“One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.”
--Lucius Annaeus Seneca
(credit for quote goes to Peajay)
Life is just too short...there are so many things to do and see; and, to share with those you care about!! Work hard, play hard...cherish those you love, share a few pints with yer friends and solve the world's problems...take time to improve yourself each day so that you may in some small way improve another's journey...."Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Ghandi
1 – 200 of 1005 Newer› Newest»Ah that's better a bit of sunshine :))
I've been chatting with William Wallace on the Union blog .. we're getting on like a house on fire! Better than I do with Richard or Duncan anyway!! :))
Hi Anna
I thought Mel was going to be first, you snaffled it. :)
I also have a few posting problems with this sight but only if I haven't signed in first. It's so bad that I tend to copy my comments before trying to publish, at least I still ahve them if it fails.
We all no you have a thing going with we Willie W. ;)
my post went twice on the other one, maybe that blog area was on over-load!!
yes, Anna, made it first, I was in the midst of writing on the School blog
Well this is nice!! :)
Yes... for a dyed in the wool Scottish patriot .. he's a bit of a charmer that Willie W :))
That should be 'we all know you have a thing going with wee Willie W'. My fingers are having trouble keeping up with ma heid. Feeling a wee bit Peely-Wally as now have sore throat.
It feels warmer already, snow's gone in Central Park and we've moved towards Spring.
Have to step out for the dentist appt. Will speak to you all later!!
Peely Walley ... Peajay ... now that is a great expression. :)
I just have a vision of a little freckled face boy with a really white face saying "I'm no going tae school today... I'm feeling a wee bit Peely Walley, Mammy" Brilliant phrase :))
Shahoorsur, this is a bit better.
Wee Willie definately has a 'wee something' for Anna. He thanked me for being nice to "his treasure"!!!:D
Is Wee Willie someone you know AJ? It just seemed a bit of a coincidence that you both popped up together.
Duncan and I are having a spat on the union board... he doesn't think I'm a wee treasure!! :D
I just have a vision of him as some mad eyed, foaming at the mouth, kilt wearing bloke with one of those tartan army wigs on bashing away at his computer and spitting when anyone says the word England :))
He's a great one for the cutting and pasting as well.
Wee Willie is nothing to do with me.
I've got enough on my hands with Melanie!!:))
Duncan might be short on original thought, right enough.
Anyway I warned them all about you Anna - take her on at your peril!!!:D
I thought it might be Pud... or another of your pals :))
Maybe, its the real William Wallace after all .......:D
Quite right ... you'd never be able to cope with both me and Melanie... even if I did let you ... ;)
:D good morning...Anna, which one is the Union blog, this sounds like a must read!!
I'm home on call today, maybe I'll get to blot a bit!
AJ,ya sure enough, handle me well, don't ya!! ;D
The one on the side panels with a Union Jack on it... !!
I'm getting a bit too embroiled on there ... I think I'll give it a rest on there now....
Unless, Wee Willie pops up for a chat of course ;)
You never know when Wee Willie's gonna make an appearance?:))
Morning Melanie,
I try to keep you ammused Melanie, but I think fettling Anna at the same time, might even be beyond me!!:D
Fettling? That's a good word AJ...!! Sounds really rude!! :))
Wee Willie is someone you know isn't he? Or do you mean Wee Willie as in Wee Willie (male appendage?)...
In which case I could say something along the lines of "well, we don't want it to be too wee willie" but I won't because I'm a lady (!!) and more importantly, if I don't behave Peajay will tell me off ;))
Honest, Wee Willie is no aquaintance of mine! I wondered how long it would take for you to bring up the subject of the male appendage!!!:D
Peajay will have this site moderated, if you keeping talking like that!!:D
Sorry for my absence, had to see the SgtMjr off...
that blog is a novel!!!
Yes, she keeps us in line does Peajay... just as well really someone has to ..
Well, we had to lower the tone a bit .. I mean Wee Willie it was asking for it :))
Have you been posting anywhere today, AJ? A guy called Mike answered you on the union blog btw.
When I read that "I'm a lady" bit back I keep thinking of that David Walliams out of Little Britain dressed up as a Victorian woman...
Well, I do know about poor Peajay, but I don't know if my virtuous ears/eyes can handle all this seamy language!!! :D
AJ, I'm glad to know that Wee Willie is no aquaintance of yours!! ;))
A lot of interesting stuff on it Melanie - from both sides!! It's a tad ironic that the person who is sitting in the middle (Anna), is starting to get some heavy posts aimed at her by Richard.:))
I must say he seems a bit obsessive to the point of being a pain in the arse!!:)) He misses Anna's point comletely and thinks she's trying to undermine the argument for independance!!
Oops I forgot about Mike. I'll reply tonight.
Couldn't get posting today - one or two here and there - Berlusconi for one!! You might not like that one!!!:))
Yes Melanie, wee willie is no friend of mine!!!;))
Has william wallance said he's Scottish, or is he an American?? In one of the August posts, I think William from NY (American) was going at it with that David from Texas
You both have written a bit on there, I do plan to go and read it
I was on the school one yest but really only talked with Angus and JG a bit...people either start ranting or arguing, it seems.
Some of the Islam ones I've posted on, but they seem like a really 'cliquey' group
Wee Willie has only gone to NY last week, but he said goodbye to his wee treasure!!!!:)))
Richard is a pillock ... he says he wants Scottish independence and when I say the English aren't bothered and some people think you've already got it... he gets his knickers in a twist.
That is true, actually, some people do already think that Scotland is a seperate country... and always has been and they don't mean it in a bad way... they're just not interested in anything outside of their own lives. I've said before the English can be as parochial as any other people :(
the ogre speaketh in riddles! and he best get hisself home or the fury of the Valkrie Anna will be after his tail
You've got him on the ropes Anna!!:))
Hit him with a proposal for a common defence force, post independance day!!! He'll really go bananas!!!
Got to go, catch up later!!!
bye, AJ!!
no craic tonite...was called in to work...drat!! :)
speak with you all tomorrow!
Sorry I've missed everyone. I'm starting to get a reputation as a party pooper ;/ when I'm just trying to be the voice of sanity. :DD
We need someone to be the voice of sanity round here, Peajay ...
Mind you, I seem to recall that it was you that called him Wee Willie first....
Tsk, Tsk ..... possibly its you, who is leading the rest of us astray.
I'm chatting about recipes with Duncan now...... he's not that bad ... a bit bonkers but quite friendly in some ways.
Would I? Could I? ;)
You seem to have brought Duncan to heel with your mysterious spell!!:) If you can get Richard to mellow, Tony Blair will put you in charge of the up coming election!!:D
Duncan just wants a bit of attention :))
Richard is a bit strange sometimes but not too bad.
The one I'm not keen on is the pseudo-intellectual Andrew Allan ... keeps going on and on and on and on about the enlightenment and that the English are going to fall apart if the Scots desert us.
All of the stuff he's on about has already been invented so he's talking up a gum tree.:))
You're right about Charles II.. he does seem quite fanciable and he certainly knew a bit about women!! ;)
There's a quote about him probably by Rochester something about "his sword and p....k being of a length". They were very crude in the 17th century.
Oops looks like we're talking about willies again. Is it a Freudian thing with me do you think?:D
Yes Anna, you seem to be obsessed by willies:DD
Does MrA know about this.....I'm sure he does!!:D
Andrew Allan sounds like a retired old school teacher, but he was trying to have a wee joke with you!!
Was he?
I must have missed it.... he doesn't come over as anyone who has a sense of humour.
The reference to Bird's custard was one I made earlier.
I just thought it was a funny thing to have in a list of inventions :))
That's right he mentioned Birds custurd!!:))
Have you swallowed the brainy pills this morning - Isaac Newton and Alexander Pope!!! Very impressive, you'll have them keeching their pants when Joanna shows up on a message board!!:DD
Did you get the quote out of the Da Vinci Code, Wikipedia or off the top of your heid!!??
Right Anna,
I've given you something to chew on (so to speak!), but I did stretch it a bit by using Tom Devine's name!! He did speak to me with 200 people listening in!:D
Wikipedia... of course..:))
Brilliant epitaph ... tho'..
Altho' I do know that Newton was the father of physics and was renowned for a lot more than just the apple falling on his head!!
That guy Fairfax seems to be associated with Cambridge.. he was on about the Issac Newton insitute earlier... I think Fairfax is quite a switched on chap.
As for the reformation .. well, yes it was an enlightenment period as well and laid the foundations for the rest.
Anyway, that's me finished on that board... I've gone off topic enough. Bird's custard and smoked haddock .. a winning combination.
Congrats on the 400, AJ...I saw that 399 last nite and was half tempted to say something to you, Anna, and Wee Willie for the 400...but was too tired! :)
I watched the film, the Illusionist, isnstead, pretty good, set in pre-assassination Austria
Anna,I thought it was humorous you went off topic...allowed for some humanity to shine through on the subject and lighten things!!! :D
Good Morning Melanie!:)) Did you sleep well? Is the coffee on? Is it eggs this morning?
Wikipedia or no wikipedia, you still have these guys scrambling about!!:D
Hello Melanie
Did you like the way AJ calls me "Joanna of Cambs" in a stern sort of way.... very Calvinistic!!
I'm surprised that Duncan uses unsmoked haddock in Cullen Skink ... I think the best flavour comes with smoked haddock. :)) One of my fave soups.
The board was pretty serious, until Anna ambushed the proceedings with talk of haddock and custard!!!:D
Although I'm not religious, there must be a part of me that's a dour Scottish, mean spirited Presbytrian!!:D
I do hanker after a good 'burning' now and again!!:D
AJ, what did Bram mean 'cleve ma thrapple'...I understood everything else.
AJ, I read to the SgtMjr what you said about Germany...you just got another 'good' mark in his book...his mother is German, born here, but grew up speaking German in the home
Anna, Cullen Skink may be good, but it has a terribly sounding name
AJ, just don't burn the tea (dinner)
"Cleve ma thrapple" means slitting ones throat!!! Thrapple is throat!:)) Not a nice thing to say really.
Another good mark??? Was he cleaning his guns when you said that and cursing under his breath?:))
No, but he has his long rifles ready just in case!! ;)
You really have nothing to worry about, AJ. As I've said, you're okay in his book...if he didn't like you, I wouldn't be talking with you!!!!!!!!!
I'm only pulling your lovely long legs Melanie!!!:D
Did you read the Sgt Mjr's comment about Master and Commander on Peajay's blog, Melanie?
I had to laugh at that ... I'm thinking up a witty reply... I might have to search Wikipedia!! :D
AJ... I can imagine you in the pulpit at the kirk ... hell, fire and dammnation on the sinners etc, etc.
James I and VI had a real thing about witches ... maybe you're a descendent?
Which blog are you on about?
Can't remember Anna!!:))
Got an early finish tonight! Hopefully I'll be back later.
Melanie, Anna and Peajay, some one to listen to - Lilly Allen. Mrs AJ loves her and I like her too. English girl who has made good by using Myspace. Very funny and interesting lyrics! Has been popular for almost a year, so Peajay probably has the album. Anna won't have heard of her tho'!!!:D
AJ, I do not sit and read everything to the SgtMjr; he thinks it's all nonsense and doesn't really want to be bothered most of the time
Anna, it's the Scotland/reasons/cheerful one
If I read out everything to Mrs AJ, I'd have my thrapple well and truly cleved!!!:DD
You jist chill oot hen and have anither coffee!:))
Gotta pick up Mish Mash....see ya!!
AJ.... you're a cheeky article ... get your man's denner on...
You won't tell me what blog you're on in case I disagree with you :D :D
Away home yourself ... Mrs AJ and Mish are hungry.... get their fajitas cooked :))
yes, I saw it!...AJ, go and read some the postings on Peajay's blog...the SgtMjr does have humour, he's not always 'marching'!
AJ, mighty convenient fer you to be needing to git away...right!
Anna, where else are you posting, I have only been reading bits here and there
AJ, in my explanations in hopes to put your mind at ease, I missed some of your other reponses
...I am quite chilled out, with my cup of coffee and my legs comfortably up on the side desk here!! :D
I've only posted on the Union blog ... today ... Melanie :))
AJ is trying to shut me up ... :D You would think he would have learned by now that its impossible..:)
AJ, do you dare to show yer face here...sendin Anna aff to the kitchen and tellin her to wheest!!!!!!!!
Anna, was just seein the SgtMjr off then, I'm off for a walk, but I'll be on later in your eve, prob after your 2000.
Anna, William W. said a nice hello to you!!
I'm around for a bit if anyone is cyber-surfing by!!! :)
Hi Melanie,
I've got a few minutes! Mrs AJ is away to the store(!)to get some supplies(!).
Well I dared to make an appearance, but I know I'm safe as Anna is too busy wondering what wee Willie looks like!!:)) Old Iron Drawers is really a big softie!!:D
Was that too much?
Hi AJ, my you were full of it today!! :)
I even saw that you were baiting Dave from Barra...that article was 'interesting' wasn't it!!
AJ, you Are still full of it!!! When Anna starts slicing, I'll have to cover my ears!
It was 'interesting' Melanie. What did you cook the Sgt Mjr to make him marry you? Mrs AJ rustled up a banana!!:))
I've posted on the Archers(radio prog) on the entertainment section!!
Anna will give me both barrels when she gets round to reading this!
Is it mid afternoon there Melanie?
AJ, I noticed your emphasis on...(!) supplies (!)...is there extra exuberance because she's perhaps purchasing chocolate syrup!! ;)) (too much, Shrek?!)
Melanie ye wee rascal!! I was trying to Americanise my post for you - supplies instead of messages!!!:D
You crack me up!!:D
You liked 9&1/2 weeks then?;))
Actually, he teases me about being an English cook (sorry Anna, Peajay). Most of what I learned is actually/traditionally what ya'll eat!! I've learned to create Cajun/Creole and cook Mexican/Italian to suite what he likes.
Actually, I've never seen it, I'm just playing off of your comment the other day, and other comments I've heard about the certain aspects of the film. I'll have to rent the film now, and no doubt blush to high heaven!!!!
Well British cooking is pretty bland in comparison, but it can be top quality when it comes to high standard produce!!
supplies, messages, groceries, food...'I'm just glad to see you have her earning her keep' (that's what the SgtMjr would say!!)
There'll be no stopping you - blind folding the Sgt Mjr and covering him in baked beans!!:DD
Hope she remembered to get chilled beer!!:))
Got to go Mel, I'll speak to YOU later!!;))
aw, shucks, jest send her back oot, till she gits it right!!
I'll be waiting!! ;))
Hey, I value my gonads, thank you very much!!:D
Have a nice eve, AJ, will speak to you later, with all yer parts intact, hopefully!!
(whae ses, womin dinna rule the roost!!) ;DD
Hi all,
Wasn't Iron Drawers what they used to call Cromwell? Or was that Ironsides or something?
William Wallace is attached to the NYPD... sounds interesting ... wonder if he's a cop or something really interesting like a forensic scientist.
Andrew Allan is still battling away .... keeps quoting my posts back at me and comes out with such dramatic language! :D
Even Newton didn't shut him up... I bet he takes that book he's always on about to bed with him :D
Mrs AJ rustled up a banana!!:))
Heavens to Murgatroyd .... and me such a well brought up English lady .... :D
We were never allowed to rustle with anyone's bananas at our finishing school :))
Too much?
Ahemmm, the innocence of Melanie! She missed the banana comment, but there again she may have ignored it!:))
Mind you, Melanie is confused and probably finds it hard to follow my logic!!:)) I find it hard to follow my logic!!
This Andrew Allan character is definately an old bloke who wears the old fashioned half frame reading glasses, has a bath chair and wears a night cap!!:D
Wee Willie keeps a close eye on you Anna, pity he's the Old Bill!!:))
You must all be tucked in your scratchers or out shooting grizzlies!!:)
I'll give it 5 more mins and then I'll retire to my own scratcher with a book on pre 1100 Scottish history!!
Melanie.... is a genteel Southern belle... :D
As Andrew Allan said on one of his tedious posts.."the English like toilet humour"..... I think he's right about that ... especially if you've ever been in an outfit like the RAF - or connected to it like you AJ ... the humour can get very, very, very lavatorial
right around the u-bend sometimes:D
The Scots do a good line in toilet humour as well.... look at Billy Connolly .... and Rab C :))
Liked your description of Andrew Allan especially the bathchair and nightcap :D
William Wallace ... old Bill .. I'd have preferred a hunky firefighter but... some of the 'filth' aren't bad!! :))
Pre 1100 Scottish history..... that sounds very heavy going.
I bought a book the other day (another charity shop find!!) about Rob Roy McGregor ... and that looks quite interesting :)
I'm re-reading the Odessa File at the moment....its a good story.
Toilet humour in the RAF is like a competition - I normally hold my own though!!!!boom boom!!
Pre 1100 history isn't heavy, there just isn't much of it. It's part of my pre-course prep. The course content starts from 1100 and works it way up to.....1707!!!!:))
What are you doing up so late? Apart from blogging!
You might think I make it up, but I got a book on Rob Roy for my Xmas from the Dragon in Knickers(Mum in Law)!!
Another scary coincidence!!:D
okay, what's going on here??
Hi Melanie,
Jist chatting to Anna!! Nothing going on.....honest!:D
Did you manage to shoot a bear?
Is it entitled "Rob Roy MacGregor His Life and Times" by W H Murray?
Thats the one I've got..
Just a glance through it and there are quite a lot of interesting facts about Highland life... I'm looking forward to reading it :))
I'm going to bed soon .... but I've been having a little look on the blogs and the internet.
I've had a gin and bitter lemon tonight... makes a change from tonic! :))
Hello Melanie.....
You caught us :D
nope, but I had to go out for my messages...banannas and chilled beer amongst things
Have you been out shooting Melanie? Do you get bears in CA..... what about cougars?
There was a article in the Times about introducing wolves back into the Highlands! That should sort the 'right to roam' people out.
"Get Orf my Land" said Farmer Palmer (Viz!!)... more toilet humour!:))
AJ, I didn't want to even comment on your bananna statement...although a few images came to mind!!!!!!!
W H Murray rings a bell!
The one I have is The Hunt for Rob Roy by David Stevenson, written in 2004. This is the first time I've picked it up. I'm currently reading 4 books - Mrs AJ will crack up if I start reading this one! They clutter the bedroom!!!:))
Bears are legal to hunt with a permit and in the season, but cougars are protected (but the people and livestock aren't :( )
Anna, AJ's joined our club....reading multiple books at a time....I knew I liked you, AJ!!!
The wolf story - I was howling with laughter at that!!!boom boom!!
Glad you got the "messages" Mel!! My beer was warm, but I'm still intact, didn't complain!:))
I know about the book thing.... I've got so many books its getting a bit ridiculous trying to find room for them :))
But, I can't bear to part with most of them :)
I do recycle some of the paperbacks but there are quite a lot of my books that I won't part with.
Mr A is OK about it ..... he doesn't moan about my books and I don't moan about his very large music collection.:)
AJ, I've heard a pack of about 40 wolves howl...very eerie!!!
that will set the right to roam people on edge all right!!!!
Goodness knows how many books we have - we have loads stored in the attic, other peoples attics and other places I've forgotten about!!:) We have decided to try a get rid of some - maybe selling on e-bay and giving to charity shops!!:(
AJ, I've sold books on Amazon.com(U.S. version);
very simple...for coding use the UPC number on the back, then you set the price, they take care of adding in shipping...might be easier than e-bay
I've got loads up the attic as well... I'm going to have to go through them.
I've got a collection of Wisden's Cricketers Almanack... which I'll never read but I inherited from my Dad. He was mad about cricket and in his youth used to play for the RAF :))
I don't know whether some of the Wisdens might be worth something ... I think it depends what year they're from. There are also a few other old cricket books in the box as well.
I could start a shop :)
When I was young, one of the first proper books I read was Call of the Wild by Jack London! Forgive me if I've told you that before!:))
Wolves intrigue me - they don't deserve the bad press, that's for sure and it's man that encroaches on them, not the other way about!!
They also seem so intelligent and the pack system seems so sophisticated!
Wotcha think Mel? and Anna?
AJ, did you go back and read some of the comments on the island article...funny
Agree, AJ...wolves do get a bad rap on things...
Melanie, that sounds far better than e-bay! I said after the conference last week, I'd never use Amazon again(due to them killing the bookshop), however, I might make a u-turn!!
They'll be worth a fortune - anoraks will have an orgasm!!:))
Roy Cropper sold his Eagle collection for £1500!!!
If I was really looking for a book, it would be Amazon not E-bay!!
Right some of those books could be worth something Anna,
AJ, you said That word!!!
Okay, back to subject, bookstores will always have a place due to special order items and just the wonderful browsing experience!!
What? Anoraks!!!
hmmm, uh yea?!?, right :))
I went back to the island blog and it was funny - a couple of references to Barra!!:))
Lets not talk about organisms - it might be too much.....for me!!:D
I'm forming an opinion of the Hebrideans, but is it accurate, I wonder??!!
AJ, I won't torment you, remember, I'm an innocent, ...'my whatever do you mean??!!' ;)
Absolutely Melanie, it'll be right!!:))
Where's Anna? She must be reading The Odessa File whilst laying her ice cold feet on poor Mr A!!!:))
Yes I saw Roy and his Eagle collection .... bless him!!
I'll have to get the Wisdens out and see if I can get them valued.
Wolves get a bad press.... but I think they're really interesting animals..
Not sure if I'd like to be chased by a wolf pack tho'
Did you ever read the Jack London book "The People of the Abyss"... about the East End of London in the late 19th early 20th century? Really good read.... the poverty and squalor were unbelieveable. Although Dickens described it pretty well in his books as well.
Orgasmic ..... sounds like Barbarella... they're remaking that apparently.
It's amazing to have three kids and still be viewed as an innocent!!:D
And, I thought the bananna was Mrs AJ makin you an ice cream Sunday??? :D
"Poor Mr A" is fast asleep....
I'd better not wake him when I go to bed ..... he might get grumpy!! :D
Aw, Anna, you can make it up to him!! :)
No I actually forgot about that book. I always meant to read it - aw no another on to buy!!:))
Remake of Barbarella!! I wonder if Jane Fonda and David Hemmings will get roles?
I remember the opening scenes - at thirteen it was postively orgasmetronic!!:D
btb, no doubt sensible conversation will have to wait until later!! :DD
I was off looking at the 'reasons to be cheerful' blog ... Duncan is on there having a go at Martha!!
What a battle... He's told her to go and 'bump her gums' somewhere else!! :))
what? perhaps a sortie is in order? just don't get banned
AJ, quit talking about sensible books to read!! (well, not really just kiddin)
No.... I'm going to leave Duncan to get on with it... I'm sure he can handle Martha :))
Jane Fonda is looking pretty good for her age tho' ... she must be in her 60's. She doesn't look as if she's had a face lift either or if she has it's been very discreetly done.... she doesn't look Chinese.
I remember in the 80s doing the Jane Fonda workout video....... going for the burn!! :))
Fair enough, I couldn't think of anything...that wouldn't be catty, I didn't want to stoop to her level
Sorry Melanie, I was trying to keep it clean!!:)
OK Melanie, so,..... have you, ever,..... taken part in an orgy?
There, is that better!!:D
Anna, those videos yes!!! aahhhh!!
AJ, all right Mr sassy-pants....yes I have!
True, Jane Fonda looks good, but her neck looks its age!!
Was that sexist,age-ist or just simply vulgar?
It was an orgy of ice cream...as in an eating contest, which I didn't win...couldn't take the head-freeze
Don't believe you Melanie! Every chance Anna has though - WAFs are famous for it!!:))
You missed Anna - I ducked just in time!!:D
AJ, age takes it's course, however drooping....it was just an honest call
Have you Melanie... said Anna with a raised eyebrow ;)
I bet AJ's got more than a raised eyebrow!! ;)
Sorry... toilet humour again..!
Well, you know what they say about Californian free spirits and all that lurve stuff.
Thanks Melanie, if I look as good as Jane at her age, I'll have had a sex change and loads of plastic surgery!!:))
The cold feel of the ice cream put paid to any raising of the under carriage! ;)
Yes the neck is always a giveaway!! :(
AJ.. you're fantasising again!!
Mind you .... there used to be rumours flying around about all sorts of things on RAF camps. It could be true........ :D
What was that from the Acid House....laughter and sex, but not at the same time....I would, not could not, keep a straight face, says sam-i-am...with regard to an orgy...way too modest!!! Even for a California hippie chick
Yeah I know Melanie.. me too!! :)
Well cyber pals,
Its been nice nattering .. as usual.. but I'm off to join Grumpy in the Land of Nod..
Speak soon .. night, night:))
Glad to hear it Melanie, I didn't have you down as a swinger!:)) You're not are you? Of course in the RAF, swinging is part of the job!!:D
nite, Anna!!! :)
AJ, the only swinging I've done is off of a Rappel rope during a descent!!!!
Gnite Anna, leave the old boy to his sleep now!;))
Same here Melanie - not for sharing!!:)
Well I hate to be a party pooper, but I'll have to head upstairs now!
So have a nice evening and I'll talk with YOU tomorrow!!:))x
nite, AJ!!!!
x to you too, :)
Whack....right on ma cheek!!;)
yep, it was a good 'un, glad ya felt it!!!
"You're not are you? Of course in the RAF, swinging is part of the job!!:D "
You're right AJ.... they issue you with a chandelier kit when you join up!! :D
Night, night!!
Just wanted to say hi in case I miss you in my morn...have to go to LA but should hopefully be back for your eve if anyone's around!
AJ..... England's chariot will be swinging today!! :))
"Swing low, Sweet Chariot,
Coming for to carry me home..."
Go, Jonny, Go!!
C'mon England!!
KK has got his England shirt on today!! :))
He says that when England's not playing he'll wear his 'All 6 Nations" shirt.
He looks cute in that as well :D
"So have a nice evening and I'll talk with YOU tomorrow!!:))x"
said AJ of Fife
Does that mean you're not talking to ME anymore?
Too feisty for you, are you feart of me? :D
Anna, chill oot Doll!! I was only singling oot Melanie, because of our 'special' relationship!!:))
Good luck today, hopefully it will be played in a sporting manner, with the skullduggery kept to a minimum!!;)May the best team win.....or the most street wise!!!:)))
Poor KK, I'll inform social services!!:D
I ken AJ....I was having you on!!
Hope its a good, entertaining match... I think Scotland has a good chance as well :))
Altho' England seems to have been revitalised by the 'Jonny' factor... hope its not all media hype!!
Btw: Is the 'special relationship' the same as the one between Ronald Reagan and Maggie Thatcher?
Which one of you is Maggie?
Also, just remembered why England don't wear red.... if we did they might think we were Wales ... now, we couldn't have that!! :)
"I think Scotland has a good chance as well:))"
No you don't, even I don't think they have a chance - I watch Scotland England from behind the couch!!:D
Wilkinson is also one of lifes lucky SoB's - he'll probably bang in 40 pts. :((
As for Wales......good singers and that's aboot it!!:D
Did you see my post on the Union Jack blog!!;))
Ronnie and Maggie....yuuch!!
I like to think Melanie and I are on a similar cerebal plane!! Old Ronnie didn't have a brain, according to Spitting Image!!:D
We could however, be Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrey!!:D
I saw your post ... it made me laugh :DD
Mr A is the same as you ... when England are playing badly at rugby or football ... he either turns over (!!) or if I'm watching it as well... he goes out of the room...
Don't write Scotland off... some of the pundits in the Times think they've got a chance. This England team is an unknown quantity as well...
Altho' they are on home ground so have the advantage of that and the crowd :D
Maggie was more of a man than Ronnie... right enough .. in spite of the handbags!! :))
Or Madonna and Guy Ritchie?
I wonder how Mel will take to the Madonna comparison - I bet she doesn't like Madonna!!:))
I find watching games (no Matter the sport) between Scotland and England are unbearable!! I suppose it's something to do with the chip on the shooder!! I do know that the English supporters feel the strain as well!!
Working beside the English lads, it makes for good banter!:)) They think I'm a nutter though - I've been following the English cricket teams progress - gave me no end of ammunition!!:D
Oh well.... the cricket are another story altogether... they completely fell apart :(
Surprising to find a Scotsman who is interested in cricket ..... a lot just dismiss it. Altho' I think they play quite a lot in Perth (Scotland!! not Oz).
Mr A shares an office with a couple of Scots guys ... both very nice blokes and they are forever bantering away with one another.
Nothing wrong with friendly rivalry Anna.:)
Have you got a gin ready to go? I've got a couple of coldies just waiting to be opened!!:))
The thing about spectating, is the drooth one feels in ones thrapple!!:D
I bet wee Peajay is aw excited too, if she isn't throttling a difficult customer!!:D
Yep .... you need a beer .. its part of the fun of it all:))
Peajays been fairly quiet ... hope she's OK ..
Speak to you later AJ... .enjoy the match :D
We'll discuss the outcome later.....maybe!!:D
If the Scottish eejits had listened to me - we would have this in the bag!!
All you need to do is pole axe Wilkinson!!:((
It's a national disaster!!:))
By gum... that was some comeback by Jonny :D
Altho'.... Brian Moore was right ... Jonny's try was a good effort but not a try.
Mind you, Scotland still wouldn't have won and probably wouldn't have got their last try, because Phil Vickery, Jonny and the other fella wouldn't have been substitued near the end if the scoreline gap hadn't been so wide in England's favour.
I can hear the cry in Scotland now "We was robbed".. :D
I thought Harry Ellis played really well too :))
I've got a bit of a sore throat .... I was screaming at the telly so much :))
Mr A had to tell me to be quiet a couple of times ....didn't work tho' :D
hi guys, sorry back late...missed my friend's kid's rugby match today, as well :(( But, on a good note, thanks to overlapping music tastes with the teen, we've just been out to pick up the Chile Pepper's album 'Stadium Arcade'..some of my favorite's being Dani California, Snow, and Tell me Baby.
Sorry about the loss, AJ. I'll have to ask my Kiwi friend if he's going to be recording any of the games in the future
Anna, hot water, lemon and honey...excellent home remedy for a sore throat! ;)
....'Which one of you is Maggie?' :D funny, Anna!!!
Right AJ, not much into Madonna...although she probably has that incredible chateau type manor house that I wouldn't mind living in...a kitchen to die for, and...the hallways would make for great wheeled chair races!!!! :DD
AJ, it is interesting, our 'connectivity' from Grail times forward, cyber-speaking of course!! ;)) Can't be explained, Anna, I'm at a loss!! But, I am grateful for your cyber-friendship as well!! :))
Peajay, I think, is well, just busy; I've been in brief e-mail contact with her...all the same, I'll send off a note!
Is it an electronic 'connectivity' Melanie? It sounds positively hair-raising!! :D
Me, I just enjoy the battles (verbal)and the chat!! ;)
Jings, where's yer daft wee song Anna?:))
Right that's the rugby over - it's not a real sport, so it doesn't matter!!:)
Got to get on with a spot of decorating!!:(
What's Anna doing today? Scotsman baiting perhaps??:))
This might be of interest to you, Neil's aka Pud has put his book on the internet - www.jockroaches.com
You'll get an idea how mad he is and how much time he has on his hands!!
Neil aka Pud is on one of the boards today... can't remember which one but one of the main ones, baiting everyone!! Hilairous!
I've blogged on the rugby board (of course!!) and on the Ian Rankin story ... did you see his shirt? .. WOW you need sunglasses!!
AJ..... please don't tell me you've got a shirt like that :(
I know you haven't Mrs AJ wouldn't let you... and I can tell by your picture on your blog that you dress well! There you go ... a compliment at long last from 'auld Anna'. Make the most of it ... :D
I'm cooking the dinner ... roast pork and all the trimmings.. Mr A and KK are off out for 'a long walk' with the dog!
So, the master of the house (KK) will be demanding his dinner on the table when he gets back!.
This pm its feet up on the sofa (or bed!) with Rob Roy (lovely!!) and a glass or 2 of wine.
Lady of the manor...right enough!
Hope KK drags you all ootside for a game of rugby!!:))
MrsAJ tends to direct my taste:)) That sort of shirt does not feature in my wardrobe, I'm pleased to say!!
Pud was on the Rankin blog - he e-mailed me to post some anti-Pud stuff, but he'll be bedded by now!!
If you go on to his website, you'll realise that Pud is the main character from his book!!
Pork sounds good - if i let Mrs AJ loose, I would be sitting down to a quorn fillet with a boiled potato and carrots!!:()
btw, does Rob nip in quite often when the boys are oot?:))
I got picked for the question of the week!!!! Yippee - this is a new competition!!!:))
Rob Roy (love that name) is my current leading man!! (In a book of course!!)
Question of the week? I'll have a look ... I've not really looked at that board before.
I'll check out Pud's book too :)
Question of the week... where is that? Not the Blair one ?
Hi guys, can't play today...was called in to work :(
"hold down the fort" while I'm gone!! ;)
You can reach it by going through the index and clicking on the columnist section!
Nothing doing tonight folks?
Did you have a look at Pud's story?
C'mon Melanie, wake up!!!!:))
I've been working this morning (!)... haven't had much of a chance to get near the computer... to blog!! I had too much other stuff to do :(
This week is quite a busy one actually .. with various things getting in the way (like work), but don't worry when I get the chance I'll be back on here tormenting you! :))
I'm having a problem finding that question ... I've looked on the page you said but can't see it. What's it called?
Any good blogs today?
Poor Melanie... its still the middle of the night for her.... and I'm sure Sgt Mjr has demands on her time at this hour of their day ;)
It's on page 2 of the columnist section, you have to click on one of the current blogs to access the rest - it's old news already, but I've got the newspaper and will be cherished forever!!
I'm currently live in a number of blogs - Edith Piaf, windfarms, turkeys and others I've forgotten about!!!
You don't torment me Anna!!!!:D
Do you think Melanie felt my elbow in her ribs!!:))
When Mr A gets a bit fruity at 3am do you :-
a)Tell him to get lost and behave
b)Kick him out of bed and send him to the couch
c)Punch him hard in the ribs and tell him not to be so disgusting
good morning!
I have to work again today, but am free Tues/Wed. The Sgt Mjr had to go to LA for training/class.
Anna, I slept blissfully, thankyou!! :)) I didn't even feel your elbow, AJ, sorry...I was dead to the world. I had to work the Pediatrics unit yest, it was a killer...lots of sick, snuffly noses and congested pneumonia chests!! :( I'm not sure if the children or the worried parents were harder ones to manage!!! I'm exhausted!!! :)
I read Pud's webpage only for a few minutes...the words were blurring together;...and I'll have to go back to find your question page...congratulations!
talk with ya later!
Hi Melanie.... hope you have a quieter day at work today :)
I've been one of those 'anxious parents' three times in KK's life.... so I know what tunnel vision they get.... I did. You become total selfish ... your ill child is the centre of your universe and you expect him to be the centre of everyone elses!
Having said that on all 3 occasions ... the medical staff were superb... and calmed this panicky, worried Mum & Dad down brilliantly.
I'm sure you are just as good and its very, very important what you do :D
Ah...good morning Melanie,
Hope to catch up soon, I've had a prolonged discourse with Horrible Cankers on several boards!! I need to talk with one of ma pals. Anna and Peajay seem to be engaged elsewhere!!:(
So far so good for me - nae really worrying moments so far!! Touch wood!!!
You sound like the dedicated type Melanie, and I think you'll be able to calm most people doon with your kind and considerate nature!:))
Hi AJ,
What are you up to? Is Horrible Cankers being really horrible and chasing you round the boards?
She can be really outrageous that Horrible Cankers!! :D
Och I'm doing a wee bit of the chasing too!!:)) She battered me into submission tho'!!
But I know she's a powerful ally to have - a bit like yersel!!:D
I suspect some readers must wonder - what the....?
The Edith Piaf story is turning into fun!!
Just been reading you and Horrible on the James Bond board.. AJ.
She is funny tho' all that stuff about Deliverance was hilarious.
She really is outrageous!! :D
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