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Life is just too short...there are so many things to do and see; and, to share with those you care about!! Work hard, play hard...cherish those you love, share a few pints with yer friends and solve the world's problems...take time to improve yourself each day so that you may in some small way improve another's journey...."Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Ghandi
Well, I think I'll just fly in here, look around for some aliens, then go get a cup of coffee! ;)
Hi all
Hey up AJ .... whats oor young Ecosse doing losing to an Argie in Paris of all places?
Tut! Tut! - it simply won't do. What happened to the Auld Alliance - if we English can't rely on you Scots to capitalise on that then something really has gone wrong.
He should have had the Frenchies on their feet in support of him and throwing croissants and oeufs at the Argie.
Not good enough I'm afraid - have a word with your chap will you, old man !!! :D :D :D :D :D
Awright there Peajay and Melanie ? Like the cartoon thingy - Mel :D
Calvin and Hobbes is a fav at our house...I esp love the Spaceman Spiff character...not that I have anything in common that I can relate to this character... ;D
well, Terrific of Terrible Tuesday is here...we'll see what rolls out; rioting or cheering in the streets...I wonder :/
Scotsman will have to find something else to write about...about time too, they need to bring back some fun things to post on!
Mel :)
Hi all,
We're watching TTT ourselves with baited breath. Our vote goes to Barack.
How's work?
Hi all!
Well, I survived my first day back, but it was a busy day, and I was thrown into the midst....boy was I hurting by the end...however, all's good, I survived. And, now I'm very much glad we spent the money for the hot tub. (of course the pain killer I took was equally relaxing!!! ;D
I can't believe that Calif voted down the bond for renewable energy research! :/
Obama is the man of the hour, and it's something neat for the Americans of African descent.
(I just can't bring myself to say the hyphenated other way round. Being proud of your heritage is a good thing; however, 'you're either an American or you're not'- Teddy Roosevelt said that) (there rant over!) ;D
However, I honestly dread the taxes that we will be paying to make his promises come true. His $ quote for the Health Care, I think, falls way short. And, hopefully he won't lower his $ defintion of what he deems as rich. That will hurt a lot of hardworking people I know. Ah well, time will tell, eh?
Hi Melanie
Back to work .. glad you survived :)
Hot tub sounds good.... I've been trying to persuade Mr A to get one of those for ages.... I'm still working on it! :D
Mind you we don't get the type of weather that you get so, I'd have to have one with its own little house ... which could get very pricy!
Obama is filling the newspapers over here as well. I hope its a change for the good.... we'll have to wait and see.
At least if he can do something about stopping the wars abroad - the US could save a packet! :D
Altho' that will upset the arms people.... who make money out of them. I just hope the man survives his presidency, I bet the bookies have already started running bets on it.
Speak to you later :))
Hi all,
I'm taking my first lunch break in a week. Work is enjoyable but there's sooooo much of it. It's also exceedingly cold and they keep moving the door to my office every weekend!!
Hope all is well with everyone.
must be lots of work taking off the hinges and moving it.... ;)
the wind is terribly biting in the winter. We have a gazebo over the spa that has two (windward sides) and then the leeward sides are open. I suppose in your case, though, I'd want an enclosed one...also might make for some more fun! ;)
on a more sober note, if anything happens to him, it could lead to a civil/ethnic war, I'm afraid; at least that's what we've been discussing as some of the what ifs. I remember the Rodney King riots in LA, very scary.
back to fun...did you see the article on the toy helicopter and whale's breath....gosh, what next...
Mel :)
Hi All,
Hope everyone is fine, especially Anna, Mel and Peajay! :)
Hi all also... :))
Shame about John Sargeant resigning from SCD ... think that's a bit off really.
He was very entertaining and a lot more modest than some of the others !
Have a look at the story on the Scotsman - AJ is trying to kid on that he doesn't watch the show. But you can't fool me, AJ, I know you're there gyrating in front of the telly every Sat night :D :D :D
Hope everyone is well?
Hi all!
just a quick fly by as I have to work today
...uni papers were successfully turned in, but now I have 4 more to write... :/ :))
busy is keeping me from being bad, ah well... ;))
Mel :)
We all miss you Mel. :)
Best of luck with the papers!
Hi AJ,
ah, it's good to be missed! :))
Whatcha upto this weekend? Fam and uni have left me little time for blogging and emails...hopefully I'll get to it this weekend.
I have a little time before the whirlwind starts...anything interesting on the Scotsman?
Saw Rugby Scotland v SAfrica...good first half.
off to find my coffee... :)
Hiya Mel,
Good to hear from you.
Not much doing on the Scotsman. Nothing to get the teeth into!:) Apart from the 'beaver' story!:DD
Sorry 'bout that :\
I'm kinda like you - too many essays and course diaries to finish at the mo. But we'll get there. :)
Oh, and all the family stuff of course - they're always wanting a piece of me!!:)
Nae rest for the wicked!:D
hahaha, isn't that the truth...can't sit for a moment's peace! :)
yes, ahem, saw you on the beaver story....I figured it'd bring out all you cavemen..... ;D
Hi All,
just popping in to say hello. I should be around today, if anyone's about.
Mel :)
Apologies for the late arrival of these Thanksgiving wishes but I hope you've had a good one.
Hi Peajay,
thank you!! It was a rather unusual one this year, with the SgtMjr up north with his father, and the rest of the family down south. I really wasn't up to driving down south, as LA traffic can be too much even for the average person's nerves!!! ;)
So, the kiddies and I drove around the deserted shopping malls, thinking maybe some of our favourite restaurants might be open...alas they weren't. So, we found a "hamburger joint" and indulged!!! ;) Then we went home and watched a really cute film called, 'Son of Rambow'...I very much recommend it; it has a great message, and is very cute.
ps. my kids also were able to view the strange American custom of people camping out to get in line for store's to open at 0400 on Friday...for all those 'good sales'...(hogwash, I say...the stores slowly raise the prices the week/months before, then put them 'on sale') :?
Hi All,
The SgtMjr's father passed, so I'll be away from the keyboard for a bit. There was a chance for all to say good bye, so that was good, as well as he went peacefully.
Will be in touch soon.
:)x Mel
Sorry to hear the bad news Mel.
My thoughts are with you all.
Hope things are OK for Anna.
Sorry to hear about your father in law Mel - I'm thinking of you all.
Things have been a bit stressful lately - my mum had a bad turn recently, but she seems OK at the moment, although she has got much weaker.
Anyway hope things are fine with you.... your wee boy will be 1 soon - how time flies :))
My friend had a baby boy last week - he's gorgeous and with the special magic that babies bring with them - cheered me up no end.... even when he was greeting !! :D
Anyway - hopefully I'll be chatting again soon with you all - hope you're well Peajay? :D
Everyone ready for Christmas? I've still got a few bits to get but I like the pressure of leaving it to the last minute !! :D :D
Speak to you all later :D
Hi Anna,
sorry to hear about your mum, but I am so glad that you can be there for her. :)
we were missing you for the chat but completely understand your absence! :)
Mel :)
I am a little fairy
On tap o' the Christmas Tree
It's no' a job I fancy
Well how would you like tae be me
A started up wi' tinsel
It's enough to mak ye boak
An a couple o' jaggy branches
Rammed up the back o' your frock
An' these wee lights a'roon me
I canna get my sleep
An' there's the yearly visit
Fae Santa - Big fat creep!
On Christmas Day I'm stuck up here
While you're a' wirin' in
An' naebody says "Hey you up there
Could you go a slug o' gin?
It's nae joke bein' a fairy
The job's beyond belief
You've got to go roon' the wean's beds
An' lift their rotten teeth
But o' a' the joabs a fairy gets
An' I've mentioned only some
The very worst is sitting up a tree
Wi' pine needles up yir bum
When a' the fairies meet again
By the light of' the silvery moon
Ye can tell the Christmas fairies
They're the wans that canna sit doon
The Christmas tree's a bonny sight
As the firelight softly flickers
But think o' me I'm stuck up here
Wi' needles in my knickers
So soon as Christmas time's right by
An' I stop bein' sae full o' cheer
I'll get awa back tae Fairyland
An' I'll see yous a' next year.
Hi Anna
very cute 'ditty' :)
howdy to your Monday. I'm off to work, this is the last week of Uni, and I've only two short papers...the kiddies helped clean the house yesterday so we can start with Xmas decs. Now if only the shopping were finished...hard to do surprises when they get older and more finnicky(that includes the SgtMjr)... :/ ;D
have a great day all!
Mel :)
It snowed about a foot here the other day...shock!!!!! The kids built a giant snowman, we had the fireplace going, homemade soup and fresh homemade bread (from the breadmachine, no oldfashioned kneading for me! ;D)
I'll have some pics, but I have to (the teen has to, actually...) make the little pixies, I mean pixels, smaller....
:) Hope you're all doing well.
(Hope you're feeling better, Peajay)
(thinking of your mum, Anna)
Ha, ha, ha, little pixies can be a devil!
Knee's on the mend.
Have been doing the rounds of works Christmas parties with one last night and another last Thursday. It's been a real education. Last night was themed as a Freddie Mercury evening with all the site managers having spent the last 6 weeks growing beards to trim to Freddie style moustaches for last night. It's been like working with a set of very rough looking down-and- outs. :) It's all good fun and everyone's so nice. My contract's been extended to March now so apart from the travelling and the 12hour day it's all going well.
Hope all is well with everyone.
Happy Christmas!!!!
Happy Christmas to you all. Hope you have all had fab day.
Hope everyone is staying warm!
thinking of you as we go into this new year!! :)
Mel :)x
Happy New Year to all ma cyber pals :)
Happy New Year to all. Hope your Christmas turned out fab and you are all keeping warm.
Well, this blogging thing has taken a snail's pace. Ah well, all in a season... ;D
Mel :)
Thanks Peajay,
We all had a grand time, especially on Santa Claus Day. Hope you had a beezer time too. :)
Hope everything is OK with auld Anna.
Hi all :))
Everything is OK with auld Anna thanks AJ - my mum is still battling on - she's v frail now and needing a lot more support from us all but I'm hanging on in there :D
Hope you all had a good Christmas and Happy New Year (I think its still OK to say that until the end of Jan :D)
Your man Murray is doing well at the moment - hope he does well in Oz. :)
I'm not sure if I like Rafa's new look - you can't see his biceps - I'll just have to imagine them instead ;)
Hey Peajay and Mel - you're both well? Pretty quiet on here at the moment.
I got given Maw Broon's cookery book and the Broon's But and Ben cookery book for Xmas - they're great - very nostalgic and some good auld Scottish recipes in..... some of which I have tried and they do work and v tasty! :D Might be something you'd like Mel :))
Laters :))
Hi Anna,
yes very quiet...but that's okay, all in a season, right?
Sorry to hear about your mum, but I'm so glad you can be with her!!
Peajay's been busy with work and seeing to her parents. I've been busy as well.
AJ has been busy keeping Mrs AJ content, and taking her to Paris for their wedding anniv. :)
Anyone still visiting this site? Thought I'd pop in and say 'hello' just in case :))
I've seen you on the Scotsman AJ, so I know you're still about, so to speak.
Haven't seen Mel or Peajay tho' ....
Time for a catch-up y'all ! :D :D
Hi all,
I didn't realise it had been sooooo long. It all passes really quickly when you have so much on your plate. Hope everyone's ok and all's well.
How's your Mum Anna?
How are the wee one's AJ?
Where are the cute puppy pics Mel? :)
Hi Peajay :))
Hope you're well?
My mum died in February so its been a very sad time for me. It wasn't an easy going out for her as I had hoped and it was very difficult for us all, but at least she's out of her pain and suffering now.
Busy sorting out all her estate etc... it takes a while even with a Will and a solictor on the case. Dread to think what its like if someone doesn't leave a Will.
How's your job going? I am working more hours. it keeps me busy and I have more time on my hands now, so might as well take the opportunity when its offered.
We were down in London last week on a visit to the Imperial War Museum, had a lovely day out. The weather was sunny and hot on Saturday and we had a picnic in the park ... very English thing to do! But it was fun.
Take care,
Anna :))
Hi Anna,
so sorry to hear about your mum. Please know that my thoughts are with you.
Good to hear you and Peajay here again. Life gets busy, unfortunately. things just seem a whirlwind of late, with not much energy to comment with things. Hopefully with summer approaching, and I'm not taking a uni class, I'll have more time to chat.
We have new puppies. (ahem, not My idea, actually, but one SgtMjr's)
But they are very cute (I've put photos on my HGF blog).
talk with ya'll soon!!
Mel :)
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Every once in a blue moon, I re-enter our world of fun chat, and revisit. Yes, it was definitely worth all those keyboard minutes spent with you all, my friends!!! :Dxxx
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