was doing all of the tractor work, as well as helping with the rigging of the pulleys as he is quite familiar with ropes from his rock climbing experience.
Over these last five years, we have become good friends with Dr. Maureen Clemmons, and have continued in helping with the project. It is a fascinating concept! We are even more involved with the second documentary; my husband continuing with the ropework, building/carpentry, tractoring, and he has even been pulled in to help with the kite flying.
I fill in the gaps as a general field assistant, “girl-Friday”, and help moniter health issues re: heat, dehydration, etc.
We went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art last year with Dr. Clemmons to do some recon work. Although there are other riggers and knot/rope people on the crew, my husband and I are the only Rockclimbers, …we came across this picture and commented to Maureen that it looks like a man wearing a rockclimber’s harness and belaying something with his ropes (as in, maybe a kite/ pulley system connected to move stones) The team is still studying this and they are trying to get another trip scheduled to go back to the Met as well as to the museum in London. Dr. Clemmons has been to Egypt once already, and would love to make a return trip, but it has been postponed at this time.
If you’re curious, my hubby is the country boy in the brown over-alls. I, on the other hand, have the uncanny ability in avoiding the camara!! Let me know if you have any questions, but I think the following sites might help!
http://www.principlepictures.com/html/fpss.html (1st Documentary trailer)
http://www.principlepictures.com/html/wonders.html (2nd Documentary trailer)
http://www.archeologee.com/index.html (Maureen’s info site)
Over these last five years, we have become good friends with Dr. Maureen Clemmons, and have continued in helping with the project. It is a fascinating concept! We are even more involved with the second documentary; my husband continuing with the ropework, building/carpentry, tractoring, and he has even been pulled in to help with the kite flying.
I fill in the gaps as a general field assistant, “girl-Friday”, and help moniter health issues re: heat, dehydration, etc.
We went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art last year with Dr. Clemmons to do some recon work. Although there are other riggers and knot/rope people on the crew, my husband and I are the only Rockclimbers, …we came across this picture and commented to Maureen that it looks like a man wearing a rockclimber’s harness and belaying something with his ropes (as in, maybe a kite/ pulley system connected to move stones) The team is still studying this and they are trying to get another trip scheduled to go back to the Met as well as to the museum in London. Dr. Clemmons has been to Egypt once already, and would love to make a return trip, but it has been postponed at this time.
If you’re curious, my hubby is the country boy in the brown over-alls. I, on the other hand, have the uncanny ability in avoiding the camara!! Let me know if you have any questions, but I think the following sites might help!
http://www.principlepictures.com/html/fpss.html (1st Documentary trailer)
http://www.principlepictures.com/html/wonders.html (2nd Documentary trailer)
http://www.archeologee.com/index.html (Maureen’s info site)
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 1005 Newer› Newest»Peajay and Anna,
So what happens in the HP book - is Harry gay?
Oh...and a good morning to you all!!:D
Good afternoon AJ
HP book's very good but so far no sign of gayness. :D Sorry to disappoint.
Hi Peajay,
I read the last page this morning, so I know what doesn't happen!!!:D
I know....I'm a very very sad man!!!:)
Well.... sorry I've not been on all day... but I've been too busy reading the HP book!! :D
I've finished it... and I really enjoyed it... won't spoil it for you tho' in case you've not yet finished it (Peajay) or you're planning on reading it/them (AJ/Melanie)...
Must say I had a bit of a cry at a couple of points in the book... but that's me all over ..... I love a good sniffle!! :D
Anyway.. hope you're all well.... so far .. we've had a lot of rain but are still dry (if you know what I mean!)... the Nene hasn't burst its banks yet.... either! Altho' that is quite a way from where we live... it still wouldn't be nice if the flood barriers don't hold. Altho' the Nene here has a great deal of fen/flood plain round it... so there are places for the water to go.
Anyway.... wonder if we're ever going to see the sun again!.... My mad sister and family are going camping at the coast at the end of this week... she says if it gets rough they might book into a B & B!!!! Bonkers the lot of them!! :D :D
Hi Anna,
We've had the most beautiful day here, but a thunder storm is about to start!!! Bugger!!!
So what happens in the book? Who gets laid?!!:D
Stop boasting about the weather AJ........ we're getting it at the moment... but it changes like the weather :D :D
I'm not telling you what happens ... if you're that interested you'll have to read it yourself, wait for the film or pop onto one of the fan sites!! :D
How are you... hope your putting plenty of suncream on your heid!! :D
There you go lazybones (too tight to buy the book) AJ.... there's a precis of it on that site! :D
Don't look Peajay.... because it reveals all! :D
Hi AJ & Anna
I finished the book yesterday evening, it was very good, a real page turner. It must be a girlie thing but I had a bit of a sniffle in parts too. :)
Hope everyone's on top form today. We are having a brief spell of good weather today, at last. It's typical that it should happen when you have to spend the day inside. :/
I hope you two have recovered from bubbling over HP!!!:) Daft wifies, the pair of you!!:D
I see you're 'active' today on the flooding story - puting the boot into some bible basher!!!:D
Go girl go girl!!! woohoo!!!
Morning all.. :))
Sorry I wasn't about yesterday.. I get more time to post on here when I'm at work.... and KK is at school!!
Mind you, it was a nice day yesterday (for a change), so we had to get out and about and make the most of the summer.. I think that was it because its back to dreary today.
I've had a pop at a God-botherer on the flooding board. Some eejit saying that this is God's punishment on the English... what an imbecile! Do you think he is for real?
Anyway.... whatcha all up to ? :D
How spooky is that Anna?
Both 'active' at the same time!!!
Don't you just love the word 'active'!!!?:DD
Where didya go? You're gettin' as bad as Peajay!! You just drop in for a minute, show a bit of leg, then you clear off!!:DD
I trust you were not including me in that 'show a bit of leg' statement AJ. :D Where was your 'leg' yesterday? :D I was here all alone.
Didn't have time to display ma ham and eggs, although I did manage to irritate a few people on the Scotsman!!!!:)
I think Anna has fallen out with me!!:( We crossed swords on the main flood story!!!:)
How is wee Peajay anyway?
I wonder how the Melster is getting on?
Hi Peajay :))
AJ.. I haven't fallen out with you.... I think you're being a bit hard on people tho' and you must watch different news programmes to me. A lot of people are insured... but in the meantime and before the insurance pays out what do they do? Go without clean water and basic utilities? Some of the posters on there won't be happy until they see typhoid, cholera and all the plagues of Egypt rampaging across southern England.
That's what this all about really.... isn't it?
Its all very well for people to crow and be smug about others' misfortunes but none of know what's round the corner ... do we?
In any case just because you live in the south west or the Thames Valley it doesn't mean you're loaded. I bet there are plenty of people in Scotland with more money than some of the people in the news programme. There is plenty of money sloshing round Edinburgh for a start. :)
Anyway, I had to go out earlier which is why I haven't been back on!!
Hi Anna,
I wasn't gloating!!! I was having a pop at charities and the government!! I do sympathise with people who are badly effected, but, like you, I feel the damage caused could have been avoided.
I'm glad you still like me!!:D
PS - have you ever heard the saying about Edinburgers - "aw fur coat, nae knickers"!!!!
AJ.... you're right.... its not as if the Government haven't been warned before about building on the flood plains and putting too much concrete everywhere.... the water has nowhere to run off to. I can't understand people who don't carry insurance either it seems reckless and a bit mad.... but, in cases of real hardship the Govt should help out.
Anyway ... I'm still in your gang in the playground!! :D
I wonder how Melanie's getting on ? I bet she's rewritten civil war history, changed the result at Gettysburg and reinstalled a triumphant Confederate Government in Richmond, Virginia....... all to the tune of Dixie!! :D
Hi AJ & Anna, sorry I missed you earlier. I'm fine thank you AJ. How's yourself, you all seem in fine fettle. d(^_^)d
I can to a small degree see why people don't pay for insurance. I doubt many of those people would have foreseen these events in a million years, as such the most they probably thought they could lose would be a few items in a burglary maybe. Those things would be replaceable (because they couldn't live without TV & stereo) without claiming on an insurance. Therefore, the need to pay however much per annum is more often than not an expense to far for many struggling families.
Petition for you to sign... AJ, Peajay & Melanie... pass it on to friends too...
The local residents in the Surrey stockbroker belt around the military hospital of Headley Court are objecting to much needed improvements that SSAFA the service welfare organisation want to make...... so, loads of service people, ex service and like-minded civvies have signed it..... :))
Good..... apparently one of the objections was that there might be a terrorist attack in the area!! Tell that to the poor soldier lying in Basra waiting to have his leg amputated and recover at Headley Court!! Selfish pigs some people.
Right that's my rant over for today.... how is everyone?
Hi Anna
Thanks for posting the link, I signed up. It was a good rant. :D
Thanks Peajay... :))
How are you.... did you enjoy the HP book? I thought it was a good ending and I had a sniffle at the 'love story' represented by the silver doe .... that was really nice .... she's an old romantic at heart ...JK Rowling isn't she? :))
Have you seen film 5 yet? We went last week.. it was very good ... better than the book in fact..which I thought was a bit long and drawn out and the only book which didn't really 'work' for me.... altho' there were some good bits and the film has condensed the book and kept all those good bits :)
Agree with you about the insurance btw..... some people do have to prioritise and they do take the risk and not pay it.... a pensioner struggling on a small income having to pay high council tax and bills etc... might think that is a risk he/she has to take to survive. Insurance is v.expensive and will become more so in those areas hit by flooding.
Have you heard from Melanie ?
Anna & Peajay,
Good morning ladies, hope you are both well!! It's p'ing doon again up here!!!:)
I'll sign the petition Anna! How can people object to that??:( Beggars belief!!!
Summer is almost over, but we're, hopefully, still going camping in just over two weeks - what do you think the chances are?:D
So......Anna, I checked the list and only clocked two Joanna's, but no mental Ukrainian surnames, did you use your maiden name?:)
I don't know if my name has appeared on there yet... Mr A sent it to me this am... so I only signed it today!!!
I used my real name!! :D :D Whatever that is??? :))
But a Ukranian sounding name is a good bet :)) There's a Ukranian Olympic athlete with the same name as us!! Don't know if she's a long distance relation or not tho'... she's not a shotputter so ... I can't even compare moustaches with her!! :D :D
Thanks for signing petition!!
Its raining here again as well.... my sister and fam have gone camping on the North Norfolk coast today.... hope they packed their pacamacs!
Where are you going AJ? We've got a cottage in Cromer for the week after next... so hoping the weather will improve but ... I'm not counting on it! :(
Hmmmmmmmm, I noted a Joanna McLeod and a Joanna Ware!!! Not exactly Ukrainian sounding!!! I better have another look!!:)))
We're hopefully going to Northumberland, I want to stay near Lindisfarne and Bamborough ideally! Looks like a really interesting coastline - plenty of history and good beaches!! The first campsite I looked at seemed ok, until I read a couple of reviews!!!:(
There's time for the weather to sort itself oot!!! How optimistic is that?:D
Cromer looks like a fantastic place!:)
I really like the Northumbrian coast... Alnmouth has a very nice beach.... we spent a lovely day there a couple of years ago.... one of my aunties lives at Long Framlington and we were staying with her at the time. :))
My mother (as you know) is from Northumberland ... and she really missed it when she left to follow my Dad round the world (RAF was bigger then!!)..... but you can take the girl out of Northumberland but etc, etc... she's still a Geordie at heart!! I think they would have moved back there years ago.. but my Dad got work round here... and my sisters and their families settled round here ..... so they just ended up staying here..... but I know she still hankers after Northumberland and the hills .... God's own country ... she calls it!!!!
Mind you .... I like it there as well :))
We're really looking forward to our hols in Cromer.... we've been going there for the last few years.... this will be our third year at this particular cottage. Its nice ... Norfolk flint cottage... just 2 bedrooms but on one level... and set in the grounds of a big old house.. so there's green space around for KK :)) Its about 10 mins walk from the town centre one way and 10 mins along the cliff top from the seafront.... so we get plenty of exercise!! :D
Some pics of Cromer.....
Mr A and I started going here when we first got together ...so 20 odd years ago!! It hasn't really changed that much .. in the time.. its got a little bit bigger and the pier has been improved but on the whole its still very much the same nice seaside town that we first went to :))
Just got to say, that's the most romantic thing I've read in a long while - returning to the scene of yer first dirty weekend!!!!!:D
Good website for Cromer!:) Really tidy place!!
"Just got to say, that's the most romantic thing I've read in a long while - returning to the scene of yer first dirty weekend!!!!!:D "
Yeah..... he's a romantic auld divil really ... is Mr A!! No expense spared now... it used to be a B & B, then a caravan and now we've progressed to nice cottages!! :D :D
Mind you, we have stayed at the Cliftonville Hotel on that Cromer website... its a very nice place.... great food and very friendly people ... they like children as well which is always a bonus when you've got one!!! :D :D
Have a look at the aircraft carrier blog .. AJ.. someone on there is going on about the independent Scottish Air Force.... I think he's living in the past a bit .. if he thinks there is going to be that much to divide up!! :D
Whatcha think?
Do you hire a changing booth on the beach and wear knotted hankies? Does Mr A roll up his trousers and smoke a pipe?
It's funny the images that spring to mind, when you think of traditional British holidays!!:DD
Have to go, will you be 'active' tomorrow?!!!
Heard a rumour yesterday about tranche 4 & 5 redundancies, which will equate to 8000 bodies!!!!:(
You're right there'll be nothing left!!:(
Hopefully I will be 'active' tomorrow!!
KK is off to his Granny's tomorrow for the night.....he's already informed her that he wants fish and chips for his tea!!
Mind you if he asked for the moon on a stick she'd try and get it for him!! :D :D
Just asked Mr A about the next tranches.... he hasn't heard about those but said he wouldn't be surprised!! :(
No knotted hankies or changing booths for us.... its the tried and tested stiff upper lip thing of holding a towel up on a windy beach to get changed under!!!!
Well, that's what KK does anyway:))
We do eat fish and chips sitting on the pier, we also get excited about the rock pools and go crabbing off the end of the pier!! :D
Good grief AJ... I've just realised you're going to England for your hols!!!!
Don't forget your passport!! :D :D
You're braver than my cousin frae Lauder .. he's frightened to come down this way ... in case we kidnap him or something!!
Still, he's managed to struggle down here a few times ..... so I'll let him off!! :D :D
Hi Anna & AJ
Missed you again, you'd never believe I was in the same time zone would you? At least Melanie has an excuse. :D
I thought HP was an excellent book, I couldn't put it down (it's now in the hands of my Mum & meals indicate that she's enjoying it just as much!) What a revelation about Snape, so sad. As for JK, every last loose end was tied up.
Haven't heard from Melanie but she's in our thoughts.
Morning Peajay :))
Glad you enjoyed the book... :)) I'm re-reading No 6 now.... !!
So far this morn I've commented on the article about the Black Watch soldier killed.... but I'm only extending sympathy and publishing the petition!
Also, the article about the Hindu bull.... odd thing to worship but there you go .... each to their own I suppose! :))
I could understand, in a way, if it was a beautiful animal like a leopard, jaguar or panther but a bull!!! Strange! :D :D
AJ.... how are you? Don't worry if you need someone to vouch for you when you visit England for your hols..... just ask!! :D :D
Good idea!!! Maybe you could write a letter of introduction for me to show at the border and the owners of the campsite!!:DD
Hope everyone is well! Today is the day we get to choose the sex of junior mk2. Off to the hospital at mid-day!!!:DD So it's quite an exciting day!!!
I watched the bull on the news being taken away by the nasty govt officials!!!!
I think, if given a choice, I would like to worship a big cuddly Panda!!!
Hi AJ....
Good luck with the scan..... let us know how you get on!!
Hope everything goes well......:))
Yeah..... cuddly panda sounds nice :)
What about you Peajay? Any fave animal?
Actually I'd like a leopard as my patronus!! AJ can have a panda.... and Peajay and Melanie will have to let us know! :)
Patronus is a spirit protector in the form of an animal which fights off horrid baddies called Dementors in Harry Potter! Everyone produces their own individual Patronus! :))
I'd quite like my Patronus to be a Unicorn. It doesn't say they have to be real animals so as i'm more often than not 'away with the fairies' why not. :D
Great idea Peajay.... anyway they have a unicorn in HP 1 .... I know it gets killed by horrid auld Voldie .... but even so... all the best fantasy stories have unicorns!! :))
The Last Battle by C S Lewis .... which is the last book in the Narnia series had a unicorn called Jewel in it :))
So, I think a unicorn as a patronus is completely right :))
Funnily enough I don't like domestic cats that much .... but I do like leopards a lot ..... and to a lesser extent jaguars and panthers :)
I don't wear leopard skin clothes tho' a la Bet Lynch but I will confess to owning a leopard print scarf and a handbag..... however, I don't wear them at the same time!! :D :D
Hmmm, not sure about the leopard prints! I may think of you in a whole new light now. :D Thank you for the unicorn support, I claim that as my patronus then should any Dementors appear in Welwyn. :D
Hi all!
Well, I made it back home, and pretty much collapsed!! It was a good week though, all in all!
I have to work Sat, so I'll catch up with ya'll hopefully by Monday!!
Unicorns, pandas, leopards and what's baking in the oven?!
talk with ya soon! :D
Hi Melanie
Good to have you back. Hope all went well.
Welcome back Melanie..... we missed you ! :D
Hope you had a good time!! :)) Shame you had to return to work so quickly tho'!! Kinda spoils the holiday plus you don't get the chance to tell all to your cyber pals!! :D
Peajay.... how's it going? Whatcha been up to today? :)
AJ...how's everything? :)
I've been doing some gardening today..... the rain certainly makes things grow... and it has certainly revived some of the plants that I thought we might lose last year when it was so dry.... but.... boy do the weeds grow!! ? :(
So, I've been busy !!!
Mr A is off to Aldershot next week for a resettlement course .... then, he's got loads of leave... before he comes out of the RAF but, hopefully a job offer will come through otherwise, yours truly will have to get off her butt and 'get a proper job'!!!
I'm chilled tho' because I've been on the vino!!!
Hi all!
busy day at work, :/ :( ...you know, one of those full moon phenomena!!
so, I'm joining Anna in a glass of wine or three!! :) about 8hrs behind, tho!! :))
Well, I think I drove over the entire region of SE Pennsylvania and up into parts of NW NewJersey...to see family and historical sites!
The tween was encouraged to skip rocks in the creek, pick wild berries while out on a walk in the woods, and hiked thru his first cavern (guided tour). Unfortunately, he was 'bored' with Valley Forge and Gettysburg...but he made sure that I knew that he would love for me to take him on a tour of Normandy as he was much more interested in WWII!!!! Cheeky boy!! ;))
My time with my granddad went well, tho his body is failing, his mind is quite active. He tired very easily, so chats were kept short and just made over several days. I was concerned he would be worse off, and I suppose the shock of his decline was put off by my experience with working with the elderly on the wards. So, all in all, the visits were by far better than I thought! :) It will still be hard when the day comes, as I know, that you all know, and have experienced!
I'm glad to be back home with mah family, and with mah blog friends...
Anna, i didn't rewrite history, but I did buy a postcard with Robert E Lee and his horse, Traveler!! ;))
well, bye for now...can't wait to wade into some good craic!! :DD
Howdy to your Sunday!!!
here's some fun warm music in case your suffering a rainy day...
the sexy, sultry, spicy Cuban sounds from the Buena Vista Social Club...
Hi Melanie
I've not managed to get on here today.... been a bit busy !
Hope all are OK? :)
Any thoughts on what Patronus you'd like? How about a horse!! ? :))
Btw: KK has invaded my You Tube site and added loads of Lego Star Wars and Lego Harry Potter vids to my favourites...... they are nothing to do with me!! :))
Hi all
We have actually had a good day for weather (that makes 2 days running) completely against forecast so it's been nice.
I fear tomorrow will require another trip to the vet (last week Murphy snuffled something and spent the entire day sneezing so that meant a trip). This week he has come up in lumps & bumps, is very itchy scratchy and obviously allergic to something he had on his birthday on Friday. :/ I'm considering moving in or applying for a job.
Hope you've all had a good weekend.
Strange, my earlier post didn't make it thru, well, let's try again....
the horse sounds good Anna!
sorry about your canine catastrophy, part II!! :/ :)
Hi Peajay
Poor Murphy (great name btw!!) ... is he driving you mad? I bet the vet bills are getting expensive!!
Its no joke..... is it?
I'm up late tonight .... Mr A has gone off on his course for the week .... so I'm consoling myself with some vino..... I don't sleep very well when he's not around!! I can have a lie in tomorrow....:))
...... even tho' KK usually pops in to see me at about 7.00 am! We usually snooze off again.... gotta love summer holidays!! :D
My friend has just got a Border Terrier puppy ... I haven't seen it yet... but I'm sure its cute.... I'm intrigued to know how she'll cope with a dog... as she is v house proud... but has been persuaded by hubby and 2 sons to get one!! :D :D
Hi Anna,
sorry I missed you...was watching the movie 'Black Snake Moan' with Samuel Jackson and Christina Ricci. It's set in Mississippi, with blues music, and has a very good ending message although it is delivered in a raw, intensly emotional way. Not for children.
Well, I'll be joining you belatedly with vino...SgtMjr is working in Palm Springs, so I won't be sleeping well either!!
(maybe I'll join you for your early Monday morning!!!! ;)))
ha, Murphy, yes, good name!!!(sorry Peajay!! :D)
Where are you?
I saw you on the sprouts story... and you popped up, you wee firebrand, on the saltire story... I'm still on there... winding up a few folk!! :D :D
But, you've not been over here to say Hi... are you shy!!? :D :D
Playin' hard tae get Doll!!:)))
I've not had too many chances today, with Operation Bolt Hole (runway resurfacing), I seem to be swamped with people with nothing better to do!!!
Resettlement for Mr A beckons eh? Get him into a Civvy Airline £100k per year and holidays in Malaya will become routine!!!:D
Oops...that was me with a wee doubler!!! Clumsy big oaf!!!:D
Yes, that would be nice 100k...!!! :D :D
Not likely tho'! Mind you he has had 2 job offers so far.. and another one looks likely so .. he could be in the good position of being able to pick and choose a bit!
Op Bolthole... that takes me back!! :D
Any QRA scrambles to have a look at Ruskies today? Do they still have those?
They were up the other week, but it's very rare!! It happened at the same time as the 'fall oot' between Broon and Putin!!!
Is MrA excited about a new career? Was he in for 22? Nice wee pensions between you!! You guys must be worth a mint!!!:D
Mr A has done 25 and he is a Chf Tech (neither of us were officers... as if! :), so he ends up with a Flight Sergeant's pension.... which isn't bad at all!
I'm on a pension (Sergeant) as well and I got redundancy so we did OK out of it!
There you go... not a Sqn Ldr at all.. but you knew that anyway! :)
Hi all,
Anna, I was wondering if AJ was playing hard to get...was up earlier saw no action...so enjoyed a lil bit more zzzzz time!! ;))
busy Monday, AJ? Should we allow you that excuse, darlin?! ;DD
Well I'm relieved, didn't want to have spent the last 12 months chatting up an Officer!!:D
Sounds like MrA will get snapped up!! All the engineers seem to do pretty well once they leave and with the security of the pension, you can stay at the same income level without busting a gut!!!:)
I really did think you were both officers!! I had it in my head, you were a pers admin Flt Lt and MrA was a pilot(Sqn Ldr or above) on a Canberra, or something equally important!!:D
Just shows you how crap my 'hunches' are!!:D
Hi Mel, glad you're back safe and well!! Got to attend a meeting, but I'll be back before 5!!
I'm currently active on the Union Jack story!!
AJ... if I'd have been an officer I'd have been a bit more than a Flt Lt!! :D :D
Canberras have been out of service for yonks!! I'm sure I mentioned once that Mr A was aircraft electrical/flight systems... but maybe not!! Please keep up at the back!! :D :D
Actually, I was thinking about going for a commission but true love, real life and marriage changed my mind. Plus, I liked the RAF but I didn't want to LIVE it.. like some Rodneys seem to do! :D
Hi Melanie,
How's it going, recovered from you flight and trip?
I'll have to go and have a look at the horse thing you posted :))
Thanks, I'm pretty much recovered, trying to get back into things!! I enjoyed being back in the land of 'green', rolling hills, cornfields and streams!! :D
I've post on the whalemask story, and have been having fun reading ya'lls antics on the Saltire story....AJ, I agree with Anna, broccli is better than BSprouts!!
I might have missed that Anna, but you should be aware that a couple Canberras were still being used for surveillance purposes!! If they are out of service it was only a couple of years ago!!!:)) Keep up at the back!!!:D
You said MrA wouuld go off to strange places without telling you!!!! Hmmmmm, what a perfect excuse!!:DDD
That was when he was on Chinooks!! Now, they are strange, but he (typical bloke) liked working on them. That was when we were at Odiham (Odious!) ... I didn't like it there much.
The Chinook Squadron that Mr A worked on was a 'secret squirrel' one because of some army types (who dares wins!!) that they used to ferry about. Because the Chinooks are so big they take a few engineers along with them ... so, Mr A accrued a few flying hours that way! :))
The only 'interesting' RAF aircraft I have had a backseat trip in is the Harrier!! Very exciting ... but I did feel a bit queasy too, they can shift a bit! :D :D
Btw: How did the scan go... everything fine I hope? :))
Its another brilliant Eve-ism on the Saltire story :D :D :D :D
Methalions: I like the Rampt Loin!!!
Hi Anna,
thanks for drawing attention to that one....priceless!! And, so were the boy's responses!!! :D
I've answered you, btw, something harmless...I'm not sure I want to wade in on the flag discussion
answer me this....we here fly the National flag then underneath the State flag. Obviously Eng/Sco are separate countries...but wouldn't it be respectful to have the U.J. then either the Saltire/RLion or St. G. flying lower/under? Ok, enough silly questions from the Colonial! ;)
you won best joke of the day for the 'chip' reference!!
(that was funny! sorry, AJ)
I think they fly side by side Melanie... but I'm not 100% sure and the Union Flag is always on the left as you face them.
The City of London have their own flag which they fly with the Union Flag on big buildings like the Lord Mayor of London's palace etc.
The Queen has the Royal Standard flying on Buck House when she's at home (or wherever she happens to be). Never at half mast because it is always "The King/Queen is dead, Long Live the King/Queen".
That's why they allowed the Union Flag to fly at half mast on Buck House when Princess Diana died but the Royal Standard was flown at full mast.
To be honest, I think if people take it too seriously it gets a bit silly but heyho, there's some funny comments on that thread and a lot of it is good natured.:))
side by side was the second guess! :)
there have been some funny comments...Eve's still goin ta town, and now they've brought up the flag of the Confed and the kkk...
Poor Eve's getting her knickers in a twist ..wonder if she has a saltire embroidered on them :))
AM2 will demolish her but I don't think he's that cruel.
right Anna, I think most of the regular posters are sensitive to Eve...she is getting wound up, though!!
I wonder how old she is .. I'd say late teens, early twenties at the most.
No boyfriend and lives at home with parents, and her father is a hardline nationalist.
She certainly sees things in black and white ..or should that be blue and white? :))
I think AM2 will lay off her ... she is frustrating to argue with as she takes things very literally .... so most people give up in the end.
Well, the fact that she didn't supposedly 'get' the rampt loin says something
what can we add to spice things there?? ;)
Hi guys,
I think Eve is a very elaborate hoax!! Somebody somewhere is having a right old laugh being Eve!!:))) Jist a theory!!!:D
Thanks for asking about the scan - everything is just as it should be and we know the sex!!!!:0 But I aint tellin' nobody ever!!!!:D
Spice things up!!!! Jist be yersel....that'll be enough!!;)))
Pleased to hear it AJ... I was thinking about you all over the weekend..... not all the time, you understand, in a strange, obsessed stalkerish kind of a way.... just in a nice way!! :D :D
Some hospitals won't tell you what the sex is.... the one I was first scanned at wouldn't ..but we saw a little winkie .. so were pretty sure. :))
Do you really think Eve is a hoax... someone is very clever if so! :D
Aw, yer sweet ta say that AJ....but ah don't want Anna coughin and sputterin...so, I'll jest be on mah way to the flag story....
So, no loaded question when I've imbibed!!! It's a secret I tell you!!:D
So, you thought of any names yet AJ? ;))
that's a dare AJ, and you know it!!
"....but ah don't want Anna coughin and sputterin."
You're alright, Melanie, I find a swig of gin calms me down .... no problemo!! :D
Pink or blue paint for the nursery AJ? :D
Spike and Astrid were my personal favourites before the scan!!! Now only one is in the frame!!!:D
Well, at least we've established that its not twins!
That would have been a shock eh? :D
I think its blue..... because Spike was first ... Freudian slip!!:D
God, is it going to be like this for the next 4 months or so!!!!:)
Am no telling, and that's that!!!:D
you betcha, lad....we women are relentless as you well know....:)
Time to take the dugs oot and then ma beddybys, although I'll have a wee peak before I retire!!!
Right guys I'm off to bed..... day out tomorrow, with KK, if the weather's OK :)
So, speak to you soon :)
AJ... Blue! :D
nite Anna!!
talk with ya in a bit, AJ
Hi All!
I have to work today so will be away from the keyboard :(
Have a good day, will speak with ya tomorrow!! :D
Have a great day Melanie....missing you already!!!!:)
I'm gettin' good wi' the Americano lingo!!!
Hello hello....is anybody out there!!??
don't worry AJ, I've saved you from the crickets!! howdy!!
posting anywhere??
Hi Mel,
I've posted on the Scottish section £29 a day story and a couple of others on the UK section!!! I'm so far off topic, I can't remember what the stories are!!:D
cool, will have a look....
can't believe the recycled wedding rings....tacky, but figures for a science quack!! ;)
I'll jist grab the 900 whilst naebody is lookin'
Using old wedding rings is a step too far!!! Whotcha think?
It is entirely practical however!!!:DD
I was watching Coast last night and Cromer was highlighted quite extensively!!! I hope you caught the programme!!:)
Hi all
No... I missed that programme AJ ... shame I would have watched it with KK if I'd known about it!
Had a nice day out yesterday.. went to a working farm/animal place ... so KK enjoyed himself :)) I did too :))
Off to Cromer on Saturday morning... we'll go early ...try and beat the crowds because the weather has picked up here and the forecast is good for Sat... so the coast road will be tres busy!! :(
I haven't posted on the Scotsman today... can't find much interesting!! :))
AJ, I'll hopefully get my computer sorted, and be on again later....SgtMjr's commandiered his, and rightfully so, I suppose!!(I've just snuck on here for a minute!!)!! ;)
(if you go to his blog, you can see photos of my girls on thier camping acventure with dad!)
talk with ya soon!! :)
Hi Anna,
my vote too...blue...
thundershowers here today!! yippee!!!!! :DDDDD
used rings...tacky....surprised the exes were'nt in the wedding party too!!!! :(
I've posted on tescos...but that's it...oops...gotta go!!!.... men and their possessions, ...typing on what keyboard, honey ????!!! :D
Annybody here?? Well, the thundershowers were short lived, at least here....had wonderfully threatening rain clouds then about 5 drops...
let me know if yer gonna be around tonite!1 :)
Hi all!
this is morbid sort of, but part of history and therefore, interesting...
Hi Mel,
I liked that story - Scots in the 30 years war!! One of our local worthies (Leslie) was a Field Marshall in Gustav Adolfus' Swedish Army during the 30 years war!!! It was guys coming back from mainland Europe as seasoned professional soldiers that allowed the Covenanters to shape Scottish politics and religion and also sow the seeds for the eventual demise of Charles I!! There was a huge Scottish involvement, particularly on the protestant side.
Yeah, Cromer looks a really nice place, but you know that already!! I eventually booked our camping sojourn, we're going to North Berwick!!!!:)) Not very exciting, but we will be able to visit people when the heavens open!! My pal from Oban is now ma pal from Dunbar, so he's very close!! If I take binoculars, I'll be able to see my house across the Forth!!!:D
thought you might like the article, AJ!! :)
camping, eh!! sounds like fun! :)
posting anywhere?
Hi Mel,
Yeah on a few stories, such as the sexual harrassment story in the Scottish section!!!! Also a short piece on the public hangings in Iran - just wait till the neo-cons get wind of that one!!:D A few more, but again I can't remember which ones!!:\
How are you? Got yer waffles on yet?:D
I did like that story...ta very mucho!!:D
jest wakin up...need coffee before I can eat!
haven't posted anywheres yet...will see what trouble you've cooked up! ;)
that story is interesting....I love the DNA aspect, and it would be neat to see where the men came from. I'm enjoying the book, "How the Scots invented the World"...it's actually very interesting, have to finish that before I start on 'cousins' (the mercenary book reference, post #20 I think, sounds interesting)
just for fun...my uncle arranged for my dad's dad to have the DNA test...I don't quite understand all of the indicators...but I guess the main 24count or something matches were for Ireland and Denmark.
AJ, did you enjoy your morning tea break? ;)
your piece on the hangings sounded quite dignified and educated...you've a few bites, but nothing satisfactory.
so watcha gonna do on your camping trip, is it with a tent, a vehicle camper, or a cabin/bungalow. Are you bringing your deck of cards for some 'Texas holdem' by firelight?? Will there be plenty of day hikes? Are ya takin the Mish?
It's a tent job and indeed, The Mish will be there, creating total havoc!!!:D I'll take a BBQ, cards and my harmonica!!:D
Oh, yer brave to take the Mish, but then I've done tent and toddlers...worked out ok... :/
a rope tether works wonders, just make sure it's secure, or the rampaging toddler will be dragging the icebox over the rocks and up the tree, never mind the bears!! ;)))
so romantic fire, moonlight, and melodious harmonica ala AJ...
watcha gonna BBQ....potatoes, onions, spices wrapped in alum.,
beer chicken, qorn and veggie kebabs??!! (BBQ is a fav here)
All those things Mel, plus I'll go fishin' and catch me a whopper!!!:D
Got to go early tonight, but a'll be on later!!:))
bye AJ,
speak with ya later!! I should be around...
North Berwick... AJ? Tut tut, not brave enough to venture into England then? What happened to Northumberland?
Better still, how about North Norfolk.... lovely campsites! :))
Hi Melanie,
Been a bit too busy to post today.. I have more to do, for sure when KK is on hols and Mr A is away!! Plus going away at the end of the week.... ! :)) Still, I'll be with you in spirit if not in cyber body!! :D
I'll try and pop back later !:))
busy? what's that!! ;))
just in from the dreaded shopping....I have to deal with melting temps, but how do you all deal with the rain, and keeping your messages dry??!! :D
(I don't remember! :/) :)
hope yer eve's are going well!!
Hi all,
Quick hello.... before I take the dog to my mum's .... she's staying there for the week. We could take her to the cottage but she doesn't travel very well and can be a pain in the car, so ... she's going to my mum's for her hols!! :))
Anything interesting happening anywhere?
I've just posted on yesterday's UK politics election thread.... that idiotic Mona person, with the multiple personalities, is talking rubbish on there.
Hi Anna,
Mona might have multiple personalities, but you have multiple holidays!!!:D
I've been 'active' on the John Smeaton story and the new Scottish Labour leader story!! Both pretty boring inputs, but that's the way things are these days!!!:(
Are ya ready tae go Anna? Now I'm talkin' aboot the holiday you!!!!:D
Hey Anna,
I just poured a wee bit of petrol on the fire, with regards to your Mona debate!!!
She sounds like she has the mental age of 11!!!:D That's probably an insult to most 11 year olds!!:D
Hi all!!
Anna, wow, AJ's right, another travel adventure?!
no posting for me today, I'm off to work soon, :(
Hi Melanie,
Sorry I missed you last night!:( Have a great day!!!:)
btw does your eldest bear the closest resemblance to you? Nice photos!:)
Hi AJ,
Most people see the overall resemblance as being of me, but she has more dad's nose and colour of eye....
yep, I missed chatting with ya last nite...but at least my family got fed something freshly made... :D
Yer a guid mither, am sure!!!:)
You keep the clan well fed!!!
Thanks for the posts on the Mona story AJ :))
I was a bit bored today... so I've been playing with her... flexing my claws ...but she's a bit pathetic really! The bit about reporting me was classic ... my Dad's bigger than your Dad!!
Actually to people in Northumberland the rest of England are Southeners... and there's always been a dividing line between Durham people and Geordies.
So I'm right!! :D :D
Anyway, I've got a feeling that she is the same person as the one from the call centre ... Ashley or something!!
I'll go and have a look at what you've been up to!
Then, I'll have to go and pack!! :D
Where's the photos Melanie?
I enjoyed laying it on thick to mona!!!! What a tube!!:D
You'll find photos of Melanie's girls on TB's blogsite!!:)
I've just had a look at the photos... very good indeed .. they look like lovely girls.. Melanie:))
Must admit Mona is a bit too easy..... I've got a feeling tho' that he/she/it may be Scottish and just acts like an English idiot on the independence boards.. to cause a bit of ruckus!! :))
Anyway I'm going to have a quick squint at what else you've been up to!!
Do you think the grapes and canapes comments will get us banned ? :D :D
Well we've given them ammunition!!! The board will be closed in a few hours so maybe not!!!
Lets face it we could have been a lot worse!!:D
Got yer bucket and spade packed yet?
Bucket and spade packed and the rest of the stuff... except the food, although the gin, wine and beer have already been put in the boot!! Priorities!! :D :D
Looks like we've lost Mona... and found livilion ... and he wants to get serious!! EEK.... !! :D
I think Gordon B. might try an Oct election .. it makes sense .. because he is going down quite well in England at the moment!! Must be because everyone is so pleased to be rid of Phoney :))
I noticed livilion gettin' serious, but it did show how far off topic we were!!!:D
Good priorities btw!!!
If I was GB I would go for an early election - he has distanced himself from Blair and is returning to a less presidential style(which is going down well), plus he hasn't balls anything up yet!!!! Give him time tho'!!:)
KK will be beside himself!!! Sounds like a great life down there, he's a lucky boy!!! Will you be a grump when he's a teenager? I'm gonna be 60 when baby no2 is 16!!!!! Frightening thought!!!:D
I'm getting to be a bit of a grump now!! I know its hard to believe that but its true!! :D :D
When KK is 20 I'll be 58.... how out of touch am I going to be!! :D Mind you, I've got a feeling that Mr A might be worse than me.. men tend to get a bit set in their ways when they get older!! :D :D
Then, there's the father/son thing..... will you have that problem with Baby AJ 2 ? :))
Well, I suppose you'll be off home soon ... what happened to P.O.E.T.S day?
So, if you're not back on later (I might not be anyway).. I'll speak to you when I get back ... or you get back from your hols, hope you have a great time and the weather is good! When do you go?
Bye Melanie and Peajay.. speak to you soon .... take care :))
Hi all
Sorry I've missed you it's been one of those pop in and leave type weeks. I've been helping decorate the dining-room which has proved a mission. But it looks nice and now just requires a new carpet unfortunately then the sitting-room will need doing. (>_<)
Murphy has an allergy of unknown origin (at £104 it was expensively unknown) we have yet to obtain a urine sample from him. Please keep us in mind over the weekend chasing round the garden after a large, bouncy, chocy lab brandishing a very small bottle. :DD
Hope everyone's ok and hope Anna & AJ enjoy their repective hols and pray for no rain.
Thanks Peajay,
That's the trouble with decorating, it shows up the next room and the next and the next....!!
You should be finished by next April!!:D
Have a great time at Cromer..:)) Watch oot for Mr A's roving camera and make sure KK gets his, very large, quota of ice cream!!:))
btw, wouldn't get past the border guard withoot yer letter o' recommendation!!:D
Hi guys!!
Anna, I've got a new name for you....Galavantin Annie! ;DD
AJ, when do you leave? Have you got the flannel sorted? Don't forget the bugspray!! (and the stash of handy sweets for snacking)
Peajay, visions of urine collection in the summer moonlite..... ;))
ugh, I have painting to do as well...but I've been waiting for the SgtMjr to finish the drywall (in the kitchen)
Hi Melanie
I know, it's not exactly the way to spend your leisure time is it. Our dining room is now pale cream how about the drywall?
Well, the drywall in the kitchen is 'on the list'...but at least my dining room is done. Cream colour Venetian plaster with oak chair rail and a sort of burgundy colour underneath, and a 'fake' but looks real wood floor.
so, it's going to be quiet with ya'll busy this upcoming week....what's a girl to do??!! :D
Hi all!
busy weekend in progress, I see.
Had a family BBQ with bros and cousin driving in to see grandma who's here visiting from Fla.
(aachh, family visits!!! ;D)
talk with ya soon!!
AJ, when are you leaving??
Hi Melanie
Yours sounds busy too. :D
We've had mighty glorious weather this weekend at last. I'm not sure that AJ had it so good though.
Hope all are ok with you and yours.
Breaking News. 'Police are questioning the captain of a cargo vessel after it crashed into a North Sea gas platform.
The Jork struck the unmanned Viking Echo platform 40 miles north east of Cromer, Norfolk.
Could Anna be the cause of this incident? :DD
Maybe news got out that an auld gas bag was nearing Cromer, and the Captain got the wrang end o' the stick!!!:D
It's easy to see Anna aint here!!:DD
My hols don't start until next week, I was just essaying during the weekend and if I started the chat - nae work would've been done!!!:))) However, I'll be available for the normal fruity converation, as per usual today!!!:D
wow, gas bag, how kind?! ;)
....and I thought Galavantin Annie was a bit of a tease!!!
posting pundits anwhere you two??!
Hi Mel,
How are you?
I've posted acouple of things - bridge story and the BBC 6 o'clock news one!!
Hi AJ,
will check out the stories, I looked last nite, but nothing took my fancy....it's been slim pickins lately for some fun, at least for my late arrivals!!
Mel, it's the summer blues!! Everyone/thing is bored or boring!!!!:)) It's quiet at work today, no one to be seen!
great minds think alike!! ;D
I believe that's along the same lines as I told Canky (yes, I've emailed her thru youtube)
I can't wait for fall, the approaching holidays, the haggis hunt.... ;))
Ps, could you add one of those weather widgets to your blog, so I can see what's going on in Sconny Botland, or at least Fife??!
I'll see whit a can dae!!!!
good, glad tae hear yer seein tae things!!
time for my walk, you....be back within the hour....have ta keep fit and trim, ya know!!! :))
you gonna be on later??!! :))
I should be, but am a gonna be workin' again!!!! Yes siree!!!!
I didn't realise you worked AJ! :D
Aha......wee Peajay breezes in, and kicks AJ right in the doodaas!!!!
Sometimes it's like waiting for a Japanese Zero fighter...coming out of the sun and then......POW!!!!! Yer brown bread!!!:D
How is Peajay today?:)
she jest couldn't resist!!!!
ha! good wun cuz!
Peajay, where'd ya go??
See what I mean about Peajay...she just makes fleeting appearances and leaves us in a devastating state of flux!!!! I mean, for flux sake!!!!
yep, ah see what ya mean....
Hi AJ & Melanie
Sorry about that, I was called away before the state of flux occurred but I'm back now. :DD
yeh, but now it's Miller time, well at least fer AJ....I'll be here, around about, tho!! :)
Aah. Miller time is a good time. How's life in the heat cousin? I was very impressed by the girls blog entry on SgtMjr's. You are a family of deep thinkers.
Well, today it's not so bad, yet...there's a nice breeze. I'm still pining for Oct and the fall coolness...
Thankyou, the teen is an excellent writer, and oddly, it's due to blogging/role playing games that she's become so proficient. Dr D has a good grasp on written expression as well, and she's also dabbling in the cyber writing games.
Still workin on the tween, but his arm won't twist any higher!!...just kiddin!! He's a typical boy, and doesn't want to sit still unless it's for one of those Age of Kings conquering/building games.
Boy's will be..... :D There's a lifetime of writing stuff ahead why start before you need to. :D
It's cooled a bit here but yesterday was our hottest this year at 30 degrees. I know it's small fry to yours but we were pleased to see. There is many a puny white person now glowing and suffering as a result. :/
Oh, I understand the white skin...ugh, I usually have sunscreen or a lite long sleeve...my puir skin o' the isles! ;)) but, I'm probably an Indian compared to ya'll!! :DD
Please don't let the SgtMjr know he has a squaw at his beck and call it will only make him insufferable :D
gosh, you said that right!!! ;DDDDD
How did your weekend of family weekend go? I'm off to see my Mother on the 23rd for a few days so looking forward to that.
All in all it went well, the siblings just sort of hung out and tolerated the matriarchs!! ;)
(remember the movie YaYa Sisterhood...that's my mom and grandma) My grand has been here a few weeks and leaves today. I usually planned my visits late afternoon/eve...so I could drink!!! ;DD
my sis-in-laws were absent with leave; they're fun so I missed hanging out with them. The men, meanwhile, escaped out for a while to their cigars and beer and man-speak, leaving me with the matriarch sewing circle...I gave the SgtMjr the 'stink eye', but he redeemed himself and brought me back a bottle of merlot!!!! ;D
I hope your visit goes well. Take photos, and have a Guinness for me!!!! :D
Just the one Guinness? :DD
Well, wasn't sure if you were driving??! ;DD
but then if you figure you have one for me, the SgtMjr and the gang here...you're gonna be feelin pretty happy!!! ;D
fyi, there's some funny-ness going on, on the Scotsman with the condom article/health section
Found it and answered. I'm never one to hold back when plunging the lower levels. :DDDD
good one Peajay!!! Poor Charles is all flustered, me thinks!! ;D
Sorry I didn't mean to scare him away.
well, you know when we hens get together!! They don't stand a chance!! ;DD
A deadly combination I would say. :D
No doubt AJ is conveniently studying away and avoiding this conversation!!! ;DD
So watcha doin?!!
I've been loading some tunes on my MP3 so nothing special. Not on top form today as up at 4.45 to collect neighbour from airport. How about you?
Have you noticed that AJ often misses the really juicy conversations. :D
like I said, must be out of convenience, and fear!! ;DDD
ooh, early morning, not so fun...but very nice of you to do!
I have electricians here, 'cause I have only part power to the back of the house...hard to do laundry in the dark, had my flashlight/torch handy for a few days! And I have 6 kids playing havoc with my sanity!! ;DDD
6 kids? I thought you stopped at 3 or are you counting SgtMjr as 1 big kid therefore that equates to 3 extras? :DD
How did you come to be powerless?
Well the SgtMjr counts for about 5 if you were to add the energy needed to keep him/up with him!! ;)
have my 3, the nephew here and two play-friends here...they get too noisy and out into the heat they go...consequently, they're staying pretty quiet, actually!! :D I love threats, they work wonders when you can back them up!! hee hee!
Charles isn't as innocent as he plays, he mentioned your name and flavoured condoms in the same breath! ;))))
Whit? Juicy conversations? Of course I steer clear of vulgarity!!!!:D
steer clear??, why i figgurred you'd be smack dab in the center, AJ....
I had a wee look at the condom conversation, but decided it would get out of hand, very quickly, if I added my own peculiar slant!!!:D
now isn't that a loaded statement....
Mmmm. 'Peculiar slant!' You are able to cut straight to it AJ as always. :D
yes, our wonderful creative AJ!!! :DD
Off to bed now, g'nite all.
nite Peajay!
...artificial flavoring, Peajay?! ....classic!!!!!
Wotcha tryin' tae say?:D
"peculiar slant" isn't a hint to any strange quirk of my physiology!!:D
Well, I'll leave that confirmation to Mrs AJ, although I somehow doubt if we meet, I'll ask her to confirm!!!
Errr...yes, that's probably a good idea!!:)))
Good day!!
Well, I'm off to work for a half day but will be back for your eve if yer around!!
AJ, have no fear, I ain't gonna spill the beans with yer wife that you got a harem here!! ;DD
ciao!! :))
A harem!!! If only!!:D
and who will get the 1000?!!
yes, sweet dreams, AJ!!! ;DD
Peajay, I mentioned your squaw comment to the SgtMjr, and lo and behold, the muse descends and TB has another post on his blog, with a photo of one of our former abodes, albeit for about 8 months, in the younger, hippie days... :D
Well, the vote is in...Anna is definitely the chatterbox of the group, or should I say the chatter magnet...'course with Peajay working at the mo, and me sleepin, I'm glad you're not here, AJ, talkin to yourself!!!! ;DD
Hope yer all having a great day....will hopefully speak with ya tomorrow!! (another work/no computer day today) :/ :(
behave!!! ;DD
chirrup, chirrup, chirrup ,chirrup, chirrup, chirrup, chirrup, chirrup, chirrup, chirrup, chirrup, chirrup,..........
Hi Melane
Yes I've been working again, AJ's just doing his thing so it's has to be Anna that does all the talking. :D
I'm aiming to get the 1000 while everyone's in bed. :D
Could it be that the great Peajay swoops in and claims 1000 as her own? Yes I think it is. d(^_^)d
Congrats on the 1000 Peajay!! A remarkable achievement!!:D
Wotcha mean "AJ just doing his thing"?
It would seem Anna IS the catalyst for our cyber adventures!!! It's to do with being a bored hoosewife!!!:D
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