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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Winter Adventures!

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1 – 200 of 1024 Newer› Newest»It's nice in here, a wee bit chilly, but nice:))
Right you Melanie! Cop some of this........wheeeeeech(snowba' flying through air).........splat(right on Mel's napper!!):D
Well, good you replied, I thought my feistyness might have put you off!! ya dinnae seem the type tae skelp a womin...och, but a snowball....there, one right back at ya!! :D
Ouch.....ya wee.......so and so!
Come here ya pirate!!
Melanie's heid is thrust into the chilly snow!!!:D
but the pirate wench reaches round, and grabs at Shrek's jacket, gets him off balance, and pulls him doon, and quickly shoves a handful o' snow doon his back!
AJ's no happy, he picks up the serving wench and.......!
Right that's enough Melanie, these scuffles can get out of hand!!;)
Anna and Peajay will stop posting at this rate - a couple of real nutters!:D Us not them!
ah, okay...but it was fun, if but for a moment... :D
they probably already think we're nutters!!!
ps...if I'm delayed in posting, the server is giving me trouble!
My first post was my second attempt, it said the server was having problems error502 or something!
It's 21:30hr here, have you just had lunch Melanie? Bagels with cream cheese?
watchya watching on the telly?? or are you listening to music??
I'm doing household stuff, the kids are eatin lunch, then I'm sending them outside to burn off some energy!
A snowball must have hit the server...thus the error ;)
haven't thought about lunch for myself...that does sound good, or just some crackers and cheese, with some fruit...simple, easy :)
Listening to the radio Melanie. Radio Scotland - football talk and now the news. We have a new digital video camera(for Mish Mash's Xmas), and I've been tasked with the sussing out of its operation! It's still in the box at this moment, how hard can it be?!?:(
Is it a nice day Melanie? Do the kids go out and play sport, or do they just play?
AJ, the weather is beautiful today...it's hard to keep the kids, and myself focused on school...I love winters here (except for the wind) :D It can more like a cool spring somedays
...they just go out in the back and play...that's why I wanted a bit of property
ooh, technical stuff...I definitely need the directions...I can be impatient with it sometimes...my computer has been called a few names!! :))
Soon it will be the hols though and we will have over two weeks together, although Mrs AJ will have to work on some days! But I'll have the Mish Mash to myself:))
Xmas is gonna be good, when Mrs AJ gets back tomorrow we'll be choosing our tree - a 8 or 9ft effort, but Im sure Mish Mash will reduce it to firewood after a couple of weeks!!:D She is the most determined and funniest wee thing:))
AJ, Milan sounds nice, for your holiday....I just googled for the weather there...we have less humidity, but it's about the same with the temp on the average right now...warmer here today tho 50/60 F ( 11-28C??) ...I need to get a conversion list!
I thought you might be thinking of Mrs AJ, maybe that's why I mentioned Milan...a happy thought to look forward to!! :))
Sorry Melanie, I'm talking about Xmas hols, but Milan is in mid Jan for three nights.
It will get really cold in Milan though, but I'm desperate to see the Last Supper and check out Dan Brown's theory!!:))
Melanie, I'm thinking about my next Miller at the mo! :D
I wonder how Anna is getting on....drunk probably!!:))
Peajay has been quiet for a day or so.......I really appreciated the poem she posted:)
okay, Shrek, not trying to pry!!
Peajay has been quiet, I'm planning to send an e-mail to check on her
do you remember about when she listed the poem, I couldn't find it...wanted to read it again!
I think it was Wednesday Melanie.
You're not prying, but I thought you were reading unneccessary heaviness in my mutterings:))
Maybe I've had too many Millers!:))
Have you started drinking yet? :D
Speaking of the Last Supper, the book Anna suggested to read is very good!! The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, Margaret Starbird
Didn't think it was heavyness...just the usual 'missing them' if they've worked too many hours during the week! :))
No, alcohol yet...might be Irish coffee before I set out tonite...the "happy, awake feeling"
Och Melanie, the wee break does us both good. Mrs AJ works hard and I have no problem with her night out, she deserves to let her hair doon! Besides she texts me all the time, so I'm getting blow by blow accounts of her night - well almost:))
The Starbird book interests me, it definitly on the reading list!:)
Is the Sgt Mjr working?
The Sgt Mjr is down in LA as we speak...he's going to be tired for tonite, but still wants to go...
I always wondered about those text messages, it could be fun to do...I just have the standard cell phone
I found the poem, thanks....wanted to forward that on to the Sgt Mjr...he lost a good friend in a motorcycle accident over the summer...it is a very nice poem!
Texting is good if you can be bothered with the little buttons!! Big Shrekkie's fat fingers canny operate at speed, so it's basically a pain in the backside!!!:)))
It's really a teenage thing texting, although Mrs AJ is pretty good at it!:)
Thinking on your Mish Mash, and all her cuteness...I think your camara is a great investment...they grow up so quickly!!
Sometimes, I get so busy, I need to remember to get the camara out, and record some of it!!! I'm going to have two teens in the house next year!! :/
The texting is one way for Mrs AJ to keep track of her man!!!:D
Sorry to hear that Melanie, it is a nice thoughful piece as Peajay says.
Today is the anniversary of Lohn Lennons death, so I'm listening to some of his music. Did I ever mention I'm a lover of all things Beatles.....especially John Lennon's material!?!
Funnily enough, the Strawberry Fields memorial was the first place I headed for in Central Park! Very sad.
I had the place to myself for 10 minutes, then a bus load of tourists descended......
It was a good thing for me to do:)
Mrs AJ knows all my movements! I'm too easily read:))
You're right Melanie, the camera is a good investment! My parents had a cine camera and my early days are caught on old film!:))
Do you have lots of footage Melanie? You will tease them when they're older:D
My east London friend heard the Beatles, before they were the Beatles.
..I really like their early stuff...it seems more fun, the later stuff is okay, too...
Yes, we'll have a toast tonight for friends who have passed...but it makes the todays more important to enjoy...as well as the friends you have!!
I have 'extortion' footage :DD
my mother has some of those old films of me, too!!
I'll toast to that Melanie, especially my new cyber friends!:)
Sometimes this feels weird, but it isn't really!:))
I know, AJ...it's strange, sometimes I think what was life like before?!
I really do enjoy our chats, all of us...sometimes I wish we were closer so we really could tip a pint together! I think the spouses would have fun too...it seems we all have a lot in common....'course can't let Mrs AJ know that I've been flirting with you!! :D
That would be a bad idea! Mrs AJ is pretty possessive, but at least she doesn't have an arsenal of weaponry!!:D
I think this will continue for some time Melanie, it gets better all the time, especially our wrestling in the snow!;))
you made me laugh just now...I thought of the young, beautiful Fiona standing fiercely in front of Shrek, holding out her hand, saying determinedly...None shall pass!!!
The wrestle in the snow was fun...thank you for keeping it, ahem, 'clean' ;)
Chatting here, getting to know one another, is fun, AJ, and yes, I think it will continue for some time!!
I like the Shrek films, especially as the Proclaimers were part of the sound track! Yes I am parochial!! A canny help it:DD
Melanie, I was mindful of our two cyper friends and the potential 250 million others who could happen upon this site!!:DD
We listen to Smash Mouth from the sound track...which song was by the Proclaimers...I also like 'the Hero' songs...it's a fun Soundtrack
AJ, if you weren't parochial, it probably wouldn't work...we'd offend Anna and Peajay, and get ourselves into trouble!!!
okay, was that a "touche'" of thought, so to speak...good to air it, though!! :)
Melanie, it was 'I'm on my way' from the Sunshine on Leith album, which was their first and possibly their best. The title track was 'Our' wedding song!!:)) So I'll either love it or hate it in 30 years time!!:D
Oh, it was on the first Shrek film, and it allowed them to make another album(their 4th I think) and a resurgance of their fortunes. I always liked them...it must be said!:))
good song, AJ...and, I have the feeling, you'll be lovin the song for years to come!!! :))
Hope so Melanie!:))
What was your song Melanie? Something by the Red Hot Chili Peppers?
it was/is 'Only one friend left' by Dan Seals
A very sombre title, Melanie! I'll check it out.
What do you reckon Anna's would be?
I reckon it could be My Way by Sid Vicious ;))
it does sound somber, but it's a love song in the way that puts emphasis on the specialness of the one love and friendship shared...
AJ, I need to get going, the Sgt Mjr will be home soon; I need to fix a little dinner for the kiddies...and then, I need to start getting ready, so I can help the SgtM with his kit (is that ok to say it that way??)...our friends will be here at 5:30
I very much enjoyed our chat tonite, but then, I always do !!!! :DD
It will be special forever, but what you will remember, is what you both have created!:) Your family life sounds good, and I know there'll be ups and downs, but it must fill you both with pride. :)
I'm going to go now Melanie, as per usual I've thoroughly enjoyed spending cyber-time with you:)) I can sense you're a special person.:))
Anna will give me pelters for this amount of mushiness, but I mean it:))
Gnite Mel
PS file those nails ya pirate!!:D
g'nite, AJ, and thanks! :)xx
Good Morning all...well, I'm off to work, no 'sick day' for me; unfair if I took one, as the SgtMjr has to work, too!
Anna, how's your head?? :) And, hopefully, Mr A is doing well!
Peajay, you're working way to hard...come and play a bit!!
AJ, did your credit cards survive Mrs AJ's shopping spree?? How's the tree looking? Do you have it in the foyer or are your ceilings high?? Very grand such a tall tree!!! (we had a 7 foot tree, once, in another house...our oldest was 19th months and managed to topple it over....I about had a heart attack, but she was unscathed!!)
Anna/Peajay...are your trees up and decorated yet!??!!
Have agreat weekend all!!!...will chat with ya later!!! :D
Hi Melanie,
My Xmas tree is 8ft!! Mish Mash is 19 months so I anticipate....timmmmmmber tomorrow!!
Mrs AJ had a great time - cocktails at Harvey Nicholls!!:((
Very posh shop Melanie!!:((
How is/was work?
btw, do you think Anna and Peajay have had enough of our shenanigans;) I miss them:(
Hi AJ, just a quick note before I settle onto the sofa for some telly with the fam
...perhaps you're right about our antics....hopefully they know us well enough, that if they'd had enough, they would send us to our respective corners for a time out!! :D
Hopefully it's just a busy fam weekend, esp with the holidays, and the craft fairs!
Anna, Peajay, I'm missing your contributions!! :((
No, sorry guys you don't get rid of me that easily..... The bad penny always turns up eventually... just when you thought it was safe to 'bare your thoughts' !!
Blimey, you 2 were really cyber bonding the other night... Mercy me just as well the Atlantic was between you :D
We had a good night on Friday - and Mr A was a bit more cheery. Altho' he did say that the funeral of his friend was sad as these things always are but also uplifting as well... due to the choice of music and a speech that was made by another friend. So, all in all he was feeling quite philosophical about it.
On Saturday we were decorating the tree and house and Kit Kat and I were doing some baking (!). Biscuits for the tree (and to eat) and some cakes - which have been thoroughly decorated by Kit Kat.
Then, a bit later on I thought I'd pop on here and see what you 2 were up to.... interrupt your stroll in the park and what sounded like a snowball fight that could get out of hand!! :D When low and behold the internet was totally down - so this is the first time I've had a chance to get on here to see what you've been up to. :DD
No sign of Peajay tho .....
AJ .... thanks for the Sid Vicious analogy .... I owe you one .... and I always repay my debts !!! ;))
Peajay ..... did you manage to see Strictly last night? I see the Goblin is out ..... I thought they might vote her in on a wave of sympathy for her age, tears and the fact that her Granny was in the audience but no.... common sense prevailed...
I think Emma will probably win now, altho' I think she has an unfair advantage due to being in the Spice Girls. She must have had dancing lessons and she went to stage school.
The cricketer, Mark, should win. A cricketer has to win something after the England debacle in Adelaide last week :(((
Good morning all,
Apologies for absence, have been working fingers to the bone. My craft fairs have now officially finished (d^_^)d for the year (although we went out with more a whimper than a bang). Only commissions and prezzie making to complete now.
Buttocks that I missed the 1000, congrats AJ. :))
I'm surprised you didn't hear the cheers in The Fens as the goblin was ditched last night. Yeeeee haaaa! There is justice in this world. She'll get advertising jobs for Kleenex now. :D
So, Anna, there was cyber-spying a foot!! I thoroughly enjoyed the snowball fight, tho no fair ah had my heid put inta the snow!!! :))
Good to see you back, too, Peajay!!
AJ and I were cyber-bonding, yes, which was quite nice; and not to get cyber-mushy, but, I'm glad for the warmth of the friendship developing with my Shrek...(and I'm glad for the friendship developing with my gal-pals here, too!)
...Anna, not only is the Atlantic between us, but also a beautiful, young, formidable Fiona standing in front of Shrek, and the Sgt Mjr with his Rambo-like weaponry...not to mention our mutual love and respect for our spouses!! :D
AJ, 8ft tall??!! wow, is it in a sitting room with a high ceiling?? It's going to look beautiful!!....you Will have to watch the Mish Mash so she doesn't try to climb it!!! :/
(I hope, for your sake, Mrs AJ doesn't have a penchant for posh establishments...the Sgt Mjr treated some old friends to dinner at a posh restaurant in La Jolla...well spent money for old, good friends and a good time, but I choked when I saw the bill!!)
Have to leave for work, soon...will catch up with ya'll on your morrow!!! :DD
"...Anna, not only is the Atlantic between us, but also a beautiful, young, formidable Fiona standing in front of Shrek, and the Sgt Mjr with his Rambo-like weaponry...not to mention our mutual love and respect for our spouses!! :D"
Looks like the odds are stacked against you then........:D
Never mind you can carry on cyber bonding on here ...... Peajay and I won't tell anyone!! ;)
"So, Anna, there was cyber-spying a foot!!"
I wasn't actually cyber spying, Melanie.... I couldn't get on the internet at all .. until this morning. So, I didn't see your snowball fight etc until this morning, which is when I commented.
Which is also why I haven't looked at the Scotsman lately, as our internet connection was down.
I see you've managed to get a very early morning post on most of the Scotman's blogs ..... were you insomniac last night? :)
Peajay, sorry to hear business wasn't that good, but it seems to be throughout the whole country. Apparently, the 'high street' is not doing very well this year. Altho' that's not much comfort to you ..... I'm sure most of those shops can take a loss!
Maybe its the increase in interest rates or the strange, unseasonal weather we've been having, makes people feel less Christmassy. Altho' it is very cold and gloomy today.
It's not so much the lack of money it's more the sitting about all day when you could be doing so many other things. We did a fair in Saffron Walden on Friday from 10.00 - 21.00 and made a grand total of £26. We were supposed to go back on Saturday but I confess that a close relative developed a severe illness, for the benefit of the organiser, which required a day long vigil (while we went to a slightly better fair instead). I didn't have the courage or energy to tell them the fair resembled AJ's favourite bird!!
Crikey, Peajay, £26 for a nearly 12 hour day is very poor, not to mention all the work you must put in beforehand.
Hopefully, things will pick up for you. Do you do craft fairs etc throughout the year?
Yes some, but every weekend from September. Friday was mainly down to lack of organiser ability. There was 7 people selling jewellery out of 23 so it makes for a very hard day and you can't blame the public for getting bored. Like that it does a dis-service to everyone.
Hi Guys,
I've been busy today - shopping:((
Peajay, do you want a food parcel sent? ;) Seriously, I don't know if the jewellery is your only source of income, but that was a long shift for £26!:( Do you sell on-line?
Hope your Sunday is good guys, I'll possibly be posting sometime tomorrow! Anna, the late night posting was Chianti fueled, which was obvious when I re-read my posts:))
Thanks for the offer, anything but haggis would be appreciated :D
Yep, jewellery is my only income (never had a proper job). I'm hoping to do the online bit in the New Year, asap really, in the hope of boosting sales etc. Craft fairs have been quite lucrative in the past, but TB's stealth recession has had a huge impact this year, plus we don't take plastic which also isn't a help.
Have you nearly finished your Christmas shopping now? Mine starts this week, it's a joy isn't it?
I was wondering how sober you were AJ.... I was a bit tiddly myself on Friday night!! ;)
No haggis Peajay.... don't blame you .... maybe AJ could send you some shortbread .... Scotland's yummiest and most irresistable (for me) export! :D
Bye for now......:D
Hello all!! I'm back home exhausted...another set of triplets...time for a glass of wine and a collapse onto the sofa!!
AJ, what have you been up to???Chianti induced??? Will have to read later...hopefully will catch you sometime tomorrow; please know that my thoughts are with you and you fam, for your uncle's memorial! :)
Anna/Peajay...will catch up with you tomorrow...will address the 'Atlantic' teasing some more later! ;)
Ps...I have gran's excellent shortbread recipe!!!
Good morning all,
It's a truly filthy day in cheery WGC but we don't let it get us down. :(((
Hope you all had a good weekend.
Morning Peajay
The weather is 'cats and dogs' here today too.
Hope all goes well and the weather in Fife is not too gloomy on what will be a sad day for you.
As long as you know that I am just teasing you......:D
Post the shortbread recipe please... whenever I've tried to make it the recipe I've used has been very sticky and difficult to work with. I'll have a look at yours and see if its different. :))
Right I've got to do some work now - speak to you later :))
Good Afternnon and Morning,
Hope you are all well. Just home from the funeral and things went well as could be expected.
Melanie, do you get a bonus for tripletts!
Peajay, WGC is either Welwyn Garden City or Wentworth Golf Club?!:))
Anna, what about the BBC Sports personality - a joke or what?
Sorry AJ. It's more difficult going to a funeral on a miserable, damp day. It just seems to make the whole occasion more downbeat instead of being a celebration of a life well lived.
Yes, it was Welwyn Garden City. The golfing was to wet at Wentworth.
BBC SPOTY. It was fixed. There's no real personalities like in the good old days. Who would have your choice AJ?
Who won it .... her or the horse? If it was the horse then it was well deserved!!
I can't think of any sports personalities who I'd bother to vote for anyway.
Would you vote for Murray - AJ? If he had won a major Grand Slam tournament then yes he definitely should get it ..... but as yet he hasn't won anything big... so...
The day was nice in the morning Peajay, but this afternoon is miserable in the extreme - almost cold enough for snow!
I think I would have voted for the Scottish Elephant polo team - world champions for the last 3 years!
Nice choice, but I would have thought home team advantage would never belong to Scotland. :D
What about your cleaners on ice AJ? They're usually quite good aren't they.... but then I suppose that would be Sports Personalities wouldn't it?
One of my 'tartan' aunties is into curling....... she bowls in the summer and curls in the winter. I suppose they are very similar.
Personally I think the one with the sticky out ears ... Matt thingy should have won because he seems to win everything on the telly nowasdays and he's cute ..... apart from the sticky out ears. :D
Have you posted on any of the Scotsman boards today AJ?
I've had a post on the Zara Phillips story and the 'indepedence' one.
What is the Scotsman going to do for copy when/if Scotland go independent?
hello all, sorry for the absence...our internet server has been down!
will catch up on the reading and be back....just wanted to let you know that I was here....and I haven't been ignoring ya'll :)
if anyone is still awake, hopefully I've caught you for a quick chat! ;)
Hi Melanie
Were you getting withdrawal symptoms through lack of internet? It can be so frustrating.
it was terrible, Peajay...i started to pace!! :D
but i did get to have some down time with the kids; we didn't 'do' school so much sit on the sofa and chat by the fire ...very pleasant!! :D
I've seen that sort of pacing in the zoo!! :D Is there a small track through the carpet?
I bet the kids enjoyed seeing you, do they have a break from school for Christmas?
the school break starts sometime next week...it's just when the internet is down, they don't have their assignments...so I just had them work a little bit out of their textbooks...to be honest...I wasn't very motivated today!!
I wish there were a bonus for triplets!!! I'm still very tired...I actually slept in today till 1000, which is very unusual for me!!
the kids love when I just 'hang out' with them...they are getting So big, So fast!! :((
See ya Melanie, off to ma bed now as have the joys of Christmas shopping in the morning :(
g'nite, Peajay!! :)
A good morning note to you all!!
I have to work, Tues, then my hours are done for the week, and I get to focus on home (and some more posting here, with maybe some posting on the Scotsman, if you all around to join in!!)!! :D
1 cup/224g butter, creamed thoroughly
Add gradually,
1/2cup/112g confectioner's (powdered) sugar or light brown sugar (I've always used the brn sugar)
Sift together,
2 cups/448g flour, allpurpose/plain
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
add to mixture. mix well and roll out to 1/4 inch/just less than one cm
cut into squares or rounds, prick with fork. (you can also use a press...confession....I have a press that leaves the impression of the Scots thistle :))
bake at 350F/177C 20 to 25 mins or until delicately brown. makes 24 or more.
Enjoy with your tea!!! It sounds like winter has set upon you all!! Bundle up!! No catching chills ;))) (we've had some icy morns as well...brrrr!!)
will be on for my usual hello in my morning!! :)
Hi Melanie
Thanks for the shortbread recipe - I'm going to give it a go! ;))
See how I get on... sounds yummy tho':)
I know what you mean about spending time with your children. Kit Kat and I had fun yesterday afternoon making paper chains to decorate his bedroom with!
They are small and need you for such a short time - you have to make the most of it. In many ways I'm glad I had him when I was older because I think I understand and appreciate better how quickly time passes than I did when I was younger! Do I have more patience? Yes, I have always been a very impatient person but I have definitely mellowed as I've got older.
My dear Dad always used to say that the time when your children are young and all around you is the best time of your life. I never really knew that until after he was gone and I, a few years later had Kit Kat. The one regret I do have is that my dear Dad never saw Kit Kat.... but I like to think he knows all about him! :))
Sorry, if I'm getting a bit too serious for this time in the morning, must be the time of year...... .I haven't been at the gin .... honest :))
Isn't there anyone coming out to play today?
Too early for Melanie......... Peajay is Xmas shopping... AJ surely you're not working ;)?
I've posted on the independence blog (I can't resist it), the Farepak/HBOS blog and the Brits emigrating to warmer climes blog. :D
Hi Anna,
Busy morning so far at me work!!:(
You're right about being a mature parent, it's probably better for some people to get other stuff out of the way ie RAF careers etc, before embarking on a proper family life. I'm definitly a more grounded and mature person now, and I'm a better father/man for that! Well at least I like to think so!:)
However, I have a friend who had her wee boy at 17 and she is a fantastic parent and hasn't missed out on anything, and she is now able to pursue her own career now. She became a responsible adult over night! She is as daft as a brush when it's appropriate, probably a wee bit like oor Melanie!!:))
Haven't posted anything today Anna, I'll have a look at lunch time.
ps. I know what you're saying about your Dad, I would have loved my parents to be part of Mish Mash's life, however you can't dwell on those thoughts too much - too upsetting:((
Hi AJ,
Totally agree about some young people being great parents. One of my sisters had her daughters at a young age (late teens, early twenties) and she is a brill mother!
It just wouldn't have suited me - I don't think... too much else happening in my life at time and I was quite selfish in my twenties and early thirties. Know yourself - is the answer I guess.
I'm going out in a bit .... Xmas shopping - I'm hoping to find something for Mr A. He wants a DAB radio but I'd rather he just got it himself .... I might get the wrong one! :(
The rate he's going he'll end up with his usual Xmas pressie from me... a Toblerone. Everytime I ask him what he wants I get "Don't worry about it, love, I'm not bothered". He means it as well, but I don't want him to have nothing to open on Xmas Day! It'll be a Toblerone, I think! :))
I got a DAB radio last year, it's great, but I wish I got one that I could plug my Ipod into!! It's maybe a consideration?!
Have a look at www.kelkoo.co.uk to compare prices and see exactly what's on offer!
Thanks for that AJ - I will have a look at that site. :))
So far, he's doing better than just a Toblerone - I've bought him the book of the BBC series 'Grumpy Old Men' .... he can take a joke :D
That was all I could find for him.... Kit Kat asked me the other day if I could get him some tinsel to decorate his room. Crikey, tinsel has gone up in price!! I got him some anyway and a little Xmas tree as well ... so he should be pleased with that.
We're going to watch his school concert in the church tomorrow evening - so we're looking forward to that. I have to take my tissues every Christmas - because as soon as the children start singing Away in a Manger - I'm crying my eyes out.
Mr A just sort of looks at me sniffing away and smiles .... he's used to living with a 'puddle':)
I was at the Mish Mash's Xmas concert this morning - it only lasted 10 minutes, but it was very good, they all sat still, squeaking and shouting:))
She was kind of shocked to see me, wouldn't say hello cause she thought I was going to take her home!!:( :)
Nevermind, I'm used to being ignored!!:)
Is Kit Kat excited?
Ah, AJ, no one here dingeys ya!!!
good morning all!!!
hope you all have a pleasant day!!
will talk with ya'll tomorrow
...you may refer to me as being daft on occasion like your friend, AJ, as long as I get you to smile!! ;))
AJ, I had a laugh with Mish Mash's behavior...mine would do the same thing when I had to have them with a sitter/daycare in the early years!! ;D
You always make me smile:)) The Mish Mash left me feeling rejected:(.....:))
My wife uses the term dinghed - where does it come from Melanie?
Hi Melanie...:)
AJ ... Kit Kat woke up the other night crying .... it turned out he couldn't remember where the note F is on his recorder. He and the 'recorder group' are doing a rendition of something or other. His Dad said 'don't worry about it, just pretend to do it' Hopefully, they won't all be pretending to do it, otherwise it'll be a very silent night! :)
He is excited about Xmas - especially now that they are starting to 'do' things at school - making cards and 'having activities. In other words not doing any proper work! :)
What is a dingey?
Anna, being dingyed, is being ignored - I think it is a term used for ignoring a mobile phone call!
I like the artwork on the new page. Is that a wee surfer scootin' along the breaker!
I think she's dingyeding you AJ!!! :D
The artwork is very nice - I meant to comment on it ..... but I got sidetracked on the quest for independence blog instead.
Haven't seen you posting anywhere today........ lost interest?
Hi Anna, it's been busy at work today and I can't get excited about any of the stories! I think I need the Chianti to give me much needed clarity on the 'hot 'issues!:))
The independance story is leaving me cold, as we've been over this time and again. It's the festive period and the season of goodwill to everyone - even Scottish unionists!:))
I made one comment today on Zara Philips - the sports pages - light hearted of course, but you won't like it!:D
I know what you mean AJ... even the Scots aren't too bad at Christmas :D
I'll check out the Zara story and give you a kicking .... if I think you deserve it. Maybe, I could get the horse to do it!! :D
I'll just grab the 100 for old times sake!!:D
Anna, I await your displeasure and the full force of your wrath!:))
Hello all,
Have broken the back of the Christmas shopping and made it home in one piece. We went to Cambridge as a Lakeland and Borders were essential and it also meant not having to put up with the sterile atmosphere of shopping centres. I find the fresh air makes such a difference to the grind of all those indoor shops and hordes people.
Thank you Melanie for the quote credit, should you credit Spencer for the painting too?
One of my posts has been removed off the independence blog.... that hasn't happened for ages... I was starting to think I was losing my touch!! :)
I'm not sure why it was removed - it was in answer to some one who was praising the IRA. So I had a go at him... they removed his post as well. Maybe they don't like the IRA being mentioned...
Hi Peajay, glad you got your shopping done.... I like Cambridge too.
Hi guys,
Anna, it is always best to keep playing, even when one forgets...at least that's what my kids heard from their band teachers...either way, he's a brave lad for getting on stage!!! We just told our kids, that being willing to get up on stage, ...you're already 'a success'!! :D
Anna, I took you more for the wing-commander, stiff-upper-lip type...not a puddle-maker! ;))
AJ,I think I learned the Scots term Dinghey'd from either Trainspotting or when I was perusing the Scots Dict. to write that silly 'eagle-vote' poem
Isn't that picture great! I was going to see if I could get a print. It is a surfer on the wave...the artist is unknown to me, but is a friend of a friend, (Spencer Reynolds)...his website is
okay, Peajay, I gave Spencer credit ;)))
Well, more reading will have to wait until tomorrow, am off to watch Pirates 2 with the tween and the vet (we call the little one Dr. Daisy, as her first 'Patient' was a Daisy Duck doll from Disnlnd)
the SgtMjr and the teen are on a 'father/daughter' sort of 'date/time together' at a fancy dinner/reception thing for the Egypt project...I'm a bit envious because they had a behind the scene tour of a really neat Egyption exhibit...I couldn't get off work to go :(( but I'm glad my daughter had the treat of going, and experiencing a bit of the'grown-up' world (I'll nae do the debutante thing; I think things like this are better!)
speak with ya'll tomorra!!! :D
Good morning everyone,
Hope you are all well and organised for Xmas?!?
I need a bit of advice - I'm thinking about cooking a goose for a change!!:0 Having never tasted a goose in my life, I was wondering if any of you guys have had the experience. I know swan is very succulent, but goose?
AJ ..... you should have watched Rick Stein 'Food Heroes' last night, a lady on there was demonstrating how to cook a goose.
I don't know how long she cooked it for initially but you don't need any fat as goose is very fatty. She recommended putting salt & pepper on the skin and rubbing in some flour to get it very crispy. She pricked the skin all over and then roasted it ..... then she turned it into another roasting dish and pricked it again - including the parson's nose and roasted it again to get that side crispy. She said that the fat in the first tin would be used for making roast potatoes. Apparently, goose fat makes the best roasties...... I have heard that before from other cooks as well.... but I've not tried it personally.
I like duck and I roast that on a drip tray similar to chicken, but much more fat comes off it. I expect goose is the same but bigger and more of everything! :) Its also quite rich and the meat is dark.... but is supposed to be very tasty.
Hi Melanie,
Did you enjoy Pirates of the Caribbean? Isn't Johnny Depp gorgeous in that? I bought Kit Kat the lunch box and drinks bottle just so I could look at Captain Jack Sparrow every day. I think he's brill "Alwight Love" he says in a superb Cockney/English accent. A really good romp that film.
Hi Anna, thanks for that, but it sounds yuch!:) I think I'll stick to turkey - I don't fancy the dark meat for some strange reason!:| A well it was but a thought!:)
I've got the M&S brochure and I'll select from that!:) It's good to cheat :)
What are you upto?
I'd like to try goose but I would have to try it somewhere else, because Mr A is a bit fussy about poultry, he'll eat chicken and that's about it. He's not crazy about duck ..... so we only have it occasionally.
M & S have got some yummy looking food this year...... I've bought one of their stuffed turkey rolls and we'll have along with a double rib of beef. Carnivores that we are!! :)
I've posted on the Ipswich murders blog, but the moderators are moderating on there! I've also posted on the Diana car crash story.... there's a couple of conspriacy theorey posts on there. I can't take them seriously because the guy that was wearing a seatbelt survived the crash .... the 3 who were not were killed.... simple as that, if they'd belted up they would probably have survived.
How about you posted anywhere?
Anna, I've only posted on the Home International story(sport!), but that's it. I had a long speel ready to go on todays independance blog, but I was interrupted and lost my rant!!:(( I couldn't be bothered retyping:( Maybe I'm beginning to lose interest in the Scotsman after all!
Yes I think it's gonna be a fancy turkey from M&S plus maybe a sweet to go along with the BAKED ALASKA and trifle. Last year we bought a champagne mouse thingymajig and it was sensational!!:)))
Oh the champagne thingy sounds nice. We'll be having the old faithfuls Xmas pudding and trifle.
Do you bother with a starter? I've got a lobster in the freezer (special offer!!) and some prawns .. so I'll probably do something with them.
Mr A's sister and children are coming over on Xmas Eve .... she's bringing his Mum over ... so I've got to think up some grub for that.
Surely not getting bored of the Scotsman! I know what you mean some of the blogs are very samey... you get the odd good one now and again.
Good Morning!
right about the goose, I've heard it's dark meat, heavier in taste than duck, and rich in the drippings...
I usually get out of the cooking, one because my mom loves to do it, and two, I'm usually working right around it, so it makes it difficult to plan...this year, I'm working Christmas Day! :((
Oh that's a bit of a blow working Christmas Day .... Melanie. I had to do it a couple of times in the RAF and 2 years ago Mr A was out in Afghanistan over Xmas so that was a bit hard.
Still you'll have to make the most of the bits around Xmas Day and at least you'll get your din dins cooked. Does your mom live near you?
my mom and step-dad moved up here about 5 yrs ago, as I was the only one with kids...they wanted to be around and active with them...so she was a real help when they were small, esp with work schedules...not all sitters want to work weekends and holidays...as the Sgt Mjr also works those
I have yet to cook a holiday meal...to be honest, I feel a bit relieved :)) it seems like such an undertaking!!! I've cooked for large groups before, but it was always easy stuff, like chile, cornbread, or a morning fry-up
this is the first xmas day I've worked...when I worked the night shift, I just stayed up for the present unwrapping, then went to bed afterwards
Starters - lobster and prawns sounds great - we'll probably have soup, maybe parsnip and sweet potato and something with parma ham and avocado! Pretty boring really!:)
Sorry to hear your working on Christmas Day Melanie!
Well, I'm going to make the best of it, and the fam will work around it...should I get them up at 0430 for pressie opening??? ;))
Are you making the sw potato soup, or is it already made?? sounds interesting, as I love sw potatoes!
how are you this morn...looks rainy overthere!!
Anna, disappeared, I was thinking I was all alone!! ;))
Pesky work gets in the way!:(
We'll make the soup, it's pretty easy boil the stuff, blend the stuff, add seasoning and Bobs yer uncle - soup!!:D
okay, when you get a chance...approximate measurements of all that you put inta the pot, please....AJ Recipe #2 :D
I luv soup on a cold, rainy day, sittin by a nice, warm fire...could you send some rain??? not kiddin...it is so dry here!!
Although, I do have empathy for you and all the rain you get!!!!
I sometimes add a little curry powder to a parsnip soup and it works with sweet potato too!!
Right guys gotta love you and leave you, for now, need to go and get some food on. Early meal then off to the school concert. TTFN :D
Have a great evening, Anna!!! :D
Can't remember the recipe at the mo Melanie, but we do put some chilli in to give it a wee kick!
Yup it's too exciting - Mish Mash's Xmas concert was good yesterday and she knows this is a pretty cool time of year!:))
Are you working today Mel?
AJ, should I answer you like I answer the SgtMjr??!! ;) When is a woman, wife, and mother not working!!! ;D
okay, no, I'm not working, I'm home...at work I have no internet access, therefore the silence...I'm here at home to bother you with blether all day long if you wish!!! Inbetween my household duties of course!! :)
The soup sounds good...when I was in Jamaica, I had an excellent Pumpkin soup...but I bet this sw pot one is better!!
I've been trying to get into the spirit of things...but except for a few mornings of freeze, the weather has been like spring...I almost want to just skip to the Easter baskets!! ;) I do love the weather, but I was looking forward to bundling up in a sweater, etc!!!
...not trying to complain, here!! :)
Hey Melanie, cool the beans, I know you only post while at home! I thought you might be starting on a later shift! Nae need tae get yer knickers in a twist!!:D
The weather here is unbelievably horrible - gale force winds with driving rain.:( Mrs AJ has just informed me we have a leak in our vestibule!:((
I'm away home now, so Melanie, you have a great day and I'll speak to you soon!:))
Sorry work was busy for you today, AJ...have a great eve if we don't speak!
...you'll laugh, I think...the SgtMjr's work friend from Stirling...He and I got into a 'mild' argument about the weather...fancy my getting into an argument, and with a Scotsman that I just met!! He plans to move to Arizona when his wife arrives from Scotland...to a dry, hot, always sunny place....(I agreed to disagree...I still love the 4 seasons!!) :D
oh, leaks from the roof are nae fun...we have a few leaks in bad storms, too...the kids know to put out the cooking pots to catch the water, if I'm not home
be safe out in that storm, that kind of weather is Never fun!!
Ps...AJ, I got about the same response from the SgtMjr when I responded back so cheeky, about if I was working today!! :))
Hope you're not having too much trouble with the storm and your home/fence etc :((
AJ, my cheeky words came back to haunt me...I was called in to work a few hours to replace a nurse who had to go home.
(I'm feeling a bit guilty for sayin that to ya, hopefully you know I was just teasin...I know both you and the SgtMjr are two guys who work just as hard I/we gals do!!) :))
talk with you all tomorrow; I do hope you're weathering the storm, all right, AJ...I've been peeking in on the haggishunt webcams :/ :(
Good morning!
Anna, how was the evening performance??!! Did you get lots of photos and cry a puddle?! ;))
AJ, how are things?!!
Hi Peajay!
no doubt busy morn/day for ya'll will hopefully chat with you later!
Hi everyone,
I trust you are all in fine fettle today, Melanie was a bit stroppy yesterday, but I just roll with the blows;))
The weather is still miserable here lots of flooding in many areas. Tomorrow is forecast to be good, which is just as well, as it is our office day out in Bonnie Dundee!:) Of course, it won't matter if it is snowing or force 10 gales, as we should be oblivious by 5 o'clock!!:)))
It's gonna be a bit sad tho', my two closest work colleagues are leaving and will be hard to replace as friends as well as work colleagues. I keep my home life seperate from work, but these two are valued and we'll keep in touch. One of them is just going along the road to work at St Andrews Uni, so we'll definatly see each other for an occasional drink or six!:))
It's Mrs AJ's nicht oot tonight, so I dare say I'll have more time to catch up this evening!:)
Hi Melanie
The concert was great .... we really enjoyed it and yes I cried!! Away in a Manger started the meltdown and Once in Royal David's city finished me off. Sentimental or what?
Kit Kat did OK with his recorder and really enjoyed himself. Altho' this morning getting ready to go to school he said "Seeing as I worked so hard last night I should get today off". Nice try kid, but off you go!!
They break up on Tuesday so he hasn't got long to go, anyway! :))
AJ you're quiet ... I've replied to you on the stone of scone board but haven't managed to post anywhere else myself. Bit busy working (!!) this morning.
Hiya Mel,
Wotcha upto today - is work/domestic balance a bit better today? ;)
Ouch!!!.... I just recived a cyber boot up my cyber backside!!:D
Hiya Anna,
The Stone of Destiny is load of nonsense, don't you think? The chances of the current stone being authentic are absolutely zilch. Good story for the tourists though!
Glad KK performed well, but what about his effort to skip school!!:D Sounds like you'll have to keep an eye on wee Kit Kat!
AJ, I was just teasin, but I should have known better, when I got the same response from the SgtMjr...I was feeling guilty, don't want to upset the menfolk! ;)) Glad to see you've recovered tho....so what's this party tomorrow? holiday office party, at a hall/restaurant or something??
Anna, isn't fun to see them beaming with pride at an accomplishment!! :)) Glad you had a nice evening!!
We're going to a restuarant at 2pm, after office drinks. Then after the meal(wine by the gallon!, it's a pub crawl along the Perth Rd!! Lots of pubs and it's a very long road!
Last train at 10:30pm tho', so I'll need to watch!!!!!:0 That's never stopped me before tho'!!!:D
oh, don't want to miss the train!!! might it be a long walk??!!! :D Sounds like a lot of fun...pub crawl, that gave me a chuckle!! Well, never had the 'pleasure' of that, must be a guy thing!!!;)
Saw your comments on the Stone you two, but am doing the morn duties of coffee and fire in the fireplace!!
thought I'd miss you both as I had to go outside, but I see that we're all having busy mornings!!
I will be here later in your eves if you will be in the mood for some chat
So, I know Anna, was a military mad-dasher on motorbikes! ;)
AJ, were you a 'party animal' and political activist in your youth??!! ;))
Melanie, I was certainly a party animal but it was balanced out by a keeness I had for golf (most boring sport in the world!). There you have it - I was an out of control golfer!!:D
I ditched golf about 11-12 years ago, and I must say it was one of the best things I ever did - I sought new interests that were more worthwhile!
would one of those interest be the pursuit of Mrs AJ??!! ;)))
Well observed Melanie, that indeed was a healthy pursuit!:))
It's interesting how we change/grow as life progresses...I think we mentioned this before...
I've never played golf...I think the best part would be just the walking about on the course/links
What would we do without our spouses....they keep us in line, don't they!!! ;))
It's one of the best things in life, I think...having a companion/spouse...to share things with!!! (sorry, if I'm getting too philosophical)!!
Someone once said golf is "a good walk spoiled", I think it was Oscar Wilde!
It's an incredible pointless waste of time Melanie, and that point of view comes from someone who played the game at a reasonable level. Once I stepped away from it for a period, I had to re-evaluate and I decided to give it up completely!
All these things are for a purpose, because I would never had met Mrs AJ if I continued along with my old hobbies/way of life!:))
Can you understand that Melanie?!
yes, I do think I understand...there are things in life that take intensity and focus, and are very absorping...hard to start/continue relationships sometimes...unless the other person is very understanding
Enough of that heavy stuff Melanie, I'm looking forward to the Xmas party tomorrow, it's a time of year to express goodwill and tell people what you think of them!!:D
I can see an 'incident' looming tomorrow, nothing to do with me, but I'll have to pick up the pieces!!:)
Office female politics, don'tya jist luv it!!:D
hopefully I'm on a bit about you were meaning....okay to re-direct if not
my poor friend asked me to go to Ireland with her, because all her hubby and his brothers want to do is golf and 'pub crawl' :)) I've put in at work for the time off, so hopefully I will be able to work it out...it sounds like it could be fun, as long as we girls are smart about getting safely around alone on some of the days...I've always traveled with male companions!!!
I know what you mean AJ ... all things in moderation, including golf. Unless you do it for a living!!:)
I've mentioned this before but a friend of mine is a golf widow and it is putting a big strain on her marriage. Personally, I think her hubby is a selfish g*t, but I keep my opinion to myself and just lend a sympathetic ear or help out with picking her son up from school. Its an expensive sport as well .... and whatever else has to give he always seems to find the money for that!! Hopefully, he will lighten up a bit and realise what he is missing .... not only his wife but the best years of his 2 son's lives.
Having said all that he is a nice guy..... just a bit selfish! :(
I think the stuff about the Stone of Scone is hilarious ........ some of them get so passionate about it. I doubt if half of them have ever seen it anyway.
Btw: do you pronounce the edible scone as in ron or stone?
Mr A pronounces it as in stone. I pronounce it as in ron.
He is from the midlands and most of my influences are from the north of england.
oh, AJ, I know what you mean!!! Women can be so catty, men sopmetimes aren't always that much better...but usually it's the women!!! (which is why I prefer/get along with guy-friends better!!, unless the women are of the same mindset then they're great...Anna, Peajay, the gal-pal I'm going to Ire with) :D
right about the heavy stuff, sorry!
Ps hopefully telling them what you think involves something...Positive ;))
A pub crawl is often a female thing in the UK as well, Melanie. There are a lot of our 'sisters' who, unfortunately, like to get as tanked up as the guys.
Know where you're coming from with the office politics... AJ!! Once the drink starts flowing .. all the emotions that would be better kept in check start coming out.
I've got a Xmas lunch tomorrow ... but I think it will be fairly restrained!!
The Xmas dinner at a pub on Tuesday night might not be. I'll have to keep off the gin... don't want to end up telling anyone what I *really* think of them. :D
We have yet another holiday party this Sat...at my ELondon friend's house, the one with the 'indoor pub' in his living/dining area...should be fun, as he puts on a really good 'shin-dig' :))
I'm going to try and sneak out while the kiddies are doing school, and finish up xmas shopping...the best part sometimes, is looking for 'stocking stuffers'...Anna, do you do the stocking over the fireplace...for KitKat, as well as milk and biscuits/cookies for Santa?? or is he too old now!!
Posh people up here call scones - stone version, whilst the likes of masel say ron!!:)
Back to the golf - golf is a game that breeds selfishness, so you're bang on Anna! Best to encourage kids to play team sports, it's better for the soul! Well, for what its worth, that's my opinion that I've formed over the years!:)
Sorry about the heavy stuff Melanie!:))
Log fire and stockings hanging, it's the only way!:)
Got to pick up Mish Mash soon, talk to y'all later;)
I'm luckily missing my 'office' party as it's the same night as my friend's one, on Sat...I don't socialise much with the girls at work...much because of what you mentioned, AJ...there are a few I get on with really well, but I don't think they're going anyway...oh well!! :))
Anna, I like you!!! You're the kind that will tell it like it is, then work it out afterwards!!!! Best to know where you stand with people if you can....but I've often done the quiet, restrained as well....there are some that if will never be worked out with ;))
Sorry, am in a bit of phil. mood today...will maybe explain later...but AJ's right...there's festivity in the air, not to be spoiled!!!
See you, AJ...will maybe speak with you later??!! :D
Kit Kat still hangs up his Xmas stocking and puts out a glass of whisky for Santa, a gin & tonic (!!) for his helper and some mince pies, a carrot and some polo mints for the reindeer.
He says he still believes in Santa .... but I doubt if he will next year... so I'm making the most of it for now!!
AJ, I don't mind the heavy stuff, because we seem to have it well balanced with the fun!!!
I agree about team sports bringing out the well-balanced outlook on things, team-player, etc!
Anna, I like your version of Santa offerings better!!! ;) perhaps Santa will want an Irish coffee this year??!!! ;)))
have to get the kiddies going for school then I'm out the door for some errands....
I'll be on later in your eve if your all in the mood to chat...let the craic mightily flow!!! ;D
I'm back if you want a chat?!?
Mish mash is tucked up in bed, Mrs AJ is out getting steaming and I'm listening to the radio! What a life!! Ye canny beat it!!!:))
Watcha listening to on the radio AJ?
Decided that as a self-employed person with only one employee (me) I should have an office party but it was going to be a bit pointless and look incredibly sad if I got wasted all alone. :DD
Hi Peajay, listening to some Scottish/Sebian fitba - Rangers vrs Partizan Belgrade! I've always loved the name Partizan as it sums up the warlike nationalistic traits of people from that region! Sorry to be boring!:D
You should have a company week in Dubai, since you're the CE!:)) Champagne should be the order of the day!!:D
Did you get your Xmas shopping concluded? I pulled a master stroke today by getting portraits of Mish Mash set up with the station photographer!!! He came to see me about something else and the idea just hit me!! Mrs AJ will love that!!:)))
Excellent plan for both the Dubai bit (after the £26 am hampered by lack of funds) and the MM portrait, Mrs AJ will be so impressed with your ingenuity.
My dad is currently listening to Spurs V Dynamo Bucharest. All very tedious.
Spurs are 2-0 up, can't be too tedious Peajay.
Curiously my brother-in-law is a Spurs supporter! I think he was dropped on his head at an early age, however he is an investment banker, earning a massive wedge. It must have been the fitba part of the brain that was effected:))0
Did I say Dubai, I meant Dunbar and they don't stock champagne, only Buckfast Tonic Wine! You'll feel better after a night on the Buckie.....or so I'm told!!:D
What was the title of the French WW1 book we discussed much much earlier?
hi guys, just back from shopping...
the portrait was a great idea!! I'll take it that Mrs AJ is out for a nite of cocktails??!!
AJ, your never boring, and thanks for being humorous/festive this morn for me!! I was getting too Philos.!!! :DD
Hi Peajay....I think you need a xmas holiday in sunny Calif ;) !!!
Anna, are you pouring out for Santa already???
Hi Melanie,
How are you? Peajay is listening to the fitba and swigging from a bottle of Buckie! I'm just sitting here waiting for some cyber talk!!:))
Well, I'm surely glad to be of service here to ya, sir! ;))
Cocktails would be fine, but she told me it's Champagne all night!!:) I'll be fast asleep when she gets home and I'll hide the thermometer, jist in case she gets any ideas!!!:D
Too funny!! AJ, yes hide the thermometer, you don't want to me mauled, but then......(does she like you in a kilt??!!) ;))
Champagne is just a headache maker for me, even the good stuff!! Is it a holiday party for Mrs AJ's work!!??
Do you think Anna is on the gin already? I hope so, she's a feisty one at the best of times, and there'll be nae prisoners taken when she's had a few!!:D
It's a holiday party Melanie - dangerous times!!;)
When I've got the kilt on my pride and joy is at risk!! Especially when she's had a few. I suspect when you get the pirate gear on, the Sgt Mjr will act the same way:DD
Have you been to Dubai?? It's not on my high priority list at the moment!!
I just went and put in for a passport renewal, I'm excited about traveling again...how many hours is it from Scotland to Milan??
The food and xmans shopping was a bit crazy, but I need to finish it all up....hopefully I'll get my baking all done!!
yes, ahem, the wench dress....a very dangerous thing to wear!! ;D
so what are you asking for xmas???
I'll probably get the SgtMjr something for wearing when he's on the tractor jobs, maybe some music CD's...he's the only one I have left to shop for....the teen gets gift certificates, and we shop afterwards...she's in that 'picky' stage ;))
I'm thinkin you like the feisty, stroppy women, AJ!!! ;DD
It's about 2 hours Melanie, not long.
I'm trying to decide on a hotel at the moment, but nothing takes my fancy, apart from the 4 or 5 stars - need a good deal tho'!!:)
Never been to Dubai, but I no people who live there, they say it's sensational, but it doesn't appeal to me. It sounds like a contrived sort of place, not at all genuine. I hate too much commercialism in a place, especially when it's obviously at odds with the surroundings!!
Wotcha up to for the rest of the day Mel?
Some household stuff, finish up with kids school...to be honest I'd rather blog, then finish up with a good book while sipping on an Irish Coffee ;)) I usually get the kids to help with the house so it's not too bad of work
The SgtMjr may be home early, not sure, his hours are always changing
Feistiness, is indeed an alluring trait in a woman!!;) I like the challenge, maybe I'm akin to the Black Widow male, who gets eaten after the mating process!!:D
Well, who knows!?!
You're not a feisty one Melanie, or do you have your moments?
Have you tasted Buckie AJ, it's truly disgusting (I tasted it at source). Thankfully the fitba is happening upstairs, Dalziel & Pascoe are getting to the crux of the matter downstairs, much more interesting.
Sgt Mjr coming home early!!!!, I'll have to get my cyber ass into the cyber wardrobe!!:D
I can be feisty, but I've been trying to behave myself lest I scare you away!! ;)) Not all men like a woman who gets stroppy!!
Hi Peajay,
I had a sip(really jist a sip!)at a party, it was disgusting - like medicine my Mum would give me!
Fitba should be finished now Peajay - 3-1 for the Spurs!
Get your backside over to CA and visit the Melster, cheap digs, just the dish washing to endure!!:D
Melanie, your worst bout of feistness will never scare me away - I've the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean to protect me!!:D
or is stroppy... argumentative...which I do have moments-what wife doesn't??!!
...I'm feisty enough to make it interesting, let's just say that!! ;)) I'll let you know when you need to get into the closet! ;)
Hi Peajay!! :D
I'm sure Anna already asked AJ about being in the closet. :D
Calif sounds nice but sponging relatives turning up for cheapo hols isn't top of anyone's wish list :DD
So AJ, ya think yer safe jist cause ya have a lil ole ocean between us do ya??!! ;D
Hi Peajay, poor AJ, took a beating from Anna on that one, perhaps you should hide in the butler's pantry instead, AJ ;)
Melanie!!! Closet has a whole different meaning in the UK!!:D
Peajay, you could have a tour of the Californian Vineyards with Melanie. You'd be flat oot, blootered, in the back of the family station wagon....or maybe the backseat.....given yer wee proportions!!;)) But what a chance tae sponge aff the American relatives!!!:D
Peajay, you're welcome here anytime!!! :D
AJ, are you getting another Miller?? Anyway, if I get out of hand, you'll pick me up and throw me into the snow!!! :D
okay, sorry, the Wardrobe....
How did know this is a Miller night, Melanie???? That's spooky!!:))
I do owe you, Peajay....have already sponged off you a bit ;)
I have a pick up truck...so I'll hire a driver, put some straw bales in the back, and we can have a hay ride in between the wineries ;DD
AJ, Anna...bring the crackers and cheese ;)
I know we've bonded AJ, but don't be disconcerted....it wasn't a mind meld or anything, just a lucky guess! :)
Melanie, I could go to town on your last post, but I won't. Peajay and Anna will understand!!:D
Hi guys,
No gin for me tonight :( I'm on the Jamesons :)) ... yum, yum. Have to say AJ .... its a lovely smooth Irish whiskey. I like it better than some of the Scotch that I've tried. Not that I've tried all of them you understand ... not yet anyway.
I'm starting to sound like a right old soak .... ah well, if the cap fits etc, etc!!
The book was "A Very Long Engagement" by Sebastien Japrioset - make sure you get the English translation :))
Feisty.... ? I can do feisty ... just ask Mr A ;D
Melanie, I had a strange tingling in my lobes, it must have been your powers!!:))
The pick up truck sounds cool - Japanese or American?
I grew up thinking all American families had station wagons, drove into Yellowstone NP and fed Yogi Bear, Doughnuts!!:D
now did I bait you a wee bit with that last comment?? ;D
but, I have to admit there was truth to it, and I'm not being disrespectful to the SgtMjr!!
Aha Anna,
The Jameson is too sweet for my taste, but if you like the poorer relation...on you go!!;))
Ref: Feistiness
Here's a question Anna, did you ever charge anybody in your time as an RAF Officer???
Peter Baleares on the Independence blog, an old pal from other blogs has likened me to Martha... I hope he's joking!
She's a bit too much of a warmonger for my taste....
The haycart eh?..... AJ's blood pressure will be rising.... !;)
I think a quick dip in the Atlantic is called for to cool things down a touch!!
OK Melanie, so yer no the wee innocent ye make oot!! I'll bear that in mind, whilst I make my future posts........you little naughty minx!!!;)
okay, AJ, did the American miss something, I meant 'us bonding',
...what words are different...now I know not to say 'closet' in the UK...I hate not understanding the joke!!
okay, it's probably the hay ride...which is usually quite a family oriented thing here...not something tawdry....now a roll in the hay...... ;D
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