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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Quest for the Grail

Well, it would seem censorship is at hand, although we did stretch out of the 'realm of rules' a bit in search of the grail at the whirlpool. What pilgrim did we offend, I wonder? Are we barred forever from participating in our search for the grail at other places?? Let's hope not! Regardless, the whirlpool respite was some fun!; and, wonderful memories and chuckles shared by we who saw the humour of it!!! Friends are welcome here. Let freedom of speech abound!!!


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Anonymous said...

good morning! AJ, you've been busy, am trying to catch all your various comments to see about adding...not sure Who might show up, though!!

yoghurt knitters...I'll let Anna throw her slant in on the matter, but to me, it's people who selectively abstain from things modern, and/or standard way of things, who adhere to some sort of romantic "back to a more natural" way of living philosophy but not always grounded in scientific/realistic thought. AND, who wear it as a badge of honor and are snooty to others, as if their way is better.

....Anna, perhaps Morag would want to birth her babe squatting and holding onto an old tree stump!!!!! ;)

We also have a lesser snooty version, I call granola people...they are more 'down to earth'-humble in their 'back to basics' lifestyle

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

Definitely not a suburb of Peterborough - Peajay - we're about 8 or 10 miles away and come under the Fenland council and MP. If you live here long enough you develop webbed feet and fingers!! Ah, yes there are lots of things said about the Fens - some are true and some are not. I haven't actually seen a Fen Tiger yet - altho' I've been told there are some about! ;) Catching eels is a big thing here and right next to where I live is a tributary of the Nene - where we get quite a few fishermen, canal boats etc. Its got a fair few idiosyncracies in the Fens but I really like it here especially some of the olde worlde customs!!

I'll check out your blogs AJ - see what you've been up to!!

Been a bit busy with things today - also its half term here so I've been getting "what can I do now?" type questions!!

Melanie - I'll have a look at your posts - I never got back to that last night.....

Anonymous said...

Right about the yoghurt knitters - Melanie.. .. AJ - think middle class people (often English) who have settled in the Highlands and Islands because they want to "get back to nature". They're usually well heeled and patronising about us poor saps in the rat race but they have enough money to enjoy their little hobby of crofting, crafting and getting back in touch with their inner selves (that sounds a bit rude tho' doesn't it.... ooher missus!!)

My other half calls them yoghurt knitters!!

Anonymous said...

Don't agree with you about the Duke - AJ - I think hes brill and his sense of humour is priceless. At least hes seen some active service not like most of the politicians!

Anonymous said...

Anna, I really don't follow the Royals...I much prefer the Oakland A's!! ;D
...however, I think there's always some doubt as to the type of merit these 'higher ups' have with regard to any military action. Same as with our uppercrusts and politicians. Somehow, I can't picure any of these 'protected' people being involved in anything really dangerous that would earn a 'true' decoration. Kennedy and his PT boat are about the only thing that I know of that comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Melanie but the Duke of Edinburgh was on active duty in the Royal Navy throughout the whole of WW2. He wasn't married into the Royal family then and therefore he was not "protected". He is entitled to wear the uniform of an officer in the Royal Navy and he is highly regarded for his "mess" humour and pithy un PC comments by the armed forces! He is one of the good guys!

Anonymous said...

Carrie has replied to you on the pregnancy blog.... Melanie - bit of an apology!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna, will have to go to the preg blog and read...I'm out the door for a walk...will check back in about an hour.

Will you guys be around this (your) eve? AJ, after class?

Anonymous said...

Melanie - you're getting a few hits on that pregnancy blog - you need to defend yourself gal!! Go for it.... :)

AJ - what's your opinion on foetal monitoring - are you for or against? Or have you never thought about it? Btw: If you don't mind me asking - were you present at the birth of your daughter? I have to say that my other half was a brilliant birth partner - I was so glad he was there. Mind you, when it was all over and our son had been whisked off to SCBU (he was premature) - he turned to me, in all my post delivery glory (!) and when I was feeling absolutely knackered and said "Well, that wasn't too bad was it, love?"....... Men!! ;D

Anonymous said...

fair enough from Carrie...she still misread into the MD's intent..he wasn't pointing fingers at all, just discussing the facts...maybe I'll say a hello back to her...just didn't want a 'hen' fight! ;) She sounds a bit angry at the male-medical-establishment!!

AJ, did your wife homebirth or go to hospital?

As far as Philip, fair enough; I think there was a comment saying at least he's better than if it were Charles visiting! ouch!!

hope ya'll are having a nice eve! Will check back later to see if you've added anything! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh, hi Anna! yes, men...mine watched a few films during my labour and every once in a while said, don't forget to breath, honey! ;)
Actually, he was great and very supportive, but he was watching films as well!!! ;)

Will have to check the preg blog, thanks...if I don't respond, it will be because I really need to be doing school with the kids...we homeschool the two wee ones thru an established program and have the teen enrolled in an on-line highschool. The public schools here are not good, and private is just too expensive.

Peajay said...

Hi Melanie
Skye from California is asking for your views on the pregnancy blog at number 27.
Glad you revealed the home-tuition as you had often referred to helping with schoolwork, definitely un-PC with homework/coursework being banned here for fear of parental intervention.

Anonymous said...

That's interesting that you home teach, Melanie, one of my sisters does as well. One of her children is now at college and the other is still taught at home. Her and her husband did it for much the same reasons as you - not happy with local school in their area and not able to afford private. They are also both "born again christians" so that had a lot to do with it as well. You know the kind of thing - the little fish on the back of the car etc. They don't go on about it all the time tho' so that's a good thing.... I'm not into all of that, as I've already said but I respect their views and we don't talk/argue about it - best way I find!!:)

Anonymous said...

I laughed at the bit about your husband watching films during your labour, Melanie. What did he watch? Mine had just returned from a detachment to California (China Lake) and had a lovely long chat with the anaethaetist about the US. All this while the man was supposed to be giving me an epidural! Oh don't mind me being in agony here you just carry on telling your new best friend about your travels dear! :D

Anonymous said...

the only one I remember is a Van Damme "chase and karate kick the bad-guy film" ;P

and, he was telling jokes with the anesth. while my epidural was being started!

I suppose I should go and answer that Skye person....but I don't have the data handy that she requested, C-secs are on the rise,though... and I'm actually more in the mid-road on that subject of natural birth vs. machinery process/MD convenience to get to his football game on time! :)

sorry if this is all boring to you AJ!!! How was class?!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys...Jake from Texas got me banned from the Scotsman....I guess the tater and cabbage police aligned forces with the feminists! Jake was a bit over the top, I'll it time to beg for forgiveness??!! ;D

I managed to get my comment on the preg blog using hubby's e-mail. I'll work on getting back on via my computer. The winery is giving me an e-mail, but I'm not going to use that one...I think I can create another one via yahoo, like before....ah, the complexities of life!! :D

Watched a good programme on the history channel tonite...Hannibal/Carthage/Rome. The ancient seaports of the Carth. were pretty intricate and incredible...but their human(child) sacrifice to their god put me off a bit. Still, all in all, it was a pretty interesting programme.

talk with ya'll tomorrow! hubby was chuckling at me for "getting in trouble!" ...again :)
(esp as Jake was quoting a friend from Kentucky!) :D

Anonymous said...

Whoops Melanie ..... banned again - you better not let 'good old boy' Jake out of his cage again.

I've only made a comment on the 'cross border raids' hospital blog so far. I think the Scotsman is muck raking with that one!

Very quiet AJ - have we sent you to sleep with the girl's talk?

AJ Fife said...


Well done for the ban, I'm proud of you!

Essay done and dusted, and handed in on time!!! Nervous wait for mark now:(

Sorry I was unavailable last night - I simply ran out of time.

Anna, I felt guilty about my remarks about the Duke's medals. My criticism really kicks in after his entry (so to speak!) into the Royal Family proper. He is however, a legend down Rosyth way, apparently he used to throw it about like a Bombay money lender. Lots of wee Prince Philip look-a-likes in the area!!

Anonymous said...

Agree with you about the Duke .... he's always had an eye for the ladies! He was an extremely sexy and attractive man in his heyday - so I bet he got a fair few offers!! Even for his age - you can still see the attraction! Pity his sons didn't inherit his looks and dare I say it, masculinity!! ;)

I defended him on the blog, anyway, not that I think he needs me to defend him, I bet he could haul anyone over the goals, metaphorically speaking, if he had the inclination to do so!!

Noticed any good blogs today?

Anonymous said...

Should be coals not goals!! ;)

AJ Fife said...

Anna, I haven't really had a good look yet.

Anyway, the questions about birth. I was present at my daughters birth, my task was to maintain the tempreature of the big pool!! However having spent about 3 hours in the pool(whick provided natural pain suppression), due to lack of staff my wife was told to get out and continue the process in a normal delivery suite. The pain immediatly kicked in as she got out the pool.

I had no time to read or watch telly as I was too interested in the monitors and printer showing the contraction graph.

The wee one arrived very quickly - the mid-wife left the room to get a birth pack and bingo, the wee one came walloping oot!! The nurse just got back in time and vitually had to dive to catch my daughter, before she thumped on to the bed. During this period I was in deep shock and could only gibber like a mental patient in a padded room!

We left the hospital 6 hours after the birth and it was all hands to the pump! It was a very emotional day, but a great day nonetheless!

My wife wants a home birth next time, she ideally wanted a home birth the first time, but was talked round by our health visitor. This was due - in part - to our local maternity hospital's poor reputation.

AJ Fife said...


Getting back to the Duke, in the 50's he was told to go on an extended tour of Australia and New Zealand, basically to get it all out of his system. Plus he was very close to becoming the main player in the biggest scandal to ever hit the Royal family due to his voracious sexual appetite!

You can see where Charlie gets it from!!

Anonymous said...

I would have liked a water birth but, I developed pre-eclampsia about 9 weeks before my due date and had to be hospitalised - our son was 6 weeks premature but I had a natural delivery. They wanted to avoid c-section because I'd developed a few complications with my blood failing to clot etc, that's why I had the epidural to keep the blood pressure down, mind you after it kicked in - I loved that anaethaetist!! Oh, the drama of it all.

Anyway - our boy was a bit small and went into SCBU for about 7 days but he was breathing by himself so was never in an incubator.... I think a lot of my problems were probably caused by my being 38 when I had him which is a bit old for a first baby, I suppose but he was well worth it. :))

Too much information AJ?

AJ Fife said...


I've just recovered from passing out!!:D

Your experience sounds a bit traumatic to say the least. It is worth it, but you obviously went through a lot, not to mention your wee boy.

It underlines how fortunate we were, when you consider what could go wrong! My wife was 28 when our wee one arrived, which might have helped. However, I really think it's the luck of the draw.

AJ Fife said...


How old is your wee one now?

Anonymous said...

He's nearly 8 now ..... and is an only child .... just never managed it again ... but they do say fertility drops dramatically after 40 so I make the most of the one that I've got! Mind you, I don't think being an only child bothers him in the least - he gets plenty of parental attention from both of us and makes friends easily so he seems happy enough! So yes, bit of simple arithmetic that makes me nearly 46!! Only 4 more years to the half century!! :)

AJ Fife said...


There's a lot to be said for parents investing a lot of time with their children. In a lot of ways, single children are very fortunate having the parents to themselves, as it can engender an even stronger bond. Sqawking, fighting and petty rivalries do flare up constantly in larger families.

We hope to have more in the near future, so role on WW3!!:)Madonna, maybe has the right idea - picking kids from the shelf!;)

You saw through my clever tactic of tricking you into divulging your age!! Nevermind with all the beauty products you picked up Birmingham, I'm sure you don't look a day over 35!:D

Anonymous said...

good morning!!

AJ, I figured your wife was a "youngin'!" My older bro's wife is 32 ;)

Yes, a water birth, more natural experience/birthing center would have been great, but there wasn't anything here in "the sticks" like that...and we were poor youngins...I had my first at 27. Ugh, I feel old today!:l

Anna, 8yrs is such a fun age, my youngest is 9. They definitely keep me busy, but I love it! :D

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know what you mean about larger families and sibling rivalries. Both me and my husband are from larger families and sometimes the sibling rivalry thing isn't just confined to childhood!! Petty jealousies and flare ups can and do get carried forward into adulthood. Thats one of the reasons why we stay at home for Christmas and meet up with our families before and after "the Day"!

Having said that the plan was for us to have 2 rugrats but things don't always go according to plan!! Best to count your blessings - I think!

Anonymous said...

Have you sorted out your new email for the Scotsman blog, Melanie? I wonder how many people get banned and then just pop back on again, under another name.....

I haven't seen David from TX on there for ages - wonder if he was banned for ranting!

Saw you on the DNA blog .. .AJ.. agree with you there ... have you been anywhere else?

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

Yes, I'm a geriatric Dad, but it's offset with my wife being younger.

My wee one's just on the verge of speaking and she's also developing 'attitude'. It's quite scary, the books say if you give in at this stage, you'll have a nightmare on your hands later!!:0

Any tips Ladies?

Anna, I only have one brother, but I must say I keep our relationship at arms length.

AJ Fife said...

Anna, I noticed Melanie was deliberately baiting David TX, can't remember the blog, but it was funny.

I've commented on the soldiers coming back from Afghanistan and also the Buckingham Palace story. All pretty tame stuff!

Anonymous said...

yes, I think I 've worked it out...but you'll see my entry on the preg blog twice...they must have allowed it on after review. I still will shy away from usuing that e-mail adress tho.

It seems that the use of mid-wives is more acceptable over your way, or I've been behind hosp walls too long! :) There are some nurses who work as Duelas (sp) but that's more of a labor coach. Litigation is big over here. I'm torn between the home vs hosp/med intervention. I think I know too much of what could go wrong!!!

But, I think to do it again, the more natural, birthing center with a midwife, but emerg intervention avail. is the way to go.

AJ, I was/am lovingly strict with consistency. (consistency was a learned thing) meant no. if I had to give a swat on the bum, which was really only on occasion, it was more for effect rather than discomfort for that age. I've rarely had any problem taking my children anywhere...there might have been an occasional tantrum when they were younger, but that was due to them being overtired, usually. Sorry if I've shocked you about the 'swat on the bum', some people are very sensitive to that...but I feel if used as loving discipline, not as punishment, then it has a place...when they are younger. Now, I just ban them from electronics!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Agree with you, Melanie, about the loving discipline thing. My son has only been smacked about twice in his life - once for nearly electrocuting himself when he was about 3 - after being told to stay away from the socket!! The other was when he hit me when he was about 5. They were both just gentle reprimands - the first I admit was my instinctive reaction of fear of him shocking himself - the second was to teach him that if you hit someone they hit you back!

When he was smaller - we had the naughty corner and nowadays it is mainly stopping him watching fave TV programmes, saying No to treats etc. He learns quickly and I think he has good manners... we are able to take him into restaurants and he knows how to behave. He has to do his homework and little jobs around the house to earn pocket money as well.

20 months (or thereabouts?) is a tricky AJ - they are starting to find their feet in more ways than one and its hard to reason with them! :)

AJ Fife said...


Any home births here are fully supported and some mid-wives encourage the choice. Obviously you bow to their recommendations.

Interestingly I was born at home!

Anonymous said...

Anna, your right about the no reason with an almost 2yr old. you can't. so it was mommy's way or nothing, at that age...I kept thinking about the teen years to come and what groundwork I hubby has been the better one for applying structure/consistency, you could say I learned that from him. But then, he's the expert at working with youth-at-risk, and the do's and dont's of things and emotional behavior of children.

AJ, I think a home-birth is a wonderful idea for a low-risk mom. (I'll be honest, tho, the nurse in me still prefers the med support of a birthing center) A friend of mine birthed all of hers at home and had no problems.

That preg/monitoring article and posts made it sound as if your hospitals weren't too considerate to the birthing mothers. I can see why women would choose the alternative.

where is the DNA blog you mentioned?

Anonymous said...

My sister in law had a home birth by accident. She turned up at the hospital in labour with 2nd child and they told her to go home and come back when the contractions were closer together!! Anyway, about an hour later she gave birth to our niece on the bathroom floor - her hubby was on the phone to the emergency services who were talking him thro' the delivery!! The ambulance got there in time to 'cut the cord'!!.

Things turned out OK for them - but after the euphoria had worn of a bit - sis-in-law was very upset about the whole thing (apart from just normal 'baby blues')and suffered a lot of "what if" anxiety about losing her baby because no medical staff were present!

I've blogged twice on the hospitals in Scotland one and also on the DNA site. Nothing too contentious tho'!

Anonymous said...

interesting comment about the pipeline...we have friends over there, and something about that was commented on by them...but they couldn't go into detail

Anonymous said...

DNA blog is the one where Tony Blair (the panto demon king) wants to set up a DNA database ....

AJ Fife said...

Melanie, the DNA blog is on the UK section.

Anna, all's well that ends well I suppose, but your faith goes out the window in cases like that. Some staff are better than others - luck of the draw again, but it shouldn't be like that. The hospitals are budget driven and the staff are required to make pressured decisions, and will get it wrong sometimes.

We had a particularly upsetting time over the care of my wife's 84 year old Grandmother, she was sexually assaulted in a mixed ward and died 6 days later. This was caused by the lack of staff and the fact the Trust had pledged to close down the last mixed ward 2 years previous. All the circumstances were caused by budget constraints. She was on her last legs, but what an end to her life and she was aware of what happened too!

This was the other reason my wife felt uncomfortable in hospitals!

Anonymous said...

AJ, about your being a geriatric older bro is your age and just had a baby girl. It sounds as if the situation of his past is similiar to yours.

All I can say is, he is the happiest he's been in his adult life!! He absolutely adores his newborn daughter, and is totally Mr. Mom about it all...this is a guy who used to skate in the minor hockey leagues!! :) but he is so tender with his wee one! I'm happy for you, and I think those auld bones of yours will be able to keep up!!

Anonymous said...

how horrid AJ, I'm so sorry, no wonder!!

AJ Fife said...


Sorry about adding that story, it's a bit disturbing. Way to heavy for oor wee messageboard!

Anonymous said...

Awful story - AJ - I think the 'care' of the elderly in our hospitals is much more worrying than the maternity problems. Since they closed the geriatric wards things have gone from bad to worse.

I really don't know what the answer is but some of the nursing staff seem more concerned about being like doctors than actually doing any nursing..... that seems to be left to the barely trained auxillarys and sometimes, in the worst cases, even the cleaners!!

I think mixed wards should be banned - they are the worst kind of indignity for anyone, let alone a vulnerable elderly person, to suffer. So sorry about your gran in law.

Anonymous said...

These politicians (or people behind them) are scary with their Orwellian stuff. It seems it's everywhere, here too.

ooh, time to shake off the negative!! If I dwell on all that too much it gets me down!!

AJ, unfortunately 'things' happen...I don't mind talking about such, between friends. It keeps it real, so to speak, and helps to get thru it/life in a way. I'm glad you felt open enough to talk about it. ;)

Anonymous said...

sorry, that should have been a smile only :) as if happy to share in support of some of life's hardships, between new friends

Anonymous said...

If AJ is a geriatric Dad - I must be an auld and ancient Mum!! :D

Anonymous said...

Anna, my friend is my age with 3 and 5 yr olds, she says they keep her young!! ;D

I'm sad at the idea of no more it's fun to 'play' with the healthy ones at work. :D

But,I'm glad for my freedom, in that my kids are older. My 15yrold watches the others, so I can get out.

AJ Fife said...

Gotta go and pick up my wee yin, I'll hopefully get online later on.

You guys.....yer great:))

Anonymous said...

Anna, AJ (and Peajay)...I'm out the door for a walk, before I start school with the kids...will watch for you to be on later, in your eve :D

Anonymous said...

I'm away in for my tea as well ... I might come out to play later!!:D

Anonymous said...

Anna and Peajay, you're probably to beddy-by!

AJ, am off with the teen for 'girl time' with the horses, about 2hrs...I'll check back to see if you're a nite owl tonite, if not, then will 'see' ya tomorrow my morn! :D

hope you've all had a nice eve!

Peajay said...

Hi Melanie
Sorry not taken much part today, have flu-ish symptoms and felt a bit lousy (worst part is due for flu jab tomorrow) :(
Also don't have a viewpoint on the birthing business as can't have children at all so topic is kind of difficult to comment on. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Hi Peajay,
Hope you feel better, soon!!:)

Anonymous said...

Yes, get well soon Peajay... flu going about already where you are? Don't send it up here:) I suppose its that time of year again....

Sorry to miss you last night, Melanie, but I was really tired, for some reason. I was out and about quite a bit yesterday, so I turned in at about 10pm and that was me till this morning! Maybe, its the change in the weather it has started to become very autumnal here and the temp has dropped down - the leaves are also starting to fall. We have a lot of trees at the front of our house - which look very nice but they are all deciduous so we get loads of leaves.

Morning AJ - any good blogs today?

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna,

Haven't had time to look today, but I'll let you know:)


Speak to you soon when you get up at 0430 hrs!!


Look efter yersel Hen!

AJ Fife said...


Corbie has entered the debate of the sex/Kirk scandal!

He might get banned as usual though!

Anonymous said...

good morning..."slept in" a bit :)

will see what Corbie has been up to

Change of weather here, too Anna...finally!

AJ Fife said...

Corbie was taken off as expected, he only mentioned that Ms Percy looked a bit of a handfull. He also stated that the more religious and conservative the person, the better the fireworks in the sack!! Oh, he also talked about an experience with a nun!!!

Mmmmmm....took it too far again methinks!

Anonymous said...

yes, Corbett can get a bit carried away! I love the comic relief, though!!

One of best talks about faith/religion, was in a pub in Germany, over pints, with some German Caths, and German Prots. It was actually quite a civil and interesting discussion! (our Amer. Bible friends would have coughed and sputtered at our imbibing while talking of the faith!!) ;)

AJ Fife said...

Germany's a good example of how protestant and catholics can get on, albeit there's a bit of a north/south divide.

Scotland's two main religions should take note.

Anonymous said...

We were in the south in Karlsruhe, in the pub. When we were hiking/wandering in the Alps (where only small schoolchildren spoke English!), we went to/observed a Catholic Mass that was held on a grassy slope, outside an Alm, they had brass horns that echoed was really cool. And, they didn't mind us being there.

Anonymous said...

speaking of two main religions in Scotland and elsewhere....
...a philosophical you think Martin Luther would have nailed up his thesis, if he knew all the bloodshed and division that would come of it??

not trying to be heavy/negative, or stir dissension here!! was just a thought, from a human/historical perspective

AJ Fife said...


Did he catch his thumb with the hammer?

Anonymous said...

...consider yourself given...."That Look"...

Anonymous said...

Hi - been out and about again today, just catching up - so I missed Corbie's outing on the sex woman vicar story thingy.

I posted early on about the Edinburgh being most romantic city in the country story. There is someone on there who is using about 4 or 5 different names but you can always tell because their punctuation is awful and always the same. A couple of other people have noticed as well. They always type, Like this, And use capitals, In odd places, And commas instead, Of full stops, So see if, You can, Spot them,

Martin Luther - that's a heavy one (in more ways than one).... I think even if he knew what trouble he would cause he would still have done it and if it hadn't been him then someone else would have. A lot of these people are obsessed with being right and that's all they care about! There'll be some cooked up religious reason that 'the other side' should suffer for being wrong. I tell you religious mania is very dangerous..... as we've seen of late!

Posted anywhere else?

AJ Fife said...

Seriously, I think he would've thought twice, but he might have left one or two points out!

However the 95 Thesis was only the catalyst for the general feeling in Northwest Europe. The Vatican was bleeding the principalities etc dry with taxes and the cash for iconiclastic homage was really just abuse of the power of the church.

Interestingly, the current St Peter's was the result of the tax burdens imposed by the Papacy.

I think a split was inevitable, if it wasn't Luther or Calvin, it would have been someone else. The Nationalist feeling which grew in this period meant there was always going to be conflict with Southern Europe.

What do you think Mel?

Anonymous said...

The leaves are falling from the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze,
Some are red and some are rust,
Some are bent and some are bust.

Ah, autumn..... again - I feel so inspired! :D

AJ Fife said...


You need conifers!

Anonymous said...

Very good Anna!!! :)

Have to agree, on some people always needing to feel right... Religious mania is dangerous...but I think the average person is only 'seeking'...very generalised, sorry

AJ, you're more of the scholar than me on this one...but I do agree that the church hierarchy was very self-serving and controlling...generalised here, would have to research facts to back up examples. I think people were getting fed up, and change was on the way. I still think Luther might have hesitated, or changed/softened his is hard to say...just look at how today's church-goers are sometimes

Anonymous said...

Ps. you did take "The Look" as a back at ya joke, right?! :)

Anonymous said...

I think some of it had to do with ordinary people learning to read - at one time and correct me if I'm wrong, RC's were not supposed to read the bible. I think people started to read it and realised that a lot of the stuff they were being told wasn't in there and there was no reason why they could not talk to God and Jesus themself without the intermediary of the priest.

Also, there is disagreement about the Eucharist between RC and others and I think richer men started to object to paying tithes to the church. Then, old 'Enery VIII did his bit in England and then came the Reformation, after that RCs were treated with a great deal of suspicion in England - much the same as Muslims seem to be today.

I think the change was inevitable once more and more people could read.

Anonymous said...

as I'm on a bit of a philosophical note today, and to hopefully compliment Anna's poetry...

"now and then it's good to pause in the pursuit of happiness, and just be happy" -G Apollinaire

...don't worry, this mood won't last for long...I'll be back asking silly/light questions soon enough!!

Anna, very good, I had forgotten to add that point, as well as the intermediary ignorant group of people Is easier to control!! A lot of the Muslims currently involved in the jihad only have very little schooling...have a friend over there, that has a job sort of interviewing the populace...nothing physically invoked, lest you get the wrong picture! (psych/behavioral only) profiles)

AJ Fife said...


You're absolutely correct, Luther made use of the German language in his teaching,and with the advent of the printing press, his message quickly spread. People awoke to the con - a lot, however were still quite happy, hence the divide to this day.

It was an decision based on economics as well with the Northern cities starting to outstrip the cities in the South, in terms of productivity and the ability to pay taxes.

Melanie, I could feel the look from 10000 miles away:)

AJ Fife said...

It was clever how the aristocracy, clergy and educated operated in Europe up until that time. Only they could speak latin which was universal amongst them all. It would mean you could live anywhere and be understood - a single European language!

Anonymous said...

AJ, are you off work today or stayed to type?

So, glad you were in tune to my 'look', it was a good one, with a bit of the shake of the head, not to mention the smirk

AJ Fife said...

Melanie, I was at my work - you've got to fill the day somehow. I'm at home now letting the Wee One feed herself, or rather smear herself in pasta sauce with a bit yoghurt mixed in for afters!!:D

I hope I'm not being 'monitored' by anyone or I'm up the creek withoot a paddle!!

Anonymous said...

I hope not, I was wondering how you had so much 'free time' at work! :)

Anonymous said...

give that wee one a kiss on the cheek for me, between the pasta sauce and yoghurt!!!

AJ Fife said...

Luckily I work in an enviroment which means it's absolutely fine.....I hope!!:)

If I said exactly what I do, Anna would be able to phone me up!!:D

Anonymous said...

Are you civilian or military? My friend is a civilian but works on the AirF base out here

Anonymous said...

of course, you don't have to answer that... I'm not trying to be nosy, just curious. been sailing lately?

Anonymous said...

Funnily enough - about being phoned up! When I got this afternoon there was a message on my answerphone - with a fairly strong Scottish accent. I thought, at first, AJ had tracked me down ......... but it was in fact one of my husband's friends (who I've only met once, so didn't recognise voice!) ringing up with a message for him! Phew! :D

Anonymous said...

AJ .....

Some guy called John D from Maryland is picking on you on the sex, women, vicar blog....... you've upset him... Well done he sounds like he deserves it - another fanatic.:)

AJ Fife said...


Luckily I'm a civilian, as my postings on the Scotsman would get me into serious poo if I was military!

Anna, that was me on the phone - I tracked you down, Wg Cdr Anna Jessica Proops DFC, first female pilot of hot air balloon with machine gun!:D

Enough of that, I tried to stir things up on the randy minister gets laid story, but to no avail. Corbert must be a marked man!

AJ Fife said...


I don't think he was having a go, he was realising that the whole thing is nonsense. I think.

Someone else called me a 'wee scamp' - not the reaction I was looking for. I mean, suggesting Jesus was a bastard, should have had the nutters coughing blood!!!;)

AJ Fife said...

Tried to stir the church orgy story again!

Peajay said...

Hi all
Thanks for your good wishes (even the hen one, AJ) Although feeling somewhat better still have temperature and symptoms to dodgy to warrant the Flu Jab (nurse told me that when I was sitting in front of her with sleeve rolled up at the ready!!!)
Agree with you Anna about the tree/leaf business, ours comes from living in a Garden City so they tend to be everyone elses leaves too.
AJ - the fanatics just aren't quite rising to you this evening are they, perhaps your next move could be to debate the easy virtue of the mother and maybe seek DNA proof!!! ;P

Peajay said...

Do you not feel that Doreen "call me Samson and keep schtumm" may be revealing alittle more info than is necessarily appropriate for a message board.

Anonymous said...

Hi AJ & Peajay

I'll maybe come up with another little poem about those two names - its a rhyme thing with me!! :)

I thought the John D bloke sound a bit barking but maybe I misread it...
The poster I was on about has been on the Jack McConnell ethnic story loads of times today. He uses Eric, John Coffindogdger, Don, Margaret, James, Jack & Joan. Look out for capitals in the middle of words and commas instead of full stops. He's trying to kid on that there is support for Scottish independence all over the place ...... still never mind we've all made people up ... but its a good idea to make them look a bit different, otherwise they're easy to spot! :)

I'll have a look at the sex/vicar story, again. See you were being nice to Eve tonight, AJ, ain't you sweet ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Peajay, if you read a few of Doreen's posts ...... you start to wonder about her a bit. She sounds like a woman of loose morals to me.... tut, tut. Too much information sometimes. :)

Anonymous said...

I step out for some errands and look at you all, so chatty!!

Anonymous said...

oops, haven't had any wine yet, and there I go...already with a hiccup as I type my name

Peajay said...

Hi Melanie
Off to bed now so missed you again. Should we worry about "haven't had any wine yet" I'm concerned about the "yet". I'd hate to have a cousin who's a lush. ;D

Anonymous said...

:D don't worry about me, no lush here!!! I'll admit to being a "chocoholic", though!!! :D

Funny about the phantom phone call from AJ, Anna!! I bet that would have given you a start! ;))

Anna/Peajay...if you two ever meet up, I might be getting a phone call with an English accent arrange a future Guinness-meet! (or tea!)
I don't fear a phoning from you, Anna :) Now, Corbett, on the other hand.... :)

Anonymous said...

just kiddin AJ, don't be put off...

Actually a Scottish accent now and then on the phone wouldn't be bad, as well as an English one, perhaps in the future :D long as you promise not to be too traumatised by an American accent! ;)

I've gone mad!!??!! :?

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe not so 'loony toon' have to admit, it would be fun to put a voice to the typing!! ;))

perhaps, someday....meanwhile....

have a nice morn, will say hello before I'm off to work... :)

Anonymous said...

The guy that phoned up was a friend of my husbands who as I've already said - I have met... but on the answer phone his accent sounded really strong... he's been living in England for over 10 years now and its a noticeable Scottish east coast accent face to face but not that strong - but over the phone it was as broad as anything.

My mother is the same she has a Northumbrian accent very watered down by living in this area for over 20 years - but when she is on the phone she sounds very north eastern - especially when shes 'oop north' visiting relations - then you could cut it with a knife!!.... Why aye man!!

I don't have any particular accent - I suppose you could call it plain English - I don't think it sounds posh - but I know that some of my Scottish and Northumbrian cousins think I talk a bit posh on the phone!! Not intentional I assure you...

The accent round this area as spoken by the 'real' locals is very like Norfolk - a bit ooh ar me duck..... hae ye got a light boy - "Oi'll just get my tractor out and drive very slow in front of a long line of cars" type of thing! :)

Do you have a southern accent Melanie?

Any good blogs today AJ?

Anonymous said...

Commented on Madonna, the midwife story and the Border terrier - Dandie Dinmont story. I'm the cute labrador puppy on that one ... well, I do have an adult lab as a pet and as a puppy she could have been in one of those adverts!! AH..... ;)

The midwife story might be worth a look for you, AJ, see if you can think of a non discrimatory replacement name for midwife!!

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna,

They've got me working today:(

Midwife - kidcatcher or stroppy-pants person.

I'll have a look for your posts. I posted on the Polish debate - I'm fed up with the Pole baiting!

AJ Fife said...


I've waded into the Madonna debate in a pretty strong manner. This is a genuine post from myself - no winding up!

btw I know you're not racist,but some of the posters are! My attack is intended for them!

Anonymous said...

Could be worse, AJ, it could be pole dancing .........! bit poor, I know but you've got to laugh.

No, I don't think I'm racist - I certainly hope not but I do wonder about Madonna's intentions .... and she is getting a lot of publicity out of this. If she'd kept it low key then fair enough but going on Oprah was another publicity stunt as far as I can see.

I did think she sang well in Evita tho'!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

good morning!

Anna, I was just infering a bit of humour, I knew it wasn't AJ calling. My southern comes out in some words, and if I'd had a glass of wine ;), or I'm around other southerners...I suppose now my accent is mostly influenced by the S.Calif people I've been around, hubby included, but some people can pick up I'm not from here.

will have a quick peek at what you've both been up to, have to watch my time!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, sorry Melanie - I knew you were just messing about. I had a feeling that what I had written might have been misconstrued .... not intentional I assure you!! :D

AJ - I'm arguing with you on the Madonna blog ....... just like the good old days! I haven't called you a poof yet tho'!!

Anonymous said...

I figured, Anna, but I had to add my 2 cents! :D

AJ, it seems like Scotland sees the Poles, maybe as Americans see Mexicans/illegals. Will have to go back and read.

Madonna...I'd be the referree/umpire between the two of ya, with the posting, but I'm out the door here....

sorry couldn't stay long...what was it you said, AJ?...something to fill the day...maybe it's more like..."somthin' ta earn ma keep!"...just kiddin! :D

AJ Fife said...


You're very restrained, in the old days I would have had the verbal equivalent of having my nuts sliced off and used as ping pong balls!!:D

I really don't know where that stuff comes from!!

See you later Melanie, although I might be writing in a high voice - if that makes sense:)

Anonymous said...

Good argument AJ ... you're getting a lot of bites!! :D

Anonymous said...

Did you like the Mother Madonna of Malawi? I thought that was quite good ...... she'll probably see it and use it!

Lady Madonna, children at your feet etc etc

Bye Melanie - hope to catch up later?

AJ Fife said...

Anna, Yeah, I liked the Madonna of Malawi. The Ken geezer was having a real go, I had to use simplistic language to put him in his place(I wonder if they'll take that off). You'll notice I responded to him after I complimented you, clever that!! :D

Anonymous said...

Yes, when I first saw it - I thought you were telling me to Sod off..... but I quickly realised that you were talking to Ken. Anyway, you're not that brave are you? It would be a verbal "off with the goolies" if you tried that!! :D

Anonymous said...

Moira Anderson ........ very funny! Don't tell me Kenneth McKellar, Andy Stewart and the Alexander Brothers as well?

Actually, I went to a Burns Supper down here and the Alexander Brothers were the caberet!! They were really good as well, we danced a fair few reels... what a laugh! :D

AJ Fife said...

I didn't fancy those guys, but I remember getting dragged to the Caird Hall in Dundee in 1971 to see that lot. I was dressed in ma wee kilt that I still have today! Disny fit tho'.

Anonymous said...

I used to have a kilt AJ, my mother used to make a lot of our clothes herself ... well people did in those days. I remember it had a bodice that was joined to the kilt and we used to put our vest and blouse or jumper on over the top of it all. I'm surprised we could breathe. I've got a photo of me and my 2 sisters - all dressed exactly the same in our kilts - and stood in front of the Scotland sign at the top of the Carter Bar!! We were about age 9, 7 and 3 at the time.

I was the middle one .... which according to Freud makes me the argumentative one .... that can't be true surely!!? :D

AJ Fife said...


You.... argumentative....never;)

The Moira Anderson story has run out of steam! You completely side tracked me just when I was winning for once! That Ken did sod off tho'.:)

Three sisters eh!, no wonder you mentioned the sibling rivalries earlier!

Anonymous said...

Oh - you're right AJ, girls can be the worst of the lot - we used to fight quite a bit ..... especially me and my older sister... the fur used to fly sometimes. Especially, on one occasion when we both fancied the same boy... we had some memorable fights and sulks over that one. I don't think either of us ever went out with him .. or maybe she was lying to me!! ;))

Perhaps, Ken got called in for his tea - he'll maybe pop back on later and have a go at you. They haven't removed your comment yet, anyway. I've seen Ken about before - he's usually on the Politics blogs.

That one calling herself Joan is the one I was on about yesterday. Shes already been on that blog today as Eric and James - just look at the punctuation its a bit wierd!

AJ Fife said...

I'll keep an eye out. Might even blow the whistle on him/her/them!

I was a wee bit heavy handed with an attact on Brian, back on the Moira Anderson v Madonna story!!;)

That must get booted off!

Anonymous said...

They're all the same person - AJ - I'm sure of it. Anyway Ken has just replied to you as May and corrected his mistake later. Also, Brian is very similar in wierd punctuation to Ken, joan and May.

Crikey ..... I'm getting lost - how many personalities does this person have?

AJ Fife said...


We got him good and proper...brilliant......what a dipstick :D

I'll have to pick up my wee girl now see ya!!

Anonymous said...

Just having an argument with some chippy woman about Mary Queen of Scots ..... who just happens to be one of the characters from history that I know a little about :D

Anonymous said...

Brian, Joan, Jack and JohnScottishCoffinDodger are the same person.

I'm not sure about Ken but he is by his own admission, May.


AJ Fife said...

Anna, I think you are right, May/Ken is a transvestite!:D

He even had a good laugh and is now my pal!!:D

I'll check oot yer rant about Mary Queen of Scots!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I saw that Ken/May is being your pal now...

Did you see that little boob drawing he did? Very funny ... wonder if that will stay on there!

AJ Fife said...

Ken's a bit of a funny one - I kind of envisage an NHS spectacle wearer, cardigan, anorak type of person! Very judgemental AJ - canny help it

You do know your Mary Queen of Scots stuff. It's hard to get a good conversation going on those blogs. It's as if they're backwaters!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but I tell you what that Maria's not getting her mitts on those letters .... so there!! :D
Fascinating woman old Mary QofS - sinned against or sinning? Elizabeth I was very interesting too - a bit of an enigma.

Some mad person called Joshua has blogged tons of stuff about Madge - he must be her publicist! Or it could even be her - you never know who anyone is on these boards!!

Anonymous said...

Actually I take back the bit about Joshua being mad - it sounds as if Madge has really helped him. Either that or it is Madge writing herself up!

Anyway, I often play Immaculate Collection in the car and sing along to it. :)

Amazing 725 comments on here - I wonder if Numb Nuts has been back for a look

AJ Fife said...

Joshua could be mad Anna!!:) Always that possibility. Mind you I could be mad, you could be mad, Melanie is guaranteed to be slightly nuts and Peajay is related to Melanie;D

Anonymous said...

anyone there??? I was sent home on call...

Peajay said...

Are you insinuating some sort of family related lunacy? (*_*)

Thanks for the video-clip, it came at just the right time. When we were away our Chocolate Labrador stayed with a friend and it seems ours may have been a little indiscreet with his Chocolate Labrador. The scan is set for tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

AJ..."Melanie is guaranteed to be slightly nuts"....thanks...I guess I sort of 'earned' that!! :]

Hi Peajay! Family lunacy , ahem, yes... ;))

if we weren't all a little crazy, then we really would go insane!! ;)

Anonymous said...

so puppies, maybe, just what you need, right?! I know, perfect Christmas presents!! :))

that video clip was cute, wasn't it!
(cat 'adopting' newborn pups)

Peajay said...

Luckily for us ours is the male, so as a dad is able to have that casual attitude that is so prevalent these days. The mother may have shown easy virtue to a spaniel (she did last year) so we won't know for another 3 weeks. Our Murphy's will be worth far more than Chas the Spaniels' by a clear £550. I know what the owner is hoping for. Murphy, at only 2yrs has given the impression that she jumped him late one night! ;p

Peajay said...

To quote Doreen, Murphy's saying it was a "call me Samson and keep schtumm" moment. :D

Anonymous said...

Canine domestic issues! :) least Murphy won't have to 'pay' puppy support!

oh, too funny...on which blog did Doreen say that...I've lost track

Peajay said...

Doreen was strident on yesterdays Kirk sex case.
J has been making "I'd like a puppy" type comments "just think, we could have Murphy's Lad"
I have to point out that Murphy has been the worst dog we ever had, and is living proof that Chocolate is bad for you!!!

Anonymous said...

we once had a chocolate lab, pretty wee lass
....she chewed thru the drywall almost out to the other side of the wall because she was mad we had put her in the room while we were gone for the day...

then another time, she popped the water bed while she was 'digging' for her toy...not a pretty site!!

she also had a penchant for chickens...loved to chase them!! :)

We now have two English Mastiffs, our male dog actually 'plays' soccer/football, very funny to watch him run with his ball! My boy gets in there and plays a bit, but as the Mastiff outweighs him twice... :O

Anonymous said...

hey, I just was called back in to work...ugh....triplets.... will talk with ya tomorrow :)

Peajay said...

Oh wow, they are big, chunky beasties. Your wee boy could be very much flatter after a football tackle with one of those. ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow - you 2 were chatty last night!!
How did the triplets go, Melanie? Safe delivery I hope?

Chocolate lab - Peajay - I've got a yellow lab. She's a lovely dog but she does drop a lot of hair and I should have got lighter carpets or a darker dog or vice versa!

I've blogged on Starbucks at Mary QofScots today. You probably won't agree with me about Starbucks, Melanie, but the only one that I've been into over here wasn't very nice..... they must be better in Calif....

Working hard again AJ - whats up with you? Its POET'S day today!

Anonymous said...

Check out Jim and DR on the SNP blog, AJ ....... I think that's the same guy from yesterday. Joan, Brian etc .... the punctuation and style never changes!

Anonymous said...

I've posted as Jack on the SNP blog and bubbled Jim, DR and Bea as the same person ... our poster from yesterday!

We all do it but that one is so obvious - its quite funny! :D

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie, Anna and Peajay

My reference to mental instability was meant in the nicest possible way:))

Tripletts!! Hope things worked out well.

Anna, I've commented on the Toff bird stuffing story. I'll check out what you've been starting!!;)

I was starting work on my next essay last night - I watched the Godfather. Hard nights study eh!

Anonymous said...

Get the irony ... me posing as Jack to bubble someone else posing as another person! ;)

The Godfather - good film - my husband has watched it countless times - he has the DVDs and books for all of the Godfather series and other stuff by Mario Puzo. Should I be worried? Maybe, there's some Italian blood mixed up with the Ukrainian!!

Maybe, thats who the Scottish guy was on the answer phone the other day. The Scottish wing of his Mafia operation. Maybe he's one of the faces...... cue scary music!

Am I starting to sound a bit mad? It must be Melanie rubbing off on me!! ;))

I'll look at the Toff one - I missed that!

Anonymous said...

Where is the Toff bird stuffing story?

Anonymous said...

Found it - good comment....:D

Anonymous said...

good morn! wow, much to catch up on...!! :)

Anonymous said...

ok, AJ something about you and a kilt that disnay fit...considering you wore it in 1971, that might be a good thing!

didn't have a chance to read yest blog postings yet...are you typing soprano, or are you all accounted for! ;))

I did see you today, about the mehicano fence...I could 'fence' a little bit with you on that one! ;)

Anna, meant to get back to you on your son...32 weeks gest? You must have been in a bit of a fright there...but it seems he's doing well now!!! :))

don't mind about the Starbucks...I buy their whole coffee beans, and sometimes partake of their expensive beverages...they're actually very good here compared to other coffee shops. They don't sound too politically nice, tho!

Hi Peajay, sorry about answering that phone call, I was enjoying the chat!!!!

The triplets were 28weeks, so far so good....but they have a rough road ahead. Talk about feeling crazy, we were slightly short on staff, so were all running, which made it a bit more tense; I came home and gave a wave to the fam and went to bed!!

AJ Fife said...

Good morning Melanie,

What's for breakfast today?

A fry up or branny muesli type rubbish? I bet it'll be waffles with maple syrup and lots of black coffee!!

Not too much doing today, I haven't heard from Anna for a while. She's probably out on her estate, chasing foxes;)

Anonymous said...

bagel, cream cheese and coffee...simple today!

funny one about Anna...I can picture it!!!

Anonymous said...

how are you?! it's Friday!! any fun plans this weekend?

I have to work Sat. but Sun might be a 'ride the horse with the teen' day.

(thanks for the vision of the smeared pasta sauce and yoghurt! :) that actually made for some fun memories of my own!!!)

AJ Fife said...


Don't think Anna is the hunting type, she'll just be chasing them with a big stick!! She said she was going mad:)

We have a preconcieved idea about Californians in the British Isles -all Californians that aren't Mehicanos, have 'shrinks'. Is this sweeping generalisation true Melanie?;)

Anonymous said...

too funny!! it's only all the rich ones that have the shrinks!!!

us commoners are too busy working!!

AJ Fife said...

Feeding time is certainly colourful Melanie!!

This weekend - I've got to repair our new fence which was partially blown down in a storm yesterday!!:(
Not much planned after that - just fam stuff!!:)

Next week however, it's our intention to go on a Graveyard tour in Edinburgh for my birthday treat(I am a big kid!!). You can look it up - it's called Black Hart Tours, the City of the Dead Tour!!

Spooky or what? :D

Anonymous said...

spooky!?!, I was just going to comment to you on the advertisement I see on the Scotsman...about "Haunted Scotland" and touring sites or something...:) (i'm not kidding!)

The tour sounds like a lot of fun...and what man isn't really just a 'big kid'!!! ;)) I'd 've been disappointed, if you weren't!!! :))

AJ Fife said...

Interestingly, Melanie, the Witchery Tour in Edinburgh was started by a good friend of mine in 1986. Have a look at their site - it's great fun for kids or 42 year old men!!:D

Anonymous said...

it all looks like a bit of good-oldfashioned 'hair-raising' fun!!
...not sure if I could sleep well afterwards, though!! :))

I loved going thru the old buildings/graveyards when seems Scotland had a bit more on the spookiness/witch know, Macbeth etc :)

Is your fam originally from Fife? Silly question, maybe...but a good part of my fam are a bunch of 'nomads'

Anonymous said...

AJ, one good point to the tours...your wife will be in a fright, and grabbing to hold on to your arm!!

AJ Fife said...

You had to mention 'hair raising' Melanie, you're a wicked wumin.

Yes my family are all from Fife as back as late 1700's. One of my Great Grandfathers spent time working on the Canadian Pacific Railway, but came back to Scotland - now he must have been mad! Many of the two sides of the family emigrated though, places like New York, Boston, Dunedin NZ and Soth Africa. The generation before me lost touch with these folks.

My father's side were miners stretching way back and were probably fishermen before that. My Mother's side were more rural types - local canon fodder for the local laird!

Yikes - and I talk about the Appalachian Hill Billies!!:D

Anonymous said...

Interesting about your fam...all good people, AJ...same as the ones who worked hard to get this country going!!!

I'm only partly wicked...the other part is quite ladylike, I assure you!! :))

AJ Fife said...

I'll protect my wife in Greyfriars' churchyard - where the resident poltergeist attacks any passerby. Check out the website!

btw it's the same Greyfriars as in Greyfriars' Bobby - you know the wee loyal dug!!:)

AJ Fife said...

My Auntie(Mum's sister) who lived in Boston, was the PA to Mr Sheraton as in Hotels in the 1950's. She was a spinster and eventually came back to Fife. My Dad had an Uncle and Aunt that lived in New York who he visited when he was in the Merchant Navy(1940's and 50's). Again no offspring for me to visit. He lost touch with his relations in SA and NZ.

If we were a close knit and productive family I could have visited all these places and saved on hotel bills!!:)

At least We've got friends to visit in places like New York, Sydney and Auckland. So it's not too bad - I've been quite lucky really!!

Anonymous said...

poor Peajay, I showed up on her doorstep with backpack in hand :)
cousins, gotta love'em!!

AJ, to clarify my intention, I wasn't trying to be wicked with my remark :)) ..lest you think less of me!!! funny about word meanings...but I will coyly admit to understanding what you meant ;)

ahem, and let's not forget California!! Don't worry, I'll lock the shotgun away from the Sgt Mjr, Shrek!

Anonymous said...

understand about the non-close knit fam thing...there are only a few of my fam that I'm really close to...Peajay knows per my (British) dad's side...but I'd rather not put anything to print; American side, same thing

Anonymous said...

AJ, have to step away for a case I miss you, will you be on tonite, after you feed yer wee one??

AJ Fife said...

Melanie, I meant you were a cheeky little minx!:) Referring to my lack of foliage.:)

My Dad had a fine mop until the day he died, but his dad was bald as a coot. So it does skip a generation - the baldy thing!!:(

Anonymous said...

Hi there gasbags!!

Just got in from given the gamekeeper a seeing to - he will leave the peasants sorry pheasants gate open and the little blighters were maruading all over one's lawns. Actually perhaps I do mean peasants... :D

Graveyard tours .... excellent stuff AJ - I'm into that sort of spooky stuff as well. I'd love to do the Jack the Ripper walk in London - maybe when the boy gets a bit older!

Greyfriar's Bobby - how I loved that little dog. Son and I went to see the latest version at the cinema - we loved it - only thing they used a Westie instead of a Skye terrier but that's OK - I like Westies. My son wanted to know what the man meant when he said "I got such a fright I filled ma breeks". When I told him it meant he poohed his pants - he was in hysterics and keeps saying it any chance he gets. Ah little boys and their endless quest for creepy stories and mucky things - you've got to love 'em. :)

Are you going to visit that plague street they found underneath Edinburgh old town, AJ? That's got to be haunted - very spooky town tho' Edinburgh - plenty of ghosties there.

AJ Fife said...

Melanie, hopefully, but Mrs AJ might want to talk and stuff. It's difficult to break off and chat to my internet chic sometimes!!:D She no understand!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know what you mean there AJ - the Mrs must come first! I have to ration myself a bit on here as well - just to avoid any grumbles. Mind you, its amazing how the time runs away with you when you're 'surfing' doesn't it.

Have to go and speak to Cook in a mo' about tonight's dinner menus... and the butler has been in the wine cellar again... you just can't get the right calibre of servants nowadays. I blame the government. ;)

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna, that's Mary King's Close, the preserved lane below the City Chambers - it's really spooky, you should take him there next time you're up.

The Jack the Ripper tour was something we considered last time we were down in London, but most of the original areas were either flattened by the Jerries or the subsequent post war councils. So it doesn't have the effect it should have. This info was based on advice from our friends we were visiting!

So Anna, you "gave the Gamekeeper a good seeing to", are you a Lady Chatterley type of girl?

Anonymous said...

Sean Bean played Mellors in the TV adaptation didn't he? Well, in that case the answer is Yes....! ;)

Yes I know most of the Ripper sites have been flattened either because of the Blitz or general slum clearance. But I think there are 2 left - Mitre Square in the old City and the road where the first victim was killed which has had it's name changed. The Six Bells pub in Whitechapel still exists tho' and was frequented by at least 4 of the victims and maybe even old Jack himself!!

There's a few ghost walks in London as well and one of my sisters did the York one - she said that was good and creepy.

I'll try and have a look in Mary King's close next time - its on my 'to do' list .... which is getting longer and longer!

I've got Trainspotting out of the library - so thats next on the reading list!

Anonymous said...

well then, AJ, shows you where my mind wanders sometimes, she says with cheeks blushing. The other didn't even occur to me as the 'thinning' is an accepted thing with my half as well!

understand about the Mrs...have to balance the time with my half as well

Hi Anna....aren't we all a 'demented' drives him inside batty with all of my wanting to 'go here and see this', esp the offbeat stuff.

Anonymous said...

yes, Anna, Countesses have it so hard nowadays!!!

Anonymous said...

Know what you mean, Melanie - I like visiting old churches and churchyards as well - they can be really interesting, but 'my boys' think its a bit boring!

I dragged them round Westminster Abbey last time we were in London ... they were OK but glad to escape!! :))

Peajay said...

Hi all
When I was at University last year our local was The White Hart in Whitechapel High Street which was the local to many of the Ripper victims including Martha Tabram who was killed in the narrow, cobbled street beside the pub. There is a plaque on the wall detailing the unfortunate woman's demise.

AJ Fife said...

I'll be interested to hear how you get on Anna. The language will be difficult at first, but persevere, it's worth it!!

Speak t'yall later (poor attempt at Melanie Southern Belle stuff)

Anonymous said...

well, I must say, hands down, you all have the more interesting spooky stuff...we have some Am civil war ghosts etc...passe' in comparison!! ;))

Anonymous said...

Anna, Peajay...I'm off for my walk before it warms up....will fall ever get here!!!

Hubby and I have a Halloween Costume Party tonite....Pirate and his Wench. Should be a lot of fun!! case we all get busy with the fams and don't chat, have a great weekend, guys...!!!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a good party, Melanie... hope you have a good time. Does your husband resemble Captain Jack Sparrow when he's dressed up - if he does then you are one lucky wench!!

I'm starting to sound as if I'm man mad .... I admit I've always had an eye for a tasty fella... but that's always been the case with us upperclass folk!! :D

Seriously, I've only ever been a window shopper... him indoors is plenty enough for me...! ;)

Well, AJ if I get stuck with the language ... you can translate for me!

What's the temp in Calif now, Melanie, how cold does it get there?

This is a very warm autumn here, I was going to cut my roses back 2 weeks ago but they are still flowering. We haven't had any frosts at night yet - which this close to Hallow'een and Bonfire Night is a bit wierd.

Anonymous said...

Are you going on your Ghostie Tour on Hallow'een, AJ? You are brave if you are....

I've got to get 'my youngun' dressed up as a vampire/ghoul for his Cubs party on Hallow'een night. We've got the fake blood, make up and teeth so he'll probably scare the life out of me - his poor old mother!! :)

He's got a pumpkin ready to make a Jack O' Lantern with. Did you used to make them out of turnips AJ? Orange swede, rutabaga .. Melanie - we've had this conversation before!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna, it's been in the mid80's F(high 35's C?) Still too warm for exercising, I prefer it cooler. All in all, it's been beautiful weather, though.

Who was the author of Trainspotter?? I'm finishing up the DaVinci Code, and will need something else for my ever rare but sometimes 'down time'! It would be fun to discuss etc with you, Anna

The Costume party should be fun's with my international/friend group....ex-pats from Eng, Ire, Kiwi, Fin, Mex, also Native Amer. and East Coast Amer. Makes for some fun and interesting conversations!

Too bad it has to be an early nite....we both have 'roll-call' @ is such a bother!!! Other half doesn't have Jack's refined looks, he's more of the rugged good-looking type...but I think he'll "cut a dash" in his Pirate costume! :)

Funny about your 'window shopping', Anna...I'm a bit guilty there too! :) There was something very freeing about hitting 40!! :))
Other half has made a few positive comments about that as well! ;)) Of course, my free-spirited forty has also been seen in my conversations with a certain Ogre; unusual, actually, for me, must be his charm!

AJ, not a bad attempt at the southern...

Well, hope you guys are having a great evening! Will raise a pint in your honour, tonight!

Anonymous said...

The book is by Irvine Welsh - Melanie. I don't know if you ever saw the film but it is a gritty portrayal of heroin addiction in Edinburgh. It takes place in what we in England would call a 'sink housing estate' and what AJ would call a 'cooncil scheme'. I don't think it will be pleasant reading but I think I'll give it a go anyway!

After I read Da Vinci Code I had a bit of an interest in Mary Magdalane and The Lady with the Alabaster Jar by Margaret Starbird is a good read.... I think that is one of the books that Dan Brown quotes in his book.

Ah yes, getting to 40 - you do start to worry a lot less about what people think of you. I remember torturing myself in my twenties and into my thirties about my 'self image' etc. I think one of the blessings of getting older is acquiring a bit of confidence in yourself.. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Anna, sorry I missed ya, figured you had turned in for the night and was going to catch up later...

I'll give the book a try, if anything it will be an interesting comparison culturally to what I know of here.

Agree with you about 40 and more confident! It's rather refreshing! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Melanie - hope your party went well ...

If you get back for a look - AJ - its pumpkins versus turnips on the Scotsman blog - I knew they would do that. Turnips everytime for me - even if they were hellish hard to cut out!! We had to work for our fun in the old days!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie, Anna and PJ

Anna, the choosing your tumchie(turnip) ritual was great fun - treking through a poor farmer's field, ripping out dozens of turnips, until the favoured pick appeared!

The carving WAS hard work when you are a wee nipper. The process was worth it when you paraded through the streets with your creation!!:))

Pumpkins are too easy, plus you have to buy instead of steal - nae fun! Also the smell of a burning tumchie was fantastic, a pumpkin on the other hand is gowping -yuuuchhh!

Reaching 40, meant I really had to grow up, although the process was kicking in since the age of 36!!:(

You do look at the younger generation and shake your head tho'.

Anonymous said...

good morn!!

Pulled meeself oot o' to be responsible!...the party was fun; hated to leave early. We stayed later than we should've, anyway.

Turnips, humm...all we really have as a choice here are pumpkins, ah well!

AJ, I suppose it can be a bit different for a man about 40 etc. I think perhaps my other half felt as you, I'm assuming you're talking about taking on the responsibility of a wife/family, perhaps career choices?...It's all good, though! :)

Peajay said...

Am I the only one amongst us who hasn't seen 40 and moved on? ;)

Peajay said...

Hi all
Okay, I'll take that as a yes, I'm the only one under 40.

Couldn't find much on the Scotsman except Secrets In The Stone is kind of reminiscent of the Whirlpool, only this time it's about Rosslyn and it's links to the Freemasons. Interesting stuff.

On that topic I was due to do a craft fair in a Masonic School today, unfortunately all did not go according to plan, particularly when I told the organiser where she could put her table and that I was actually going home. This is only the second fair I have ever walked out on, so many organisers think that providing you with a table (regardless of where) is as far as their responsibility lies.

Sorry for that little rant.

Peajay said...

“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”
Orson Welles

I think I'm alone, so I'm going to bed, goodnight all. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey guys good morn to your Sunday!

Had an easy day Sat, thankfully!... I was assigned to the less-acute unit, so I was able to treat the little growing 1300 -1600 gram babies to some tunes from the Mamas and Papas, and other 1960's era music :)

AJ, did you get your fence all mended??

Anna, we are at the last minute scramble for the kids' Halloween costumes...I love this time of year!! :)

Peajay, ...about the 'table' rant....bravo!!! I bet you put that priss' knickers in a knot!!
(pardon the 'language', ya'll!)

Earth Mother quote:
"They tease me now, telling me it was only a dream. But does it matter whether it was a dream or reality, if the dream made known to me the truth?" ----Dostoevsky

AJ Fife said...

Hello everyone,

Sorry I missed you last night Peajay, had to have(as Melanie says) fam time. This involved a chicken vindaloo and a bottle of chianti!!

So Peajay, you're a mere whippersnapper. Once 40 is reached you are granted all the knowledge in the world and people relinquish their seats on the train for you! Don't worry about it;)

Melanie the fence gets tackled today, yesterday was a shopping fest:(

Anna, has your wee boy pinched his tumchie yet?

Anonymous said...

Hi all

Sorry been too busy to get to the 'puter this weekend. Yesterday, was son's 8th birthday party!!! Oh what fun they had.... kids all pepped up with E numbers, sweets, and fun - poor adults flaked out! Still, thats it over for another year - phew - get the fun of straightening the house out today.... just in time to cook Sunday lunch for sister and fam' who are coming over.... Thank goodness for frozen Yorkshire puddings and desserts is all I can say!

No turnip - I'm afraid AJ - we've resorted to pumpkins - they are a lot easier but the smell is awful when they're raw!

Peajay - still under 40? By how much? Cheeky I know!! :D

Speak later - gotta get started in the kitchen ;)

Anonymous said...

Managed to squeeze a curry in last night - AJ .... well you have to have a few perks when you've coped with loads of 7/8 year olds all day.

Mixed kebab for starter, prawn kashmir and poppodums for 2nds.... and I ate all of it - must have been hungry!!.. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi all!!

Anna, so you survived your son's party...I empathise!!! :) Sounds as if you had a nice eve meal to compensate!!

AJ, are you conscripting your other half to help with the fence??!! ;)

You both sound as if you're having busy weekends..mine's been relatively mild so far!! We're heading out for some equine work/fun some time today, not to mention to fetch up a pumpkin or two...right about the smell Anna, Yuck!!

The Halloween article made Americans sound a bit like Hooligans, with the Trick part...there is some mischief that goes on, but it's usually by the ones who cause mischief all year long!! We have some fun with the door to door, kids have to answer fun questions to 'earn' the's all pretty mild!
What about you all??!!

Peajay, hey youngster! ;))

Anonymous said...

hey guys!

we were successful in the aquisition of our vegetables to be carved...although we opted for a "ghoulish" blue/green New Zealand pumpkin and a pale blue Ghost pumpkin...something fun and different!!
Ah, the 'important' things in life!! ;))

AJ, have you heard Aberfeldy's new album, 'Do whatever turns you on'? I've been only able to access the title song...sounds good, though

Anna, am taking the wee one for a quick trek to the library tomorrow, will look for 'The Lady with the Alabaster Jar', thanks

Well, should be around tomorrow, maybe there'll be something interesting to comment on!! :)

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

Like Anna my opportunities were few and far between to do a serious surf!!:(

Sounds like you have Haloween sorted! My wee one is too young for that stuff.........unfortunately!:(
Mind you, she has her own personal ogre in the shape of her Dad!!:D I said it before you did.

I have the Aberfeldy album, and I love it. Also the bairn likes to dance when I play it. If you can track down Aberfeldy on Myspace, they have free downloads for about 4 of the tracks!

Better get some work done today - I have a new boss :((

Anonymous said...


Well, see you managed to put your two pennorth in on the main union/national debate AJ. You are right never a day goes by that the Scotsman doesn't give that particular pot another stir.

I can't be bothered to get involved in that one again - its like going round in circles. Interestingly, I can only find a very small mention of that story in the Times and they mainly focused on the life and career of Adam Smith - quite interesting really.

Well, after all the excitement of the weekend - the birthday boy is off school sick today!! He was sick about 4 times in the night - so neither of us got much sleep. Poor other half managed a bit better but he has to travel to a meeting today - so he needed the sleep much more than I did!
Just hope its not anything catching - but hes definitely a bit off colour today.

Anyway, I'll have a look for a few more blogs....

Ghost pumpkins, Melanie - they sound interesting!! ;)

AJ Fife said...


Hope yer wee boy perks up.

I'm surprised the story even got a mention in the Times! Although it's big news here - anything pertaining to independance - it simply is unimportant down South. The 300th anniversary of the Union will pass without much public awareness in England, but it'll fuel frenzied debate here.

In 1707, the ordinary Englishman would've been barely interested in the Scottish question, as it effected him not-a-jot. I know, you know, Scotland is almost inconsequential in the eyes of the ordinary English man/woman.

btw that means your extraordinary Anna!!;)

AJ Fife said...

Adam Smith was Fifer - born in Kirkcaldy!

He provided the basic template for Thatcherism via Milton Freidman(I'm sure that's the guys name!). Also Andrew Carnegie was a Fifer - all these capitalists!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that AJ - I always had a feeling I might be !! :D

I think most people in England - if they have no connection with Scotland - think about it in a vague sort of way - as a nice, scenic place which is a bit on the cold side. Maybe that's why the average Scots nationalist gets so irate about the English, because they get so passionate about the relationship with England - and most of the English seem blissfully unaware that there is anything wrong or ever has been! I also think that a lot of English think Scotland is already self governed so don't know what the problem is. I don't think I'd even call it indifferance on the part of most English - its just not on their radar and they are, in their own way, as parochial as some Scots. I know a few people in this area who have never visited Scotland but have been to quite a few of the sun spots in the Med and Florida for instance.

I really don't think that most English people bear the Scottish any ill will - as I said they just don't think about it - and that is probably the nub of the Scottish problem ...... its a big deal in Scotland and its not in England.

Still, I like both countries ... so I'm quite happy to come to Scotland for visits and I don't take too much notice of some of the extreme posters on the national blogs... I know there are still plenty of friendly folk there. :)

Little Lord Fauntleroy is lying on the sofa under a duvet watching a 'Prehistoric Park' DVD. He is mad about dinosaurs and Nigel Marvin is his hero!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Dinosaurs are cool. Wee Lassies don't like dinosaurs, it'll be ponies and dolls.uuuurghhhhh!! We'll have to make a new one that's male - dinosaurs,trainsets, action men etc

Anonymous said...

You never know - AJ - she might be a tomboy and not a girlie girl! One of my son's best friends is a girl - but she's "one of my mates" because she likes boy's things - ah, the male ego - she's young but she understands how to flatter it already!!

Must admit tho' my husband loves reliving his youth thro' - getting all the 'boys toys' that he wanted when he was young but never got! Scaletric, railway tracks, electronic games etc... guess who plays with all them the most? :)

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