This area has near Bishop/Eastern Sierras has volcanic activity. So, in the early morning you can see steam coming off off the streams in the cattle pastures, and the water is warm.
Life is just too short...there are so many things to do and see; and, to share with those you care about!! Work hard, play hard...cherish those you love, share a few pints with yer friends and solve the world's problems...take time to improve yourself each day so that you may in some small way improve another's journey...."Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Ghandi
Hi Mel,
I figured it may as well be me. :) Hope you're feeling a bit better.
It's the 1st of September and here there is a chill in the air as though Autumn is coming.
Hi Mel, Peajay and Anna,
Another nice photo from 'America the Beautiful'!
My parents had a great Reader's Digest book with that title! Dunno what happened to it - big bro must have snaffled it! :(
Hope you're on the mend, the photo of the truck was frightening in the extreme! Have you got your 'stookie' on yet?
Hi AJ,
naw, huv hud tae thole wi the wun thit they giv me at hospital, the wrap around the leg'n. ;)
Hopefully, I'll see the orthopedist here soon, and he'll figure oot what needs to be done.
Congrats, Peajay, good way to claim it!!
Yahoo, it's September...it'll be log fires rather than air conditioning and melting here soon! :)
We've gone 'car' shopping...the SgtMjr wants to trade in the Jag and by me a Tank. :DDDD
The insurance claims are still pending, and will be for a while, until I can be reimbursed for my pick-up truck. :/
Ahhhhh, log fires, furry sheepskin rugs and a glass of champagne!!!;)
That'll make you feel better.......
not to mention the strawberries to dip into the champagne, and the scented oil massage that follows..... ;))
Glad you're feeling a bit more chipper Mel :))
Trust AJ to start fantasising (sp?)about log fires, furry rugs etc, etc ;)
He's incorrigible (or do I mean 'orrible? :D :D :D)
Your truck definitely looked well scary - whew - you were lucky gal :)) Glad you were tho' :))
Like this pic tho' - looks a really lovely place.
I thought we were supposed to be having an 'Indian Summer' ? Seems like that's fallen by the wayside (again!).. you're right it does feel colder :(
Meant to ask what you thought of the 'Comeback Kid' the other day. Good stuff - I had a feeling he was going to do it and once he had the 3rd set in the bag I knew he'd win the match :)
Just hope he isn't all tuckered out now.
Can't believe he's been playing doubles as well... think that was a mite reckless during a Slam don't you?
He's fitter than he ever been and the doubles was a way to get some extra match sharpness!!
The match was unbelievable - character building and thoroughly exciting for Scotland's No1!!
I've been trying to stir up stuff on the tennis blogs, but I'm the only person commenting (as per usual). Where's the feisty Joanna and Peter Baleares when you need 'em??
Will you watch the match tonight? 2am start!:((
What's wrong with furry rugs.....apart from the cleaning!!!!!? :DD
Well, Anna, if you ever mosey on over(cowboy slang for come on over) our way, I'd be glad to give you a tour!
I'm still in shock that I'm here, believe me!
you always make me smile, keep up the good work!! :)
I don't think I'll be staying up until 2 am - much as I enjoy the tennis!
I'll have to watch the repeat - I've only been able to see one live Rafa match because he always seems to be on really late. I notice he's changed his shorts for red ones - his butt still looks peachy tho ;))
You never know I might take you up on that tour one day :))
I hope you do!!!
And, likewise....I think we need to plan a gal trip, go invade Scotland and Ireland or something!!! ;DDDDDDD
I'll send you the latest coffee table book of 'America the Beautiful, deluxe photo edition" if you just send me your lil 'ole address. ;)
Is 'guenevere' kimba do you think?
Whoever it is she/he is having a dig on the Murray story.
She certainly could be! :D Is't it funny how our 'banter' quite often irritates some of the posters!:D
Makes it even more worthwhile doesn't it!:DD
Hope you're still on the road to recovery. It must be hard coming to terms with what's happened.
Look forward to hearing from you soon! :)
Yes I second what AJ said Mel - hope you're getting on OK ? :))
It is funny how it seems to wind some people up - I like it even better when they think we're serious! :D
I think the Murray/Nadal match is going to be close. If I had to put money on it I would bet on Rafa but, I don't think he's been playing as well as at Wimbledon. This is not his favourite surface either so, as I think it will be a tough match for both players.
Looking forward to it tho'
Watched the Fed/Muller match yesterday - I don't think Fed is anywhere near his usual class of play. Seems very laid back sometimes and misses his first serve more. Not like he used to be !
The match is more open than usual and Nadal has to klose a big match at some point!! :)
Peter Baleares is after you!!! He's certainly ignoring me! :D He's maybe given up! :DDD
I watched the Federer match as well, but I thought he was thoroughly professional in dealing with a potentially dificult opponent. His backhand makes up for a lot! :)
A Murray/Federer final would something would it not? :)
At work, I'm the only person really following the tennis. Outwith Wimbledon, people aren't interested it would seem. I tell them it is an even more impressive run by Murray, because it's the US Open, but they don't buy it! :(
Half them hate him and half them like him! Has a tennis player ever divided opinion so much?
Hi Guys,
I'm doing okay, I finally got an Doctor appt Monday to see if there are any cracks, in my ankle that is.
I talked with one of my other cousins, she'd love to help us invade Ireland on a gal holiday!
uh, so it's ixnay on the American photo book for Xmas? ;)
I saw the tennis article last nite, figured you'd be having some fun with it.
Oops, sorry Mel!
The book would be lovely, but we don't have a coffee table!:D
Sounds like you're on the mend my girl!:))
sorry, tea table then ;)
Well, feeling better, but it's still up and down with everything.
I just have to keep thinking how much worse it could have been.
I can't go into much detail (yet) but it looks like a case of the good guy getting screwed (sorry to be so blunt, but I'm angry)...with regard to reimbursement for my truck, and my time off work/personal suffering etc. We'll see, I just need to be patient and count my blessings.
Having you guys here to talk with really raises my spirits, so Muchas Gracias, amigos!!!! :Dx
Hi Mel :))
To be sure - the Orish hot sounds great! :D
I think I've scored with Peter B... wonder if he's rich :)
I quite fancy a holiday in Majorca as well, especially if the locals look like Nadal ;)
The problem with the US Open is that its not on terrestrial (sp?) telly so quite a lot of people don't get to see it.
Tennis is the only thing worth having Sky Sports for ... altho' Mr A would not agree with that comment - he watches everyting except horsy things!
He's a Fed fan - but he's not sure if he's going to win it.
KK and I are Rafa fans, but I'll support Murray as well. Because he's grown up a lot and his game is getting very watchable now! :)
Sorry to hear that, insurance claims are a real pain in the arse for sure!
Time will heal, but it sounds like you need to vent all that frustration - go and pistol whip a buffalo!
The tennis is great on Sky, but it's a shame the masses can't see the Scottish No1's progress! :)
I especially like it, when someone posts, telling me he's really the British No1!!:DD I feel it's all worthwhile when that happens!!:DDD Moi!!??? Juvenile!!???
I would if I could, but them thar darn buffalos keep gettin' out of the way, and me on ma crutches ah can't keep up....
Get the bairns to dig a great big hole, cover with some branches and tempt old 'Buff' into the trap, using some of that sweet, home cooked Mom's apple pie!
Then you can pistol whip to your heart's content. Watch oot for them there horns though, sharp li'le ol' critters sure need a watchin'!!!
The thing is AJ, he is the Scottish No 1 but he is also the British No 1, I don't know why anyone gets bothered about him being called the Scottish No 1 tho'. But they seem to :D :D
Any road up..... Mel why are you playing with buffaloes? Now, isn't that a bit dangerous, especially at the moment? :D :D
Is the credit crunch biting in the US? I guess a buffalo would keep a family of 5 going throughout the winter and for quite a long time after!! You're going to need a big freezer though :D :D
them critter's horns make great toothpicks...
ugh,credit crunch same as you guys.
btw, I'd love a freezer full of bison...it's better than beef! :)
If he's the British No1, it's a case of, therefore, he's the Scottish No1 as well! In fact he's also the No1 player from Dunblane too!:DDD
It's all a bit daft, but a useful weapon to weed out the rabid anti-Scots!! :D I know, I know, I'm a sad eejit! :D
Credit crunch!!!:(( Canny sell ma hoose because of it!!:((
Anyway it's almost 5, gotta go>>>>>>>>>
but a loveable one....
No.....better stop right there......I'm off>>>>
awa wi yous then...
Have a great weekend, AJ! :)x
are you still there?, or are you away to make dinner...or as ya'll say, make your tea... :)
I'll be around off and on..if I don't 'bump' into you...have a great weekend :)
Well AJ - your faith was justified. Andy played really well, very impressive indeed :)
I hope he wins the US Open now and he's going to be at the top of the men's game for a long time now. :))
Have to say altho' I was rooting for Rafa and disappointed that he didn't get thro' to the final - I'm glad Andy is in the final :)
Rafa was such a good sportsman at the end as gracious in losing as he is when he wins.
I'm sure there'll be many more great matches between the 2 of them! :D
If you're interested in what Rafa has to say about the match and Andy, have a look here:
I saw the full interview on the US Open website. You get the link through the BBC Murray story!
What a match last night eh!? Nadal was trying like a bear, but Andy had the answers! :)
It's certainly brought out the Murray-haters on the BBC and Yahoo websites!:(
Canny wait for the nicht!:D
That's not an interview - that's Rafa's blog on the Times.
I have a link to it on my blog as well - like to keep in touch with what El Toro is up to!! :D
I'm even thinking of joining the Vamos Brigade - do you think I'm too old ? :D :D :D :D :D :D
Wow, that's a good blog!! You should watch the video after the match, he says pretty much the same stuff in a 15 minute interview!
The best bit is when he gets a question from a reporter from somewhere in the US deep South! Our Southern Belle Lanna was needed to translate! It's really funny! :D
Do you get cyber restraining orders??? LOL
You go for it girl, but remember to set up your meeting in a very dark place!:D ;))
There ya go, Posh Pants! ;)
Is the interview on the Beeb site or US Open?
I've been having a look at the comments on the Beeb. Saw your post - Scotland's No 1 - well not wrong tho' is it?
A lot of people seemed very supportive of Andy and want him to beat Fed. But, Fed like Nadal has a lot of support all over the world and Andy still has to prove himself a bit more.
I think if he plays like he did against Rafa he could do it. But, Fed looked back on form against Djokovic so its a close call.
What do you think?
Wouldn't it be amazing to see the wee boy from Dunblane lift that trophy tho' ??
You can't help thinking about the other children who didn't make it and willing him on for their sakes and his own of course :)
Your last paragraph sums up the reason for Andy's drive and determination! I've not heard him refer to it recently, but when he did early interviews, he did say the tragedy was a driving force for him!
I reckon Federer is the favourite and I expect him to win, but I think a Murray win is possibe, though slightly less likely!
If your pressing me, I'll go for Murray in 4 sets! Does that make sense??? :D
My predictions have been good so far!
I know your predictions have been spot on!
So I'll agree with you - Murray in 4! :)
He does mention the tragedy in his book 'Hitting Back' - 8 pages are devoted to it, but its not healthy for him to dwell on it too much.
Fed has been inconsistent this year, but he looked good on Sat and he's had longer to rest up and get ready that Andy.
The timings have been very poor really.
Mind you, if it goes to 5 sets I'm going to be up half the night! :D
Could be a 3am finish! The work will be a struggle tomorrow for sure to be sure!:)
Did you see the guy going on about the Darius project on the second AM story? What a balloon!:D
Did you read AM's book? Any good? Thought it was a wee bitty early to be bringing oot an autobiography!:D
I was laughing at the Darius guy - especially as he'd already said that only Scots are allowed to support Murray and not the English. He got hauled over the coals by someone about that - before I had a chance to get my claws in! :D :D
I was wondering when you were going to reel him in on the Darius hook tho' :D
I've not read the Murray book - I was reading a review on it. It is a bit young to be writing 'one's memoirs' but they're all at it. I'm not too keen on biographies unless they're historical ones, so I probably won't read it. Unless its in the library and then I might :)
Just had a thought....
Do you think Andy Murray is AM2?
Surely not! :D :D
I saw that you offered the poor lad some much needed advice :)
Don't think he'll reappear on that particular thread again! :D I'll be on the lookout for him though!:D
Almost time to go. Enjoy the match, it could be a classic!:)
See ya.........
It would be AM No1!!! :DD
Speak to you tomorrow :))
Could be a great day for AM 1! :D
Oh well AJ - at least he got into the final of a major - which is a superb achievement. He'll be back!!
I thought Fed was playing excellent tennis, and even tho' I wanted Andy to win - you have to admire someone who can make the game look so effortless and beautiful Definitely back on form!
I thought the interview with Andy's granny was great. She sounds as if she knows more about tennis than some of the players :D
Alas, it was not to be!:(
Federer was too good and Andy's fortunes changed at the wrong moments!
Only one inner I'm afraid, but Scotland's No1 still had a terrific tournament! :D
No shame in getting humped by a great Champion!
Wow, are you just in your office as well? :D
First things first eh?
Bit of a coincidence there :D
Murray did brill to get there and he can console himself with the runner up prize money $755000 - not bad eh?
He'll be making a mint on sponsorships now as well. He could maybe afford a new razor! :D :D
I was impressed that Fed was presented with a new Lexus. I know he could afford to buy one but its nice to just get given it! :D Money goes to money !
Now, what are we going to talk about?
A dinny ken!:D
All tennis'd out?! ;D
Qui, aw tennis'd oot Mel!
How're you today?
Aw, shucks, I've been better....but all in all, am doin' okay :)
the ankle's not broke just badly spained...but I can't walk on it for a month
sprained, too
Glad to hear it. Hope the folks at home are lookin' after ya!?
Do you have a tartan blanket and a hot water bottle? Maybe some boiled sweets and a constant supply of tea are in order!
You should watch all the episodes of Little House on the Prairie. That'll soon perk ya up!
Awwwww, it's time I wasn't here!
Have a great day Mel and, remember, keep yer dander up!
So to speak..........:DD
Hi all!!
Have a great weekend!! If you're up for a chat...just ring...you may catch me in a "foggy" moment (pain meds), and get some funny answers. Who knows, the pills might even act as a truth serum, you know something like...in vino veritas?! ;D
Mel :)X
Howdy to your Monday!
Mel :)
Here's a silly one to comment on, of course it involves food:
Hi all, hope everyone's doing ok, especially yourself Mel. My hols were good. Have a job for a 10 days covering for a friend's holiday then back to Uni job I guess.
Hi Peajay,
just received the postcard, thanks! :)
good to have you back for some chatting. What's the 10 day job? hopefully lots of kicking up yer feet when the boss isn't looking! :)
...well, the uni job could have benefits depending on the various students' subjects...just think what all you get to learn! I know, it's still work :/
I liked your pics of the ships. I'll be around tomorrow for some chatting. :)
Mel :)
The 10 day job is secretarial, working specifically on a Tender Document for a construction job in Wandsworth.
It's not that I mind the Uni job at all but I sooooo wanted to go back to the Grosvenor Hotel job as it would have been until the job was finished next August and would have resulted in a sudden and unheard of affluence for me. I had been given an 85% certainty. Just goes to show that you shouldn't get your hopes up.
Have you seen the new Follow feature at Blogger? Not sure of the benefit but Storyteller is a Follower of my blog and ditto for me on hers.
Hi Peajay,
Sorry to hear about the job, in that sense, I can see why you were let down. :(
No, fakey cheer up speech from me; as my kids would say, 'that just plain sucks!'
...slang which I don't always approve of but still, can't avoid the existence of said words! ;)
I'll check out the blogger thing...it is nice to follow some of the blogs; much like reading the morning paper! :)
Hope all in all, all ya'lls weekends are going well!
....haha, say THAT fast 3 times... ;D
Mel :)
Yes, it sucks, but that's life.
How's life for you? Are you still hobbling and on the happy pills?
The Blogger Following thing features on your dashboard when you sign in I think.
Hi all - hope you're well? :D
I can't believe you made that comment about Sarah Brown's clothes, that's the first thing I said when I saw her. What the heck is she wearing? She looked like she'd got dressed in the dark and had to buy the cheapest material in the shop! You'd think they were skint - maybe they are and we're all doomed!
What's Dave in Barra on about with the croft? :D
Hi Anna,
I thought I'd drop that into the general melee!:D
Didn't she look a right state???:D
I'm no clothes horse masel, but if I was gonna be appearing on a very public stage, I'd try and do my best! Sarah, looked like she'd flung on the first thing she saw..........and that was lying on the floor!!
Do you think spunky Dunc likes me?
I think Dave in Barra is mixing me up with Janis from London. Her parents live in the Western Highlands I think.
I just couldn't believe what she was wearing - she's supposed to be a PR 'guru' as well. Would she let her clients out looking like that?
She didn't look too bad when Carla (Sarkozy) was over but there would be no point trying to compete with her anyway! :D
But, you're right it looked like a Primark effort and a bargain bucket one at that!
She might not care what she looks like - but when she's married to the PM she should make an effort for goodness sake!
Having said all that I understand that she's a nice person!! :D :D :D :D
I think Dunc is after you - he's on the other bus so you'd better watch out!! :D
I think Mrs Brown should get herself down to M & S as well and invest in a new bra. Her's did her no favours and made her boobs look droopy!
Its amazing what confidence the right undergarment can give a girl :D :D :D
...lopsided and droopy, but I thought that was a criticism best left to another female to deliver!:DD
Do you still get those 24 hour girdle things?
Did women really keep them on for 24 hours? :D
Remember, Dave is Canky's bitterest rival on the website! :D
Dunc is putty in my hands! :D
Yuck..what a terrible thought.......
We've moved on a bit from 24 hour girdles :))
Have you not heard of Spanx? That's what Mrs Brown needs a good Spanx! :D :D
Speak to you later - I've got to get some work done :((
Same here! :((
Hi to Mel and Peajay :))
Hi all,
ah, some chat! :)
I only saw one pic on my article, and it did look a little grey and dumpy! :/ The comments were amusing! :)
yes, I'm still on the happy pills, but only in the late afternoon or at night, or if I've had to be out. Hopefully, I'll start Physio soon, and work out some of the kinks! ;p
Happy Friday to all!!
The day's are getting cooler...they've started to set up the old streetcorner for the 'pumpkin patch' sale...the kiddies are talking about their Halloween costume ideas...the cooler the weather, the better for baking....yes, I love Fall!! :)
Hope you all are well, enjoy your weekend!! :)
Mel :)
Hi all!
Saw you on the Austrian article, AJ...thought you'd might be there! :)
How was your weekend?
Hi Mel
I have been unemployed today and start back at Uni tomorrow so had a great day. Not looking forward to it but it's work and we appreciate the fiscal rewards (oooh, that sounded very Gordon Brown).
How's life in slightly chilling desert? Here we're actually having some good weather, a late attempt at Summer although judging from the pea-souper on Saturday it's all a bit too late.
Hope all is well.
Hi Peajay,
we had a lovely day of thunderstorms. It was wonderfully loud thunder, clouds, and a reasonable amount of light rain. It was cool and fresh...I was in heaven!! :)
I think we've jumped up to the stream...we're getting scroll lazy me thinks!
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