))
AJ was wonderful in fending AngusL off....and I refuse to have any man chasing me around the boards, unless it's AJ!! ;D
AJ was wonderful.... choke, splutter cough!!
Ah well, its like they say there's no accounting for taste! :D
How you doing? :D
Hi Anna,
Sometimes, lady folk need protecting!!!:) Unless your name is Anna of course!!!:D
hey you two, go to yer corners...!!;D
Hi Mel,
Anna's maybe feeling left out!! I should pay her more attention, so we don't have anymore of these outbursts!!!
Wotcha think??? :D
absolutely AJ!!
although Anna's comment on the article was quite cutting to the quick!!!
I was hurt........:D
I just wanted to show that Angus who is in 'pole' position....so to speak!!!!
On that note, I'm offski, but I'll be back later!!!:D
See y'all!!X
AJ... so sorry, sweetie, didn't mean to hurt your feelings .... :(
Didn't know you had any!! :D
"Anna's maybe feeling left out!! I should pay her more attention, so we don't have anymore of these outbursts!!!"
Oh, no what have I let myself in for she says back pedalling frantically...
AJ... Melanie is right ..you are wonderful!! :D
Mind you, I had my fingers crossed when I said it.... ;)
Mr A must have a hell of a time controlling you Anna!!:DD Too smart by half!!!!:D
OK OK he doesn't control you.....nobody could!!!:D
You know I'm only joshing you!! :D
Are you posting anywhere? All seems a bit boring on the Scotsman. A lot of oil stories but that's about it :(
Hi Anna,
I know yer jist kidding!!:D
I think added a few posts earlier in the day, but I can't remember which ones exactly!!! I'll have a wee look to try and remind myself!!:))
I added a few gems in the sports section about Lithuanian women and potatoes!!! It is the story about Hearts FC's trip to Lithuania!!! Plus I added a post or two about the upcoming Scotland game with Lithuania!!:)
You shouldn't have asked!!:D
How about you?
yes, where is everyone posting...I've added here and there as well...on the fruit fly one, and Scotland offering hope...will check out eastern european potatoes...
I've not posted anywhere apart from yesterday's rock star story.... after watching the two swains battling over the damsel!! :D
Haven't found anything else to say anywhere!
I was going to comment on the Barbie one ... but didn't!!
I've been away looking at the mirror forums about the Madeleine case. There's a lot of action on there at the moment. Some of it is quite interesting ... some of it is probably libellous!
MorganLeFay (my alter ego!) has been very careful and has only made about 5 posts so far and none tonight!
But, there are some sensible sounding people on there as well who think there's something fishy about the case :(
Poor little kid :(
Hi Anna,
just the ones I've mentioned...I'm here at my desk for a while...I'm actually home from work not feeling well, but not bad enough for complete bedridden angst!!! did take a nap though!! :)
Sorry to hear that Melanie... hope you're feeling better soon .. :)
AJ.. saw your comment on the Everton players story about Rhys Jones... that was a really nice comment :)
I think that killing shocked a lot of people - it certainly did us.. dreadful thing to happen. Bloody scary as well.
Where is that article, Anna?
yes, it is a tragedy, and frightening with regard, 'do I let the kids go here,etc' Esp for you all given that firearms are supposed to be banned.
We (SgtM,& I)are considered overprotective by many, and I tell them ignorance isn't always bliss...
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