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Monday, August 28, 2006

Power of the Wind

Where to begin… about five years ago my husband got a call from a friend to see if he could help some “Doctor lady” to help tie rebar for some cement work on a National Geographic Expedition. My husband, ever willing to help, volunteered. Next thing, he
was doing all of the tractor work, as well as helping with the rigging of the pulleys as he is quite familiar with ropes from his rock climbing experience.

Over these last five years, we have become good friends with Dr. Maureen Clemmons, and have continued in helping with the project. It is a fascinating concept! We are even more involved with the second documentary; my husband continuing with the ropework, building/carpentry, tractoring, and he has even been pulled in to help with the kite flying.
I fill in the gaps as a general field assistant, “girl-Friday”, and help moniter health issues re: heat, dehydration, etc.

We went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art last year with Dr. Clemmons to do some recon work. Although there are other riggers and knot/rope people on the crew, my husband and I are the only Rockclimbers, …we came across this picture and commented to Maureen that it looks like a man wearing a rockclimber’s harness and belaying something with his ropes (as in, maybe a kite/ pulley system connected to move stones) The team is still studying this and they are trying to get another trip scheduled to go back to the Met as well as to the museum in London. Dr. Clemmons has been to Egypt once already, and would love to make a return trip, but it has been postponed at this time.

If you’re curious, my hubby is the country boy in the brown over-alls. I, on the other hand, have the uncanny ability in avoiding the camara!! Let me know if you have any questions, but I think the following sites might help! (1st Documentary trailer) (2nd Documentary trailer) (Maureen’s info site)


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anna said...

Behave yourself AJ.....;)

You're right dialects are funny...... when I first went back to Mr A's family home ... I pronounced one of the local towns as it looks Towcester...... when all the locals know it as Toaster!!

Mind you he did once pronounce Hawick as Harwick and Alnwick with the l sound not Annick... so he was put right by my relations!! :D

Don't even get started on the Welsh ones...!!:))

anna said...

Tha mi ag òl mead!!

Guess what that says.......!!!

I'll give you a clue its to do with alcoholic consumption.

This Scots Gaelic lark is easy peasey!! :D :D

Peajay said...

Hi all,
Yes AJ, I espied the delapidated eyesore with my own eyes on Sunday 17th. Drove home from Glamis Castle along the scenic route, well at least until we reached Leven!! :D

Melanie said...

Howdy, ah survived my day, but no naps!! :)

Anna, nice rugby topic! :)

I figured Angus would disagree, but really I feel this way regardless of the could be Catalan or Lakota...true, not an economic incentive, but important all the same

Like the different pronunciations!

Well, am off to bed, but will speak with ya in a few!

Ps. AJ, how is it any more rude to poke fun at the Gaels than anyone else?? Sure's enuf fun is poked at some o' them American red necks we gotchere!

AJ Fife said...

Melanie Melanie,

Of course it's OK to poke fun at those less fortunate than ourselves...I was only kidding!!:D

I mean,look at the way Anna and Peajay go about destroying me!!:D:D

Perfectly acceptable!:)

anna said...

Just popped in for a quick lunch break..... :))

Will have to speak to you all later ...

AJ... glad you know your place..sugar pie!! :D

Melanie said...

Howdy all!

Up early, this morning :/
..not that I planned that...I never sleep well when the SgtMjr is out of town...

Well, I found this so far...posting anywhere else?

Melanie said...

Hello all!!

cute lil pet photo there Peajay!!

Just wanted to say hello before I'm off to beddy I need to say...'darn this time difference!!'!!! :)

Have a wonderful morning and will speak with ya soon...maybe I'll peek in during my night if I wake up...ya never know with those darn dogs barking and the SgtMjr gone! :))

AJ Fife said...

Hi Mel,

Sorry I missed you! have a nice sleep and I'll catch up with you in your morn!:)

Melanie said...

Hi AJ,

ah, no problem...we all do have lives outside of blogging!! ;D

Had a nice day with the kids...they miss the SgtMjr which makes them a little 'clingy'...which means I get lots of cuddle time!! :DD Usually it's, 'hey I'm going to so and so's house', or they're off playing about the house! :D

AJ Fife said...

Good morning Melanie,

Too true, occasionally I've got a life!!:))

So, when is the Sgt Mjr back? At least the kids are lookin' efter ya!!

Melanie said...

hey there you!

..occasionally?!! :)))

I'm driving to the airport Friday nite, he has a work day Sat...then a few days off. He's in upstate NY and says it's absolutely beautiful!

AJ Fife said...

He's a busy fella, that man of yours!!:)

Haven't heard too much from Peajay since she got back....maybe it's the shock of seeing the Levenmouth area for the first me a wide bearth!!:D

Melanie said...

Ha, yes, poor Peajay's recovering!!
and hopefully will join us soon!

(as well as busy Anna!!)

AJ, the SgtMjr has traveled so much this past year, it's incredible...this training that's not always been the norm, but I think it will be like this more from now on :/
(of course it's always fun when I get to travel with!!!)

AJ Fife said...

Was Peajay cycling?:) Her wee legs must be so sore!!:D

So......Melanie, do you talk and giggle continuously whilst travelling? Induge in the merryment of the trolley dolly drinks service? And generally cause embarrassment to the Sgt Mjr?:D

Melanie said...

Well, Peajay is trying to stay green and save on emissions!!

Why am I not surprised at your latest comment...I should have taken a bet with the gals on how it would be before the jokester in AJ takes over!!! ;)))

Actually, I'll have you know that I can maintain myself quite composed; I usually have quiet conversation and generally read or listen to music!! It's the SgtMjr who gets worked up and starts flirting with the stewardesses!!! :DD

Melanie said...

your post on the 'chas saving the furnture' article has been removed....are you banned again?

AJ Fife said...

I would've thought Peajay's emissions would be at peak levels if she was 'green'!!! Reminds me of Shrek in the bath!!!PAAAAAAARP!:D

I'll check and see if I'm comment was valid, if not a tad off topic!!!:DD

AJ Fife said...

Nope...they didn't ban me!!:)) They must be gettin' soft!!:D

So.....Melanie, the Sgt Mjr likes to chat up the you poke him in the ribs!!!:D

Melanie said...

would that be a form of spa therapy??!! :)

AJ, are you posting anywhere, or are you actually working?? ;)

Peajay, I understand your absence as one usually needs a holiday to recover from a holiday, so you are excused, but only for the moment!! ;))

Anna, your wifie, motherly and scholarly duties should not imperil you posting power!! You are required to appear, please bring some shortbread!

In other words, gals, you're missed...and you've left me alone to fend off Shrek!! :% :DD

AJ Fife said...

I had a wee busy spell, plus my boss paid me a visit!!:)

Melanie said...

excuses, excuses, AJ! tut tut....I bet your boss came by to see which horse you were betting on in the fifth; meanwhile, you and your co-workers were having an origami competition!!

AJ Fife said...

Do use that tone with me young lady!!;)) I'll have you know, I'm a black belt in origami!!!:D

Melanie said...

Well, as far as the SgtMjr goes, yes he's a worse flirt than me...I do behave in public...quiet, shy, demure (most of the time) :D

I do poke him in the ribs, and remind him that I shoot in the ten ring; and, that as a professional health care worker, I'm familiar with all of the communicable diseases that are rampant in the un-monogamous population!!! ;DD

Melanie said...

oh, I'd love to see your folding in action there stud!!

AJ Fife said...

Melanie said...

will be right on it, thanks, AJ!!

AJ Fife said...

Have a wee look at that clip...JG is askin' after ya!!:)

AJ Fife said...

wow, I missed yer post with the medical big words!!! That's a pretty serious weapon to have!!:D

Melanie said...

Peajay had poked some fun at ya on this one..

I missed Archie's comment on the other...ah well!

Melanie said...

The SgtMjr is currently at a uni this week with no doubt several 20-something cute coeds running about...I just added the extra 'c'....communicable cute coeds!!!!
(and, there's know, they could be your daughter)
...horrid ain't I!!!!!:DD

Actually, he's a good guy, and I don't worry about him straying!

AJ Fife said...

He sounds a first class guy Melanie!!:))

AJ Fife said...

A yes, I forgot about that blog!!!:DD That Corbie is a right rascal!!:)))

Melanie said...

yes, he's a great guy!! If anything, he drives himself too hard in order to help others.

I've answered JG on the doc/avail of abort. might get her up in arms, but maybe's such a controversial topic.

hey, you're to the home stretch here!! almost Miller time!!

AJ Fife said...

Nae Miller:((( I've been really good for many days now!!:)))

But yes I'll be off soon!! Mish mash is at her Gran's today, so I pick her up and we'll play for a bit, watch 10 mins of Shrek(!!) and then it's beddyby time!!:)) Mrs AJ is in Edinburgh, attending the High Court(in an official capacity I must add):D

Melanie said...

Wow, she'll have a story to tell when she she giving testimony on a case or something?? you don't have to say...That's neat that we have such responsible and dedicated spouses!! :D
(I really mean that as a compliment, tho!!!!!)

my kids always returned a little extra wild when they'd been at their grans for the day!!! :)

AJ Fife said...

They'll both be giving me grief when I get home, no doubt!!!:)) Gran will have been dishing out treats!!:D The Mish will be going at full speed ahead by the time I see her!!!:D

AJ Fife said...

Got to go in a minute, but I'll be back on tonight hopefully:))

See ya

Melanie said...

Well, you can always escape here....not that we're anymore soothing to you!!! (check out Peajay's blog....there's been a bit of a Shrek roast!!! ;)))

Melanie said...

bye, AJ

I should be about...have a dentist appt with the tween at my 3 (your 11) but it shouldn't be long

Melanie said...

42. Corbett T Hunckers, Dubai / 4:58pm 28 Jun 2007 Whoops....sorry Lanna!!:))) When you get to my age, it's hard!

I answered you in the article post, but not completely....I should have, but didn't, add this, as I was in the mood to behave today....

"btw, I'm so glad to know that you are in working order, old man!"

anna said...

Sorry I didn't make it to chat the last couple of days..... but been a bit busy.

Speak to you all in a while, I hope.... take care, behave yourselves and don't get banned off the Scotsman ..... that's mainly for you AJ!! :D

All points East .... wish us luck!!!! :D

Melanie said...

....There was a sudden and momentary blip on the screen, was that an incoming Valkrie?...swift and precise in her approach, diving elegantly to complete her mission and with its completion, leaving just the same.....

Hi Anna!!! Hope to speak with ya later

Peajay said...

Hi all,
Thank you for your insightful comments on my emissions AJ. I prefer to travel by car as opposed to my bike, it's a lot warmer when faced with Scottish weather.
Is Anna off on her freebie trip to the Orient? Or have I mistaken the 'all points east'?

AJ Fife said...


Have a great time, I'm sure ya will!!!! Try and get to a cyber cafe and give us an update....pleeeeaaase!!!:))

I'm so jealous, but at the same time excited for you guys!!!

Jammy buggers!!!:DDDDD

AJ Fife said...

Hi Peajay,

Did you get many snaps of Leven, or did your batteries run out at a convenient time?!!:)))

What about 'oor Anna' off to the Far East?!!:) You just know, with her blond hair and bronzed body, these things always happen to her!!!:D

I must be cursed!!! I never seem to win anything decent!! The last thing I remember, was a bag of pan drops at a sale of work raffle, in 1972!!!:((

Melanie said...

my 'hope to speak to ya later' was directed at you being on later tonite....of course, I expect a wonderful debrief when you return!! Have a great time...and hopefully get some great photos of the exotic east!!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

I bet Anna will come back like a giant freckle!!!:D She deserves it....but so do I!!!!:DD boohoo!!

AJ Fife said...

btw, I checked oot the Shrek roasting at Peajays!!!:D That sounds rude!!

Peajay said...

Sorry the camera's compact flash card knackered itself at Glamis and wouldn't take any photo's after that. Had to purchase a new one next day from PC World. :( So Leven remains unphotographed but destictly memorable if only for the power station and the fact that I got lost from that point onwards. I was following the 917 but have no idea where it went!!
My last prize win was a stuffed TellyTubby some years ago when they were all the rage! Dipsy, I believe! :D

Melanie said...

Hi Peajay and AJ, (and Anna)

sorry I couldn't really join in, we had an unexpected visitor...

Shrek roasting, yes, pass the paprika!!! ;))

Well, darn your camara died, Peajay, and here with orders to catch a paparazzi photo of Shrek on the shore!!! ;))

Well, I did just win $23 with my lotto tickets, but nothing big really ever
...we all need to collectively do some positive speak to the universe and perhaps something wonderfully magical will that Californian enough for ya!!! I'll let ya know when I win the millions with the lotto!!! :DDD

Speak with ya tomorrow, ma pals!! :D

AJ Fife said...


So you sped past the area - a wise decision!!:DD

Peajay said...

AJ, no I didn't speed past, that was the problem. I took a wrong turn and got into Leven but had trouble getting back out. Passed the power station twice!! :/ Then had more problems finding a road to Stirling which didn't continue along the Fife Coastal Route as it was getting late and petrol growing short. It didn't help that I was being given instructions and stress was setting in with all parties.

AJ Fife said...

I been in that position several times - too many navigators!!:))

Well if you drove along the shore at Leven you were only a matter of yards away from my hoose!!!:) You must've gone into Methil - that's where scenic Fife ends!!:D

Peajay said...

Yes, we made it to Methil but surely the scenic bit finished just before Leven? :D

AJ Fife said...

No Peajay, it ends when you cross the world famous Bawbee brig - which you did at least twice!!:D

AJ Fife said...

I'm offski...have a great weekend and treat yersel to a satnav!!:D

Melanie said...


Had a bit of a sleep in...I was up til 0100??! Couldn't get to sleep...the heat throws everything off! Ugh, this summer schedule!! :)

Peajay, sorry 'bout your wanderings...that's never fun!

AJ, It's was a close shave but she escaped yer clutches!!! ;)))

Melanie said...

bye AJ!

sorry I missed ya! :(((

Peajay said...

Oh my! My life is complete! I have crossed the Bawbee Bridge. Twice!!
Hi Melanie, it's reported in our papers that it's a tad bit hot in California. Could you send just a little bit this way, please.

Melanie said...

whatcha up to today???

I'm picking up the SgtMjr another late night for me, but I'm not working this weekend so I don't mind.

yep at satnav/GPS thingy is the way to go!!

Melanie said...

Well, I must cross the Bawbree bridge then....I've put it on the list of things to do...and I've a cousin who already knows the way!!!

We can go Shrek hunting!!! :)))

Please, take as much heat as you want....I can't stand it!!!! It throws me completely off...makes me sleepy mid day, but then I'm up at night, esp when it cools down...and tho it's bed time with the cool, yer perkin up, instead of settling in. And if I don't get outside yard/exercise things done by 0800/0900, I honestly run the risk of heat exhaustion. I'm definitely no desert rat!!!

Thankfully due to elevation it's slighty cooler where I keep my horses...or I'd go bonkers!!!

It's the heat I tell ya...drivin me mad, mad I say!!! ;D

Peajay said...

I'm not sure the Bawbee is a particularly big ambition to have and as to me knowing the way, well maybe not!
Today is a stock check day, always a highlight (NOT)!! Plus have to have a change of stock in the gift shop so it's a bit of a mission.
Has SgtMjr had a productive trip? Other than taking in the scenery of course.
Perhaps we could send you some of our rain by way of an exchange.
We had a few issues to deal with concerning Murphy antics during our hols. He tried to kill the gamekeeper's Springer Spaniel so he is currently undergoing a chemical castration to see what his character would be like san's bits or not. It's all been a bit stressful, I feel like a holiday!!

Melanie said...

yes, rain, please ahm parched, parched, crawling along the desert floor parched...... ;D

Yikes, puppy problems big time!! I hope the springer spaniel is okay!! Dogfights are never fun, esp when it includes a vet bill!!! :/ yeh, keep that boy in line...threaten his bits, that usually does the trick!!!! ;)))

SgtMjr was taking a week long course, sponsored by his work, for business management, I believe. He's currently not interested in promoting, but this will help if he decides to, and I think his work is encouraging it.

One night this week, he and the others were at a pub playing pool after class...something of a dare went down, and I receive a phone call from this coworker, a complete stranger mind you, asking me about a pool bet and the loser gets a tattoo, and would I mind having his name tattooed onto the SgtMjr's e*se!!!

Sorry if the story is too shocking, too American for your palates!!! But, in context, it was okay, 'cause the SgtMjr was being teased about if his wife were there he would be 'behaving' better...ooh, that sounds bad, too!!
but, it was in I digging the hole deeper??? ;)))

it was a way to pay a compliment sort of, that I'm layed back with most things, and don't get ruffled, knickers in a twist, or whatever!! :D I won't tell you my response, but it was "genteel" and in context!! ;DDD

Peajay said...

This doesn't mean that he's coming home with a very sore butt and 'Forever Bob's' in indelible ink nestling between his buttocks does it?!!! That could take some explaining to the staff of the old folks home in the future!!! :DD

Melanie said...


oh my gosh....the name Was BOB!!!! how'd ya do it...did I telepath the name to you or something!!!!! :DDD

I told the SgtMjr later that I wouldn't mind BOB as that stands for something else, something slightly naughty of course, but what every woman needs!!! ;DD

Peajay said...

Well as you say, something every woman needs!

Melanie said...

AJ, check out the Spice girl article....JG's gonna be eftir Corbett 'cause of his comment!!! :)))

Melanie said...

Peajay, did you survive yer day well??

My Saturday so far is very quiet...which sometimes is a good thing!! :)) I wonder how Anna is getting on??!

Our Independence day is coming up here, so the fireworks stands are very busy...which is disconcerting with the fire'd think they'd ban the things. Last year, the distant neighbors had illegal 'rockets' from Mexico...pretty, but we had the water hoses ready in case anything came our way.

Hope your Saturday is going well my blog pals...speak with ya soon!!

Peajay said...

We live in hope of fireworks being banned every year when Guy Fawkes comes round but obviously not for the same reason. You just can't credit the stupidity of people and their lack of awareness of the consequences.
The SgtMjr can't be home yet if it's that quiet!

Melanie said...

He was up and away to work, leaving me to revover from only a few hours of sleep which I've never done well!! He's definitely ADHD while I've already needed a nap!! Where's mah vitamins!!! :DD
'course as he's been going non-stop on adreneline, he'll probably sleep all day tomorrow!! He does need his rest at least a few times a month! ;))

He's been home just a short time, and I've already got my work orders...well, just laundry, so, I think I can oblige him!!! ;))

Peajay said...

We have security issues here, Glasgow Airport has been car bombed. A further two car bombs were found in London yesterday. The UK's security alert status has been raised to critical.

Melanie said...

Peajay, oh my gosh...How terrible, to put it mildly...I'll look for it on the news reg Glasgow; I've read about the London ones.

I was just thinking about that last nite, at the Ontario Airport...where the arrival/depart are, and the cars pulling in! :((((

this makes me so angry!! I know there's no easy solution, but I keep thinking why aren't the powers that be doing more, enough of this PC crap!

Peajay said...

In many cases hands are tied by Human Rights Legislation in addition to manpower and funding constraints. As you say, there is no easy answer.

Melanie said...

Well, as far as that human rights legislation....they can say please step this way, as they're escorting them out of the country!! ...that is for those who don't belong, I realise there are those who are legal, unfortunately...and also, not all are terrorist potentials!
Again, I realise it's not that simple...but if it were one of their countries, or even some of the central and south american countries....they'd be dealt with a lot more harshly...our PC is too much, and makes the lot of us look like pansies

Peajay said...

I agree but they have to catch them first before the escorting can take place, that's followed by protracted court action, appeals through many judicial courts etc. It's not always a matter of picking them up on the way in it's more keeping track when they visit and ensuring they leave.

Melanie said...

Sorry for my outburst, I just think our governments have failed us, in the goings on of things, but I'm also angry with these Muslim fascists and their 70 virgins, and demand for female circumscision (just read an article)
...and the heat isn't doing my temper any justice as well....have you seen my weather widget?, she's barely got anything on at all....37C is only moderately hot!!

Melanie said...

Well, how 'bout no visiting, no student visas, nada, zip, zed, zero!!!

if they're already here legally, ...someone from the not so nice guy group(SAS would be fine) with bad breath, up close and personal.....'ve vill be vatching you!'... ;)))

Peajay said...

No worries, burst out to your hearts content.
I don't often get to view your weather totty as I save the current comments page and access directly. She's looking a little like a floozy with her sarong. Mine is wearing an umbrella permanently these days, I wish she'd put a few more clothes on as it's colder in than out (June means official central heating shut down as frugality takes over, so further layers are required).

Peajay said...

Is bad breath mandatory? :D

Melanie said...

Well, yes, but it would have to be something other than garlic breath, might help drive the point home, as well as an appropriately placed knife tip in the appropriate anatomical place...with a hint of snip snip...

Peajay said...

Ouch! I'm sure threatening the knackers of the fanatical is going to be a real vote catcher but not necessarily with the UN. They tend to frown on that kind of thing.

Melanie said...

I understand about frugality, in thermostat for the house is set usually at 78 -80F / 25-27C for midday heat...the elec bill for the airconditioning is staggering!! :(((

I would prefer it much much cooler!!

Peajay said...

How about we swop families for a week!! :D You get to cool and chill while I get to thaw out. :D

Melanie said...

Well, I wish they'd frown more on female circumscision and child rape (talk about physician heal thyself)

we refer to that anatomy here as cajones (cahones) "balls"...not a literal translation, tho

Melanie said...

you're on...should I start packing?, can you line me up a summer job, and I'll give you a list of boutiques and summer fayres!!!!

oops, should I leave SgtMjr and the kids here for your entertainment, and sightseeing requests?? They don't whinge near as much, well okay the teen; I'll bring her for the cultural education!!!

Melanie said...

Have you ever heard of a Nixie???

They are said to originate and Scotland, are usually evil, but not always....great, this was in Dr D's colouring book!!! ;))

Melanie said...

oops, should have been 'in Scotland'....they're a black horse with a white star on the head, but the head is eagle shaped at the mouth, or something like that....lives near streams and rivers, lures young girls there, and stampedes horses when it can.......Nice critters, albeit mythological, ya have there AJ!!!!

are harpies yours too, AJ?! ;))

Peajay, you have those Griffens, right??!!

...nice change of subject??!! ;)))

Peajay said...

Hmmmmm, children! Okay maybe not a direct swop! Who whinges most, children or SgtMjr??

Melanie said...

I suppose it depends on the subject!!!! the SgtMjr whinges when things are not in perfect working order...he tends towards the perfectionistic..which is good if you need him for a project, 'cause it will be done well....but not so good to live with at times!!!!

the kids, well, they're kids...Dr D is the most dramatic!! They whinge on the usual...homework, chores!!! :)))

Peajay said...

Yep, griffens are ten-a-penny here. There's a good few harpies about too! :D

Peajay said...

Well don't we all whinge about those things. You know, paying bills, stock checking!!

Melanie said...

ah, the lot of us, whingers all....whatever are we to do??!!

GO ON HOLIDAY...that's it!!! :DDD

but, I don't want to fly anywhere... :(
....well, it would seem we've a full circle of conversation...but ah don't want ta start all over again!!! ;)))

quick, think of something new....hmmmm, how bout that rugby calendar??!! ;)))

Peajay said...

you don't need a calendar when you have the SgtMjr!! :D You have all the eye candy you can handle with him and Shrek!

Peajay said...

On that note I'm off to my bed. G'nite Melanie have a good rest of the day.

Melanie said...

yes, I suppose my man and cyber-man would be jealous if my attentions were given elsewhere...although, they could benefit by it in the long run!!! ;DDD

Melanie said...

good enough, Peajay, that is a topic of conversation that can get naughty in a heartbeat esp with us warped women!!!!!! :DDDD

Good nite!!!! :DDDDDD

Melanie said...

Good morning AJ and Peajay!!! :)))

...and Anna who is by now lathered in sunscreen, smelling like coconut, while wearing one of those touristy straw hats with fringes, and is hopefully sitting at the poolside sipping on one of those pleasantly refreshing umbrella drinks brought to her by a tanned and muscled cabana boy!!

Melanie said...

Wow, are you guys 'floating' away yet?! :(

Posted so far....Intl sec/ Holy Stalagtite melting and Scot sec/ Male BirthControl Pill

Melanie said...

okay two more

Int sec/ rodent infertility
and UK sec/ nappy changing

AJ Fife said...

Hi Guys,

Sorry I missed the 'chat' over the weekend, but decorating had to take priority!!:( Didn't go on-line at all!!

I'll have to check out what's been going on in my absence, but I did spot Peajay castrating someone!!:D

Melanie said...


you were wrangled into decoration??!! that's okay as I've been wrangled into yardwork this morning!

How are ya, otherwise AJ?!

What, Peajay castrating!!

Peajay said...

Not personally AJ!! Although......

Melanie said...

Oh, that's right, the dug...I thought perhaps she was verbally snipping some bloke who got outta line on the Scotsman!! :)

Check out the artlcles I mentioned, Peajay...there are some funny comments on there!

AJ??? you must be discussing origami and horse racing again! ;)))

Peajay said...

I commented on rodents but I may swing for Em on our covetting the male roles.

AJ Fife said...

Hi Guys,

Preparations for junior mk2, job done and dusted, until Mrs AJ decides on further improvements!!!:))

Hope you are both well, I bet Anna is!!!:))

So...Peajay, where were you staying on your hols....St Cyrus perhaps?

AJ Fife said...

You all must've split!! Oh well, I'll try and catch up with you later!:))

Melanie said...

I'm just back from my walk, AJ!!

Am having a look at the various postings on the articles...

AJ Fife said...

Yahoooo, Hiya Melanie, I thought I'd missed you!!:)

Is it toasting's chucking it doon here!!:)I was able to walk the dugs this morning withoot being clad in weather gear however!! Could do with yer Californian sun!!:D

Melanie said...

I understand that....last nite I went outside thinking it felt oh so much was still's about 26C in the shade already!

I'm not sure about the rain all the time, either...I remember living back east and having to don all of your rain/cold weather gear during the winter...what a bother, plus the mud issues for an adult must be a nightmare...for a kid it was great, tho!! Mudpies galore!!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Aw well, who wants the Californian sun, gorgeous beaches, fantastic music, free love and Arnie....not me, that's for sure!!! I'm quite happy with rain, gales, bagpipes, Calvinst mindset and Wee Eck, thank you very mucho!!!:DDDD

Melanie said...

You forgot Mariachi bands, homeless people, and gangs!!!

the grass is greener only where it rains!!!

Peajay and I are planning a swapof you want to throw in, if so...what are you offering, AJ? ;)

Ps you can keep the Calvins, but I'll take the bagpipes (as long as the piper is cute) and some of that rain!! ;)))

AJ Fife said...

Oats!!!! Scott's Porridge Oats!!!

Melanie said...


Well, do you serve them with butter and brown sugar??

AJ Fife said...

A touch of salt and milk!!! We than leave what's left to set hard and use it as a type of biscuit later!!:))

I keep the biscuits tucked in ma sporran too!!!

Melanie said...

Oh, I see, the biscuit makes for a nice prop to hold doors open and such when needed!!! ;)

Melanie said...

Some American was giving a speech about how William would make such a wonderful king...blah blah!!! (on the Di concert article)
Ugh, esp when you think how the aristocrats came to power...there's nothing noble about it!!!

AJ Fife said...

Well said Melanie....a bunch of opportunistic chancers the lot of them!!! Luckily an ever increasing portion of the British public are questioning their worth - that wouldn't have happened 30-40 years ago!!!

Melanie said...

Thanks, AJ!

From what I've read and heard, the Queen Mum was a gem of a person, and I respect Queen Eliz as well. But overall, I do believe it's outdated, unless the 'figurehead' of it can be utilized for good purpose.
...funny grandmother saw I think it was Prince Edward?...the one who Argentina when he was on a visit there...she said her impression was that he was small, red faced and puffed up!! :))

talk with ya later!!! :)))

Melanie said...

AJ, you do realize that the Scots have invented yet another thing with the oat porridge biscuit!!! People pay a pretty penny for this type of snack at the health food store!!! :))

The salt and milk porridge version is good too esp on a cold rainy day!...but I may pass on the biscuit and stick with my Chocolate SoyProtein Energy bar!!! ;)))

hmmm, what else do you keep in that sporran of yours??!! ;DD

Peajay said...

You're asking for admittance to the inner sanctum that is 'The Sporran'! The second most private part of any male of the species. Most males have the 'man-bag' but a Scotsman has his Sporran and you know how precious some ladies handbags are, it works the same way. It contains the usual manly items such as Swiss Army Knife with lots of dinky, fiddly attachments, oatie bickie for nibbling later, essential prophylactic just in case something exciting happens, a skein dubh sharpener and a lip salve!! :D

Melanie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melanie said...

I was attempting some humour but the heat has gotten to me...didn't turn out as well as I thought after I reread it!! :))

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

Are ya two busy working??! :( :))

I think I've seriously wounded my laptop! :// It's Vista which I guess is a new windows program, and it doesn't always like other when I tried to load a simple music froze up :/ in case you don't hear from me, you'll know the SgtMjr's computer is busy

AJ Fife said...

Bad news indeed Melanie, hope ye get it fixed soon!!:)

Peajay said...

Hi Mel & AJ
Sorry about computing issues Melanie, have had problems with Vista ourselves. Typical Microsoft, make programs then expect all the other software developers to adapt their programs to match. Microsoft are already producing a Vista Service Pack so that shows there must be quite a few problems with it.
Having one of those days today, have had to go to bank & threaten to remove accounts if they don't sort themselves out. My aunt/godmother has just emailed me birthday greetings for March! Have also found out that Lara (new, old Labrador) is petrified of thunder. Have dosed her with Scullcap & Valerian, so she's now chillin'.

AJ Fife said...

Hi Peajay,

Luckily I'm not at the point of having to get Vista yet, but I believe it's a nightmare!!:(

So, is the "new old lab" a rescue job?

Peajay said...

Lara's more a retirement job. She's about 10yrs and has finished as a Gamekeeper's gundog and needed a good home with TLC. She has had a steadying influence on Murphy but also formed part of his pack (of 2) when they went to the kennels, hence his endeavour to kill the only other dog in the kennel with dangly bits.

Anonymous said...

Hi, back on the SgtMjr's computer for now, as I can...I might go buy a monitor for my old computer; I believe the tower is still functioning....but if I'm AWOL, you'll know why!! :)))

I may have to shell out for a new laptop, unless this one still has a warranty, we'll see :((

dog fights, computer crashes, unbelievable dysfunctional Vista...what's this world coming to??!! :/ :)))

Have a nice eve you two....Anna's probably drinking MaiTai's and wildy dancing in a conga line while wearing a brightly coloured sarong!!! :))

Peajay said...

Hi Melanie
If you're running Vista doesn't that mean the laptop is new-ish already. Can you do a system restore to get back to a time before you loaded the music program?

Melanie said...

Hi Peajay,

Yes, it is relatively new which is why I panicked! But, I was able to do the restore/reboot thingy and then download the upgrades and this other 'wizard' thingy...don't you like the names they give!! I guess this will help me to know which programs are compatible. I am so un-tech is pitiful!!

So, I'm sort of back on line, until I git maself in trouble, agin!! ;))

Thank you for the clues, Peajay!

Ps. funny that the techie guy that hangs oot 'roond here, didnae offer any clues!!! Must be busy with the office origami competitions!!! ;)))

Peajay said...

Thing is that the words 'techie guy', 'customer service' and 'help desk' are actually misnomers.
The clues only reflect knowledge gained through experience of computing catastrophies. :/

Melanie said...

too true too true, Peajay....I was just having some fun hoping he'd be around to fire back!! :))

I'm out to the store just now...tomorrow's Independence know, gotta celebrate gettin rid 'o that King George and his relatives!!! ;)))

Actually, I'm working tomorrow, so I want to get some things for the fam to BBQ...but I should be home in time for the fireworks and hopefully no fire engine sirens!! :D

Ps. thank you for the Scots dictionary!!! I'll keep it handy should a certain Shrek throw any words my way, or the Scots-speak goes wild on the Scotsman!!! ;))))

I'll be having a cool and refreshing willie-waught (in this case a cold beer) upon returning with my messages...tis currently only a cool 44C!!! :/ :)

Melanie said...

hello there!!

anyone about and posting?..I commented on the UK/men and women telephone talking(but it was in code)...and of course, SciTech/the dark chocolate article!

AJ Fife said...

Hi Mel and Peajay,

Not had a real chance today, but I posted something on a 4th July story about Major Ferguson and George Washington!! I thinks that's about it!!:))

Well done to Peajay for being a smarty pants with IT - I was just about to suggest those things!!:D

Peajay said...

Hi Melanie
How were the fireworks? I trust the old homestead is still standing. :/

Melanie said...

I'm melting, melting..... 47.5C in the shade and counting til peak hours!!! :(((

Only one sign of a brush fire that we could see in the distance...with sirens soon following...

a mellow eve for me as I was my 12 hour shift in the wellborn nursery, we had 14 admits that kept us busy with baths, sugar level checks and vital signs...the average for a shift is 10, and we were short a nurse! But it was fun to work with the pudgy healthy babies!! :))

Peajay said...

Glad it went off well with no major conflagrations. Did you draw the short straw to work on 4th?

Melanie said...

What section was the Ferguson Washington story in??
...might be interesting reading as Ferguson was at the Battle of Kings Mountain, where my Amer. grand's ancestors fought, for the other side, of course!! ;)))

Melanie said...

yep, short straw, but hopefully next year I'll have it off, and maybe we can go to the beach or something

Melanie said...

49.4C in the shade!!! Oh, but it's a dry heat!! :/
...actually I'm thankful for lack of high humidity at the moment...I'd be deid meat for sure!!

Peajay said...

We're 14 degrees in the rain!! Wimbledon is suffering from all this rain, this morning it was at 178 matches behind.

Melanie said...

AJ and TB should see my weather widget now....tiny shorts and a scantily clad bit of white shirt with a hippie peace sign, wow!!

I saw that it was raining your way...I'm sorry...seems we're both down with the weather!!! :)

My air is struggling to keep the house at 27C, but I am ever so thankful for it!!!

Peajay said...

I'm off to my bed now so g'nite Mel speak tomorrow if you've not melted. :)
I've posted some holiday photo's on my blog, see what you think.

Melanie said...

will do, Peajay!


Melanie said...

Anna, is once again in the Conga line dancing wildy to the beat of the drums, the lights of the cabana area brightly glowing...the rum flows freely...meanwhile, KK and Mr A are off snake, spider and frog hunting with the local tribesmen!! :))

Melanie said...

How was everyone's weekend??!!

Mine was busy...had to work, and layed low to beat the heat!! :))

We're having company over today and I'm working Tue/Wed...will try and check in with ya'll...leave a note if you've posted anywhere!

miss the chat!!! :D

Peajay said...

Hi Melanie
Just checkin' in to say hi. To much work not enough leisure/blog time is the trouble. Have a big two day fair coming up on the weekend so am feverishly producing extra stock. Will return when possible and when not too stressed.
Hope all are okay.

AJ Fife said...

Hi Guys,

Hope yer all well. I wonder if Anna will be back this week? I miss the auld duffer something terrible!!:D

Peajay said...

Hi all
Hope everyone's keeping well. It's become very quiet here which is starting to indicate that Anna's the cyber-chatterbox. Hope she's having a fab time. :D
Today has been Murphy knackers off day so he is a very poorly, sore boy who is still so drugged up he can barely walk straight. Hopefully this will aid all other problems. :/

Melanie said...

Hi Peajay,

I think busyness is just in the air at the moment!!! :))

Hopefully I'll be joining the mad posters on Thursday!!! Unfortunately, non-cyber reality has kept me otherwise engaged!

anna said...

Well hello all .... bronzed orientally aware, massaged, reflexoligied, rested, destressed, in love with the east, but hair a bit frizzy (sun & cholrine) and freckles abundant and multiplying daily..... has returned!! :D

Looks like you've been a bit quiet the last couple of days ....hope you're all OK :)) I've caught up on the chat a bit.... Melanie is hot and working hard, Peajay is cutting off dog's wotsits and feeling the cold (I was freezing at Heathrow last night!!) and AJ is tucking into the porridge reserves and other bits that he keeps in the vicinity of his sporran and decorating .... let me guess a new nursery!!! :D Hope things are going well with expectant babba AJ and mother!! :D

Well, what can I say guys, we had a great time!! I'll no doubt be boring you to death for weeks with my little ancedotes and references to it!!! The hotel was absolutely wonderful ... we had to keep pinching ourselves to believe:

a. it was real
b. it was so fabulous
c. it was so beautiful
d. the people were so friendly
e. the food was delish
f. the weather was great... not too hot, just right in fact, the humidity was a lot lower than I expected it to be.... sorry Mel!!

and of course

e. it was FREE!!!! :D .... FREE .... and we didn't have to pay for it ..... a Scotsman's dream AJ!! :D

Catch up with you all later I hope!!!

Mind you the journey was long and very tiring... and the return was delayed for 14 hours ... which was pretty awful.... but all in all despite the journey it was SO WORTH IT!!! :D

I have to say I now understand why our forefathers fell in love with the East... it is seductive!! :D

The Scots are right up there with the main road in the capital of Penang called Scotland Road and the great thing is that the locals had a vote about changing the names of 'British' roads to their own language and the voted against it..... they love the old names!!!

AJ Fife said...

Glad you had a great time Anna!!:) Bronzed to perfection I reckon!:))

Did KK have a good time - daft question I know!!:D

You haven't missed too much here, apart from Peajay castrating Murphy!!! Murphy is her Irish gardener!!:D

anna said...


KK had a brilliant time ... he spent hours in the swimming pool and palled up with a little girl from ... would you believe.. Aberdeen!! :D They got on really well together and have exchanged addresses.. so we have been teasing him about his holiday romance!! :D Her mum and dad were very nice too and they were out in Penang for 3 weeks .... lucky devils!! :D

We also went to local tourist places including a snake temple.. so KK had his photo taken with a python round his neck and 2 temple vipers on his head!! He thought he was IT... and is looking forward to showing the pictures to his mates :D

It was a really good holiday .. the best place we have ever stayed at.... so we are seriously thinking of saving up and going again next year. Although I've already got my mum entering as many competitions as possible!

We were lucky to get out of Heathrow before the security thing kicked off on the Saturday.. altho' we were delayed for a couple of hours on the ground because of security.... but not too bad considering what it got like later!

Glasgow was a bit of a shock ... I'll have to catch up on the old news reports ... as it was in the Malay papers but not as indepth as here obviously!

I bet the Scotsman was buzzing with it all.

We're all a bit whacked with the travelling and all.... but if I don't make it back much today.. I'll try and have a chat tomorrow :))

I've got a ton of washing to get done as well :(

Melanie said...

Anna!!!!! :DD

Your adventure sounds great!!!!!
...but,you failed to mention the conga lines fueled by rum??!!! ;))

So glad to have you back!!! and would love to hear the tidbits as they pop up!!!

AJ, can rest easier now, and start planning his future verbal sparring and teasing!! ;))

AJ Fife said...


Yes the Glasgow thing was rather unexpected...doctors too!!!! Right under the security radar, which makes it extremely worrying!!:( This is TB's legacy then!!:(((

The holiday sounds great, but what about the bingo and the slosh?

Wee KK's adventure sounds really cool - pythons!!!! His mates will be well impressed!!:D

So.......have you got any 'interesting' holiday snaps?

Melanie said...


Anna is on a direct mission requested by her blog pals to post photos as soon as the laundry is done and the sleep caught up on!!! :DD

AJ Fife said...

Yeah I know Melanie, but I'm talking about the 'special' snaps!!! Will she be brave enough to post those ones? ;) Y'know the bikini thong shots!!!;))

I always try and take a few, but Mrs AJ objects and says I should stop photographing other bathers, as it's not nice!!:D

Hopefully, MrA will have bagged a couple of beauties!!!:D

Melanie said...

I always can Look, you just can't Touch!!!

of course, Anna may have some great photos of guys in speedo bathing suits....any vacationing Rugby players, Anna??!!! ;)))

I hope Mrs AJ gives you a wonderful elbow in your side,'s great womanly medicine to keep her man's ambitions in their place!!! ;)))

AJ Fife said...


The trick is to pretend you're taking a photo of yer spouse, but actually get some top tottie in the background!! Every bloke does it!!:D


AJ Fife said...

Why is it, Anna appears and the converation goes straight to SEX!!!?:D

Melanie said...

Oh, every bloke does it now??!!!

Anna, get out yer frying pan...


With what we women have to deal with bearing your children, bringing them up, keeping your house; it's now wonder we're frazzled by forty....maybe the Amazon women had it right??!! ;DD

those buxom toned twenties don't even have a clue!!! I know I didn't!!! :DD

Melanie said...

Yes, why is that Anna!!!! And here I thought I was the trouble maker!!! I've actually been behaving as of late!!

Poor AJ, getting all wound up about photos of buxom blonde toned tanned twenty somethings!!!!

AJ Fife said...

Nag nag nag!!:D

AJ Fife said...

Didn't say they had to be twenty something....remember good tunes and auld fiddles!!:D

Melanie said...

so, would that be a reel or a slow aire??!! ;)))

AJ Fife said...

It all depends on fine tuning and the quality of the player!!;)

Melanie said...

was that a string pluck that I just heard??!! ;D

AJ Fife said...


You're stretching the boundaries of decency!! What will Peajay think?:)))

Do you know any pheasant pluckers?

Melanie said...

hmm, now I wonder, how did you know, that I know, a pheasant plucker, he's quite a pleasant one in fact! ;))

Melanie said...

Weeelll, with that....

hey, did you post anywhere today, AJ, gals??!!

You gonna be on later?!....I haven't been on the Scotsman for ages...
I'm hoping to add a tidbit or two later on your eve....

AJ Fife said...


I've only commented on a couple of really boring topics....nothing at all exciting! Hopefully I'll be back on this evening!!

See ya later!!

Melanie said...

Be safe gettin home, ya feisty Fifer!!

I'll keep an eye out for any late eve chatters!!! :DD

Melanie said...

The vid is after the James Bond fashion....but the song reminded me of how I pictured Anna feeling, even as she was doing her laundry today!!! :DD

anna said...

Thanks for that Melanie :))

Found this vid on You Tube of the resort where we've been forced to slum it for the last couple of weeks!! :D

Get doing those competitions people!!! :D

It really is as fab as it looks in this vid........just try and imagine the surf gently lapping the beach, the soft warm winds, the smell of spices in the air and the nicest, warmest and kindest of people and you'll be halfway to paradise...... ah... to be rich and able to live like this always!! :D

anna said...

Try this as the string broke in the middle:

AJ Fife said...


Did you manage to swipe loads of toiletries? They looked quite posh on the vid!!:D I also noticed a builders wheel barrow sitting in the middle of the beach!!!!Were the barrows laid on for the overly tipsy tourists from Cambridgeshire??:)))

Where are the competition forms?

anna said...

I think the barrow thing was a trishaw... there were a couple of them on the grass under the trees.... ornamental use only now!! :D

Err....yes a few of the toiletries did manage to find their way into my luggage!! :D Well, can't pass up a freebie... !

You're not going to believe this but I've just been sent a letter saying that I've won a weekend for 2 in Paris.... I swear I'm not making this up!!

I can't quite believe this myself... is there a competition God looking after me somewhere!

Seriously, though its a coach trip to Paris for 4 days (2 travelling, 2 full days).... so not as glam as Penang.... but heyho.. I'm going to check it out anyway!! :D

Btw: Just found out that some family friends from Lauder were waiting in the terminal at Glasgow when the Jeep came hurtling towards them! Their adult son had the prescence of mind to push his parents out of the way as they were quite close to the window.... but they didn't realise until much later that this wasn't an accident and they could all have been murdered.

They were going to Gran Canaria but have cancelled their holiday completely as they are a bit shaken up by it all. Lovely people ... and to think what could have happened to them... it makes me so bloody angry and sad that people like them have had this horror thrust under their noses...

AJ Fife said...


That's really too close to home!!:( What a state of affairs eh? Under constant threat travelling to your work, home or holiday!!!!:(( It makes me angry too!!! Can't believe all the guys worked for the NHS!!! I suppose it's the perfect cover, but luckily they were pretty amateurish in the execution of the attack!!

So...Paris awaits!!! The gods are smiling on you right enough!!:D

AJ Fife said...

Just added to the BBC Queen debate, with my own brand of anti-royal venom!!! Should provoke a reaction.....I hope!!:DDD

anna said...

I know I was horrified when I read that they were doctors..... what the hell is going on? How can people be so callous and evil... it is just beyond words.

I really am upset about these family friends of ours... they are the sort of people who go out of their way to be nice to others... make you so welcome in their home and I know it might sound like a cliche but they are such good people. I feel so sorry that this has shaken their lives up the way it has. They are my parent's age but they were sort of innocent because they always saw the best in people..... Real salt of the earth types.

Mind you when we were on holiday I was watching the BBC World News and KK heard about the attempted bombs in Britain... and he got a bit worried and said he didn't want to go home if people were going to try and kill him at the airport. That's what is so hard to take ... the loss of innocence.

Mr A and I are more hardened to it because of the RAF and the actions of the IRA against military targets .... but that's the kind of thing you expect in an armed service .... :(

Still we managed to reassure KK about things and I suppose they have to learn that there are bad people out there.

I've commented on the Harry Potter blog, Queen one and the Lockerbie one so far!!

AJ Fife said...

That's really sad about KK's realisation! Unfortunately, it won't get any better anytime soon.

I think the IRA were one thing, but these people are taking it to a different level!!! It's obvious these people are demented, but they're also educated!! How can can rational minded people turn to this extremism? I'm at a loss as to what makes these people tick!!!

Arte you defending Mrs King?...I'll have a wee look!!:)

anna said...

I know what you mean.... when you think about terrorists you think 'nutters' .... but then, you get a supposedly well educated man setting himself on fire outside an airport and it turns everything on its head.

I honestly don't see how we would ever get through to these people ... they are so extreme and it is scary that they are obviously infiltrating places like the police and intelligence services and hospitals.

There was a lot of stuff on TV in Penang about the Australian arrests and apparently the guy at Glasgow had applied for a job in Oz but was turned down because he wasn't qualified enough.... but got a job here!! This country is really scraping the bottom of the barrell now. The NHS will give any chancer a job as a doctor.... it used to be a respected profession but it has certainly had some bad press lately. So much for the Hippocratic oath!

"I will use my power to help the sick to the best of my ability and judgement; I will abstain from harming or wronging any man by it."

AJ Fife said...

It's scary when you think the damage that could be done in a hospital!!! Hopefully this is a lucky escape and the lessons will be learned!! I doubt it though, plus the extremists just wait for an opportunity in the years ahead - look at the twin towers, 1993 then 2001!!

Anyway, can't get many bites today, apart from you!!:D But you don't count, as you're in the 'know'!!:D

btw, did you do the slosh on holiday?

Anonymous said...

Good! a whirlwind of chat and here I was sleeping in!!

How are you?! Had to jump on the SgtMjr's computer while my laptop figures out that it needs to behave! ;) Actually it's just slow finding the internet....ugh, machines!! :D

anna said...

Do the slosh? Do you mean did I partake of a little booze?


G & T's of course, some cocktails - collecting the little brollies ... Long Island Tea ... now that was really potent .. I could hardly get off the bar stool after 2 of them!! :D Wine, the odd whisky just to keep in touch with my Celtic forbears, a bottle of champers on the last night because we had some 'funny foreign money' left over ... oh and a few Irish coffees...

But basically I was pretty T-total.... !! :D

As if!! :D

Anyway, you have to keep the body hydrated in hot countries... so it is practically medicinal to drink a lot!! :D

anna said...

Oh dear .... I seem to have upset Ashley Nicole Hilton...... :D

Is she for real or is someone taking the 'wee-wee'?

AJ Fife said...

Hi Mel,

Hope my wee Calif pal is well!:))


The slosh was a dance in the early 1970's - kind of like line dancing!!! Although it was more the Benidorm set that woul;d partake!!!:)) Ooooh, how snobby am I?

Glad to know you had a guid swally though!!:DD

Melanie said...

Saw you on the queen and harrypotter one, but am not awake enough to jump in, yet...where else are you posting!!!

all in all the chat is back, except where's Peajay....then we're all together, again!!! :DD

anna said...

Well, the slosh must have been before my time .. AJ!! :D

I've never been to Benidorm and call me a snob if you want... but I've no intention of going.

We had a week on mainland Spain a couple of years ago, just south of Barcelona... supposedly a 4 star hotel and it was awful!! So, I'm not going back there.... OK I am a bit of a snob!! :D

Hi Melanie...

Hope you're well .... I've only been back a day and some kid is yelling Freedom at me on a Harry Potter blog of all things and raving about William Wallace.

Btw AJ what is a Scaffy?

Melanie said...

per the Scots dictionary that Peajay sent me as a surprise!!!
...scaffie is a streetsweeper, refuse collector!!!


Melanie said...

Anna, yes it's good that you're back!!! :)))))

AJ Fife said...

That Ashley lass disnae like Anna wan wee bit!!:DD £24k a year too!!!:DDD

Melanie is correct in the scaffy definition!!:D

Melanie said...

thanks to AJ and Peajay,

I'll be 'speakin' Scots before ya know it....but careful, if I get tipsy at all, I may interject with some spanish, and maybe some german!!! ah, it so fun knowing smatterings of different languages!!! ;))

so, Anna Oakley is back in town, causen a ruckus!!!??!!! ;D

AJ Fife said...

I demand Peajay asks for her book back!! The Southern Belle canny start aw the Scottish nonsense!!:D

Ashley has apologised to Joanna!!!:D Hoorah!!

Melanie said...

don't worry, darlin, I've got enough drawl in me to sooth yer wounds plenty o' times ohvah (over)....I've been born and bred with it; there now, all better!!! ;))

AJ Fife said...

AAAAH, yes yes.....I like that very mucho!!:)

Melanie, do you waft a fan when you speak and glow a little?:))

Melanie said...

of course I glow, and the fan is only for when it's very hot, so hot, I can't even wear my flannel!!

AJ Fife said...

You can't even wear your flannel!!!!!! Wow...does that mean you traipse aboot the hoose in the scud?

Melanie said...

Well, as part of me has a hippie's penchant for life....that could be a possibility!! but alas, sensibility and modesty resume their gentle but firm hold on my life!!! ;))

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