Ceud Mile Failte!! or in other words, Howdy, ya'll!!
Please join in on the conversation. We can banter, debate, share highs, share lows, philosophise to no end. It's all good!
Life is just too short...there are so many things to do and see; and, to share with those you care about!! Work hard, play hard...cherish those you love, share a few pints with yer friends and solve the world's problems...take time to improve yourself each day so that you may in some small way improve another's journey...."Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Ghandi
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1007 Newer› Newest»Good evening all,
Sorry for protracted absence had craft fair last night which required stock etc. plus working on a couple of commissions and repair jobs. It's that time of year.
I had a real trip down memory lane with the arctic roll, vienetta, ambrosia rice pudding, bread pudding and angel delight. The vienetta was a real favourite with my Grandy, she was also keen on the Chocolate Angel Delight but inclined to add brandy/Benedictine to it to pep it up a bit. :)
James Bond has never really floated my boat in any guise as it was always a bit to full of scantily clad women. This one looks a bit rough but some like them that way. :D
Ooh, Angel Delight with brandy in that sounds interesting. Best not give it to my son but as an adult dessert - you could pass it off as chocolate mousse with a kick! :))
Now theres an idea.... save all that fiddling around, melting chocolate and whipping cream etc, etc.
I bet it would be quite nice with Tia Maria in as well .... bit of a mocha type thing going on, then.
Some of the girlies are on the Bond blog - discussing his attributes in some nude photos that Doreen (she would) has found on google. Do I really want to see him in the nuddy? Hmm, I always think men look a bit funny posing completely starkers with Percy on displays as well - but theres no accounting for taste!! :))
Okay, I confess. I went and had a quick look. It's been taken from another film and he's lying in the bath with not enough water to have a decent wash (I guess that's not the point) Mmmmm, quite nice but nothing to write home about. ;D
The new Bond is a wee bit of a short arse. I remember him in Our Friends in the North, and he is a good actor. I wouldn't want his babies if I was a woman tho'.
Your path is clear Peajay:D
Mind you,yer cousin might want apiece of the action!!!
Thank you AJ :D
A quick hello before beddy-by...twas a busy day
thank you all for the wonderful chuckles on the Bond blog, and the funnies I sorted out on the lobster blog....Well done!! :))
AJ, you've actually found me without a comeback on 'your' Bond babies...just give me time, though...something might spring up at the most opportune moment ;))
Good morning all,
Hope all are well this miserable, rainy morning. :)
Morning Peajay,
It's a lovely sunny day here in Scotland, great weather for the kilt! I must remember to sharpen me bagpipes:D
How are you Peajay, sorry I didn't add to the Scottish Secret Service questions, my participation was fractured by domestic requirements:) If that makes sense!
I've kicked off the day with three or four very childish remarks on the Scotsman, but no takers yet!:)) I thought comparing the Queen to Arthur Askey would be a sure fire winner, but no luck as of yet!!
The religious debate about the Sabbath is a possible cracker. I've tried to take it to the limit without being banned!!:)
Are domestic requirements as bad as they sound i.e. washing up, cooking etc?
I thought 'executive to ban foreign species' would be up your alley as well. :D
Peajay, tut tut, I'm maybe a Scottish Nationalist, but I'm certainly not anti - English(forgive me if I've picked you up wrongly). In fact most of the people I've worked with have been English in the last 10 or so years. My politics have never got in the way of friendships and working relationships. It's always good for a bit of banter and many English colleagues fully appreciate the desire to dump Westminster!
Phew, my domestics included walking the dogs and searching for a new telly on the internet!:))
Sorry I didn't intend to malign you AJ, I simply meant it was another opportunity to wind-up and rattle the cages of the comment posters.
AJ - What were all the comments that got banned on the foreign species blog? Were they anti - English or just racist in general?
I know you're not anti-English - you don't keep raving on about William Wallace, Bannockburn and Culloden for a start - thats always a giveaway when someone starts going on about them. I've also never seen you moan about the Act of Union as if it was something that happened last week - so I know its the Government you dislike rather than the people.
I can understand that - I think the English regions are ignored in favour of London and the SE, so Scotland will be as well. Whether it will be any better if independence comes is difficult to say - I tend to think all politicians promise the earth and then change once they've achieved power. But, at least if that happens in Scotland, post independence, people might feel they have more control of things, rather than remote control from Westminster.
I've been busy this morning, again, and I'm out this afternoon, so I'll have to catch up later.
Sorry Peajay, I thought I might have picked you up wrong:)
I'll get on to the Species one right away Maam!!:))
Thanks, I'll speak to you soon about the famous victory at Bannockburn!
I'm not sure why the posts were banned on that site, but suspect they'll have been anti-everyone!
I figured you might know a few wild bores who could do with shipping elsewhere. Ooops, that should be boars. :D
Peajay, you're right, there's quite a few folk that I'd like to kick out.
Mind you, it's a pity you can't get deported to Australia these days. If it was the case, I'd be down at the local grocery pinching loaves of bread in a very obvious way:D
Sorry for the feeble attempt at humour:)
They're more likely to send you to the back end of Milton Keynes now, God forbid!
Milton Keynes has concrete cows though, so it can't be that bad!:) I like my modern art.
A set of concrete cows and a pagoda still can't give it a soul. I'm more a Rennie-MacKintosh follower myself.
good morning!! well, what do I need to catch up on...concrete cows?? I think I need some coffee! :)
Good morning/afternoon Melanie
Have you an action packed day ahead?
Good morning Melanie,
Lots to catch up on, including Peajay bringing the whole Scotsman comment etiquette into disrepute;))
I, as always, have been a bastion of fair play and propriety!!:D
Take no notice Melanie, AJ's just sore 'cos he missed another hundred even though I helped him on the way. (^_~)
just domestic duties here and then a quick run later out to the horses...my little filly has the sniffles :(
where are you posting today? I'm going to the premature baby site for a minute, to talk with JG
Aye, a bad loser, that's me!:\
Hope yer horse is ok, maybe some rum?
It's ok Melanie, I'm not the jealous type :\
Executive to ban foreign species.
Blair makes final Queen's Speech.
MSP's support next step in Sabbath campaign.
AJ, I missed where you're posting, do tell....I don't think you're the jealous type AJ, maybe the possessive type, though! ;)
Hi Peajay!
Sorry Melanie that's a serious story:|
I'm on hubby's computer, because mine 'is searching for sniffles' right now, so it's a little slower to find things on the Scotsman,... individual searches
....my filly should be okay, I think it's just the change in the weather, but you still have to be on top of these things...much like with our wee ones!
ok, I'm a little thick here, right now ;)...what's a serious story?
A little thick ?!!? :D
I was referring to the premature baby blog and I was being dense!!
haven't found it on the search, so I said hello to JG briefly on the ban things blog...it's too early to get into any details for that subject, anyway...anymore, I just go and do my job, the 22 weekers still upset me, but I try not to let it get to me too much
AJ, you should know me well, enough that I would say something if I thought you went too far...I like your humour, but I know you have a deep side too!! :)
ok, I am thick, I'm talking with that "other Fife gent" instead of you!! :)))
you know, that your my internet guy-pal, AJ, no one else.... :))
okay, I heard that cough and sputter, from the other gals here!!! :))
Peajay, did you like the parade pictures!!
I love your internet faces...a true artist!! (Peajay is a great artist guys) I still have the pencil sketch of the Lab with the Byron quote! :)
Well Melanie, as long as we understand each other:))) I suppose it's ok for you to talk with other cybermen:D
You know, sometimes, I think Anna gets a wee bit jealous and Peajay thinks we're just mad:))
I'll just sit here and await the wrath of Anna:(
Loved the parade pics, nice truck. Your little one looked so sweet on her first parade.
Steady with the compliments. (*_*)
must have no jealousies here, friends!!
AJ, your too kind letting me out once in a while, :)
Peajay, :) okay, I'll relax about the compliments! but know they're there!
AJ, you were on a wind up on the sunday church blog...there are still counties in the US that are 'dry' on Sundays...can you buy alcohol in most stores on Sundays?? You too, Peajay/Anna
The larger supermarkets have limited opening hours on Sundays, usually from 10-4 but alcohol can be purchased during that time.
AJ, what's with the P.K?? Very strange...
...well, no more fun at blogging, not that my input was much, I was too distracted by another, more fun place to type!! :)
I'll be around, but must start school, etc...exams are coming up for the end of the semester :( so need to be on top of things with the kiddies!
I'll be around, so keep typin!!! I cheat and keep the volume up, so I can hear the post!! Now, you know my secret at keepin up with ya'll!! :))
"You know, sometimes, I think Anna gets a wee bit jealous and Peajay thinks we're just mad:))
I'll just sit here and await the wrath of Anna:( "
AJ - you just like to get me angry don't you? It must be your masochistic streak coming out! :) I'll give you a lashing later - keep you on the back burner (literally!!) for now :))
Hi Melanie & Peajay .... I think our cyber man is getting a bit big for his boots with us 3 cyber 'girls' massaging his ego!! ;)
That bitchy enough for you AJ?
That's a good idea with the beep Melanie, but Mrs AJ might intercept and I would get me nadgers chopped!!:))
The PK thing was strange - remember last night I made reference to a PK in ma sporran!!:\
I'm being watched!!
Melanie - what's a PK?
Thanks Anna, I expected no less:D
The James Bond blog was good .... Doreen was well away on there - I bet her man was in for a treat that night! :))
What is a PK?
The full title is a Walther PPK (hand gun) and was 007's weapon of choice! I'm maybe clutching at straws(as usual!)
So Melanie, it wasn't anything naughty!!:))
don't want the Mrs to ban you from chatting, so I can understand...oohh, sorry that made you sound hen-pecked ;)
Hi Anna, check out the species to be banned blog...some silliness
Och it's ok Melanie, she just thinks I'm a time waster with the chat rooms(as she calls this)! But I tell her it's in the interests of international relations!!:))
You are PK no more as you've just been removed on the species blog.
Peajay, have all my posts been removed as I can't get on at all? I wonder if I've ground them into submission!
No some of your posts are still on there AJ - what did you put in the one that was removed?
Hurry up and tell me before I lose my temper with you .....!!! :D
No, only the PK one. I'm sure even you couldn't upset anyone to that extent. (^_~)
AJ, we have the same excuse in common, interest in international relations, :))
When I posted it came up with PK instead of AJ, there was nothing obscene or vulgar, just the usual stuff!
Please don't get angry, I get frightened when you're angry!
Melanie, we do our bit I think!:))
Peajay, I can access the website again, I was becoming a wee bit paranoid. I thought the editor was maybe a Wee Free and took exception to my comments on the Sunday story! Alas, it was just paranoia!!:))
AJ, your wife hasn't seen this blog, I hope....she may well come Mel hunting, instead of Shrek!! :/
Don't worry Mel, our secret is safe!!:D
I away to get the bairn, see Ya!
talk with ya later, AJ! :)
Rec'd this today from a friend...thought you guys might enjoy this!! :)))
"There's only one thing worse than a bored Naval Aviator. And that's a group of bored Naval Aviators. This was filmed aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) and is one of the best "home produced" videos ever seen."
Anna, is this what your other half does while on training??!! ;))
(just kiddin!)
Anna/Peajay...what, the cyber man leaves our presence and you can't stay and chat??!! ;))
again, just kidding, I know,...responsibilies to your eve meal and fam!! :))
will see ya around!!
I'm back for a bit, Melanie, they've all (including the dog) been fed and watered.
Watched your vid - very good!!
Have a look at what the guys in the British forces get up to:
Just to let you know the background - Is this the way to Amarillo was a big hit, here again, the year before last - when a Brit comedian did it for Comic Relief (big UK Charity thing). So, the army in Iraq decided to do their take on it. When it first came on-line it had so many hits that the Ministry of Defence websites crashed!! But, they saw the joke and noone got done!! :))
Have you seen this AJ?
Sorry Anna, was at the back of the house with the laundry, then with the wee one and her grammar!
the video was fun! It's good to see the guys are keeping their spirits up! :) I chuckled at the combination of military weaponry and lack of clothing!! :)
Off to my bed, speak tomorrow work permitting. Thanks for the emails Melanie, very funny. (That poor Panda mum nearly pooped herself with the shock!) (^O^)
Hope the filly is feeling better.
G'nite ya'll (~.~)zzZZ
g'nite Peajay...the filly is doing okay, sort of a summer cold...it was back up in the mid-80's (F)/(36C?) today...very strange weather!
Good morning folks,
Couldn't get on the laptop last night, apart from one moment. Disturbingly I gravitated towards the dreaded Doreen!!!:0 What does it mean?:))
A good site today is the new 7 wonders of the world - you can choose what you think should be added to the list. I've chosen mine and it's been well recieved by one person!!:D
Hope the Filly is improving! Corbett used to go on about young Filly's!!
I've spotted you on the Scotsman, are you no talkin' Doll?
Have you missed me AJ?
I've been a bit busy, again, this morning - this work gets in the way of real life doesn't it?
I managed to get a quick post on the Scotsman but I haven't really had a good look on there today. Any other good blogs?
I had a look at the 7 wonders - it was quite interesting - saw your comment about the bridge - funny!!
Did you have a look at the video link I posted on here?
Is it the one with the sodgers stripped half naked swinging their SA80's about?
I did miss you Anna!:)
good morning, all!
we're zooming towards the 300, and the fondness for our internet friends grows!!! :)))
am aff the check the 7's blog
Yes that's the one - they were taking off the Peter Kay 'Comic Relief' thing.
I've just had a go at some guy who seems to be justifying paedophilia on yesterday's blog with a picture of the 2 Soham victims on. JG from Fife has had a go as well .... but I think the poster sounds like a pervert to me. I feel like I need a hot shower now to get clean again. Perhaps the Scotsman should send the police round to his place.
I'll have a look where you've been posting.
Anna, what's the title/page area on that one
btw thanks for your nice comment on my post/response to that bloke the other day
Hi Melanie, I missed you too. Did you check out Doreen again on the 007 story:D
The pregnancy story is interesting, my sarcasm went unnoticed by one person:D
goes without sayin, I hope, AJ, but I'm glad ya said ya missed me too!
I saw that Doreen answered me, she can be quite fun and nice when she's in the mood!
will check out your sarcasm...am trying to think of something funny for the 7 blog, but I'm not awake yet...am foggy from 1 1/2 glasses of Shiraz last nite...gee am a lightweight!!
I've decided Doreen is the star of the show wherever she posts. Also I notice other posters refer to her even when she's not involved.
it's fun to see an unsuspecting bloke challenge her with a comment, and then the others trying to warn him off..."don't do it...!!!"
AJ, how's yer day so far?! Any weekend plans? I hope you rest your shoulder and no more hard labor!?! Do you get your wife to help for the outside stuff, just curious...you don't strike me as being married to a gal who would be more worried about her nails!! ;) questions, questions,...ok for you to fire back some! :))
My wife does her bit and is usually the brains behind the 'home improvement'. I just do what I'm told:))
My shoulder is still sore, but getting better:) Weekend plans include trips to Stirling and Edinburgh to buy a few Xmas presents and a new telly! As the old one died the other day, it was 20 years old tho'.
What about you Melanie, any exciting stuff going on?
I have to work both days!! :(( We're required to work so many weekend days...
so, what's on your Xmas list???!! :)))
I have to work Xmas day! :((
I answered you back on the preg blog, something silly...I'm really bummed I have to work this weekend, I'm missing my boy's last football game, and he's been playing really well
I like to think of you doing as your told...but you do seem to have a mind of your own! ;) ....but I know all about 'keeping the peace' :)))
I'm trying to put together a holiday party for early December, nothing spectacular, last year my friend's band played at our house (Celtic/world music, 'Silent Planet')...but this year the piper has a paid gig on the nite of ma party, he has nappies to buy for his new baby!
The one I was on about is on the politics blog, Melanie about "laws to keep children safe getting out of hand" That guy is really scary and using the old cliches to justify paedophilia, i.e homosexulity used to throught wrong etc, etc. I'd cut his d**k off if he laid one finger on my boy.
I'm off to Norwich on Saturday for a shopping trip - have to do a bit of Crimbo buying I suppose. Comes round so quickly every year - whoosh and its here! :))
I've only done a little shopping...have to get going with that...it's getting more expensive as the kiddies are getting older!!!
I think I'll stay away from the serious blogs...am having fun on the 7 wonders, and I answered AJ on the preg one
AJ, are you having to actually work at the moment??! :)
Is that brew person for real? Obviously took AJ's question seriously..... duh - was the photo really staged... I'd never have guessed :D
did you like my part about looking like Humpty Dumpty??? Ah, memories! :))
whatcha cooking fer dinner...I'm at a loss as to what to make, I'm creating the shopping list as we speak...tranquil domesticity, bliss!! ;)
Melanie, I am working believe it or not!;) Well sort of! We are buying some stuff for little Miss AJ:)
Anna, that guy on the blog your talking about should be reported as he is admitting to being attracted to kids!!! He'll be a time bomb waiting to go off!!!
He is probably foreign, but possibly not!!
The brew guy was good tho', helping me understand the photograph:))
Melanie, I think I'll be rustling up some fajitas - chicken for me and quorn for Mrs AJ!!:))
fajitas/tacos are a staple in our diet!! :))
am staying away from that blog...I'm already in a mood for not wantin ta work this weekend...I'm expecting there going to give me grief for a holiday/vacation request, as well... :(
thanks for responding to me at the 7 wonders, I've responded back
what fun things are you getting for lil miss AJ??!! :))
AJ - that guy if he is serious - is really scary. I wonder if the Scotsman moderators will pick his posts up. I think he might be foreign because of the lateness of the hour that he posted but possibly not. Not that we haven't got perverts in this country - sadly we have.
I'm making a lamb pie, roast potatoes, parsnips and steamed veggies. To follow apple turnovers and your choice of custard or ice cream.
Melanie, she is getting a pram and Dolly and well as a bug that she will sit on and propell herself into the wall!!:))
Anna, it's gotta be ice cream - I like the hot/cold type of dish (just like ma wumin!!:D)
Some people have custard and ice cream together - never tried it myself but it sounds different.
I remember my boy whizzing about on one of those ride on things.... he never had a dolly's pram tho'. He probably wouldn't have cared less at that age but his Dad wouldn't have liked it, if I got him one!! :D
ain't we in a flirty mood today??!! Good though, yer liftin ma spirits!!
nice warm fudgy pecan brownie with mocha ice cream on top, drizzled with fudge sauce :)
or warm homemade apple pie with some french vanilla ice cream! :)
Now you've got me thinking of tiramisu ....mmmmmmmmmmmmm or hot double chocolate fudge cake with fresh double cream.....oh yeah!!:))
I don't get that excited about puddings - haven't really got a sweet tooth - (apart from Highland and Thornton's toffee). When we go out for dinner - Mr Anna usually has the big pudding and I have the cheese and biscuits option.
I especially like blue cheese - the smellier the better!! :D
Have a good weekend ladies and I'll look forward to all future conversations. Time to pick up ma girl:)) See ya
Melanie don't resign your post because of beta blogging!!;)
Anna, that's too much ammunition for me!!:D enjoy your lamb pie!!
Gotcha 300!!
sorry, couldn't get a post on from my computer???
see ya around, AJ :)
I was waiting for a lively riposte to the smelly cheese issue .... but you baled out!! :))
What's up with your computer, Melanie - are you having a technical hitch?
very strange, had a nice post about dinners and such, couldn't get it to post, nor to say goodbye before you left, AJ! Sorry!
So, will be waiting for those directions!!! ;) Don't worry, I told Arthur I was spokin fer!! ;)
Anna, I like the Mr. Anna better...don't worry, if you bring him with to Dublin, I won't tell him you said that!!! :))
who cut the cheese??
Hi ya'll
If anyones interested I'm having Spinach & Ricotta Crepes in Tomato Sauce for dinner and something appley for pudding as we have been scrumping cooking apples :))
It makes a change from ice-cream, we have an ice-cream machine so flavours are unlimited and experimental.
Are you a veggie - Peajay?
Have you got any good recipes for curly kale? I got some today with my organic veggie box - I could steam it but was wondering if there was anything more exciting to do with it?
Not entirely veggie (my Mother would like to be and as she's cooking you go along with it all)
Only ever steamed Curly Kale but will peruse the vast number of cook books in the house. :))
my computer is being very strange...and it cost me the 300!! darn!! Can't play on this one, too much, tho...kiddies need it for school!
AJ, my priority is posting here, of course!! :) Thank you for letting me out a bit today, though... I behaved and didnae flirt too much with the eagle blog guys! ;))
was that female cough and splutter, I heard??!!! ;)))
have to be about the day a bit...will see if yer on later in your eve!! :))
The secterian blog is getting a lot of hits and stirring up a lot of rancour. Do you have a problem with that in Fife, AJ? Or is it just mainly in Glasgow and Edinburgh?
I do remember being asked by a group of kids at primary school in Edinburgh what I was. I had no idea what they were on about so just told them what they wanted to hear and managed not to get beaten up for saying the wrong thing!! :)
Some guy from Oxford is saying its not a big deal in England and thats probably true of most of England. However, Liverpool and Manchester can still be quite sectarian - possibly the Irish influence there.
You could also try Curly Kale Bubble & Squeak with any left overs.
Good idea Peajay - thanks :)
Liked the comments about the bridges btw..... the Clifton suspension bridge is lovely - mind you there's been a lot of suicides off there.
There's that viaduct as well - can't remember the name - it featured in Harry Potter 2 - I think.
Also, I think Windsor castle is pretty spectacular and some of the great cathedrals and Kings College, Cambridge are not to be sniffed at either! :))
The suicide issue was not foremost in IKB's mind when he designed it obviously. :D But then with a hat that big I'm surprised he managed that much. Was the viaduct the Settle to Carlisle 'cos we have a nice one in Welwyn?
Yes, it probably is the Settle one - designed by Brunel?
I think the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem should be on the list as well. You see, that and you immediately know where it is.
Can't be the Ribblehead, IKB was only involved with the Great Western as a railway, which ran from London to Bristol then Exeter. Harry Potter was filmed at the Glenfinnan Viaduct which is on the Fort William to Mallaig line. So clearly not the one in Welwyn :D
Agree about Cambridge (although more for the shops and the general feel of the city) haven't toured any of the colleges. Do you think that Windsor is better than say Leeds Castle or maybe Edinburgh Castle?
Yes - I have to say I prefer Windsor - it looks spectacular when you view it from Windsor Great Park.
Altho' Leeds is very nice and so is Alnwick and Edinburgh - altho' a bit more gothic looking. But, I think Windsor is the most 'castelly' looking one.
Hello Anna/Peajay, sorry I missed you yest....
Anna, which one was the sectarian blog?? The 7 wonders was fun, too bad it was on a Friday, I'm surprised there wasn't more "lists" and voting!
Anyway, am off to work, have a great weekend all!!! :))
Just a quick hello to everyone,
Hope my cyberpals are having a good weekend(sorry you have to work Melanie). How was the shopping Anna and Peajay, was it another craft fair?
The big build up to Xmas must be a happy time Peajay - with regard to sales??
Yes another fair, this time Muswell Hill. Sales were astonishingly good today (I can eat this week after all) (^_~)
How's your weekend going, did you find a new telly (do you now need to build an extension to just to find a spare wall for a humungous plasma screen :))?
Hi Peajay
I'm glad business is brisk. Was Muswell Hill an old RAF station? I could google for the answer right enough!!:)
Telly hunting was successful and we aquired an LCD 23 inch beaut. Doesn't take up as much room as our old 21 inch!
Hi all,
Glad to hear the shopping was a success - AJ.
So was mine, gots lots of pressies and things - also Marks & Sparks were very kindly doing 3 for 2 on lots of their stuff - so friend and I managed to get lots of nice freebies for the Xmas raffle at children's school. I love a bargain!! :))
Only problem was dragging the stuff all round Norwich - I think my arms have grown!! I didn't have my usual bag carrier (Mr. Anna) with me - not that he would have come anyway ... he's not a shopper - unless it's for house things in DIY shops, or tecnical stuff like tellies :))
We'd quite like one of those snazzy new ones - maybe Chrissie pressie to ourselves :D
Much say I prefer Norwich to Birmingham - it is a lot friendlier :))
good morn to all!
yes, AJ, work does get in the way of things, doesn't it!
Glad to hear everyone is having a successful weekend so far! :))
will catch up with you later...
Hi AJ,
Muswell Hill is just another borough of London, much like Wood Green, Finchley etc.
Good to hear shopping was successful and does this mean we will hear from you less as you can now do tv viewing instead of comment posting? It would be a sad loss to us all ;((
I'm afraid I'm pretty addicted to this posting lark and a new telly is only a telly?
Melanie, work is an inconvenience for sure, we'll make up lost time during the week;)
Anna, Norwich sounds a good option:)
Were you thinking of Biggin Hill - AJ?
Famous Battle of Britain airfield in Kent. I was there during the late '80s, its supposed to be haunted:
Every midsummer's eve a ghostly Spitfire is heard coming in to land on the old airfield.
A Battle of Britain pilot is seen 'walking' near one of the hangars.
The site of a former Ops building which had heavy casualties during a bombing raid is said to be haunted.
The Battle of Britain Memorial Chapel is located there - a lovely place. The Book of Remembrance records all those who died during the B of B.
Hi Anna
Glad your shopping went well and hope you've spent today with your feet up recovering. Men just don't realise what hard work we women go through when we undertake shopping :))
Anna, I think you're right, I was influenced by Biggin Hill. Muswell Hill is interesting tho' - the Wikipedia states that a Scottish King used to own the local manor. However Wikipedia is hardly the best reference site!!
Sorry I had no time to post yesterday - endless stream of visitors, which included my mate from New York. Who incidently posts on the Scotsman occasionally, he is Neil from New York and often pretends to be Lithuanian ex-miner from Fife!!?!! So keep a look out!
Are you working this week Melanie?
Peajay, you make shopping sound like a chore :D When we males, know that it tickles your cookies like no other!!:)
Hi all
Neil from New York - rings a bell - is he a fairly successful businessman - if so I think I might have had a disagreement with him on one of the boards a while back. If its the same person ... I remember he upset a few people - but I can't remember what the blog was about now. Could have been political or religious - so, plenty of scope there for an argument!! :))
I've never fallen out with a Lithuanian miner from Fife tho' - I would definitely remember that!!
I agree with you Peajay - men think we enjoy shopping but its not true - its a just a chore!! :))
Actually, I did quite enjoy Saturday in Norwich (except for needing stronger biceps!), but I don't always like shopping - I think it depends on who you're with and if they have a similar mindset to you.
Which is, get there, have a coffee and a bacon roll (Norwich market has some fab food stalls), then do some slogging round the shops, stop for lunch, more slogging, get a coffee, bit more slogging and then home time!! :))
Arrive home, either Mr A has made fab supper (which he did this week) or get takeaway, put feet up and chill out for rest of evening. Leave it till next day to worry about how much you've spent!!! :))
He is successful but more in a professional sense - he works for a massive world-wide organisation based in New York. He has mainly been on political blogs. I came across him once, but I wasn't sure.
Anna, did you not frequent any wine bars in Norwich?
Lunch time - AJ - just a little reviver you understand! ;))
We weren't driving (coach trip) so no problems there.
Maybe, I'll have a Buckfast next time - I'm going to have a look out and see if you can get it round here. I'd never heard of it until I went on the Scotsman blogs.
I had a sip once at a party and it just tasted like some horrible medicine your mum would give you. It's a real 100% YUUUCH!!! in my book:)
It obviously hits the mark with a certain segment of the public!
Yes, but if it wasn't that - it would be some other witches' brew - I used to drink bacardi and coke - underage - I never touch it now!
Those points you listed on the Scotsman - about it going underground and making lots of money out of it - I know you were joking there but when you think about it you could apply those comments to banned drugs. Some people are making a hell of a lot of money out of them. If they were available - say on prescription at chemists etc - would they be less desirable? What do you think?
As you know I was being extremely facetious, But the irony is the govt would be setting up an enviroment for new crimes to be committed and all the knock on effects that would ensue. The infrastructure for this operation already exists through the drug underworld.
So looking at things from that point of view, I think certain drugs should be legalised as they are no worse than alchohol. It would also ease some pressure on the police and courts.
btw I've never seen anyone stoned attacking another person. Drink on the otherhand.........
Anna, do you think I'm too liberal?
No - I don't think you're being too liberal - I think you're right. Drugs aren't going to go away are they?
Just having an argument with some guy called Wayne on the board about the 17th century Scottish diarist.
Edward 1 has already been mentioned!!
I was watching your progress in destroying the poor fellow. I waded in on your side btw:))
Yes, thanks for that - I was wondering whether to pick him up on his geography, and my post crossed with yours - so he got a double whammy!!
I just love the history of both countries during the 16th and 17th centuries and its remarkable how similar they are.
They were both aggressive countries but then so were France and Spain and most other places. It was the mentality of the time -- not that much has changed really.
The fact that Scotland had a treaty with England's arch enemy, France, obviously led to a lot of distrust between the 2 countries. However, Scotland would have entered into that treaty to protect themselves and get an ally from aggressive England, but I think the treaty favoured the French more than the Scots.
Anna, that's exactly why the Treaty existed and was directly responsible for the Flodden disaster(a randy, over ambitious, militarily stupid King didn't help!!
The reformation brought the alliance to an end, so total union with England was inevitable:(
"The reformation brought the alliance to an end, so total union with England was inevitable:( "
True AJ....... but what would we have to argue about if it had never happened?
Its such fun..... kind, olde England taking puir wee Scotland under it's wing.... we're all heart, really !! :))
good morning you two!
boy have you been busy all ready today!! AJ, you make Neil sound like he works for the United Nations...don't remember reading his posts, though
I have to work Friday and next Sunday...12 hour shifts can be long but it gives me more time at home :)
ok, off for some coffee, be right back
Hi Melanie....
Do you remember me telling you I was reading a book called 'Widow of the South' by Robert Hicks? Well, I've finished it and it was really good.
You might be interested in it because its about Franklin in Tennesee and the aftermath of the civil war battle there. That battle was the last major one of the war and there were nearly 10,000 killed, with about 70% being Confederates. The book is about the Confedrate war cemetary at Carnton - an old plantation house near the battlefield and the woman who started the cemetary.
Really good book - and someone is bound to make a film out of it....
Do you know Franklin at all - have you ever visited Carnton?
They have a website www.carnton.org
Good Morning Melanie,
You ain't far away with your summation of Neil. Obviously I can't give any details! He is a very old pal of 32 years!!
What're you up to today Melanie and how's the nag?
btw nag=filly!:))
I was taken there as sort of a pilgramage as a kid...
...my grandmother's family are all over East Tenn. I have many cousins that I know of, but we don't keep in contact...we're talking 3rd and 4th etc. If you google Watauga Association, Battle of Kings Mountain (Rev War) you'll hit on some of the family...rebels, ah tell ya!!!, all of 'em!! :)
The Gillespie House is still there too, and has since been bought and rennovated. Most of my family ended up in Chattanooga.
They were succesionists, and a great etc-uncle, who was a doctor, was jailed for his beliefs; most of them fought for the south, don't know all the battles, though...family didn't talk much about it, they lost their lands etc so it wasn't much of a 'hot' topic!!
...interestingly though, one branch, "by marriage, of course," stayed Union and had a big compound...strange how these are!! Like the Eng/Sco debate you were talking with that guy about Flodden etc
Hi AJ, wow, sounds pretty interesting...did you guys pal around toegether as kids...that's neat you've kept in contact
my 4-legged critters are doing well...
...not much doin today, domestic stuff, etc
Anna, that does sound like an interesting book...I'll get after the Mary and Trainspotting (are you at the part where understanding Begby was akin to understanding women??!! I laughed out loud and got some funny looks at work!)
I have a friend who says has 'Psycho', what do you think of that book, AJ??
someone's doing football chants on the Buckfast blog
did you see the recipe for the Pink Panther?? cider, Lager and Black currant...sounds sweet, but I might try it ;)
Anna, I found an old civil war book (1950's) on my shelf, I'd forgotten I had...about the Battle at Franklin...you collect old books, don't you??
AJ, has work got in the way, or are you posting elsewhere?? :)
Are you enjoying Trainspotting Melanie(and Anna)? I think I mentioned about the language before, but you soon get into the way of it! And there are some really funny bits as well as dark dark parts!
Psycho - I've only watched the movie Melanie - fantastic film!!:)
Sorry Melanie it was work:(
That sounds interesting - Melanie - I'll check out your ancestors - you old reb .... :))
The book about Franklin sounds good too - I'm going to be doing a bit more research on that battle - its not as spoken about as Gettysburg, Bull Run etc.... so maybe gets missed a little.
Trainspotting - is next to be read - ... not sure if I'll see it through but I'll try... :)
sorry, was away on a walk while it's still cool...my celsius readings have been a bit off...it's been 32C here still, altho it was cool enough for a fireplace usage last nite....nice along with my warm brownie topped with mocha almond fudge ice cream, after a hard day's work!! :)
Better lay off that blog soon, AJ - we'll be getting moderated again by Big Bro!!:D
Aye, and thon Wullie Wallace wis nae guid!! :))
Were any of them completely 'good', or just less tarnished than others!!??!!
AJ, did you say your tartan was Davidson?? Cat Clan, is it?... same as my family heritage!
okay, Anna, fess up, have you done researching on your Scots line for clans/tartan etc?
Do you AJ, and does Mr Anna wear your kilts for holiday events??
There's talk of a holiday work event (hubby's) with some Americans and Scots going in their kilts...should be fun as it's not the ethnic norm around here...
sorry, have the holidays on the brain as I have much to do, buy and plan!!! ;))
yea!? ugh!?? :)) ...the question of the day!
AJ, when does your film studies course wrap up??
Do you think it was interesting all in all??
How 'bout you, Anna, will you be glad to be free from the papers due?! :) Yet, feel as if you learned/accomplished something??!!
I have tried to research one branch of the families tartan and although we have an old, black & white Victorian pic of Great Grandpa as a baby regaled in his tartan - it is hard to see what it is.
So, we'll have to do a bit more research.
Have to say that Mr A. would never wear a kilt - he is a bit too English for that - well the half that's not Ukranian of course!! :))
At my sister's wedding a couple of my uncles and some of my cousins who had 'bravely' crossed the border - wore their kilts and very fine they looked to. My sister's husband is Glaswegian so there were a few kilties on his side and a piper to play a few tunes.
I've got a photo of Mr A trying to play the bagpipes whilst my cousin, unknown, to him has his hand over the valve at the bottom. Needless, to say Mr A has very puffed cheeks and a red face in the pic!! ;)
Dave from the Western Isles has been extolling your virtue as very decent sort at #131 on 'We need a decision now to avert economic disaster'. This was in opposition to BingoFace who wanted to ban all Fifers from Edinburgh!
hey guys, if I'm not on later, it's because my computer is still being strange and this computer I'm on, is the school-computer/and the one hubby uses on his day off (which is today)
have a great rest of the day, if I don't get to talk with ya!! :))
Hello, Peajay!!
AJ, saw your comment #191, funny about the fur coat etc...I'd love to hear/learn more of the dialect...sorry, my 'southern' is a bit rusty, or I would 'be sayin' more of the idioms! :))
AJ,The language for Trainspotting was a bit tough at first, the 'casual cursing',... the Scots I'm doing okay with as there is a brief Scots/English dict. in the back of the book. The 'rhythm' of the language is interesting...from an anthropol. aspect, I see the similarites in American southern
okay, ah need to start school with the kiddies, no more blogging for now!!! :((
good morning to ya and one more toward the 400 ;))
as we are a 'verbal bunch', ah best be thinkin on different photos to add for a new room...any suggestions???!!!! Must keep ma cyber-pals happy and have the place decorated nicely!!! :))
see ya soon with ma coffee!!
Well - I started Trainspotting last night - the language especially the use of the horrible 'c' word took a bit of getting used to. However, I am sure that is authentic and I will have to get over my squeamishness about that particular word! :(
Having said all that I am quite enjoying it and the author certainly knows what he is on about. Its been a while since I saw the film so I can approach the book from a fresher perspective.
There is no Scots/Eng dictionary in the UK publication, Melanie, but I'm not having a problem with the dialect.......... yet!! If I do - I'll get our friendly cyber Fifer to translate..:))
Any good blogs today, AJ?
Morning everyone,
Hi Anna, I'm sure you'll enjoy the book and it might help your understanding of the Edinburgh v Glasgow thing.
I posted on the mountaineering disaster story, I noticed you did too. I really didn't need to add my speel, as you pointed out Hamish MacInnes said it all!
Hi Mel,
Sorry I missed you last night - it was my second last night of my course. The course btw, has been great. I would say it's the most enjoyable course I've attended so far - the group are really good, which makes the difference!:))
Yes, very sad about those 2 young men .... the mountains are treacherous but people will always take risks .... especially young people. Its the way of the world.
When I was 19 I went all over the place (including to France!) on the back of my then boyfriend's motorbike - just wearing a leather jacket and jeans (& crash helmet obviously). Now, you wouldn't get me near one and I dread my son getting one when he's older.
At the time I suppose like most young people I thought I'd live forever! :))
I was thinking exactly that - the feeling of being indestructible when you're in the late teens and early twenties. Consequential thinking doesn't come into play, when you followed your pursuits at that age!
Anyway, I've started a bit of micky taking on the new Forth Road Bridge story. Hitting back on behalf of Fife. I was absent from this one yesterday, but I'll take on all comers today!!:))
Motorbike, France, boyfriend, 19, all I can say......I'm very impressed!!:D
You're certainly rattled a few cages on the bridge blog - AJ - very funny.
Some people have had a sense of humour failure ..... but you can't win them all :D
Yes Anna, but they're the ones that make it fun:D
btw Comely Bank is a very posh area of Edinburgh - which you may already know!
I've entered a dialogue with Doreen on the Russian poison story!!!
Yes true, where would we be without the serious wee souls?
Thanks I'd never heard of Comely Bank .... :D
Did you agree with my 'map pictures'?
I can just about see it! It must have been suggested by an Imperialist - I bet the Irish don't like the analogy!:))
Crikey, AJ - Doreen will be enticing you away to her jacuzzi if you're not careful ;)
What a way to go ........eh?
Melanie, you've got a rival for the cyber fifer's flirtations!! You need to turn on all your Southern charm to best her.
Mind you, I wouldn't put it past her to lassoo the man of her fancy!:D
Anna, bondage ain't my thing, however you can't knock it until.....:D
btw this Donald Rumsfeld fellow keeps coming back for more. JG and I have got him looking up his dictionary:))
Hi guys, have been up for a while, but domestic duties prevailed, and was seein the Sgt Mjr off to an early work day...
anybody here??!! Will have a look at the blogs :)
saw you guys on the climber blog..
AJ, Scottweb#102/'McConnell teach bright pupils separately' gave you a big thanks!!
Where else are you blogging?... will be around today, if you guys are feelin chatty! :))
The chasing the 100 has really taken off - how infantile:D
Gotta pick up the wee wan - I'll be back:)
so, I've got a rival do I???!!! Well, it does seem the case as I've not been greeted yet this morn,...sniff....
Was that me with the lasso?! This country girl is no the rodeo type, but ah've had ta wrassle with a 4-legged critter a time or two, mind ya now ah can tie a pretty good lasso knot if ah needs fer the two-legged ones, bein that ah've done some rockclimbin in ma youth!!
Anna, your motorbike adventures sound grand!! :))
Will be out on a short walk, then, to catch the fresh and cool air!
Talk with ya'll, hopefully, upon ma return! :)
AJ, that DRumsfeld guy 'threw a punch at ya'...Dave and Steve are giving him/it a run for it , though...there's way too much testosterone flowing there to even want to try to get a word in...I'll just watch from the sidelines!!!
Watcha doin today??!!
Anna/Peajay busy day??!!
Melanie, how are you? I gave a communal greeting today, but apologies for not singling you out as I normally do;)
Doreen is purely a flirtation - not like us!!!:))
I'm back home early as I had an appointment. It's just a humdrum day apart from the Rumsfeld thing, which is good fun!! Although he might be a damaged squaddie!!:(
How's you?
Hello, my 'sniff' was a bit of fun back tis all!
I'm back from my walk, always feel better for it!
haven't blogged much save for my silly 4x4 comment on the 'fisticuffs' blog!
shoulder feelin better??
you're right about the damaged squaddie
and, Doreen isnae yer type o' sheila, ah think! ;))
Correct Melanie, Doreen aint ma type:D
I think the fisticuff blog actually got out of control!
All my early comments were entirely for fun and I reckon 98% of people would realise that. However......
How's Trainspotting?
I'm enjoying it so far, it helps that I saw the movie, to sort of stay with the characters...I plan to read the book Psycho as well, but haven't seen the movie around anywhere :(
I just finished up, the traditional Sunday breakfast chapter!! :)) yuck!
Ah yes the sheets! A bit too explicit that... yuuuch....but funny!
the education blog is interesting, Ithought about wading in between schoolin the kiddies, but I would rather chat my cyber-guy-friend! :)))
I let the kids watch parts of the movie, they liked the bog scene where he was searching for his junk in the 'wading pool' :/ :)
Yes it's a bit gritty, but at least as a girl you get to see Ewan MacGregor's wanger:D
I wouldn't let my kids watch it until they're about 13 - it's a great anti-drug advert.
yes, that was the point of it, although I have pretty sensible kids, just gotta watch the peer pressure...
do you have other kids, AJ, or just the wee one...okay not to answer
And, yes, I've heard Ewan say in an interview, he's quite proud of 'that' part...are all Scotsmen that open!!??!! ;))
Yes we are!!:D
We only have one at the mo - however we hope that'll change....soon!!:)
ok, saw you on the blog, so I left a comment to help towards the 200, plus I couldn't let the anti-american comment jist pass by without sayin somthin :))
Oh and I personally only have one:)
I used the word kids as a figure of speech:)
okay, thought only one, but you've mentioned a previous marriage...you seem a great dad, AJ, so I'm glad you guys are going to have more! Will look forward to hearing the good news down the road!!
You know, I think this will go on for a time yet:))
I'll speak to you later, got the wee one to sort oot - she's trashing our room:D
Rescue your things from the destructo-lass then, I remember well... :))
your not miffed I went on the other blog, I was tryin ta catch ya there too! :/ Don't want to be upsettin ma menfolk!!! :)
AJ, if you can keep in touch with a friend for 32yrs, then I think you have it in ya to keep in touch with us cyber-gals!! :))
The thought of it is fun, of course Peajay and I are kin, but you and Anna, it's been fun getting to know you!!
It's hard to balance the attraction of the keyboard to life's domestic requirements...need to keep the spouse/fam happy, as well as fed!! I suppose we could work it out, to keep in touch; the pace will ebb and flow, no doubt, to the needs of the day/family...still, I think the new friends/friendly chat here are very worthwhile!! :)))
Will listen for ya if you leave a post here...talk with ya later!! :))
Hi all,
Busy day at the office/workshop today, have to make stuff to catch up with all the stuff that we sold on the weekend. Also had to construct five Ikea dining chairs (a mission in itself) cos US relative coming to visit next week and our current chairs were a disgrace.:))
I hope everyone had a good weekend.
Hi all
Well, see if you've all been busy on the bridge blog - amazing that would get so many hits :)
Any more molestations by Doreen tonight AJ? She's after you - petal!! I wonder what she looks like?
I imagine a fairly big woman in her early to late 40's, with a robust and healthy approach to life. I also think she has a powerful appetite and not just for food! ;)) Or maybe she just talks the talk and doesn't walk the walk!
Hi, Melanie .... I'm still in the opening chapters of Trainspotting - so haven't got to the brekkie bit - I imagine it'll be fairly revolting tho'.
Anna/Peajay...did you see that I answered Angus' joke on the bridge blog, and he/I got some 'ribbing' for it!!! DRum and Croftyxmas were complaining quite a bit, sayin there wasn't enough info/ it was bad for an aptitude test or something...I think they were just mad because a female answered it first!!! :)))
AJ's busy saving his belongings from terror-tot!!! :)))
my kids are bouncing themselves silly, so we're heading out the door for an hour...in case I miss ya...have a good sleep,... will catch up later if ya've gone to beddy-by!! :))
Well, looks like I'll go for the 400 here!
My word it got a little bit intense with the bridge blog, I could feel the vibes all the way down here.
Good on you Melanie for your quick retort.
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