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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Winter Adventures!
Thought I'd add a bridge, as that's been a familiar topic of late...this one is in wonderful Manhattan, Central Park! Life is a Journey, and what can be said, than the best adventure is found, when accompanied by good friends! Earth Mother quote of the day: "People are disturbed not by things but by the view they take of them." Epictetus, c200AD
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1024 Newer› Newest»Nothing owed Melanie. I never considered the your few days, sponging.
I could say No ... I had other people to do it for me!! :)) But, the truth is Yes, twice.
There were good reasons tho':D
Have you tried Bushmills .... AJ? I've not but Mr A has been round their distillery when he was over N Ireland.... he quite likes it but prefers the smoothness of Jamesons.
Don't get me wrong I like Scotch but I like to diversify! ;)
Anna, thanks for the book title, I'll tell Mrs AJ tomorrow and I'll have it for Xmas!!
Melanie, you're great!!:D
Peajay, are you still there? Melanie says it ok to have a holiday!!
It's not an owing thing, just an open invitation, Peajay!!
AJ/Anna, I'm looking for a good whisky to add to our minibar...I've only tried Glen Fiddich (sp) and Glen Livet (sp)...should probably be on the look out for a good whiskey, too...since I'm onto the Irish Coffee, now!!
now, we really do sound like lushes!!!
Melanie, the haycart reference brings to mind stories like Tess of the Dubervilles and being ravished by the local squire. I think that was the angle AJ and I were coming from...
The closet reference is when someone reveals that they are gay and it is "coming out of the closet".
A fag in the UK is a cigarette!!
Btw: I've never asked and I assume, not but do any of you smoke?
I used to but I gave up about 10 years ago. There is still, however, the very odd occasion when I think I'd quite like a ciggie......... but I would never go back to it. One ciggarette would set me back on the rocky road... so that's that!
Do you not have Buckie in the mini bar, you could make all Scotsmen feel at home :DD
All Scotsmen Peajay........ surely not ;)
Chivas Regal is a nice Scotch. I like Drambuie as well and I like it with a blended whisky. That'll warm the cockles for ye milady!! :D
I do sound like a lush!
Good reasons?? If it is appropriate and a good laugh, what were the indescretions Anna?
Bushmills is a better taste for sure to be sure! The NI don't like being associated with the quirky Irish stereotype, btw!!! Bushmills IS good , I'll give ye that me wee lassie!! to be sure to be sure!!!:D
thanks, Anna...closet can be the same with the gay reference, here, but we also use closet for 'clothes storage', rarely do we use wardrobe
ravished, now there's a word ;))
occasional petite cigar for me, Anna, no ciggies
The job I was doing at the time was in the legal admin of the RAF. The 2 guys in question were due to be courtmartialled but they had to be charged first, for the paperwork .... ergo I done it m'lud!! :))
Drambuie and Scotch = Rusty Nail, a well loved tipple in Scotland - expensive, but beautifully lethal!!!:))))
Not loved amongst the Buckie swallowing mob, they like the lighter fuel mixed with turpentine!!:D It's not really funny:D
Peajay do you pronounce scone as in stone or as in ron?
Melanie, I'm sure you know this already, but scones in the UK are very like what the Americans call biscuits.
Only smoked for a period of seven years then gave up! But like Anna, would love a wee puff, especially with a drink!! However, Marsha stops that sort of thought!:)
Drambuie is good over vanilla icecream!!!
Well, I think a Rusty Nail is in order for tonight; I tip one now with you, but the SgtMjr may not get his dinner if I do!!! :))
Ford pick up truck, AJ
so you did feel my thought waves, AJ ;)
Peajay, Buckie sounds scary!!
Anna, were you ever involved with court martials at Leuchars? I seem to remember a stunning blond turning up in an official capacity about ten years ago!!!;)
AJ, Marsha?? Is that Mrs AJ, and her prefering not to 'kiss an ashtray'??!! ;))
right Anna, had scones (ron) at my grans and aunties houses growing up...good with Devonsh. cream and jam!!!
What kind of car do you drive AJ and Peajay?
When are you going to Ireland, Melanie?
Mr A and I are planning a weekend break in York next May. It's our 20th anniversary and we first went to York about 20 years ago when we were quite skint. We stayed in a cheap bed and breakfast. We always said that we'd go back but this time we are staying in a nice posh hotel in the centre of York .. so really looking forward to some sightseeing and shopping and just spending time together.
Kit Kat is going to Grannies so he'll be well taken care of while we're away:D
We did think about going abroad but York was such a happy memory that we decided to go back there again.
Melanie, well done, good old American hardware, that's the ticket old bean(that's Anna speak, btw!)!!!:D
I'll have to go soon, as I've got some chores to do before Mrs AJ appears home!!Right, how about this!! I've got to tidy up because the cleaner is coming tomorrow morning!!??!! Wumin!!!???!!!
Definitely Ron. And a Ford Mondeo Estate. Had to sell dream car, classic Mini Cooper (had 4) as detrimental to fractured spine.
No I've never been to Leuchars ... the only Scottish stations that I've been to are Benbecula, Kinloss and Buchan.
So it must have been another stunning blonde!! :D She said as she flicked her golden locks and batted her eyelashes!!
Sorry, Melanie not trying to be flirty, honest ...... must be the Jamesons! :D
OOOps, Marsha is Mish Mash!! Oh well, I suppose it doesn't matter about that, I call her mish mash all the time!!
Never got to the stage of ashtray breath Melanie. But I'm glad I gave up!:))
Well I hope not - I was never a heavy smoker!
Fractured spine - Peajay, how awful for you ... must still give you pain.
How long ago was that?
that is funny, AJ, clean up for the housekeeper...nice that you have one, though!!
good you don't smoke around the little one!!
Anna, funny, poor AJ's bloodpressure would go up then!!
Peajay, the spine injury from your youth, and consequential surgeries??
Marsha ..... lovely name, AJ .. not one that you hear very often.
Grace seems to be getting very popular now, I know 3 people with little Grace's.
The Miller is now taking effect, I'll have to go soon!!:))
We have two Renaults, a Clio and a Megane!! Vive La Francais!!
That'll cheese off Peajay and Anna!!;)) The English hate the Frogs, Melanie!:D
Au contraire AJ ... some of us quite like the Frogs!!
We've got a couple of Rollers and a Jag for days out!!;)
SgtMjr's home, need to sign off for a bit...but you'll all be in beddy-by by the time I can come back 'round....will chat in my morn!!!! mighty craic tonight!!
Sorry about that wee outburst, Anna and Peajay!
I stopped smoking years ago Melanie, so Marsha is not polluted by us!!
Thanks for the compliment Anna, and Peajay, like Anna, I'm sorry to hear you've suffered to that extent! I hope you're on the way to a good recovery.
Night Melanie,
I'll have to get away to my beddy byes now.
So night, night AJ and Peajay.
Nice chatting
Take care all.
Take no notice Melanie, hired a Renault Laguna while on hols, lovely car.
Fractured spine dates back to age 9 when a wee boy kicked me in the back while lining up at school for lunch. Sheered through the bits that hold one vertebrae to another.
Goodnight all.
Very good Anna, you come over as a woman of class and distinction:)
Melanie, have a good rest of the day, yer a wee cracker!!x
Anna x
Peajay x
Speak to you all soon, I'm climbing intae the cupboard!!!
Hi guys, sorry I had to 'skeedaddle sa darn quick-like'...the SgtMjr was home and expecting a that wasn't quite ready on account of posting!!! :/
But, I made amends with tortilla chips and salsa as an 'ordirvey' and quickly fixed up the tacos!! :))
AJ, thanks for quickly getting intae the cupboard! ;)
Meant to add my twa pence, the name Marsha is very feminine, but also seems a strong name, I like it! :))
Anna, what type of Jaguar do you have??? And, you were saying in that post the other day, you've "heard" they're nice to drive!!! ;))
... I didn't want to sound too posh for having one..last year we bought a 2002 S-type Jag...I've always wanted one!! And they're definitely fun to drive on those mountain roads!!! It jest makes me purrr!!! ;D
So, Peajay, maybe forget the (American) hayride :)...we'll be 'sophisticants' in the Jag for a wine tasting tour! (but I suppose the boots and jeans are out!!?!) ;))
okay, forgive the late nite blether, enhanced by some mild spirits!!!
will hopefully chat a bit with you all tomorrow!!
AJ when were you starting to drink??? ...morning cocktails??!! ;))
Hi Melanie, Are you still up?
I was checking out to see if I could see the Sgt Mjr, but what struck me about the film was the kite flying - next to power cables!!!!Tsk Tsk :D
Drinking will start at 1300hrs!:D
So you're enjoying a mild libation yourself!!:) Go the Melster!!:D
A Jaguar Melanie? Very swish!!
I've never been one to buy expensive or posh cars, I prefer to spend my money on sweets!:)
It would seem I've just missed you by 5 or so minutes Melanie!:(
Sleep well my princess!!:D
No Jag ..... Melanie and I don't have 2 Rolls Royces either ... !
I was joking....... but I do like Jags and Mr A has been hankering after one for a while... but we'll have to see. Petrol is more expensive here than in the States and those babies are gas guzzlers!!
We have a Mazda 6 Estate and a little Vauxhall Corsa runaround... Actually, Mr A usually takes the Corsa to work because it uses a lot less petrol than the estate car. So I get that ..... I don't have as far to drive as him! :))
AJ... enjoy your Xmas drinkies.... no misbehaving and getting up to shenanigans!! :)) Or if you do ... don't forget to 'fess up to your cyber pals! ;)
Hi Anna,
I still working at the mo. The girls have cleared off to put on the war paint!!:)
I'll have a wee dicht in the office amenities. A wee squirt of Gucci aftershave around the torso should do the trick!!:D
It's your day oot too?!
Yes, AJ .... I've got my war paint on already ... and I'm off out in a bit !! ;)
But today is strictly tee-total!!
War paint and a slinky wee black number....that's enough about what I'm wearing!:D
I saw you posting on the border control story. I've put something on there....... can't take any of that too seriously!!
I've also posted on the Diana story... there's a few loony tunes on there who are raving on about plots.
Personally, I think the Fiat Uno with Prince Phillip driving and the Queen map reading for him, forced the armoured Mercedes off the road and the 2 of them drove off,parked further up the road and cracked open a Thermos of tea and celebrated with some nice Windsor biscuits!!
The whole thing is utter tosh ... it was an accident .... people need to stop recycling it and making money out of the poor woman.
It's a pretty poor piece of journalism Anna! I sense there's a lot of stuff in the Scotsman of a similar quality - the border story is ridiculous!
Gotta go now, have a great day, but don't do a squirrel dance with anybody - twice round the dance floor and outside for your nuts!!:D
good morning all!!
must have just missed you, AJ :((
Have a great time today...if you're in any condition for a quick post later, would love to hear how the 'cat war' went, and your pub crawling!! ;) (or at least that you got home safe, and didn't have to 'walk' home!!! ) ;)) (sorry if that sounds too cyber-wifie!! ) ;D
the kites were enough away from the power cables!!! :) The SgtMjr is more in the 2nd video, I think...he's wearing the baseball cap and brown work overalls. I'm in the 1st video for a quick sec at the end but I'm bundled up in a dark brown jacket and wearing a hat, the wind was freezing that day!
Anna, oh, drat, a wasted confession!! ;)) Actually, it's only a 6-cylinder, and we got a really good deal on it
...we had a 4wheel drive SUV that was killing us with the gas/petrol, and I didn't need the largeness of it anymore
(we used it for camping/family holidays, and the youth-at-risk adventure program, involving off-paved road driving ) (it was a glamorous station wagon, AJ!!)
...the Jag is much better on the petrol, less expensive in the payments, and my ELond. friend works on it for me at a less cost for repairs etc (so, that's at least how I rationalized my way into buying it;))
...I'm all for sweets, AJ, but I think this was a woman's over-40 thing!!! ;D All in all, I'm good on the SgtMjr's wallet!! :))
I have empathy for you all and your gas/petrol prices...we're kind of stuck driving....really no public transportation, there are buses, but they're not really safe enough, nor do they go always to the needed locations...there is a train system to/in LA, but not nearly as good as what is in the UK and Euro. (there's one line that goes thru the ghetto, and the police that manage it for security are always getting 'pot shots'/random bullets fired at them!! :((
Anna, enjoy your party as gin in the tea, wouldn't want you to 'scalp' any one, after any war dances!!! ;D and, yes, I want a report!!! :))
Peajay, are you around today?? I have to take Dr. Daisy to her violin lesson, this morn, but I should be around later for your evening!! :D
Hi Melanie
How's Dr D violin progressing, I'm more a Spanish Guitar gal, not enough frets on the fiddle to know where your supposed to be! ;)
Are any others in the family musical?
Hi Peajay, just in....trying to finish up with Christmas shopping before the lines get too long....
I do like (listening) to a Spanish Guitar as well...tween was taking lessons for a while, but he told me he preferred fitba!! (although he's considering the electric guitar :( :) (we'll see!)
the teen, my technical advisor, is very good on the flute, honours band, etc, but she's taking a break due to necessary orthodontics :# ;)
Dr D can be very good if she wants, I'm hoping she'll stay with it....she as an aquaintance a year older who plays in a family band...all the kids fiddle and Irish dance..."Celtic Spring"; they're a very nice family! :)
Even if they don't continue playing the instruments into their adulthood, which I hope they do, I think it's good discipline and good mentally for them to learn an instrument...anyway, that's ma theory, and that's whot ah tell 'em!! ;))
How's your day going??!!
My day's gone pretty well although I fear we may have to venture out for last of the prezzie buying on Monday (can't face weekend shopping, way to packed). Have finished making one prezzie, compromised on another (bought pot plant instead) and still have a couple to make, including a pair of knapkin rings for J, and a garnet ring for a January birthday.
What have you and the collective asked santa to bring?
Hi Peajay, sorry I missed your post...the kids want their usual mix of electronics, music and the latest movie hype stuff which (luckily!) happens to be Pirates 2...Dr D is still into Barbies...we keep xmas small, though, usually
how about you!! sounds like neat things you are making! :D
AJ/Anna, did you take any scalps, or did you just 'count coup'??!!
I hope the war paint washed off, or the neighbors will think it a bit odd!! ;)))
AJ, how's your heid??!!
The heid's in a precarious state!! Early reports suggest I should apologise to one or two people, but I managed to bale out early before any real harm was done!:))
The journey was a nightmare but I managed to stick to the plan!:)
The cat fight didn't materialise as we hoped!
I hope Mish Mash goes easy on me, but the early indications suggest a difficult day!!!:D
How was your day Melanie, Peajay and Anna?
Hi all,
I had a nice, sociable lunch and stayed tee total (!) ... I had a couple of glasses of that pretend wine (grape juice) stuff you can get and a little brandy cream (!) on my mince pie.
So, everything was fairly low key for me.
Shame there was no cat fight to tell us about ... AJ... you'll have to try harder to antagonise things next year..... you owe it to the entertainment of your cyber pals!! :D
Hope the Mish Mash is kind to Daddy today ......... bet you she won't be tho'. I've had experience of that with Kit Kat.
Kit Kat is at a friend's birthday party just now... and then we're off out to yet another Xmas fayre/bazaar. This time its the Scouts...... so I've made a couple of cakes for their cake stall. Kit Kat is in Beavers ... which is the little branch of Scouts ... he goes up to Cubs early next year.
Good Morning!!
I'll type quietly AJ, so as not to bother yer poor heid! ;) I hope MishMash isn't pulling everything out of the drawers and cupboards!
Baking again, Anna? I'm coming to your house ;))
have to tend tae the fire, and get my coffee, will be back!
Well, AJ, I wouldn't try to make your eyes focus on the Scotsman, currently doctors are recommending against stilleto heels and for circumcision; and there's a perfume for sale, similiar to that which led Marie Antoinette to the guillotine, or something!
Anna's baking, Peajay's crafting, and hopefully if MishMash is having an afternoon nap/lie-down, you are as well!! :))
will catch up with you all later, for your evening, I hope!!!
AJ, my heid will no doubt be the same as yours tomorrow...we have a holiday party tonite at a friend's house!
I've just been having a go at your shortbread recipe, Melanie, so far so batch is out of the oven and they look & smell great!!:))
I did find it a little dry when I put the flour in ... so I added a little milk and that seemed to work. I'll let you know how the taste test goes...:))
It certainly smelled good .... because both my 'menfolk' joined me in the kitchen to find out what "the yummy smell" was!! :)
So, thanks for that :D
Anna, I find that each time I make it, I'm balancing flour with milk to get it to the right've inspired me to make a batch, and I think I'll add some banana bread as well!!
It's cloudy, with a hint of that inspires me to bake, always!! :D
wonderful flurries coming down, while we were at our friend's xmas party...he lives in the foothills of the Angeles Crest had melted by the time we were leaving, which is good; it's no fun to drive in!! :))
am off to beddy by...was able to try Bushmills tonight...very nice!! I behaved myself, though, and will be around for a Sunday chat for any takers, and should be withoot a bad heid!! :)
Peajay, don't work yourself to the bone!!!
Anna, were your menfolk satisfied with the shortbread??!! :)
AJ, have you recovered??!!
...missed chatting with you today!! ;))
Morning all,
Sorry to miss you yesterday, was invited out for lunch/dinner and a busman's holiday to look round a craft fair. Turned out to have an ulterior motive and had to help a teen with her textile homework. :)
The parties all sounded good and presumably AJ managed to not dance on the table twirling his boxer's above his heid. :DD
Anna's sounded way to sensible with the tea-total lunch.
Santa is bringing me clothes this year as per my request, although that is consisting of a coat, a jacket, two tops and two jeans.
Melanie... snow ... lovely... but as you say not to drive in!
The shortbread has been a big hit and I will have to make another batch soon... as its nearly all gone!!
Peajay, hysterical about AJ ... I can just imagine it..... tartan boxers of course ;)
So it's Matt and Mark in the final .... whose it gonna be. Its got to be Mark ..... that Argentine tango was so sexy and sizzling .... the telly nearly went into meltdown!!
Good Morning!! I allowed my head to stay on the pillow this morning...I'm telling myself, it needs to be a lazy we'll see if mama gets to lounge around!! :D
Peajay, it's much to early in my morn to be imagining AJ twirling his boxers around while dancing on the table, and yes, they must be tartan, Anna!! ;DD
An Argentine Tango, sexy and sizzling??!! What am I missing??
Well, now that my brain synapses have moved in that direction, AJ dancing with his boxers twirling would be rather, ahem, nice!! ;D
Am off to get my coffee, and see to some breakfast
AJ, family time is important, but you mustn't forget your cyber-pals!!!! :DD
....but I don't want the Mrs mad at ya for blogging too much! :D Enjoy your family time!! :D
Anna, the Ireland holiday is tentatively scheduled for the 1st thru 10th of October. My friend's family is still in the planning stages with where we're staying; I think they want to go to Dublin then stay on the east and south coasts.
I'd love to convince my gal-pal to head out to Killarney or up to Galway (where my friend's sister lives), while my gal-pal's men-folk hit the golf course and pub-crawl, but we'll see!! She's the backpack, let's go type, too!! :)) But, I'll still need to 'go with the flow' on this one, as it isn't 'my show'.
All in all, I think it will be fun...and, Peajay, the Guinness Brewery is definitely a must!! :D
AJ, there was an article on Lennon today in the Scotland section "Lennon gives Wee Frees a chance"
Hi folks,
I'm still alive, but only just!!:( Saturday turned into a hangover nightmare and I had to catch up with family and domestic duties on Sunday!!:) Couldn't get time to post at all.
I hope you all had a good weekend?
Hope you're fully recovered now.
Hi Peajay,
I'm just undergoing the cringe factor at the moment at my work. They seem to be taking it in turns to take the mickey!! It doesn't seem too bad, I could have been a lot worse!!:D
Hi all
Bad hangover on Sat AJ? I sympathise ..... I've suffered one or two of them, myself!!
So, you didn't get up to any shenanigans while under the influence... have they got any photos to blackmail you with? No photocopying your nether regions I hope!!
There was a rumour when I was at Wittering that some big bum broke the supply squadron copier doing that... never found out exactly who it was.... but rumour control was in fast flow! :D
Have you posted on the Scotsman this morning?
I've been busy shopping (again), but hopefully I've broken the back of the Xmas stuff now.
I'm working this afternoon and then that's me done till January - hurrah!!....
We've got our Xmas dinner and drinkies tomorrow night... My friend is giving me a lift so I might have a couple of drinks... no school next day so I can have a bit of a lie in on Wed. ;)
AJ .... The Rangers fans being offended by Boruc making the sign of the cross is getting a lot of hits. Surely, that is just media hype?
I know there is sectarianism in Glasgow and some parts of Edinburgh ... but this must be a case of the press going over the top, as usual.
Please tell me it is :))
Unfortunately Anna, bigotry is alive and well in Scotland. Most of the comments are criticising the story and the the bigots.
This is Scotland's achilles heel!
Hope you have a good time on your day out! I only offended one person, who didn't quite understand my sense of risque humour! She was the only sober person there:(
Nevermind, it'll be forgotten about by next year!
I've got some shopping to do this lunchtime in St Andrews - some stocking fillers for Mr AJ. Mish Mash is getting some photographs taken by the Station Photographer this afternoon!! He's going into business himself after his resettlement period. Gotta make the most of these tings Anna:))
I think the Scotsman is out of order giving this story top billing today! The media should ignore the thing. However the clubs should be brought to book for the actions of their fans! Close them down!!!
Saw you on the Nigella story.... I'm a big fan of hers.... she looks like she'd be a fun sort of gal and not always on a diet!! :)
Well, if it wasn't religion it would be some other issue that they'd fight about. Look at some of the problems the English clubs have with their fans....
The guy who owns the local (very good) photographic studio here is ex RAF.
We had some lovely photos taken of Kit Kat a couple of years ago and some of my mum and family on her 70th birthday.
He does the school photos as well ... so we've got a couple of KK for the grannies this year. :D
I bet the RAF connection can be useful, especially down in your neck of the woods!
Hi guys, good morning to you all...the countdown to Christmas is upon is!!
Anna, there's a Scotsman story on you today??? Will have to check for any recipes!! ;)
Stocking stuffers!!... sometimes the most fun part of Christmas!! Always a challenge as to what small wonderful things one can find to secret in them!! :))
Hi Melanie,
Did you say it was snowing? It's just freezing, hasn't got above zero all day here! No snow though!
Nigella looks great, doesn't she?
Hi AJ, sorry was away from the snowed on Sat eve in the foothills near here, during our friend's was lovely!!!! It wasn't that heavy of a snowfall that we had trouble driving, and has melted off now
It's below freezing during the night but warms up a bit during the day....speaking of day... has your day been??!!
I've seen a few of Nigella's shows...she seems real and fun! She seems to have a great personality as well as is nice-looking
I was reading by the fire, thinking you were all busy with work, but I thought to check just now :))
what stocking stuffer items have you been able to find...always a fun challenge!!
Stocking stuffers? Well, the only stocking I do is Kit Kat .... so he is really into magic tricks and joke stuff. I've managed to find a few bits and pieces to put in.
Nigella is great ..... she has the rare quality of appealing to men and women. Men would like to whatever with her, and women could imagine having a fun girly chat, lots of food and drink with her. Then not having to feel guilty about over-indulging, like you do when you go out with the health police. One lettuce leaf or two is not Nigella's style, she has a healthy appetite. ;))
Saw you on the Nigella blog, Melanie/Lanna! I'm only having a go at pompous Martha not everyone in America........ she does get on my nerves.
Stocking stuffing didn't go very well this lunch time, but I did get the Xmas cards. Have to get Mish Mash to make 'her mark' on her card for Mrs AJ!:)
Plenty of time though, not for another week yet!! About to pick the Mish up for the photo shoot!
I think that's why I like Nigella, tho I've only seen a few shows...she seems real....and she seems like she Eats!!
I know you were having a go only at Martha ;))
Joanna v Martha - battle of the Titans!! Good vrs Evil!!!
AJ, another fun treat is do a tracing of Mish Mash's hand print, or if you do crafty....there are kits that will make a plaster of paris impression of the little ones hand print...messy tho!!
That's a good idea Melanie! I wa going to let her doodle, but your idea is a better option! The card cost £1.95!!:D
I've still got all the cards that Kit Kat made for me at nursery and other places.
The handprints are a good idea. Mrs AJ will be thrilled by anything her little darling does tho'. :))
They are just so small and precious esp at Mish's age!...I still have hand-outlines from cards and notes thru the years...I have them all tucked away! :DD
You'll have to keep her intent on something/distracted etc so she doesn't wiggle while you're going round the fingers!!! Sometimes mine giggled saying 'that tickles mama!!' :D (hand outlines are good daddy-gifts, too! ;)
Anna, I think I've kept every card they've made, handprints in tempra paint, hand tracings, even the doodles that equaled any Art Master!! ;D
I know, Melanie, you need a lot of loft space to store it all in! :))
I've still got all his tiny baby clothes as well. He was 5lb 1oz when he was born ... so they are very small.
I gave some of the other stuff to a friend for her baby but I kept all the really tiny clothes.
I have some of the special outfits tucked away, brings a lump to the throat when I come upon them on occasion when going thru things!!! :D
There off school right now and having a sleep in. I'll hopefully not be too much of a Grinch when I have them do some schoolwork, they're behind with some things due to us having some extra play days....the good/bad about homeschooling! :))
What are you up to for your eve?? Should be about dinner/tea time right??
Hi guys,
Busy day today:( Blogging is slow:(
Getting close to Xmas now, but no need to panic just yet!!
Still to get stocking fillers and I think the Mish Mash photo sessions went well. Hopefully will see the results later on today:))
Are you guys all set?
Glad the photo call went well ... I'm sure the pics will be lovely.:))
I'm more or less sorted for Xmas now, just a couple of last minute food items to get.
Then it's up with the drawbridge and serious festivities begin!! :D I like Christmas ... we don't go over the top with anything but we do treat ourselves a bit!!
I'm off out tonight ... should be fun. What's the weather like in Fife - we've had a frost which has stayed all day and its a bit foggy.
Been on any blogs today?
Btw Melanie, sorry I didn't get back to you last night :(
I was going to ask you about the home schooling. Do you have set times during the day when they do school work? Do you stick with the national school term, or just do your own thing? Do you think your children miss out on anything by not going to school?
Hope you don't think I'm too nosey.... just curious ... and a bit nosey too!! :D
Thanks Melanie, I'm sure they will:)
Anna raises an interesting point - home schooling?
I've been on the Tartan Day story, defending it:))
It's a beautiful day, but very frosty last night - took me ages to de-ice the motor!:(
That was me both times AJ .... are you getting us confused?
Still a bit befuddled from the Sat night festivities!!?
oops sorry Anna, must be brain cell loss from the Xmas party:D
No problemo .... AJ.... I suffer from it myself, occasionally!! :D
good morning!!
where's the tartan story?, it's not coming up on my news page; either that, or I need my coffee! ;)
Will be back...
Hi Melanie, it's on the political section.
How are you this morning, Mistress Melanie?
Good morning, you felt me thinking about ya, sorry I made you have a typo!!!! ;))
I was just reading the berry story, fresh berries sounds yummy!! :)
found it...didn't realize you were in NY for the tartan day, thought there was something of a heritage thing in Scotland as well...
I'm doing well, AJ thanks...I had a wonderful lazy day yesterday, apart from some have feeding my family ;) but all in all, a good day...hopefully today will be a repeat!
When are you off work for your holiday?? Sounds like Anna is getting her gin ready for the festivities!! ;D
Hi Melanie, I'm off starting with a half day this Thursday until Jan the 8th. So over two weeks to muck about and get fatter!!:)) Looking forward to spending the time with the fam. However the second week will be spent doing some decorating!!:(
How about you? Did you say you were working during Xmas?
I have to work this Fri and xmas day, plus my regular scheduled hours thru the holiday...I do have New Years off and am currently seeing about what we're going to do!! :D What are your plans for New Years/Hogmanay??
Sounds like you're going to get a lot of MishMash time!!! :DD
decorating for holidays, or just interior decorating??
Just a bit of interior painting - kitchen, dining room and the hall/stairwell!!:(((
New Year should be very quiet apart from a visit from my New York pal and my Oban pal on New Years day!!:))) I need time to forget about the Xmas party though!:D
Do you have another party Melanie?
We have interior painting to do, after some drywalling...yuck! I hate to Venetian Plaster...I like to do!! :))
Funny, at 0530 I was awake and thinking of getting up to blog with you guys, but more sleep won out, sorry!! ;))
no real parties to speak of, actually I'm a bit partied out!! It's too tempting to kill brain cells at those things!!! :D I think a quiet time at home or perhaps a small group/meet at a friend's house would be good.
I loved Oban, it's fun to see it on the haggis webcam!
Did you notice I got you mixed up with Anna, was that because you were dreaming of Shrek and sent a subliminal message to my frazzled brain?
Funny that...Oban is one of my favourite places in Scotland. It's got a great feel to the place - a proper wee toon!:) My pal is a teacher at the Oban High School.
Well, as this is a public forum, Shrek, I dare not speak of what I was dreaming! ;D
Oban is one of the towns/areas on the 'list' to re-visit :)
Quite right Melanie, this pubic forum aint the place;)
so, were you able to get MishMash to hold still long enough to trace her handprint?? I'm glad the photos went well!
We didn't do any special photos this year, but we try to send out an update to family at least once a year...most of my extended fam lives on the east coast
Got to wait until tomorrow now to see the photos, but I'm sure there'll be some really good shots!
Do you get back east Melanie?
We went to Manhattan for the Egypt thing last year, but my cousin(who's like a sister) couldn't work out to meet us :(
(she takes the train everyother Tues to NY from Pennsylvania for her job...and calls me from her cell phone and waves to me from the haggis/NY webcam!! :D)
We managed to get to another cousin's wedding about 3 years ago....the SgtMjr was able to see some of my childhood haunts!
Do the people in the States vary much, region to region Melanie? Is there still a discernable North/South divide in the East(if you know what I mean:))?
I think people, dialects, customs, foods do vary...the north/south thing is probably with the older generation, at least with the northerners...I still get the feeling that with the southerners there still is a divide...but with the families who've been there for generations.
My grands always prided themselves on being southern, even when work settled them in Pennsylvania
hey, almost time for you to go!! :D
I think I might go and curl up on the sofa, by the fire and's still too cold out for a walk
have you been getting your walks in, or is it too cold/bad weather now???
It's obviously a more healthy disrespect(despite the civil war) than many of the old world rivalries! Which is good.
However my friend in New York is beginning to feel a bit vulneranble there, because of the race problems. He's been threatened by black people on several occasions. He feels uneasy despite having been there for almost a year. I have to say I never saw anything or experienced anything when I was there - it was only a week, but at that point neither had he!:)) He is there alone - apart from his numerous (alleged) girlfriends!:))
Is the racial discourse a problem where you are Melanie?
Jings Melanie, you're right, it's jist aboot time tae go!!:D
We'll talk about these things some other time - "phew" she says!!:D
Yes, I'm off the least for a while ;)
though, I don't mind discussing such topics!!
speak with ya soon!!
Ta Ta for the noo Mel :Dx
'hasta' (until later), AJ!! ;Dx
Dreaming about each other now .... how romantic...;))
Thought it was a Freudian slip ... calling me Melanie... AJ. ;)
Don't slip up and call Mrs AJ, Melanie tho' will you .... she might not be as understanding as me!! :D
Unless of course her name is Melanie and then it won't matter at all!! :D
Right ... I'll have to go and get my war paint and glad rags on .... and fill my hip flask up with gin ... so I'll catch up with the latest instalment tomorrow:))
hey guys, check out the pictures on this blog:
Loved the pics especially the sofa car. :D
There were several reasons why I/we chose to school at home. We've had our older kids in public school when they were young; the school was very small with a good curriculum and they attended with children of the local ranchers, policemen and firemen who lived in the area. Two things came about. We found it increasingly difficult to have family time/family holidays as the SgtMjr and I were working opposite shifts, opposite days off, and weekends, holidays...we all hardly ever saw each other.
The other, was a new generation of young parents with a mindset that it would hurt their child's self esteem if they imposed any discipline on the child....consequently the school saw an increased level of disruption in the classroom. The schoolboard also allowed a curriculum into the schools that seemed to be less of a classical type education and more social engineering in the guise of literature etc. It seemed to quietly undermine the work ethic, traditional morals, national accomplishments, western civilization, and being white. There were also many errors; in one book, the equator was across Texas.
I'm not the ultra Christian right-wing type, but I'm very sensitive to what is taught/said/asked in the classroom due to my father and extended family having difficulties being British in Peron's Argentina. My father, as a schoolboy, was constantly being monitored/asked to repeat what was being said by his parents and adult family members. Peron and the Facist government is why they had to/chose to leave and emigrate, to Canada, and then eventually to the US. We've also had an aquaintance who shared some stories of his father, who was in the Hitler Youth, and his being swept into the mindset of the times. These are extreme examples, and we have not encountered anything like's just made me sensitive, that's all.
A harsh reality of the schools, now, is that they are dangerous here, esp if one is white and middle class. There is gang intimidation, weapons on campus, bomb well as the drugs and promiscuous culture. My friends have their kids in private schools which are expensive, and you still have to make the kids aware of the drugs and promiscuous culture that are there at the older levels. We are very real with our kids and tell them of what is out there and the choices that someday they might have to make. We socialise our kids with various activities. Club football, and earlier with Scouts and band for the tween, dance classes and music lessons for Dr D. The teen has been in music/band and equestrian lessons. They play with the kids of our friends and the kids from the various groups they're part of. We try to expose them to various things culturally, etc. With us, they have been camping with kids from a South Central (gang area) youth intervention group to a private Christian Schoolgroup from the Pasadena area. The SgtMjr works with youth-at-risk through the LA County Sheriff's Dept as well as privately, so he sees the stats for what is going on with today's kids.
The teen actually goes to an online college-prep highschool with licensed teachers, much like an online uni...I only assist her with homework. The other two I homeschool with the help of a licensed teacher. The group is nation wide, with a classical based curriculum.
sorry that this is so long, but a lot of people are very skeptical of has been a good thing for our family, all in all! :))
...have been busy book reading and blog reading/searching today....I love no school days!!! :) Sorry I missed you Peajay!! :((
Hopefully, I've clarified the homeschool question...sorry for the may add a rebuttal or comment if you wish, I won't be offended! :))
Check this site out....we've just gone into a cattle ranching 'partnership' with a group that helps to microfinance people/entreupeners around the word/developing countries. We've decided to co-support two farmer/ranchers, one in Bulgaria and the other in Azerbaijan. The loans were small, because it is a bunch of people joining together, and we also want to be wise to start/test this out...
This is what they sent us with their thank you...'We believe this is one of the best ways to empower our neighbors, giving them opportunities to become economically independent, improve their standard of living, and alleviate poverty for themselves and their communities.'
... It goes along with our mindset of a help up, not a hand out. :)
okay, enough of the blether for yer readin pleasure.....will see you all in my morn.....Anna, how's yer heid???!! Will be off to ma dreams the noo, ...Christmas delights and family fun, stocking stuffers, ogres and baked alaska, ;))
Hi Melanie,
Thanks for your very interesting post on the failings of schooling in your area. I must say the over riding aspect, is how sad it must be to see the social systems fail in such a way. I admire you for having the insight to take the 'bull by the horns' and seeking a solution for the kids. It underlines how much you and the Sgt Mjr love the children and each other.
Schooling is an issue here too. The local schools where I stay have been going downhill over the last 20 years and a main reason for Mish Mash coming to creche where I work, is so she can go to the local schools here. The standard is much higher here than where we live - it's not right, but it's because this is a very affluent area and the intake is of a higher quality!
These are considerations parents have to make, unfortunately most people accept the system or can't be bothered doing something about their predicament. That said, I'm very lucky having this option open to me. I always wondered why I worked for the RAF - this is the reason!!:))
I believe, you believe and I'm certain Anna believes, that the long term prospects for our children should be of paramount importance. It's why we're on this earth!!:)
Thanks for your post ..... Melanie... sounds like you have done the right thing. Obviously, we hear about the problems in American schools over here but it is interesting to get it 'from the horse's mouth' so to speak.
You and the Sgt Mjr have obviously gone into this in a lot of depth. Your kids sound happy (so do you) enough to me ... and that's all any of us can really hope for in this life ..... to be happy.:D
The primary school that KK goes to is very small ... only 88 children ..... so we get to know the staff .. who are very approachable and encourage parents to get involved. I work, part-time, in the office there - so I have a slight advantage but they still seem, as positive with the other parents.
The big dilemma will be secondary (high school) education. The local high school used to be just average but in the last 5 years, under a new headmaster, has improved a lot and is now above average.
There is an excellent school in Peterborugh, but that is scholarship - so we'll have to see how KK does. There is also a very good private school in Stamford but that would mean weekly boarding and I'm not sure if *I* could cope with that!!
Most of his friends will go to the local school and if they continue on their good results - I think KK will go there too. :))
Any nice dreams ... last night?
I was very good .... only 1 glass of wine and two G & T's ... so warmed up but not sloshed :D
Disappointing Anna.....just sloshed!!:)
Today and tomorrow morning to go!
As I suspected, KK's future is being planned as it should be!:) It's so sad to see other kids who aren't given the same consideration and opportunities. Mrs AJ works in an enviroment where kids are quite often seen as a nuisance and hinder the parent/parents debauched lifestyles!:(
I suppose she sees a lot of the problems that parental neglect can cause.
What's her/your opinion on street drugs... do you think their is a case for 'medicalising' them?
I've put a comment on the methadone board in that vein, maybe I'm being a bit simplistic and naive. But if they were prescribed in a clinic and taken under supervision (no chance of being sold on) then maybe some of the criminal element and huge amounts of money would be eliminated.
Then, there is always the chance that those addicts who wanted to get off the drug would be given help.... or do you think it would just result in more people using drugs?
I've not really come into close contact with serious drug usuage... personally, so I am probably being a bit naive.
Well meaning,........ but clueless do you think?
Mind you, one of my cousins died of kidney failure in the mid '70s which was probably caused by drug use. I didn't know him very well as he was quite a bit older than us at the time.
Also, I heard of a friend from Germany during my teens, who was a heroin addict (and God knows what else) who has died of an overdose. So sad, I remember a lovely, good-looking young guy who most of us girls had a crush on. He was really into the heavy metal music scene at the time .... and then drifted into the drug culture in Amsterdam... What drives people to do it?
That sounds like the classic demise of a habitual drug user - tragic. I think it starts with peer pressure and what follows depends on your personality, some people can manage through the 'faze' and others succomb!
I think Mrs AJ would like to see a more pro-active approach by the govt ie heroin on prescription!!! It could blast the pushers out of business!! Maybe, maybe not! One thing's for sure we can't do nothing.
What cheery souls we are today Anna!:(
I tend to agree with Mrs AJ.... its a radical step but if it puts the drug barons and the pushers out of business and saves some poor soul's life it might be worth it.
Right, that's the serious stuff over with ...
It was a lovely frosty morning today and some of the frost is still lying. So, me and KK went for a walk by the river with the dog ... KK wanted to see if it was frozen... but it wasn't:(
It freezes up quite quickly as its a dyke (canal) which leads off the River Nene and is close to our house. The canal boats go along it in the summer and the fishermen are there a lot. There was a couple of hardy souls out there this morning!
We did see a rabbit - it came quite near us which was a bit strange with the dog being there. On closer inspection the rabbit obviously had mxymitosis (sp?) and was dying - poor thing. KK was fascinated and wanted to take it to the vet (!) but I talked him out of it. Now, he wants to go back and see if its dead! His Dad can take him along there tomorrow for a macabre look!!
We looked it up mxyi on the net when we got back and it seems that East Anglia is one of the main areas of the country where the virus flourishes. Due to being low lying and a lot of standing water (fens and broads) ... so a little biology/environmental lesson for KK....
Is that a bit more cheery for you - AJ .... kind of puts me off eating rabbits!
I hope the local butcher is careful where he gets his from.... I'm sure he is.... he's a nice old fashioned butcher ... :))
Sounds an interesting walk right enough. Used to see a lot of that round here years ago, not so much now. It put people off rabbit for life.
KK would've found it facinating - wee boys are like that:))
You're right about wee boys - AJ - I suppose you'd know seeing as you used to be one :)) KK has a very gory appreciation of things that I find squeamish and revolting. There was a picture of a 2-headed snake in the Times today and he thought it was 'wicked' .... I thought it was repulsive...
Anything a bit yuck is OK with him :D
That is probably why so many men go into professions like surgery and science .... they like cutting things up and taking them to pieces to see how they work.
There aren't that many female surgeons...... too squeamish and not ruthless enough ... do you think?
just a quick hello to let you know I'm around!...then I'll catch up with the readin....chatty this morning are we!! :)
Anna, I have to watch Casualty from behind the settee, Holby City is worse!!:D
Hi Melanie, not much doing today, but the holidays start tomorrow lunch time!!!:D
Hi both had it right with the kids and school, parenting, I think is the key!! :)
It sounds as if the schools you both mentioned are good, and it's good to be involved and get to know the staff!
So, AJ tomorrow after lunch...out for an adventure or home for some sweets and a nice long well-earned nap??!!
Hi Melanie...... I was planning a lie in this morning but KK had other ideas ..... bless his little cotton socks..... It was frosty and he wanted me up and out for a walk so we could check out the icicles and the river.
AJ .... Casualty is a bit much for me sometimes, and some of those 'reality' shows that have surgery on are a complete 'turn off' in this house.
I'm meeting the man who sold me our leaky front door:(( Remember the Vestibule flood!!?:(
After that it's put the feet up time until Mrs AJ starts barking out orders:D We have about 20 bottles of wine to get through plus 48 tins of Miller!!:))It'll be a chore, but someone has to do it:D
Mr A is finishing tonight ... he's taking tomorrow off as leave. I notice he got thro' a few cans when I was out last night!!
While the cat's away etc, etc,...
Anna, the walk sounds nice, if a bit Cold! :) Read about the rabbit...I think I'll stay with eating chicken ;)
So, reality shows are in vogue with your telly programming as well, it seems! :/ :)
AJ, hopefully Mrs AJ won't be barking too many orders that you can't find any time to post ;)) And, with all that alcohol handy, your posts will be very interesting!! ;))
I can't do the graphic operation type programme. Also, who was the German bloke who did a live human body disection on the telly? The person was already dead btw :D
That one was too much for me!! I thought I'd find it interesting......I was wrong!:)
You've got to have a wee beer supply for recreational purposes!!:D
had anatomy class with cadavers....had to play, name the body parts...inside. Luckily, have had to only disect a frog and small cats etc
see, and I can talk about this and eat breakfast....lovely being a nurse, isn't it??!! :/ ;))
I'll have to watch the drink posting situations. Don't want to get too fruity over the festive period, as it's a time for moral family obligations!!:D So behave you!!:D
Oh that is gross...... AJ ... I never saw that one :(( I can smell the formaldehyde from here .. yuck.
Talking of Hyde ... I see you were chatting up Jacqueline on the 'snails' blog ....
You have to watch him ... Melanie .. he's such a flirt :D
Btw: How can anyone take that snail story seriously...? There is some guy on there who seems to be having a pop at those of us who "like to banter and have our heads in the sand". Oh well, at least we're getting more fun out of the 'silly snail' story than he is. Sounds like a right curmudgeon to me.
Curmudgeon and kerfuffle are great words, so is malarkey. Have you 3 (Peajay as well, if you pop on) got any fave words?
yes, an important task in life....keeping our men with beer in hand....don't gag Anna ! :D
The SgtMjr's favorite word is 'sensuous'.....'sens yous was' up, can you bring me another beer!!
--take off of a show called red-neck humour, just kiddin with ya!!
I take my hat off to you Melanie! Nursing is a pretty admirable profession to be in.:)
Sounds like that old chestnut.. "Have you done your chores?"...
"What chores"
"Oh, thanks make mine a gin and tonic" :D
Strammash, foosty and skooshed
Equally the Edinburgh technique - what colour do Heart of Midlothian play in? Answer - Maroon
Oh that's jolly decent of you, mine's a lager!!
good one Anna!
I landed the job quite by, needing a job, grand was a nurse and tried to warn me off..but I had dropped out of uni, and my step-dad wasnae too happy!
so I quick applied to nursing school; I feel bad that with the other girls it was their life-long passion to be a nurse, and I could take it or leave it. (sorry if that sounds harsh) It is rewarding career, though, and that's what keeps me going!!
okay, will need some coffee to think of fancy favorite right back
aw, shucks, plan to behave on you holiday!! ;D
Strammash..... is that a mix up?
Foosty ...... a bit smelly and not nice?
Skooshed.... Pi$$ed?
My mum was a nurse and midwife... She was district nurse in this town for about 25 years. She retired about 8 years ago..
Surprisingly, despite having 3 daughters none of us went into nursing.
I thought about it .... but decided I didn't have the patience or the strong stomach to be a nurse. I have to look away when they come near me with a needle - I do donate blood but I can't look at the bottle thing when its being taken - because I get very lightheaded and feel faint. What a wimp!!
Melanie!!!! You're a Uni drop out too!!!! Well done, thoose flower power days must have been hell!! Have you ever watched Zabriskie Point?
I'm sure I'll maintain my guard all through the holidays(nae cyber sex please, I'm a Fifer)??!!:))
Strammash = Kerfuffle
Foosty = smelly and old
Skooshed = beaten as in defeated or drunk
At least that's my take:D
good one too, AJ...took me a minute 'cause a the accent, and no coffee!! :D
still can't think of any words...but I know they're there, lurking to pop up out of my warped memory, at any time!!
my parents about fainted with their 'professional hopeful' wanted to focus on anthropology and biology, and travel the world on a mercy ship, helping the world and studying marine mammals, ecosystems, and ancient cultures, while improving the livelihoods of others! :D Flower Power!!! :D
Well, AJ, as I'm at a loss to know exactly the description of what a Fifer is, other than location....therefore, I cannae be held accountable for any leading astray of said Fifer! ;)
Anna, maybe it was hearing your mum's stories?? or seeing the look on her face after a hard day's work....none of my kids want to be nurses, only Dr D is interested in the medical prof. and that is only with animals!
your right, it's not for everyone...and there are some other jobs which I couldn't do, as well!! I suppose it's what your're inclined for, right??!!
There's an old comedy saying Melanie, "no sex please we're British"! This is take on the old British stiff upper lip! Anna would be taught this at RAF Cranwell during her officer training!!;)) Although we know she's had sex at least once!!;)))
Ouch! - pre-empting an Anna strike!!:D
Absolutely Melanie ... its horse for courses...... :D
Maybe, you're right maybe it was my mum that put us off a bit. I know she got very fed up with the amount of paperwork that the NHS inflict upon nurses and doctors nowadays.
She made some good friends thro' nursing and still has a good social life ... better than mine, sometimes!! :D
Was that what it was AJ? Sex!!
I just lay back and think of England - like all us well bred gals were trained to do!! :D
Oh, I thought that lifestyle was more attributed to the Scandinavians...but yes, I've heard that about the British; don't believe it, though!! At least not when ya'll let your hair down!!! ;)
Don't worry, AJ, you're quite safe with me!! :D
Hmmmm, I didn't realise the Officer training quite involved that sort of thing. Although I do hear the grizzly old SNCO's making rude statements about the sexual orientation of new, mainly male, officers!!:D
Anna, oohh that's terrible!!! almost fell out of my chair!!! I can just hear, in a proper English accent...'well, we all do what we must, it's good for the cause; have a go, then'
Melanie, you saw the picture!! How can I let my hair doon!!:))
Sometimes ye can be very cruel!!:D
The British are very good at laughing at themselves ... the stiff upper lip is a real Brit stereotype.. along with some of the other old colonial ones. Altho' I think there are some people like that still about. Mind you, I think we could do with a bit more of the stiff upper lip mentality - if it means people take responsibility for their own actions and a bit less of the hand wringing, I'm so offended ... throw some more money at it one that prevails today.
Too stiff upper lippish?
The stiff upper lippies would bring back conscription and re-instate the British Empire - including Virginia and the Carolinas!
was away tending the fire,
AJ, I think bald men and military style short hair are Very sexy!!! So, maybe you are in trouble!! ;D
Anna, stiff upper lip, in more of the 'never give up' quality, is more what I think...although, it was handed to me as, 'don't cry dear, mustn't do that in public, you know'...I still don't do emotions well, publically
I have heard tho' Melanie, that the British 'upper classes' are sex mad ... and quite promiscuous.
Maybe its all that stiff upper lip .... keeps everything stiff ... nudge, nudge, wink, wink ;)
This blog is rapidly degenerating into a rude one... I blame AJ!! :D
Got to go soon. Mish Mash has been at home today with her mum and I've got to pick up the gubbings for fajhitas!!:)) AJ like Fajhitas!!
No, Anna, blame is on the Colonial...I definitely encourage it!!!
Not only that AJ ... they would bring back the stocks and the birch and all those other instruments of humiliation and corporal punishment. Strange lot ... the upper classes, public school boy, old school tie, lot. Must have been all the toastracks!
Anna, I've noticed it always starts gets oot her bed and has a fix of strong coffee!! It makes her a bit fruity!!:D
Yes, I've got to go in a minute... Mr A will be home soon ... I'll have to get busy...
Speak to you both later - if you're out to play? :))
Does Mrs AJ let MishMash run amock, or does she manage well....we know Mish is the apple of daddy's eye!!??
the upper crusts anywhere are always bad like that...maybe it's an 'I can do anything for a thrill' or with the British, because it does come off with all the repression due to social etiquette and protocol???
btw I was talking of Mel in my last post!! I would assume you would realise that as Peajay is too mature thinking!;)
Funny how you miss out whole words doing this!!
fruity??? remember, I'm influenced by California....fruits, nuts and flakes come from California...we have great granola!! ;))
Mish mash just runs amock no matter, but I get all the cuddles when she gets sleepy at night!!:))
It should be fun when she goes to war with her mum when she gets older!!!:))
Being a bit fruity, as opposed to liking your nuts, seems a better way of puting things!!:D
ouch, AJ... :(( but, I hope you know I don't mean to offend your Fife sensibilities!! I play at being 'fruity', I admit, but I do have a sensible side, most of the time! ;))
AJ, plan to duck and cover in her older might not be all that fun!!! wheeeewww...esp when her hormones kick in, too!!!
oh, and look who is egging on who now!!!!!!
be careful, I may set Lanna loose on you!!!
Anna, don't get in trouble for not having the meal ready!!!
will speak to you later, if you can...I will be around in your eve
I'm a sensitive soul Melanie, you've gotta be careful in what you say honey!!;))
Plenty of time to worry about all that teenage nightmare stuff Melanie!!:D
Ah....Lanna, the Southern Belle!!:D AJ like Lanna!!:D
It seems you can be sensitive with things, AJ, but then maybe that's why I like you!! I mean never to offend or make you uncomfortable!! :)
Well, if Melanie puts you off, on occasion, no doubt Lanna will make it all better!! Just let me know if you need tendin' to!! ;)
Melanie, I've missed something, you haven't offended me at all! Me no understandy amigo!:))
Oh... I think I see.....I was just joking about Peajay being more mature than you!
You're fine the way you are, especially when the pirate come out to play!!:D
I meant with my being fruity and co-ercing you into certain cyber-fun that might offend your Fife sensibilies
....I'm just playing on it....didn't think I really offended you, or you wouldn't still be speaking/flirting with me!!
AJ, another mind meld.....careful noo, Shrek ;) ya may get the pirate yet, today, should ya be comin oot ta play, later ;)
Can I get cyber pregnant with all this fruitiness. If yes, what precautions can I take - maybe wear gloves when operating the mouse?!?:D
Time to go now Melanie, hopefully I'll be back later!!:))
The offer of the pirate is very tempting!:D
See ya
hasta, AJ!! ;))
Yes I agree AJ ... its definitely when Melanie's had her coffee and the caffiene kicks in that she starts to run amok and get fruitier!! ;)
Best put your mittens (not gloves) on AJ - when you're on the blog ... you never know... its wise to practise safe sex. You could maybe get Mrs AJ to sew them into your dufflecoat on a bit of string so that you don't lose them ..... and get caught unawares in a provocative situation!! ;)) which has been masterminded by the flirtatious Southern belle Melanie/Lanna. :))
oh, Anna, who's being saucy now, I'm surprised you didn't add a preference to the color, of the mittens....Mrs AJ would not doubt ask too many domestic disturbances, please!! ;))
did you read the comment about methadone and gov issued heroin being likened to liquid handcuffs....sort of control the masses by keeping them medicated?? I thought that an interesting remark...I liken it to the ADHD phenomena, as well....take a pill, solve a problem...don't use your energy and imagination...stay focused on what we want to pour into you...and so on :/
..heavy subject, so I don't plan to stay off to bake some pumpkin pecan bread and perhaps make some soup...lentil or that sweet potato, which sounded better!! :D I love days off from work!!!
hope you're all having a nice eve!!
Pumpkin pecan bread sounds interesting ..... very American. The sweet potato soup is delish .... I also like squashes made into soup ... yum!!
AJ can have mittens to match his dufflecoat or tartan ones if he prefers ....
Don't know the answer to the drugs problems but one thing is for sure .. addicts need to want to get off it themselves ... its no good trying to force them. Its the same with alcholism .... the alcholic needs to want to be sober and off the booze... all the nagging in the world doesn't help. We have had personal experience of that with 2 close family members one on mine and one on Mr A's side. Both dead now ... and it was a legal drug that killed them.
I joke about drinking a lot ... but to be honest I'm very moderate in my drinking. Seen too much of what alcohol dependency can do.
Bit heavy ..... sorry .. I'll lighten up next time :))
I think AJ should perhaps consider wearing a Marigold when posting to the Southern Belle, I've heard that rubber tends to be effective. :D
Sorry to have missed you all lately have been a bit snowed with banging, burning and making shiny.
It's fun to joke about drinking, yes...but I think we're all aware of the consequences of being too dependent on it; same for the drugs, they have to want to be 'sober'.
Too light gets boring, Anna...too heavy gets depressing...I think we manage to balance it all well!! :))
Marigolds, Peajay, had to look that one up! and, here I thought you were being a bit naughty!! ;)
AJ, 'fraid the pirate will be eftir yeh? ... are ye nae comin oot tae play??!! :))
Oh yes, how could I have forgotten about marigolds.... you can get those ones with fingernails and rings on, now as well!! :D
Or maybe leopard look ... with rhinestones .... does that float your boat AJ?
The possibilities are endless..:D
AJ, you're a brave man for putting up with the lot of us!! I commend you!, come on over here, and let me soothe ya a bit from all this here teasin'.... ;D
Which bit do you intend to soothe Lanna? ;DD
Ooooh it's been a while since I claimed a big number.
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