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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Quest for the Grail

Well, it would seem censorship is at hand, although we did stretch out of the 'realm of rules' a bit in search of the grail at the whirlpool. What pilgrim did we offend, I wonder? Are we barred forever from participating in our search for the grail at other places?? Let's hope not! Regardless, the whirlpool respite was some fun!; and, wonderful memories and chuckles shared by we who saw the humour of it!!! Friends are welcome here. Let freedom of speech abound!!!


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Anonymous said...

good morn!

too funny,'s a bit of the same here with the toys...of course, my excuse for an equine was to 'ride' with the kids!! ...which I do enjoy with my teen, the other two aren't all that intersted.

AJ, there's hope she'll be a tomboy, and not too much of a 'girlie girl' as my kids say!;)

Anonymous said...

Anna, hope your boy is feeling better, poor lil guy, lots of excitelment this weekend, no doubt!!

AJ, new boss, oooh, sorry...hopefully it's not one of those that has to go about leaving territory marks everywhere! ;))

didn't know Carnegie was from Fife...Capitalists aren't so bad if they keep a moral sense about them! ;))

"This, then, is held to be the duty of the man of wealth: first, to set an example of modest unostentatious living, shunning display; to provide moderately for the legitimate wants of those dependent upon him; and, after doing so, to consider all surplus revenues which come to him simply as trust funds which he is strictly bound as a matter of duty to administer in the manner which, in his judgment, is best calculated to produce the most beneficial results for the community.
-Andrew Carnegie, The Gospel of Wealth

Peajay said...

Hi All
Sorry to have missed you all yesterday, having the same problem as Anna's wee one (without the over-indulgence unfortunately) seems to be one thing after another at the moment.
Big 40 occurs next year so am obviously bracing myself to become a font of knowledge like AJ (Although if people are giving you their seat on the train AJ, you must be wearing very badly indeed for a 40+. In my experience you need to look halfway to the knackers yard to be granted a seat):P

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, poorly again - Peajay - there must be a lot of bugs flying about in your neck of the woods. I blame the warm weather.... its been a very balmy October and I'm still chasing flies out of the house.

So, you're the baby of the group - still in your late 30's. That makes Melanie and AJ the inbetweenies and me the old dear!! Oh well, that's life! :)

When I was at school I was always the youngest in the class because my birthday is August. Our school year runs from September to September, Melanie, don't know if it's the same in Calif?
But it looks like I'm the oldest one in this class.

I'm starting to think that we all sound a bit like films:

AJ has already confessed to being 'Shrek'!!
Melanie is definitely akin to 'Steel Magnolias' .
Peajay is 'Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe' Not sure about me - maybe an older version of a character in 'Pride and Prejudice'. Or possibly the stroppy bunny in Watership Down!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Peajay, sorry you're not feeling well!

Anna, school is Sept to June for our program, but some of the school systems have adopted various year-round calendars.

ghost pumpkins are supposedly white on the vine when matured...ours was picked early, I guess, it's a really wonderful pale blue

Well, Steel Magnolias...small town southern...considering a review I read mentioned the film as being..."good-natured, well-intended, and extremely entertaining"...I'll go with that!!;))

I'll admit to not being as familiar with the characters of P&P, and Watership Down...what was that female character opposite Sean Bean!?! wasn't that played by Joley Richardson! ;))
sorry, had to be a bit cheeky there..couldn't help meeself; I've actually not seen that movie...will have to rent it! :)

Anonymous said...

Anna, aye, there are a few more wrinkles, which can be interpreted as some laugh lines, and some wisdom lines....but the spirit is still we must not type-cast oorselves!! ;))

Anonymous said...

Hi AJ, was work manageable?? I hope you survived reasonably unscathed...I wasn't kidding about the 'marking territory''s no fun in a man's world, sometimes, I think. I hear stories of him inside's dealings with the hierarchy issues, etc

Anna, did you have trouble with your position, being female?? Obviously my position is a bit more 'type-cast' so I just have to deal with some of the doctors, but that's sometimes also cultural (Indians/Pakis)

have a nice eve, guys...hope the ailing ones are feeling a little better!! :))

will do my usual check back later, in case any of you are in the mood for a eve chat, or rant!! Him inside is off for another training (new position), so have some 'unusual' free time
...if not I'll see to a new book!! :))

Anonymous said...

What's the book Melanie? Did you manage to get Lady (or Woman) with the Alabaster Jar?

I'm reading a Minette Walters at the moment - she's a British crime writer - don't know if you've heard of her? The Sculptress, The Ice House, The Scold's Bridle are some of her earlier stuff.

Steel Magnolias - haven't you seen it? Lovely film - it features a young Julia Roberts, a dark haired older actress whose name I can't remember at the mo... who plays her mum and Dolly Parton. Basically, I think it's right on the button for you a soft, feminine, southern flower with a steely inside! If you get the chance try and see it - it's a girly tear jerker but a really good film too!! Dolly is brill in it too :)

Anonymous said...

Did I have any trouble with being a female in the RAF?

Well, the RAF did have a few chauvanists in it (and still does!) when I joined back in 1979 (age 18!!) women were paid less, were unarmed, had to leave if they got pregnant and were restricted on where they could go and what jobs they could do. All of that has changed and the only jobs women cannot do are, I think, RAF Regiment (basically, RAF soldiers) but that may have changed since I left.

However, I think if you want to look for discrimination or be offended by things that are said then you can be. Maybe I was lucky but I personally found some women much harder to work for than men. As for myself, I still stay in touch with a few of the people who I 'managed' and get invited to get togethers etc - so I hope that means that they thought I was OK at the time - otherwise they wouldn't bother with me now. :D

One of the most "sexually harassing" things I ever had said to me was by a male boss "In my office in 5 minutes, with your skirt over your arm"!! Well, I was only about 20 and I probably blushed for Britain but, some one, nowadays, would have had him up for harassment but I just laughed if off!! Even now, I still think it was funny and that it was meant as a joke..... at the time .... I think!! Mind you I never told the guy I was going out with at the time about it!! He might not have seen the funny side!:D

Anonymous said...

Sally Field,Dolly Parton,Shirley MacLaine,Daryl Hannah,Olympia Dukakis,Julia Roberts,Tom Skerritt,Sam Shepard

Thats the cast of Steel Magnolias... Sally Field is the dark haired mother that I was on about!

Peajay said...

Excellent choice of film, I agree with you, suits Melanie. A real 6 tissue weepie.

Anonymous said...

The Magdalene book is on order/waiting list...the English version; they asked if I wanted the spanish translation...I could've said something un-pc...but I shrugged it off and said I'd have a go at the spanish, which is also on order, but they have a copy it's espanol until the english version arrives..might be a fun challenge

...I don't mind being multi-cultural, but it really is getting pretty bad here,
...and, for AJ's sake...your right, a fence isn't the answer! ;)

I have two books to choose from, meanwhile...the thriller Ghost Dancer by John Case, and a historical novel, Duchess of Aquitaine by Margaret Ball

I did see the movie S.M. ages ago, yes a tear jerker; the older ladies were pretty funny though, a bit dramatic, but warm-hearted, none-the-less :)

Anonymous said...

Seems like you and I have got a similar taste in films, Peajay. I've seen Steel Magnolias a few times now - love it! I don't like weepies just for the sake of it ... I like them to have a good story and a bit about them as well.

Mind you, my husband laughs at me because he says I cry at anything: Amazing Grace, reading about awful things happening to children in the paper, a lot of the WW1 poetry, especially Seigfried Sassoon, the song "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" by Roberta Flack, the hymn Abide With Me, a particular paragraph in Grapes of Wrath and the tune of Nimrod..... to name but a few.

What makes you cry, Melanie and Peajay and even AJ - OK you don't have to cry AJ - what moves you is probably a better question?

Anonymous said...

thanks Peajay! ;))


I've always got on better with men as far as various work situations(excluding Paki doctors) be honest, most of my friends (pre-marriage)were men; I have some men friends now, that I ride horses with, and a few non-girlie girl women that I get along with. The nurses at work are for the most part ok,...some cattiness, but I ignore it..but I don't really socially mix with them..just not much in common

Peajay said...

More Sally Fields than Shirley MacLaine's "Weesa". ;))

Anonymous said...

I watch "chick flicks" as him inside calls them, on occasion...some of the overdramatic female stuff is just too much like my southern female "role-models" that I grew up with!! just too much sometimes!
(which probably influences my choice of female pals... balance of tomboy with feminine!!)

I understand about being moved to tears about things, though...esp involving children, lost lives of good people...seemingly needless loss of life, like in a war....

Movies with the Noble Warrior get me, actually...the guy who stands up for what's right, dies fighting to save his buddies/loved ones
...have you seen "The Last of the Mohicans", "Saving Private Ryan"?

The Sixth Sense was good too...the whole thing of people trying to connect,send a message/finish an important task etc, even from the grave, and then being able to say goodbye, finally...that should be a good one to dissect, AJ!! I'm sure there are lots of levels there!!

Anonymous said...

of course, there's fun Sci-fi nonsense like the Fifth Element!! :))

will have to look that character up, Peajay!! :)

Anonymous said...

Anna, have to agree with getting teary to certain songs, and yes i get teased by hubby!! Amazing Grace is one, every time!
(I'll admit,at the risk of sounding touristy, bagpipes is my favorite way to hear that song!!)

Peajay said...

I'm pretty much in agreement with all those that you listed. My movie list of weepies grows ever longer and includes Meet Joe Black, Pay It Forward, Field Of Dreams. Music is Joni Mitchell, Both Sides Now and the soundtracks to movies such as Saving Private Ryan and Schindlers List. I've just finished reading Marley & Me (about a labrador) which required a box of tissues.
I also like music which is uplifting, such as Aaron Copeland - Simple Gifts, Vivaldi - Concerto in D major RV 93. Music that you can almost feel.

Peajay said...

Have you heard Highland Cathedral, another excellent bagpipe rendition. We once went to see the Massed Pipes and Bands on Horseguards Parade beat Retreat, it was fantastic, also the Edinburgh Tattoo is a must see.

Anonymous said...

Can't get to the tattoo? Never mind, check it out on the web:

Quite a lot of these are audio, including Amazing Grace and Highland Cathedral...

Anonymous said...

As a child I went to see the film "Old Yellar" - its about a faithful labrador who gets rabies and has to be shot. Its a Disney film and I bawled my eyes out at it ... I think Old Yellar was the catalyst for me and I've never stopped crying at certain films/poetry/songs/music etc since.....

Still I guess its good to keep the eyes moist, occasionally, stops them drying out. Although I have to make sure I've got waterproof mascara on - if I start!! :))

Angela's Ashes was a good film/book. Nothing like a bit of grinding child poverty in Ireland to get the tears flowing! That one was at least half a box of Kleenex!!

Anonymous said...

The Edinburgh Tattoo is on the list as a possible some day, would love to come over, again, as I've said, but in reality, it probably won't be for a few years, have to save up me pennies!...will look at the site, tho, thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

When Idgy's brother gets his foot caught in the railway track in Fried Green Tomatoes and dies..... that really chokes you up.

Also, in The English Patient when he carries her up to the cave and can't get back in time and she dies. In fact the whole of that film its a good idea to have the box of tissues next to you.

Black Beauty as well - at the end when hes in the market - all broken down and ready for the knacker's yard and then he gets rescued.....

Also, Little Women when Beth dies .. even the most hard hearted person would feel a little moistness in the eye there, surely? Me I'm in bits everytime I see the film or read the book - for the umpteenth time!!

Oh and in Gone with the Wind when the remnants of the southern army protecting Atlanta march out to the tune of Dixie to face the might of Sherman's army. Wow - a box of tissues that one!

Any more?

Anonymous said...

perhaps it helps to keep us human/feeling connected to what's really important in a way...sorry if getting too philosophical can feel so disconnected sometimes with so many people being so busy, and so many 'problems'/news headlines

...with hubby out of town I've finally been able to rent Jules et Jim, Trainspotting, and a Czech film, hubby would think I've gone off the deep end...who are these people you're chatting with...I've also rented the Wicker Man!! ;))

Tears of the Sun
Dead Poet's Society

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the Wicker Man and Trainspotting, Melanie ... what polar opposite portrayals of Scotland those 2 are! :)

Well I'm off to bed now, hope not to get any interruptions tonight from my boy. I think he'll probably be staying off school tomorrow - he still seems a bit peaky - makes me think it could be a bug he picked up - rather than just excitement, too much junk/sweets at party!

Night, night!

Anonymous said...

g'nite!! :)

Anonymous said...

AJ, how was class tonight??

Perhaps from a man's point of "luckily" missed out on all this wonderfully fun female 'chatter'!! ;)

so, how's my friendly Ogre doing?! :))

Peajay said...

Dead Poets a definate yes, but not heard of the other one. They all sound a bit like 'wrist slashers' don't they? I'm like Anna, although I don't recall an 'Old Yeller' moment (Call of the Wild, was a very scary film from where I was sitting in the cinema and gave me nightmares) but I seem to have spent a vast amount on Kleenex. I have a friend who goes to the cinema and is captivated, so much so that she just never anticipates when something bad is going to happen. It's more scary going with her because she gets so jumpy. :D

Anonymous said...

Tears of the Sun is an action/adventure with Bruce Willis. It's set in a war-torn African country...with a doctor helping refugees and Willis' character needs to rescue her, only she won't leave her charges. It really brings to light some of the brutality there...and also the extent that there are people who really want to help, as well as the Africans really want a leader to help them live in peace/prosperity. Basic synopsis, with my sort of opinion, but it is a good, albeit violent movie

Peajay said...

Thanks, will look out for it. Not to sure about the grim, grinding emotion of Trainspotting etc. Prefer something a bit lighter. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

thought it might be easier to see the movie, then decide if I wanted to try and tackle the book!

my friend's son succumbed to heroin addiction, as well as I worked on a chemical dependancy unit for awhile... so I expect the grim, and understand to a point, the grittiness

(have something lighter lined up for afterwards, though...Speilberg's scary/funny "Monster House") :)

Peajay said...

Enjoy and good luck. d(-_^)b
I'm off to bed now, so speak tomorrow if you haven't succumbed to depression or fright (Ó_Ò)

Anonymous said...

nite nite! :)

AJ Fife said...

Looks like I picked a good time to go AWOL - Steel Magnolias yuuuuchhhh

Obviously I have a few things to address. First of all, I hope Anna's wee laddie and Peajay are feeling better!

Discrimination in the RAF - is quickly being eradicated, due to successful court cases in favour of the discriminated women. Court Martials also have been overturned on occasion, something that would never have happened in Anna's day!!;)

Crying at films - Bambi got me good and proper, when Mum was shot I apparantly threw myself on the floor of the aisle in the local cinema, screaming and bawling. Also Lassie Come Home hit the mark - there was a wee westie, who was Lassie's pal,that was killed by a baddie. Again this caused severe trauma in my life. Call of the Wild too, was deeply moving. I still like reading Jack London to this day - a real adventurer.

Funnily enough, I can't really recall being really upset about human tradegy (in the cinema format), although there are plenty real life issues that upset me. Probably the most upsetting was the Dunblane Primary school atrocity and the Jamie Bulger murder.

Enough of that stuff. Uni was good, but we didn't get our essay marks back - that's next week and the next essay is due in two weeks....yuuuch!!:(

Anna, have you read Birdsong, a First World War drama and love story?

AJ Fife said...

Melanie, your friendly Ogre is doing just fine.

The new boss seems to be a decent sort, but it's early days.

Are you holding a book and film festival in sunny Ca? I hope you enjoy Trainspotting - as always, the book is better than the film (in my opinion). As I said to Anna, you need to stick with it early doors, but you'll soon get used to the Author's style:)

Anonymous said...

Birdsong is a fabulous book - AJ - in fact it was that book that inspired me to research my great grandfather's service and death on the Western Front during WW1.

I enjoyed it so much that I wrote to Sebastian Faulks to tell him so - I've never written to any author before and I've read a lot of books. I got a lovely, handwritten, reply from him - which I keep in my copy of the book!

If they ever make the film - I really hope they don't spoil it. The prose in the book on the first day of the Somme is so rich and inspired.

If you enjoyed that - I think you'd enjoy 'A Very Long Engagement' as well by Sebastien Japrioset. Its about 5 French soldiers who are condemned to death for self-mutilation in 1917. Instead of facing the firing squad - they are sent over the top into 'no man's land' and are left to the mercy of the Germans. Excellent book and I've just watched the film - its all in French with English subtitles. My husband enjoyed it as well. Don't be put off by the cover of the book - it looks like a romance which it is but only in passing. There is a lot more to it than that and if anything it is more of a what happened to them mystery.

AJ Fife said...

Anna, thanks for the tip, that will be my next book!!!

I think it's great that you corresponded with Sebastion Faulks, that's something to cherish, not just you, but future generations of your family!!

Birdsong is a fantastic book, on many different levels. The manner in which he describes the period and the illicit affair/sex, plus the brutality of the War.

Another thing we have in common Anna!:D

Anonymous said...

Some other books which are on my reading list are the 'Regeneration' trilogy by Pat Barker. 'Regeneration', 'The Eye in the Door', 'The Ghost Road'. I was bought the trilogy as a present and I haven't got round to reading them yet .... but I will.
The first book is centred round a real life encounter between WHR Rivers an army psychologist and Seigfried Sassoon that occured at Craiglockhart in 1917. The book basically deals with the psychological trauma caused by the war and I think the other 2 are about the aftermath. They all got rave reviews and won the Booker in 1995. So should be a good read.

Blogged anything on the Scotsman today? I've made a couple of comments on the junk food thing - but they're a bit half hearted!!

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna,

That sounds interesting too, I seem to recall reading an article about Sassoon and Owen both recuperating in Craiglockhart. Did Owen do some of his most important writing there? My memory is shocking!!

I've commented on the Blair Global Warming scam!! Like you, I can't get excited!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you haven't commented on the Buckfast blog .... maybe you could give auld Mary fae Metilhil an outing on there. It might cheer up a grey afternoon. Well, its very grey here anyway... what's it like in Fife?

My boy is still off school, he has stopped being sick but is definitely not his usual energetic self. He's going to have to miss the Halloween party tonight but he doesn't seem bothered ..... which is not like him at all.

Anonymous said...

You are right about Owen being at Craiglockhart as well, apparently that is where he met Sassoon and they inspired one another. I found that out from this link which is quite interesting:

I like Owen as well: "Anthem for Doomed Youth" says so much about WW1 and brings home how young most of them were.

Anonymous said...

good morn!

well, my reading list has just increased! Anna, neat that you contacted the author and rec'd a letter back! Have you watched Disney's Beauty and the Beast...the beast gives Belle the extensive library in the castle as a gift...I always thought it would be fun to have a'reading/library' room! :)

AJ, glad all went well at work. I liked Trainspotting, I thought they did a great job balancing the tragedy with humour. Well, will be ordering the book. The nurses at work will just roll their eyes at my reading choices, as usual! They read People Mag and romance novels, for the most part! :)

AJ Fife said...

He might perk up at about half past three, if he doesn't, the poor wee lad is really not well. It's a lot to miss out on!

I studied Sassoon and Owen at school(many,many moons ago)and it was the only poetry that I really liked. There is another poet from Dundee, who was rated as an equal. There was an exhibition last year at the Uni, but his name escapes me. My memory is malfunctioning today!! I'll do a wee google search!

AJ Fife said...


Joseph Lee is the poet I was referring to. I don't know if you've heard of him, but I found him quite easy on google. I've only read a couple of his poems, I'll check him out in more detail!

Hi Melanie,

Top of the mornin' to ya! Wotcha munchin' this mornig - black coffee, bagels with roasted taters, cream cheese and ham?

The Buckie blog is tailor made for Mary fae Methilhill, as Methilhill is probably in the top 5 places for Buckie binges per head of capita!!

Anonymous said...

Anna, hope your boy is feelin better!

Made the kids waffles this morn, AJ...I'm still working on my coffee!

That whole Buckie thing reminds me of Boonesfarm Strawberry wine over ice, big in the midwest circa 1981! ;)) Of course, it wasn't taken to the extreme that it seems nowadays is the norm! Sad actually, but too early to dwell on such things!

Did you see the Blackbeard blog....A Scotsman had the honour of killing the rogue pirate!! Arrgghh!! :))

AJ Fife said...

Although the Scots have probably punched above their weight in shaping modern civilisation, we do claim to have done, been responsible for, colluded, controlled almost everthing in the world!!:D

The words salt,of and pinch spring to mind.

Anonymous said...

have to agree with you there, Scotsman!!

My neighbor gave me a book, "How the Scots invented the Modern World" Arthur Herman


AJ Fife said...

I tried out my haloween character on the Elephant mirror story in the science section!!

Anonymous said...

I'll have to have a look at your blogs and see what you've been up to.

My little 'un is asleep on the couch now ... its not like him at all. He's usually tearing about at this time of day. Probably, have to stay home tomorrow, but his granny will have to come over and look after him because I'm at college. They have a mutual adoration thing going on - so he'll be quite happy with her.

Anonymous said...

but AJ I thought you dislike the titled elite!! ;))

can you imagine people, standing around contemplating this kind of stuff!!??? My gosh!!!

AJ Fife said...

Your wee boy sounds really poorly Anna. Grannies have the knack of fixing things!!

Melanie, I don't believe what I see when I look in the mirror!!:D

Anonymous said...

Yes, grannies and home-made soup!!

AJ, could you possibly referring to the over-40 reflection??!! Remember, laugh lines, and 'experience miles' which create wisdom!!
Still, I bet you're not all that bad, Shrek!!

AJ Fife said...

Pretty bad Melanie, my photo on the mantlepiece, keeps the bairn away from the open fire! My mother used to feed me with a catapult!!:D

I am a bit like Dracula - I avoid mirrors at all costs, although shaving becomes a bit of a problem:D

Anonymous said...

Used to feed you with a catapult - brilliant - I'll have to remember that one :))

Anonymous said...

ach, but yer bein a modest laddie, now, me thinks! ;) Dinna matter wit ya look like, tho, frends is frends!! :)) long as yer wif likes yer looks is all thet matters!!! :))

Anonymous said...

...Used to feed you with a catapult - brilliant,
...Agree with you on that one, Anna!!
.....and the photo on the mantlepiece! I envision a green ogre, with a little girl shrieking in fright, like in Monsters Inc!!!

Anonymous said...

"I am a bit like Dracula - I avoid mirrors at all costs, although shaving becomes a bit of a problem"

AJ - do you have little dabs of loo paper all over your chin? You must be a sight for sore eyes!!

Me, obviously, I'm Joely Richardson with a touch of Nigella Lawson thrown in and I'm ever so modest with it!! ;))

Anonymous said...

Shrek and Joelyni,

have to be about the day...have a great All Hallows Eve, watch out for any Hooligans out to steal your candy!!

hope you lil' one is better soon, Anna

give the wee one a hug, AJ, she'll soon be old enough for tumchies and costumes!! ;))

AJ Fife said...


As Sean Connery (world's best actor cos he's Scottish)would say - "I'm a Shight for shore eyes"

AJ Fife said...

Have a good one Melanie:)))

AJ Fife said...

Anna, what a combination - stuffing a bird takes on a whole new meaning!!!:D

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're right about the Scots claiming to have invented everything ..... you just have to take a look at those teatowels that they sell in the tourist traps!

Sean Connery .... well, I always think of him as a bit of a 'professional Scotsman', if you know what I mean.

Mind you, he was still the best James Bond....:)

Peajay said...

What about George, he's so undervalued, after all he only killed 6 people in his film and he got married and widowed all in one go.

AJ Fife said...

Anna, I must appologise for my inappropriate tone - "stuffing the bird". This, was your fault, mentioning the twin goddesses, Nigella and Joely!! Total sex with a mouthwatering cookery aspect!!!:D

AJ Fife said...


Who's George? Or am I just being thick?

I suspect I am!!

Anonymous said...

your up late/early!!

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

I'm up late, but I'll have to go to bed in about 10mins.

How's your day Hen?

Anonymous said...

mighty fine, just finishing up with the kiddies' costumes and out the door they go!!!

Anonymous said...

why 10 minutes?? why not 12 or 13???;))

Anonymous said...

george something or other was one of the James Bonds, in only one film along with the actress who played Emma Peel in the Avengers

AJ Fife said...

On Her Majesty's Secret Service

Australian actor, whose name escapes me, no, I've remembered - George Lazenby!!!!

I remember the speeded up the action sequences and it's the only JB film that has a sad ending!!

2 mins left

Anonymous said...

you're too funny!!! Are you working tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

I started watching Wicker Man with the kids about today, should have read the small print!!! I shut it off quickly and will watch it later tonite!! :P

Anonymous said...

Well, the clock has struck, Cinderfella must have changed into a pumpkin!!! ;))

Good nite, then!?!

AJ Fife said...

Melanie, I'm sure I've mentioned Britt Ekland before!!

Trainspotting is a better option for the kids - well maybe not!!

Have a nice evening Doll!:)))

My time is up....gnite

Anonymous said...

g'nite!! thanks!!

AJ Fife said...

One day

we'll meet

and you will

run a mile!!

Anonymous said...

some how I doubt that!! :))

AJ Fife said...

No Melanie, you will run a mile:D

Anonymous said...

well, then, I dare you to send me a photo!!! :D my winery site has an e-mail!!!

AJ Fife said...

I'll think about that Mel, since it's haloween!!:D

Anonymous said...

I ain't no spring chicken either, lots of laugh lines, auld man!!!

How will I recognise you (and Anna) to share a pint or two!!

good glad you're thinkin on it! :)

AJ Fife said...

Maybe one day.....

Gnite Melanie, you make me laugh :))

Anonymous said...

hopefully I won't have to wait until the next holiday for you to decide...would that be St Andrews Day???

don't let this hen keep you up and cause dark circles! Will chat tomorrow!! :)

Anonymous said...

good morning all!

Anna,class today, right?

Peajay, how are you feeling?

AJ, were you back from a party last nite? Must be a busy day at work!

talk with ya'll later!?! :)

Anonymous said...

AJ saw you on the Eagles blog...what a Riot!!! :)))

Anna/Peajay...the boys were on a roll, pretty funny reading!

See you guys around, have to get at some errands, etc!!

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

Busy day at the work and on the Scotsman.
Last night was good, although I was knackered this morning. It's amazing what rubbish you post when you've had a drop of Bordeaux's finest Claret!!!

Anonymous said...

was wondering if you'd been tippin the bottle!! ;))

it was fun, tho, I thought maybe I'd scared you off about the photo

Anonymous said...

what's yer excuse this morn, ya feisy wee laddie...I saw some of your posts!! Were you a few of those pseudonyms, too??!!

you guys were too funny!! (eagle blog)

Anonymous said...

oops, should have been...feisty

AJ Fife said...

I'll build up to the photo Melanie. You may still be a psycho transvestite who lives round the corner from me :D

I was just AJ on the National Bird Blog.

A shite hawk is a very contemptous person! My original suggestions regarding the use of this bird were scrubbed by the moderator. I think I'm a marked man!!:))

How are you?

Anna's at college - she'll have something to say!!!:D

Anonymous said...

glad you caught me still at my're right Anna would have made a great impact on the er, um, discussion! It would have been fun to see her wit at work!!

You've done pretty well, yourself...I about fell out of the chair when you mentioned certain career girls from Leith!! :))

Anonymous said...

ok, about the had me worried, tho, I thought...maybe he does 'ave a green complexion!! ;)

Ps, the winery people will vouch that I am who I say I am!! If that relieves yer troubles...btb, it could still be that way for me, maybe you really are a Corbett, and AJ is your pseudonym!! ;))

AJ Fife said...

Seigfried didn't respond to that!!:)

I'm waiting to snatch the 300th post!!

What is to become of me?!!!:0

AJ Fife said...

I pretty sure we are who we say we are!!!:D At least I know I am me!!!!


Anonymous said...

well, AJ, you won't worry me if you start talking to yourself, it's just the part when you start answering yourself back!! ;))
...just kiddin!

AJ Fife said...

Who's gonna get 900??

AJ Fife said...

On you go Lady Mel......take the 900

Anonymous said...

AJ, couldn't help myself, there!!

are you off to pick up the wee one soon?

Anonymous said...

your such a gentleman, stepping aside for the 900, thank you! :)

ok AJ, I'm blushing again, about the shag..., hiccup, stag, oh I mean, sea-bird! :)) That was Lanna making that comment, anyway, I just forgot to change the name!!
(ah didnae know aboot the seabird!)

:] :P :))

what will Anna/Peajay think??!!

AJ, what was JG/Steve on about the startled stag?? ...deer in headlights??...after the stag/shag, er, um,...well, let's just say I dinnae want tae ask!! :]

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

Do you think the bird blog got out of hand Melanie?

It was the best yet for a bit of shameless fun!!:D

Are you still there?

Anonymous said...

hi I'm here getting absolutely Nothing done!!

Anonymous said...

the eagle blog was absolutely hysterical!...I dinnae know that some of those strait-laced guys JG, Dave, had that humour!!

so, is the startle stag, a naughty comment...I don't need to know the details!!

AJ Fife said...

Melanie, like you I'm not sure about the startled shag ref - can't work it out!

I'll try to be slightly more serious tomorrow......probably not tho'!!:D

Anonymous said...

AJ, you do both quite well, so serious or sarcastically silly, either is okay with me!! :))

Anonymous said...

AJ, if you're turning in early that means I can get some work done around here!!!, although it will be tempting to cont. on with the bird blog as long as it keeps the energy ... ;)

not chasing you away, tho

Anna and Peajay will certainly have a fun read later!!

Anonymous said...

ah well, not enough continued banter on the bird blog to justify my "wasting" time :))

sleep well, all! talk wi'ya later!

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

I've got 22 mins before I go to bed. I'm having one last childish run on the bird blog.

btw, I reckon Anna's kept out of all this, as she realises we are really mad!!:D

Anonymous said...

will go look, what have you been up to??!!

Anonymous said...

we have gone mad!! AJ you joined forces with Doreen??? and then the gentleman from Fife let's her have the 500! :))

Anna, don't be frightened off! ;)) We're a safe kind of mad...well, at least I'm speaking for myself! ;))

AJ Fife said...

Well Melanie, that's my lot. You enjoy the rest of your day:))

Anonymous said...

unless, that 500 was by accidental loss!!;)

I left a g'nite to some of the posters and a thanks for the chuckles
...that was a bit of fun!


AJ Fife said...

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all well on this cold, but beautiful day!

Anna, we miss your humour and cheek!!:)

Peajay said...

Enjoyed your banter from yesterday on the Shite Hawks but thought the Midges should have won really after all they're what leaves a lasting reminder of Scotland.

You let that Doreen win didn't you?

Feeling better but have been so busy had no time for joining in, sorry. Keep up the good work.

AJ Fife said...

Hi Peajay, hope you are on the mend - it's the changing of the clocks that does it!

AJ Fife said...

Didn't let that Doreen win, she is obviously talented and nimble fingered.

Anonymous said...

good morning, slept in a bit!

Peajay, glad your feeling better...Midges...small biting insects or something...worse than mosquitos?
Something to look forward to on my Highland walking tour!! :))

is Anna still AWOL?!? :(

AJ, have your typing fingers recovered!! :) posting anywhere? off to read today's stories, and a visit to the eagle one...with my coffee in hand!!

AJ Fife said...

Melanie the bird blog is approaching the 600 and the animal testing is coming up for 200!!:D

Nurse Melanie, is this obsessive compulsive disorder?

Anonymous said...

o-c disorder is too strong...dare I say perhaps, mid-life crisis and resorting to childish pursuits??!!!

it's just plain oldfashioned balance the have-to responsibilities!! :)))

Anna, it's not your wee one keepin you away? I hope he's not still ailin??!!

AJ Fife said...

Right Melanie, that's enough of the number hunting!

Got to go shortly - I didn't really torture a cat!!

AJ Fife said...

Good observation Melanie. I hope things are okay Anna:)

Anonymous said...

I thought the cat thing was for effect! :) I hoped!! :( ;) :)

will see ya around if you want to chat, understand if it's fam time!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

Well, I've managed to crawl off my sick bed to talk to you!! Yes, the whole family succumbed to the nasty bug - it was some sort of gastric flu - I think. Anyway, other half has been off work for 2 days and we have all been lying about under duvets:(

But, the good news is that the boy went back to school today and we are feeling a little less feeble!

Seems, like I missed a good blog on the bird thing - Typical - I'll have a look what you've been up to. Hope you haven't got yourself banned for being naughty!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna!! Sorry, you too!! I have to admit to being a bit off myself with a mild fever and sore throat, not enough, mind you to keep me from blogging, or schooling the wee ones, but enough that I have to stay away from the preemies at work! Well, hot tea around for all of us!

AJ, I went back to look at the Buckie blog...what is your, and your wife's stance on helping the youth with clubs and such...I know we've talked a bit on this before;...there was some fangs and claws coming out in the there a high rate of underage drinkers in Sco as compared to Eng, Ire, US??

If you know? Just curious, it's definitely different now, than it was when we were youngsters!!
I actually think clubs and re-direction education (away from trouble and towards positive pursuits) is a good idea....but kids need something to look forward to!! I met a youth worker from Blackpool, she said the depressed economy, and a high rate of pakis competing for jobs, benefits etc (if I understood her correctly), limits on fishing industry...made for a large group of hopeless adults, and kids running amuck!

Sorry, bit of a heavy subject, but I can't let you all think I'm just a shallow flutter-about all the time!!! ;))

Anonymous said...

Anna, good for you, saw your post, you must be feelin better!! :))

have forgotten the origen/meaning of the tea towel to enlighten me?!?

have you read the eagle blog yet!!
I think the golden eagle is a great symbol, but I think Scotland has some great symbols already that establish a strong identity!
...not the kilt, AJ ;))
...although it does make for some enhancement to the term eye-candy, right Anna!!! :))

Anonymous said...

Melanie, I've just been called a bitch by Douglas on the animals blog. What a baby!!

But I've been defended by Janis and ST .... Janis is an old pal from other blogs but ST is a new one!!

The tea towels are something that is sold in the tourist traps in Scotland basically listing everything the Scots have invented and ending with Whae's like us? My brother in law from Glasgow had one that he used to get out when he'd had a few and was feeling sentimental about his 'hameland'. Most Scots that I know find them a bit embarrassing like the Brigadoon image of Scotland, unless they're in their cups of course!!

Anonymous said...

what, up from your sickbed and at battle already!!??!! must have Viking blood in you, Anna!!!

will have to have a look! I remember Janis from early on- August blogs, she's in the health profession, also.

I figured the teatowels was a touristy thing, but still, am ever the curious one! ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh I think I've got 2 more champions - Melanie .... now all I need is AJ riding to the rescue like the good old cavalry at the end of the epic western film and I'll be totally chuffed!! ;)

I can feel myself coming over all weak and feminine.... perhaps, I am still a bit poorly!! Either that or the illness has affected my brain cells.

Anonymous said...

Anna, I was just reading from the start, my Doreen had a go at you, too, early on...will have to finish reading, but heard your post click onto here

... AJ, where are you!!! It's your chivalrous duty to rescue fair Joelyni!!!

as far as animal teen and I were just discussing it actually, she has a paper to write for health class

Anonymous said...

Melanie - I didn't make that early post - that was another Joanna from Scotland I presume.... How dare she use my name?

I didn't get onto the board until this (our) evening..

Anonymous said...

right, sorry, was reading too fast, just scanning with kiddie and hubby interruptions...well, hubby's off to work, late shift tonight, and kids are to there schoolwork

...tim tae put me feet oop an read a guid book, seeins how am under the weather and all, ya'll!! ;)) wait, was that pseudo-scot speak mixed with losin ma mind!! ;)

well, let's see how long I can stay away from ma keyboard!! :))

Anonymous said...

Anna, I had to go back (to defend you, too!!)...did you see that Steve put a link, as a joke, for a teatowel cyberstore!!! Ok, I'll have a closer look, see which one is ma fav...come on, you have to put in your vote!! :)) You too, Peajay!! AJ, it's a girl thing, you may abstain!!! :))

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Melanie, I owe you one... I'll have to look at Steve's teatowel link!!

Off to bed now - speak 2moro, hopefully :))

Anonymous said...

Did you see all those tea towels? I never realised they did so many - you could decorate your whole kitchen with them!! :)

I wonder if AJ has them all over his walls? The Declaration of Arbroath above the bed, maybe?

That's what you call kitsch... fab..

Nite Nite!

Anonymous said...

sorry, Anna, was away from the desk...yes, quite a display!!

Hard to pick a fav, but I'd have to say the Wildflowers... OK, your turn...Gosh, am I really discussing tea towels?!? ;))

See, AJ, there are other childish things to be compulsive about!! :)

Anna, AJ probably has some fab piece of modern art hanging above his bed!! Although, knowin the female species, he probably didnae hav a choice as tae wot went there!! :))

have a good sleep all!

Peajay said...

Morning all,
I checked out the Tartan Tea Towels and I'd have to say Amazing Grace with the Piper is a firm fav as I had one just like it in my youth. :) It's followed by the Clan Map so that I could look up my Grandfather (Lola's hubby) as he was Clan Sinclair and had a kilt to match.

AJ Fife said...

Good Morning All,

Peajay, I used to have a clan map - Lord Lyon of Scotland - and it always had pride of place in my bedroom. I may add this was in the formative years. However it was replaced by a big poster of a female tennis player scratching her bum!!:)

The tea towel thing IS a Scottish obsession, I remember my Mum sending Kenneth McKellar records, Scottish calendars and Rabbie Burns tea towels to her sister. This happened every year.

Melanie, the underage drinking problem is massive in Scotland. The problem being the parents have no control (or don't care) coupled with greedy retailers, who have no qualms selling to minors. My wife has reported individual shops in the past.

I do take this topic seriously, however please disregard Corbie's Scottish Cousin's remarks in the current debate!

Anna, glad you're better and back on form. I couldn't come to your assistance last night, I was watching Sixth Sense for the Uni course. Yes, it must be the best module ever in the history of modules!!:D

You certainly don't need me to protect you Anna. You seem to have the measure of most people;)

I must say the last couple of days have been fun, but the one that got me - was the chap calling you a bitch!!! I really laughed out loud!!:D

See ya'll (is that better Mel?)

Anonymous said...

Thanks AJ - for your support - not - Mind you I think you're right - if I can handle a wee boy like Douglas then, I'd best retire from the blogs!!

Me a bitch....? How could he say that...? Mind you, I was going to stay on topic and make a comment about animal testing on female dogs but didn't want a hammering from Doreen for appearing to support vivisection!!

You've got to laugh tho' haven't you!!

Fave teatowel? - well, it has to be the inventions one - it brill and in second place the wee black and white dugs 'cos one of them is bound to be a bitch!

Peajay I used to have a little Scottie doll in a plastic tube - he was fab. I had a little black, African one as well also in a tube.

Any good blogs to 'get my teeth' into, today, AJ?

Anonymous said...

That should read if I can't handle a wee boy like Douglas etc.....

Anonymous said...

I see Douglas's post has been removed - I didn't complain about it btw...

Having just reread my bit about wanting support I realised that I must have been more feeble last night than I realised. That's what illness does to you!! Hopefully back on form today! ;)

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna,

Nothing really to report yet, although I've posted on the drinking and fish blogs.

Have you spotted anything pal?:)

Anonymous said...

I've rumbled the 'strange punctuation' guy on the Israeli gay march blog .... He's pretending to be gay but I can always spot his strange grammar a mile off. Someone else has had a pop at him on one of the other blogs - the kids drinking one! Does the fish one have potential?

Anonymous said...

Melanie - I still think that AJ has the Declaration of Arbroath stuck on his bedroom ceiling. These words alone are enough to make any red blooded Scotsman rise to the occasion:

"For so long as a hundred of us remain alive. We never will in any degree be subject to the Dominion of the English. Since it is not for glory, riches or honour we fight, but for liberty alone which no good man loses but with his life"

Admit it AJ - you have haven't you?

AJ Fife said...

Well Anna, at my age ye need a wee haund up! (or so to speak!!:))

Strangely enough, I was discussing the prospect of reaching 60 today - I'll need liquid viagra attached to a drip!!

The fish blog could get interesting, infact, I've just lowered the tone a minute or two ago!!:D

Anonymous said...

Haven't had time to look at the fish blog, yet. I'll zoom over in a minute....... I've answered old Corby on the gay blog - very funny!!

Getting to 60 - don't say that - I seem to be zooming towards it. Is it me or has this year gone really fast?

Anonymous said...

I seem to be zooming a lot - it must be my word today - maybe I'm just trying to sound young!!

AJ Fife said...

Och Anna, jist slap some of the Birmingham bought make-up on, and you'll look a million dollars Hen!

Corbie might even spare you a glance, if he ever stops travelling the world!!:D

I know, I'm losing it again!!:|

Melanie, are you having a lie in?

Anonymous said...

Melanie - are you a bit poorly? Get well soon if you are... :)

AJ - I'll take your advice and shove a bit more pan stik and lippie oan!!

Anonymous said...

good morn

feeling better, just trying to 'sleep' away this fever/sorethroat thing...

am off to read-on what you've been up too!! :)

AJ Fife said...

Jeezo, I'll be next at this rate - it must be cyber flu or something!!:)

Anonymous said...

Maybe its a virus ...... being transmitted by the 'puters!! You are now entering the twilight zone! Cue scary music ......(Ó_Ò)

Just borrowed Peajay's scary face

AJ Fife said...

Startin' take become lethargic........can't's going dark__________________________

AJ Fife said...

I off for the weekend now.......feel better already.......gotta pick up 'the girl'

Anna, I notice you refer to your wee pride and joy, as 'the boy' - this can't be right surely!?!

See ya!!:D

Anonymous said...

Ooh sorry AJ ... I mean 'my boy' of course. Because I don't use his name its a bit hard to know how to refer to him and other half. Who, btw, would not like being called other half or hubby 'in real life' but my husband sounds a bit like the Queen. Altho' I know I am a bit uppercrust - I'm not quite that posh. :))

Anonymous said...

what have I missed?? sorry, couldna even get tae the readin!! had to see the Sgt Mjr off to work, then had a phone conference with the teen's 'home room' teacher!!

Anonymous said...

AJ, have a great weekend...and have a blast on the the scary tour adventure!!!

Happy Birthday!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Ann/Peajay, I have to get on with school and domestic stuff...but I will be around to chat on and off, if you feel called to the keyboard!!! :))

my reading/posting will have to wait today!:(

Anonymous said...

Oh yes ..... Happy Birthday AJ and enjoy your scary trip .... hope the bogeyman (or woman) doesn't get you! Or, maybe it would be the 'icing on the cake' if they did!!

Hi, Melanie .... hope to chat maybe over weekend - I've got a hair appointment booked tomorrow - but not much else on!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna, my tween has a football match tomorrow, and as I've been 'under the weather' I will probably be taking it easy this undertaking any equine adventures! :(

so, I will be around!! :))

No doubt AJ will have some grand stories to tell when he returns from the scare tour!! and, talk about aging...ooh, don't want to ruin me day!!! funny about the medicinal drip, though!!

Peajay/Anna..yes, maybe I've caught yer cyber-flu!! and no fair, you had second picks on the tea towels!!! I'll have a look, again, must have a second, also then!!!

Well, am off with the still wee one and her violin/fiddle lessons...must have music lessons,you know!! it's so posh!!
(just kiddin, my lil one has talent, so we'll see what she does with it in the long run!!)

AJ Fife said...

Anna, I think it's conclusive, Doreen is Horrible Cankers!

This is a quick window of opportunity for me on the board tonight. I overdid the Corbett thing completely on the Missile throwing blog:(

So I'll bid you goodnight, pretty lady!:))

Are you having a perm or just a cut? What do you get for £80?

Anonymous said...

I'm having my highlights and roots done tomorrow AJ and a cut.....

I don't think anyone under 65 has a perm nowadays..... I've got all that and a blue rinse to look forward to in a few year's time!!

Doreen is definitely Horrible Cankers ..... did you have to ask her what a gammy is? She's going to reply and I'm not sure that I want to read the answer!! :))

Anonymous said...

just back in, sorry I missed you!!

well, looks like some interesting reading for me, if I ever get to it...ugh,...darn these responsibilities that keep the keyboard at bay...

...did you see on the eagles blog that I had the honour?? ;)) ...of being lumped in with the guys/lads....and something about..." murder of craws " I even want to know!!

Anonymous said...

AJ, when is the tour, Sat?? Was looking forward to some Friday banter, so sorry I missed you!!:((

Have a great weekend!!; Do you get a birthday cake??!! :))

Anonymous said...

Hi Melanie

Crikey AJ .... you backed off old Corby - pretty damm quick on the kid's missile blog didn't you? Graceful retreat and apology by the old dinosaur if I may say so. What's wrong with him? Mind you, they are pretty serious on there ... it sounds like there are the same sort of probs in Scotland as we have in many parts of England.

I think a bit more of a visible police prescence would help - in our small town the police station is closed at night and weekends.... you know the times when all the problems happen!! Bloody penny pinching government - they all have their security paid for by us on their gaffs don't they?

Anonymous said...

will have to demand a minute from my schedule to see what the uproar is!!! :)) Away, children!! off to your is I go!! :))

Anonymous said...

A gallant recovery and withdrawal, Corbett!! Is that the same Arthur from the Eagle story?? Ah well, must be serious concern to him, as it is to all of us!!

Good post, as AJ, though;...unfortunately, until it is in the "interest" of the politicians, it seems, nothing will happen!! Similiar, here of course...same with you, Anna, it seems!!

google: Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department VIDA Program's an excellent program that's backed by our Sheriff... involving deputies, youth workers/probation officers, counselors, and civilian volunteers that targets family dynamics and re-direction...I wonder if your areas have something similiar??

The youthworker from Blackpool was interested, but said funding/convincing the powers that be might be a problem.

Again, very sorry I missed ya'll. I feel I've played phone message-machine tag or something!! :((

The last few days have just been too much fun!!! :))

Have a good sleep, will meet up later!!

Anonymous said...

AJ .... I've found the perfect birthday present for you, on that teatowel can get these as well:

"Musical Kilt Bottle Cover
A well designed kilted bottle cover that has the added bonus of playing "Scotland The Brave" when the sporran is pressed.Made to fit a full size bottle of your favourite brand. "

This is not a joke - you really can get these - fantastic aren't they?

What a great website - you can get balloons with Scottish flags on them as well - who buys this stuff?

Caught up yet Melanie?

Anonymous said...

missed your post, trying to read as fast as I can!! what, a musical bottle for the sporran??!!!

too funny, I want one!! :)) It would be a great gift for my very witty ex-pat friend, he would think it a hoot!!!

no doubt, Americans, Anna, who else...yea, I said it!!! ;))

Anonymous said...

I tell you what, Melanie, that stuff makes my little Scottie doll in a tube look like old hat! There's a whole industry devoted to tartan tat now - fantastic. You can even get tartan earrings - no doubt with your own clan on - or if you haven't got one "No problem, sir/madam we'll invent a tartan for you".

I remember I used to have a little snow dome of Edinburgh Castle with a little Scottish soldier in it. I wonder what happened to that?

Anyway, its not a patch on what you can get today....! :D

Anonymous said...

You would not believe what I've seen at some of the Highland games I've been to!!! What is sold, worn, etc....I would love to go to a real one, someday!!

My ex-pat friends just laugh, only one is Scottish, but she was raised in Harlow

Anonymous said...

Right, my Brit grands used to get me all kinds of stuff...they didnae want me too American!! :))

Anonymous said...

My favorites are the tartan lambswool scarves, I love the different tartan colors, patterns...saves me from the wind out here, I'm not much fond of hats and regular scarves are too boring!!

I'll admit to having some hereditary clan stuff, but not too much, like I've seen it here, anyway. :))

Anonymous said...

I wear a lot of scarves, Melanie, but I don't have a tartan one. I do have a bit of a thing about scarves tho' ... long ones, patterned ones, the odd silk one, devore ones, sparkly ones. Yep, I do have a fair few scarves!! Maybe I just don't like my neck! ;)

Anonymous said...

nah it's not the neck, scarves are just really feminine!!! My friend brought me back one from Afghanistan, silk, beautiful!!

I have a cashmere blackwatch tartan scarf...made in Germany!!!
And, I have a silk with something else, teal green, beautiful pattern

I like them for just around the neck; and, as I said, kind of up and around the head, neck...

oohh, more girl-speak, AJ's 'lucky', again!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I think that's me turning in for the night..
I've decided to reread Pride and Prejudice so I'm off to bed with Mr Darcy.... ;))

Have you read it, Melanie or Peajay?

Anonymous said...

not in a while, It's on the list!!!

g'nite :))

Ps..."throwing toys out of the pram"...had a laugh with that new scot-speak!! I love the wit!!

Peajay said...

Good choice Anna, but which Mr Darcy, Colin Firth or Matthew Macfadden, are you to bed with? ;)

I'm off to bed too but with Classic FM for the first 20 minutes by the time it shuts off I should be in the land of nod until 6am when it switches back on with something rousing (waking up to the 1812 is not fun).

G'nite all.

Anonymous said...

Peajay, waking to bursts of 'cannon fire', ooohh, your a tough one there!!

I just wake up to Los Angeles traffic news!!! Reminds me why I like living up here in the high desert, instead!!! :))

good nite!!

Anonymous said...

"See ya'll (is that better Mel?)"

yes, AJ!! :))

please prompt me as you see fit with my attempt at scots/scots's fun to 'speak' in dialects, but I want to get it right!! :))

talk with ya later!

Anonymous said...

Quick hello to all - hope to speak later....

Peajay - it has to be Colin Firth, of course ..... the definitive Mr Darcy.... for me, anyway ;)) Who could ever forget him striding up the road after his dip in the lake? Phwoar!!

How about you?

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna, how's your day been?? Did you get to be pampered a bit at the salon!? :) It looks like you and I are the ones "holding the fort" today, Peajay may try to join in, but she's busy with craft fairs this weekend. And, we know what AJ is up to!!

Anna, about your police force, is there no putting pressure on the city/district politicians to get more coverage in the needed hours??

By law here, the citizens get 24/7 coverage...although, the Sheriff's Dept is working on a thin line, so to speak!

One time the politicians said they were going to cut the Sheriff's budget, he said ok, I won't have enough to manage the jails, so it will be early release for the inmates...needless to say he got all of his money!

Your policies on home defence are different, too, I think; and I think...we've kind of had this conversation, before!! :)) I'm not a gunslinger!! ;))

So, is Colin in the recent P&P film?? Wow, I need to get out more, what have I missed!! :)

talk with ya later!!

Anonymous said...

I think our police forces operate quite a bit differently to the US. Its quite a quiet place where I live but we do have a few problems with underage drinking etc in the market square at weekends. I think the parish council has been applying a bit of pressure on the Chief Constable of the county etc, recently and things seem to be much better now.

Colin Firth played Mr Darcy in the BBC adaptation of P & P - I don't know whether you would see that or not. I thought it was much better in all ways to the recent film with Keira Knightly and Matthew MacFadden.

Yes, thanks hair is looking a bit more presentable now !! :))

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree about the differences in police operations...although, I've heard some of the UK's police force are carrying weapons, now...sad, that it's needed!!

I'm getting together with my friends tonight, will have to put that topic up for the "discussion" the group tonight will be some of my ex-pat's so fun, they've totally embraced Western Americana...down to the cowboy boots, horses, and country music :))

We get the BBC, but I think it's the "American" version, will keep a look out though...I haven't seen the other film, obviously!

Anonymous said...

I had a look at the tea towel site, again...I thought the inventions tea towel showed some wit...put me down for that as my second!! ;)

...couldn't find the musical flask cover-thing...but did you see the Scottie covered umbrella??!! I like dogs, but ....I think it's all been taken way too an extreme to make a buck/dollar/Pfennig/pound/pence/
peso, etc!! :)

Well, time for soccer/football..have a nice eve, if I miss you later!

Anonymous said...

Hi Melanie

Agree with you about the Scottie brolly - that is a bit too kitsch!!

Western Americana sounds like fun - I think I would quite enjoy that as well.

Re: the police and weapons, I don't think the average copper carries weapons certainly not in rural areas like this one. But, there are armed police in London and the other major cities in the UK, and they tend to be called in when there is an armed crime. Altho' I know that there are more at airports and other places with the upswing in the security state now.

Anyway there are lots of bangs going on outside at the moment as the UK is fireworks mad this weekend, as it is Guy Fawkes night tomorrow!

I've just been out to watch them with my 2 fellas and it is really cold out there tonight. I think we'll have a frost later.

Enjoy your evening - it must be interesting and fun having an expat get together!! :D

Peajay said...

Good evening all,
It's like living in the Gaza Strip at the moment with fireworks going off all round, Murphy is so not happy and he's had a herbal sedative. He was away in a Guy Fawkes free zone last year so hasn't really experienced all out warfare.
Craft fair went well-ish today (I did at least stay all day) but people just aren't going to these sorts of events and those that do bother tend to be pensioners with a limited income.
I was in two minds about Colin Firth as I'm quite keen on Matthew, until I saw him in the flesh so to speak (I had parked in Park Lane underground car park and he was filming there, swoon, swoon!

Only a few specialist members of our police force carry guns although they are very evident at the airports etc. However one main difference with our police force is their inability to aim a gun to injure as opposed to murder. It's a little thing but a fairly important one if you happen to be out carrying a table leg or look a little bit Moslem/Brazilian. But that's alright 'cos they're doing it for our safety! Ooh, I'm clearly not in a PC mood tonight. ;)

Anonymous said...

so, are all the fireworks about the non-pc revolutionaries or the fact that they were foiled in their attempt!!?? ;)) Either way, a good excuse for a party!!! :)

Anna, I really think you would like western americana!! You strike me as the Annie Oakley type...shootin 'em fast and straight from the hip!!! :)))

Peajay, non-pc welcome here!! I only know briefly of those incidents, it would be interesting to read the reports, not to put the incidents lightly; these things are sad always in any case!

When the 'bad guy' is 'dispatched to a higher court' here, I'm speaking from deputy friends' reliable accounts... it's been as a last resort, and it was a really bad dude who wouldn't surrender! My deputy friends say it's always hard, though, the thought of taking a life

Sorry, this is on my mind, a dep. friend just had to kill a badguy, after the badguy shot him in the chest...luckily the bullet was stopped by his vest! When all's said and done, I'm cheering for the copper's team to get home safe at night!!

On a lighter note, my ex-pat friends are all well-traveled and usually have interesting perspectives on things, so I really enjoy the discourse...much like here!!! :))

Have a great eve, ya'll, will catch up later!!

Talking Bear said...

as a Ps. to the badguy thing...I suppose that's one reason I want to be more involved in working with youth-at-risk...trying to intervene before they head down that path.

The training I had in East LA was with the Pacific Institute, out of Seattle, Wash. They've been a part of the peace negotiations in N. Ire and in S Africa. Currently they're helping with a program called Better LA. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before?? It's something I'm thinking of getting more involved in after I retire from nursing, and my kids are older. Anyway, now you know somethin more about me!

Anonymous said...

oops, forgot to change the name,
that was me using other half's computer!

Peajay said...

I agree wholeheartedly that such force is deemed necessary at certain times, however an element of 'gung-ho' appears to have crept into this country. One case which I was speaking of involves the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes who was a Brazilian living in the Tulse Hill area of London. Menezes was shot six or seven times in the head on a busy tube train at Stockwell station by unnamed Metropolitan Police officers. Police later issued an apology, saying that they had mistaken him for a suspect in the previous day's failed bombings and acknowledging that Menezes in fact had no explosives, did not attempt to run away and was unconnected with the attempted bombings. The same officers shot and killed an armed robber this week. I don't understand at what point these officers endeavour to shoot to wound as opposed shoot to kill.

Peajay said...

Off to bed now, talk tomorrow. G'nite ya'll. ;D Try not to take the 1000 while I'm working tomorrow, it could be mine. :p

Anonymous said...

ah yes, the 1000 is ever-looming, who will it be!!!

Peajay, I can only speak my opinion at the moment, rather than from officers who have been there, but shoot to wound, means the armed badguy has a chance to get rounds off down toward the cop, or anyone else in the vicinity; the cop who wants to go home to his family, the cop who is sworn to protect the public. I understand how you feel, though, loss of life is tragic!

Training/policy here dictates, I believe, that they give the badguy several chances to surrender, as they safely can. There are badguys who's sole intent sometimes is to take a deputy's life, regardless even if children are in the way!! (this just happened here)

I don't like the fact of the armed criminal element, but it's here, and not going to go away anytime soon... I am glad, however, that the badguys can be met with an equal force, when necessary!

I would think that the London cop's actions are being evaluated with each shooting for any training/tactical errors...deputies' actions are evaluated here, with also a form of temporary re-assignment.

With hopefully more people, both sides of the pond, waking up to the fact that we need to intervene and re-direct the "at-risk" youngsters...maybe some effect can be made to eliminate some of the criminal element, and at the same time improve lives for the better!! One can only hope!! :))

Anonymous said...

One more towards the coveted 1000...who will be the one!!!

It was a grand Hooley tonite!! 'round the house and mind the dresser...the craic was mighty!!! ;))

well, most of the eve was banter, etc... the only hint of discussion about the police, was the call from the fire dept somewhere near Cambridg. of all places...that the firehouse tele and microwave had been nicked when the men had all gone out to calls....calls arranged falsely and carefully to leave the station empty!!! No, it wasn't my friends...they had just heard about it!! :))

Have a great Sunday, I might do well with a lie in!!! ;)

AJ, report please, on your spook tour!!! ;)))

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed your party Melanie...

Re: the shooting in London ... while it is awful that an innocent man was shot ... I think in defence of the police it was very soon after the 7/7 bombings and tension was exceptionally high. Its not an excuse but it might be a reason.

As to shoot to wound they are not trained to do that as Melanie says its too dangerous. I was trained on weapons during my time in the RAF and we had to aim for the chest, any shots elsewhere, on the body, were marked against us in the training. The armed forces and armed police are trained to shoot to kill ...

Those armed police would have given a warning before they shot and if they were convinced they were dealing with a suicide bomber they didn't have too much time before he got on the tube train.

Unpalatable as it is I think it would have been a split second decision and unfortunately the police made a mistake.

I've been busy gardening today - tidying up for winter :))

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna,

I must be feeling better from the flu-thing...I really couldn't sleep in that must be the medicinal schnaaps I had last night! :)

yes, it was a bit of fun, but I was actually minding my cups as my other-half nicely volunteered me to be the 'designated driver' for the evening! :)

...the one friend (the host) is an ex-East Londoner, rough-raised, used to own a pub among other pursuits, in the UK...he's in his 60's but is still at life a mile a minute! He has all the Viagra, jokes, AJ!! ;)

to describe his home...his American ex-wife took everything some years back, but the said a few choice words, said glad to be rid of her...and then built a proper British pub inside his home where the dining,living areas are, complete bar, lager on tap, billiards, darts, tables, the works!! He just used different pieces salvaged from building and demolitions jobs...he's pretty resourceful!

It's where this mixture of friends I have meet, usually on Fridays, he has sort of an open door policy on Friday for his friends and neighbors to just come on over! We met him through a mutual horse friend.

Sorry if I'm repeating any info, here, the brain cells are auld!! and since there is a 'plethora' of typing, It's a bit difficult to review back!! :))

Anna, it's still warm here most of the day!!! ugh, I'm ready for cool air, warm fires, and hot cocoa!!
...but the leaves are changing, and we'll soon have some yard work as well. It does get below freezing, here, and on occasion, it will snow.

did you see my Annie Oakley comment, for you!!?? :))

Hi AJ, Peajay, will catch up later!! :))

Anonymous said...

Your friend sounds like quite a character, Melanie. My Dad was from London but he was south (sarf) of the river around Battersea and Clapham, in the days when they were working class areas! His Dad was a bit of boy he'd been a drummer boy in WW1 and served in Monty's 4th Army battalion throughout WW2.

He was involved in the liberation of Holland and must have taken to it a bit too enthusiastically because my Dad later found out that he had two Dutch half sister, that his Dad had tried to keep quiet about!! My grandmother must have been upset about it I suppose but they never split up and were together well into their 70s/80s .... till death do us part in those days.

Annie Oakley .... I'm flattered - thank you! I don't think I'm as good a shot as she was tho'!!

I always imagine its really hot in Calif, so its interesting to hear that it gets below freezing there. I must admit I quite like the cold weather... I think I look better in winter clothes than summer ones!!

Anonymous said...

I haven't blogged anything on the Scotsman today - I had a quick look but 'my' boy has been on here all day today with a new computer game he got for his birthday! :))

Anonymous said...

Sure shot Anna takes the 1000 prize!

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