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Sunday, August 27, 2006


Ceud Mile Failte!! or in other words, Howdy, ya'll!!
Please join in on the conversation. We can banter, debate, share highs, share lows, philosophise to no end. It's all good!


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AJ Fife said...

I've a few wee technical gliches trying to access the Scotsman recently - is it the same for you guys? We work on a wireless system and perhaps the signal is a little weak:(

Doing a bit of study for the final exam tomorrow - a ten minute clip of a film will be shown to us 4 times in a two hour period. We have to write an essay describing the Director's techniques:(( So I'm trying to revise the correct phraseology(is that a word?:))

AJ Fife said...

Hi Peajay,

He no like me, one little bit!!:D

Another busy weekend, Peajay?

Peajay said...

Busy-ish although not necessarily lucrative :( I'm very glad that I've finished all of my studying for now (saving pennies for Doctorate, although motivation may ebb away first), it sounds like you're very busy yourself.
How could he not like you, after all what's to not like? ;P

AJ Fife said...

I know, how could he hate me so much!:D

I suppose my jokes are terrible though, so it might be fair enough!

Interestingly, he had a real problem with what he described as my "gang"!

I found that very strange indeed. He may well be some sort of social outcast - you know, on the fringe. Probably wears a duffle coat 365 days a year 24 hours a day.:D

Forgive me, if any of you guys dress in that manner!!:))

AJ Fife said...

I'll have to catch up on the old beauty sleep, as last nights libation took a heavy toll - red wine and guinness, it's a lethal killer!!

Peajay said...

Night AJ, I'm just off to bed myself, wearing my Dufflecoat of course!:D

Anonymous said...

Here's me sitting at my computer in my dufflecoat (again) this morning. A pink one of course ... I occasionally interchange it with my anorak!! :))

Actually, that reminds me of a joke that Mr A sometimes makes ... when I have my warmest pair of pyjamas on, which I keep for when the weather turns really cold. "I see you've got your dufflecoat on tonight, then"..... says Mr A ;)

Well, I see you've started sparring with Bumsfelt/Echelon today AJ - good on you - the guy needs to lighten up a bit.

I think he's keeping the Scotsman comment pages going by himeself .... as you said he spends more time on there than we do and that is some feat!!

What colour is your dufflecoat Peajay?

You sound like a brainbox - if you don't mind me saying ... what is your degree in?

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna,

I was going to go for him but my work is busy this morning, so I've lost the impetous!:)

My dufflecoat is tartan with little haggis' for buttons!:) I wouldn't reckon you get dufflecoats in CA however!:)

Peajay is very brainy, you can tell with the quotes she comes up with from time to time!

Last night of my current course, and strangely, I was dreaming of the exam last night - I completely messed up with my mind going blank:0
No change there then.....I hear you say!!:D

Anonymous said...

Yes Peajay is definitely well endowed with 'the little grey cells' :))

I've posted on the independence boards .... some of the people on there are very naive - they don't seem to have done their sums about the armed services anyway!! Also, they seem to think that the RAF bases in Scotland are staffed only by Scots.... well, you and I know that is not the case...:))

Mind you, the way Labour is going - I doubt if there will be a RAF to worry about in a few year's time. Mr A put his notice in last month - he's had enough now. Altho' they've extended the PVR waiting times to 12 months now, regardless of length of service, just shows you how many people are baling out!

Has there been any threat of Leuchars closing?

AJ Fife said...


You're right the RAF is being stripped of all the experience at the moment - the service is struggling to cope, as they have neither the manpower or the equipment to carry out the core responsibilities. I noticed the PVR rules were changed last week with respect to some trades. With the latest redundancies, they've allowed too many guys in certain trades to leave. Great management....again!

Leuchars is due to get the Typhoon in 2010, worryingly that's already been delayed from the initial 2008. On the face of it, Leuchars seems safe in the UK context for now, but these things can change very quickly. If independance becomes a real possibility, there will be a mass closure of bases in Scotland, unless agreements on defence can be reached.

As I said before, there will always be a close relationship between Scotland and England, and I hope these "grey areas" can be sorted out to the satisfaction of both countries. That's obviously making a huge assumption about independance!:)

Anonymous said...

It has to be said - AJ - and I know you're not going to like this, but the best party for the armed services has always been the Conservatives...

Labour have never done them any favours ... they have taken the Cold War dividend and gone completely mad with it. Maybe, we don't need the RAF or the RN anymore .... but we'll only find that out when they're gone....

AJ Fife said...


I would absilutely agree with you anout the Tories supporting the Armed forces. I'm pretty sure it was the Conservatives that increased the services pay to a realistic level, but, it was also the Tory Party that brought about Options for Change in the early nineties. As you know, that was the biggest cuts since Healy was Defence Minister in the mid-sixties.

Overall, you are right in what you say Anna :)) As per normal:)

Anonymous said...

good morning all!

Sounds a bit serious in here, and rightly so, with some important issues!

however, in not making light of these, I will continue to the other subject at hand...

Duffel coats aren't really 'in fashion-need' here, but you do need a sturdy winter coat against the high desert cold and winter wind. For the occasional rainy day with the flash flood warnings, my duffel raincoat choice would be a very fashionable paisley with pirate doubloons for the buttons! Must make a good impression on the natives!! ;D

AJ Fife said...

Good morning Melanie,

Good weekend?

Anna and I are pretty sure Peajay is brainy, can you elaborate?

Anonymous said...

Hi AJ, Sat was nice, sort of busy with house duties, but had a previous fun two days visiting a bit with my bros and sis-in-laws (both are newly married)

it's a beautiful brisk morn with a hint a rain...finally for the holiday spirit, I have a morning fire going, everyone else is sleeping in! :)

Anonymous said...

Peajay, has the poet's depth of observation and feeling; she can be as eloquent with her words as with the art that she creates!! :D

Anonymous said...

AJ, sounds as if you had a busy and fun weekend yourself..Sat with friends, Sun with your wife's fam... :)) perhaps, I should tease you a bit, and call you a social butterfly!!! :D

Peajay said...

Good evening all,
Thank you for your kind words regarding my mental abilities although I feel you're over egging the pudding. I have a BA (Hons) in Silversmithing, Jewellery & Allied Crafts and a MA (by Project)in Jewellery. I'm secretly proud as I missed so much school in my youth due to ill health, leaving with only 3 O'levels and A' level Art. Even those exams were carried out in my dining-room as I was to unwell to attend school for exams. However, 'doing' qualifications don't seem to have the same cudos as 'reading' qualifications, that said I am now over-qualified for many positions. :D
Hope everyone's on top form today, will try to read up on the Bumfelt baiting later.
By the way my duffle coat would most definitely be purple.

Anonymous said...

Hi all

I take it all back - AJ - about saying the independence issue is not exercising the minds of the English, much. It is..... I've just had a look at the Daily Telegraph's comments page from yesterday and there is a lot of comment on there, mainly from English people wanting independence ....... It seems as if the wind of change is blowing in both countries...

Hi Melanie,

Hope you're well?

Hi Peajay,

You sound like a brainbox to me :)) Like the colour purple as well :D

Anonymous said...

Hello all,

seems a busy Monday for everyone; the cool, cloudy weather with a rain smell to the air has given me quite the energy for some holiday baking/cooking to prep for our party this Sat...I've already treated my sleepy-headed fam to a 'fry-up''s just a nice change from the constant sun beating down on you; as would damp and dreary get old as well!!

Well, pink, tartan, and purple...make my Paisley pattern a sapphire blue, then!!! :)

AJ, good luck on your exam tonight!!

Anonymous said...

Anna, that California boy was flirting with you a bit!!! ..."PS - Gorgeous name. My first love was a Joanna"

(I'm assuming Fiction/Brian is from Ventura, Ca) :D

I've not had time to read too much today, just bits here & there...I see mad Martha was at it again

Okay, question/s of the day...

What is your favorite holiday food/s...and what is a traditional family food served during the holidays?! (ok to include recipes if you have the energy!) :)

Peajay said...

Hi Melanie
Standard Christmas fayre for us. There's only the three of us for Christmas dinner so it's all a bit low key. :(
How about you?

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

The fayre in our house is the traditional stuff, apart from the vegetarian option which will be something akin to a nut roast(yuuch). However I go for the traditional turkey(out of M&S) and all the trimmings(out of M&S). However the special treat is the mother-in-law's BAKED ALASKA, and I love BAKED ALASKA....mmmmmmm.

If she doesn't make BAKED ALASKA, I limit her contact with her grandaughter, whom she adores;))

The exam went fairly well, I managed to write loads of stuff on the 10 minute clip of Pleasantville. I managed to dream up an argument of how the director was having a pop at the percieved American utopia of the 1950's. This utopia, as I saw it, didn't include black people and supported the oppression of women and the youth!!

What do you think Melanie?

btw, I calculated Bumsfelt was on the site for 19 hours yesterday. Could be another Bumsfelt baiting day!!:D

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was quite flattered by Fiction call me Brian ..... he seemed quite sweet ... shame I missed the bit when his fellow poster 'Sambo from the Deep South (!)' told him to ask me for a date!! It could have been a fun exchange of posts ;)) However, it was getting late here and time for bed.

Christmas dinner ....... well we're not very keen on turkey in this house, so, we have (veggies look away now!!) a double rib of beef and stuffed pork. However, after much pleading by our son I am going to get a stuffed small turkey roll that Marks & Spencers are doing as well.

Both grannies are coming for Xmas dinner ...... so there should be some keen rivalry and competition between the pair of them for their grandson's attentions. :DD

Actually, they get on very well together and as they are both now widows .... they have a lot in common. They even go on days out together with grandson in tow ... which is great for him.

Any good postings today AJ? I didn't spot you on there yesterday. I ended up in a bit of an argument with Duncan (on tour) who told me that I was pathetic and childish... Ah well, you can't win them all!! :D

AJ Fife said...


For what it's worth, I think you sound amazing - a kind of triumph over adversity, which is always a good thing.

I don't think we're over egging the lilly(or something:D), as you sound a very capable and intelligent person. Plus the razor like wit - which I'm frightened of!;)

Anna, I'll have to have a look at the Telegraph, that sounds promising!:)

AJ Fife said...

Anna, I've added my tuppence worth on the Trump golf complex story and yesterday, I spent a while Bumsfelt baiting!:)) Boy, that sounds rude!!!:D

Anonymous said...

This is the link for the page that the comment is on.

Its on 26th Nov and the leader is entitled "It would be folly to divide the United Kingdom". The comments come off that.

Some of the posters on there are a bit anti Scottish and unreasonable in the same way that some people on the Scotsman are.

But, I don't feel anti Scottish at all ...... I am, however anti Labour and if the only way to get Labour out is for the Scots to get independence then I'm for it... :))

David Aaronovitch is commenting on Alex Salmond in The Times leaders ..... he makes some good points .... but I suppose they are from an English viewpoint...

Anonymous said...,,6-2474715,00.html

This is today's David Aaronovitch comment about Salmond.... Its attracting a few posters but I've not managed to read them yet. Seems to be a lot of Scots commenting on there :))

This seems to be becoming an issue here as well.....

AJ Fife said...


That can only be a good thing, it should be debated widely, although it will recieve limited attention from the mass media!

Anonymous said...

You're probably right - AJ - about the limited attention from the mass media.

The Daily Wail often run anti Scottish Raj type stories ..... but they totally detest Labour and are a bit right wing for me.

If the Sun takes up the idea of an English Parliament ... all the chavs in England will be for it...:D

Anyway, must go and do some work TTFN :))

AJ Fife said...


The on tour guy from yesterday has just had a pop at you!! On the 5%SNP story.

Go get him girl!!!:))

AJ Fife said...

A well, you'll catch up with the blighter another day!!:))

Anonymous said...

Had to answer Duncan and now I've got to go and do some work!!! This blogging is getting more and more addictive!!! :DD

Anonymous said...

Hi all!

Holiday mother makes the traditional turkey and stuffing,but the favorite is the morning sticky buns to give us energy to open the presents!!

I love baking what we call Russian teacakes, and various other cookies/biscuits.

AJ, can you believe I've never had Baked Alaska...and it's obvious HOW much you LIKE it!!! :)

Anna/Peajay, will catch up with you later, after you various work, etc.

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

Good morning, hope you're well. The baked alaska thing was first sampled by myself at Xmas circa 1972. My posh auntie made it and it had a lasting impression. I didn't have it again, until three or four years ago (my m-in-l claimed she could make it!!). She didn't disappoint, so I fell in love with BAKED ALASKA all over again!!:))))))

Shrekkie like BAKED ALASKA!!!!!!

Right Melanie, have you seen Pleasantville?:)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I thought it was good...and that it was a good example of rigidity vs freedom of expression...very abreviated here!

you are too funny, Shrek!

Anonymous said...

someone made a comment that Scotland's weather doesn't predispose golf to being year round...I'm thinking of disagreeing, that marketers would be smart to advertise to the Americans a version of 'Extreme Golf' as these adventure/risk telly shows are all the rage...while keeping the links enviro friendly, of course!! :)

AJ Fife said...


The weather on the North East coast is extreme to say the least. I used to play golf and played quite a few matches in the Buchan area - even in July the place is freezing.

What I find surprising, is that old Trump wants to build in this location. It's very windswept and difficult land. Most of the great links courses have an element of shelter ie. an estuary for example.
I think he wants to build in Scotland as he considers it an ancestral home.

I do like his big muckle glass towers in New York tho'!!:))

Judging by your comment on Pleasantville, I'm on the right track!!:)? My other essay was reasonable too - a B grade and I knocked it out in a single 5 hour session, the morning of the due date!!! Real student hardcore stuff - last minute sweat!!!

Wotcha munchin' for breakfast - some bagels with maple syrup, salami and pesto slices, with extra mayo!!??:D

Anonymous said...

only coffee by a warm fire, so far;
in between posting here, and short reads on the Scotsman!! :)

The family raced thru the coffee cake the other day, and as they're enjoying another sleep-in, I thought I'd surprise them with another...nothing like waking up to freshly baked cinnamon spice, I have to make up for being a little hard on them yest...had to get ma 'whip' out to get them ah cleaning the house with me!!! It's incredible how 5 people in such a short time can mess up a house!!

AJ, do you realise what a fun picture you have left me with...Gleeful Shrek surrounded by mounds of Baked Alaska, with Capercaille intermixed with the Duhks playing in the backround!!

AJ Fife said...

Sounds good Melanie, and I have to say baking for the fam is a pretty special thing to do of a morning!!:)

The perfect wife/mother award should be presented to you!!:))

Anna and Peajay will be throwing up with all this schmultziness!!:))

btw is schmultziness a word?

Anonymous said...

Melanie - what time do you get up in the morning that you manage to make cakes? You sound like a 'yummy mummy' to me. Or would that be yommy mommy in American?

I'm going to give your coffee cake a try at the weekend .... I'll let you know how I get on.

We are having a Xmas fayre at my son's school on Friday so I am having to do some baking for that - but I won't be taking your coffee cake there - that's for the family :))

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna, you sound a bit of a super mum too btw!!:)

My wife doesn't do these things:( Although she has made me pancakes in the past - around about 2002!:(

Anonymous said...

Yummy-mummy has more of a ring!! ..and thanks, but I'm more of a 'jack-of-all trades' rather than the 'perfect wife/mother'...although I'll take almost-perfect ;))

I'm usually up around 0600, whether I like it or not, only when very tired do I sleep past...I love the quiet of the morn, as my fam are more late risers

what goodies are you baking, Anna?!

Anonymous said...

why should she, AJ, when you absolutely spoil her??!! :)))
(I meant that in no offence, but you might get some strange vegetarian concoction!!) :))

If you don't mind me asking, where did you guys meet?? Are all the siblings Veggies, and if I might ask, is it for health and/or philosophy? I've an aquaintance, who is because of philos...and a friend who had a bad experience growing up on a farm, and now doesn't eat beef due to the memory.

I know, questions, questions....

AJ Fife said...

You're right Melanie, I'm best to be in control of the cooking dept!!:) Veggie is ok now and again, but I need meat, or at least chicken!!

Right Mel P.I., We met in the local pub, but I knew her father and she grew up just around the corner from me! She has a brother and sister who are vegan and veggie respectively. Her brother has 4 kids, all of whom are veggie-ish(I think they're bored rigid with the offerings!). I think they've scoffed the odd bit of chicken in the past!

we decided to bring up our wee one a veggie initially, but with a freedom of choice when she decides to do things differently!:) However, my wife is very persuasive and the vegginess will stick:)

btw The Mish Mash is as healthy as can be on her diet. So I have no fears on that score. She only eats fresh produce and in particular loves fruit. We try and cook everything from scratch for her!:)

It was an animal activisty type decision when they were all about 13 - it drove their mother to distraction, but must have saved a few bob!!

That's an interesting story about your friend, Melanie. She must have been deeply scarred by whatever....

Anonymous said...

AJ, my older bro is much like you...his younger wife is very career minded, whereas he 'has done it' so to speak and is perfectly content to make the dinners, keep up the house, and is completely enthralled with caring for his new baby works for them, which is the most important!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm doing a sultana tea cake - which is a very, very easy fruit cake but is tasty (if you like fruit cake). I'll probably do a ginger cake and a banana cake.

We sell all our baking efforts on a cake stall and raise a fair bit of money that way. Some of the 'contributors' make some spectacular cakes .... mine are always easy and don't require any 'faffing' around with or decorating! :))

If the unthinkable happens and your cake doesn't sell ... you can always buy it back yourself and save face ;))

Anonymous said...

I don' quite remember what the experience was, I think when the animal was put down, it wasn't done well and the animal suffered...

I went on the veggie kick for a while, too, which drove my mother nuts!! :)) I still revert back on occasion and make separate meals for myself and the fam...but I think omnivore rather than herbivore is the nature of things, for the most part. I think your little Mish Mash can be quite heathly on such a diet, it seems you have done your homework with the proper food matches to ensure the protein issue!!

AJ Fife said...

A banana loaf - AJ like banana loaf!!:)

What about carrot cake with at least an inch of butter icing?!!!!:))) AJ really like butter icing!:D

Anna, you sound more like Nigella everyday!!:) A Goddess!

Anonymous said...

Anna, I had a fun experience with, I think, fruit cake...brought out on fire from the brandy or was my other, of many, cousins (Tony from Zimbabwe, Peajay) Much to his dismay, I said something politely, like well, no offence, I'll stick to chocolate!!!! :)))

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I couldn't be a veggie... I do like a lot of vegetables but I love bacon sandwiches and roast chicken as well.

I do eat quite a lot of fish tho'. An ex-colleague of mine was a veggie and she always used to declare that "she could never eat anything that had once had a face!!". Fair enough ... I suppose and whatever floats your boat.

Maybe I'm just not that squeamish... all my mother's family were shepherds and farmers and they all ate meat. In fact, whenever we visited they used to give us practically half a lamb to take home.

My mother has even told a gory tale of the good old days when her Dad used to slaughter the family pig and how she had to stir the bucket of blood to make sure it didn't clot prior to my Nana making the black puddings. Aye them wert days.........

I bet that pig had, had a good life tho'. Not like some of the intensively reared ones nowadays.

Too rural for you?

Anonymous said...

Joleni, I'm all in the ginger cake!!

AJ, carrot cake, Yum!! Careful, or you'll be salivating all over your keyboard!!!

AJ Fife said...


My father owned a grocery in a Scottish mining village. When times were hard for his customers, one or two would barter game birds and ducks for essential groceries.
As a little boy, I remember opening the garden shed and being horrified at all the birds hanging....and the smell!!!! It was like the scene in the Braveheart film, when the lad walks into the barn and the Scottish Nobles are all hanging....!!

Oops, sorry about the reference to Braveheart Anna!:D

AJ Fife said...


Too late!!:D

Anonymous said...

Anna, oops, that should have read, I'm all in For...although I've been known to 'fight' for the spoon at the end of mixing the batter!!!!! :))

... we've raised poultry for eating and for the eggs, as well as a beef steer (but he was sent away). My oldest has seen her dad, respectfully(if that can describe it) slaughter the birds...It's what works for all. Animal protein is an important source of energy fuel...perhaps not so needed in these modern times (I use a soy protein drink, alot) but I can't see the world going veggie, it's just not practical!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, AJ, there are some times when I've prepared a whole chicken, and boil down the chitlins etc, then I only eat the veggies and rice...just depends

Although, I have been brave and consumed Haggis!!! :))

Now with all said and done....what's fer dinner??!! I've got plans for Lentil soup, and finally a try at that curry!!

AJ Fife said...

Got to head off in a mo, it's been interesting, if not a bit too girlie!!:D

Anonymous said...

Yes, AJ ....... restrain yourself - we get enough Bravehearts from the Scotsman nats. :D

I quite like pheasant, actually altho' Mr A is not keen, so we don't have it very often.

I'm going to a Xmas dinner with the people that I work with in December. One of the starters is a fish and chip soup (!), sounds very odd. Its a mushy pea and potato soup, topped with a fillet of cod and garnished with thin chips. I don't know whether anyone has chosen it.

I'm having a Caesar salad to start, Gressingham Duck for main and a brandy snap basket with Peach Melba icecream and toffee marshmallow. :))

Do you both have an 'office party' for Xmas?

Anonymous said...

AJ, not girlie, sissy/cissy...some of the best chefs are men!!! And, we appreciate your contribution.... hubby makes a great Cajun/Creole Blackened fish when he puts his mind to it!!!

talk with ya later!!

AJ Fife said...

It's a curry tonight, despite going to a Indian buffet last night - before the exam!!!:))

Anonymous said...

AJ,We could talk about Power Tools if that makes you more comfortable!!!
but, I would be at a loss to discuss Hearts vs Hibs, etc!!! :))

have a great eve and enjoy your curry!!

Anonymous said...

Anna, that soup sounds a bit...strange for the palate, but I'm a taker for the duck, pheasant, too

Anonymous said...

Well, 0900 is my cue to rouse the weans to school...I'm tempting them to finish early, so we can decorate the house for the holidays

will be on/off later, and will watch for any posts.

Have a great rest of the day!!!...enjoyed the chat, as always!! :)))

AJ Fife said...

FISH and CHIP soup!!??

And to think, the Weegies get criticised for the Mars Bar supper!!:DD

Anonymous said...

Mad Martha is running off at the mouth, again, on the Iraq blog .... What do you think she looks like?
About 55 to 60 with a 'just come out of the salon' set to her hair. Pristine, up market American style outfit (think Barbara or current Mrs Bush), lots of perfectly applied make-up and a hard, don't mess with me look about her.

I also think she wears stars & stripes knickers and bra and kisses a picture of George Dubya every night before she goes to sleep! :))

Peajay said...

Good evening all,
Late again, to much work.

Thank you for your kind words AJ.

I see we're on a foody theme today so have included a recipe for fantastic carrot cake.

All American Carrot Cake

170ml/6fl oz vegetable oil
225g/8oz caster sugar
2 large eggs
225g/8oz plain flour
1tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/2tsp salt
1 1/2tsp cinnamon
1tsp vanilla extract
170g/6oz grated carrots
55g/2oz softened butter
110g/4oz cream cheese
225g/8oz icing sugar, sifted
Zest of half an orange
1) Preheat oven to 150C/300F/Gas 3. Grease 17cm/11"x20cm/8" cake tin with a little vegetable oil.
2) Combine oil & sugar & then mix in eggs.
3) Sift flour, bicarbonate of soda, salt & cinnamon together & add to sugar mixture & combine thoroughly.
4) Add vanilla & grated carrot. Pour mixture into cake tin. Bake for 1 hour. Leave to cool on a wire rack.
5) Make frosting; (although this is optional & can be replaced by dusting the cake with a little icing sugar instead (not appropriate for Shrek!!)) Beat together the softened butter, cream cheese, icing sugar & orange zest & then spread over the carrot cake.

Peajay said...

Oooh, I've just posted for the Devil. :DD Hope you don't mind if I move on swiftly to 667

AJ Fife said...

Carrot cake sounds gooooood!!:)

It's just a quick hello Peajay!!:)
Thanks for the recipe, how are you on Baked Alaska?

Peajay said...

Yup, have tried it with some success but kind of moved on now. You're back with the Arctic Roll & Viennetta AJ. :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recipe ..... Peajay - it sounds good.... Another one to try!!:))

Anonymous said...

Do you like Pavlova ....? Nigella has got a great recipe for it in one of her books.

I'm not mad about cakes and puddings but that Pavlova is really nice.

Having a chat on the Middle England blog tonight....... I've managed not to fall out with anyone.... yet ;)

Peajay said...

I have a very sweet tooth so Pavlova is a definite yes (along with most cakes,puddings, choccie etc.)
It's going well then this evenings blogging or would you prefer a little difference of opinion?

Anonymous said...

Just a quick question on your cake recipe, Melanie:

Is all purpose flour what we call plain flour? Do you know Peajay?

Anonymous said...

Well it depends how you feel about Berwick, Peajay.

James (in Scotland) thinks it should be Scottish and I think it should be up to the folk in Berwick to decide. Actually, I'm not that bothered either way but don't tell James that.

He's also a bit hurt that some English people keep going on about rebuilding Hadrian's Wall. I've tried to reassure him and say it was just a joke but the poor lamb is a bit upset about it all.

Mind you he's got a better personality than Duncan (on tour) has....... he's a bit demented I'm afraid to say. :))

Peajay said...

Poor James, some people just don't get humour do they?
As for the flour, I would guess plain flour as it's also having baking powder and baking soda (bicarb of soda, I think) added to the mix.

Anonymous said...

Yes - I thought plain too, Peajay.

Anyway, nice talking to you again, but I'm off to bed ..... I expect a few brickbats on the Middle England blog because I've just dared to criticise the Saintly and Revered Alex Salmond :D

Sorry AJ :)) I just don't like politicians in whatever guise the come in :)) They've all got their own best interests at heart...

Hope to speak to y'all 2moro!! :))

Peajay said...

G'nite Anna.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna/Peajay, sorry about the was the Sgt Mjr's day off, and therefore a change of plan/posting occurred...all in all , good, as we were able to get some Xmas shopping done...he's more the shopper than me!!!!

Tomorrow, I have a 0900 hairsalon appt, hmmm, what shade of highlights should I get??!! Sorry, AJ, girl talk...

Change of subject, for AJ's sake,...the Saws-all is an incredible power tool; the ability to cut thru almost anything can be quite invigorating!!! Although, I've heard the reciprocating power of the 90pound jack-hammer while cutting thru concrete has the most incredible vibratory effect, but then that brings us back to women's talk!!! ;)))...sorry, the Merlot, and the many years of California living, made me say that!!!

Good morn to you all!!! Will catch up with coffee in hand!! :))

AJ Fife said...

Hi guys,

Sorry, limited time today, I've got to attend a funeral of a very old family friend - my godfather. Plus my old uncle is in his last lap (88yrs), and I'm visiting him this evening. So it's one of those days:(

Hope you are all well, and Melanie!!! do you use a stand up hoover?:))
How about the washing machine spin cycle - any good? :D

As previously stated, yer a wee saucy minx!!;)

Peajay said...

Good morning all,
Sorry about your somewhat grim day AJ.
My day has now improved as I'm off to B&Q to buy a 90pound jack-hammer! \(^_~)/

Anonymous said...

Well, thank you for responding in humour and not tsk tsk!!! I was worried I had taken it a bit low there!! Would never want to offend ya'll! :)

AJ, sorry for you somber day...I hope after the service, you find some cheer with fam and friends with reminiscing on good times past!

Enjoy you visit with your uncle! Boy, I bet he could tell a story or two about you! :)

Anna/Peajay, hope to catch up with you later!

Anonymous said...

I don't know I leave this blog for a while and Melanie starts chatting about vibrating handtools TSK, TSK!!

Sorry, couldn't resist being the one to TSK!!

Actually, when I was in the RAF - it was a standing joke that all the hose and nozzle bits on the fire extinguishers were missing in the female accommodation. The firemen used to wheel that one out everytime they gave a fire prevention lecture.

I expect they still do!! :D

Sorry, to hear your day is a bit sad - AJ, but hopefully your evening will be better .... some of the olds have good stories to tell :))

Anonymous said...

Quiet, tonight ..... please don't tell me its because our cyber guy isn't on the boards .......

Surely, not.... :))

Or are you out getting your hair done Melanie?

I get mine highlighted blonde but its naturally light anyway. I also get a light base colour put on to cover any grey that may be there!! :D

Peajay said...

Hi Anna,
I see that Middle England continues with Duncan wittering away.
Shall we speculate that Melanie's had her hair dyed purple or a sapphire blue rinse and is ashamed to face us in case we snigger. :D

Anonymous said...

Actually I was eyeing that mod-pink...but it would go better if I were, I just brought out my natural auburn highlights instead :)

I've been out food shopping etc for the party, and household. Two different stores, one a warehouse type for bulk items, and then the regular grocery store...

I'm definitely not avoiding you two!!! :))

will hopefully get some reading time later, but you're probably all to beddy-by for any posting here :(

AJ Fife said...

There's a distinct lack of productivity here, come on ladies, buck up yer ideas!!;)

Hope you are all well this fine, stormy morning.

Yesterday was a bit of an ordeal, but I met a few people I hadn't seen for years, so that was good. However, visiting my old uncle at night wasn't so good - he is going downhill fast and just managed to acknowledge me, but his eyes are lifeless. It's a shame to see him this way, as he was a brilliant man and a real gentleman.:(

Anyway, how's the hair Melanie and can you still put in pigtails!?!;))

Anna, you DO miss me:D x

Peajay, don't you dare tell Melanie's Sgt Mjr about the flirtation, or I'm dead meat!!!:(

Peajay said...

Would I tell on you!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Hope not Peajay, as the Sgt Mjr will come Shrek hunting with his 1893 Buffalo gun!

Not much going on today as work is steady and a lack of juicy stories on the Scotsman.

btw I liked your Camberwick Green comment - got the 200 too!

Peajay said...

Thank you, AJ. Have trawled the Scotsman but not much going on, may have to resort to Haggis Hunting instead.

Happy St Andrews Day. (I've been on my knees praying for the Husband bit all morning so far, no luck though) ;D I presume that the National Holiday has not appeared this year and you are having to work as diligently as always.

AJ Fife said...


Do you need a husband, now you have a jack hammer and a washing machine!?!:D

Must get on with ma work!!:)

Peajay said...

Husband's a bit more permanent and will work in a powercut. Couldn't lift the jack hammer and washing machine is in a difficult corner for access. :D

Peajay said...

I see the Grail Seekers has finally reached a conclusion, 'tis a sad day!

AJ Fife said...


It is indeed a sad day, but luckily, I posted the last two comments today, ensuring the 600!

btw, do you think Melanie was "tired and emotional" when she made her last post!!

Peajay, my apologies, I thought you were praying for a husband and not for your husband!!:)

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

Purple hair ....... Melanie.... cool!! :))

Just a quickie (ooer missus!!) I've got to pop out again ..... I'm in demand at the moment but hopefully things will quieten down a bit next week!! :))

Where are you posting today? I scanned the St Andrew's thread and saw you on there AJ.... Anywhere else?

Sad, about Big Gordie's baby boy ... a little girl in my son's class has cystic fibrosis .... she goes to Great Ormond St for treatment ... poor little thing .. she's such a sweetie as well. Hope they find a cure for it, soon.

Count your blessings that's what I say... life could be a lot worse.

Mr A has to go to a funeral next week ... a friend and colleague of his died yesterday. He was only 52 and was diagnosed with a brain tumour in July .... but there wasn't much that could be done for him.

Makes you realise that every moment is precious, so make the most of it cyber pals :))

AJ Fife said...

Hi Anna,

I posted on GB's story, Donald Plump's gowf course, North Korean Brandy blog and the St Andrews day guff. I think that's about it!:)

You're right about every moment Anna, I can't imagine the dispair they've gone through. Hopefully they will come to terms with it!

Glad you're keeping busy Anna, but don't forget us!!:(

Anonymous said...

Good morning all!!

Right Anna, every moment precious, hard to remember sometimes admist the busyness!!

Well, you're all chatty and here I have to go to work :((

Fri is clear except for last minute stuff, and some cooking for Sat

hmmm, there seems to be some peculiar banter going on here....will have to address that later; Congrats on claiming the last comment, AJ!

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

Top of the morning to ya!!:)

Enjoy your day and I'll hopefully speak to you later!!:))

Were you drunk last night!?!:D

Peajay said...

It was definitely for A hubby not my hubby cos I luckily don't have one.

AJ Fife said...

Apologies again Peajay for my inadequate level of understanding!:)

Peajay said...

Oooh look 700, it's mine I tell ya, all mine. :D

AJ Fife said...

I was told on the Scotsman, that hunnerbagging was infantile, but since you're the youngest on this forum Peajay, well done:))

Peajay said...

Are you calling me infantile AJ? If so I may just stamp my feet and scream!! ;DD

Peajay said...

Have to go to work now as have a mulled wine and mince pie indulgence evening. Think of me working away this evening while your all enjoying a sit down and a wee dram for St A. See ya'll tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to miss you Peajay & Melanie... speak to you soon..:)) Enjoy your 'indulgence evening' Peajay ... sounds good!!

Are you going to be wassailing around Herts?

So, AJ, expect you'll be off home soon..... I'll go and have a look at what trouble you've been causing today :D

AJ Fife said...

Just about to go Anna - 16:45 hrs Maam!:)

So 15 mins to go. I haven't really been contentious today. I tried to make a reference to down and out caddies on the Trump blog, but was taken seriously by some American chap!:)

Hopefully I'll be dodging away tonight, and I'll check to see who you've upset!!!:))

Anonymous said...

I see you all went back to the Grail site for a last look at the Whirlpool.......... :)

I thought it would have been closed down ages ago ... funny how they kept that open as long as they did. Yet, some boards seem to close really quickly.

Ah well, "tomorrow is another day" as Scarlett O'Hara said when Rhett walked up the path and out of her life!!

Nite all......:D

Anonymous said...

Anna, I see you received a kiss today!! Does Mr. A need to borrow the rifle, or perhaps the shotgun??!! ;)

Now, AJ, how does my lil 'ole silly postin seem to associate directly with the consumption of alcohol??!! So as to clear ma name, I was perhaps a little 'slap-happy tired' last night, from chasin ma chillins 'round the house and gettin them to do their schoolwork, not to mention all that cookin and bakin ah did for my party...??!! Now, ah wonder which a my comments seemed to infer ah was a lil' tipsy, was it ma callin you by your given name?!! ;))

Peajay, glad to see you're in good form!!!

(Not making light of the sad occurrances of late with your friends/ is well understood on this end...)

Will see you all in the morn, and look forward to catching up! :)

Anonymous said...

Ps...had to add...there's a commercial on the telly; it's advertising for us to celebrate (responsibly) our constitutional rights...the repeal of Prohibtion, Dec 5th...of course, the sponsors of the commercial are whiskY distillers!!! :))

Anonymous said...

this one is a copy/paste...but I thought you would enjoy the silly Yank story; and, as I had time while I was braidin ma pigtails...


A guy buys a new Lincoln Navigator for $42,500.00.He and a
friend go duck hunting in upper Wisconsin. It's mid-winter and of course all of the lakes are frozen. These two guys go out on the ice with their GUNS, a DOG, and of course the new NAVIGATOR.

They decide they want to make a natural looking open water area for the ducks to focus on, something for the decoys to float on.Now making a hole in the ice large enough to invite a passing duck, is going to take a little more power than the average drill auger can produce.So, out of the back of the new Navigator comes a stick of dynamite with a short 40 second fuse.

Now our two Rocket Scientists,afraid they might slip on the ice while trying to run away after lighting the fuse (and becoming toast, along with the Navigator), decide on the following course of action: they light the 40 second fuse; then, with a mighty thrust, they throw the stick of dynamite asfar away as possible.Remember a couple of paragraphs back when I mentioned the NAVIGATOR, the GUNS, and the DOG....???

Let's talk about the dog: A highly trained Black Lab used for
RETRIEVING; especially things thrown by the owner. You guessed it: the dog takes off across the ice at a high rate of speed and grabs the stick of dynamite, with the burning 40 second fuse, just as it hits the ice.The two men swallow, blink, start waving their arms and, with veins in their necks swelling to resemble stalks of rhubarb, scream and holler at the dog to stop The dog, now apparently cheered on by his master, keeps coming. One hunter panics, grabs the shotgun and shoots the dog. The shotgun is loaded with #8 bird shot, hardly big enough to stop a Black Lab.The dog stops for a moment, slightly confused, then continues on. Another shot, and this time the dog, still
standing, becomes really confused and of course terrified, thinks these two geniuses have gone insane.

The dog takes off to find cover, UNDER the brand new Navigator.The men continue to scream as they run. The red hot exhaust pipe on the truck touches the dog's rear end, he yelps, drops the dynamite under the truck and takes off after his master.Then
" "" "" "" "" "
BOOOOOOOOOOOOM "" "" "" "" "" ! ! ! !

The truck is blown to bits and sinks to the bottom of the lake, leaving the two idiots standing there with "I can't believe this just happened" looks on their faces.The insurance company says that sinking a vehicle in a lake by illegal use of explosives is NOT COVERED by the policy. And he still had yet to make the first of those $560.00 a month payments.

The dog is okay. . .doing fine.

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

With you being a wine consultant and all, I kinda thought you'd been sampling your stock again!!;) Then bursting into Van Morrison sing-a-longs!!:))

Does the Sgt Mjr do a lot of head shaking?:))

Are people from Wisconsin daft and fair game for the rest of the country?? A bit like Welsh people here!!:D

Sorry couldn't get on last night, we were choosing new bedroom furniture for the Mish Mash, as she's getting big!!:))

Hope to catch up with YOU soon!:))x

That'll keep you ahead of Anna!;)

AJ Fife said...

Party, Melanie!?!

Is it a birthday party?:)

I'll check oot yer profile!

Anonymous said...

Oh AJ ...... are you trying to make me "pea green with envy" as Scarlett O'Hara said in Gone with the Wind about someone else's beau!! :))

Yes, I'm re-reading Gone with the Wind in case you hadn't figured it out yet :))

Busy today, got to go and set up the Xmas fayre at school soon. Father Christmas has to be looked after and the reindeer parked somewhere. The Christmas fairy needs a new wand made and there's lots of stalls to help set up. So I'll hopefully catch up with you later.

I've noticed you're calling your little 'un Mish Mash on here.... sounds very appropriate ..... I think I'll start refering to my boy as Kit Kat - its the name we was called when I was expecting him. Did I have a craving for a certain choccy biscuit? Yes !! So if I mention Kit Kat you know what I'm on about!! :)

AJ Fife said...

Amazingly, I've just come back from
the creche's craft fayre - it cost me £40 - a nice necklace for Mrs AJ.

It would seem we live in a parallel universe connected by the internet!!:))

Trainspotting to Gone with the Wind??!!

AJ Fife said...


Saw you on the Aled Jones story - tsk tsking some poor unfortunate:D

I was hoping I could steer the thing away from Irn Bru and start a 'what does god looklike comp', alas no takers:))

Can't believe I've just spent £40 on home made jewellery:( However, a percentage goes to the creche and will make Mish Mash's environment better!:)

AJ Fife said...

Anna, so if you mention "Kit Kat",it means you're preggers!!;)

Anonymous said...

Good morn all!

AJ, no doubt Mrs AJ will love the necklace! You'll find my profile bare, never got around to doing BDay is at the end of May...Sat is a Xmas/holiday party

Anna, Trainsp to Scarlett, quite a jump! I would no doubt have a funny retort were I not so sleepy...I literally was running about 11hours straight yest...was in the well-baby nursery, and St Andrew's Day saw a Birthing fest!!

Peajay, are you working today?!

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

The Mish Mash was born on the 30th of May!!

Anonymous said...

AJ, mine is within 24hrs of lil Mish Mash's special day!!

Apologies for needing to catch up with all the discourse here...I think I'll collapse on Sun...can you send me some Irn Bru just in case!! ;)

AJ Fife said...


I noticed you asked about Xmas parties a few dozen posts ago - we're having ours in Dundee, the Perth Rd to be precise! Always a dangerous scenario, especially as we will still have to work a few days after the debauchery!:))

Anonymous said...

Actually, as hostess, I will be behaving myself!! :))

I wonder if the import store has some Irn it really sweet??

The Sgt Mjr does shake his head a lot...but he knows I'm having fun with it all....and 'when mama's happy, everybody's happy!!' :D

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, yes, Mon's usually we both have off, so there's more 'recovery time'

sorry, random questions
...what is your wife's birthmonth/sign??

do you guys play any party games, or is it just fun socialising??

AJ Fife said...

Right enough Melanie, you did say at the end of May!:) Almost a coincidence!:))

Irn Bru was never a fav drink of mine, but plenty of people swear by it! Indeed, Scotland is the only place in the western world where Coca Cola isn't the leading soft drink!

It kinda tastes like fizzy rusty water!

What's your fav soft drink, or do you not have one, and just stick to Bourbon all day?:D

Anonymous said...

Is there something special with 'the Perth Rd'?? :))

for a party game...we have a "stealing game" involving mysteriously wrapped DVD's, rolling of the dice, doubles wins a DVD that you may unwrap, or the chance to 'steal' an already unwrapped one in someone else's possesion, who then my retrieve a new one, or steal someone else's....and this is all add alcohol, and it can get pretty boistrous!!

AJ Fife said...

April and a Taurean!

This apparantly equates to - stroppy bitch!!!!!

Just kidding;)

AJ Fife said...

The Perth Rd is just an area where you can go and have a nice meal and loads of drinks without getting beat up:)) It's the university campus/precinct. I might bump into some of my fellow students!!:))

Anonymous said...

I only drink soday ever so often, I like Hansens ginger-ale or lemon's an all-natural healthier type of soda, boring!! :) Makes up for my coffee and wine!!

Taurus, very stubborn, when they're not being tween is an April Taur :)

AJ Fife said...

Games - trivial pursuit is a favourite and also a card game called Beanie, which can get boistrous too!:)) It's too complicated to describe on message forum!

btw I bet smarty pants Anna and Peajay are top trivial pursuit players!!:))

AJ Fife said...

I just looked up tween - aged between 8 and 12?

This word is probably common knowledge here, but I've never come across it!

Stroppy can mean stubborn. Belligerent is a good word too!!:D

Anonymous said...

smaller parties we play cards, not so much Triv purs, but have played Pictionary

no doubt they play triv pur and scrabble!!!

the DVD game is fun because either your stealing the coveted film, or trying to un-load some horrendous one!! People bring all kinds of titles, some risque, but not too bad as they're are children around

Anonymous said...

When things settle down, I want to try to make a Baked Alaska...but I'll probably do a mocha/tiramasu type of flavor!!

Can you believethe holidays are here....last night it got below two weeks it went from tee-shirts to winter jackets.... :/

AJ Fife said...

I like the sound of that game - a chance for warped humour!!:))

Are you working today Melanie?

Anonymous said...

AJ, sorry yes, he's 12, lil one is 9 and teen is 15

It's funny how couples 'live' thru their differences isn't moment you want to strangle them the next moment it's all hugs!!! :DD

Anonymous said...

was going to ask you the same...I'm at home, have the 9's music lesson, then it will be party-readying...and posting...hopefully!! :)

AJ Fife said...

Melanie, are you trying to get me to emigrate - BAKED ALASKA and!!:DD

Too much, honey.......not only do you have the Southern charm, you cook like Goddess too!

Are you sure you're not really Jerry Hall??:DD

Anonymous said...

warped humour...yes our friends, that describes a lot ot you know where mine comes from...I'm not used to normal!!! ;)) Have to watch myself sometimes, around 'churchy' type/proper people!!! :)

Anonymous said...

now Shrek, I will not promote marital discord!!! But if you do ever visit, I promise you I will have that recipe perfected when you come by!!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Couples that are REAL couples can live through anything!

That's as profound as I can get today!:))

Nice age spread of your kids Melanie. Maybe a bit personal, but was the spacing deliberate?

Oh dear, that sounds a bit rude, but it isn't meant to be!:)

AJ Fife said...

That's funny, I still have to watch myself around, who I call proper adults! I've never considered myself to be a proper adult. I still snigger at inappropriate times!:)))

Anonymous said...

new you had profound in just keep it well guarded!!

yes, they were spaced, wanted a mommy's helper, not a jealous 2yr old with the first two, then it worked well enough, so I cont...hard otherwise being a working mom/mum/mama!!

Anonymous said...

let's see..referring to my kids...the 9 wants to be a I'll refer to her as that...
tween, teen are easy till next year then I'll come up with something new

Anonymous said...

Good AJ,if you were too proper it wouldn't be as fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Ps, on the relationship thing...a strong friendship, I have found is one of the main keys to success!

I think, another one is keeping/seeing the humour in things!!

okay, enough from me as well!!!

I think I might try Haggis hunting today...try to win a calendar!!!

( :D

AJ Fife said...


If I was "proper", I would scoff at the simple suggestion of a message board, and the wasteful use of time it encourages!!;)

We hope to add another Mish Mash next year. It has to be planned carefully - so no pressure on me then!!!:D

AJ Fife said...

Sorry Melanie, I had to do a bit of work there...darn it!!:))

If you have to go I'll speak to you later hopefully!:))

Anonymous said...

oh could go into details about thermometers, etc...I hope Mrs AJ isn't that precise!!!! Poor man, didn't you say something one time, about needing to go and 'scalp an indian' ;) sorry if that's too personal!! :D

seems like 'good spacin' for the Mish to be mature enough to be a helper!!

Anonymous said...

Well, if you are at work, I suppose you need to do something to earn your tuppence!

I won't be going out on my walk till later...want to wait for it to be above freezing...not kiddin!

AJ Fife said...

We've had howling gales here but my new new fence is still holding firm.

Remind me Melanie, what's the scalping an indian analogy:)?

AJ Fife said...

The thermometer thing is a bit of a hinderance and downright dangerous!!:D

Anonymous said...

It was from one of our earlier 'late nite' grail discussions...I think your wife was maybe giving you some grief for your blogging, or something..., and I think you were a little tipsy, you had to go 'take care of the problem'...again, sorry if too personal

AJ Fife said...

I must have been a wee bitty sloshed - I've forgotten my postings!!:DD

btw That's not personal at all Melanie!

All this posting will give Peajay and Anna something to read and comment on!! Anna will be exercising her digits as we speak!!:))

AJ Fife said...

Melanie, was it in reference to the snip!!!....ouch!!:))

AJ Fife said...

Got to go soon Melanie, it's been a pleasure as per normal, and I'll catch up with you later on:))

Anonymous said...

okee-doke!! best get about my day, too!!!

you're a charmer, that's for sure!!! will catch up again, later... and I'll work on that recipe, promise....want to keep Shrek happy!! ;D

AJ Fife said...

Hi Melanie,

How's your day going?

I'm currently enjoying a nice drop of Echo Falls Californian red wine. It's not too heavy and has a pleasant fruity taste. This is despite having scoffed my usual Friday night chicken fajitas!!:))

So Melanie, is Echo Falls regarded well in it's home state, or, am I a complete wine philistine!?!:D

Just as a safety net - there's a hint of acidity!!:D

Anonymous said...

Hi AJ, just in, day's going well, Echo Falls is good, but as you said, a hint of acidity...I've had it before...and, you're not a Philistine!!

Fajitas sound good, I made the curry the other nite, turned out well, minus the spinach...the fam would have been in an uproar if I added it!!! I guess they missed out on Popeye! :)

AJ Fife said...

I'm glad the curry went well!:)

The wine is almost finito!:))

Did I tell you we're going to Milan in Jan - woohoo - and I'm trying to sort out decent accommodation!!

Have you got anything planned for the hols?

Anonymous said...

Milan, neat! for your anniv??
We're going up to Washington State in Feb

...thought I'd lost you to futbol!!:)

AJ Fife said...

Nae fitba on a Friday Melanie, or nae very often!!:)

Washington State sounds good - whale watching?

Are you guys driving there?

Anonymous said...

I don't blame you for wanting to go somewhere warm...I've been viewing the haggis webcam, and it looks very wet!!

We're focusing on an area in Wash called, Sequim, about an houf by ferry from Seattle. It's in a rain shadow...with a good poss for a retirement area, so we're going to do some Recon

Anonymous said...

Whale watching could be part of it, We've been checking out the diff activities, etc...if it were summer, I'd love to go kayaking on the Sound...have always been interested to try it!

Anonymous said...

Over to Vancouver will have to wait till next time, as we're only there a few I think they're requiring passports for border crossing, now

AJ Fife said...

Seattle looks great and not far from Vancouver, it would be a good move (from the little I know). You're obviously doing things the right way, with the recce. Sound common sense!:)

I like you Melanie, you sound a very caring, intelligent and supportive wife and mother. The Sgt Mjr and the brigade are lucky people!!:)

The Echo Falls is pretty potent!!:))

AJ Fife said...

Melanie, I think Milan will be colder than here! I'll keep Mrs AJ clear of the expensive coat shops! Not that should would wear fur - she'd probably set fire to the shop!!:D

Anonymous said...

Good, you're fun when you're a bit tipsy!! :D You were very intuitive about me the other night, tho not tipsy, I had been tired and emotional...nothing bad, mind you, just you know, things come up!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for you compliment, AJ...I do try, tho I'm far from perfect!! :)

AJ Fife said...


Maybe I'm not as intuitive as you think - "tired and emotional" is a WC Fields quote with regards to a level of tipsyness!!:))

btw I can't spell inibriation!!:D

On a serious note, I hope you're ok. Things tend to crop up now and again that need our full attention. :) Unfortunately life aint easy!:)

Anonymous said...

No, life isn't always easy...but I suppose that's why I enjoy my friendships, new and old :)

would I be too tiresome if I bug you now and then for that photo, Shrek! :) No need to be shy, but understand, about revealing info! :)

the girls are going to have a field day when they return!!! with all our chatter!

I suppose leather shoes are out with the Mrs, too!! ;)

AJ Fife said...


I'll get a photo sorted out once I work out how to do it!!!:))

Mr AJ is ok with leather, it's the fur trade that bugs her - y'know the wee bunny rabbits and majestic tigers!!

Anonymous said...

maybe some Irn Bru in the morning for you!....that wine can pack a punch!!! :)

Will you be around your early Sun....I may have a late nite, and will no doubt have something to say after a fun, poss rowdy nite...I would say we Americans can get crazy, but it will be an assortment of nationalities!!!! :D

AJ Fife said...

Sill trying to sort oot the photo Melanie!

Could you give me a clue!?!!

Anonymous said...

that goes for you too, Anna/Peajay...Do Not feel left out here!! :)

Sorry, I'm at a loss for that technical teen knows more than me :\

Anonymous said...

clue about, seein 'your mug', or technical conference with my teen??!!;)

Anonymous said...

What about some photos from travel adventures?? or of you hillwalking in Bonny Scotland!!:)

I'll trade ya back with one of me n me horse!! :)

AJ Fife said...

Right Melanie, I'm on!!!!:))

Mind how you go! Don't take fright!!:D

Anonymous said...

Well, I'll have my horse saddled in case I need to make a quick get-away!! ;DD

AJ Fife said...

Told you I looked like Shrek!!:D

Anonymous said...

Well, lucky for you, my favorite color is green!!

AJ Fife said...

OK, I'm out there in cyber space, I'll await the execution from Anna and Peajay!!:))

Got to go now Melanie, although I might be back later.

As always.........

Anonymous said...

Aye, Shrek, dinnae run...I'll give that handsome mug a kiss on the cheek, anytime!! :DD

AJ Fife said...

Shucks, your jist sayin' that!

Anonymous said...

Nope, I'm not...have the pints ready!!

AJ Fife said...

You're too good Melanie! Mine's a guinness!:D

Don't show the photo to the kids, the nightmares will be hellish!:D

AJ Fife said...

See ya

Anonymous said...

good nite, Shrek :)x

Anonymous said...

Hi there gasbags ..... what else do you do all day??

Well, I survived being Santa's little helper etc, etc and have had a couple of snifters (G & Ts) of course!!!

AJ ...... you look like someone I know!! You're not too bad ..... for an ogre!! :))

Right, confession time .... I gave up on Trainspotting ... its not my kind of book .. I know I'm going to sound like a little old prude but I don't like the 'c' word and the book was making me feel depressed.:( I know I should read it and have a bit more of a social conscience but I got halfway through it and it just wasn't for me.

Started reading Gone with the Wind to cheer myself up a bit!!:D

Sorry...... but it was more depressing than getting maudlin on gin with my best friend and crying on each others shoulders!! :))

Anonymous said...

Anna! Sorry I missed you...figured you came home and collapsed to your bed!! I've been at the kids to help with last minute cleaning and then decorating for the holidays...they had the teen's music blasting loud, Green Day was one of the bands, not Xmas Music :/!! Wasn't too bad, tho, rather energetic!! :)

My tween has two football matches tomorrow, so had to get a lot done tonite...well, I'm off to beddy-by myself,

have a great weekend all!!

AJ Fife said...

Good morning all,

I've afew minutes to post while the Mish Mash sets about wrecking her room!!:)

I somehow feel exposed now, ever since Melanie took advantage of a weaker Echo Falls moment!!:D Still, I'm quite proud I managed to upload in my "tired and emotional" state!!

"....not bad for an Ogre", well I was expecting a lot worse Anna!:)

btw, you're not a prude, just a tad prudish!!:D The book isn't for everybody, that's for sure, it really helps if you stay or know the area and the type of people Welsh is writing about. I was always surprised the book was an international success, given it's style.

The great thing about the book is the way it depicts heroin addiction. It's like a warning, showing the desperate and disasterous circumstances it can lead to!!

Ok Anna, will you have the courage to download a pic!?!

btw, it doesn't have to be too fruity;)

Anonymous said...

You're right AJ - it is a great indictment and warning against heroin addiction and the squalor it can lead to. I might try it again .... maybe it just didn't go with the seasonal mood I was in and the tinsel on the fairy's wand!! :))

I did enjoy the film but then, I like almost anything that Robert Carlyle is in, anyway.

But, I preferred Hamish Macbeth and Wee Jock!! We used to have a little Westie ourselves before we had Kit Kat ..... he used to be our little boy in a furry suit!! Fab little dog - totally different to our more docile and timid labrador that we have now .... altho' she is a nice dog too and she is a good family dog ... Kit Kat has certainly put her through her paces over the years and she has never batted an eyelash :))

As for the photo ......... well, I'll think about it.

I still haven't seen a picture of Melanie, yet because I can't get the one on the Wine Adventures website. Post one on here, Melanie and I'll put one on!! :))

I saw Peajays .... very good - I like the Guiness!! I might pose with a bottle of gin for mine.

Speak later...... don't work too hard Melanie!! :D

Anonymous said...

I've just read that bit back about the gin..... and knowing how your mind works..... AJ..... don't be disgusting ... I never meant it like that!!

If you weren't thinking like that I apologise for lowering the tone (again!).... too many years in the RAF I think.... you have to watch out for the double entendre with some of those guys!! :D

AJ Fife said...

OK Anna, you've got me - what's the joke?!? How have I been disgusting? I read the gin thing and even I can't make anything out of it!!?!

Anonymous said...

OK ... sorry AJ .... I must have had too much gin last night! I've just re read the post again and it seems OK..:)

Just igore me !

How are you anyway? Child minding again .... how much damage has Mish Mash done this today so far?

AJ Fife said...

Sorry Anna, unless snifter means something else in Cambridgeshire, I just can't put a perverted slant to it at all!!:D

anna said...

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this blogger thing!

AJ Fife said...

Mish Mash has been a good wee girl today as she helped tidy up!:)

Is Kit Kat upto anything? Mish Mash is going mad for the Save the Children CD - Colours are Brighter! It's a compilation by lots of contemporary artists like Snow Patrol, The Kooks, Devine Comedy and Franz Ferdinand. My friend's 8 year old loves it too, so it's highly recommended. You can get it on Amazon! Might be a good pressie for KK!!:))

anna said...

Never mind, AJ - if we all meet in Dublin for a Guinness - I'll explain it to you!!

I've set up a blogger account ... but I'm waiting for Melanie's photo before I put mine on!!!

Actually, I'm trying to find a decent photo taken of me in the last 2 years......... its not easy!! I can't find some nice ones from 20 years ago but it wouldn't be very honest to do that would it??? :))

AJ Fife said...

Just clocked Peajay, necking a guinness!!:D Well done girl!

anna said...

That should read I can find some nice ones from 20 years ago .... good grief how much Guinness did I have last night?

Kit Kat is busy writing cards out for his pals at school because they've set the Christmas post box up. Then, him, his Dad and the dog are off for another walk!! :))

We're planning on watching the new Pirates of the Caribbean this pm - as Mr A got it for his birthday from me and Kit Kat. :))

AJ Fife said...

I had that difficulty too, I couldn't find one with the correct amount of shade and darkness!!:)

anna said...

AJ ... I've really lost it - I meant to put gin not Guinness ... Help ma boab ..... I'm not usually this bad!!

I haven't gone mad, honestly.

AJ Fife said...

Sounds good way to spend the day as once the Mish Mash has polished off her banana sandwich and rice pudding we're off too:))

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