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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Winter Adventures!
Thought I'd add a bridge, as that's been a familiar topic of late...this one is in wonderful Manhattan, Central Park! Life is a Journey, and what can be said, than the best adventure is found, when accompanied by good friends! Earth Mother quote of the day: "People are disturbed not by things but by the view they take of them." Epictetus, c200AD
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«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1024 Newer› Newest»Sorry about that but for some weird reason it posted the same comment twice.
drat, step away from the computer for a moment and the young cousin swoops in to bag the prize!!!
the SgtMjr is going to be miffed...I forgot and left my cell phone on the charger in the truck, and now with the cold (which the truck does not like), it won't start....thus I'm stranded :/
no errands this afternoon!! :( :))
I'll have to grovel and appease, I fear!!! ;))
hopefully a quick charge from the battery cable thing, and all will be well!!
which part??? Peajay...where was your mind wandering??!! ;)))
You may now realise that any attempt at maturity on my part is an act. 3 fav words from me are university related, Dichotomy, Juxtaposition and Bifurcated.
Alas, Peajay, no parts will be soothed tonight, as poor AJ is no doubt watching football or has been drafted by Mrs AJ for possible thermometer can I compete with those??!! ;DD
Oh dear, are you going to be in deep trouble? Let me guess, the Sgt Maj has told you about doing that before.
Whichever 'part' you care to soothe. :DD
hmmm words; plethora, defenistrate, erroneous
I know, rather boring...will have to think of some more!!
Well, it's not something I usually do...but the SgtMjr will no doubt refer to me as being forgetful or something... :/ He'll be allright, he's not perfect either!!
of course erroneous is very close to erogenous...maybe it's good AJ is away, I'm in a rather feisty mood!!! Don't want to get into trouble ;))
Are you almost done with your gift-making, Peajay??
Knapkin ring took a bit of a back seat in favour of a Silver Christmas tree decoration so still working on it. Have finished with the constructing but still have filing, stone setting and polishing to do. All before Christmas.
What does defenistrate mean Melanie? Can't find it in the dictionary.
I like malevolent because it sounds so descriptive.
Whoops-a-daisy about the charger.... he'll be OK about it tho' won't he?
Mr A is a bit lacksidasical (good word!) himself about things sometimes .... he's left his car lights on a few times... in the past .. result flat battery. Its OK now because the makes a noise if you leave them on but that didn't used to happen in his old car.
Anyway, I'm of to the Land of Nod .. speak to you soon...:)
Off ta ma beid now so s'long and g'nite Cousin. Hope Sgt Maj isn't to hard on ya. :D
It means to throw out of a window. Good word Melanie.
g'nite Anna! defenistrate is to throw someone out the window, I believe!! :D
I will have homebaked goodies presented in my French maid costume...all will be well!! ;D
g'nite, Peajay!!
Aha, I thought it might have something to do with window as fenĂȘtre is the French for window.
French maid's outfit... that should do the trick re: the Sgt Mjr ... if AJ comes back on and reads it ... he'll never sleep tonight. ;))
Night all.........
Anna, the costume greet was a flight of fancy, those days of a 'surprise welcome!' are long gone :( :)
... I currently have a house full of children, my 3 plus 3 more over to play!! :))
will catch you all hopefully sometime tomorrow!! If not, have a great pre-Christmas weekend!!! :D
The 'Defenestration of Prague' - very important act in the eventual break up of the Holy Roman Empire. A Catholic Ambassador/Diplomat was chucked oot a Palace window! I guess he wasn't a very good diplomat!!:D
Couldn't make it back last night - duties to perform etc - but I must say it would have been grounds for the worlds first cyber castration!! It seems like it was a wee bit too hot in here!:DD Melanie unleashed the Lanna and with Anna and Peajay encouragment was whipped up into a AJ feeding frenzy.......phew!!!
The word juxtaposition is a very popular word on film study courses it would seem! How many points would you get for that in scrabble??:D
Dichotomy is another word of the moment - in the last we while it seems to be used a lot. Probably because of polarised opinions in the world!
I must say, you guys have chosen better words than me, much more edumicated sounding than skooshed!!:))
45 minutes until holiday time :))))
I'll obviously be in touch over the Xmas period, but it might be sporadic, with all the stuff going on:( :)). However, I will be back!!!:DD
Hi guys, sorry had a busy morning and am only now able to pay attention to my keyboard....
AJ, don't worry, cyber castration was Not what I had in mind for you!!! ;D Will look for your sporadic posts, ya busy man!! Enjoy your time off!!! ;)
Anna, Peajay...busy mornings?? Will chat as I can, should be around for your eve, but I have to work tomorrow. :( Anna, are you cooking a big Xmas meal??? :D
talk with you all soon!! Don't forget to look for Santa on Christmas Day....I saw him in his sleigh last year, hunting haggis!! :D
Hi Melanie, Just a quickie!! But I meant being castrated by Mrs AJ!!:D If I thought my shenanigans on this blog would encourage you to castrate me, I would take my custom elsewhere!! Possibly hit on Anna or Peajay!!:)) Mind you that probably would lead to cyber castration for sure......ouch!!:D
I think I'll stick with the Melster!!:)))
Have a great rest of the day guys:))
I'm sharpening my cyber stanley knife as I type AJ.m :D
No work today as have major heidache and not up to much.
Another fav word from Uni is epistemology. This, juxtaposition and dichotomy all kind of go together within Uni speak and you are expected to utilise them in your writing.
AJ, ...'just a quickie', now it's my turn to say..."I could go to town with that comment"!! ;D's always best not to be in trouble with Mrs AJ, I'm sure... perform your duties as requested!! I hope she doesn't work you to death, though!! ...and best to keep her away from our conversations...wouldn't want you damaged!! :/ :))
Do you get into trouble with her because of your flirtacious ways, or do you behave?! :))
...saw you on the Lennon blog; I knew JPJ was Scottish, but not that he was from Fife, neat!
Peajay, hope your heid will be feeling better soon
Hi all,
Busy day today.... I'll try and pop in for a chat tomorrow... but I'm doing a bit of cooking for some family coming over on Saturday... but I'll hopefully be able to pop in for a quick natter.
Just finished watching the Da Vinci Code with Mr A.... Good film, we've both read the book and it stuck closly to that.
Saw the a pic of the Da Vinci Last Supper.... fascinating stuff ... it does look like a woman. AJ will be able to tell us more when he sees the 'real thing' in Milan next year :D
Speak to you later... nite
See if you can access this site...very neat!!...KitKat would find this interesting, I tween liked it! :)
Hello all!
wanted to say a quick good morning to you all if anyone is checking in :D
I may not have time in my morn to get my usual post off, have some errands to run before my shift starts. :/
Well, I suppose it will be hit and miss for our postings during the holidays; and rightly so, with all the good holiday goings on!! :))
... I've gotten so used to chatting with you folks each day, that I think that I will miss our exchange of thoughts and our silly banter!! :DD
...and I will definitely be going into flirting withdrawals from the absence of my Shrek!! ;D
as always, have a great day, and will speak with you soon! :D
Don't worry Melanie, Shrek will be back in form soon, I'm sure;)
Yesrerday was shopping for Xmas dinner - M&S in Edinburgh = nightmare, grid locked aisles and very frosty 'twin set' types humpfing at a young go-getter like masel!!:))
Job done though, just the big day to look forward to!!
Hope all my cyber pals are coping under the strain of it all:)
You are brave AJ .... braving M & S this close to Xmas .... :D
Just popped on for a quick hello... didn't get the chance yesterday, busy cooking etc, etc. Also, Mr A and KK have been hogging the computer the last couple of days..... :(
Anyway, if I don't get on tomorrow, just want to wish you all A Very Happy Christmas and look forward to 'chatting' with my cyber pals in 2007 :))
Have fun ....
You were exceedingly brave AJ, facing all those frosties, presumably you took the 'young go-getter' with you for protection! :DD
I braved Waitrose this morning at 8am to collect our 'order online for convenience and collect from your local store' turkey crown. What could be more convenient? Hah!! It took an hour before ours was sighted, the queue just to pick up extended out of the door into the car park. This normally only takes about 15 minutes, so presumably they had to catch it first. :/
All shopping is done, all presents are wrapped. All that's left is a quick run through to Heathrow tomorrow as a neighbour favour and we are ready. Is a 'quick run to Heathrow' an oxymoron? :DD
Hello! I've pulled myself away from the vortex that is called 'last minute holiday preparation' finally make my way to the keyboard!
Sounds like you all are faring well, having survived vortex travels!! :D
Have a wonderful holiday!! Will speak to you all later....can't wait to hear what Santa brought you!! :D
Yup, a quick run was an oxymoron. Arrived Heathrow 8am left 10.45, deep joy!!
“Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.”
Oren Arnold
Hope you all have a fabulous Christmas.
Nice quote/poem, Peajay....
Was thinking of you all on your Christmas eve...hopefully there has been much fun chat between family and friends!! :D
My kids are working themselves up as we speak since our gifts will be opened tonite :))
bye for now! :D Enjoy the Eggnog!! ;)
Happy Christmas everyone.....:D
Lunch was quite a success ..... but I'm glad its over .... The dishwasher is humming away now, and all the family, including visitors are either asleep (the Grannies) or in the case of KK and Mr A playing with their new electronic toys.... so I've popped on here for a quick hello!! :))
Hope your Christmas Day was good fun and hope you all enjoy the rest of it :))
I'm having a lie in tomorrow!!
Merry Xmas everyone,
Hope you all had as good a day as I had. The whole day was just perfect - including AJ's effort in the kitchen.
Mish Mash was as excited as can be, and probably expects every day to be the same from now on!!:D She was center stage without even trying. All Mrs AJ's presents from me and Mish hit the mark, and in return, Mrs AJ has organised a 3 day trip to the D-Day beaches in April!!!!:)))) I'm going with my pal from Oban!!:)) It will be a trip to remember - what a present!!!:))))
What goodies did you guys recieve? How did the day go? - Melanie's is still going!!:D
Are you surviving the non-flirtiness of the holidays? I have to say, I'm in cold turkey!!!:)))
Anna and Peajay,
What happened to the Queen's speech? I haven't watched any telly for 2 days! The radio said it was cancelled/censored!!!:D
Hi everyone!!
AJ, there's an article in the Scotsman about the Queen's speech, but it seems rather an abbreviated article..."Queen urges young and old to bridge gap between generations"
Christmas was rather non-plus for me at work...good thing, a quiet triplets delivered or anything! :) One fun occurrance was one of the baby's mum's was from Argentina, Buenas Aires (my dad's and gran's birthplace), in it was fun to see in this woman, some of my grandmum and my great-aunties way of speaking/conversing...they are a very warm people/speak with their hands etc :D a bit difficult to put into 'type', the total experience!
AJ, your kitchen experience...I love it! My younger bro, the SgtMjr and my step-dad apparently fumbled thru the cooking of two turkies in a deep-fryer!! They were out on the back porch with it so as to not set the house on fire!! ;D
Anna, enjoy your lie in tommorrow, well deserved, I'm sure!!!
AJ, I think you will thoroughly enjoy the D-Day beach holiday; bravo for Mrs AJ to orchestrate such a thing, and for your Oban friend to participate!! We were able to enjoy the 'humble' experience of such a visit in '89. We were staying in Bayeaux (sp) and visited the Armagh (sp) beach...we found a grenade pin washed up on shore...and have kept it as a reminder of the courage of that day.
Peajay, have you recovered as well??!!
Howdy Shrek,
'I'm yer huckleberry!!' ;))
I'm sorely missin ya'll, for suure!! so good ta hear from yeh, ...will be speakin to ya'll directly, hear!! ;)))
Disclaimer...last comment encouraged by AJ, and a tasty glass or three of Merlot!!
and, Melanie, recovers and says...
received one wondeful CD from my kids, 'KT Tunstall, Eye to the Telescope'; and a home repair kit including a hammer, wrenches, and a cordless power screwdriver...because when mama needs tae fix things, the SgtMjr's tools are nowhere tae be found!!! ;))
And, a few nice clothing articles from the SgrMjr that will find a place in my Wardrobe, nae the closet ;))
talk with ya'll soon!! :D
Good morning all,
Have recovered mainly due to walking the legs off Murphy at 7am.
Santa has been very kind and bought me 2 coats (one purple and one duffle) :) plus two jeans, two tops, Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest, George Michael Twentyfive CD and some Armani Code smellies and Murphy bought Mitch Albom's book For One More Day (he traded in his doggie chocs!) :D
Hope you all have a St Stephen's Day.
May I just clarify that last bit. Hope you all have a GREAT St Stephen's Day and take it easy.
After re-reading my vino induced posting, I must clarify a few things....I'm not fixing up things around the home on a grand scale, that I gladly leave to the SgtMjr :) my kit is only for the little fix it/hang pictures stuff and projects that one undertakes
Also, AJ, re clothing articles...before your mind wanders too far ;)), ...the pieces of clothing were some shirts, a skirt and some jeans from a Xmas shopping jaunt that the SgtMjr treated me to! :))
Enjoy your eve, all!! :))
Pirates CD...both film soundtracks make for some great music!
Anna, what did Santa bring you??
Glad you all had a good Xmas:))
Melanie, KT Tunstall is a local girl - she was brought up in St Andrews about 15 miles from here!!:)) We have the album and it's great. What's good about her is that she served the rock n roll apprenticeship. She worked hard and experienced a lot on her way up!!!
So what are you guys planning for Hogmanay?
Hi all,
Just a quickie.... still have visitors and we all went out visiting yesterday!! Roll on tomorrow night .... I love to see everyone ... but.... it'll be nice to get back to normal a bit as well :D
What did I get from Santa? A coat, handbag, necklace, perfume, other smellies, DVDs, book tokens, chocs..... etc, etc :D All very nice.
Glad you all enjoyed yourselves... your pressies sound great...
Hogmanay? Not sure, we'll probably have a quiet evening in... bit boring but there you go. Its usually quite low key round here. :))
D Day beaches... sounds good AJ .... we're going to France next year ... might bump into you!! :))
I've made a comment on the Fox Hunting board....
I used to love riding but I've never liked fox hunting (or hare-coursing).... I think its cruel and unnecessary.
What about you 3?
I know without asking what Mrs AJ's views would be .... !!
Hi all!
Speaking of horses, our outing with the horses was cancelled today due to extremely windy weather :(( Although, there's some rain coming in as well...which will make for a cozy read by the fire! :))
Anna, I've often thought of the idea of fox hunting as exciting with 'riding to hounds' etc and I have two victorian era/romantacised prints which are very nice. My dad's mum was an avid rider, but never rode to hounds.
However, although hunting/killing is part of the animal kingdom's 'repertoire', I think foxhunting is cruel...I think a 'foxless'(huntsmen dragging the scent thru for the dog's to follow) chase/hunt would be a better substitute for the 'thrill of the ride'...and if the foxes are causing trouble then it should be handled as you would any other 'vermin' with traps etc and either relocated or if necessary for disease control, put-down humanely
..okay, enough of my two-cents! :))
We have a party this Friday at a friend's will be a small group and there's a gift-exchange game, but the gifts will be humourous/silly ones...should be interesting! As for New Year/Hogmanay...I'm not sure, we might just 'join the boring ;)' and stay home??!!
It will be nice to get back to some schedule/structure but I am so enjoying having the kids off school!!
I do miss our blogging routine!! :D Will catch ya'll later!!! (AJ, cold turkey, what a terrible thing!! ;))
I couldn't have put it better myself, Melanie re' the fox hunting issue :D
I'd have more respect for those that foxhunt if they would just own up and admit that they do it for the thrill, instead of trying to pretend that it's pest control. There are more efficient ways of killing pests than chasing after them on horseback!!
One of my cousins hunts with the Lauderdale ... and he admits he does it for the thrill of the chase :)). He knows I don't like it but we just don't discuss it anymore because we are friends and we like one another :D
I'm just drinking a Baileys with Mint its quite nice. I think its new Mr A's mum gave it to us.:)
Good evening Anna
Mmmmmm, the Baileys and mint sounds interesting. I've partaken of a Guinness this evening but am restricting my intake after being a tad squiffy yesterday on half a bottle of Moet. :D Yes, that sounds very lightweight, one sniff and I'm away. :D
Hi Peajay,
Glad you enjoyed your Christmas... I love Moet it's yum ... actually I like all the champagnes that I've ever tried (!) and most other fizzy wines. We had some Buck's Fizz on Xmas Day which was nice and got me a bit 'squiffy' when I was cooking the dinner! :D
So far today, I've had a small glass of Maderia, two of the Baileys with Mint things and a Diet Coke ... so I've been quite good! :D
Speak to you soon...:)
You're clearly pacing yourself Anna, I especially like that you threw in the Diet Coke. :D
Had a ride on the London Eye today, have you been?
Hi all,
I'm thorougly irritated with the Scotsman and its early closing of the main articles!! It makes it difficult to get something posted (your) eve, as my day is winding down!!
I've had to wait and post on the next day's articles as they open up...., (ok rant over!! ;))
Thanks Anna, I saw that you 'held your own' on the Foxhunting blog! Good form!! :D
AJ, I knew KT was Scottish, but not from St An. :)) This is a great album!; It included some music videos to play on the computer, as well!
... How's the painting coming along?? :/
It's a Shiraz for me tonite...although, I need to be good as I have a shift tomorrow! :/
Peajay/Anna, sorry I missed you this afternoon...houseful of kiddies :))
talk with ya'll later!!
Hi folks, hope you are all well.
Agree 100% with your views on the fox hunting:) It just seems barbaric to me!
Melanie, how do you pronounce Shiraz? I know this is difficult, but is it - Sheerah or Sheerazzz!
Anna, I going in April to France!! I'll wear a badge!!:D
Peajay - half a bottle of Moet? I'm almost at that stage - I fall asleep after after a couple, this I must add, only happens in the hoose!:))
We were at a friends last night for a curry and drinks. The Mish Mash was meant to settle down in the travel cot, but she ended up staying up until 1:30. Talk about bad parents!!!:))
Hi all,
Agree about the Scotsman closing the boards.... Melanie ... it seems a bit strange...perhaps its just for the festive season when they probably only have a small staff.
Peajay.... sorry I didn't get back to you last night ... I had to go and socialise with my visitors - I couldn't neglect them all night !! The London Eye is brilliant we went on it in July ... it was a glorious day and the view was spectacular across London.. great experience. Did you do a champagne flight?
AJ... how wierd we were thinking of going in about April time! :)) Wear a badge with "Its me AJ" or "C'est moi AJ" on and I'll recognise you ....... alternatively wear your kilt :D
Mind you, we are planning on going to the Pas de Calais area and visiting my Great Grandad's war grave in Aubigny en Artois near Arras, then going to Ypres in Belgium for the Menin Gate Ceremony and then probably nipping across to Disneyland Paris for KK to have some fun. I don't think we'll make it to the Normandy beaches this time!
You're not the only 'bad' parents ... KK has been going to bed later and later this week and he had a very small glass of Bucks Fizz on Xmas Day!! :D
Tsk Tsk Anna - Buck Fizz at KK's age. I was on neat whiskey by 8!!:D
We will be flying to Paris and then hopping on a train to Normandy and will be staying in Bayeaux!! Sounds simple, but I reckon we'll get lost!!:D
btw the kilt will be worn!!:))
I like the sound of your trip too - I'm sure it will be very emotional, but will be good for KK to learn about sacrifice and injustice!
I had a feeling you might wear your kilt :) Who says the French are the only well dressed Europeans?
I'm in a bit of a visitor lull at the moment ....just waiting for Mr A's brother to come over and pick their mum up to take her home. He is staying for lunch but its an easy one today.... chilli followed by a trifle! :))
I get on well with my mother in law but ... she's been here for about 6 days and that's long enough really... to ensure we still carry on getting on well! :) if you know what I mean. Actually, she starts to get on Mr A's nerves before she does mine and its the same thing with my mum ... she starts to irritate me long before she irritates Mr A!
We love them really, but the thing with mothers is they always know best .... even when you've been looking after yourself fine for years!! I'll be like that one day with KK..:D
Wow Anna, 6 days?!?
That's incredible patience:)) They always know best. Even if you can blast giant holes in their observations, it's best not to!!:D
One word - diplomacy!
Got a few moments, so I'm going to peruse the Scotsman!
Let us know if you find anything of interest. It's a slow day.
Hello all!
Well, the last shift of the year over with...phew! I'm looking forward to the weekend and holiday off :)
Will try to catch up with the comments...
AJ...Shiraz 'sheerazz'(Aussie) Syrah 'seerah'(Calif) ...regardless of place of origen, this wine is always a favorite with me! ;))
I mentioned earlier...we stayed in Bayeaux '89 and visited the Armagh (sp) beach. You probably know this, but there's an exellent D-Day Museum in was all very humbling. The Prussian officer we met, Col Hans von Luck, was in some of the photos in the museum there. (we also enjoyed seeing the Bayeaux Tapestry and Cathedral)
AJ, I understand your mentioning of 'sacrifice' but was unsure of what you meant by 'injustice'...our side, their side? of that whole tragic/courageous scene...
I had the fortune of working, in my early nursing career, with a man who survived D-Day. He was an Am. Ranger that had to climb the cliffs...only he and two others of his group/platoon survived.
It will be an inspiring journey, AJ. For you as well, Anna, to visit your great-grand's grave...I think there's something very spiritually reverant in paying your repects!
...sorry about getting philosophical, but it is that time of year, that one reviews things!
It would be interesting if you all were to meet up in Paris or somewhere!! ;))
Anna/AJ...the things we do with our kids!!! :)) But they survive don't they; and, I think they're more resilient for it!! :))
Now, extended stays of family...that's another story! ;))
But, I suppose we survive in the end as well!! yes....Diplomacy!! :D
see ya!! ;)
AJ, in today's paper...
"Murray minted with new deal for £1m-plus"
ok, back to reading! :)
Didn't want it to look like we missed a day with no postings at all. So hi all. Hope everyone's okay.
Went to see James Bond, Casino Royale yesterday, not bad (especially Daniel, he is definitely fit) :)) Plot a bit hard to follow as new baddies kept popping up, but hey, who was looking at the baddies. ;D It was noticeable that 007 doesn't bother so much with shooting people now he prefers to beat their brains out instead. ;)
Hi everyone,
Well it's Hogmanay and the end is nigh!!:))
Sorry I haven't been able to get to the computer, but all the pesky friends and relatives keep coming round to enjoy all my delicious offerings!!:D
It's been a very busy few days, but Mrs AJ is working today and tomorrow, so I should be able to post bits and pieces!!
Hope you've been behaving ;) When I mentioned sacrifice and injustice, I was referring to WW1. I share the belief that the First World War was completely preventable and was down to Imperialistic rivalry. The ordinary people of Europe suffered, so that's where I get the injustice.
Are you all having parties tonight?
Hi all,
Casino Royale ..... haven't seen it Peajay, but Mr A is a James Bond fan and wants to go... I'm not that keen on 007 myself but ... I might go to keep him company.:))
AJ.... very true about WW1 .... the senseless loss of life for the sake of what was basically a family squabble is hard to understand. The fact that it continued for 4 long years and cost the lives of nearly 1 million British people, (not even counting the massive losses to the other countries involved) is criminal.
At least there seems to have been a justification for WW2 although it could be sensibly argued that if Germany had not been brought to its knees by the allies after WW1 ... there would never have been a WW2. Who can say?
Hindsight is a wonderful thing but I think most of Britain believed they were fighting for their lives and their way of life during both WW1 and WW2. Government propoganda definitely... and it still happens today.
Anyway, when you look at number of names on the Menin Gate for those who died in Ypres Salient and whose bodies still lie out there somewhere..... the true extent of the tragedy hits home.... and the Menin Gate despite its size, was not big enough to hold all the names... there are other huge memorials like Tyne Cot and Thiepval. A chastening experience indeed...
Sorry to be so gloomy.... are you having a party for Auld Year's night? We are going to be fairly boring as we are all down with colds and sore throats... so it'll be a couple of drams - for medicinal purposes you understand! :)) to see the New Year in.
How about you Melanie and Peajay - any festivities planned?
Btw: Those three memorials that I mentioned are only to the missing. The ones who have known graves (like my Great Grandad - Charlie) are not on there.
The scary thing is that if your surname is a British one ... it will probably be on there a few times.
If you have a look at this site:
Scroll down the page until you come to a soldier called Rifleman Charles Herbert McGeorge. He is my great grandfather, Kev who owns the site put his photo on there for me a few years ago.
Charlie would be amazed to be remembered in cyber space as well!! :))
Thanks Anna for the link. It's very interesting and must be some sort of comfort to everyone in your family. It's a lovely way to commemorate a brave ancestor and will be cherished by KK and his family!!
Not doing anthing tonight, but will be having a mild libation tomorrow afternoon - a 2 mile walk to the Crusoe Hotel in Lower Largo for few pints of Dublin's finest ale and stovies!:))
Hi all,
Thanks for the link Anna, a very moving site but a wonderful way to remember those who are gone. Sorry to hear you have the snuffles.
Not doing anything much tonight maybe just working through another bottle of Moet (we're all starting to come across as vaguely sad individuals) :)
I hope Melanie is doing something really exciting (in costume for AJ's benefit) to make up for the three of us. :D
Hi all!
Peajay, naughty naughty! Careful you'll get me wound up!! ;))
Anna, sorry you're not feeling well, hope the drams help! ;))
Thanks for the link; my great-grand's two brothers died there (Barnard). They were from Yorkshire. And, yes, I also consider WW1 an injustice; thanks for the explanation, AJ.
No parties tonite, just home/family, but that's ok with me! :))
AJ, you're working hard for your pints these days ;) Although the two mile walk sounds nice! :)
I have been behaving, AJ...just for you!! But beware, I will have a lot of energy pent up by the time we resume our normal routine!! ;D
Glad you all liked the link.... I have the memorial card among some other items that were left... It seems to have been the practice in those days to issue memorial cards when someone died. Some of the family ones that I have got were for infants and young children... very sad.
Oh dear, I am being gloomy it must be because its the end of another year! I can't believe how fast 2006 has gone... it has shot by.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good one... and I'll raise a glass to my cyber pals when the New Year comes in... Speak to you in 2007!! :D
Anna, enjoy the'll shake off the passing of the old soon enough!! but it's always good to reminisce on all that's been good in our lives, that we can appreciate it all even more!!! :))
As our telly service is out....I'll be watching the clock and the Haggis-cam for your Hogmanay, then I'm off to Times Square, then my own New Year here with my, at least three times to raise a toast...with possibly a few sips in between!!! (I always cook better when sipping on wine!!! but not too much or dinner will get forgotten and the cooking pot burned!!! ;)))
Any special dishes???....we always have black eyed peas for good luck(Amer. south tradition) and some form of creole/cajun add some 'spice' to life!! (my twa-pence):)))
talk with ya'll soon!!!
Hi Melanie
Wow, black eyed peas .... very Gone with the Wind.......I bet they do give you wind as well :D
Anyway, we've just had a message from one of Mr A's Scottish friends which was:
A guid New Year to yin and aa...lang may yir lum reek!! :))
(Being a Glaswegian ... he's no doubt out on the lash, and half cut already):D
I had to translate it for Mr A... he wasn't sure what a reeking lum was!!
So I thought I'd share the sentiment with all of you ...:D
Our New Year's Day dinner consists of Roast Beef and trimmings. In the past (when Grandy was still with us) we always had a Tunis Cake. Today we decided to revive this tradition but were unable to find one to buy so this avo has been spent, firstly finding the recipe and ingredients and then baking our own. (I'll let you know tomorrow if it was any good)
Thank you Anna (I think). For those of us less educated in the brogue what exactly is the reeking lum bit?
Hi Peajay
Lang may your lum reek is literally translated as:
Long may your chimney smoke.
It basically wishes you warmth, food and good health for the following year
It is traditional for the first foot into a house to call out this greeting and bring a lump of coal and a piece of bread with him. A tall dark man is preferred as the first foot .. because its supposed to be lucky. :D
Thank you Anna. The same to you. :) I have two queries, is Mr A tall and dark? (You could get him to pop round the front door to asure some luck) As coal is a bit hard to find, will a BBQ briquette do the same job do you think?
Hi all!!
I've been playing around with the blog...with the help of my two tech-geeks I luckily have in the house :))
they've been hacking and coding their way into the new year!!!
The photos in the collage on the main page are about two+ years old, from my computer file...I definitely need to update!!
Once the holiday busyness settles down, will try to get some 'horse & me' photos...flannel shirt, cowboy hat...would that be with spurs and chapps, as well, AJ??? ;)))
Looking good Melanie, I like the little wee one. Have been inspired by Sgt Maj and had a play around with mine too, will add the photos later.
Sorry, about that I've been playing with my blog thing as well. I couldn't get on for a while, there..... oh technology .. what a mystery it all is!!
Great photos, Melanie.... lovely horses and is that your back garden?
Hi ...almost 2007 for yoos!!!
our back yard...the dog photo shows the start of the remake of dirt and desert shrub into the photo with the lawn seen thru the pine took about two years to finally get it all done :/ :))) (my desert oasis!)
the filly (the black one) will be four in May and is currently in training...time flies!! One of my resolutions is to get out and ride and 'play' with the horses more...often that gets put aside for other duties and 'have tos' guys know how that goes, I'm sure!!!
the horse/ranch, and the tractor photos are my friend's property near here...the SgtMjr was 'tractoring' down the weeds that tween was all of nine and could barely reach the pedals to drive the tractor! (It has no clutch so it's fun for the kids to drive, monitored of course!)
AJ, the gals are here...are you too deep into your pints to type legibly????!!! ;D
off to beddy with ya'll and sweet dreams to ya!!! :D
will speak again in my morn... :D
Does your New Year telly programming include the Rose Parade in Pasadena???
Good morning all,
No to the Rose Parade in Pasadena. Our New Year tv barely makes it out of London. :/
Morning all ...
Rose Parade in Pasadena? It sounds great but I can't think what channel would show it.... Fox News?
There used to be an Irish channel on Sky called Tara which used to broadcast the annual 'Rose of Tralee' beauty and talent contest. I used to love watching that (much to Mr A's disgust!!:)) but they don't seem to have that channel anymore.
Hope you all have a good New Year's Day.... the weather is very nice today..... blue skies at long last :D The Edinburgh storms must have travelled south last night because the wind and rain were lashing the windows in the early hours, but its all calm now.
Enjoy your stovies ... AJ.... last time I had them was on New Year's Day in the Black Bull in Lauder!! :)) Very tasty they were too!!
I've added some pictures to my blog... one of the dog and one of the view from my house last winter. Sorry I can't think of many comments to make about them! :D
Not as profound as Peajay and Melanie :D
Hi all!
I like how everyone is decorating!! :D
Anna, profound, or to the's all good! :))
Can you access the videos?? My teen added that for me...I can type in the subject/name and google gives you a set's been interesting picking different subjects!
the 'cheats' for the widgets are on this site:
technology is great...this morn I've had a look at the S. Calif beaches and zoo animals, and then had a look on an Edinb. street:
AJ, how was your walk, and stovies?...had to look that one up...sounds good!
Hi all!
up late tonight 'playing' with the blog...went to go for a New Year's horse ride, but it was too windy for a fun/safe ride (and also unsafe because of neighbor kids out with their new xmas dirt motorbikes--can't wait till they all go back to school! :/)
Well, my teen had her camara, so I have some new photos...on the horse...sorry no cowboy hat or chapps! ;)
I also had some fun adding pictures to that flikr photo gallery, and also added to the video stream thing...this can be sooo addicting!!!
Please keep with adding onto your blogs...It's been fun to see more of 'your world' so to speak!! :D
Hope all is well, and you're all recovered from Hogmanay!!! :D
Great photos .... Melanie... you look very American and 'cowgirlish' on your horse (I mean that as a compliment). Where you live looks like a Western film, I can just imagine you out on a cattle drive across the Rio Grande with John Wayne! :D
Actually, you remind me of someone I know .. and I'm trying to think who it is ... I'll get back to you on that if I remember :)
Is that mountain range the Sierras? It is beautiful. :)
Belated Happy New year to you all!
Sorry, again about my absence, but I feel suitably guilty:)
Hope you all had a good time. We had a very busy day yesterday with family and friends. Dinner at Mum-in-law!! Roast Pork which was very nice.
Interesting developments on your blog sites:)) I'll have to improve my act!!
Melanie, I like you on your horse!!;))
Goodness Melanie,
I love the photos, however, shouldn't you be using a saddle and the kites are still too close to the power lines!!:D
Seriously, your site is looking good and extremely interesting!!:))
Did you check out the Crusoe on the internet? We didn't actually make it because of the weather. We ended up having a few drams in the hoose instead. A wee bit disappointing but the weather has been terrible. Today though, is absolutely perfect:))
AJ .... are you a Health and Safety geezer?
Have I guessed your job?
Or did you just do one of those MOD courses?
Have you had a look at my blog? No comment was left... I feel snubbed
Or could you just not think of anything 'profound' to say!! :D
Good morning all,
sorry to have missed you yesterday had a friend round so couldn't get away.
Hope all are well and recovered from any imbibing. My headache went off during the day :) The Tunis Cake turned out very well but needs a little tweaking on the chocolate topping (chocolate was 85% cocoa solids and is a little bitter as a result) but my efforts with making lots of wee marzipan fruit for the top worked out well.
Love the photo Melanie, you look all windswept and carefree.
Sorry you're way off the mark, although I did do a risk assessment course, with one of those do-it-yourself certificates at the end!!:D
Sorry about not leaving a comment, I had to shoot off and do Mish mash stuff, but I did see the dug!
Peajay, I had a selection of real chocolate last year - M&S Origins? - something like that. I loved the strongest stuff - kept me awake for days!!:))
I have a very sweet-tooth and would normally eat anything marked chocolate but those that are more than 50% cocoa solids are just too bitter for my taste. I can only attribute it to being brought up on Cadbury's. :D
Hi all!!
Sorry I missed you all; busy day...kiddies started back to school, and I have to work the next two days...
I've had fun looking at all the different photos, and will be interesting keeping track of it all!
...once regular schedules resume, we may have to set up sort of a 'town square' for a 'group meeting place'!! :DD
Anna, yes, southern Sierras! If you watch Gladiator, the part where Maximus is racing on the horse from 'germania to spain'...that was filmed in the Alabama Hills, Lone Pine Ca can see Mount Whitney in the backround during one of the scenes...totally ruined the scene's air of tension, reality, etc for me!! ;))
Peajay, would you send the recipe for the cake?! Dark chocolate with marzipan, Yummy!!!
Well, sounds as if everyone recovered well!!!
... AJ, I'll see to you later, sir!! ;))
bye for now!! :)
Hi Guys,
I'm still on holiday, so posting is still a sporadic exercise. Normal service will resume on Monday.
However, today we went for a nice walk - Elie to St Monans, which is part of the Fife Coastal Path. Only three miles but Marsha and my friend's little girl loved it. My arms and dodgy shoulder are very sore though!!:) The path goes past a couple of ruined castles,ancient doocots, a medieval church and a ruined tower. It's a really interesting walk.
I've had a quick splurge of activity on the Saddam film story - amazingly, I was mentioned by a couple of the posters regarding my absence!! Is that a good sign or a bad sign?:DD
Hi AJ,
Almost like old times..... I'm a barbarian now ... fantastic ... I love that word... just call me Conan!! :))
Saddam wouldn't have given Richard the steam of his sh"t... and would probably have shot him for being annoying and a wet and wooly liberal.
I do like a nice chat ... glad to see you and I agree on this one as well:))
Why has my picture popped up on there... how do I get rid of it?
Anna the Barbarian,
I think you can right click or Melanie can do it for you. Why it happened, who knows!!:))
I've missed the comments board during the holidays! However, once I'm back at work I'll have plenty of time to post - that don't sound right does it??:D
I know what you mean about getting back to work/normal ..... and having more time to post and argue with strangers on the Scotsman!! :D
You kind of miss it after a while ...
Melanie, how do I stop my picture popping up whenever I post on here and use my blogger id?
I managed to get it on my profile but now it seems to be popping up when I don't want it to.... most disconcerting!! :(
That post deleted was me.... I was trying something out to stop my picture popping up .... but it popped up so, I deleted it....
I think you have to change your settings, Melanie..... or is there another way?
You've got your pic on your profile, Peajay, how do you stop it popping up on here?
Oh, I've left a thumbprint now, since I clicked on it... I'm confused!!
Hi Anna
I didn't add my picture into the profile but instead added a picture as a page element in Dashboard-Layout-Page Elements. Melanie can turn off profile pictures in Dashboard-Settings-Comments-Show Profile Images On Comments, but this would also turn off her own pictures attached to her comments (i.e her latest horse related cowboy picture)
Hi Anna
I tried to post this Help List on your blog comments but couldn't as the settings have changed to only allow Team Members to post comments.
If, after you have signed in, you click on Customise on your blog page it should take you straight to a page that says 'Add and Arrange Page Elements'. On this page you will see your blog name, about me, labels, blog posts etc. and also Add a Page Element. If you click on one of those it will take you to an additional page 'Choose a New Page Element' which give the option of uploading a picture. If you go through Add To Blog - Image (from your computer) - Browse and check the 'Shrink To Fit' box you will be able to put a picture above or below your Name and About Me which looks like it's in your Profile but won't show up when you post. Then you can remove your Profile photo from Dashboard - Edit Profile - Photo Url (clear this box and save profile)
I think that's how it works so I hope this makes it a bit clearer.
Thanks, Peajay,
I'll give it a go .... the reason you couldn't post is because I've been fiddling .... without knowing what I'm doing!!
I'll go back and try and correct it. :D
When you've got a minute Peajay, try and post another comment on my blog .... I think I've undone what I did now...:) Thanks
A sorry state of affairs Anna!! Fiddling without knowing what you're doing.....tsk tsk!:))
I await the lamping with baseball bat!!:(
I know AJ ... its pathetic isn't it.... just stand still while I hit you will you?
I think I've fixed it now but I'll see if my photo pops up when I post this.. :)
Thanks Peajay
I see Richard's getting a lot of hits on the Saddam board... well, he's asking for it a bit... I think he's only about 16.
Right AJ ... see if you can post something on my blog ... just say 'Hello' or something... to see if I've fixed that thing that I was messing about with before :D
Right Anna, I've done your bidding!! Can I help you with anything else Maam ;))!!!
Got to book my Milan Hotel tonight - instructions from Mrs AJ!!
Thanks AJ.... you're a wee cherub... it seems to be OK now.
Less of the game old bird stuff.. you cheeky monkey ... so you are!!
Milano ... fab ... are you going to have a look at the Last Supper by Da Vinci while you're there?
We watched the film the other night... it does look like a woman sitting next to JC .. doesn't it? But then, what would Da Vinci have known ... he painted it 1500 years after the event... Still its a good yarn.. and a nice little earner for a few people. Wish I'd thought of it!! :D
What banana...?
Is that you being rude..?
I'll rise above it and not dignify it with a response.. well, not till you've explained what you meant anyway.
I'm waiting... ;)
Exactly Anna, a good old yarn it is! We are hopefully quite close to the Last Supper - Santa Maria delle Grazie! Should be good but we're a bit skint after the hols - Prada might be a shop too far:))
tthe banan thing was simply a school boy style taunt, nothing more, and deserves to be treated with utter contempt!!:D
It's Rioja tonoight, so forgive the worse than usual typing and spelling, you fiesty little manx;))
I've got a Rusty Nail on the go at the moment .... but its just medicinal... of course ;)
I've got a bit of a cold still... and I have to get up early(ish) tomorrow to take KK to school. Why they can't just go back on Monday I don't know :( 2 days seems a bit pointless.
I'd love to go and see that painting ... although they do say its quite faded, because he did it on the wrong type of wall.
Prada.... very designer... but as you say a bit pricey... maybe they have a discount store :)
I thought the banana was you being a rude boy.... Tsk, Tsk.
Did you ever read Viz comic... there used to be a Rude Boy cartoon in that ... it was so bad it was funny.
Mr A and I used to read it in our younger days.. when everyone else was reading it. Sid the Sexist, Biffa and the Fat Slags ... it was awful really and a bit puerile but .. funny with it!! We've still got a couple of the annuals stored in a box in the loft..!
Viz was a must read about 15 years ago for me! I picked an issue up a couple of months ago, and it was still as funny as ever!!:))
btw, I've taken the Saddam story to a very low level indeed! Execution by lap dancing, ping pong pinging, Amsterdam strippers!!:D
Gotta be a first!!
A friend of ours is a Geordie... from Newcastle and in the 'Viz days' he used to call his wife Biffa... She's his ex wife now!! :D
I'll have a look and see what you've been up to ... have you got yourself banned yet? Is that your New Year resolution to get yourself banned from the Scotsman asap?
Banana story... you're clutching at straws now.. I know what you really meant!! I've replied to you ... anyway ;)
Peajay's got the measure of you ... AJ..
You need Melanie here to soothe your troubled brow.... because we're picking on you a bit!! :)
But admit it ..... you like it really..... being the centre of attention!! :)
Centre of attention?
All I desire, is to be the centre of Lanna's attention!!!;))
In cyber world, of course!!:D
Of course.... AJ .... only in cyber world!! :D
Joanna smoking a Havana.. I had a laugh at that one...
What next? Joanna wearing a Bandana?
Joanna is Cockney rhyming slang for piano ... maybe you could make something out of that?
You'll end up getting banned again... are you living dangerously? With no Melanie here, to rein you in ...
A wee bit of fun Anna :) I won't get banned for that, will I?
Yes,the piano reference is interesting, I'll give it some thought!!
I've made a comment on the mother at KFC blog ... I feel a bit sorry for the woman.. she's getting a bit of a slagging off and all she did was ask for a cup of hot water to warm her baby's bottle with.
What's wrong with that?
Anyway, I'd better go to bed ... night, night ... don't get yourself banned now!! :))
Good nicht ma wee Cambridgeshire Buttercup!:))
Well, boy did I miss a fun party!!!
will catch up hopefully by your Friday...meanwhile, "oh, do behave!!" ;))
Hi AJ.... my little Scottish bunch of heather!! :)
How's your head? Rioja hangover?
Well, I've had a post on the pregnant women blog. There's some real auld dinosaurs on there.
Also, had a pop at some Kiwi on the KFC baby bottle warming story. But so far that's it.
Hi Melanie,
Speak to you Friday, hopefully..:)
You can never accuse me of being inconsiderate - check out the Selina Scott story in Entertainment!!:D
I await the spanking with a barbed baseball bat:DD
I'll have to get the beating tomorrow!!:))
Good night guys :)))
AJ, off to bed with no beating??!! what a shame, You definitely deserved one!!!! Older women are like fine wine, we get better with age!! :)
AJ, btb, as much as you've been flirting elsewhere since I've been gone... Lanna deserves cyber-flowers or, at least chocolate, to make amends!! However, you were mighty sweet the way ya'll wanted to be the center of my attention!!! ;))
Anna/Peajay, I apologise that I wasn't here to keep a certain Ogre in line; I hope he wasn't too much trouble for you!!!!! ;)))
hopefully I'll catch you all Fri!!
AJ ...... lucky for you that you said 47 .... if it had been 46 you'd have been in for a right pasting!! :))
If we're still chatting when I'm 47 ... you can move your deadline to accommodate me ... OK? ;))
Melanie...... cousins eh? Its coming to something when you can't even trust your family not to flirt with your cyber guy behind your back :D
Hi Peajay....... :)) have you translated your blog name for us yet? I'll have to take a look at your blog.
Oh just remembered something I've been meaning to ask you all for ages.
Do you believe in angels? Not necessarily the heavenly host but guardian angels.
Just curious ..... I was reading something about it a while ago :D
Hi All!
Anna, oh, I think it was a case of the sweet, young, innocent being taken advantage of by the older, more worldly gent!! ;))
Although, on occasion, Peajay does seem to have a naughty side, too!...hmmm...must run in the family!! ;))
I do believe in Guardian Angels, probably more as part of the heavenly host, rather than a human in a different/'ascended' form....I haven't much thought about it to be honest, other than what my upbringing has taught me.
Guardian Angels! I've got a spirit guide - he's a big red injun called Mohawk McKipper!
I only see him after a bout of Rusty Nail and Guiness binges!!
I'm not sure about Guardian Angels ... but a friend loaned me a book about them. She is into all sorts of wierd and wonderful stuff.. crystals, rocks, spirit guides and other 'new agey' type things.
To be honest .... I found the book a bit far fetched but ..... a couple of chapters struck a chord!! :))
I was just wondering what everyone else thought.
AJ..... a Red Indian eh? I'd have thought it would have been a young squaw for you!! :D
Btw: Are you allowed to say Red Indian nowadays? Is it unPC?
Hi Anna
I think we get to call them Native Americans these days.
I'd have thought AJ's spirit guide would have been Grey Owl (he was the guy from Hastings, Archibald Belaney, who masqueraded as an 'red indian' and was a little bit dodgy) ;D
Hi all! sorry, busy day!
How's your weekend so far?! history lessons and spirit guide names?!!
I owe you all some chat :( :) will see when I can join, Sunday looks busy with 'have tos', though...perhaps Monday?! :))
How's Shrek holding up??!! Lanna misses him! ;)
Hi all,
Interesting WW1-era related article in the Scotsman/Intl section:
'Scots up in arms as warrior spirit attacked'
-was wondering what you'd think about it
I've put a comment on that board ... Melanie
I found this quotation:
"Join a Highland regiment, me boy. The kilt is an unrivalled garment for fornication and diarrhoea."
John Masters, (1914 - 1983)
British writer. Bugles and a Tiger
What do you think......... AJ ... would you say that John Masters was right? :D
Beer is Better Than Religion
10 Reasons Why Beer is Better Than Religion
10. No one will kill you for not drinking Beer.
9. Beer doesn't tell you how to have sex.
8. Beer has never caused a major war.
7. They don't force Beer on minors who can't think for themselves.
6. When you have a Beer, you don't knock on people's doors trying to give it away.
5. Nobody's ever been burned at the stake, hanged, or tortured over his brand of Beer.
4. You don't have to wait 2000+ years for a second Beer.
3. There are laws saying Beer labels can't lie to you.
2. You can prove you have a Beer.
1. If you've devoted your life to Beer, there are groups to help you stop.
Anna, I liked your quote!!! :))
another quote of the day! ;))
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
--Benjamin Franklin
Good morning!!!
AJ, How are you?? Did you get your painting done?? Mine will have to wait, never got around to it...perhaps in Feb. as our holiday in Seattle has been postponed for now. Did you get things set for Milan??
Anna, thought you'd be on the WW1 post; I wondered if it was a bit of trying to rewrite history.
Peajay....'I didn't do it, honest!!...well, okay, maybe...' ;))
Back to work:((
However, I can get back to normal - two and a bit weeks is a long time to be off, it feels like ages!!
The weekend was pretty busy, but no painting was done - just lots of visitors and dininig out! Piled on an extra 8lbs - what a porker!!!:D
Hope you all had a good holiday :))
Masters was certainly right - my Tartan Army pals have demonstrated these attributes frequently!!!:))
Seriously, I think any regional force in the British Army had myths surrounding it ie The Gurkhas, Ulster Regiments etc
The Milan trip is pretty much planned now - Highlights will be The Last Supper and an AC Milan home game at the San Siro stadium!!!!
The only problem will be transfers to and from the airport. Taxi prices are unbelievable, but the buses are pretty cheap but we arrive quite late on the Friday (this Friday!!:))
This Friday.... AJ... ? I didn't realise you were going this month.... Is it an anniversary or something?
Have you posted on the Scotsman anywhere. I've put a couple of comments on the Brown ... English votes blog and on the price of bread going up!! :D
How about you? Or are you too busy at work :))
I've been very good this morning .. and caught up on lots of work that I have neglected over the holidays... :))
Hi Anna,
Yes I've been fairly busy, not able to comment on anything worthwhile yet.
I liked your diplomacy when dealing with the Scottish MP question :))
The holidays seemed to go on forever this year. It was a hard shift keeping The Mish mash entertained, but I think I succeeded - she cried when I dropped her off at the creche this morning!!:(
How is KK?
KK is very well... once Christmas and New Year were over, he was quite keen to get back to school ... I think he was missing his 'mates' and the routine of it all a bit.
He got a Nintendo DS for Xmas and we might just as well have not bothered getting him anything else... he's never been off it ... we'll have to ration it a bit now that he's back at school tho' or he'll never get any homework etc done.
Its awful when they cry when you leave them... KK never used to when he was at nursery but he did start doing it in the second year of school.... and started to get a bit clingy... but it only lasted a couple of months and then he seemed happy to go again. :)
Milan is our wedding anniversary Anna. Two years ago we spent it in the Nou Camp in Barcelona and this year it will be the San Siro watching AC Milan!!:)))
Ask Mr A what he thinks about that arrangement!!:D
I felt a wee bit guilty about Mish Mash today, but I know she's in good hands at the creche/nursery and she always enjoys her day there L))
She'll be fine when you pick her up ... AJ. :)
I don't think I'll be telling Mr A about your trips ... it sounds like the sort of thing he would want to do :(
I don't mind going to visit Barcelona and Milan ........ but aren't AC Milan a football team? Yawn, we get enough football round here as it is!! :D
Anna, it's all about give and take - Mr A would love to visit the fitba cathedrals that are the San Siro and the Nou Camp!!! These places are more than football stadiums - they are the beating heart of the city:))
It would be a good bargaining tool for you to have a wee look at Prada or Gucci handbags!!:D
Good morning!
my schedule is still a bit off...this up late, sleep late thing.
AJ, sometimes my wee ones cried and sometimes they couldn't run off fast enough to the toys...she'll be ok...though, she might give you the 'cold shoulder' when you pick her up...depends how 'miffed' she's feeling!! But then afterwards, it well be all cuddles!!!! ;))
Anna, funny about the yawn! No offense, AJ, I would probably be the having to be around a stadium of people :/ :)
AJ, I like your take on things....with that said, I probably could be conviced (with however method) to go see a game (of whatever played) at a stadium!!! ;))
Are you guys posting anywhere?!
Careful, I'm off to get my coffee!! ;)
Hi Melanie,
She'll be fine, I'm sure.
I like all your videos, but you should be more careful when you climb up rocky cliffs. That looks very dangerous, but you must have very strong fingers and toes. The mind boggles!!;))
I like the sound of "conviced". It might be a new word, but it sounds fun!!:D
ha! was that spelling error or Freudian!!! :)
The climbing photos weren't specifically of me there, but I've done my share of climbs...when I was younger!!! When the kids came about, the climbing days went by the wayside for the most part! I suppose it would be strong fingers/forearms, strong toes/calves. I've competed in few triathalons, but then again, that was when I was in my early 20's :)
More strings to the Melanie bow!!:D These skills never leave you - wow....triathlon!!! Very impressive indeed!!:))
Got to go now Melanie, but it was very nice chatting to you.....see ya:)))
bye for now!! :))
Triathlon .... Melanie... that is impressive :))
Re: the climbing ... maybe your Scottish ancestors came from St Kilda at one time. Apparently, the people of St Kilda evolved a big toe which was longer than other people's because they climbed the sheer rock faces in their bare feet to hunt the sea birds and puffins as food.
I was reading an article about them the other day...
Anna, is that natural selection at hand...the big toed people fed their families better, producing more offspring to carry on the big toe trait??!! ;)
My toes are fine, so it must have been my 'thick' head to take on such tasks!!! ;))
What do you think the natural selection of short (5' 1") people might be. Ok, probably best to not answer that. :)
Peajay, had to find a quote for you...!!
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." J.R.R. Tolkien :DD
AJ, was it quick to cuddle or the cold shoulder??!! ;)
Anna, St Kilda's sounds worse than the Appalachia!! talk about limited gene pool! :/
hopefully, I'll be up earlier to partake more of the chat!! :)
AJ...... I mentioned your trip to San Siro to Mr A.....
His eyes lit up ..... and he said and I quote: "Lucky barsteward (or words to that effect!!), tell him if his Missus doesn't want to go .... I'll go with him instead"!!
PS: Might be worth considering.... he could be the cheaper option..... you won't have to buy him a Prada handbag :D
Well Anna, you would hope Mr A doesn't have a penchant for handbags!!:D
We will catch up soon, it isn't the cold shoulder. Don't worry, I still check out your bare back riding photo, from time to time;))
The St Kilda evacuation is very interesting, it was caught on film. I think it was in the early 1930's and the footage also showed the typical lifstyle - climbing cliffs to catch Fulmers and such like. It was an unbelievable life of hardship, although I don't think the older residents actually wanted to leave and live in the slums of Glasgow!! There have been a couple of documentaries about it over the years. I would suspect there are very few original St Kildans left, maybe some in their 70's, but they would've been very young children at the time of the exodus.
Peajay, being small has its advantages. You get into most public events for half price!!
That is the St Kilda website link ... if anyone is interested..
A friend of ours went there in the mid 80s .... and he was fascinated by the place..... he's bored us to death with it ever since!!! :D
But it does have a very interesting history..... apparently the islanders used to eat puffins for a snack....much in the same way as we might have a packet of crisps today :))
I wonder if they did them in different flavours... Salt & Vinegar, Cheese & Onion, or maybe even Chicken flavour!! :D
Thank you for all your non-smallist words of encouragement. I especially enjoyed the quote Melanie.
The half price did work AJ until I was about 30 then a few wrinkles/laughter lines appeared and were accompanied by a sprinkle of grey hairs. More recently I have gained the same benefits from being a Uni student.
You're quite tall, really Peajay.. well, compared to my late Nana anyway... She was only 4ft 11, but boy did she make her presence felt!! She was a very feisty gal..:))
Anna's Nana was unsurprisingly feisty!!! You had to get it from somewhere!!;))
Peajay, I get some very funny looks when I produce my student card!!
She was a lot feistier than me AJ.... I'm just a beginner compared to her!! :D
Have you posted anywhere today? I've posted on the Kidnapped - R L Stevenson blog ... the one about giving out free copies of the book in Edinburgh..
Also, on the Harry Potter story... but that's it.. Seems a bit quiet today... just as well because I'm supposed to be working not blogging away on here !! :D
Hi Anna,
I've posted on the Afghanistan soldier interview story and a couple of Scottish fitba stories.
Not very exciting, but I'm amazed they're using actual names and giving some details of home addresses. Particularly strange is the Royal Marine sniper's story!!
Have a wee look and tell me what you think!
I can't get onto the Scotsman at the moment.
Has the site crashed? Or is just me?
The site has crashed I think. I can get on but everything is taking ages :((
Good morning/afternoon!! :)
Hi Melanie :))
Whats for brekkers this morning?
Oh, no I can't get on here now either...:(
Oh sorry about that ... but I just posted and it kicked me off ...
I still can't get on the Scotsman ... their site must be having a problem..
Hi, Melanie,
Coffee, toast and marmalade?
mmm, what should I for now, then maybe just bagel/crm cheese...or should I be healthy and have some granola/muesli???
toast and jam does sound good, though!! :)
I was reading in the paper today... that people in the UK don't eat as much marmalade as they used to.
Apparently, the younger generation (16 to 24) aren't really into it.
I really like marmalade, poor auld soul that I am, but I have to say that I prefer lime to orange and Waitrose (supermarket chain, Melanie)do a very nice grapefruit one.
Any preferences on the jam or marmalade front?
I replied tothe breakfast debate on my own blog site - it's getting too complicated for auld shrek!:))
Wotcha up to today Mel?
Melanie, I couldn't help but notice Talking Bear's presence on Anna's and Peajay's blog sites. Do you have an open marriage?? ;))
sorry, server was down for repair..
Anna, I replied to your marmalade question, but couldn't get it to currant jam, or strawberry, better yet, mixed together...must be the gimini thing again! ;)
oops, gemini
Shrek, ya ain't that auld!!! ;))
today is school with the kiddies, maybe some errands...if the weather holds (no wind) will try to go see my four-legged critters
open marriage!!!??!! hee hee!!! that's a hippie thing for sure!!!! ;D
.... but before blood pressure gets out of hand, AJ.....harmless flirting is as far as it gets!!! We both have access to firearms, remember??!! :))) (he can be more of a flirt, than I am!!)
Well that's ok then young Melanie. I didn't want you falling foul of Talking Bear! You might get pistol whipped or lassooed to a running horse and dragged through the neighbourhood!!:D
yes, AJ, Talking bear has a terrible growl sometimes!! ;))
I wonder if the Ogre growls too, on occasion!?! :)) Not that we wifies Ever get cross!!??!! ;))
I've been trying to get onto your blog, but can't as yet...I'm allowed harmless flirting and plan to take full long as you don't mind, of course!! ;))
I reckon I can live with cyber world!!:D
- AJ smacks the young Melanie on her right buttock for being flirtacious!! Despite the many layers of petticoats, his rough hand manages to sting the beautiful Melanie's sweet behind!!!
Is that what you mean, Melanie!!?;))
Oh my!! Is the gent just teasin, or is there some mild aggression in that physical display??!!
Gotta keep ya in line, ma wee Louisiana filly!!
Will be back later for more Victorian style shenanigans!!:D
you're off the get MishMash here soon...wonder what happened to Anna??!
AJ, my flirting is always tempered with respect for you and with keeping the SgtMjr in mind!!!
Cool the beans Melanie, I know your a good 'un and hopefully you know I'm a good 'un!!:))
If I mess up, Anna could get her husband to bomb my office!!
Yes, AJ, we're good 'uns...which makes it easy to flirt with you! ;)
speak with you tomorrow!! :D
Look forward to it, Coochie Pants!:D
Mind hoo ye go noo :))
A wiz hoping for a blether. Oh well, it's bed time noo:(
Gnite, everybody.
Peajay...where did ya go??? Poor AJ was left to his lonesome tonight!!! Bein that you're probably more mature-minded, and always interesting to talk'd have given the gent some fun conversation :)))
Sorry, AJ, you were tucked to beddy-by by the time my have-to errands were done. Lucky for you, though, with you talkin the way ya'll were...Lanna may have had a thought to take advantage of you!! ;))
See ya'll the morrow!!!
Well it's a quiet day today. Nothing startling going on.
Hope you are all OK!:))
Hi AJ, my computer was misbehaving and had to be restarted etc
How are you?!
Hi all,
Couldn't get on here for a while last night ..... the blogger thing was down, then I started watching the film ...Galipoli and went to bed after that.
Coincidence ... I was chatting to Robbie from NZ about WW1 and he mentioned Galiopoli .... strange that the film was on the next night. Mel Gibson looked young in it... but then it was 1981 ... so I suppose he was... I was only 21 myself at the time :))
Yes, I left a couple of posts on Talking Bear's site ... he has a very interesting blog. He comes over as a nice guy, Melanie and a deep thinker :))
Strawberry and blackcurrant jam .. strange ... but then I like cheese spread and tomato ketchup sandwiches and Mr A thinks that's revolting!! :D
Just going to check out the other blogs ....
Got the results of the exam I did just before Xmas ... and I was quite pleased with myself.. much better mark than the one before!! :DD
Anna, I've been having problems with the internet/blogs as well, some yest, and then the computer misbehaving this morn
What are you up to today?
Hi Melanie
Just been to look at the other blogs... phew it takes a bit of getting round now ...
Peajay's is looking really nice..:))
I've been at college today..... and have been a bit lazy with all that over Xmas, so I'm going to have to get some more work done to catch up!! Ah well, "tomorrow is another day" - Scarlett O'Hara.
The Scotsman site was down quite a bit yesterday as well.... I'll go and have a look at that now. :D
It is some work to get around visiting...but I love the different photos and decorations!! :)
AJ, are you taking a class this semester?? Sorry wasn't on early to catch ya for a chat!!
I'll get the belt out to smack the computer's behind to make it behave, or has the UN put in to ban that as well!! ;)))
I've commented on the Kate Middleton story...
I've also posted a really bad pun on the porpoise story to AJ.... who was hunnerbagging again, despite his New Resolutions Tsk, Tsk. :)
But, someone calling themself a balloon has had a pop at me....
Serious lot :(
Sorry that should be New Year's Resolutions.
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