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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Quest for the Grail

Well, it would seem censorship is at hand, although we did stretch out of the 'realm of rules' a bit in search of the grail at the whirlpool. What pilgrim did we offend, I wonder? Are we barred forever from participating in our search for the grail at other places?? Let's hope not! Regardless, the whirlpool respite was some fun!; and, wonderful memories and chuckles shared by we who saw the humour of it!!! Friends are welcome here. Let freedom of speech abound!!!


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Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Anna!

...forgot you would have had weapons training; I was meaning sure-shot as your rapid fire writing on the Scotsman blog!! ;)

I've only read a little today, I'm mostly 'hanging out' with the fam

hmm, yes, family stories, there's a few lurking in the closets with my family, as well!!

will give a second vote on preferring cooler weather and winter clothes, whether they be classy chic or country-girl comfy!!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. or Ms. Peajay, I would love to comment on your statement "However one main difference with our police force is their inability to aim a gun to injure as opposed to murder. It's a little thing but a fairly important one if you happen to be out carrying a table leg or look a little bit Moslem/Brazilian."

Have your ever ran a mile and then try to shoot a moving target that is 12 inches square with open metal sights? Do you think that a missed shot can be justified, especially when it hits a bystander? The biggest and most effect target is to shot for the upper body. If it kills, so be it. Shot to stop the threat, period. Shooting down at a leg or foot creates extremely hazardous skipped rounds. Shooting at the arms and hands is absurdly impossible. And head shots are just as crazy. The one mile run part? If you are rested and pull your gun and ready it to shot another human your heart is racing just as fast as if you have ran a mile. Which would you prefer? I try several times to wound a limb of the man who is attacking you, or if I aim where I have the greatest odds of hitting him, his upper body? The concept of wounding a suspect, does not take in to consideration that the police are killed by the bad guys often. In 15 years I have buried 7 of my friends. My agency as lost more than twice that number in the same period. Next time you’re out shooting, try and run around a bit and then shoot at a 12 inch target. And remember, real life includes the target shooting back at you. Oh, and you have less that 1 second to make a choice to shoot, because by the time your body reacts 5 sec have gone by and the suspect has already decided for you! Yes, sometimes the wrong person gets shot because their behavior unknowingly presented a threat. I am sorry if I sound a bit pissy about this topic, but I would rather we all see it for what it is!!!!! I love your posts, this comment just made me a bit pissy. I have been in those shoes and I know the terrifying feeling of making that choice.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Now .... thanks for your comments - I sense that you are an American - is that correct? Please tell us a little more about yourself... fave books, music, films etc...

AJ - are you blogging today? The McGonagall blog is interesting - I've put my Autumnal poem on there for the edification and enlightment of the readers...!!! :DD
Perhaps, you'd care to share a fave poem with them!

Any other good blogs today?

Anonymous said...

good morn all!!

ok we have a return visitor! hello mr now aka numb, thank you for your view point!!

Anna, will get my coffee and see what the stories are about...there was an interesting one on Carnegie yesterday, did you chance to look. Wanted to hear AJ's opinion.

AJ, busy weekend for ya, I'm sure! missed your input here!!

Hi Peajay, how was your weekend??

Anonymous said...

hi Anna,

there's a few 'holding the fort' on the eagle blog...their goal is to reach the 1000!! :)

I've left a comment or two, just for fun; and I posted on the McGonagall blog.

there's not much that I've found, yet, except the controversial, heavier stuff...I thought about leaving a comment on the 'death of Saddam by Christmas'. That title was annoying to say the least.

let me know if you come across anything!

Busy day at work, AJ??

Anonymous said...

Hi Melanie, agree with you about the Saddam blog - very bad title... OK he's not a nice guy but the death of anyone should not be treated as a sideshow. Plus, that blog is getting a bit heavy going for me today.

I like the McGonnagall one tho'

Yes, AJ where are you? Are you poorly? Or did a big bogeyman get you?

Anonymous said...

AJ, where are ya, pal!!??
Was out on a walk just now, and I was thinking, yes, I might run a mile, but it would only be to fetch up the curry!! You'd have time to get the pints poured!! :))

As I said earlier, missin yer input here...hope the cyber-flu or some ghostie didnae get'cha!!!

Anonymous said...

Melanie are you Jethro? It sure does sound like y'all there honey!!

Fab poem btw :))

Anonymous said...


I was Jethro on the McG blog...I didn't write it, I googled for 'red-neck poetry'!!! :))

I still can't bring myself to wade into the Saddam thing, your right, what a sideshow!

Did you read yest's article on Carnegie?? Not sure what this means.... "Andra' Carnegie? Kennt his faither - clapped his dug!" ...was it that his father knew him to have a bad side??

We of course, is school, learned nothing but good on the 'self-made, business savvy, product of the American dream' Carnegie really not thought of well, AJ???

Anonymous said...

I'll have to have a quick look at the Carnegie blog - I've missed it and I'm going out in a minute to a 'craft' evening! No idea what its going to be like but my friend wanted to go and talked me into it!!

I'm not at all artistic so I don't know what my efforts will be like!!

Anonymous said...


Yes, I am an American citizen. I left a few crumbs that should reveal that in my post. I am somewhat surprised that asked about me, so I will tell you. I am in my 40's. My journey has been an odd one to say the least. I started working in the Church to help people. At some point I decided to join the Marines. I am now a Law enforcement officer. I have been exposed to many perspectives and have had my heart broken by untold stories that have unfolded right in front of me. Republican- Democrat, Male-Female, Liberal- conservative, European - American, all hold a piece of the truth. It is only the willingness to come together and share and hear all points of view will the truth become revealed. I have interviewed numerous witnesses that watched a crime occur. Every one of them had a different story. They all told the truth as they saw it. Once I put all perspectives together I began to see the whole.

Ok, Fav stuff. Movies. A movie must make one think for me to like it. So here are three that I greatly enjoyed. "The last Castle" which to me is about leadership, “The Village" which is about the great lies told to the public aka reality, and "Remember the Titans" which is about the power in difference. Books, I have way too many to list. I swear I have 10 that I am reading now. I just can not keep up with the great writers out there. Music, I listen to just about everything. I feel that music and emotion go hand in hand, so it will depend on my mood to what I listen to.

I have been around the world. I have dined with the rich and slept in the street with the poor. I have enforced policy and I have made policy. I have been the prey and I have preyed upon others. The only constancies I have found in life are one; everyone wishes to have their life validated by others. Two, everyone secretly wishes for tenderness. And Three, Everyone, only sees a fraction of life as it passes by us.

Anonymous said...

have a fun eve, Anna...have been to a few of those craft things......yes, hmmm,...creations!!!! :))

Anonymous said...

Mr Now...are we aquainted?? I've referred a few friends with law enf. backround to this site for updates on the egypt wind-experiments...

I liked your, "The only constancies..." :)

Anonymous said...

just wanted to leave you a Tuesday good morning...

I'm sure I can speak for my gal-pals here... that we hope to find, present and accounted for, a certain well-liked and well-missed Fifer !!


Anonymous said...

Ms. Melanie, I have no idea if we have crossed paths or not. My identity should and will remain undisclosed for my safety and the safety of my family, period! This group seems to chat about the oddest things. I have been to Scotland and England. It was a real treat to see and meet people there. I have had the opportunity to interface with a few English law enforcement “Scotland Yard” and swap ideas on how to effetely build better……humm, I should leave that out. I can not imagine a police station closing; ever! That is the craziest thing I have ever heard of. No wonder terrorist like living over there. Police are out and about 24/7 here in the States. Well I am going to go, don’t want every post to be a book 

AJ Fife said...

Good Morning Folks,

Sorry about my absence, but things were hectic at home - visitors staying for the weekend(which caused the cancellation of ma ghostie trip:(((). These unfortunate circumstances meant I could't join in the usual debates, nonsense and fun:(((

What is worse, I'm now a year older, entering the vintage, which is currently the domain of Anna!!! The mid-forties.......anybody got a gun?!?:((

Melanie, Andrew Carnegie - the socialist theorists will see AC as an anti-christ, with ref to wage cuts and workforce exploitation. Free market supporters see him as a beacon of all that Adam Smith and Friedman would have stood for. Philanthropists see him as a chief benefactor for learning, arts and the sciences.

So Melanie, I think you can take your pick - I would generally see him as a typical great Scot, blessed with all the attributes that makes people like Carnegie successful. He was a touch heavy handed, but then heavy handedness was the rule of the day in the late 19th century! I think most Scots(educated) will look upon him with some pride!

I'll check out what you've been upto, sounds good tho'.

Peajay said...

Hi Mr Now
Thank you for your input on my reflections of the British Police service.

At approximately 9.20am on the 22nd July 2005, Jean Charles de Menezes left his flat in Tulse Hill and began his commute to work. It was a normal day of work for him, Jean was an electrician and that day, him and his friend Gesio had a job in North West London. It was a warm sunny summer’s day in London and Jean left home wearing his favourite type of relaxed clothes; some lightweight jeans, a t-shirt and a denim jacket. He did not carry a bag with him. He walked from his flat to the bus stop nearby and caught a bus towards Brixton. When he arrived in Brixton however, he realised that the Victoria line was not working on that day so he called his friend Gesio and explained that he was running late and would instead travel to Stockwell and get the Northern line from there. Jean then proceeded to get on a bus from Brixton to Stockwell. He disembarked from the bus opposite Stockwell tube and waited at the traffic lights to cross the road. With the lights on green, he crossed over and entered Stockwell Tube Station. He paused to pick up a copy of the free newspaper, the Metro, from a stand and walked through to the ticket barriers where he used his electronic Oyster ticket card to walk through the barriers. He then proceeded to take the escalator down towards the platform of the Northern line.

Having walked off the escalators, Jean saw and heard a tube arrive at the platform. Jean jogged onto the platform and entered the tube carriage. He saw an empty seat, sat down and took out his paper.
At this point an undercover plain clothed police officer standing in the tube carriage identified Jean to nearby (similarly plain clothed) officers. The officers jumped onto the tube carriage, grabbed Jean, dragged him out of his chair. They pushed him onto the ground. They held him down. And they shot him 7 times in the head, killing him instantly.

The Metropolitan Police immediately began briefing the press with ‘off the record’ statements saying that Jean was a terrorist, that he was acting suspiciously, that he was wearing a bulky coat and that he was challenged but refused to co-operate. All of these statements have turned out to be false.

Yes, I realise that mistakes are made but for Jean 'Everyone, only sees a fraction of life as it passes by us' he'll be seeing a lot less because those officers got it wrong.

AJ Fife said...


Like you, I was deeply upset at this 'mistake' and the subsequent cover up. The politicians and Police Force tried to pull the proverbial wool over, however it didn't wash.

The Police were under pressure, but this was an unbelievable mistake to make. It could have been anyone with a slightly darker complexion that got killed. Like the Dr David Kelly incident, you feel the authorities are operating within some sort of isolationist plane, that means they're impervious to any critcism or accisation of wrong doing!

That's my incomprehensible rant over. See ya!!

Peajay said...

Thank you AJ, I was starting to feel outnumbered.
So sorry to hear about your weekend going pear-shaped, will you go ghoulie hunting another time?

AJ Fife said...

Hi Peajay,

The ghouls will have to wait, but I'll do the tour sometime :)

I had three days off there, and you certainly miss a lot on these message boards. What is touching, is how Melanie and Anna missed me :D

Peajay said...

Obviously I did as well but don't feel the need to let you know. ;p Wouldn't want your head to swell :D

AJ Fife said...

Peajay, our cyber relationship is in the embryonic stage. Anna and I worked through a period in which she was abusive towards and we came out the other side. The Melanie thing has just flowered in a mutual admiration kind of way! She seems a pretty cool cousin to have!

How do you spell dillusional/dellusional?:D

Peajay said...

I can be abusive if you want :D

AJ Fife said...

Promises, promises......:)

Peajay said...

I can do verbal abuse but the whip eludes me, just can't get the crack to sound :D You just can't be a Dominatrix if your only 5'1", it kind of loses impact. :D

AJ Fife said...

Methinks, Peajay is another feisty one, similar to the rapier tongued Anna!

I'll just try and 'sook in with ye', and keep on your good side!!:D

Anonymous said...

Hi AJ - welcome back ..... Melanie missed you ...!!!

Sorry you missed your ghost hunt - never mind .. you'll have to try another time. I was getting concerned that someone might have mistaken you for a ghoulie/bogeyman and locked you up somewhere!! ;))

Any good blogs today - I've been out and about.

Mr Now - thanks for your reply - whereabouts in America are you? I'm sure you can name a state without compromising your identity.... they are pretty big.

Anonymous said...

Peajay and AJ - re the Jean de Menzes shooting... I agree with you that it was a terrible thing that an innocent man was shot. However, I find the outrage of the Brazilian government and the subsequent self-flagellation by the British press and public a bit aggravating. The Brazillian government do not have a great record on 'shoot to kill' policies or human rights and they need to put their own house in order first.

You probably think my comment is hard but it is I feel the position of a realist and a cynic who has seen the back to the wall attitude of our leaders when the sh*t hits the fan. They will hang anyone out to dry even when those people may have been placed in an impossible situation. The persecutions and trials by press and public of the armed services, in particular, when they are engaged in conflict does more harm than good. Unfortunately, in tense situations, especially war, the wrong person may be shot. Basically, in the cold light of day, behind a computer screen or from an armchair it is easy to say it shouldn't have happened ......... but human beings are fallible and mistakes will occur.

AJ Fife said...


The faither and clapping dugs comment, is a subtle Scottish put down, aimed at anyone who has a little success and celebrity. It's referring to someone who has known or known of someone prior to their success. It's like a veiled threat!

Not very nice, but a common trait in Scotland - jealousy!!!

Has that explained it Melanie? :))

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna,
Hope you are now fully recovered. Now I'm back, you'll probably relapse!!;)

It's touching you missed me!:)

Now, back to business! Anna, my criticism of authorities doesn't include the ordinary Bobbies or Soldiers, it's the politicians and higher level bods that get me hot under the collar.

Ian Blair was slimier than a Thames eel when questioned about the Menezes shooting. How he survived with his job intact was beyond me. It was no excuse that he was briefed with a load of lies - it was his responsibility!!

Likewise, the labour politicians defending the action in Iraq and Afghanistan are outrageous. They've shown more faces than a typical toun clock!

I hope that's it cleared up Anna. You still me pal?

Anonymous said...

good morning all

AJ, I am well relieved that some ghostie did not getcha....but sorry 'bout the cancellation!!

hmm, interesting about the veiled threat, jealousy thing...very southern, too...but it makes sense it would be!

I suppose if I get motivated, Carnegie's life, etc would be a good read...thanks for your input, AJ..the truth, as always is probably somewhere in the middle there...

off to get my coffee....

Anna/AJ/Peajay....I was the new worst poet on the McG Blog...was my Scots absolutely terrible...or was it passable!!!! I was holding my breath at any comments..btb thanks, AJ!! ;)))

Anonymous said...

Anna, did you survive the gaggle of crafters!!!! Sometimes, I find the 'estrogen' a bit much!!! :))
Agree, with you about Brazil cleanin up its own act, my sis-in-law loves her country, but has made comments about that

I've only dabbled when it comes to crafts and art, unlike my cousin Peajay who is a fab artist!! :)

Peajay, I'm sorry you felt was never meant as that!! :)))

Peajay said...

Hi Melanie
My head will swell to match AJ's with compliments like that.

I apologise for my crusading on your blog. I seldom publically disagree with anyone but generally prefer to hold my own council (maybe just mutter away to myself at the wrongness of things). In this case I'm afraid I must agree to disagree and will go back to keeping schtum on controversial issues. :D

Anonymous said...

Peajay, the example of Anna and AJ responding/rebutting each's all about expressing's okay, even to agree to disagree...but at least this is a safe forum to express viewpoints and perhaps have an honest rebuttal and further debate/discussion!!!

Exposure to/Discussing different viewpoints is a great way to grow, expand one's knowledge, and/or deepen one's own convictions!!

sorry if this sounds too psycho-socio-anthrop lingoese

AJ Fife said...


Wotcha mean AJ's swollen heid? Have you seen pictures?;)

Melanie, it's good to disagree, but it's better to agree to disagree. Agreed?:D

Dodo died, di died......if I was Dido, I'd be crapping myself!!:)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've been on the Capital Kirk, Sco/Edin section, as well as the Indian men with confused sex attitudes/Intl section...also may go for a post on the McG, and def the Eagle one!

AJ/ two better not be sulking in your corners after that fine speech I gave Peajay!!! ;))

Anonymous said...

AJ, entertaining all those guests as affected you, best go lie doon!!! ;))

did ya at least get a birthday cake??? Wot's yer favorite flavor of cake??

...Peajay, Anna, you too!

mine's not hard to guess? Dark Chocolate...but I do love a good Tiramasu!

Anonymous said...

Anna, if you stay AWOL too long I will be missing you, too!! :))

People, I really do have a life with friends here...I've just really grown fond of ya'll!! :)))

AJ Fife said...


I've said it before, you're the best!!! btw you canny see your woolie jumper on the wine site anymore, just a close up of your coupon! You better go and check the site out!!!!!!

No birthday cake, but I got a nice chocolate eclair and also some tiramisu flavoured Lindt chocs too!

Tiramisu is right up there for me. Every Italian we go to, I always sample the dish!! Another thing in common Mel!!:D

AJ Fife said...

Hi folks

I think the Scotsman are stopping the likes of Corbie and Jethro. In the comments section, it states that my chosen name will always be shown in the future.

Is that the same for you guys?

Anonymous said...

Ah well, Shrek, means ya get tae see me wrinkles up closer...twas raisin the weans a did it!!! Whatcha doin checkin up on me!??!

just kidding,... see, I have but nothin tae hide, to quote the cartoon character, Popeye, "i yam what i yam" Will ya still have a pint with the hausfrau?? (ain't as big as a hausfau, just jokin!)

Peajay said...

Hi Melanie
Has to be chocolate, we do a fantastic chocolate fudge cake recipe is as follows:
4oz margarine
10oz sugar (yes, that is ten)
6oz Self-raising Flour
2oz cocoa
2 eggs
2 drops vanilla extract
Melt marg in large saucepan, add beaten eggsand sugar, mix well then add flour, cocoa,& vanilla. Beat well, pour into shallow, lined tin. Bake Gas 4 for 30-40 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Melanie - your agree to disagree comment was fine. I'm all for that - I hold strong opinions on a number of things - not least of all the behaviour and attitude to Serviceman/woman Joe/Joanne Bloggs by our beloved leaders, .... but hey, don't get me started again!!

AJ - I've been busy, believe it or not I do have to leave these forums occasionally!! :)) Altho' I must admit I do neglect things sometimes to blog away on here - dreadful isn't it?

Favourite cakes? Well, I'm not that keen on cakes but I will make an exception for a jam doughnut and I quite like fruitcake.

Crafting was fun - I painted a jug and I'll get it back when its been fired. I did an Art Deco style - well it was Art Deco-ish colours anyway...

I also made a Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus out of roll your own icing as a cake decoration!! That was quite good fun .... have to get a Christmas cake now - I suppose.

I've been having a look at the politics blog - TB one - its getting heated on there.... as usual!

Anonymous said...

AJ, I didnae read the fine print....on my hubby's computer, I think am now John / California

well, I'll have to redirect as Johnna maybee??? Or maybe practice typin as a fella...oohh that canny make a person a wee batty, dinnae ya think??!!

thanks for the recipe, Peajay!!!

AJ Fife said...

Och Melanie, ye look jist fine. I'll hae a pint ony time wi' ye Hen!

The Tron Kirk - really interesting place, last time I was there, a visitor centre had been created that surrounded the on-going excavations.

It was built over an old lane or wynd and the cobbles and foundations of earlier buildings could still be seen!

Told you I was boring:D

Anonymous said...

AJ,yer nae boring...all that historical stuff is interesting!...I think we can all agree!!!!

too bad about the name will definitely stifle creativity!!

Anonymous said...

The Scotsman blog just came up with choose a name for me as well. That'll spoil the fun a bit - won't it?

AJ Fife said...

Corbett Hunckers (1923-2006)

Salty McPitten (1936-2006)

Wee Jimmy Krankie (1945-2006)

It's shocking, I was jist getting warmed up and they've stifled my imagination!!:(

However, I'll work out a way round the thing, nae bother!!!:))

Anonymous said...

darn that I had to write that pseudo-John Denver poem!!!

funny that I'm stuck with John /Calif, at least on the one computer...well, as it seems they're cracking down, John will have to behave, as well!!

I wonder, different, e-mail adresses, diff names, hmmmm!!! It just might work...yes, I think we can be tricky on this one...!!!

Anonymous said...

Given the description you have, that shooting was no mistake! I am not sure of where you gained your information but there are obvious issues that should scream out at you, and the killing of a man while pinned to the ground should not be the least. Did you know this person? The story is crap!!!! The cover story is crap!!! You may never know the truth way this man was publicly executed. But it must be big! I don’t buy the innocent worker stumbles into a large undercover operation and accidental gets shot. Surely you are smart enough to weigh through the crap on this event? The government hides information, yes. The press spins what little they get, yes. The bottom line, I will go with the government. The information does not add up Ms. Peajay. Like you said mistakes happen, but by your description, that was no mistake.

Anonymous said...


Auld and Ancient Scot - 1300 & something
Salty McPitten's Auld Ma
Ben - England
Jack - North of you
The McWierd Sisters - near Macbeth's gaff
Miranda - the Tempest
and all the rest of my lovely pseudonyms and personalities - shame - they've taken all the fun out of it.

Anonymous said...

hey guys, the Sgt Mjr has conscripted me for some outside work, hopefully it won't be long

AJ, you'll probably be off to pick up the wee one before I return...what's the update on the Sixth Sense movie, was curious as to how the class dissected and discussed it...

chat with ya'll later!

Anonymous said...

Mr Now - fine you've made your comment .... please remember this is a non-aggressive and pacifist forum and we try to refrain from using words such as crap to one another.

If you want to engage in verbal fisticuffs why don't you try this newspaper site They have a fairly open forum and I'm sure you will find lots to argue about, especially with the ones that are not 100% behind the actions of the US administration.

AJ Fife said...


There's a few names I recognise, ya wee devil!!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think there may be a few I've forgotten!! This should scare a few people out of the woodwork tho' I wonder if some of the blogs will be a lot shorter without the aliases!!

Do you think they're doing it to everyone? Or just the naughty ones that use more than one name ... that'll probably be everyone then!! :))

Anonymous said...

ok guys, they wouldn't let me log in as melanie, uner a newly created e-mail, but they said the name's taken??

I logged as Melanie under the old e-mail that previously had me banned, but had started letting me use it if it was topic related, so I figured it was ok...but today's post hasn't been added...I wonder, in their snit, if they've changed their minds on that one...looks like M/melanie is forever lost to adding comments to the Scotsman...

So, if ya see Lanna, that's's no fun, now that we have to behave!! :(

AJ, postscript thanks about the photo and the pint

Anna, I wonder about that...yes, it will certainly curtail things...
what a nanny state!! Sure people got out of hand, but really!! Sorry, about the rant, I'm just so sick of PC!!

Peajay said...

Mr Now
As I said earlier we will have to agree to disagree on the personal opinions expressed. We obviously all feel strongly on these topics and there could be a tendency to degenerate into comments unworthy of us all. I have voiced my opinion and will not be deflected from it, likewise you have voiced yours. Shall we move on?

Hi Anna
They're doing it to everyone, not just you three naughty people ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm still posting as Joanna from Cambs - will look out for you Lanna! Will you be from Louisanna or California?

Anonymous said...

Well, it surely depends on my mood, don't ya know ;))

Anonymous said...

Yeah - will you be a Southern belle or a laid back Californian chick? Either way you'll raise old AJ's blood pressure!! ;))

AJ Fife said...


It doesn't matter where Melanie hails from, she is a Godess in my eyes/imagination!;))

I even responded to her in this manner on the Indian Sex blog. It was tailor made for old Corbie, that one:(

Anonymous said...

Well, as a gemini, I suppose, I'll take the liberty of being both!!

don't want to cause any medical conditions; AJ is an auld man, I'll do my best to behave!!! ;))

ok, set the timer! :)

if this blog is getting annoyingly long to ya'll, do you want to adjourn to the first one, with the sunset picture??? just a thought?

Anonymous said...

I saw you on the independence blog - AJ ... thank goodness you didn't mention William Wallace turning in his grave!! The number of times that poor man's skeleton has been turned in his grave on those boards it must be fair rattled to bits by now.

Where's the Indian sex blog - I've missed it!!

Anonymous said...

Can go over there - if you like Melanie....??
To the other board....

Anonymous said...

will have a look at the blog, AJ are too kind, AJ, but a Goddess, ooh please no pedestal...but I'll take the downgrade of Duchess..., about those credit cards of yours..... :))

Anonymous said...

Indian men show mixed-up attitude to sex...Intl section

Anonymous said...

Got it and posted .... all those Cajun spices have gone to your head (or somewhere!)... Lanna!! ;))

AJ Fife said...


Sorry for mispelling Goddess - it's one of those words that doesn't look right either way to me and I chose the wrong one - again!:D

I'll hop to the other blog!

Anonymous said...

it's the darn heat here, Anna, just tends to make the brain cells frazzled...

I do tend to push things to extreme sometimes, when in character...ok, re-set the timer!!!

:)) am off to the other site!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Ok first I will apologize for the "word". I will use bovine scat from now on, if that is ok with you all. No intent to be hostile here. If you go back and read my post, I was actually agreeing with you PeaJay. Not that the police were idiots, but that something smells very fishy about the whole mess. I love and respect that you stand your ground. Not all debates are ugly; some good comes from many of them. I am not so set in my ways that I refuse to yield to another’s insight. This group looked interesting and that I could gain some better understanding about your side of the pond. Once again sorry for the miss communication!

Peajay said...

No worries Mr Now. Glad you were interested in the blog, life over the pond can get as interesting as swapping recipes for choccie cake. Perhaps you might like to look at the newspaper site Anna suggested, it gives a real insight into the way many people think over here whether they be right or wrong.

Anonymous said...

Gracious apology - Mr Now - :))

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