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Monday, August 28, 2006

Power of the Wind

Where to begin… about five years ago my husband got a call from a friend to see if he could help some “Doctor lady” to help tie rebar for some cement work on a National Geographic Expedition. My husband, ever willing to help, volunteered. Next thing, he
was doing all of the tractor work, as well as helping with the rigging of the pulleys as he is quite familiar with ropes from his rock climbing experience.

Over these last five years, we have become good friends with Dr. Maureen Clemmons, and have continued in helping with the project. It is a fascinating concept! We are even more involved with the second documentary; my husband continuing with the ropework, building/carpentry, tractoring, and he has even been pulled in to help with the kite flying.
I fill in the gaps as a general field assistant, “girl-Friday”, and help moniter health issues re: heat, dehydration, etc.

We went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art last year with Dr. Clemmons to do some recon work. Although there are other riggers and knot/rope people on the crew, my husband and I are the only Rockclimbers, …we came across this picture and commented to Maureen that it looks like a man wearing a rockclimber’s harness and belaying something with his ropes (as in, maybe a kite/ pulley system connected to move stones) The team is still studying this and they are trying to get another trip scheduled to go back to the Met as well as to the museum in London. Dr. Clemmons has been to Egypt once already, and would love to make a return trip, but it has been postponed at this time.

If you’re curious, my hubby is the country boy in the brown over-alls. I, on the other hand, have the uncanny ability in avoiding the camara!! Let me know if you have any questions, but I think the following sites might help! (1st Documentary trailer) (2nd Documentary trailer) (Maureen’s info site)


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AJ Fife said...


The 200 is mine all mine!!!


My exact comment was "sleekit auld hoor"!! Maybe the editor deplores age-ism!!:D

How is everyone today, as you may notice, Corbett Timtam Hunckers is haunting the Scotsman boards!!! Not the 'auld scoundral' style, but an enhanced irritating neanderthal style!!

AJ Fife said...

How did you do that!!

Now that was spooky Anna!!:D

AJ Fife said...

Corbie is AJ fi Fife's biggest fan, as you will see!!!:D

anna said...

I've noticed..... I'm amazed that anyone took that story about the anti-Scottish vote and Alex being Keith's uncle seriously in the first place tho'......

I wonder if I would have done if I hadn't known you..... no I don't think so!! :D


Should Celtic Fringe read Celtic Cringe? :D

She'll give me a pasting for that!! :)))

AJ Fife said...

It is amazing what people will take seriously!!:D Makes for a better debate though!!:D Don't know if 'debate' is the proper description for what we do!:DD

AJ Fife said...

Would you believe they've banned Corbie already!!!:(

This is becoming annoying!!

AJ Fife said...

I think it was due to a disparaging remark about Tony Blair!! Oh well....I'm now Corbett T Hunckers!!:D

I reckon I lasted about 11 hours!!:D

anna said...

That must be a record.... I'm impressed!! :D

Did Corbie make slanderous/libellous remarks about Tony B's sexuality, mother, wife or integrity in such a way as to cause offence to innocent parties?

If he did then .... he's a naughty boy .... when will you understand that the Scotsman has standards to maintain - they are not the Daily Star!!! I don't know why they let any of us comment to be honest... but heyho they do ...surprisingly!! :D

Will the new incarnation of Corbie defend the old Corbie and AJ fi Fife? You're going to be well busy!! :D

AJ Fife said...

I only mentioned THE FACT that TB was a slippery customer! So slippery, I was amazed he was able to father children!!!

Nowt much wrong with that!!! Is there?

anna said...

Ooh yes I saw that one..... I thought that was fairly mild.... for you..... they are getting a bit sensitive aren't they?

Considering the awful things some people write about TB, GB, AS or any of the other regular targets.... or anyone who features in the news really.

Still, you can console yourself with the knowledge that you must have set some sort of record for getting banned....:))

AJ Fife said...

Thanks Anna, I feel better already!!:)))

I replied to you on the Jason story!!!

Melanie said...


AJ banned again and a mention of Celtic cringe....wonderful topics of conversation....darn this thing called 'have to go to work'!! :)

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

Sorry we're going to miss you again!!:((

Have a great day at the clinic and keep smiling!!:D

anna said...

Bye... Melanie... was that you having a Celtic Whinge?:D

AJ.... been banned yet? :))... I see they've pulled all the comments on the McCann story... they canny cope with a bit of honest opinion.

You been posting anywhere else, in particular today?

AJ Fife said...


I tried to get something going on the golf story in the UK section!! That Dragonhead was hooked good and proper and got himself struck off!!!:D

I added a comment to the new Keith story...suggesting something that could be the making of him!!:D

Pretty quiet apart from that!:)

How about you?

anna said...

Well, I made a few comments on the McCann story ... basically saying what you and I have said before. They were a few bleeding hearts on there emoting about what wonderful parents the couple are (yeah, right), but most people were on the same lines as me ....

Apart from that I've been pretty quiet... unusual I know!!

I'll go and have a look at your Keith the Teeth comments... I expect you'll get banned again!! :D :D

anna said...

AJ ... someone else has picked up on your anti Scots comment on the Keith thread yesterday. Look at the Keith blog today... round about 42 or 43 someone called Phantom Doll... :))

They must have thought you were serious!! :D

You could start a world war at this rate..... oh the power!!:D

I'm being nice about Keith for 2 reasons:

a. Because he's not sexy but he has got a good voice (and he could be sexy when he's older and has had a makeover!!)

b. Because Peajay likes him and she's my cyber pal!! :D

AJ Fife said...

They seemed a bit put out by my comment!!:DD Oh the joy!!:DD

So Peajay's fav was Keith eh!!! Well,I've added another useful tip for his future career!!

Butlins should not be viewed as a stepdown in class!!!!:D

anna said...

Yep Peajay's fave was Keith...... here, maybe that's why she's away to Scotland for her hols!! :D

Start a rumour!!!

Sorry, Peajay, hope you're having a lovely holiday and that the weather is good..... we miss your contribution to keep us on the straight and narrow, I'm sure bad AJ wouldn't have been banned if you were here to rein him in occasionally.

Melanie's no good at that .. she just comes over all unnecessary and wobbly when AJ chats her up and I just encourage him to do naughty things!! :D

He needs a firm hand!! :D

I've had 3 glasses of wine already and its going down a treat!! :D :D :D

Anyone coming out to play?

anna said...

Gott in Himmell and Michty Me... you should see the comment made by someone called Outlaw on the Keith blog.... its much ruder than anything you've ever written AJ.. :D

Its outrageous, I think he could be a challenger for your record of being the quickest to get banned off the Scotsman ever!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Sorry I missed you Anna!! You're great when you're steamin'!!!!!!

You'll be tucked up by now!!:(

Melanie said...

Anna, that was a Celtic Twinge... as in sadness, fer leavin ma bestest bloggin buddies and not bein able tae chat!!!! ;))

Ps how's yer heid?!

couldn't find the Keith blog, at the moment...but I have commented on the Pars Hilton blog...for the latest update! :) SgtMjr said it was a paparazzi nightmare, and he was glad he didn't have to be there!

AJ, funny you baited Dragon...he can be quite pompous!! :)

have to work again I'll just pop in for a quickie chat in my morning...esp as I get all wobbly...could be fun! ;)

AJ Fife said...

Sorry I missed you too Melanie!! :)) A well...we have the rest of our lives!!:D


There's an article in the UK section about the McCanns!! A petition has been started asking the authorities to investigate the neglect of their three children!!!!

There's a real undercurrent that grows stronger each day regarding this!!

Peajay Sightings 13 June 2007:-

It has been reported that a wee cute cookie, going by the name of PJ, has been pestering men in uniform all over Fife and Perthshire!!! The pestering, on occasion, has resulted in a physical assault on the male buttock area!!!! Afterwards, PJ attempts to smooth over any mental carnage caused, by offering cheap baubles to her victims!!:)

anna said...

I suppose you'll be going out and about in uniform all the time now AJ?

In the hope that you get your buttocks fondled by this mysterious PJ character!! :D

Who can it be?? :D :D

I'll go and have a look at the McCann story.... blimey a petition that's pretty strong stuff!!

My heid is OK - Melanie - it was white wine not red ... if it had been red I would have been poorly today!! :D Altho' I was more reluctant than usual to get out of bed this morning!! :D

AJ Fife said...

A petition is pretty serious, especially if it has thousands of signatures!!! I suppose the public's sympathy can only be stretched so far!!!

Obviously we hope the wee lass will be returned safely, but her parents need a serious kick up the backside!!! They're starting to appear arrogant!!:(

AJ Fife said...

Did you check out the petition site...very interesting indeed!!! Also there's lots of other petitions on the go!!:) Do you think they have any effect....I suppose the Maddie one, has at least, made a significant headline!

anna said...

I've had a look at the petition site.. and I agree with a lot of the people on there and what they say.

However, one person on there made me stop and think. They said it was cruel to punish them anymore than they must already be punishing themselves. Do you think that is true? However, on the other hand I think of that little girl and I feel angry with them for letting her down by not ensuring her and the twins were protected as much as possible.

I was going to sign it.... but I don't know if I can .... their behaviour does seem bizarre before and since but they must be feeling very, very guilty as well.

What do you think?

AJ Fife said...

Strangely enough, those were my exact thoughts!! I was going to sign it, but I couldn't!! I'm sure they will breakdown at some point and realise how foolish they were and stop trying to justify leaving their kids!! Maybe they're playing a clever game and are deliberately playing the media, to try and avoid wholesale criticism!!??

Whatever is driving them, they'll have to live with their actions forever!!! It doesn't take away from the fact there are 'beasts' out there, just waiting for opportunities to snatch kids!!

However, I still think, if it was a single parent from Tower Hamlets, they would've been locked up by now!!!

anna said...

There's a few people on that petition saying that something isn't right and they think the parents had something to do with it. It's crossed my mind a couple of times because their behaviour has seemed strange but I don't know, I mean if the french windows were unlocked she could have wandered off by herself and been picked up by someone.

I think they left those kids on their own most evenings of the holiday. Poor little things, one of my friends here has said from the beginning that she thinks the parents are evil.

There is a lot of truth in what you say about the 'class and status' of the parents making a difference tho'.

I'm not saying they did anything but look how long Shipman got away with it because of his profession. :(

Someone else commented that if the mother had kept Madeleine as close as she keeps that soft toy, the child might still be here.

One reason they might not have said anything about being wrong on TV is that they may have been advised not to by the police....... so that the abductor doesn't think he was right to take and keep the child.

Psychological stuff I suppose :(

anna said...

The numbers are going up on that petition..... a lot of the new names on there are Scottish.

People have been reading the Scotsman article.... it is also on the Guardian website.

AJ Fife said...

It is a major advert for the petition that's for sure! They'll get thousands of names!!! 2450 last time I looked!

That Shipman fellow was the ultimate arrogant asshole, wasn't he! I remember a TV crew approaching him before he was taken into custody, and his arrogance was there for all to see!! It was like, "how dare you suggest such a ridiculous accusation...I'm a Doctor for goodness sake"!!!!:((((

We're cheery today Anna! Anything else you want to lay to rest?:)))

AJ Fife said...

After much deliberation....I signed the petition!!:(

Anonymous said...


will have to catch up on the reading tonite/tomorrow!

chat with ya'll hopefully in my morn Thurs!! :))

AJ Fife said...

OK Mel,

Look forward to it!!

Take care d'ya hear!:D

anna said...

Its up to 2850 now AJ

I'm thinking about signing it ... I think its all very odd and suspicious.

That saying 'smoke and mirrors' keeps coming into my mind.

Child abuse isn't just confined to chavs or neds.... it happens everywhere and in all social classes.

Which was your comment?

AJ Fife said...


Nothing contentious, I just prioritised the whole thing, with the wee girl being top priority, followed by the culprit and thirdly, I stated the parents should be investigated for negligence!!

Which I would assume is fair enough in most people's book!!! However, I think people are uneasy discussing this!!

AJ Fife said...


You know, it was the comments that were in support of the McCanns that made me sign the petition!!!

Statements saying that signatories to the petition should be ashamed of themselves, have only increased the fervour for some sort of investigation. Also they have helped fuel the very very personal attacks on the parents.

AJ Fife said...


Before you ask, the AJ on the petition isn't me!!:|

anna said...

I agree with you AJ... about the people having a go at the people having a go at the McCanns ... if you know what I mean.

They have just made more people sign it... and don't they realise that they have actually signed it themselves?

The thought that keeps entering my mind tho' when they call people who criticise the McCanns callous and cruel and that the McCanns did nothing wrong is: that is what an abuser would say ... try and convince people its OK to leave their kids on their own. Nasty thought I know :(

I think I should have joined the police force.... too much reading of Jack the Ripper etc and a suspicious mind !

Anyway I'm going to have to go and look at your comment.

Have you posted on the Scotsman today? I've commented on the Afghan story but I'm a bit off topic.:)

anna said...

2967 I signed it.... nothing horrible though ......

I saw on another website that Dutch police have had a letter saying where her body can be found ...... that is grim :(

Nothing on the BBC news , yet tho'

anna said...

Someone else on that petition has said something I hadn't even thought of ....look at 2977!!

Some people are even more suspicious than me.

AJ Fife said...

I posted a couple of things last night, but haven't had a chance to get into it today!!

To be honest, the thought of Madelene's plight has severely dampened my spirit!! I keep thinking of Mish Mash!!! It makes you even more protective and aware of your kids!!:(

anna said...

I know what you mean AJ... it makes me feel sick to think about it.

But, I would take a bullet for KK and I'm pretty sure that you would do the same for Mish.... you would never leave her alone in the way that those parents did.

One comment on that petition is quite funny in a sick sort of way tho'.... "Any parent that takes their eyes off their child for 5 seconds should be beheaded"!! Someone is taking the p!ss!!

anna said...

I know things can happen to kids even when their parents are vigilant but 3 little infants left in an unlocked apartment abroad while their parents are out .... is very, very reckless.

I still find it hard to 'get my head round it':(

Especially as they must be intelligent people!

AJ Fife said...

Mish Mash had a tumble down the stairs the other day and I felt sick!!:(

You're right, I would take a bullet, but sometimes it's hard to control the wee dare devils!:) You can't control everything, but you can at least take the obvious precautions!!

anna said...

KK had a few scrapes.... and I was absolutely terrible with the 'what ifs' ... Mr A felt it as well .. but he has to stay calm to keep me calm!! Poor man.... no wonder he's going grey at the sides... I'll have to get the Grecian 2000 out for him.!!! :D

When KK was 3 we went out for a walk on the riverbank with the dog... well, I slipped down a hole on the bank and broke my ankle!! Luckily within no more that 10 minutes a man came along and called an ambulance .... etc etc. However, I still have what if flashbacks ... what if KK had fallen in the river while I was sitting there helpless and all the rest of it... The little so and so wouldn't come and sit with me (so I could grab him)... "No Mummy, want to throw stones in the river"....

My sister said if he'd gone in you would have gone in after him but ... it still gives me the odd nightmare!! :(

You're not alone in your worries ... most of us have them... and some are quite stupid and irrational!! :D

AJ Fife said...

That's what the Mish would've done....taken the opportunity to run riot!!:)) It would leave you in a cold sweat though!

The Mish has just gone into her big bed, so she thinks the whole of the upstairs is her 5am!...yaaaaaaaawn!!:D

AJ Fife said...

Gotta go and pick the wee rascal up as it happens.

You take care and give KK a big hug whether he wants one or not!!!:)

anna said...

Take care AJ :))

There some people on that petition board writing rude and disturbing things now.

It doesn't seem to be moderated at all :(

Anonymous said...


Hey where are you two?! ;)

Any Peajay sightings, AJ?! :)

Anonymous said...

my weather widget is not correct, but she's dressed stylishly!! :)

it's 1300 my time and it's 42C in the shade!!!! :/

Anonymous said...

Howdy to yer morning!! :)

two potential fun articles:

swamp soccer, Scotland section

firefighters disciplined UK sect.

leave me some breadcrumbs for other fun friday posting! :)

Melanie said...

all's quiet...

sorry I was quiet for the McCann comments...the story reminded me of a case the SgtMjr worked on...the mother called in a kidnapping of her toddler, but they were merely creating a story and time to hide the body...the father had killed the baby while the mother stood by and did nothing, and then helped to eliminate the evidence...the SgtMjr still is sometimes affected by the memory

I don't mean to say the McCanns are guilty, it's just, there are details that seem strange

Well, not trying to be a downer here...just want you to understand if I don't comment on things sometimes, at least right away...and maybe why I'm looking to the lighter things to comment on, sometimes more than not!! :)

AJ Fife said...

Hi Mel,

The subject matter is pretty disturbing and it seems to bring out polarised views on the McCanns. I certainly don't think they're are guilty of the abduction, but I feel they're possibly taking the heat off themselves for their stupidity.

It has to be said, I'm not sure how I'd cope in a similar situation!! Hopefully none of us will have the experience!:(

I understand your reluctance to comment Melanie:)

Melanie said...

thanks AJ, and your right, touch wood, hopefully, we'll never know that feeling!

Melanie said...


hope everyone is having a fun weedend...and the chores are too much! :)

Haven't found anything for Sunday posting yet...

I'm spring cleaning Dr D's room! :/ Much like you did with KK, Anna....I've got the bags for charity, and the bags for the trash bin all lined up!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Hi Guys,

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Not heard from Anna in a while...hope yer OK doll!!:)

Peajay Watch 18th June 2007

Someone resembling wee Peajay, was seen buying oven chips at the Iceland Frozen Foods emporium in Leven on Saturday!!! She then made her way to the Victoria Wines retail outlet in the High St, where she bought 2 x 2 ltr bottles of Woodpecker cider and a 500 pack of Lambert and Butler cigarettes!!!

Surely this can't have been the lovely Peajay??

Anonymous said...

Hi all!

AJ, good one! Peajay will have some chuckles with yer comments!

Anna, I do hope all is well and yer just busy...hopefully you'll be able to join us here soon!

Well, have to leave for work soon, but I should have some chat time tomorrow! :))

anna said...

Hi all,

Sorry... I have been really busy this weekend with the preparations for the Summer Fete and the setting up etc. It all went very well and we raised a fair amount.... :)) but by Sunday I was shattered so, I've been 'chilling' a bit!!

I haven't even been on the Scotsman since Fri either ....

I'm surprised Peajay was seen buying cider, surely she'd have been sampling the local Buckie.. and smuggling a few bottles south in the boot of her car. :))

Hope you're all well ... ? and have been behaving yourselves.

Have you been banned yet AJ? :D

AJ Fife said...

Hiya Anna,

Phew,I thought we'd lost you somewhere in cyber space!!! We don't want that to happen!!! Yer too much of an important part in 'oor gang'!!:)

I remembered over the weekend about your spawny holiday windfall, so when do you go to Malaya?

anna said...

Hi AJ..

Thanks for your kind words.... nice to be missed ...:))

Malaya... end of the month ... can't wait... the tickets came last week and we've got a last minute shopping trip for Mr A on Sat....he has to get some 'summery' things to take with him. I've told him that I'm not going to be seen next to him if he wears a particularly old and faded pair of swim shorts that he's got..... so he's going to get some new ones!! :D

I'll have to check his case and make sure he doesn't try and sneak the old pair in!! :D

So, anything good happening on the Scotsman... any good blogs to have a moan on? :D

anna said...

I found something interesting yesterday. KK's class are studying WW2 in history at the moment and they are all going on a trip to Duxford next week. They have to go dressed in WW2 costume. So, I was looking for a photo of my Dad as a boy to get an idea of what they wore.

In the old tin box that came from my Dad's mums house there were photos of Dad and his brother which was great. I also found a 2 letters signed by Montgomery of Alamein and one signed by Eisenhower!!! I'm amazed they've been tucked away in that old box for ages!.

So, I'm now contacting a few manuscript and war memorabilia dealers on the internet to get a valuation.

One of the letters is an address by Monty to rally the troops before the 'big push' into Germany in 1944, it has obviously been folded up in my Grandad's pocket (he was a soldier in one of Monty's battalions) and carried about for ages. It needs a little TLC but it is a very interesting piece of history.

I can't believe I never spotted them before!!

AJ Fife said...


Wow...imagine that - Monty and Ike!!!!:)

That'll be a really interesting project for KK too, especially with the family connections. It'll make the whole thing very real for him!!:)

I'll be really interested in what you turn up regarding these items!! Real little pieces of history!!

A few years ago, going through Mrs aj's grandad's wartime stuff, we found lots of little photographs of the North African campaign. We made a collage and had it framed!! Monty and Churchill were pictured taking a salute....I think it was either the liberation of Benghazi or Tobruk!!! I'll have to check it it again.......bloody memory!!!

Well done....what a find'!!

anna said...

I know ... I was a bit stunned when I saw the signatures... !

My nan was a real hoarder tho' she kept all kinds of stuff. There was an old jug left which, at first we all thought was just 70's tat and my mum was going to chuck it out. Anyway I thought it was nice so I took it.... did a little research and realised it was piece of 1920s/30s Clarice Cliff Art Deco pottery! So, it now is on display, well out of the way of KK, and has pride of place.

I still haven't told my sisters what it is.... but they always said it was horrible anyway! Bet they won't think that if they realised it was worth a few quid! :D

Anyway how are you? Been blogging anywhere?

AJ Fife said...

Clarice Cliff...they go for that, big style, on the Cash in the Attic programme!!! Sounds like a wee treasure trove your hoose!!!:D
Hope yer sisters don't watch those programmes, they'll catch on, if they do, and you'll have a fight on your hands!!!!!:D

I'm fine thank you very much....just working away and being all grown up......apart from my comments on the UK section today that is!!! - Bernard Manning story!!:D

Melanie said...


fantastic Anna!! I love all that living history stuff and well spotted on the deco pottery!! :D

AJ, has Corbie been acting up?! I'm so glad, we can't have you behaving all the time...don't want you to get into the habit!

my only comment so far was on the bullfighting one last nite....posting anywhere else?!

AJ Fife said...

Hi Mel,

I've added comments to the deid comedian story(Bernard Manning), The Princess Di story and Salman Rushdie - not a trace of serious input!!:D

Melanie said...

serious input??!! ;)

I've only just started reading...but ahm thinkin I should get outside for my walk before the temp gets too much...I'll be back within the hour

AJ Fife said...

"before the temp get too much"

I didn't realise I had such an effect on ya!!:D

Melanie said...


yer a naughty lad,you!....

(sorry Anna)

anna said...

The temperature is rising on here already ;)

I'll go and check out the various stories that your alter-ego has been causing trouble on .. AJ!! :D

He's a crazy old cove!!

Hi Melanie :))

Have you had a postcard from Peajay yet? Has she mentioned anything about being stalked by strange 'Shrek looky-likeys' in uniform/kilts yet?

Melanie said...

not a word from Peajay....she's been true to her word and staying away from the net...

kilted Shrek lookey-likeys!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Well...Shrek IS Scottish afterall!!:))

Peajay sighting 19 June 2007,

Someone looking like the wee adorable Peajay, was run out of deepest darkest Dundee....for scaring the natives!!!!:)

Melanie said...

and he's such a cute shade of green...and those eyes.... :))

well, AJ...alas our fun was interrupted by have-tos....another time, darlin!! ;D

Anna, will you be free from mommy duties for some chatting your eve??

of course, yer invited too AJ...I promise not to do too much of that kitchen talk

(we know it's good gossip,Anna, really...but the men don't need to know!!!)

anna said...


I'll try and get back on here later.. Melanie. :))

I'm considering having a go at someone on the Bernard Manning blog .... but I don't know if I can be bothered.

Have to go in a minute and watch the new series of Trawlermen.... its great ...but makes you feel a bit seasick. Are you watching it AJ? :D

Melanie said...

Hi Anna,

I'm sorry I didn't make it back to my keyboard until you were well into beddy-by....perhaps we can try again! :D

Melanie said... 'guppy love' 'health clubs can boost love life'

Well, these articles might prove promising for some silliness!!

Melanie said...

ok, one more... 'Chinese plan to build a road up Everest'

anna said...

Hi all,

Where are you AJ? Stuffing your face with Ambrosia Creamed Rice?

Have a look at the 'its OK to eat crisps, chocolate board Melanie! :)

I've been wading thro' the main story board (about Wee Eck and the tuition fees)!!

He's going to need his wits about him if he's going to play nicey/nicey with McGuinness!! :(
What's that old cliche about taking a long spoon to sup with the devil?


AJ Fife said...

Yo...Anna....I'm here!!!

Some of us are working...I'll have you know!!:D Can't all be stuck in the front parlour with the Vicar's wife.....hmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!:D

It's a disgrace but my work really hampers my posting sometimes!!! Plus I had fire training this morning....yaaaawn!!!:)

Are you baiting anyone in particular?

AJ Fife said...

You certainly managed to get a couple of strong replies from the Glaswegian and livilion!!:)

Of course, you knew you would!!:D

Melanie said...


will have a the articles

hmm, Anna's having tea with the vicar's wife and AJ's pulling fire alarms to see what happens....

Melanie said...

Anna, what section is the chocolate article in? I didn't receive my morning's edition of the Scotsman yet

AJ Fife said...

That's the one Melanie!:)

How is my fav Californian today?

Watched a programme about Pat Brown, Ronald Reagan and Jerry Brown last night!! What a crazy place!!:D

Melanie said...

Hi AJ,

jest gettin ma day started, and am doin jest fine, thankyou!! :D

I answered you on the sauna blog

Melanie said...

crazy California...fruits nuts and flakes!! :)

...sometimes I feel like Dorothy clicking my heels and wanting to go home!! ;))

So, what did you glean from said program?!

AJ Fife said...

I've answered you too!!:D

Do you get 'saunas' in Mohave desert region?

Anna, how about Whittlesea? Any knocking shops?

Melanie said...

Well, there's a real sauna/spa down south from here that's supposed to be very nice....

... as for the other, I'm sure there are various shops of varying expertise, delivered by varying doubt all designed for a happy finish of some varying degree! ;)

AJ Fife said...

It would seem that old Pat was a good guy with well meant reforms(ie Education for all and modernisation of the infrastructure), but he struggled with changing social scene in the mid 60's!

Reagan seemed to cross party boundaries despite being a rightwing neo-con - he had charm in abundance!! He seemed to be profligate in his use of State taxes though!!!

Young Jerry(Pat's son) seemed to be a little eccentric, which fitted well into the State during the 70's and 80's!! he seemed to be very popular within California. However he looked lightweight when trying for the Democratic Presidential candidacy!!!

How was that?:)

Melanie said...

not bad...more than I remembered!!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Melanie!! ya saucy wee minx!!;)

AJ Fife said...

It's certainly vastly different from any other State in the US!! The 60's were full of extremes, weren't they?!! Summer of love and rioting!!! Phew....what a place!!:D

Melanie said...

and how was I saucy, it was the honest truth!! I told you I'm not really all that political!! (and I wisnae pokin fun at ye!!) :))

now, as for my reply to you on the sauna, that may be said a wee bit saucy!!

AJ Fife said...

Hey honey,

I was referring to your description of Whittlesea's shopping attractions!!:D

Melanie said...

It is an incredible time period...and I like how it's reflected in the music! This could make for a great WW2 mindsets etc and what led up to the 60's dichotomy.

I was pretty sheltered from the upheaval part, and Vietnam.(SgtMjr remembers seeing war footage on the news) The hippie part did wear off on me a bit, due to my cousin living with us, tho.

Melanie said...

AJ, I'm sure your various galavanting expeditions south of the border has associated my saucy sauna response with that of Anna's locale and perhaps English hospitality!! ;)))

AJ Fife said...

It's incredible CA was at the hub of things politically and culturally(is that a word?):)

AJ Fife said...

That's true Melanie!! I always found English girls to be much kinder and liberal than the Calvinistic and dour Scottish girls!!:D

Melanie said...

sure it's a least here!!! :)) I sometimes wonder that I live is such an interesting and diverse place. Sure with it's problems...but there a mountains, ocean deserts all within a day's drive, as well as the culture! Why do I want to leave??!! ;)

Melanie said...

Yes, but Anna and I have the bloodlines of both English and what does that make us??...if we're talking innate tendancies, not cultural upbringing!! ;D

AJ Fife said...

Quite a mixture!!! You're probably 'on the easy side', but afterwards you'd deliver a sermon, ticking your poor beau off, for being a primitive and disgusting pig!!!:))

OK, time to run for cover>>>>>.....

Melanie said...

but maybe we like primitive in the moment...we'd want to encourage it...not lecture it away!! ;)

'course any pious lecturing would be good, as we women are gifted in knowing what's best for a man!! ;D

what was that?..easy but not cheap...

I think we'd be harder to woo, but better for the trouble, right Anna!! ;))

AJ Fife said...

You girls sure know how to lecture...that's for sure!! Lucky for me Peajay isn't here!!! I'd be getting a cyber doing of the severest kind!!!

AJ Fife said...


I've never met a woman yet who was cheap!!!;)

Melanie said...

yeh, we females can put it on...but I have bite my Am.Southern bred Celtic tongue 'cause it gets the SgtMjr's temper up!

anna said...

Oh dear I've missed a lot of your chat.... too busy gassing on the Salmond board!! :D

Where have you been talking about English women?

I have to be honest I've met a couple of Scottish women who could be described as hard as nails!! But, then I've met a few who are kind and lovely with it!! :D

Some English women can be bl**dy horrible as well.

Not me, Melanie or Peajay of course!! :D

AJ Fife said...

You don't nag the Sgt Mjr do ya?

Melanie said...

OK, ok, but what about you guys and yer gadgets??! Wait, we've had this conversation before!!

I only wanted a working car, and health insurance! ;)
Well, that changed with having kids...I expected a bit more stability!! :D

anna said...

"I've never met a woman yet who was cheap!!!;) "

I'm definitely not cheap... Mr A will vouch for that!!!

Melanie said...

Define nag...'cause we gals make honest suggestions and there ya go accusing us of nagging....

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna,

We've only been chattin' here!!

Maybe we could manufacture an argument along those lines on the Scotsman sometime!!;)

btw the Scotsman seems to be down at the mo!! Must be inferior Scottish broadband!!:D

anna said...

"Anna, how about Whittlesea? Any knocking shops? "

No can't say I've noticed any.... we've got a bike shop but I think it only sells the ones with wheels!! :D

AJ Fife said...


I thought it was women who used 'gadgets'!!:)


Are you high mantainance?

anna said...

"Maybe we could manufacture an argument along those lines on the Scotsman sometime!!;)"

Now when have we ever manufactured an argument!! ? :D :D

That would be so out of character :D

Are you watching Traweller Men 2 AJ?

AJ Fife said...


That's really funny!:DDDD

anna said...


Are you high mantainance?"

Yes, about some things!! :D

Melanie said...

what'd I miss?!

AJ Fife said...

Didn't see that, but I watched the programme about the girl coming out a coma after 18 years!!!

She managed to miss Tony Blair....lucky girl!!!:))

ps I know it's a drama btw!!:)

AJ Fife said...

See you guys later!!:)))

Melanie said...

Scotsman ok from this side....

Anna, I answered you (and Corbie) on the chocolate blog...nothin racy (this time) :))

manufacture an argument.....?! Sounds like it could be fun..oh the drama!!!

Melanie said...

bye AJ!

ok, Anna...I'm going to try again for my afternoon to have some blogging time!!! Leave a note, and a breadcrumb trail if yer around!! :)))

AJ yer welcome to join as always of course....we'll try to shelter you from getting too much estrogen!! :D

Melanie said...

AJ!!! yer naughty!!! I totally read over too quickly yer gadget comment!!!

Well, you know, it's been said, a girl's best friend is 'B.O.B.'!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anna, not much going on tonite...unless I've missed you posting elsewhere....saw that you were sparring with AngusMor last nite!!! :)))

I'll hopefully have internet service to my laptop tonite...having a techie guy over to see to it!!

My desk computer is probably going to be reformatted (whatever that means!!! ;))) All I know is it's slow and misbehaving, and is close to receiving a baseball bat in its direction!!! :D

speak with you in my am!! :D

anna said...

Hi Melanie... sorry I missed you... hope you're not bashing your computer to bits!! :D

Its so frustrating when they don't work.... I can sympathise!! Isn't it surprising tho' how attached we've got to them (and mobile phones!) in such a relatively short space of time. If mine goes 'wobbly' I feel quite lost!! ...:)


Whatcha doing today? I've made a comment on the cervical cancer vaccine blog.... Chairman Gordon is being a bit cavemannish and puritanical on there. Is he Dave from Barra in disguise?

Has Corbie being spreading sweetness and light anywhere?

AJ Fife said...

Peajay Watch 21/6/07

A wee wifie, similar to oor own Peajay, has appeared in the 'Dundee Courier'. The 'Around the Sheriff Courts' section, had details of a "young lady of WGC verbally abusing a bus conductress whilst in a drunken state"!!!!

Could this be Peajay!!??


Not been able to do any posting today - computers acting up, so I've been away fi ma desk!!:(( I'll check out your efforts soon tho'!!:)) Girl, were you on form yesterday or what?!!!

Anonymous said...

late to the party as well...

Anna, I think my computer is on its last leg...the monitor is black, the hard drive outdated and has red in the defrag zone, or something like may need a formal burial!!! but, I have my laptop now, and the SgtMrjr's when he's not at his desk!!! :)

Hi AJ! :)

anna said...

Hi both,

Well there are some really strange characters on the cervical cancer board..... Chairman Gordon and a couple of 'Wee Free' ministers I think.

Peajay is certainly causing ruffles in the quiet towns of Bonnie Scotland!! Naughty girl!!

I must admit to quite enjoying yesterday's wee chat with the guys and gals on the AS board. Some of them were very interesting!! :D

Unlike the cervical cancer board... which to be honest is confusing me.... Why are 3 men so bothered about women being vaccinated? Perhaps it is religious bullying - repent sinners and all that malarkey :(

Melanie said...

Anna, I see what you mean on that article!!

I'm gonna go back and read some of your verbal sparring...must be good (on the article from yest) :D

bye AJ!! sorry we missed you!

anna said...

I've made a few more comments on the cervical cancer article.

I think the pillock who calls himself Chairman Gordon is a complete prat, Melanie so thanks for your valiant defence of me .... but part of what he said was true..... I do hate men like him and I am suspicious of their motives. Bullies the lot of them.

Lets put it this way I wouldn't ask any of the male posters on there to babysit and would make sure, if I had a teenage daughter, that she avoided them like the plague!!!

Anyway, how is everyone today? Its raining here again!!:(

Melanie said...

Hi Anna,

I understand about the cavemen stance...i've met a few of those in my lifetime!!!

sorry yer havin a rainy day...I'd be baking, :D ...but I'm sure you get so many of those days...yer hoose would be overfilled with tins of biscuits and teacakes!!! :DD

AJ, where are you??!! Don't tell me yer workin again??!! ;)

Melanie said...

Anna, I've only posted on the crisps are veggies article...have you seen any other good ones? I'm not going to dive into the caveman cervix article, yet! ;)

Melanie said...

Hope your both enjoying your Friday eve!
Hmmm, wonder what Peajay is up to??! :)

anna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
anna said...


Good comment to the caveman!! :D

The other guys seem a bit strange but he is a misogynist, mind you i was waiting for that Eugene guy to start going on about Eve and original sin and the fall of man!! Strange people ...

We could have done with Canky on that board altho' Suzi B was pretty good :)

Where is AJ.... these days... its so refreshing to know that there are 'normal' guys, like him, posting on the Scotsman site when you have to read some of the others!!

Anyway, we're going shopping tomorrow - have to get a few Tshirts and bits to take on holiday... and as I said before Mr A needs to buy some new swimwear... the stuff he has now would be refused by the charity shop!!

Have you got any plans for the weekend

PS I deleted that post btw.... it was even more convuluted than this one!! :D

Melanie said...

Hi Anna,

I couldn't resist adding that youtube video to emphasize man's ever pursuit of things.... ;))

AJ's playing hooky and will need to bring a box of chocolates when he returns!! :DD

(hope everything's okay, AJ)

AJ Fife said...

Hi Guys,

Sorry I've been AWOL, but it was the long awaited Mish Mash Zoo trip!!! So I was off for the day :DD

Nice to know Anna rates me as 'normal'!!:DD

Seems like you two are becoming a couple of Germaine Greer's!!:)) More power to yer elbows!!:))

I'll try and catch up soon!!:)

Anonymous said...

Hi AJ, glad to know you've returned unscathed!!

I have to work this weekend, so posting will be minimal...I'll look forward to Monday tho!

Melanie said...

Well, here's a hello to yer Monday my fun blogging buddies!!! :DD

Will see ya in a few!!! :DD

AJ Fife said...

Look forward to it young Melanie!!!:)

When is wee Peajay coming back?

anna said...

Well done ... AJ... you managed to get out of the zoo without been mistaken for an inmate!! :D

Hope you had a good visit!! KK and I are going to Colchester Zoo next month.... I'll have to make sure I don't get mistaken for one of the inmates :D :D

Anything happening on the Hootsmon .. it looks a bit boring today to be honest!!

The sun is actually shining... this afternoon.. the first time in a few days.... this is probably summer!!

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna,

Yeah, lucky old me, although the Baboon enclosure was a close shave!!!:)

A good trip apart from the zoo's cafe and their inability to make a simple cheese toastie!!!!:( Got a refund though!!:))

I've added a few points on the Gordon Brown stories, as well as the Andy Murray story - sports section!!!

So......Anna......what enclosure will you be avoiding????:D

Melanie said...

AJ, I'm so glad you avoided the pink flamigos....I hear they're strange birds!! ;)

Anna, will be avoiding being taken for a lioness....'she is woman, hear her roar'!!! :D

Melanie said...

I've commented on the Murray story, the tea one and the teaching about alcohol to 5yr olds

where'd ya all go?!

Melanie said...

interesting to note....the milk thistle, which I believe is the Scots said to be a remedy for liver damage and inflammation, an extract from the seeds, I believe

anna said...

I haven't commented on any stories yet, altho' I'll be sure to check out the ones you have both been on!

Which zoo enclosure should I avoid? Well, if you were to ask Mr A ... he might say I should avoid the crocodile section ..... as he thinks I've been a bit 'snappy' this weekend. Don't know where he gets that idea from!! I've been trying to 'trim' down a bit before the hol, so maybe I should avoid the hippo section .... don't want to feel too hippy!!

Perhaps the diet also explains the 'snappiness'!!! Poor Mr A and KK .... long suffering guys that they are. ;) I'm on a diet .... they're on a diet!! Altho' the pair of them did escape to the fish and chip shop on Sat night... Tsk Tsk. :D

Anyway I'll check out your musings.

anna said...

"A good trip apart from the zoo's cafe and their inability to make a simple cheese toastie!!!!:( Got a refund though!!:))"


That is a poem of Scottishness.... glad to see you're sticking to your heritage and not letting anyone get away with ripping you off over a cheese toastie!!

Did it have ham with it? Stop talking about food....Anna!!:D

AJ Fife said...

Ha, the fiesty Anna is even more spikey than normal!!:DD

Hi Mel,

How you doin'...I had to attend a meeting the pm....pesky work!!:)

AJ Fife said...

Hey you....£4.95's no tae be sniffed at!!:D

anna said...


Aye I ken what you mean noo ... .that's daylight robbery!! :D

I was black affronted myself on Saturday to be charged £3.95 for a bacon roll.... which wasn't very big!! (Don't ask why I was eating bacon rolls ... when I'm on a diet.. Mr A made that mistake!!) :D

I tell you gone are the days when you could get a 3 course dinner, 8 pints of beer and a few whisky chasers and still have change of a quid!! :D

(That used to be my regular Saturday night oot, until it all got too expensive ....I blame Gordon Brown!!)

AJ Fife said...

Gordon's Gin more like!!:D

AJ Fife said...

A yes...the guid auld days!!! I think the Mess prices are still about that!!:)

Melanie said...

that is pretty expensive!!

ugh, I don't like to diet...makes me want to eat more bad for me things!!! So, I trick myself and say I'm Not on a diet!! :/ :D

AJ Fife said...

What does "black affronted" actually mean?:)

AJ Fife said...


I think the price included the heavy electricity one side of the toastie was burned to a crisp!!:)

Melanie said...

ooh, I would have taken it back, too!
...'course the SgtMjr would have piped up...'why?, it's just like yer cookin!' :DD

Melanie said...

black affronted....offended by a Nigerian? black ink splattered on your blouse? hot, black coffee spilled in your lap???

Melanie said...

Anna, am I wrong, or the way you mentioned All-England club was to get some feathers ruffled??!! :))

anna said...

Black affronted... was in regular use in The Broons hoose... and Maw was always saying she was black affronted.!!

Annoyed and/or embarrassed!

Sounds like your toastie was black affronted AJ!! :D

anna said...


Me? ... now would I do that?

Mind you, it is the All England Club so I didnae lie!! :D

It is a wonderful irony ... that they are getting prickly about whether he is Scottish or British (and they mean English!!)... when the one of the most prestigious trophies in tennis .... is as English as you can get!!

Fancy a Pimms... and cucumber sarnie .. AJ... only £5.95 and I promise not to burn the bread!! :D

Melanie said...

I suppose people here also associate British, with being English... I can understand wanting to keep the national identity due to that very fact!!

...'course we don't want another Bannockburn or Culloden all over again, do we???!!! And don't worry, I'm keepin my rebel yell fresh, in case ya'll wanna come over here and retake yer colonies!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Work intrusions again!!!:(((

Have to go ladies...see ya!!:))

Melanie said...

bye AJ!

Anna, you and Janis were naughty!!! :D

anna said...

Just like to keep the Scottish posters on their toes..... a few of them can take a joke. What's the betting we get one commenting who can't and has a hangup about the English!! :D

I don't support Murray just because he's Scottish ... I don't care what his nationality is ... I do enjoy watching him play tho' when he's on form. Altho' if his opponent is playing better tennis ... I'll switch allegiance as quick as wink!! :D I'm fickle like that!! :D

Melanie said...

Anna, they are going to town on the Bannockburn article...interesting, tho

Well, as far as the English/British thing, I think the whole superiority aura by some has left bad feelings, and ruined it for the average genial English person. ie, my father's sisters, sometimes give the impression that to not be British/ being less than...I've learned to ignore the comments, but it used to really bother me.

ahh, family quarrels!! :)

I'll be around tonite...I'm shipping kids off to their friends house and SgtMjr's out of town...what's a girl to do!!! ;))))

Melanie said...

Ps...AJ, I think Peajay is due home anytime now!! :D

Melanie said...

Thinking on this Bannockburn issue....did you read/hear when the Smithsonian tried to whitewash the whole bombing by the Enola Gay of the 'peaceful' Japanese?? There was an uproar about re-writing history, etc as well.

anna said...

I don't think the English have the monopoly on arrogance or superiority, Melanie.... I've met quite a few arrogant and rude Scots and Welsh in my time... they are not all the salt of the earth.

I have to say tho' that I've never yet met an Irish person that I didn't like..... maybe I've been lucky in that respect...

The thing about Bannockburn is that it was a Scottish battle and it is a big deal in Scotland.... its not in England, its not even on the radar. I doubt if there are many average English people who have ever heard of it.
If that makes them sound superior then that's a shame but that is just the way it is. There were a lot of much more important battles (from an English viewpoint) fought in England or by the English that some English people don't know about either!!

Peajay said...

Hi all,
I'm back and I missed you.
The Dundee Sheriff's Court let me go as I am of such good character and I tipped them off about a weirdy 'big baldie man wi twa wee dugs' who could be found hangin' around Leven's front with it's distinctly unattractive power station. :D

Melanie said...

I didn't realise that about the battle, probably the same for some Americans and their history, as well. And, geography! you know how many people have said 'where's that?' when I mentioned we had friends visiting us from Krygystan??!!

Melanie said...


I leave a comment for Anna, and Peajay miraculously appears!!! And, with a great comment about a certain Shrek!! :DDD

Peajay said...

Hi Melanie
He's certainly been keeping you appraised of my movements. :DD
Have you received any postcards yet?

Melanie said...

I've received the one from Edinburgh, thank you!

So, you've returned to us at last!! You're hopefully refreshed and relaxed, with some stories to tell and pictures to share!! :)

Peajay said...

Yes, I returned late yesterday to much rain. :( I think we actually had less in Scotland than home did but the temperature was somewhat cooler.
I'll pick out some nice pics from the 200 I took and post them soon.
Glad you liked the seat of Scotland's power. :)

Melanie said...

Seat of Scotland's what can we make of that phrase??!! ;))

Peajay said...

Exactly, I have left it open for your own interpretation! :D

Melanie said...

but you know I've a slightyl 'warped' imagination...

Anna, you've gone to bed?! Will hopefully chat a bit tomorrow...before I leave for work

Peajay said...

Only 'slightly'? :DD

Melanie said...

oh, thanks for the vote of confidence!! ;))

AJ Fife said...

Hi Peajay,

Welcome back, you were sure missed!!:)

Glad you had a good holiday, but did you view the impressive derelict powerstation with your own eyes!!??

anna said...

Welcome back Peajay..... good to hear you kept a few jumps ahead of the odd local loony while you were on your hols. :D :D

Hi AJ... any interesting boards today? :)

The only one I've commented on so far has been the one about the Gaelic Telly..... some of the them take themselves seriously on there!! :D

Do you remember that Outer Hebridean Broadcasting Corporation that was it Harry Enfield (?) used to do?

Broadcasting to about one man and a crowd of sheep!! :D

anna said...

Oh no I've just googled it ... it was Gregor Fisher... and Angus Og.... oops!! :D

Harry Enfield did Tim nice but Dim and Kevin the Teenager!! :D

Btw: Melanie and Peajay.... open that link and scroll down the page and there is a rather hunky looking fella in a kilt!!!

anna said...

Try this

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna,

I'll check out the gaelic story....hope you haven't been upsetting people like yesterday!!:D Fight between two Norman warlords indeed!!:D

Melanie said...

Hello All!

that's a fine and dandy fella there...but if he were to need that broadsword in a hurry and yank it oot from the belt, the sharpened edge would no doubt split the leather belt and that snazzy oldfashioned kilt might unfold right on off him!! :)

anna said...

AJ... I know're in denial again... there's another wee link for you... about the de Brus family ancestery!!

Melanie ....
"that snazzy oldfashioned kilt might unfold right on off him!! :)"

And that would be a problem because???? ;)

On the Gaelic board ... Help ma Boabs post is really good and made me laugh anyway!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

How are you? Is it still roasting in the desert? It's positively freezing here, but at least England is flooded!!:)

Anna, you're a cheeky wee sausage!!;)

Melanie said...

Hi AJ,
I gave a short answer to you on the gaelic blog

there's absolutley nothing wrong with that!! :))

AJ Fife said...

I saw it Melanie, but I hope you realise it's rude to poke fun at the gaels!!:DDD

Melanie said...

Well, here I go again, gittin myself in trouble!

anna said...

"It's positively freezing here, but at least England is flooded!!:)"

Good I hope you're really suffering from the cold.... icecubes hinging off your sporran (which you need to pay tax for btw!!)

I'm just off out in my little boat in a while .... to fetch KK from school!!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Ahoy there Anna, ya auld pirate!!!:D

Melanie said...

Well, that's me off to work! Have a wonderful day and will hopefully speak with ya tomorrow!! :))

AJ Fife said...

See ya Mel!:)

Now don't work too hard, and make sure ye get yer heid doon somewhere for a wee relax!

anna said...

Speak to you later Melanie :))

"Now don't work too hard, and make sure ye get yer heid doon somewhere for a wee relax!"

Tsk, tsk........ you're getting worse..... so rude!! :D

Do you speak Gaelic .....AJ? Angus Mor is funny .... I bet there'll be a few Gaelic supporters .... on there later.... hope he's still about.... seeing as he has no romantic illusions about it all.

Maybe that wifie who was going on about the marriage of England and Scotland will be on there.... remember she put her website on and her best friends were Prince Charles and the Queen ...:D fruity, fruity nutcake!! :D

AJ Fife said...


That was sound advice from a friend - encouraging a wee nap during work....jist like me!!:D

Honestly, you English girls are far too liberal!!:))) Obviously the words head and down have a completely different meaning in Cambridgeshire!! Tsk Tsk!!:)

I think it must be that Strawman festival and all the mead!!!

AJ Fife said...


I can say 'how are you?' in Gaelic, but that's about my lot!!! It's not really required for everyday life here, thank goodness!!:)

I think it would be a shame if it was to die out (I don't think it will), but investment should be made to definately ensure it's place in Scottish culture!!

There's something suspect about Angus' indifference to the language! That's not the feeling I've experienced from many islanders and highlanders
over the years!

anna said...

Aye right.... I know what you meant ... and you know what I meant...

But, you're right we should have more mead and ale!! :D Wonder what mead tastes like!!

Melanie... I don't think Angus agrees with you about the Gaelic language....

He's right about the Gaelic Mafia... its the same as the Welsh language speakers... lots of Welsh folk moan about their influence on Wales.

I wonder if they have the same problems in Ireland .... modernists versus traditionalists. A bit of both is OK in my opinion but people should be allowed the choice and not made to feel less Scottish, Irish, Welsh because they don't want to learn or speak, what is for some a foreign language all the time.

Anyway, if you travel into the Fens or into deepest darkest Norfolk ... they have their own language.... well at least you can't understand a word half of the yokels say anyway....especially when they start talking broad Anglo Saxon after a few pints of ale/mead!! :D

For instance how would you pronounce the village name spelt Stiffkey?

Well you'd be wrong its pronounced Stewkey.... don't ask me why!!

anna said...

Oh also the village of Cowbit up the road is always pronounced Cubbit... unless you're a visitor!!

Farcet Fen is rendered as Facet with a soft 'C'....

Its a weird language!! :D

anna said...

Have a look at the Scottish beefcake board in the Entertainment section :D

AJ Fife said...

How about Kilconqhar = kinnucher

Culross = cooross

Anstruther = ainster

St Monans = St Minnins

Local dialects are wonderful!!:)) Can you get your 'head' round it Anna?

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