"Simplicity in character, in manners, in style; in all things the supreme excellence is simplicity." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Life is just too short...there are so many things to do and see; and, to share with those you care about!! Work hard, play hard...cherish those you love, share a few pints with yer friends and solve the world's problems...take time to improve yourself each day so that you may in some small way improve another's journey...."Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Ghandi
Who's Simplicity?
I can't see her in the picture :D Does she get called Simp for short?
Sorry, Mel, couldn't help myself. :D
Lovely picture.:))
Hope you're all well - I've been a bit busy with stuff, so sorry for absence.
Hey AJ... how're you diddling? New Masters series on soon.... I can't wait ... I need a Rafa fix!! :D :D
Am diddlin' awa' jist fine!:) A Murray/Nadal final would be good! :D
How're you honey pie? Hope the aches and pains are gettin' better.
Have you managed to start driving again?
A Murray/Nadal final in Madrid - that would be something to see. Guess where my money's going?
Wonder what colour vest top Rafa will be wearing this time......hmm... who cares as long as it shows his arms off well ;))
Must slap myself in a minute... off in a day dream again! :D :D
Yes, Mel,
Sorry I forgot to ask, how are you getting on now?
Hope you're feeling better.
(AJ - is obviously much more thoughtful than me - which is surprising really :D :D :D )
Just back from a Harvest Festival at KK's school - it was really nice. I could feel myself welling up when they sang "We sow the fields and scatter the good seed on the land" etc, etc. There is something so lovely about children's voices and the earnest look on their faces as they sing away :)
Problem is I always forget to wear waterproof mascara and take my hankie :D
Btw AJ
My Scottish friend whose son is in KK's class, says that they never used to do Harvest Festival when she was at school in Scotland. She's from Stirling area.
Do they have Harvest Festival in Fife? I can't remember if we did it when I was at School in Rosyth (back in Wee Wullie Wallace's time :D :D )
Maybe its an English thing.
They did when I was forced to go! I'm sure they still do though, but Only 5% of the population are interested these days!
Thanksgiving in America has a really quaint history. It's in memory of the Puritans' first successfull harvest, which gave them the strength to slaughter the native Americans.;)
Darned pesky injuns......
you cheeky charming thing you! Yes, I'm doing better, no I'm not driving, and I'll not comment on your "Tanksgiving" day comment! ;D
Hi Anna,
actually that was quite funny...reminded me of a song, have I shared this before?
"There was an old farmer who lived by a rock,
He sat in the meadow a waving his
fists at some boys who were down by the creek
their feet in the water, their hands on their...
marbles and playthings and in days of yore
there came a young lady who looked like a...
lovely young maiden, she sat on the grass
she lifted her skirts and showed us her...
ruffles and laces and a neat little tuck
she told us she was learning a new way to...
raise up her children and teach them to knit
while the boys in the barnyard were shoveling...
straw from the stables and they worked day and night
If you think this is vulgar then bless you your right"
-The Farmer song,
by The Wicked Tinkers
Hellooooooooo............!!!!! :)
Mel :)
Hello all :))
I've been experiencing a technical hitch for the last week. Yes, the computer gave up the ghost and we had the blue screen of death!
Off it went to the repair place and despite only being 2 years old it was going to cost more to fix than to buy a new one (with a bigger hard drive etc). So, we bought a new one - its very nice as well :))
Finally, managed to get back online yesterday. Thought I'd have missed a lot of chat but you all seem to have been pretty quiet.
Anyway one of the casualties of the computer dying was that we lost most of our email addresses. We've managed to salvage a few but not yours.
So, please send me an email - usual address - so I can pop you back into my address book :))
Hi Anna
Not the Blue Screen of Death!!!! Oh, No!
Don't you hate it when technology goes wrong big time?
I guess it's quiet as everyone seems extra busy. I however have good and bad news, the good news is I quit job as Uni Support Worker, the bad news is I quit the job as Uni Support Worker! (@_@)
Hope all is well.
Hi Peajay,
Yes the dreaded BSOD!! :D
Sorry, to hear about the job or should I not be?
Why did you quit?
I've been on the Mary Q of Scots board, the one where they want to bring the body (bones!) back to Scotland. I could do with AJ on there because its getting a bit dreary now. I've offered to send the corpse back by Parcel Force but I've had a lecture off a Cyber Nat. Are they mad or what?
I know AJ's one but we know he's bonkers so I can cope with that.
AJ where are you, are you still celebrating the England win the other night :D :D :D
How are you feeling now? Hope you're getting better :))
Saw your comment Peajay.... very true we will need a signature!
Didn't there used to be a song "Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones" or am I hallucinating again? :D :D
Hi all!
Anna, thanks, I'm improving and hopefully will be started physio on my left ankle tomorrow. I'm getting a bit stir crazy, and have to guard against doing too much! Although I have to admit, the rest has been very nice.
BSOD....ooooohhhh, I empathise! ;p
Peajay, congratulations, and my condolences! I'll be nosy too....why did you quit? :)
It's heading towards the end of your day, but I'll have a look at that Mary article. Hopefully, I'll get some other posting in this week. I could use some banter and silliness!!! :)
(to balance out the uni papers!)
allright, silly me can't find the article...please do help the temporary invalid....
Disrespectful in the extreme to one of Scotland's most famous Queens!
OK so she had issues, who hasn't? She made a few bad spouse choices, who hasn't? She liked it, who doesn't?
Very funny comments from ma cyber pals! :D
Hi Mel,
Have a look at http://news.scotsman.com/politics/MSP39s-battle-for-body-of.4583519.jp#3331406
Nae bother Hen!;)
Oops almost 5pm, gotta go, but I promise to be back tomorrow!:)
Hi Peajay,
got it... :)
there ya go again, another quickie....
it figures it was in the politics section...a section I usually try to avoid!!! ;)
Wham, Bham Thank you Ma'am again Melanie :D :D
AJ.... I think you fancied auld Mary :)) She certainly sounds like a sexpot and she probably knew stuff!! :D She was part French after all ;)
I always fancied the sound of old Bothwell myself - carrying her off on his horse and all that :D :D
Hi all
Sorry to have missed you AJ.
Yes, there was a song about dem dry bones, Anna. It was a Gospel type of ditty along the lines of:
E-ze-kiel cried, "Dem dry bones!"
E-ze-kiel cried, "Dem dry bones!"
E-ze-kiel cried, "Dem dry bones!"
Oh hear the word of the Lord.
The foot bone con-nected to the leg-bone,
The leg bone connected to the knee bone,
he knee bone connected to the thigh bone,
The thigh bone connected to the back bone,
The back bone connected to the neck bone
The neck bone connected to the head bone
Oh hear the word of the Lord!
Dem bones, dem bones gon-na walk a-roun'
Dem bones, dem bones gon-na walk a-roun'
Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk aroun'
Oh hear the word of the Lord
The head-bone connected to the neck-bone,
the neck-bone connected to the back-bone
The backbone connected to the thigh-bone
the thighbone connected to the kee-bone
the kneebone connected to the leg bone
the leg bone connected to the foot bone
Oh hear the word of the Lord.
OMG, Peajay...hahaha
you've taken me back to days of yore in yon Sunday School class....
Excellent stuff Peajay :D :D :D
Now all we need is someone to sing it and demonstrate it.
AJ will probably want to do that when they get dem bones back home.
Get practising AJ :D :D :D
As to the job, it was all a bit much. This student was severly disabled and required a full time carer as well as a Support Worker. He was unable to even hold a piece of paper to read it. I was taking lecture notes all day and then spending a further 2.5 hours transcribing them every evening. The final straw was that I gained a cold last Monday, didn't want to pass it on to someone with enough problems already and the woman who was due to be 'cover' started off by saying it would be fine and then during the phone call, changed her mind to absolutely no way was she prepared to do it. There was no back-up at all.
I do have a contingency plan in the form of a return to Grosvenor House from November 3rd.
Oh that does sound like a tough job Peajay. I'm sure you gave it your best shot though :)) Hope the Grosvenor House job works out well.
AJ ... I've just spotted a flaw in the Dem Bones Song & Demonstration/Dance you're going to be doing once you get the bones back:
"The head-bone connected to the neck-bone"
Its not going to be is it? You'll have to improvise a bit with that one. Dangle the head about in a beguiling and interesting way perhaps or alternatively just do that 'Alas poor Yorrick' thing and entertain the audience by making the head-bone talk to them :D
You'll think of something. Anyway if you wear your kilt the ladies in the audience will be completely mesmerised by your knees wobbling about as you dance to the song and be looking at them most of the time. :D :D
I can't wait :D
Sorry to have me you too Peajay! Sounds like you needed a change of direction, that seemed a tough stint!
Have you been scoffing Pinot Grigio again by the bucketfull? :DD
As per normal, the very embodiment of a Southern Belle! ;D
Oh c'mon AJ... you know you want to do that gig :D :D
Moi... partaking of liquid refreshment.. well, its been known on the odd occassion :D :D
Tennis back on again - great isn't it? ;))
Have to get a new pic of Rafa for my blog ;)
Scotland's No1 will on around 4pm today! Don't know aboot the Spaniard! :)
I've already set the scene on the Murray story with some bold predictions! :D
btw I'm a very good singer, but I do need a good bucketful as well!:D
I'll have to do some hunting on the internet to find out when the sexy Spaniard is playing ;)
I'll be watching the not so sexy Scot as well :))
I can't sing for toffee - even with the help of a few drinks I sound awful.. only problem for everyone else is that I don't care then, and I think I can sing!! :D :D :D
I do sing in the bath sometimes as well - but when we were staying in an hotel in Maderia a few years back I was singing away in the bath and the bloke from next door knocked on the wall to shut me up !! :D :D
Mr A thought it was hilarious - he probably paid the bloke to knock through !! :D :D
Since then, you will be relieved to hear, I no longer sing in hotel bathrooms. So, if you're ever in the room next door you don't have to worry about your lugs!! :D :D
If I ever hear the strangled croak of a non-diva in an hotel room, I'll know it's jist 'oor Anna' pished as a fart again! :D D
I think if I was a rock star, I would've capitulated by now! I would've been into the lot like young Amy! Hotel rooms would've been trashed as a matter of routine, South America wouldn't have been able to supply the demand for the white stuff and Jack Daniel's would've posted record profits! Not to mention a rockstar's penchant for only sleeping with twin sisters(who know stuff!) after every concert! Do you remember David Essex? :DD
Yes of course I remember David Essex. I had posters galore of him on my bedroom walls when I was a teeny-bopper! :D
I'm Gonna Make you a Star..ar...ar..a.....:)) I'll hum it you sing it!! :D
Would you have chucked a TV out of the hotel window as well? :D
Anything interesting on the Scotsman... today?
Anything except the credit crunch and how Brown is saving the nation!
That's all that's been in the paper for weeks. Have you got your savings tucked under the bed now? :D
Andy has opened well against Bollelli (sp?) and is leading 3 games to love in the first set :))
Rafa is on later against Gublis (sp?) I think. He had a first round bye.
I think they'll probably put Rafa on during Spanish prime time - because he's got to be the home favourite for the title.
Looks like Andy will take the first set to love :))
You gotta love that :D :D
Eezy peezy lemon squeezy!
Andy is King!! :D The Tally surrendered early - would you Adam and Eve it!?? :DD
Did I mention that my Uncle captured 300 Italian sodgers during the last war? I think he was the first British sodger they saw!:D
Anyway, Essex was a right lad and I remember him in that film with Ringo Star as a Butlin's Redcoat bedding a couple of blond beauties! That wasn't you was it Anna?
Nothing really doing on the Scotsman, but I went on the BBC sports website and registered my fav Beijing moment. It kind of flies in the face of the norm!:DD
Hi all,
just in time to say, ciao! :(
that's me sleepin' in these days....
Mel :)
Hi Mel,
Catching up on yer beauty sleep eh!
I'll be off to uni in the next 15 mins!
It's the French Revolution tonight - first of three lectures!!
Methinks I might end up nodding off as well!:D
Hi AJ,
oh, sounds pretty dry...here let me help you out... ;)
Hmm, the frenchie revolting...
let me sum it up...
let them eat cake...
viva la revolucion...
shouts, screams, throwing lots of tomatoes and rotten eggs...
catch and round up all those aristos....
chop, chop, chop...
free the bastille, only...
out comes three one is a pedophile, none are oppressed...
more chop, chop, chop only...
it's the guy Robespierre or somethin...
the one who started it all...
now what...
crepes for all...
viva la revolucion...
...and that's all folks....!! :D
okay, I know...that was way abbreviated...and I may have left a few details out!! ;)
I went to the bbc site...and you caused a stir there, too!!
My but you do leave a wide swathe of destruction wherever you go, Sir!!
Do you mind if I plagerise that? :D
Summed up in a nutshell....or should that be a nut house!:DD
As for the BBC site, it's a tremendous souce of joy for me!:DD
Do I need therapy??
if we all weren't all little crazy, we'd just go insane!!
(that was Jimmy Buffett who said that, btw...don't want to be stealin' any words or nuthin') :)
Too true, look at Anna she seems perfectly happy!:D
Gonna be late, see ya>>>>>>
Excellent potted history Mel, you could have abbreviated further by the first sentence, 'the french are revolting' :DD
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Allez, allez to the barricades mon braves :))
I love the French they don't give a tinker's wotsit about anyone :))
Me crazy - well as the kiddywinks say 'it takes one to know one' :D :D Mad as a box of frogs!!
Parlez later mes amis :))
Got a hot date with a very fit Spaniard :D :D
ah, AJ,
here's one for you to add to the drama.... ;)
you know who...
Hi all :))
I didn't know that you were interested in stories about Viagra AJ....
We're always here to lend a cyber ear to your troubles and there should be no artifically erected barriers between cyber friends. :D :D :D
I watched the Rafa match last night... was a bit worried a couple of times. Gulbis was playing very well, I think he will be one to watch, and Rafa seemed a little off-colour at times.
He had to have his thigh massaged twice....... I could have done that for him if only he'd let me know!! ;D ;D
No need for viagra here.....yet! :)
Maybe when I'm 94!
Rafa dropped a set!!!! It's all looking good for Andy! He has to get past a few top players though.
I answered you on the BBC history story Anna! :D
I've answered you back - sweetie :))
Its been a while since I had a pop at you. Glad to see we are in agreement on some things :))
I'll be able to watch that programme on Sky on BBC Scotlsnd if its now shown down here. Let me know what time/day its on ..please :))
I have noticed that Rafa often drops a set in his first match at a tournament and then seems to improve. But, he had me a little worried yesterday.
Still looking sexy though!! :D
Gublis is a class act and only 19 too! He just lacks a bit of resolve at the moment, but when he reaches maturity he'll be a top ten player comfortably.
That was a right old lecture you gave me. Put me right in ma place! :))
Anna, I think the series is going out nationally anyway.
Do you use BBC Iplayer?
Yep had to pop out for a bit there .... did you like the Queen Tracy angle?
Yes, I do use BBC Iplayer sometimes it is extremely useful if you miss something :))
I see auld King Jamie is getting a leathering again.... he'd probably have enjoyed that especially if it was administered by one of his nice young man servants :D :D
Were you out getting the messages Anna?
James seems a bit of an odious character, but credit where credit is due, he was a crafty and successful politician in a very hostile enviroment!
yawn, ah, good morning!
so, where have you all been out escalating things this morning? ;D
Queen Tracy seemed fine to me! :DD
Hi Mel,
There's a thread on the Scottish section about a BBC history programme. It was a reasonably serious debate today!:D
Wotcha fixing yersel - flapjacks with maple syrup and lashings of hot strong black coffee?
Hi AJ,
nope, skipping right to the coffee...the durned dog had me up at o400...didn't go back to sleep till it was time to get up...
I saw that BBC thread last night...what nonsense, the prehistory is just as interesting...bah, the Romans! ;)
(oops, maybe I should go read what ya'll were sayin' first!)
Get the Sgt Mgr's big buffalo gun and threaten the varmint! That would sort old poochie face out good n proper!
Almost 5
Gotta go n git the Mish Mash!
Have a nice day d'ya hear>>>>>>
Bye you!
I'm going to get my coffee, and I'll be back for a read of the queen tracy debate... :) That should help wake me up!
here's the history link for your perusal... :)
Thanks for the link Mel, sorry I missed out on the fun. Have been for 'ladies who lunch' day in London with Coppersmithing friend Siân. She was so sorry to hear about your incident and hopes yo're feeling better very soon. Had good time except for grotty weather.
Sounds a bit posh Peajay :)) Glad you had fun.
Andy v Cilic - oor man just took the first set - very good play by Andy against a good opponent.
His leg is playing him up tho' looks like a knee problem. He'll be wanting you to massage it later :)) I'm already too busy with Rafa's thigh ;)
Did you watch the Fed match last night? He's a very classy player. Mr A was commenting on the ball 'girls' at the Fed and Rafa matches. They are scantily clad, well made up and look like super models. When they threw the ball to Fed or Rafa it was all big eyes and heaving bosoms! :D
By contrast in the Murray match (on a smaller court) the ball boys and girls look like just the average little kids that you get at most tournaments.
Trust the Spanish to add a bit of spice to the tennis ;D :D
Hi Anna,
hahaha, ah, the mental pics one forms...you slathering the lotion, up on the thigh....
Hi Peajay,
sounds like a fun time! Please tell Siân hello for me...I'll have to stop by her blog and see what she's been up to.
Where's AJ?
....AJ!!!! I get up early for a chat and you're no where to be found!! Just my luck!!!!!!! ;)
Well, I'm around trying to get at my Uni papers before the kiddies get up....but darn if there's a Heineken cup rugby match on that's ever so distracting.... :)
Hi Mel,
Too busy today to have proper cyber time! You seem up for it too! ;D
I noticed that(of course), but I'm not sure if they 'know stuff' like wotsherface in Corrie! ;DD
Alas, AJ twas not meant to be....well, at least today. ;)
Only means I may actually be forced to focus on my uni course work :/ ;)
Hi ..... Melanie up for it ?? Good gracious you know how innocent and straight-laced I am.. What can you mean? :D
One of the ball babes looked as if she definitely 'knew stuff' like her in Corrie. ;)
Looks like bold, bad, but kinda hot Scot Gordon is going to be in trouble soon! He knows stuff, too you know ;D
That's the one in Corrie not @ No 10 :D
Melanie ... sorry we're on about Coronation Street - British soap set near Manchester. You might have heard of it?
We'll get you liking tennis yet as well. Either that or closing your blog to the tennis bore! :D
KK's going for a game of 'rugger' on Sun ... just a training session to see if he likes it.
I hope my wee lamb will be OK :))
Hi Anna,
yes, puir AJ missed a wee frolic! ;)
Best of luck for KK to have a 'safe' rugger tryout.
Mine tried out a few years ago, but didn't like the tackle and dogpile scenario. Too bad, as he's a fast runner and would have made a great half/fullback? Still, probably saved me from stress and grey hair! ;)
Good win by Murray - really pleased for him. If Rafa can't win it then I'm glad Andy did. :))
Next week, Paris - I can't wait, hope Rafa is back to his usual form, he does seem a bit off colour. Must be the tour taking its toll.
Hope everyone is well, KK really enjoyed the rugby training and wants to go again next week .... he wants muscles like Austin Healeys :D :D :D I said he might have to work out a bit :D :D :D
Austin Healey's muscles hmmmmmm.
But did you see Mark Foster's in that somewhat sheer shirt on Saturday? :)
Hi Peajay :))
Hmm, Mark Foster was quite tasty :))
Who do you want to win? I like Austin, Tom and Cherie but I think Christine and Jodie are good as well.
John Sargeant is funny, he looks as if all his birthdays have come at once, dancing with that gorgeous Monroe lookalike :D :D
I'd like Tom to win or Cherie. I think the wrong person was voted off this week, as nice fit looking as Mark is he's really not built for dancing, the same applies to Andrew Castle too. John Sargeant is just a little sweetie.
Hi all!
nope, haven't heard of that Soap.
I'm currently enjoying Heineken Cup Match...Edinburgh and some Frenchie team...of course, I'm multi-tasking with internet surfing as well
saw AJ's sweet comment today about the importance of livin' with a good woman... :)
Hi Mel,
Did you see my contribution to the Roman Catholic debate? Well balanced I thought!:DD
I'm waiting for the removal of the good name of my character by your good self!
See you on the tennis story!
I never watch the dancing, but I always think John Sargeant looks like(and sounds like) Jo Brand's twin! :D
I've sorted you sunshine :))
Had to pop out for a bit, need some cheering up, my mum is back on the chemo as the cancer has come back. She is quite poorly with it as she is getting the stronger dose of chemo.
Anyway, keep the laughs coming .... :D :D
I think John Sargeant looks like Porky Pig...he dances like him as well. :D :D
The Samba was hilarious.
AJ... Are you related to Andy Murray?
I mean I know I defend and go on about Rafa but I fancy the pants off him .... what's your excuse ? :D :D :D
Hi Anna
So sorry to hear about your Mum. Hope all goes well and she doesn't get too poorly from the chemo.
Hi Mel
The program is Strictly Come Dancing and has several hot blokes although the aforementioned John Sargeant is not one.
The sheer shirt can be seen at:
Try not to watch the dancing though as it was rubbish. :)
Have to agree with Anna about JS and Porky Pig comparison.
OK, so it's triplets - Jo Brand, John Sargeant and Porky Pig!! :D
Sorry to hear about your Mum. She'll be a 'tough old bird' like you I bet. It sounds like you've got a great family unit and I reckon that sort of strength helps a lot during times like this!
As always, my thoughts are with you! :)
Anyway, getting back to my support for Andy Murray. It's not unhealthy like yours, it's simply me being nationalistic, narrow minded and blinkered! :D
That's quite an interesting message board you've got going there.......
Oh that's OK AJ then ... as long as your motivation for supporting young Andy is totally blinkered .... I can relate to that.
I try and like the other players... but Rafa's matador walk and masculinity gets me every time ;))
I'm basically a very shallow person :))
Thanks for your support everyone ... btw :))
Good job explaining to Melanie, Peajay.... she must get fed up with us (mainly me) using her blog to gas about people she's never heard of ....
I'll find you a Coronation Street clip on You Tube Melanie ... so you can see what you're missing there (or not) as well.
Its the longest running soap in the world and has been going since 1960 ... which is as old as me... so its getting on a bit... :D :D
Hi All,
don't worry Anna and Peajay, I quite enjoy the chatter...makes me see how much we all are alike! ;)
AJ, I thought you're approach was er, yes balanced...but I honestly let out a laugh at your 'good woman' mention; and, I think you're on to something there! ;)
....where's ma coffee?
Mel :)
Two lumps or three Mel?!
sorry to hear about your mum, my thoughts are with you all, and like AJ says...she's a tough old bird! :)
ps Politics poll,
how's the election coming thru in your neck of the woods. Is the office scuttlebutt that Obama is going to save America? (it seems that way from various blogs that I read)
Don't worry, I trust neither of them, and wanted something more like Ron Paul was suggesting with less government and back to the Constitution, earn your money with reasonable taxes for infrastructure, yet have a social safety net (not hammock) for the poor and disabled, and no more world's policman;
...health care is my thing...I would like something for all, but functioning better than your NHS! ;))
sorry to bring politics into the tennis drama....just was curious to your opinions, no wrong answer here.
Mel :)
haha, AJ
neither, I like my coffee strong and hot, like a likes ma men... ;)
exit stage left....
Mel :)
(on the SgtMjr's computer, don't want to sign in)
The American election is getting loads of coverage hear, especially with the antics of the Republican 'broad' and of course, Joe the plumber!
Can't see how they can vote for McCain after all that. Obamma seems to making a lot less in the way of bloopers than his Republican foes! :D Mccain came over very inept during the last head to head! I reckon his age will be the final nail in the coffin for the voters!
I fear for Obamma though, I reckon he could be next to fall to an assassin's bullet!!! He doesn't really fit 'Conservative' America's bill! :(
Wotcha reckon?? :D
Hear!!!!! Sorry I'm very tired!!:(
As the 'broad' Palin would say, "I'll be doggone", it's time I was aff tae uni!
See ya>>>>>>>>>>>>
She is, in her defence, quality crumpet however!! :D
Hello peeps :))
US Politics ... crikey that's a deep one Mel! I think ours are hard enough to understand.
Obama seems to be getting the best press over here tho'.... and a lot of political journalists seem to be taking the 'mick' out of Palin and casting doubt on McCain for picking her.
Randy auld AJ fancies her tho' but then there's no accouting for taste :D :D Alright there AJ :)))
I think your comment about a national medical scheme is a good one tho' Mel....its always surprised me that the US dosen't have that already.
The NHS may not be perfect and it can be a postcode lottery as to the standard and quality of service but at least people can get medical aid quickly and without having to pay up first.
We are lucky with the three hospitals in our area they are all pretty good and I have no complaints to make from a personal experience. Yes, there are things I would like to improve but on the whole, we are lucky in this area.
My Nana tho' used to live in the Scottish Borders and had a terrible experience at Edinburgh Infirmary. They neglected to remove stitches after an eye op and the poor soul was in agony for ages and then had to have her eye removed in the end. So, like I say its not all good everywhere.
Hi Anna,
I think anymore, you have to do your own medical research to make sure they're doing what they're supposed to be doing. Not doctor type in depth, but just the average treatment regime, etc...and ask lots and lots of questions. :(
ah, yes, politics...as I said, I'm not happy with either. I honestly think that Obama's "change" is not all going to be a good thing with his "redistribution of wealth". I'm for the improvement of infrastructure and a social safety net, but not for taxing the workers so the "Komizar" and the "Knackers" can eat and live well....not that that isn't happening already, I just don't want it worse! Here's a poll that I thought interesting.
However, the other side....ugh...the Republicans have not done well lately....
SgtMjr and I were talking about where we could relocate when it all goes to pot! So much for the American Dream....:p
Hi Mel
You could relocate to sunny Cambridgeshire, they have some funny people there but are very welcoming. :D
Hope your day's going well. I'm still enjoying my 'between positions' holiday although there seems sooo much arranged to do that I'm just not getting time to blog enough. :/
Thanks Peajay ..... I think! :D :D
Yes you'd be most welcome Mel.... you'd have to get into the odd way of doing things round here. Having celebrations in the middle of January (brrr) and burning folk inside straw bears but apart from that its just like anywhere else!! Cue Mad Laughter :D
KK is joining a dance side - its a sword dancing one so he thinks that's pretty cool. The juniors don't get to use real swords ..... well I hope not anyway :D :D
Speak to you later ..... got to go and gather straw!! :D :D :D :D
You're welcome Anna. I guess gathering straw now might get you acclimatised to the January bit. :DD
Scottish Logic
A man in Aberdeen calls his son in London the day before Christmas Eve
and says, I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your
mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough.
'Dad, what are you talking about?' the son screams.
We can't stand the sight of each other any longer,' the father says.
'We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you
call your sister in Leeds and tell her.'
Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. 'Like hell
they're getting divorced,' she shouts, 'I'll take care of this,'
She calls Aberdeen immediately, and screams at her father, 'You are NOT
getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling
my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do
a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?' and hangs up.
The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. 'Okay,' he says,
'they're coming for Christmas and they're paying their own way.'
that's bad, funny, but bad very bad....not that I wouldn't do it, of course! ;)
Hmmm, straw festivals, 'sunny' weather, eccentric shenanigans...sounds do-able! :)
a perfect side job for you!!! :))
Hi all,
Winter is on it's way, the clocks have been turned back so darker evenings prevail. Hope all are well.
Hi all,
well, it looks like I'm back to work next week. I'm getting around fairly well, but not up to 100% yet...probably will be a few weeks even yet. ah well! ;)
almost time for a new pic...hmmm, tumshies and pumpkins?
over the weekend, I had a go with some posters and the political debates...I think I did reasonably well. Maybe I'm more political than I thought?! ;D
Good to hear you're on the mend Mel! Even 'work' might be a tonic for a change......or mibbee no!:D
Anyway, you take care and have a great week! :D
Just spotted the attempt at a 'funny'! :( :D
Was it you that switched on winter yesterday?
It's bloody Baltic up here! :)
100!!!! :D
Hi AJ,
hmmmm, pot calling the kettle black there...baggin' that 100 without so much a tease of competition... ;)
ah, I ain't lookin' forward to goin' back to work. Well, maybe for the social aspects, and holdin' a few babies...
Baltic? we've had another warm spell here, but Halloween will change that...always scares 'late summer' weather away. :)
Mel :)
Freezing cold here today as well :(( Its winter woolies time.
Is that your fault as well Peajay? :D :D
Any snow in Fife yet AJ? I see the Cairngorms are a mite chilly just now :D
Did you see all those eejits in the Lake District and all the media hysteria. What a load of baloney that was, who pays the bill for the rescue services? Best the mad fell runners have a whip round.
Sounds nice and warm in CA - Mel.... send some this way :D
OMG it's snowing. No it's not my fault. :D
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